The Corporation of the City of Kawartha Lakes AGENDA PLANNING
The Corporation of the City of Kawartha Lakes AGENDA PLANNING
The Corporation of the City of Kawartha Lakes AGENDA ____________________________________________________________ PLANNING COMMITTEE DATE: WEDNESDAY, MAY 13, 2015 OPEN SESSION COMMENCING AT 1:00 P.M. COUNCIL CHAMBERS CITY HALL 26 FRANCIS STREET, LINDSAY, ONTARIO, K9V 5R8 MEMBERS Mayor Councillor Councillor Councillor Councillor Councillor Councillor Andy Letham Isaac Breadner Brian S. Junkin Gord Miller Patrick O'Reilly Heather Stauble Emmett Yeo MEETING # PC2015-06 1 1.0 CALL TO ORDER AND ADOPTION OF AGENDA 2.0 DECLARATIONS OF PECUNIARY INTEREST 3.0 PUBLIC MEETING 3.1 PLAN2015-035 4 - 12 Sherry L. Rea, Planning Coordinator An Application for Zoning By-law Amendment to implement a Draft Plan of Subdivision (16T-12502) to permit a 66 lot residential plan of subdivision on Part Lot 24, Concession 5, Geographic Township of Ops, former Town of Lindsay, now in the City of Kawartha Lakes being vacant land on Angeline Street North (ANGELINE STREET INVESTMENTS INC) 3.2 PLAN2015-041 13 - 21 Ian Walker, Planner 1 An Application to amend the Township of Mariposa Zoning By-law 94-07 to rezone land from Agricultural (A1) Zone to Agricultural Exception Twenty Eight (A1-28) Zone and Agricultural Exception Twenty Nine (A1-29) Zone on property described as Part of Lot 18, Conc. 14, Geographic Township of Mariposa, City of Kawartha Lakes, identified as 1087 The Glen Road (MCKEOWN - Planning File D06-15-006) 3.3 PLAN2015-042 22 - 31 Mark LaHay, Planner II An Application to amend the Township of Mariposa Zoning By-law 94-07 to rezone from Agricultural (A1) Zone to Hamlet Residential Exception Eight (HR-8) Zone on a portion of the subject lands and to recognize a reduced remaining Agricultural (A1) Zone lot area with an Agricultural Exception Twenty-Seven (A1-27) Zone on property described as Part South Half Lot 21, Concession 1, Geographic Township of Mariposa, City of Kawartha Lakes, identified as 188 Valentia Road (WARD) 3.4 PLAN2015-043 32 - 41 2 Official Plan Amendment (D01-15-003) and Zoning By-law Amendment (D06-15-004) Applications to permit the creation of a residential lot on the property legally described as Part of Lot 21, Concession 8, Geographic Township of Manvers, now in the City of Kawartha Lakes and municipally known as 1297 Hwy 7A (2264783 ONTARIO LTD) 4.0 BUSINESS ARISING FROM PUBLIC MEETING 5.0 DEPUTATIONS 6.0 CORRESPONDENCE 7.0 CITY OF KAWARTHA LAKES REPORTS 7.1 PLAN2015-038 42 - 53 Sherry L. Rea, Planning Coordinator An Application to amend the Township of Bexley Zoning By-law to permit a drivethrough restaurant and to reduce development standards of the Highway Commercial Exception Seven (C2-7) Zone for property described as Part of Lot 18, Gull River Range, Geographic Township of Bexley, now City of Kawartha Lakes and identified as 6720 Highway 35 (2260384 ONTARIO INC) 8.0 ADJOURNMENT 3 The Corporation of the Gity of Kawartha Lakes Planning Report Report Number PLAN2OI 5-035 Date: May 13,2015 Time: 1:00 p.m. Place: Council Chambers Ward Gommunity ldentifier: Lindsay Subject: - Ward g An Application for Zoning By-law Amendment to implement a Draft Plan of Subdivision (16T-12502) to permit a 66 lot residential plan of subdivision on Part Lot 24, Concession 5, geographic Township of Ops, former Town of Lindsay, now in the City of Kawartha Lakes being vacant land on Angeline Street North (ANGELINE STREET TNVESTMENTS rNC). Author/Title: Sherry L. Rea, Planning Coordinator sisnature ' fuVr't LWE Recommendation: RESOLVED THAT Report PLAN2015-035, respecting Part of Lot24, Concession 5, geographic Township of Ops, former Town of Lindsay, now City of Kawartha Lakes, and being vacant land on Angeline Street North, Application No. D06-18-125 be received; THAT Application D06-18-125, be referred back to staff in order that staff can continue to work with the developer and his consultant to provide for an appropriate zoning by-law amendment to implement the plan of subdivision. Department Head: Gorporate Services Director / Ghief Adm inistrative Officer: 4 Report PLAN2O15-035 Angeline Street lnvestments lnc. - D06-18-125 Page 2 of 6 Background: The statutory publ¡c meeting for a draft plan of subdivision and implementing zoning by-law was held by the Planning Committee on July 4,2012 and the applications were returned to Planning Committee on February 11,2015 and the following resolution as passed: Moved by Councillor Yeo, seconded by Gouncillor Stauble, RECOMMEND THAT Report PLAN2015-006, respecting Part of Lot 24, Concession 5, Geographic Township of Ops, former Town of Lindsay, now City of Kawartha Lakes, and being vacant land on Angeline Street North, Application Nos. D05-18-106 and D06-18125, be received; THAT the draft Plan of Subdivision (1 6T-12502), D05-18-1 6, as shown on Appendix B, and the conditions substantially in the form attached as Appendix C to Report PLAN2015-006, be approved and adopted by Council; THAT the proposed Zoning By-law Amendment, D06-18-125, be referred back to staff for recirculation and finalization; and THAT the Mayor and Clerk be authorized to execute any documents and agreements required by the approval of this application. GARR|ED PC2015-010 This report addresses the direction received from the February 11,2015 Planning Committee meeting. The proposal is to rezone the property from the Residential One (R1), Residential One Holding One (R1(H1)) and Residential One Holding Two (R1(H2) Zones to the Residential Two Special (R2-S**) Zone. The zoning by-law amendment also proposes a Parks and Open Space Special (OS-S..) Zone to recognize and protect the erosion limits, setbacks and flood hazards of Jennings Creek. See Appendix "A" and "8" attached. Owner: Angeline Street Investments Inc. (Sohan Kansal) Applicant: Greg DeFreitas, DeFreitas Engineering lnc. Legal Description: Part Lot 24, Concession 5, geographic Township of Ops, former Town of Lindsay, now City of Kawartha Lakes. Official Plan: Designated Residential on Schedule "4" on the Town of Lindsay Official Plan and identified as containing Hazard Lands in Schedule "Du - Natural Environmental Considerations Mapping. Zonel, Residential One (R1), Residential One Holding One R1(H1) and Residential One Holding Two Rl(H2) on Schedule "A" of the 5 Report PLAN2O15-035 Angeline Street lnvestments lnc. - D06-18-125 Page 3 of 6 Town of Lindsay Zoning By-law No. 2000-75 and identified as part of the Scugog River Corridor in Schedule "8" of the By-law. TotalArea: 5.8 ha. - Site Servicing: Proposed full urban services water, sanitary sewer, storm sewer, streetlights, curb and gutter. Existing Use: Vacant land Adjacent Uses: North: Residential (Springdale Gardens) South & East: Draft approved residential plan of subdivision (Woods of Jennings Creek) Residential lots fronting Angeline Street North West: Rationale: On March 3,2015, Councíl granted draft plan approval to a residentíal plan of subdivision filed by Angeline Street lnvestments lnc. (ASl). The plan of subdivision consists of 66 lots for single detached dwellings to be accessed from Angeline Street North and 1 block for open space. The land is approximately 5.8 ha. and has 20 m. frontage on Angeline Street North. lt is proposed that the internal streets will have connectivity with the Woods of Jennings Creek residential development to the east and the Springdale Gardens residential development to the north. The proposed development will be on full urban services to include water, sanitary sewer, storm sewer, streetlights, curb and gutter. Jennings Creek traverses the property along the southern limit and it is proposed that these lands will be zoned Parks and Open Space (OS) to ensure development occurs outside the limits of the flood hazard for Jennings Creek and recognizes the unstable bank and erosion limits of the bank. The developer is requesting that the lands be zoned Residential Two (R2) to permit the residential plan of subdivision. The proposed lot frontages range from 12.2 m to 15 m. which meets the minimum lot frontage requirement in the R2 zone. All lots meet or exceed the minimum lot area requirement of 360 sq.m. The developer is seeking additional requests to increase the maximum lot coverage from 35% to 45o/o, a reduction in front yard setback from 7.5 m. to 6.0 m. and a reduction in the rear yard setback to accommodate single detached dwellings with open decks. See Appendix "A" and "8" attached. Minor Amendments to the Draft Plan of Subdivision Subsequent to Council's approval of the draft plan of subdivision, the applicant has requested minor amendments to the draft plan of subdivision which the applicant, KRCA and City staff are considering. See Appendix "C" attached. The requested amendments and staff's comments are outlined below 1. The applicant is requesting a reduction in the number of proposed lots from 66 lots to 64 lots. The request is a result of the increase in the widths 6 Report PLAN2O15-035 Angeline Street lnvestments lnc. - D06-18-125 Page 4 of 6 of some of the lots from 12.20 m. to 13.50 m. Staff is supportive of the reduction. 2. The applicant ¡s requestíng a revised layout of Lots 58 to 61 (Appendix "C" - revised draft plan). Staff is supportive of the request. 3. The applicant is requesting the City consider the acceptance of Block 67 on the draft plan of subdivision (environmentally protected lands including the Jennings Creek valley lands). While staff is accepting of the proposal to recommend ownership of Block 67, it is staffs request that a 3 m. wide undisturbed buffer along the north side of Block 67 also be under City ownership. The 3 m. wide undisturbed buffer represents protection for the unstable bank along the Jennings Creek valley lands. The scenario provides for all proposed lots to be outside of the environmentally protected lands and to rezone accordingly for its' protection. However, it creates challenges for the applicant to retain a building footprint in the residual land. Staff sees opportunity that will allow for developable lots and has requested a meeting with the applicant and the developer of Woods of Jennings Creek (Dunster lnvestments Inc.) to discuss connectivity and cohesive development between the properties. 