May - Town of Qu`Appelle


May - Town of Qu`Appelle
The Qu’Appelle Spirit
Community News
Volume 12 Issue 5
May 2012
JHS's presentation of "Competition Piece" a comedy by John S. Wells was a
huge hit at the Saskatchewan Drama Association Region 5 Drama Festival. The play was directed by Jill Radwanski and included a cast of 20 JHS
students: Sam Hardock, Leah Fries, Kirk Johnson, Christian Crowthers,
Bryce Rode, Sydney Swan Cameron, Mariah Derosier, Hayley Johnson,
Dwayne Lowe, Kayla Milligan, Brittney Rode, Chad Pawluk, Carrie
Schaeffer, Jessica Rouse, Crystal Presley, Mieka Van Opstal, Tristan Pana,
Jason Johnson, Shyloh Williamson, Graham Betteridge and the Grim Reaper
as Himself. The crew included the Stage Manager Graham Betteridge, Lighting Nolan Van Steelandt and Jacob Chapman, Sound Alex Fries and Special
Effects by Heather Flegel.
JHS was in great company competing for the opportunity to participate in the
Provincial Festival. Broadview School presented Charlie and the Chocolate
Factory, Wolseley High School presented Laughing Stock, Kelliher School
presented 13 Ways to Screw up your College Interview, Wolseley High
School Senior Drama Club presented Saturday Night At the Drive In Movie,
Western Christian High School, Regina presented The Castle, Cupar School
pressented Blind Woman's Bluff, Bert Fox Community High School Fort
QuÁppelle presented Any Body for Tea? and Broadview School presented
Alice in Wonderland.
Congratulations to all the JHS students and staff and good luck at Provincials!
Community News welcomes all
submissions for consideration,
however, reserves the right to
reject, rewrite or edit any copy
submitted for publication.
All submissions, photographs,
etc. become the property of the
Qu’Appelle Spirit Community
News and will not be returned
unless accompanied by a
stamped self addressed envelope
until after the publication of the
next scheduled issue.
postage-due items will be
Mission Statement
To present a clear, concise,
Qu’Appelle’s town news and
information in an entertaining
and informative package.
Editorial Board
Lynn Severt, Deb Spooner,
Dave Thomson, Margaret
Thomson, Annette Jardine
All profit goes to the Board of
the Qu’Appelle Branch,
Southeast Regional Library.
Submissions To
Qu’Appelle Spirit
P.O. Box 413, Qu’Appelle,
or e-mail to:
Past Issues can be found on
The Town of Qu’Appelle web
page at:
Turn to page 5 for more pictures of the Drama group!
Page 2
Town Council News
Submitted by
Councilor Elizabeth Fries
Volume 12 Issue 5
Council authorized the construction of an oversize detached garage on the condition that all building permits are applied for and
The 2011 annual audited financial
statement was accepted as information and filed.
Reports were filed from the Town
Foreman and the Safety Committee.
Qu'Appelle Town Council met at
Town Hall for a regular meeting on
March 20, 2012. Present were
Mayor Tom Williams, Councilors
Linda Andrew, Brian Bogdan,
Orvile Dahl, Elizabeth Fries, Eileen
Parker and Val Todd, and Administrator Carol Wickenheiser. Assistant Administrator Margaret Stogran
was absent.
Minutes of the Feb. 21, 2012 regular
meeting of Council were approved
as circulated and read.
A member of the Indian Head
RCMP detachment was on hand to
discuss priorities of policing concern
in Qu'Appelle. Newdell Developments came to outline timelines for
the new subdivision. Three community members expressed opinions of
the Town Trade Show.
Correspondence was read and
filed. The statement of financial activities for the month of February
2012 and the accounts for payment
were approved.
Council issued their consent for the
Qu’Appelle & District Fire Dept. to
host a Firefighter Challenge in Robert Sthamann Park on July 1, 2012.
The Administrator and Assistant Administrator were authorized to attend
the Local Government Election
Workshop in Regina on May
24. The office will be closed that
A company was contracted for the
annual lift station maintenance
and water treatment plant filter
A Bylaw to provide for the entering into an agreement with the
Rural Municipality of South
Qu’Appelle #157 for the establishment and operation of a Fire
Protection District was introduced
and read a first time.
A Bylaw to amend Bylaw 03/08
fixing the rates to be charged for
the collection, removal and disposal of wastes or refuse, and to
provide for transferring any unpaid accounts to the tax roll was
introduced and read a first and
second time. It was carried unanimously that this Bylaw be given
three readings at this meeting. It
was read a third time, numbered
01/12 and adopted.
Qu’Appelle Town Council met for a
special meeting on March 29, 2012
at Town Hall. Present were Mayor
Tom Williams, Councilors Linda
Andrew, Brian Bogdan, Orvile
Dahl, Elizabeth Fries, Eileen Parker
and Val Todd and Administrator
Carol Wickenheiser.
The Administrator advised Council
that the required public notice for a
special meeting was given, stating
the intention of Council to address
the issue of setting the 2012 budget,
mill rate and budge-related issues.
A lengthy discussion ensued and the
2012 Budget was approved.
The mill rate was increased by 2.5
mills and set at 26 mills for 2012.
Council contracted the services of a
development consultant to assist the
Town with development issues and
to work with the developer of the
newly proposed subdivision in our
community to reach a Municipal
Service Agreement.
Council agreed to purchase a new
rotary mower.
It was agreed to hire Reegan Williamson as Assistant Foreman in
Training beginning Apr. 2, 2012.
The special meeting adjourned at
Visit us online at
This month’s Council meeting will
be held on May 15 at Town Hall.
Council appointed Lynn Severt to
a one-year term on the Qu’Appelle Branch Library Board as the
Town of Qu’Appelle Trustee.
A special meeting of Council was
called for March 29, 2012 to draft
the 2012 Budget and any other
related business, in accordance
with Section 123 of the Municipalities Act.
A discussion of several issues followed and the meeting was adjourned at 10:05pm.
Business Card
- $15.00
1/3 Page
- $30.00
1/2 Page
- $50.00
Inside Full Page - $75.00
Back Page
- $85.00
Volume 12 Issue 5
Page 3
Let’s Expand.
That was the decision last fall when Scot’s Printing decided to expand into the empty frontage of our building (formerly
Baconfield Meats). After a bit of mudding and painting, the front doors opened in late February.
In the new space we moved our workstations, some bindery equipment and now we have new retail space!
Not only are we a cheque provider and a commercial business printer, we also sell office supplies. Whether it be paper,
envelopes or office supplies to shipping boxes, bubble wrap or packing tape to greeting cards, gift bags or picture
frames, we have it all. We also provide same day courier services to Regina, full color copying and faxing services.
Need a report printed for school or a flash drive or CD to put it on? How about poster board, elastics or markers for projects? Maybe some post it notes, paper clips, or highlighters for your home office? Or, that special greeting card, gift
bag or wrapping paper for Mother’s Day, Father’s Day or Graduation? We also have bubble wrap and heavy duty boxes
for that fragile gift you need to send out. We can help you.
On the commercial printing side, we still provide full printing services such as business cards, letterhead, posters, receipt books, message pads, time sheets, invoices and quote sheets. Friendly service and quick turn-around!
We invite one and all to come and take a look.
Page 4
Author Visit
Author Chad Boudreau will be at JHS on
Friday, May 4 to visit with some of our classes.
Mr. Boudreau has experience in journalism
and other non-fiction writing, but his current
passion is short fiction and graphic novels.
Band News
Grade 6 Super Band
All Grade 6 students across PVSD meet at
Regina Beach for the day on June 1.
School News
James Hamblin School Wins Drama Regionals!!!
On April 19th, 20th and 21st, the JHS drama club traveled to Wolseley to attend the
Region 5 Drama Festival. Performing their play "Competition Piece" by John S
Wells, earned them Best Visual Production and Best Overall Production! They now
compete in Provincials on May 10th, 11th and 12th at the U of R.
JHS School Community Council
To support the learning and well being of all students, and to nurture a positive
partnership with our school, parents and community.
JHS School Community Council meetings are typically held once a month at 7:00
p.m. The public is welcome to attend. If you wish to be placed on the agenda, please
call Ms. Lemaire at 699-2301 or Claire Lindemann at 699-2275. The next meeting is
May 2 at 7:00 p.m
Grade 7 Music Monday, a nationally celebrated event that encourages and promotes all
kinds of music.
Grade 7 bands from across PVSD will be
meeting at IHHS , May 7, to perform as one
large group. . Hopefully
this will be a day of celebrating all kinds of
music at IHHS.
Grade 8/9 Band tentative date for Band
trip to Saskatoon is May 23 & 24.
Kindergarten Class of
Registration and Orientation Meeting
Wednesday, May 23 at 7:30 p.m.,
there will be anorientation meeting at
JHS for parents of children who
will begin kindergarten during the
2012-2013 school year. Children
who will turn 5 years old by December 31, 2012, are eligible to register
for kindergarten. You will need to
bring the following information:
your child’s Saskatchewan Health
your child’s birth certificate;
physical address (if you live within
the town) or land location (if you
live on a farm);
mailing address (Box number);
an emergency billet name and
phone number (someone we may
call, within the town of Qu’Appelle,
if you are not at home and your child
becomes ill or the school is closed
early during a school day) – this is
extremely important;
your home phone number;
your work phone number (if applicable).
If you know of a child who may be
Kindergarten age, please call the
school office.
Volume 12 Issue 5
Page 5
James Hamblin School
Future Dates:
May 2 - SCC meeting
- 7:00 p.m. - JHS
May 3 - Milk day
May 4 - CP Rail safety presentation
SLC meeting - noon
JHS Library Reading
challenge pizza lunch
Author Chad Boudreau
May 7 – Grade 7 Band to
Indian Head 10 am-2:30
May 10-12 - Provincial Drama
Festival - U of R
May 10 – School Spirit Day
- Twin Day
May 11 –Non student day
May 16 – Milk day
May 23/24 – Gr. 8/9 Band to
Kindergarten Orientation
& Registration meeting
May 25 – Milk day
May 25-26 – Arts Festival-Gr. 7-9
May 31 – 3/4/5 Sub Lunch sale
June 1 – Gr. 6 Band to
Regina Beach
SLC meeting- noon
SLC Formal Dance 7 pm
June 8 – 3/4/5 Hamburger
Lunch sale
-Milk day
June 1 – SLC meeting - noon
SLC Formal Dance
June 14 - K/1/2 DQ Lunch sale
June 22 – Children’s Arts Festival
June 27 – Last day of classes
June 28 – Non student day
From left to right: Kirk, Christian, Mariah, Sydney, Leah, Bryce
Left to right: Jessica, Shyloh, Jason, Tristan, Mieka, Crystal
Mrs. Jill
Left to right: Hayley, Chad, Carrie, Brittney, Kayla, Dwayne
Page 6
Volume 12 Issue 5
A project of the Qu’Appelle District Lions & Lioness Clubs
On Sunday, May 27th walkers from the Qu’Appelle area will be joining with thousands of walkers from over
250 Canadian communities to help provide Dog Guides to Canadians with disabilities. 100% of the funds
raised go directly towards providing the Dog Guides at no cost to Canadians with disabilities. It costs approximately $20,000 to train and place each Dog Guide; a hefty price but an invaluable gift to someone with a disability.