4. The applicant has requested alternatives to the City's fencing condition along the northern limit of Block 67. The concern is that the requirement for demarcation of the 3 m. undisturbed buffer will be north of the fence and into the proposed residential lots. The City is not in support of alternatives and suggests if Block 67 together with the 3 m. undisturbed buffer are under City ownership, the condition for black chain link fence separates public and private lands and protects the limits of the unstable bank along the Jennings Creek valley lands. Additional lssues: The applicant met with City staff and KRCA to discuss environmental constraints in the Jennings Creek valley lands and as a result the following is being further investigated. 1. The developer is investigating a re-evaluation of the EIS prepared by Genivar to allow for minor encroachments into the 30 m buffer from Jennings Creek. Staff anticipates that this issue will also be discussed at the proposed developer meeting. 2. The developer is obtaining a certified Butternut Tree Health Assessor to assess the health of the buttered tree located in Block 67. The protective buffer encroaches into 3 proposed residential lots. ln support of the application, the applicant has demonstrated conformity with the Growth Plan for the Greater Golden Horseshoe (Growth Plan) and staff confirms 7 Report PLAN2O15-035 Angeline Street lnvestments lnc. - D06-18-125 Page 5 of 6 that the applicatíon is consistent with the 2014 PPS, as it serves to permit residential development that proposes to complete a residential area and provide connectivity with respect to road and servicing networks with the adjoining properties. It is a condition of draft plan approval that prior to the signing of the final plan, the property is appropríately zoned to implement the plan and that the proposed lot frontages and areas appearing on the final plan comply with the requirements of the Town of Lindsay Zoning By-law. As a result of the minor amendments to the draft plan of subdivision being requested by the applicant, staff is recommending that the applícation for zoning by-law amendment be referred back to staff to allow staff to continue to work with the developer. Other Alternatives Considered: No other alternatives were considered at this time Fi nancial Considerat¡ons: There are no financial implications unless Council's considerations respecting the approval or refusal of the requested amendment is appealed to the Ontario Municipal Board. ln the event of an appeal, there could be costs, some of which may be recovered from the applicant. Relationship of Recommendation(s) To Strateg¡c Priorities: The application aligns with Council's Strategic Priority of Creating Connections with a focus on infrastructure, communications and relationships. The proposed development completes a proposed residential area and provides connectivity with respect to the road and servicing networks. The City's Strategy Map outlines Council's Vision of a Community Pursuing Prosperity, Quality of Life and a Healthy Environment. The application aligns with the Prosperity Priorities and Quality of Life in that new residents will be attracted to the City with the development of residential subdivisions that have connectivity to new parks and open space with walking and cycling trails. Development Services - Planning Division Comments: The application for zoning by-law amendment conforms to the Growth Plan and is consistent with the 2014 Provincial Policy Statement. Conformity with the Town of Lindsay Official Plan has been demonstrated. The applicant has requested minor amendments to the draft approved plan of subdivision which staff generally support. Staff respectfully recommends that the application, be referred back to staff in order that work can continue with the developer and his consultant to 8 Report PLAN2O15-035 Angeline Street lnvestments lnc. - D06-18-125 Page 6 of 6 provide for an appropriate zoning by-law amendment to implement the plan of subdivision. Gonsultations: No further consultations were considered at this time Attachments: Appendix uAu - Location Map @f' Þ Appendix'A'Location Map.pdf Appendix "B'- Draft Approved Plan of Subdivision E! Þ Appendix'B - Draft of Subdivision da Plan Appendix "C" - Proposed Revised Plan of Subdivision Efi. ¿Bn': Appendix'C'Revised Draft Plan of Phone: 705.324.9411, ext.1331 or 1-888-822-2225, ext. E-Mail: Department Head: Ron Taylor Department Files: D06-18-125 9 1331 APPENDX I to 4 ) PWao6:-09s. REPOBT ùø-tt-ns _____:_ FILE NO. GEOGRAPHIC TOWNSHIP OF OPS 'Springdale Gardens' l I I f ui rF ËLVD. ä 6 É, zo l- ô ô É SFRI}.¡C¡DALE DRI\'Ê u¡ tu f u¡ tl-- o z]l¡ J u¡ o z ¿. 2 (J ? É. o Bwfl. tlÄlvl STREET r I lL rl' .llIrl I \ ¡' I I I t 'The Woods of Jennings Creek' t' ¡ f I I I t¡ -t -J- '-r -"'-'T---ì I añ - É ¡¡I Ë, o zo (J 6 'Edgewood Park' o l ñ o É! ú. o z UJ t¡¡ 3 t¡l = 10 r 'Mayor Jamee Flynn Park' ú . = t¡¡ o 'LINDSAY' z a EX. RESIDENTAL cl" # w-r ú2 ?!0 / Pmt ff Lor ?4 !ftNC FUN srR-1eoì €GAPN,C TWSIP ff ú¡ . '4"" pir¡,201 ffiu¡cwd ËX, RESIOENIIAL 1 I fr ¡¡ 1mrc _L* ,v OPS ffie lxüt sü t{rr) n'æ&.l!q. þÌMA&A*rr¡ iì ¿ r{ EX. RËSIOENTIAL g 33 2 E 32 3I '7a - ?t 21 - 20, ti-æt i p e 14, t¡i 46 EX. RESIDENIIAL I ¡¿ =,=-: å¿ ù 47 ¡ f., f þg rÁ ä at) 35, f '!:*t--r J I o Ê. I I ,6, 62 l "i ¿ ! o t 59, 5ð¡ I srlruryoR's "q4 ,ri' rmmalË r¡*dh¡úl.æ'áÈ.¿F.{d füÈddd16iHrú 'l- t: 3L3cK i? ,"'ì tr _r--_ NIJT TRÊE /t\ f 1 '"J\ PAR| : F!-Ã;t f,57R-447A MIXED FAREST PROP. RÊSIDÊMT|AL PART l.tÂR 2 6 2Bt1 ¡ 1 PLAN 57R-994O , lìih, of Kalvariha PROP RES|OENT|qL T o ! m z m o { R -\J + Ê. J_ q s 11 ar s r Ò. & pl \^ì z o X ¡ EX. RESIDENTIAL b4 EX. RESIDENTIAL 1DT3 PARÎ OF LOf 24 coNcEssroN 5 8E]NG PLAN 57R_1OOO7 GEOERAPH]C TOWNSIIP OF OPS CITY OF KAWARIHA LÂXES couNw oF vrcrotla dP úP ,dP N7l'13 20',E t 5N-1:500 .fu 230.14 REOUIRED UNOER SEC¡ON 51(17) OF IHE PUNNING ACI. RSO 1990 IN'ORMAIION d 10 -\< / 11" 14" '7 12.20 15" 18 PROPOSEÐ 12,20 12.2A LOT 12.20 13.50 r3.50 1J,50 "24 22 r3.5ô 13 50 7A 1 4.82 0.3m : 2A à ì 11 1i,50 43 Ëþ F Fnl 'l t 'Êá o õ IIJ À 42 J zul ¡ 67 MUN]CIPÄL SfuCES AVA]UBG NCLUDS WÀIER, AXD IORM SMRS $NIÍAR CLAXTON DR 13,50 27 N6y50 20"E US6: RES]DEMhL US$: R*DENIßL ÀN0 FúURI 2.20 o EX. RESIDENTIAL v*l 17 &ACñ 12.20 \, I 6 j È. 44 fL o ú. o_ 67.06 13.50 1 3.50 Í Ë RESIDENTIAL SPRINGDALE DFÚP 61 60 J.50 I I o 57e 5b É 55t 0.3m ;ffiìii;ñh 52 SURVEYOR'S CERTIFICATT h.ór dñt úûi (orioßhiÞ rõ s. b¡dÉ rG oæu6t t .Ád coftdt ,ho"i oi út Þbi r MIXED FOREST ro INIENOÐ USE UNß ARA ûP NUl úP PART I, PLAN TRFE ¡ MIXED FORTST 57R- 4478 PROP. RESIDENTIAL PART ¡ t 1 PLAN 57R-9940 N69 12'25'E t, PROP RESIDENTIAL ÐÊ ..r,toil*n,*."",1Þ,*". "rt t¡I n GútrÆ1tr¡s,+ pz 12 IF ñb 7 f* qo l& RJ I ¿> m z U x a t) The Gorporation of the Gity of Kawartha Lakes Planning Gommittee Report Report Number PLAN2Oí 5-041 Date: May 13,2015 1:00 p.m. Place: Council Chamber Time: Ward Community Subject: ldentifier: Ward 4 - Mariposa An application to amend the Township of Mariposa Zoning By-law 94-07 to rezone the land from Agricultural (41) Zone to Agricultural Exception Twenty Eight (A1-28) Zone and Agricultural Exception Twenty Nine (41 -29) Zone on property described as Part of Lot 18, Conc. 14, geographic Township of Mariposa, City of Kawartha Lakes, identified as 1087 The Glen Road (MCKEOWN - Planning File D06-15-006). Author/Title: lan Walker, Planner s I lr Recommendations: RESOLVED THAT Report PLAN201 5-041, respecting Part of South lzLot 18, Conc. 14, geographic Township of Mariposa, Application D06-15-006, be received; THAT a Zoning By-law Amendment respecting application D06-15-006, substantially in the form attached as Appendix 'C' to Report PLAN2015-041 , be approved and adopted by Council; and THAT the Mayor and Clerk be authorized to execute any documents and agreements required by the approval of this application. Department Head: Gorporate Services Director / Othe Ghief Admi nistrative Officer: 13 Report #PLAN2O15-041 D06-15-006 (MCKEOWN) Page 2 of 5 Background: The owners have applied for and received provisional consent from the Director of Development Services, as delegated by Council, to sever aO.72ha. residential lot containing a detached dwelling with two accessory structures, and to retain the remaining approximately 33.5 ha. of agricultural land. The retained agricultural land will be consolidated with an establíshed non-abutting farm operation in the area also owned by the owners. There are no agricultural buildings or structures on the retained portion of the property. As a condition of provisional consent (application D03-14-006), the subject land is to be rezoned to first: recognize the reduced minimum lot frontage of 3.52 m. for the proposed residential lot; and second: to recognize the reduced minimum lot frontage of 158.33 m. and minimum lot area of approximately 33.5 ha., and to prohibit any residential use on the retained agricultural land. Owners: Sonya and William Bruce McKeown Legal Description Part of Lot 18, Conc. 14, geographic Township of Mariposa Designation: Prime Agricultural, City of Kawartha Lakes Official Plan Zone: Agricultural (41) Zone on Schedule 'A' of the Township of Mariposa Zoning By-law No. 94-07 Lot Area: 34.26 ha. (84.66 ac.) Site Servicing Residential- Private individual on-site sewage disposal and well Agricultural - Unserviced Existing Use: Residential (severed ) / Ag ricu Adjacent Uses: North: East & South: West: ltu ral (retai ned ) Forest, Agricultural Rural Residential, Agricultural Agricultural Rationale: The property is located on the north side of The Glen Road to the west of the hamlet of Cambray (Refer to Appendix 'A'). The former Ontario Hydro corridor forms the southwest property boundary, and traverses The Glen Road in a southeasUnorthwest direction. The subject property and the surrounding lands are prime agricultural land, which is to be protected and preserved from new residential development or any other incompatible land use that may hinder existing or future agricultural operations. Provisional consent was granted on October 23,2014 to sever the residential lot and retain an approximately 34.7 ha farm parcel. The Agricultural (41) Zone must be amended to prohibit residential uses on the retained parcel, to ensure