The Lions Foundation trains five different types of Dog Guides:
Canine Vision Dog Guides – for people who are blind or visually impaired
Hearing Ear Dog Guides – for people who are deaf or hard of hearing
Special Skills Dog Guides – for people with medical or physical disabilities
Seizure Response Dog Guides – for people who have epilepsy
Autism Assistance Dog Guides – for children with autism
You can show your support by picking up a brochure and collecting pledges. Brochures are available at
Qu’Appelle Agencies/Post Office, the Plainsview Credit Union, from Marg @ 699 – 7110 or Gerry @ 699 7287. You can donate online by visiting Sign up today and participate.
You can walk with or without a dog. Spread the word and encourage others to join you! If you want to show
your support but can’t join the walk you can sponsor a walker. Remember ALL monies raised go to training
the Dog Guides and transforming the impossible into the possible for Canadians with disabilities. Your participation in the Walk means more people will be able to experience the increased safety, mobility and independence a Dog Guide provides.
Registration takes place Sunday, May 27th at 10:30 at the Lions Community Hall. The walk starts at 11:00 and
will be a leisurely 45 minute walk. There are grab bags and door prises for the participants and a BBQ to follow the walk. Need more information? Call 1 (800) 768-3030 or Gerry or Marg. See you on Walk Day!
Volume 12 Issue 5
Page 7
Lions Foundation of Canada Dog Guides trains five types of Dog Guides to meet the needs
of Canadians with various disabilities. Breeds commonly used are Labrador Retrievers,
Standard Poodles and Miniature Poodles (for those that are allergic to dogs), Golden
Retrievers, and some smaller breeds. The training of a Dog Guide is an intensive four to
six month period, training one-on-one with a qualified trainer. Once fully trained, the dog
is matched with its handler who then spends two to four weeks at the Oakville training
school, learning how to handle, trust and bond with their new Dog Guide.
Canine Vision Dog Guides
Canine Vision Canada trains Dog Guides to help people who are blind or visually impaired. These Dog
Guides help create an increased sense of mobility for their handler and are specially trained to navigate
busy streets, stairs, escalators and other obstacles that are found on most daily routes. Canine Vision Dogs
are recognized by their black monogrammed “CVC” leather harness.
Hearing Ear Dogs
Hearing Ear Dog Guides are trained to assist people who are deaf or hard of hearing. With an increased
sense of security, people are able to feel comfortable in their own home. These Dog Guides are taught to
distinguish sounds, make physical contact with their handler and lead them to the sound. They respond to
sounds unique to a person’s home such as, a crying baby or a ringing phone. They are also able to respond
to hand signals if the handler uses sign language. Hearing Ear Dogs are recognized by their orange
Special Skills Dog Guides
Special Skills Dog Guides are trained to assist people with a medical or physical disability. These Dog
Guides help to increase their handler’s sense of independence and mobility on a daily basis. Their skills
include opening and closing doors as well as retrieving dropped items. They are recognized by their black
monogrammed “SSD” leather harness.
Seizure Response Dogs
Seizure Response Dog Guides assist individuals who experience frequent epileptic seizures. They are
trained to recognise and react to the onset of a seizure. Handlers feel secure going out knowing that their
Dog Guide is always by their side. Seizure Reponses Dog Guides are trained to bark for help and are able
to activate an alert system. They are recognized by their yellow harness.
Autism Assistance Dog Guides
Helping children 4 – 12 years of age, Autism Response Dog Guides provide safety, companionship and
unconditional love. Bonding with the Dog Guide helps both the child and their family gain increased independence and social interaction. These Dog Guides provide calming relief for children in high anxiety situations, reduce stress commonly experienced in public places and are recognized by their maroon
Page 8
Volume 12 Issue 5
2600 Victoria Avenue
Regina, Saskatchewan
Canada S4T 1K2
Telephone (306)761-6226
Dr. Brian Baker D.M.D.
Family Dentistry
Fax (306) 761-6222
Ken Karwandy
#445 (Dragan Drugs)
es to Dentures
509 Bell Street, Box 820
Indian Head, SK. S0G 2K0
Phone: 306-695-3411
Monday to Thursday
8:00-12:30 & 1:00-4:30
Live Well
With Pharmasave
30 Minute Photofinishing - 35 mm 4” X 6” Prints
521 Grand Avenue
Indian Head
Ph: 306-695-3333
Monday to
9:00 a.m. to 5:30 p.m.
Gateway Café
Dine In or Take Out
Qu’Appelle, Sask.