the agricultural land will only be used for agricultural purposes. lt must also be amended for the proposed residential lot to recognize a reduced lot frontage of 3.52 m., and for the proposed agricultural lot to 14 Report #PLAN2O15-041 D06-15-006 (MCKEOWN) Page 3 of 5 recognize a reduced lot frontage of 158.33 m. and reduced lot area of approximately 33.5 ha. Refer to Appendix 'B'. As no new buildings or uses are proposed, Minimum Distance Separation (MDS) is not applicable. Provincial Policies: Growth Plan for the Greater Golden Horseshoe, 2006: This application conforms to the Growth Plan (GP). Section 4.2.2 indicates that Ministers, in consultation with municipalities, are to develop additional policies for protection of areas ídentified as prime agricultural land. Provincial Policy Statement, 201 4 (PPS): This application is consistent with the Provincial Policy Statement (PPS). Sections 2.3.1 and provide that prime agricultural areas shall be protected for long term use, and all types, sizes and intensities of agricultural uses and normalfarm practices shall be promoted and protected in accordance with provincial standards. The application to rezone the proposed retained lands will protect the agricultural use of the property and surrounding agricultural practices from incompatible residential use as required by Section The proposed retained lot is still of a sufficient size to operate an agricultural use and the PPS encourages the protection of all types and sizes of agricultural use. Therefore, this application is consistent with the PPS. Official Plan Conformity: The subject land is designated Prime Agricultural in the Official Plan. Section 1 5.1 of the Official Plan provides that agricultural land that is primarily class l -3 shall be protected from fragmentation, development and land uses unrelated to agriculture. One of the objectives of the Official Plan is to support farming operations as an important component of the economy, a source of employment and a way of life for many rural resídents. This application proposes no change to the existing land uses, and the agricultural land wíll be preserved and protected for future agricultural use. The City, through its Official Plan, recognizes as generally desirable the consolidation of farms wherever possible. Dwellings that become surplus as a result of a consolidation of non-abutting farm parcels may be the subject of a consent provided that the agricultural land be rezoned to prohibit any residential use. Therefore, this application conforms to the policies of the Official Plan. 15 "ã3tT,6åifiÈ?Ë3,,9iÍ, Page 4 of 5 Zoning By-Law Gompliance: The land is zoned Agricultural (41) in the Township of MariposaZoning By-law 94-07. The A1 Zone provides that where a consent is given to create a residential lot in an agricultural zone it must comply with the provisions of the Rural Residential Type One (RR1) Zone. The lot to be created complies with the lot area of the RRl Zone, but does not meet the minimum lot frontage, due to the "flag shaped" configuration, to minimize impacts to the agricultural operation. The lot to be retained does not meet the minimum lot area and frontage requirements of the A1 Zone. The purpose of the zoning amendment is to prohibít residential use on the retained property and maintain the agricultural use of the land, and to recognize the deficient lot area (proposed retained) and lot frontages. The application complies with all other relevant provisíons of the Zoning By-law. Other Alternatives Gonsidered: No other alternatives have been considered. Fi nancial Gonsiderat¡ons: There are no financial considerations unless council's decision to adopt or its refusal to adopt the requested amendment is appealed to the Ontario Municipal Board. ln the event of an appeal, there would be costs, some of which may be recovered from the applicant. Relationship of Recommendations To Strateg¡c Priorities: Council has identified four strategic priorities which include enhancing tourism, managing aggregates, developing a knowledge-based economy, and creating connections. This application does not directly impact or align with a specific Strategic Priority. The City's Strategy Map outlines Council's Vision of a Communíty Pursuing Prosperity, Quality of Life and a Healthy Environment. This application aligns with the prosperity priorities in that it provides opportunity to expand the economic base by maintaining and expanding the agricultural employment base. Review of Accessibility lmplications of Any Development or Policy: There are no accessibility implications for the City. Servicing Comments: The agricultural land is unserviced. The existing single detached dwelling on the land to be severed is serviced by a private sanitary sewage disposal system and individualwell. 16 Report #PLAN2015-041 Do6-15-006 (MCKEOWN) Page 5 of 5 Gonsultations: Notice of this application was circulated to the prescribed persons within a 500 metre radius, agencies, and City Departments which may have an interest in the application. No issues were raised as a result of circulation. Development Services - Planning Division Comments: The applicatíon conforms to the Growth Plan and is consistent with the Províncial Policy Statement. The application also conforms to the policies of the Official Plan. The rezoning will ensure the subject land is preserved for agricultural use. All other zoning provisions within the Agricultural Zone will be maintained. Conclusion: The application conforms to the provincial policies concerning prime agricultural areas. The application also conforms to the Prime Agricultural designation policies in the City's Official Plan. Staff support the application based on the information contained in this report and the comments received as of April 30, 2015. Staff respectfully recommends that the application be referred to Council for APPROVAL. Attachments: Appendix'A' $f'* - Location Map - Sketch for Consent Application Þ Appendix A.pdf Appendix 'B' rFlÞ - dated February 11,2015 Appendix B.pdf Appendix 'C' ryt.È - Draft Zoning By-law Amendment Appendix C, pdf Phone: 705-324-9411 ext.1368 or 1-888-822-2225 ext. 1368 E-Mail: iwal ker@city. kawarthalakes.on. ca Department Head: Ron Taylor Department File: D06-15-006 17 GEOGRAPHIC TOWNSHIP OF MARIPOSA Concession 14 APPENDIX to ; REPORT SUBJECT LAND The Glen Road Concession 13 Lot 17 Lot 18 Lot 19 18 I t'{l Pt¡N 57R- ionn t.n tor cdrcËsslctt R.ê.tu MÉNDC te d ond d.Forìtô¿ 14 Lr uñd Ê.llttN. RõÞdñtdif lô¿ h. bñd Íu.t olvi.ion ol \l r sttfiH l,/2 LOr cor!ÉSão¡lJ IR 18 r du,È uÃd¿r to b. dedd s¡ þ16 ft. kto ru.. & 14 I I Ir frEúSIE. coomlNÁE O IS BE USÐ rc ON TA¡S 8OUNffir6 SHOm PW I 1i æäci5s70ri 15 \ PLAN OF SURVEY OF PART OF SOUTH 1/2 OF CONCESSION 14 LoT 18 ffirw6ffi PART ÁßEA = 0.72 CITY OF KAWARTHA IAKES S.:l:m 'i-.=,J.-.---.j9---..-:-!iË 1 Ho coE FlSHm. C¡¡¡ER$¡ ffiNffi à i ta) sâliT"í í-\/ I ú'Oi'iCf*csiC,Ï rmT 0083 (Lr) 63183 LEGENO: ffi ffi gsg:ÆY-mí"€å"*"5"ffi J# (6) (ã10¡) *6 ;îm;-ri¿ii;i ffiw@ad¡Bf u:¡¡æ M z ffi Ê-**, I orõ4/¡:@.æqÆÆ +c offiõeÉffie ffiÆ¡#d4Écre fu*FÆÉdt@! è -lÆ$ffi@ + -IWSFM 7J m -o o o n { ,-ol T -U m zo x ! s-sMffiS Se-ffisl¡!@ñN .,4., '\tr, :/-"', '.'i: 'i:'i t /'itór.- tc. ãÊqr- ol:5 .. ä: >\ trå **,#Ð"Hff;,trå'ffi åk- äJ'¡,J*i., IEI lHl t-t * l.n 6 I lèi A¿ +o + i. v E õliíúa - ìj;' SURVEYOR'S CERÎNC'\'TE: -,:èi' ñwM(AGEffid#sÍ3N i:1!: iii"r.fl ilii_.', ' F¡N 631ß - 019Ê (Lr) d l.ffi ff l#*,m* r,ffi -w,ItêRç# e st 14 r7f¿r1!l@ ? # sM * æwffi s €'R ÚY C.'. b15 u*) ..! ¡ t.0'i lli .i! {a- \ ' -,"s. ,.;. '.rj, \ ii: õlr. .rÕ :: .,,] 'ir. coE +- '-.-i a údt j'6rstu1 FISHER CAMEROÀ¡ .túi ¡6!d'tdl! wffi .LñU\'OÑLqv rl f o0! j:&k 19 ,t. :, :ü:ì)" !Ñ'd t6q ,.. 16 J@i ËäËË r (oOì-=Eg r'5-1-t ñ ãåää E ïri -4 APPENDIX to " (- t ,,ì.ì E CORPORATION OF THE CITY OF KAWARTHA LAKES s REPORT BY-LAW 2015. FILE NO. TO AMEND THE TOWNSHIP OF MARIPOSA ZONING BY.LAW NO. 94.07 TO REZONE LAND WITHIN THE CITY OF KAWARTHA LAKES [File D06-15-006, Report PLAN2015-041 respecting Part South %of Lot 18, Conc. 14, geographic Township of Mariposa, identified as 1087 The Glen Road - MCKEOWN.I Recitals: 1 . 2. 3. 4. Section 34 of the Planning Act authorizes Council to determine the appropriate zoning categories and provisions assigned to land. Council has received an application to amend the categories and provisions relating to a specific parcel of land to prohibit residential use on the agricultural portion of the subject land, and to recognize deficient lot frontages (proposed severed and retained) and lot area (proposed retained). A public meeting to solicit public input has been held. Councildeems it appropriate to rezone the Property. Accordingly, the Gouncil of The Corporation of the City of Kawartha Lakes enacts this By-law 2015-_. Section 1:00 Zoning Details 1.01 Property Affected: The Property affected by this by-law is described as Part South % of Lot 18, Conc. 14, geographic Township of Mariposa, City of Kawartha Lakes. 