Ph: 699-7252
Canadian and Chinese Cuisine
Licensed Dining Room
Andrew Scheer, MP
Box 430
241C Broadway East
Fort Qu’Appelle
Hours: 10:00—4:00
Phone: (306) 332-2575
Toll Free 1-888-332-2575
Toll Free: 1-866-790-4727
Regina Office: 984-A Albert Street
Open 7 Days a Week
Friday Buffet
11:00 a.m. to 1:30 p.m.
Sunday Smorg
5:00 p.m. to 8:00 p.m.
Thank You
Volume 12 Issue 5
Page 9
Scot’s printing
21 Qu’Appelle St.
Indian Head
•Paper • Envelopes • Gift Cards • Gift Bags • Office Supplies •
• Personal and Business Cheque provider •
• Faxing, Photocopying Services •
• Same-day courier services to Regina •
Open: Monday to Friday, 8:30—4:30
Don Mc Morris
Minister of Health
MLA Indian Head-Milestone Constituency
I invite you to call
Or drop by the office
With any questions or
concerns you may have.
Our constituency office is located at
125 Railway Street, Balgonie, SK
Dr. Melanie Roth
Emergency Service
Phone: 695-2238
Hours: Monday to Friday
8:30 to 5:00 pm
You can also contact us at:
Hours: 9:00-4:00 Monday to Friday
Phone: 771-2733 Fax: 771-2574
Or call toll free 1-877-337-3366
Qu’Appelle Guiding
Submitted by: Eileen Herman
“Qu’Appelle CiB:
Driving through Qu’Appelle this past spring and summer, we noticed
huge improvements in the appearance and tidiness of your town since
you joined Communities in Bloom. Your accomplishments are to be
commended considering you have only been at this for such a short
period of time. Hats off to you, keep up the good work and we hope
you have much success in the years ahead.
Your friends,
CiB members, I.H.”
This card was received in the mail in 2011 from Communities in Bloom
members from Indian Head.
Instead of the usual canvas,
this spring the girls sold Girl
Guide cookies at Double TT
Grocers on Saturday, April
28. Our thanks to everyone
who helped make this cookie sale a success.
Page 10
Volume 12 Issue 5
Lioness Club
Qu’Appelle Lioness met Tuesday, April
10, 2012 at 7:00 pm at Greenwood Manor with 14 members present and 2
President Junette opened the meeting
followed by the minutes and treasurer’s
Four members cleaned the Lions Hall
kitchen on March 26th.
Discussions followed—benches, catering
and buying items for the Hall kitchen.
June –Lions Fall Convention, Regina.
We, Lioness, will host the Saturday
Sunrise Country Haven
Personal Care Home for Level 1 & 2+
Including Day Program and Respite
Located on the Pauliuk Farm
Outside McLean
Couples and singles welcome
See our website
To arrange a tour or further information call
Corinne Pauliuk at 699-2548
Junette—catering on June 8th at the 50+
Club for 40—50 folks. This was moved
by Sheila, seconded by Colleen. Carried.
Our next meeting is Tuesday, May 8th,
when our 3 new members will be inducted by 1st Vice District Governor Lion
Rick Pockett, at the Lions Hall at 7:00
pm. Our spouses and the Lions and their
spouses are also invited. Desserts will
be served.
8:00 pm—Lion Marg and Gerry Sali
presented ideas for “The Purine Dog
Walk” being held Sunday, May 27th,
2012 at 10:30 am at the Lions Hall. Junette and Glenda volunteered at sit at the
registration table.
Lizzie adjourned the meeting.
If you have any eyeglasses, be in touch
with Marian, 2426, or Junette 2259. We
plan to send them to the CNIB Regina
on May 8th.
Submitted by Marian Stephen
Volume 12 Issue 5
Page 11
“Spiritual Winterlude” community worship are being held at the
50+ Club located on Main Street
in Qu’Appelle.
Saturday, May 5th—5:00 pm
Sunday, May 13th—9:00 am
Saturday, May 19th—7:00 pm
Sunday, May 27th—10:00 am
The services are held on Sunday
at 9:30 am with Sunday School
during the service.
St. Peter’s
Choir practice is held on Wednesdays at 7:30pm at the 50Plus
The services and choir practices
are open to everyone.
In full communion with the
Evangelical Lutheran Church in
Canada (ELCIC)
Sunday services at 10 a.m.
For the past four years Revs.
Beverley and Duncan McLean
have conducted services once or
twice a month at St. Peter's, with
lay services held the other
weeks. Beginning in May the
McLeans will be interim priests
for Touchwood Trail Parish
(Fort Qu'Appelle and Dysart) so
the congregation at Qu'Appelle
had a farewell potluck dinner
with them on April 22.
Silhouette Hair Care
Qu’Appelle, Sk.
Stylist: Carolle Ast
Phone: 699-2255
Tuesday to Friday: 9:00 a.m. - 5:00 p.m.
For all your hair care needs
St. Andrew’s
Box 459, White City
Phone 306-781-3304
Cell – 306-501-1395
Church building closed until April 30,
Worshipping as a community at the 50
Plus Club
Services every Sunday at 9:30 am
Sunday School will be held during the
Choir Practice – weekly – Wednesday
at 7:30 pm
Come and Worship
– Everyone Welcome
May 13 – 3:30 pm Golden Prairie Home
– service for residents
A Mother’s Love Is a Haven in
the Storms of Life
A mother’s love is like an island
in life’s ocean vast and wide—
A peaceful, quiet shelter
from the restless, rising tide,
A mother’s love is like a fortress,
and we seek protection there
When the waves of tribulation
seem to drown us in despair.