1.02 Textual Amendment: By-law No. 94-07 of the Township of Mariposa is further amended to add the following section to Section 8.3: 8.3.28 AGRICULTURAL EXCEPTION TWENTY EIGHT A1-28 ZONE 8.3.28(a) Notwithstanding Section 8.1, on lands zoned "A1-28', a residential dwelling shall not be a permitted use. 8.3.28(b) Notwithstanding articles,\and zoned "Al-28" shall have a minimum lot area of 33.5 ha., and a minimum lot frontage of 158.33 m. 8.3.29 AGRICULTURAL EXCEPTION TWENTY NINE 41.29 ZONE 8.3.29(a) Notwithstanding article, on land zoned"Al-29", a lot created by consent shall have a minimum lot frontage of 3.52 m. 1.03 Schedule Amendment: Schedule 'A' to By-law No. 94-07 of the Township of Mariposa is further amended to change the zone category from the Agricultural (A1) Zone to the Agricultural Exception Twenty Eight (Al-28) Zone for the land referred to as'41-28', and from the Agricultural(41) Zone to the Agricultural Exception Twenty Nine (41-29) Zone for the land referred to as '41-29', as shown on Schedule 'A' attached to this By-law. Section 2:00 Effective Date 2.01 Effective Date: This By-law shall come into force and take effect on the date it is finally passed, subject to the provisions of Section 34 of the Planning Act. By-law read a first, second and third time, and finally passed, this ** day of ***, 2015. Andy Letham, Mayor 20 Judy Currins, City Clerk THE CORPORATION OF THE CIW OF KAWARTHA LAKES THIS IS SCHEDULE THIS .A'TO BY-LAW PASSED 2015. DAY OF MAYOR CITY CLERK GEOGRAPHIC TOWNSHIP OF MARIPOSA Concession 14 A1-28 The Glen Road A1 -29 Concession 13 17 Lot 18 21 19 The Gorporation of the Gity of Kawartha Lakes Planni ng Gommittee Report Report Number PLAN201 5-042 Date: May 13,2015 1:00 p.m. Place: Council Chamber Time: Ward Community Subject: ldentifier: Ward 8 - Mariposa An application to amend the Township of Mariposa Zoning By-law 94-07 to rezone from Agricultural (41) Zone to Hamlet Residential Exception Eight (HR-8) Zone on a portion of the subject lands and to recognize a reduced remaining Agricultural (41) Zone lot area with an Agricultural Exception Twenty-Seven (41-27) Zone on property described as Part South Half Lot 21, Concession 1, geographic Township of Mariposa, City of Kawartha Lakes identified as 188 Valentia Road (WARD). Author/Title: Mark LaHa , Planner ll s¡ nature: Recommendations: RESOLVED THAT Report PLAN201 5-042, respecting Part South Half Lot 21, Concession 1 , geographic Township of Mariposa, Application D06-15-005, be received; THAT Zoning By-law Amendment application D06-15-005, on lands described as Part South Half Lot 21, Concession 1, geographic Township of Mariposa, substantially in the form attached as Appendix 'B' to Report PLAN201 5-042, be approved and adopted by Council; and THAT the Mayor and Clerk be authorized to execute any documents and agreements required by the approval of this application. Department Head: Corporate Services Director / Ghief Administrative Officer: 22 Report #PLAN2015-042 D06-15-oo5 (WARD) Page 2 of 7 Background: The applicant has submitted this application to rezone a portion of the subject land from an Agricultural Zone to a Hamlet Residential Exception Zone to permit residential development in the form of single-detached dwellings on five (5) proposed lots to be created by consent. The applicant has also submitted Consent Application Files D03-15-043 to D03-1 5-047 , which have been previously advertised for consideration following the outcome of the rezoning application. The balance of the retained agricultural land will be recognized for its reduced lot area with an Agricultural Exception Zone. Owners: Jim and Michelle Ward Applicant: Clark Consulting Services (c/o Bob Clark) Legal Description Part South T.Lot 21, Concession 1, geographic Township of Mariposa Official Plan: "Hamlet Settlement Area" "Prime Agricultural" with "LocaIly Significant Wetlands", "Unevaluated Wetlands", "Significant Woodlands" and "Significant Wildlife Habitat" Natural Heritage Features in the City of Kawartha Lakes Official Plan Zoning: Agricultural (41) Zone on Schedule 'A' of the Township of Mariposa Comprehensive Zoning By-law No. 94-07 Site Size: 36.89 ha. (91.16 ac. MPAC) Site Servicing Residential- Private individual on-site sewage disposal and well proposed for each lot Agricultural- Private individual on-site sewage disposal and well servicing existing farm house Existing Use: Agricultural Adjacent Uses North and East: Agricultural, Forest and Wetland South and West: Residential Rationale: The property is located on the east side of Valentia Road north of the intersection of Valentia Road and north of Elm Tree Road. The City's 2011 Growth Management Strategy identified a total of five (5) potential dwelling units on the subject agricultural lot, which the owners propose to sever to create five hamlet residential lots from a portion of the subject land which is within the Hamlet Settlement Area designation. The lots range in size from approximately 0.405 to 0.4447 ha (1 ac to 1.1 ac.). The lots would be serviced by individual well and septic systems. All the lots would obtain access from Valentia Road, and are located along the north arm of the hamlet of Valentia. 23 Report #PLAN2015-042 Do6-15-005 (WARD) Page 3 of 7 While the current zoning permits agricultural and related uses, home occupation, kennels, riding or boarding stables and a single detached dwelling, the owner has applied to rezone a portion of the property to Hamlet Residential to facilitate the severance of 5 lots for single detached dwellings as proposed. A zoning amendment is also necessary as the retained lot will not comply with the A1 Zone minimum lot area requirement of 38 ha. The applicant has submitted documentation which demonstrates that the proposal complies with the applicable MDS provisions, and the agricultural use on the property can continue and remain viable. Supportinq Documentation The applicant has submitted the following reports in support of the Zoning By-law Amendment application, which have been circulated to various City Departments and commenting agencies for review: o . o o . Planning Justification Report prepared by Clark Consulting Services dated November 2014. The report discusses and assesses the proposal in context of the 2014 Provincial Policy Statement, Growth Plan, and the Council adopted City of Kawartha Lakes Official Plan. HydrogeologicalAssessment Report prepared by Geo-logic dated August 2014. Aquifer Performance Testing Report prepared by Geo-logic dated November 10,2014. Functional Servicing Review - Lot Grading and Drainage prepared by Engage Engineering dated November 3,2014. Master Lot Grading and Drainage Plan prepared by Engage Engineering dated October 31,2014 and revised March 11,2015. Provincial Policies: Growth Plan for the Greater Golden Horseshoe, 2006: The Growth Plan provides that new multiple lots and units for residential development will be directed to settlement areas. The subject land is located within the designated development area boundary for the Valentia Hamlet Settlement Area. The application conforms to the policies of the Growth Plan. Provi ncial Pol icy Statement, 201 4 (PPS): The portion of the subject land where the lot is proposed is classified as a settlement area. Sections and directs development to settlement areas, provides for development to occur adjacent to existing built-up areas. Sections 1.1.4, and 1 .1.4.3 provide for rural settlement areas to be the focus of growth within rural areas and direct development to be of a scale appropriate for the existing service levels and conform to the policies contained within Section 1.1.3. 24 -"8"#i?:â#,ïi-96 Page 4 of 7 Section of the Provincial Policy Statement (PPS) 2014 provides individual on-site sewage and water services may be used provided that site conditions are suitable for the long{erm provision of such services with no negative impacts. ln settlement areas, these services may only be used for infilling and minor rounding out of existing development. The applicant retained Geo-Logic to prepare a hydrogeological assessment and aquifer performance testing for the five (5) lots proposed on the portion of the subject land that is designated as a Hamlet settlement area. The studies were prepared in August and November, 2014, respectively and conclude that sufficient water is available to service the proposed lots. This application is consistent with the Provincial Policy Statement (PPS) Section provides for the promotion and protection of agricultural use. The applicant has submitted documentation which demonstrates that the proposal complies with the applicable MDS provisions and the agricultural use on the balance of property, which contains an existing farm dwelling, horse barn and paddock, goat shed enclosure, field shade shelters, pasture lands, hayfields and wooded areas will continue. Therefore, this application is consistent with the PPS. Official Plan Gonformity: The Hamlef designation provides in Sections 1 9.1 and 19.2 that small scale residential development within existing settlement areas will be accommodated while maintaining the character of the hamlet and ensuring that water and septic servicing does not impact soil, water and other natural resources. The density of development in the Hamlet designation is dependent on groundwater capability and the compatibility of the proposed development with the rest of the community. The hamlet designation anticipates single detached dwellings. The proposed lots with individual services exceed the minimum lot area of 4,000 sq. m. As per Sections 1 9.3.13 and 33.3.6 the applicant has submitted a hydrogeological study and aquifer performance testing report to demonstrate that there is sufficient potable groundwater and no adverse impacts to neighbouring wells and that the proposed development and servicing is compatible with the surrounding development without negative impacts to the natural environment. Therefore, this application conforms to the policies of the Official Plan. Zoning By-Law Gompliance: The land is zoned Rural General (41) in the Township of Mariposa Comprehensive Zoning By-law 94-07. Uses in the A1 zone encompass a range of agricultural and forestry uses, including riding or boarding stables, kennels, and a single detached dwelling. The minimum lot area requirement is 38 ha (93.9 ac.) The normal Hamlet Residential (HR) zone would permit either a single detached, converted or duplex dwelling on each proposed residential lot. This residential neighbourhood is developed with single detached dwellings, on private services (i.e. individual water 25 supply & individual sewage disposal *"BJåÍL:â#,"ä'Rå3 Page 5 of 7 systems). Duplex or converted dwellÍngs would not be considered to be compatible with the existing character nor appropriate given the hydrogeological assessment study only considered single detached dwellings. A Hamlet Residential Exception Eight (HR-8) zone is appropriate which will permit only a single detached dwelling and accessory uses, and a home occupation on each proposed resídential lot, similar to what is permitted on a rural residential zoned lot, along with a bed and breakfast establishment and a public park, which is also permitted and in keeping with an HR Zone. The lots to be created comply with the lot area and frontage requirements of the 'HR' zone. The retained Agricultural (41) Zoned land will require an Agricultural Exception Twenty-Seven (A1-27) Zone to recognize its reduced lot size of approximately 34 ha. The application othenruise complies with the relevant provisions of the Township of Mariposa Zoning By-law. Other Alternatives Considered: No other alternatives have been considered. Fi nancial Gonsiderat¡ons : There are no financial considerations unless council's decision to adopt or its refusal to adopt the requested amendment is appealed to the Ontario Municipal Board. In the event of an appeal, there would be costs, some of which may be recovered from the applicant. Relationship of Recommendations To Strategic Priorities: Council has identified four strategic prioríties which include enhancing tourism, managing aggregates, developing a knowledge-based economy, and creating connections. This application does not directly impact or align with a specific Strategic Priority. The City's Strategy Map outlines Council's Vision of a Community Pursuing Prosperity, Quality of Life and a Healthy Environment. This application aligns with the prosperity príorities in that it provides opportunity to attract new residents. Review of Accessibility lmplications of Any Development or Policy: There are no accessibility implications for the City. Servicing Comments: The farm house on the proposed retained agricultural land is serviced with an exÍsting private individual well and septic system. The proposed single detached dwellings on the land to be severed will each be serviced by a private sanitary sewage disposal system and individual 26 well. Report #PLAN2015-042 D06-15-005 (WARD) Page 6 of 7 Gonsultations: Notice of this application was circulated to the prescribed persons within a 500 metre radius, agencies, and City Departments which may have an interest in the application. A summary of the comments received is provided below: The Building Division including Part 8 Sewage System Program has reviewed the application and has no concerns or objection. The Alderville, Curve Lake and Hiawatha First Nations have reviewed the application and advised there is no immediate concern. They would like to be kept apprised of any further development, updates, archaeological findings and/or environmental impacts, should they occur. Kawartha Lakes Fire & Rescue, Enbridge and Canada Post advise they have no objection or concern. Public Works WaterMastewater advises there is no concern regarding servícing and the Community Services Department advises they have no concerns with the application. Engineering has no comment regarding the zoning amendment application but will require a Development Agreement with the City including performance security for the future consent applications to address improving the boulevard on the east side of Valentia Road fronting the proposed lots with curb and gutter, asphalt shoulder and entrances and stormwater purposes. Public Comments: Written comments to date have been submitted by two property owners and were received after the initial circulation of the Consent applications in January to create five (5) residential lots (Files D03-15-043 to D03-1 5-047). The comments from the owners of 169 and 173 Valentia Road relate mainly to surface drainage concerns and drainage from the proposed septic beds draining through culverts under the road to properties to the opposite side and contaminating the ditch. There is also concern regarding the quality and quantity of their water supply from the additional strain on the aquifer, which may result in water problems for their wells. The owner of 169 Valentía Road has additional concerns with construction noise, heavy equipment and dust disturbance as well as the proximity of the proposed homes as they operate a licensed kennel on their property. During the site visit that was conducted, the owner or occupant of 155 Valentia Road, located across from the most southerly proposed lot, approached Staff and advised that he would like assurances that his water quality and quantity will not be affected and that surface draínage would be properly dealt with and not impact his property. 27 -"8"JåÍ,?:â#i,ägå3 PageT of7 ln response to the public comments above, the City's Engineering and Public Works Divisions will need to be satisfied with lot grading, drainage and stormwater management, the design of which is included on a Master Lot Grading and Drainage plan, which will form part of the Development Agreement to be included as a condition of approval of the Consents to sever the proposed lots. The City will also ensure that the recommendations of the supporting Hyd rogeolog ical Assessment and Aq uifer Performance Testi ng Report are acceptable to the City prior to approval of the consents for the development of the proposed lots. With respect to the kennel, the Mariposa Zoning By-law only restricts the establishment of new kennels within 200 metres of existing dwellings, not new dwellings in relation to existing kennels. The kennel operation abuts an existing residential lot to the north and there are a total of 10 lots wíth existing dweflings within this spatial separation requirement. Development Services - Planning Division Gomments: The application conforms to the Grourth Plan and is consistent with the Provincial Policy Statement. The application is consistent with the water and sewage policies of the Provincial Policy Statement. The application also conforms to the policies of the Official Plan. The proposed zoning change to Hamlet Residential Exception Zone is in keeping with the character of the area and services are available to the subject lands as per the hydrogeological assessment and aquifer performance testing report completed by Geo-Logic. All other zoning provisions within the retained Agricultural Zone will be maintained with an exception for a slightly smaller agricultural lot area. Gonclusion: The application conforms to the provincial policies concerning settlement areas. The application also conforms to the Hamlet Settlement Area designation policies in the City's Official Plan. Staff support the application based on the information contained wíthin this report and the comments received as of May I , 2015. Staff respectfully recommends that the application be referred to Council for APPROVAL. Attachments: ElÞ þ AppendixA'.pdf Appendix'A' Appendix 'B' Ef' Appendix'B'.pdf - Location Map - Draft Zoning By-law Amendment Phone: 705-324-9411 ext. 1324 or 1-888-822-2225 ext. 1324 E-Mail: mla hay@city. kawarthalakes.on. ca Department Head: Ron Taylor Department File: D06-15-005 28 APPENDIX tr REPORT Ramsey Rd FILE NO. o oo- ts'oii æ c{ +L Þ G CON. 1 o É J Lot 20 Y Lot 21 Lot 22 SUBJECT LAND L- Elm Tree Rd K.L. Road #28 'Valentia' E É (ú +, c o CON. A (ú GEOGRAPHIC TOWNSHIP OF MARIPOSA 29 APPENDIX .to I THE CORPORATION OF THE CITY OF KAWARTHA LAKESREPORT PiAd AOTS.OVZ BY.LAW 2015 - FILE NO. ÐI\A- t5-o0< A BY.LAW TO AMEND THE TOWNSHIP OF MARIPOSAZONING BY.LAW NO. 94.07 TO REZONE LAND WITHIN THE CITY OF KAWARTHA LAKES [File D06-15-005, Report DEV2015-042, respecting PartSouth Half Lot21, Concession 1, geographic Township of Mariposa, City of Kawartha Lakes, identified as 188 Valentia Road - WARDI Recitals: Section 34 of the Planning Acf authorizes Council to determine the appropriate zoning categories and provisions assigned to land. 2 Council has received an application to amend the categories and provisions relating to a specific parcel of land to permit five (5) residential lots for single detached dwellings and to recognize a reduced remaining agricultural lot area. 3 A public meeting to solicit public input has been held 4 Council deems it appropriate to rezone the Property Accordingly, the Council of The Corporation of the City of Kawartha Lakes enacts this By-law 2015-_. Section 1:00 Zoning Details 1.01 Propertv Affected: The Property affected by this by-law is described as Part South Half Lot21, Concession 1, geographicTownshipof Mariposa, Cityof Kawartha Lakes, 188 Valentia Road. 1.02 Textual Amendment: By-law No. 94-07 of the Township of Mariposa is further amended to add the following section to Section 10.3: 1.03 10.3.8 Hamlet Residential Exception Eight (HR-8) Zone Notwithstanding subsection 10.1.1 on land zoned HR-8 the only permitted uses shall be a single detached dwelling, a bed and breakfast establishment, a home occupation and a public park. Textual Amendment: By-law No. 94-07 of the Township of Mariposa is further amended to add the following section to Section 8.3: 1.04 8.3.27 Agricultural Exception Twenty-Seven (A1'271 Zone Notwithstanding subsection, Iand zoned A1-27 shall have a minimum lot area of 34 ha. Schedule Amendment: Schedule 'A' to By-law No. 94-07 of the Township of Mariposa is further amended to change the zone category from the Agricultural (41) Zone to the Hamlet Residential Exception Eight (HR-8) Zone and from the Agricultural (A1) Zone to the Agricultural Exception Twenty-Seven (41-27) Zone for the land referred to as the 'HR-8' and 'A1'27', as shown on Schedule 'A' attached to this By-law. Section 2:00 Effective Date 2.01 Effective Date: This By-law shall come into force and take effect on the date it is finally passed, subject to the provisions of Section 34 of the Planning Act. ***, 2015. ** By-law read a first, second and third time, and finally passed, this day of Andy Letham, Mayor 30Judy Currins, City Clerk THE CORPORATION OF THE CITY OF KAWARTHA LAKES PASSED THIS IS SCHEDULE'A'TO BY-LAW THIS 2015. DAY OF CITY CLERK MAYOR æ coN. N :tt E(5 o É. j Lot 20 Lot 1 21 v HR-B A1 -27 I L 'Valentia' Elm Tree Rd (K.1. Road #28) E É ñ c o CON. A (E GEOGRAPHIC TOWNSHIP OF MARIPOSA 31 The Corporation of the Gity of Kawartha Lakes Planning Report Report N umber PLAN2O I 5-043 Date: May 13,2015 1:00 p.m. Place: Council Chambers Time: Ward Gommunity Subject: ldentifier: 16 Official Plan Amendment (D01-15-003) and Zoning By-law Amendment (D06-15-004) Applications to permit the creation of a residential lot on the property legally described as Part of Lot 21, Concession 8, geographic Township of Manvers, now in the City of Kawartha Lakes and municipally known as 1297 Hwy 7A (2264783 oNTARTO LTD). Author/Title: David Harding, Planner I S¡ nature Recommendations: RESOLVED THAT Report PLAN2015-043, "2264783 ONTARIO LTD 003 & D06-15-004', be received; and - D01-15- THAT the application respecting the proposed Amendments to the City of Kawartha Lakes Official Plan and Township of