A mother’s love is a sanctuary
where our souls can find sweet rest
From the struggle and the tension
of life’s fast and futile quest.
A mother’s love is like a tower
rising far above the crowd,
And her smile is like the sunshine
breaking through a threatening cloud.
A mother’s love is like a beacon
burning bright with faith and prayer,
And through the changing scenes of life
we can find a haven there.
For a mother’s love is fashioned
after God’s enduring love—
It is endless and unfailing
like the love of Him above.
For God knew, in his great wisdom,
that he couldn’t be everywhere,
So he put his little children
in a loving mother’s care.
Helen Steiner Rice
Page 12
Volume 12 Issue 5
Volume 12 Issue 5
Page 13
Library News
What’s Happening
By Elizabeth Fries – 699-2383
Submitted by: Elizabeth Fries, Librarian
Wed. May 2
The Book Bags were very excited when fellow book club member, Cheryl
Wilson of McLean, and her husband Leigh, welcomed Sydney Anne to their
family on March 30! Sydney was born on big sister Olivia’s birthday! Some
of us got to meet the new arrival at our April book club meeting.
Kids enjoyed coloring Easter Eggs on April 5. After the Library was closed
for Good Friday, preschool story time continued on Friday mornings. This
month’s dates are May 4, 11, 18 and 25 at 10:30am.
The Library is becoming “craft central” on Wednesday evenings, with several community members bringing their knitting and crocheting projects out
and stitching together! Those who know what they are doing in their respective craft are helping the less experienced. We’ve even got a teenager learning! Anyone is welcome to join us on Wednesday nights from 6:00 to
8:00pm, on May 2, 9, 16, 23 and 30.
There have been some inquiries about sewing at the Library. Would anyone
in or around Qu’Appelle be interested in teaching some sewing classes, attending some sewing classes, loaning a sewing machine, etc.? Please contact
the Library if you can help out or you are interested in learning!
Students are invited to the Library after school on May 10 to create a gift for
Mother’s Day.
The Book Bags are currently reading The Great Gatsby by F. Scott Fitzgerald. They will meet to discuss this classic at 7pm on May 24. New members
are always welcome in the book club!
Tickets are available for the CNIB 10 th Annual Car Raffle. Early Bird draws
for cash prizes will be made on May 10 and July 12, with the grand prize
being drawn for on Sept. 7. Tickets are 4 for $5 or 10 for $10. Purchase
some tickets and help the Qu’Appelle Branch Library and the CNIB!
Librarian Elizabeth Fries and Assistant Librarian Deb Spooner are happy to
answer any questions you have about the Library and the programs scheduled. Please call us at 306-699-2902 or email
You can now follow us on Twitter @QuAppelleLib and ‘like’ the Qu’Appelle Public Library Branch, Southeast Regional Library page on Facebook! We have a friendly little competition going with the Fort Qu’Appelle
and Indian Head Libraries……to see who can get the most Facebook ‘likes’,
and to see who can get ‘likes’ from the farthest away…….so please ‘like’ us
and tell you friends about us!!
The Qu’Appelle Branch Library is open:
Wednesday 2-5 and 6-8
Thursday 1-5
Friday 10-12 and 1-5
Wed. May 2
Fri. May 4
Wed. May 9
Thurs. May 10
Thurs. May 10
Fri. May 11
Fri. May 11
Sat. May 12
Sun. May 13
Tues. May 15
Wed. May 16
Fri. May 18
Fri. May 18
Fri. May 18
Mon. May 21
Wed. May 23
Wed. May 23
Thurs. May 24
Thurs. May 24
Fri. May 25
Fri. May 25
Wed. May 30
Fri. June 1
Knit & crochet club
6-8pm at the Library
James Hamblin School
Community Council
meeting 7pm at JHS
Preschool story time
10:30am at the Library
Knit & crochet club
6-8pm at the Library
Mother’s Day after
school craft
3:30pm at the Library
Save the Qu’Appelle
Town Hall meeting
7pm at the Town Hall
Non-student day at
James Hamblin School
Preschool story time
10:30am at the Library
Cribbage 10am
at the 50+ Club
Happy Mother’s Day!
Town Council meeting
7pm at the Town Hall
Knit & crochet club
6-8pm at the Library
Preschool story time
10:30am at the Library
Bingo 7pm at the
50+ club
Tourist Booth opens
for the season
No school
- Victoria Day Holiday
Knit & crochet club
6-8pm at the Library
2012/13 Kindergarten
Registration 7:30pm
At James Hamblin
Town Office is closed
Book Bags book club
meeting 7pm at the
Preschool story time
10:30am at the Library
Monthly meeting and
potluck supper at the
50+ Club 5pm
Knit & crochet club
6-8pm at the Library
Preschool story time
10:30am at the Library
Page 14
Volume 12 Issue 5
Gateway Café
Sunday, May 13th, 2012
Mother’s Day
Brunch Special 10:00am—1:30 pm
Adults - $11.25
Children - 12 & Under - $7.50
- 4 & Under - $4.50
Bacon, sausage, ham, eggs,
pancakes, french toast,
roast chicken, potatoes,
soup, salad bar, dessert
All mothers will receive complimentary carnations
Call 699-7252 to book reservations
All prices are tax included
Gateway Café
Sunday, May 13th, 2012
Mother’s Day
Evening Smorg 4:30pm—8:00pm
Adults - $14.00
Children - 12 & Under - $8.50
- 4 & Under - $4.95
Chicken wings, egg rolls, small dry ribs, wonton soup,
deep fried shrimp, sweet & sour chicken balls, fried rice,
chop suey, salad bar, dessert
coffee or tea or iced tea
All mothers will receive complimentary carnations
Call 699-7252 to book reservations
All prices are tax included
Volume 12 Issue 5
Page 15
are currently reading...
The Great Gatsby
by F. Scott Fitzgerald
In 1922, America has fully recovered from
the First World War, and is enjoying
prosperity during the "roaring" 1920s. The
economy soared and emotions ran high.
Yet, at the same time, Prohibition, the ban
on the sale and manufacture of alcohol, was
gaining traction. The ban on alcohol made
millionaires out of bootleggers, who were
smuggling in the illegal substance. That
scenario is the backdrop for this novel.
The Great Gatsby follows Jay Gatsby, a
man who orders his life around one desire:
to be reunited with Daisy Buchannan, the
love he lost five years earlier. Gatsby's
quest leads him from poverty to wealth,
into the arms of his beloved, and
eventually to death.
Published in 1925, The Great Gatsby is
a classic piece of American fiction. It is a novel of triumph and tragedy, noted for the
remarkable way that Fitzgerald captured a cross-section of American society.
Join us in a discussion about this book on
Beginning at 7:00 pm
at the Qu’Appelle Branch Library
Page 16
Volume 12 Issue 5
What's New at IHHS
Semester II midterm report cards came out on April 20th and Parent-TeacherStudent Conferences were held on April 23rd and 24th. If you have not seen
your child's report card you can always go on HomeLogic at https:// at any time to keep track of your child's marks
and assignments. Please contact the school at 695-3929 to receive a login
name and password.
On April 26th and 28th the IHHS Drama Club presented the production Alice
in Wonderland. They would like to thank everyone who was in attendance. In
the Drama Club is our very own Chelsea Geis as 'Queen of Hearts' and
'Tweedle Dum', Michael Fiss as 'King of Hearts' and 'Marigold', Harvey
Keepness as 'Knave of Hearts' and Mariah Fries who worked backstage. Good
job everyone!
For the first time ever Outdoor Education (PAA) students will be fully certified in First Aid and CPR. Grade 10 students in this class participated in a 2
day course held at IHHS. These same students will be travelling to Northen
Saskatchewan as part of Canoe Club, a trip that will be held in late June.
30 Hour Famine is being held at IHHS from Thursday, May 3rd to Friday,
May 4th. As a group we are raising funds to go towards SAFETY. Did you
know $75 can rescue and rehabilitate a child soldier? Feel free to visit http:// to learn more about this cause. If you would like to
donate please go to
PublicGroup.aspx?id=22345 or
Forms/PublicProfile.aspx?id=19056. Did you know $30 can help feed and
care for a child for a month. Thank you everyone for your contributions. For
those who still wish to donate, remember that it is never too late.
On May 9th Grade 10 students will be travelling to the Stepping Stones
Career Fair and Youth Rally in Regina. The fair will host over 130 exhibits
from various businesses, government and educational institutions.
Senior Band is travelling to Edmonton, Alberta for Band Tour this year from
May 13th to 16th. Over the duration of the trip they will be stopping at many
attractions like: the Edmonton Zoo, West Edmonton Mall and a Dinner Theatre production of Chicago. They will also be performing at several elementary schools on the way and participating in a clinic with Denis Prime at the
University of Alberta. Students must have their forms and money in by May
4th if they wish to attend.
On May 17th Track members will be travelling to Montmartre for Zones.
Those who place will continue on to Districts, which are held at Douglas Park
in Regina on May 25th. Check next month's paper to see who is in Track and
how they did at the meet(s).
Non-student days this month are Friday, May 11th and Monday, May 21st.
Be sure to check next month's Spirit for more information about how the
IHHS school year is going.
-Faith Whittingham
Before I was a Mom
Before I was a Mom I slept as late as I wanted and never worried about how late I got into bed. I
brushed my hair and my teeth everyday.
Before I was a Mom I cleaned my house each day. I never
tripped over toys or forgot words to a
lullaby. I didn't worry whether or not my
plants were poisonous. I never thought
about immunizations.
Before I was a Mom I had never been puked on - Pooped on Spit on - Chewed on, or Peed on. I had
complete control of my mind and My
thoughts. I slept all night.
Before I was a Mom I never held down a screaming child so
that doctors could do tests...or give shots.
I never looked into teary eyes and cried. I
never got gloriously happy over a simple
grin. I never sat up late hours at night
watching a baby sleep.
Before I was a Mom I never held a sleeping baby just because
I didn't want to put it down. I never felt
my heart break into a million pieces when
I couldn't stop the hurt. I never knew that
something so small could affect my life
so much. I never knew that I could love
someone so much. I never knew I would
love being a Mom.
Before I was a Mom I didn't know the feeling of having my
heart outside my body. I didn't know how
special it could feel to feed a hungry baby. I didn't know that bond between a
mother and her child. I didn't know that
something so small could make me feel
so important.