Manvers Zoning By-law, be referred back to staff for further review and processing until such time that all comments have been received from all circulated Agencies and City Departments and that any comments and concerns have been addressed. Department Head: Corporate Services Director / Other: Gh ief Adm i n istrative Officer: 32 2264r Bso NrARr o LrD - D0 li3:Í0;!H?:1 3:3áÎ Page 2 of 7 Background: The subject land is located a|1297 Highway 7A. The owner is proposing to create a new residential lot. Proposal The owner has submitted an application to amend the "Rural" designation lot creation policies and create a rural residential zone category in order to create a residential lot. Owners: 22647 83 Ontario Limited Agent: EcoVue Gonsulting Services Inc., Kent Randall Legal Description: Part of Lot21, Concession 8, geographic Township of Manvers Official Plan: "Rural" and "Environmental Protection" in the City of Kawartha Lakes Official Plan. "Natural Core Area" in the Oak Ridges Moraine Policy Area. "Rural General (41) Zone" and "Open Space (01) Zone" in the Townshíp of Manvers Zoning By-law 87-06. Zoning "Oak Ridges Moraine Core Area (ORMCA) Zone" and "Oak Ridges Moraine Environmental Protection (ORMEP) Zone" in the Oak Ridges Moraine Zoning By-law 2005-133. Site Size: 80.9 ha. (200 ac. - MPAC) Site Servicing: Private individualwell and septic system proposed. Existing Uses: Ag ricultural, forest, wetland Adjacent Uses: North: Forest, wetland East: Forest, wetland, agricultural South: Agricultural, commercial, rural residential West: Agricultural Rationale: The Official Plan limits the creation of residential lots within the "Rural" designation to the following two circumstances: for a land owner who is a retiring farmer, or to remove a farm house dwelling which becomes surplus as a result of a farm consolidation. No development is proposed within the Oak Ridges Moraine Policy Area. Supportinq Documents The applicant has submitted the following reports and plans in support of the application, which have been circulated to various City Departments and commentíng Agencies for review. 1. Planning Justification Report prepared by EcoVue Consulting lnc., dated September 2014. The report discusses and assesses the 33 22647 s3oNrARr o rro - oo [iBlfoIl$?,11 3:3âi Page 3 of 7 proposal in context of the 2014 Provincial Policy Statement, Growth Plan, and the Council adopted City of Kawartha Lakes Official Plan. 2. Agricultural lmpact Assessment prepared by Clark Consulting Services, dated July 2013. 3. Environmental lmpact Study prepared by Niblett Environmental Associates lnc., dated September 2014. 4. Site Plan prepared by Coe Fisher Cameron OLS dated November 18, 20'14. The Plan proposes a grading and drainage pattern for the new lot. 5. Septic System Design prepared by EcoVue Consulting lnc., dated January 29,2015. Staff has reviewed the Planning Justification Report prepared by EcoVue Consulting lnc. in support of the official plan and zoning by-law amendments. Staff cannot determine the appropriateness of the proposal at this time as responses from other City Departments and commenting Agencies have not been received. Staff is recommending that the applications be referred back to staff until such time as commenting Agencies and/or City Departments have submitted comments, and any concerns have been addressed, and to permit discussions with the applicant respecting conformity to applicable policies. Applicable Provincial Policies: Growth Plan for the Greater Golden Horseshoe (Growth Plan): The subject property is not located within a settlement area as defined in the Growth Plan. Section states that development should be directed to settlement areas, except where necessary for development related to the management or use of resources, resource-based recreational activities and rural land uses that cannot be located in settlement areas. A residential lot is proposed. Settlement areas include rural settlement areas such as villages and hamlets. Residential lots containing a more rural character exist and may be created within Hamlet Settlement Areas. The nearest Hamlet Settlement Area, Bethany, is located approximately 600 m. from the subject property. Sections,, and 2.2.9 encourages intensification within rural settlement areas. Provincial Policy Statement (PPS): The Provincial Policy Statement provides for appropriate development while protecting resources of provincial interest, public health and safety, and the quality of the natural environment. Portions of the proposal appear to conform to the PPS. The following sections are particularly applicable to the proposal: Section 1.1 .1 (a) provides for efficient development and land use patterns which sustain the financial well-being of the Province and municipalities over the long 34 2264r B3oNrARr o LrD - Do lÌ3:Í0il$?,9 3:3iî 1 Page 4 of7 term. The proposal shall introduce a non-agricultural use into an area with no other non-agricultural uses. Sections and direct development to settlement areas. Within the PPS, the subject property is classified as both a "rural area" and "rural land". Section 1.1 .4 recognizes the importance of rural areas and provides for the preservation of rural character while leveraging rural amenities and assets, and encouraging the conservation and redevelopment of existing rural housing stock. Section 1.1.5.provides that municipalities may permit limited residential development, and Section provides for that development to be compatible with the rural landscape. As stated above, a non-agricultural use is proposed outside of a settlement area where no other non-agrícultural use is present. In accordance with Section, the applicant has submitted an Agricultural I mpact Assessment for consideration. Section provides for private individual on-site sewage and water services where such municipal services are not available or provided and providing such services will result in no negative impacts. Section 2.1.1 and 2.1.5 provides for the protection of natural heritage features and their functions for the long term. Section 2.1.8 also provídes for the protection of land adjacent to natural heritage features. Two features have been identified on the subject property: provincially significant wetlands and sígnificant woodlands. The applicant has submitted an environmental impact study (ElS) for consideration. Official Plan Conformity: The subject land is designated "Rural" and "Environmental Protection" in the City of Kawartha Lakes Official Plan and "Natural Core Area" within the Oak Ridges Moraine Policy Area. Development ís only proposed within the "Rural" designation. The goal of the land use designation is to protect class 4-7 agricultural land, promote the growth and development of the City's agricultural and natural resources, and preserve and promote the rural character of the City. The land use designation permits a variety of uses including agriculture-related commercial and industrial uses, farm implement dealers, agri-tourism, and limited single detached dwellings. While residential lot creation is permitted, it is limited to two circumstances: a residential lot for a farmer whom is retiring, and for a farm dwelling which becomes surplus as a result of a farm consolidation. Lots which meet this criteria are not to exceed t hectare. The applicant has submitted an Official Plan Amendment for consideration to provide for the creation of an approximately 0.63 ha. residential lot which does not meet this criteria. Significant Woodland and Provincially Significant Wetlands have been identified on the property. Section 3.5.5 and 3.5.18 provides for the submission of an EIS to demonstrate no negative impacts are sustained to significant woodland and provincially significant wetland features. The applicant has submitted an EIS for consideration. 35 2264T s3oNrARr o rro - oo l?g:åf tlH?:l 3-3åî Page 5 of 7 Zoning By-law Compliance: The subject land is zoned "Rural General (41) Zone" and "Open Space (01) Zone" in the Township of Manvers Zoning By-law 87-06, and "Oak Ridges Moraine Core Area (ORMCA) Zone" and "Oak Ridges Moraine Environmental Protection (ORMEP) Zone" in the Oak Ridges Moraine Zoning By-law 2005-133. The development is proposed within the A1 Zone. The applicant has submitted aZoning By-law Amendment application for consideration. The application proposes a residential zone category to implement the proposed Official Plan Amendment. Other Alternatives Considered: No other alternatives have been taken into consideration. Fi nancial Considerat¡ons: There are no financial considerations for the City, unless the application was to be appealed to the Ontario Municipal Board. Relationship of Recommendation(s) To Strateg¡c Priorities: Council has identifíed the four strategic priorities, which are: enhancing tourism, managing aggregates, developing a knowledge-based economy, and creating connections. The application does not directly impact or align with a specific strategic priority. The City's Strategy Map outlines Council's Visíon of a Community Pursuing Prosperity, Quality of Life and a Healthy Environment. This application aligns with the prosperity priority as it proposes a residential lot. Consultations: Notice of this application was circulated in accordance with the requirements of the Planning Act. To date we have received the following comments: Aqencv Review Comments: Alderville First Nation provided on December 12,2014 that it has no concerns with respect to the applications. lt has requested that it be notified if any further developments occur. The Minístry of Transportation provided on April 30,2015 that it has no objection to the applications. 