Before I was a Mom I had never gotten up in the middle of the
night every 10 minutes to make sure all
was okay. I had never known The
warmth, The joy, The love, The heartache, The wonderment or the satisfaction
of being a Mom. I didn't know I was capable of feeling so much before I was a
Volume 12 Issue 5
Page 17
What it means to be a volunteer Fire Fighter or First Responder
In response to the tremendous financial support the Qu’Appelle District Volunteer Fire and First Responder Department
has received over the past few years from our surrounding community we thought perhaps we should give you some more
information about our organization.
Our particular group is somewhat unique, in that, eleven of our eighteen members are both first responders and fire fighters, two are only fire fighters, two are only first responders and three are junior members (under eighteen). We meet and
train together once a month sometimes more often if there are special training sessions planned. We carry pagers and have
auto dial to our home and/or cell phones for 911 dispatch to contact us regarding emergency calls. They may be fire related, motor vehicle accidents, or medical patient calls. When we get a dispatch notice we determine individually whether
we can respond or not. We may be at our place of employment and unable to respond, (some member’s employers are
understanding and allow volunteer fire fighters to leave their work place to attend calls) others may not have that option
they may be self employed and unable to just leave their business at a moments notice, still others have made arrangements to just drop everything and go at a moments notice. We are volunteers and not required to respond to every call, our
only real requirement is to maintain our training and certifications. Fire Fighters are asked to try to maintain the IFSTA
Level I training as well each member needs to train on the operation of all vehicles and equipment, First Responders must
go through a two weekend (40 hour)initial course which also needs to be re-certified at a one day session or two day conference every second year, they must also have their CPR/AED certification which must be renewed annually, not an easy
task as often members are full time employed and can only offer evenings and weekends to get training and certifications.
First Responders also must get a criminal record check and sign a promise of confidentiality letter with the Regina
Qu’Appelle Health Region as well. Once trained and registered as a volunteer with an organization we become a part of
the Regina Qu’Appelle Health Region and must abide by all the same rules as other employees. For example if we were
found to have attended a call under the influence of drugs or alcohol we would be immediately dismissed. We are also
covered for accident insurance and workers compensation if we are hurt on or responding to a call as we would if we were
regular paid staff of the Health Region.
The Town and the R.M. take responsibility for the maintenance and repairs of their perspective vehicles, they share the
utility costs ie: power, telephone, energy, the town provides a budget for training and small equipment and supplies and
they repair and maintain the building which houses the department vehicles and equipment. When the Department attends
a Rural fire or a highway call there are insurance companies that can be billed to pay for some of the costs incurred, although when First Responders only are called to attend there is no charge to anyone this is entirely a service offered by the
Regina Qu’Appelle Health Region in the training and maintenance of the equipment as well as useable items like oxygen
and masks, etc. and the Town who look after the housing and maintenance of the First Responder Unit, as many of you
will remember the funds to purchase this unit were entirely raised by the community through donations, raffles, cabarets
spear headed by the Department members. Over the years funds have been raised thanks to the tremendous support of our
and surrounding communities to purchase extra and /or updated equipment and vehicles. The specialized equipment is
very expensive and I’m sure you can understand a small community tax base could never afford to fund their Fire and
First Responder departments the way larger cities can.
We found that when we were attending motor vehicle accident calls on the highways we felt invisible at night, in an attempt to protect ourselves we bought team jackets,(cost shared by the department and the individual) which are incredibly
visible and the general public can pick us out of a crowd for miles. As these jackets are co-owned between the members
and the department you will see individual members wearing their jackets on their own time as well as on calls. So just
because you see a jacket doesn’t mean we are on, going on or have been on a call, it just means that we are a member of
Qu’Appelle Fire and Rescue, just as the jacket states. The Town of Qu’Appelle and the R.M. of South Qu’Appelle have
our fire fighters covered if they are hurt while attending calls in their municipalities. A nominal payment is made to each
fire fighter while on a fire call so that workers compensation will cover them as well. Members are not paid to be on call
for either Fire or First Responder Departments, as volunteers, we attend calls if and when we can, just because we want to
be able to help out in our community. We have three members with a combined total of over 80 volunteer years with the
Qu’Appelle Fire Department. These same three men are First Responders, and have been, since the program came to
Qu’Appelle. The remainder of our members have anywhere from 11 down to 1 year with the team. We continue to train
together and attend outside education opportunities as we are able, to continue to do what we can for the protection and
safety of our community, it’s members and those just passing by.
In a nutshell thats us and we look forward to your continued support. We presently have a raffle going with two sets of
amazing prizes, we will begin once again collecting donations towards our annual and very successful Garage Sale held
every weekend in July at the Skating Rink in Qu’Appelle and are planning a very entertaining Fire Challenge with five
other communities on Canada Day. Please watch for details and we look forward to seeing you at the Fire Challenge.