36 Report PLAN2015-043 2264783 oNTAR|O LTD Development Services - D01-1 5-003 & D06-1 5-004 Page 6 of 7 - Planning Division Comments: The appropriate background studies have been submitted to support the applÍcations for official plan and zoning by-law amendment. These reports and background studies have been circulated to the appropriate Agencies and City Departments for review and comment. At this time, comments have not been received from most circulated Agencies and City Departments. Staff recommends that the applications be referred back to staff until such time as all comments have been received from all circulated Agencies and City Departments and that any comments and concerns have been addressed. Gonclusions: In consideration of the comments and issues contained in this report, Staff respectfully recommends that the proposed Official Plan Amendment and Zoning By-law Amendment applications be referred back to staff for further review and processing until such time as all comments have been receíved from all circulated Agencies and City Departments and that any comments and concerns have been addressed. Attachments: uA" Appendix @l- - Location Map Þ Appendix A to PIAN2O15-043. pdf Appendix "B'- Proposed Site Plan Eþ Appendix B to PLAN2O15-043. pdf Appendix ¡rC" EtrI - Aerial Photo * Þ Appendix C to PLAN2015-0a3. pdf 37 2264783 oNTARTO LTD - Report PLAN2015-043 D01-15-003 & D06-15-004 PageT of 7 Phone: 705-324-941 1 ext. 1206 or 1 -888-822-2225 ext. 1 206 E-Mail: dehard ing@citv. kawarthalakes.on. ca Department Head: Ron Taylor Department File: D01 -1 5-003 & D06-1 5-004 38 APPENDIX to A-r I fl-+Nzotg.-Òt+3 Geographic Township of ManverÊr_E { ruo. c{ c! Þ É, J \¿ Concession I E É t- SUBJECT LAND o to #, o- Forgotten Lane I ctr-- t*d ìct I Highway #7A Bethany------ Concession 7 Lot 19 20 21 22 Weston Rd 39 APPENDIX ¡ B t fv REPORT FILE NO. W. l$--o{J -Dot - tS: æ3 w6-,s -æ 1f É (¡) L o fL Provincially Significant Wetland 0.63 hecatre lot to be severed 83m +t E ó (') 7zr.å="-".:=;.:' I -:z E C oV tlj E,:m,åi¿3,:*?;,:r,.,*, Úß/.e@uue.ldrc.@ 40 12-129 CHEilEDAT HS l:6,m 2264783 0N Ltd. Part of Lot 21 Concession I Former Township of Manvers - City of Kawartha Lakes Consent Sketch Figu.e 1 I I I I I $v::::@ 1297 Hwy 7A, geographic Twp. of Manvers ir*Èbndgd ' l- Ot¡Íå Þcttùorcrlgh a Legend : ffi fl c Road Centreline Geographic Townships UpperMunicipalities Populated Places Water Labels X Upper Municipalities Property ROLL# Citations .n ¡m r m '11 o z p fl { Notes Kilometers WGS- 1 984_Web-Mercåior_Auxilrary_S phere O C,ty Of Kâwãrtha Lâkes This map is a user generaled statrc output from an lnternet mapping site and is for reference only. Data layers thal ãppear on lhrs map may or may not be accurate, currenl, or otherwrse relrable. THIS MAP IS NOT TO BE USED FOR NAVIGAÏION 41 x I q I s o o R I 0.82 m z c] I Y 1:16,231 â, kT 0 -.F tt d I n I o .€ L^t b The Corporation of the City of Kawartha Lakes Planning Report Report Number PLAN201 5-038 Date: May 13,2015 Time: 1:00 p.m. Place: Council Chambers Ward Gommunity ldentifier: Ward 2 Subject: An Application to amend the Township of Bexley Zoning By-law to permit a drive-through restaurant and to reduce development standards of the Highway Commercial Exception Seven (C2-7) Zone for property described as Part of Lot 18, Gull River Range, geographic Township of Bexley, now City of Kawartha Lakes and identified as 6720 Highway 35. (2260384 ONTARIO lNC.) Author: Sherry L. Rea, Planning Goordinator sisnature, ,*krnl L(sa Recommendations: RESOLVED THAT Report PLAN2015-038, respecting Part of Lot 18, Gull River Range, geographic Township of Bexley, now City of Kawartha Lakes and identified as 6720 Highway 35, Application No. D06-24-046, be received; THAT Zoning By-law Amendment Application D06-24-046, respecting Part of Lot 18, Gull River Range, geographic Township of Bexley, substantially in the form attached as Appendix "C" to Report PLAN2O15-038, be approved and adopted by Council; and THAT the Mayor and Clerk be authorized to execute any documents and agreements required by the approval of this application. Department Head: Gorporate Services Director / Oth Chief Administrative Officer: 42 226os*4o * ro*ff lñ Ë i !ffi.îli-313 Page 2 of 7 Backg rou nd: The statutory public meeting was held by Planning Committee on May 7,2014 and the following resolution was passed: Moved by Councillor Stauöle, seconded by Councillor Dunn, RECOMMEND THAT Report PLAN2014-031, 2260384 Ontario lnc.n be received; and THAT the applications respecting the proposed amendment to the Township of Bexley Zoning By-law, be referred back to staff for further review with a report back to Planning committee by the end of June' 2014' .ARRTED pc2or4-016 Subsequently, the application was returned to Planning Committee on June 25, 2014 under staff's memorandum which included preliminary comments from the Ministry of Transportation and the City's Engineering Division. This report addresses the direction received from the May 7,2014 Planning Committee meeting. The proposal is to add a "drive-through facility" as an additíonal use to the current list of permitted uses in the Highway Commercial Exception Seven (C2-7) Zone and to amend the development standards including a reduction in the side yard setback, aisle width, landscape buffering and parking standards. See Appendíx "A" arìd "8" attached. Owner: 2260384 Ontario lnc. (Harry Grewal) Applicant: Frances Grabowski of ICL Project Management Solutions lnc. Legal Description: Part of Lot 18, Gull River Range, geographic Township of Bexley, now City of Kawartha Lakes. Plan: Designated Hamlet Settlement Area on Schedule "A-7" of the City of Kawartha Lakes Official Plan Highway Commercial Exception Seven (C2-7) on Schedule "A" of the Township of Bexley Zoning By-law No. 93-09 Official Zone: TotalArea: 0.34 ha. Site Servicing: Municipal sanitary sewer services and a private individualwell Existing Use: Vacant commercial land Adjacent Uses: North: South West: East: Highway Commercial and Pine Point Cottage Road Mixed Commercial Highway Commercial and Community Facility Undeveloped 43 2z6os*4o r ro *ff lfi ä " Så?îll-3î3 Page 3 of 7 Rationale: The subject land is located in the Hamlet of Coboconk and is municipally identified as 6720 Highway 35. The subject land is located at the intersection of Highway 35 and Pine Point Cottage Road (to the east) and Kawartha Lakes Road 48 (to the west). Pine Point Cottage Road is assumed and maintained year round by the City. Highway 35 and Pine Point Cottage Road/Kawartha Lakes Road 48 is a fully signalized intersection. Currently, access to the site is from Highway 35 and via Pine Point Road Cottage Road. There is an additional exit only proposed from the drive through onto the rear driveway access servicing the beer store property to the east. See Appendix "B" The land consists of 0.34 ha. and is vacant. The land was the subject of a rezoning in 2011 to accommodate a proposed on-site redevelopment including the removal of the existing petroleum equipment, installation of new underground storage tanks, a new canopy and the construction of a new convenience store. Council passed the implementing by-law and the ownership of the property changed. The new owner proposes three (3) twin-pad gas pumps under a new canopy along with a 244 sq. m. building to accommodate a 141.8 sq. m. convenience store and a 102.2 sq. m. drive-through Tim Horton's. The Tim Horton's drive through component will be located on the east side of the building and has the capacity to accommodate 22 vehicles in queue. There is no proposed seating in the Tim Horton's, counter service only. Eighteen surface parking spaces are proposed along with 1 loading space on the north side of the building along with enclosed garbage containment. Applicable Provincial Policies: ln support of the application the applicant submitted the appropriate background reports and studies which were circulated to the applicable Agencies and City Divisions for review and comment. The applicant has demonstrated conformity with the Growth Plan for the Greater Golden Horseshoe (Grovuth Plan) in that the subject lands are within a Built-Up Area and proposes to manage growth by encouraging cities and towns to develop as complete communities with a diverse mix of land uses, and a range and mix of employment and housing types, high quality public open space and easy access to local stores and services. The application is consistent with the 2014 PPS, as it contributes to employment and economic opportunities that will serve residents and the travelling public. Official Plan Conformity: The land is designated Hamlet Settlement Area on Schedule "A-7" of the City of Kawartha Lakes Official Plan (CKLOP). Permitted uses in the Hamlet Settlement Area include commercial uses that serve the hamlet, surrounding rural areas and tourism in the area. The application serves to enhance the redevelopment of a commercial site to include a Tim Horton's drive through which will service local residents and the travelling public. The on site redevelopment will include site 44 2260384o * ro *ffi Tñ ä' !H??ll-313 Page 4 of 7 plan approval and under that process will address details of development such as ingress, egress, landscaping, lighting, screening and off-street parking. Zoning By-law Compliance: The subject land is zoned Highway Commercial Exception Seven (C2-7) in the Township of Bexley Zoning By-law No. 93-09. The application proposes a text amendment to permit a drive through facility and to reduce or include the following development standards for the site. Development By{aw Requirement Standard ior C2 Zone Lot Area (min) 3400 sq.m (min) Lot Frontage 45m Front Yard lnterior Side Yard Exterior Side Yard Rear Yard Lot Coverage Buildins Heisht Landscaped Open Space Density - Max Uses per Lot Fuel Pump Canopv Aisle Width Aisle Width for Drive-Through Queuinq Maximum Number of Vehicles for Drive-Through Queuing Minimum setback from street for Drive-Through Queuinq Parking Service Station Existing/ Proposed Gompliance 3471 sq.m 42.67 m. (Pine Point Cottage Road) **Section 3.11.1 permits existing lots of record** Yes Yes 12m 11m 20% 5 m. (east lot line) 28 m. (west lot line) 41 m 7% 5.94 m 17.9% Yes No Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes 1 3 No 6m 6m Yes 7m No Silent in By-law 5m 3m Silent in By-law 25 Silent in By-law 14m To be included in Site Specific Zoning By-law 5 spaces min 1 space No 6m 12m 12m 12m 30o/o 45 To be included in Site Specific Zoninq By-law To be included in Site Specific Zoning By-law Report PLAN2015-038 2260384 oNTAR|O tNC. - D06-24-046 Page 5 of 7 Convenience Store Restaurant 1 sp. for 30 sq. m 5 spaces Yes 12 spaces Yes ofGFA=5 spaces 1 sp. for I sq. m of GFA = 12 spaces The C2-7 Zone permits both the convenience store and a restaurant. There is a need for an amendment as a drive through facility is not explicitly permitted by either the C2 or C2-7 Zones. Drive through restaurants can generate traffic issues with respect to the queue length and ingress and egress issues. Paradigm Transportation Solutions Limited completed an analysis of the operations of the drive through using data from Tim Horton's sites across Ontario. All consultants, engineers and the owner have worked with MTO and City staff to achieve solutions which satisfy vehicular operations on site and within the Ministry's and City's rights of way. The proposal includes a full access from Highway 35 for all uses on the site; however, the exit from the Tim Horton's drive through component will be limited to a new secured easement from the site onto the rear driveway access servicing the beer store property to the east. The utilization of the existing entrance to the east maintains design criteria for both MTO and the City's Engineering Division. Both the owner of the subject property and the owner of the property to the east (Paul Gallagher of 2021669 Ontario Limited) have agreed to a shared egress proposal and are in the process of a formal submission for consent to create an easement under the Planning Act. Details of design to accommodate turníng radii for the bulk fuel truck and required entrance upgrades are part of the site plan process. The owner has filed an application for site plan approval (File No. D19-24-016), which is being processed concurrently with the rezoning application. The site specific zoning requests are supportable in that building will be located to optimize vehicular traffic on site and minimize traffic congestion in the area. Through good urban design and site plan control, the building will be constructed to separate the gas and convenience store activities from the drive through component. Locating the drive through operations to the rear of the building provides for a proper queue of the on-site traffic and maintains design criteria for exit from the site onto Pine Point Cottage Road and Highway 35. Staff recommends that a Holding (H) symbol/provision be applied for site plan approval and to secure the required easement with Planning Act approval and registration of both the site plan agreement and the easement on title to the property. Once these requirements have been met, the owners would apply to amend the HoldingZone, pay the prescribed fee and a By-law to remove the (H) symbol would be prepared for Council's consideration. 46 Report PLAN2O15-038 2260384 oNTARIO tNC. - D06-24-046 Page 6 of 7 Other Alternatives Gonsidered : No other alternatives were considered at this time Financial Considerat¡ons: There are no financial considerations unless Council's decision to adopt, or its refusal to adopt the requested amendment, is appealed to the Ontario Municipal Board. ln the event of an appeal, there would be costs, some of which may be recovered from the applicant. Relationship of Recommendations To Strateg¡c Priorities: Council has identified four strategic priorities which include enhancing tourism, managing aggregates, developing a knowledge-based economy, and creating connections. The application aligns with enhancing tourism in providing service for the travelling public including gas, food and convenience store items. The City's Strategy Map outlines Council's Vision of a Community Pursuing Prosperity, Quality of Life and a Healthy Environment. This application aligns with the prosperity priorities in that it provides opportunity to expand the economic base in creating additionaljobs and attracting visitors by offering gas, food and convenience store items for the travelling public. Review of Accessibility lmplications of Any Development or Policy: The accessibility standards established in the Ontario Building Code will be shown on the subsequent construction drawings, which must be approved by the City prior to the issuance of a building permit. Servicing Comments: The Functional Servicing Report was circulated to the City's Engineering and Public Works Divisions and KRCA for review and comment. Appropriate comments have been received. Consultations: Further to the initial circulation in accordance with the requirements of the Planning Act and subsequent to the preparation of the initial staff report, the following comments were received: Health Unit - no objection but note that the drilled well on the property will be subject to the requirements of the Small Drinking Water System legislation. 47 2260384o * ro *ffi ?ñ ä " $å??ll-3i3 PageT of7 KRCA - request for an EIS as development is proposed within 2 m of a watercourse located on the south side of the property. A Scoped EIS was prepared by Beacon Environmental which demonstrated that the proposed development will have no adverse effects on Natural Heritage Features as set out in Section 3.5 of the City of Kawartha Lakes Official Plan or on their related ecological functions. KRCA has reviewed the Scoped EIS and is accepting of the conclusions. Development Seruices - Planning Division Comments: The application for zoning by-law amendment conforms to the Growth Plan and is consistent with the 2014 Provincial Policy Statement. Conformity with the City of Kawartha Lakes Official Plan has been demonstrated and staff respectfully recommends that the application, be approved and adopted by Council. Attachments: Appendix "A" - Location Map Itrl.Þ Appendix 'A'þcation Map. pdf Appendix "B'- Site Plan ElÞ Appendix 'B'- Site Plan. pdf Appendix uC" - DraftZoning By-law @l- .* Appendix 'C'- Draft Zoning By-law. pdf Phone: 705-324-9411 ext. 1331 or 1-888-822-2225 ext. 1331 E-Mail : srea@city. Department Head: Ron Taylor Department File: D06-24-046 48 ÅFiiËi\jütx tt fr to Ri:PtRT GEOGRAPHIC TOWNSHIP OF BEXI'Ëf Wp¿,1- LOT 20 ¿r) rÐ LU (' ru z È 00 Shadow Lake Rd. 57 {- É, É, II¡ É, LOT L9 J J f (9 Pine Point Cottage Rd. K. L. Road 48 'SUBJECT LAND' LN rn LOT L8 rtt -c = .99 -L 'COBOCONK' 49 n PRÛ.IECT þæÊs STATIS-1]C5 H6trAr NO-35, COæCoN<, ?./ 6ó ON -:-:-.- z&rùG lol(SrEl MS {ñ: ) con€{rfrcE s-aRE fôT4 {æR ÆA i47l s0M so-M _' t--. n 1022 SOU GrcSS ?44 694 SO M (20u) Ár 16CMS+2!C ( SEIEACK REOUIRED N@' s[:ets lRoNr) , 1q97 E 1?M .¡3 50ú# sßcK as sæcri 23hnr@ñErd.fl.u& T1416&!Æ1 Él&&,6 Ê:hôOntu w.ffitr SO U l03a sQ.M (?¡ la) 21 ¡J t'l Architecture lnc s! a, 75M 50ü 12ñl ?3;5ü sræN6 aqqr 11M ,l I (¡ SURVEY INFO IAI(EN FROM: I BENINCER SURVEYING I TD 4]4 WAIÊR STREÊT PEÏERBOROUGH. ONTARIO KgH 318 € áx ir¡¡ç ó9 $r"l FAX:705-743-3070 IELEPH0NE: 705-743-4634 I I FEB 2 0 f 1\? q0! RÊSUÐ þR l i .9 3. I 3lær4tG3 I r. ¡ HrdMrc¡coñhtæ@ol hÆóibtuE rrc'_ Ndb b'@d. C(fubru+ødþbffi, <dns, d.roibødñhd@ onydñ@podr ro tbænÉffi 2l2ot@t: ¡ I L o .p" E o /il \1¡/ u lær4¡, SPA NM suÐ ro Mþ SUEÞq9A PROPOSED GAS STATION &CAFE I ,þ G 2015 Cityof Kawarthå Lakes DewloPment Servìces Planning Divßion ffi35/PltlÊ POtmmaGE oi I coBæoxl(, I SITE PLAN m o sre pnru TT SCALE:1:200 IT- fm T { d+ 13-42 U x¡ h) 50 tilffil I A-1.0 APPENDIX THE CORPORATION OF THE CITY OF REPORT o ¡ i , 1,1 ¡ PL*U aa6.. 037 BY-LAW 2015- -u+þ A BY.LAW TO AMEND THE TOWNSHIP OF BEXLEYZONING TO REZONE I.AND WITHIN THE CITY OF KAWARTHA LAKES lFile D06-24-046, Reports PLAN2014-031 and PLAN2015-038, respecting Part Lot 18, Gull River Range, geographic Township of Bexley and municipally known as 6720 Highway 35 - 2260384 ONTARIO lNC.l Recitals: 1 2 Section 34 of the Planning Acf authorizes Council to determine the appropriate zoning categories and provisions assigned to land. Council has received an application to amend the categories and provisions relating to a specific parcel of land to permit a drive through restaurant and to amend development standards. 3. 4. A public meeting to solicit public input has been held. Council deems it appropriate to rezone the Property Accordingly, the Council of The Corporation of the City of Kawartha Lakes enacts this By-law 2015-_. Section 1:00 Zoning Details 1.O1 Propertv Affected: The Property affected by this by-law is described as the Part of Lot 18, Gull River Range, geographic Township of Bexley, City of Kawartha Lakes, being 6720 Highway 35. 1.02 Textual Amendment: By-law No. 93-09 of the Township of Bexley is further amended by deleting Sections and in their entirety and replacing them with the following: Notwithstanding subsection 15.1.1, land zoned "C2-7(H)" may also be used for a convenience store and a drive through facility. Notwithstanding subsection 15.2 shallapply: t. ¡i. ¡ii. iv. v. vt. vii. viii ix. to the contrary, the Minimum lot area Minimum interior site yard setback Minimum aisle width Minimum aisle width for drive through queue Minimum number of vehicles for drive through queue Minimum setback from street for drive through queue Minimum parking spaces for all uses Minimum landscape buffer adjacent to drive through Maximum uses per lot following 3,400 sq.m. 5.0 m. 5.0 m. 3.0 m. 23 14 m. 18 1.5 m. 3 All other provisions of subsection 15.2 shall apply On land zoned C2-7(H), the removal of the (H) shall be in accordance with the following: . Registration of an easement endorsed with Planning Act consent for the right of egress onto the adjacent property to the east. 51 h The owner enters into a site plan agreement with the City 1.03 Schedule Amendment: Schedule 'A' to By-law No. 93-09 of the Township of Bexley is further amended to change the zone category from the Highway Commercial Exception Seven (C2-7) Zone to the Highway Commercial Exception Seven Holding (C2-7(H)) Zone îor the land referred to as 'C2-7(H)', as shown on Schedule'A'attached to this By-law. Section 2:00 Effective Date 2.O1 Effective Date: This By-law shall come into force and take effect on the date it is finally passed, subject to the provisions of Section 34 of the Planning Act. By-law read a first, second and third time, and finally passed, this ** day of 2015. Andy Letham, Mayor Judy Currins, City Clerk 52 THE CORPORATION OF THE ClW OF KAWARTHA LAKES THIS IS SCHEDULE'A,TO BY-LAW PASSED 20L5. DAY OF THIS CITY CLERK MAYOR rL GEOGRAPHIC TOWNSHIP OF BEXLEY LOT 20 Ð rr) IJ.J (9 rù z. È ao Shadow Lake Rd. 57 É. É. tIJ É. LOT 19 f (9 Pine Point Cottage Rd. K. L. Road 48 c2 rn 7 H) LOT L8 cf) (u -c = .99 'coBocoNK' 53
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