Respectfully submitted by Jeannie DesRochers, Fire Manager, Qu’Appelle Volunteer Fire and First Responder Department
Page 18
Volume 12 Issue 5
On March 24th 2012 Forever Friends Of Hope celebrated their tenth annual Ladies Night Out and Auction. The evening was a sold
out event celebrated in style with many ladies dressing up the night in a variety of beautiful gowns. The evening was emcee’d by
the wonderfully talented Jill Radwanski and co-emcee’d by the equally talented Gloria Evans. Our loyal auctioneer Troy Douglas
joined us once again for what was to be the most successful auction to date. The evening began with heart felt sentiment as
FFOH’s president Danah Hysuick gave a touching opening speech addressing the uphill battles the women that Forever Friends
help are facing and to also pay tribute to the memory of Theresa Anne Fredrickson (nee Priddell). Following Danah was April
Nichol with a champagne toast commemorating ten years of hard work and dedication by FFOH, our loyal sponsors and the very
supportive community of Qu’Appelle, Sk. Finally to kick off the upcoming evening of fun was the very sought after “MAN
SERVER” auction. There were twelve men in total who graciously worked very hard all evening to ensure that the ladies who
“purchased” them would not have to lift a finger for the rest of the night. Included in all of the fun was a live auction, silent auction, raffle, many door prizes, a balloon pop, yummy appetizers and a dessert intermission. Congratulations to Linda Andrews who
won the grand prize of a $500 gift certificate to Fire and Ice during the balloon pop!
Forever Friends Of Hope would like to thank everyone who donated, volunteered and /or attended the auction. Just upwards of
twenty thousand dollars was raised at this spectacular event and it could not have happened without all of the wonderful support
from people like you.
Continued on Next Page
Danah Hysuick – President
Eileen Reese – Vice President
Alison Poelen – Treasurer
Janelle Willoughby – Secretary
Elizabeth Fries – Director
April Nichol – Director
Shirley Priddell – Director
Lora Schaeffer – Director
Tanya Stover – Director
Lisa Manshande
Corrine Pauliuk
(And many members!)
Troy Douglas—Auctioneer
Gloria Evans & Jill Radwanski—MC’s
Ryan Reiss, Bob Schaeffer, Mike Fries, Derek Hysuick,
Darin Moser, Barry Priddell—Volunteers
Crystal Cook—Appetizers
Danah Hysuick
Troy Douglas
Volume 12 Issue 5
Page 19
Continued from page 18
Air Liquide
Andrew Scheer, MP
Blair’s Fertilizer McLean
Blue Cross
Brett Young Seeds
Casino Regina
Chad & April Nichol
Choo-It Oatmeal
Christy Shordee – Epicure
Cindy Sheer
Colleen Fraser McCrimmon RMT
Co-op Refinery – Upgrader Complex
Cottage Country Carving
Crystal Douglas
Crystal Cook
Dakota Dunes
Danah & Derek Hysuick
Darin & Jesse
Dennis Laliberte
Don McMorris, MLA
Donna Betteridge
Double TT Grocers
Dragan’s Drugs
Dr. Chandran
DriverWorks Ink – Deana & Al Driver
Ducks Unlimited Canada
Eileen & Jason Reese
English Tea Garden
Erin Lang
Estelle May Krawec
Fire & Ice Custom Jewellery
Flatland Cruisers
Flying R Veterinary Services
Folkfest, Saskatoon
Forever Friends of Hope
Foundation Incorporated
Friends for Life
Fries Family
Gee Bee Construction
Geis Family
Globe Theater, Regina
Gottfried Upholstery
Gracom Masonry
Graham Construction
Gwen Bouchard
Hair on Second
Hall and Rae
Halo Esthetics by Alison
Harvard Western
Heather & Llewelyn Poidevin
Indian Head Agencies
Indian Head Animal Clinic
Indian Head Floral Shop
Inverness Consulting
James Hamblin School staff
Jacquie Scott and family
Janelle Willoughby
Jani Francis
Jason Sylvestre – SDS Comics
Jeanie DesRochers
Jodi’s Pilates Studio
Jody Bryson
Kelly Nadler - KRN Residential Design
Ken Pilon
Kerrie Hysuick
Lia Sophia
Linda Andrew
Lisa B Originals
Louise & Garry Hysuick
Manitou Springs
Manshande Family
Marina Holtzman
Matthew Inglis - RBC
Melrose Place Restaurant,
Albert St. S.
Nature Saskatchewan
Organo Gold
– Kris & Angela Lang
Originals by Mary Jane
Peslari Family
Pharmasave Fort Qu’Appelle
Pink Tree
Plainsview Credit Union
Prime Meats
Qu’Appelle Agencies
Qu’Appelle Library
Qu’Appelle Lionesses
Ravine Adventures
Regina Eye Centre
Regina Realtors
Rick Mercer
Rise ‘n’ Shine Preschool, Regina
Riverbend Plantation
Rosetta Lang
Rusty Wire Stables
Saskatchewan Cancer Agency
Saskatchewan Roughriders
SaskMade Marketplace
– C. Ippolito & A. Nichol
Schaeffer Family
Scot’s Printing
Shawn Klyne & Family
Barristers & Solicitors
Sheri Lynn Lipp
Sherwood Coop
Shirley Priddell
Skilnick Miller Moar Grodecki
& Kreklewich
Special Eyes Regina
Stover Family
Sunshine Pottery
Sunsparks Soaps
The Core Connection Pilates Studio
The Flower Hut
The Pink Tree
Thee Lingerie Shoppe
Town of Qu’Appelle
True Fit Denture Clinic
The University of Regina Bookstore
Tux and Tails
Very Prairie Cards – Vicky Kjoss
Young’s Equipment
An added Thank-you to our
Ticket Agents:
- Qu’Appelle Agencies
- Plainsview Credit Union,
- Indian Head Agencies
Page 20
Volume 12 Issue 5
50 Plus Income and Expense Statement
April 1, 2011 - March 31, 2012
Arm Chair Travel
Catering Class fees
Christmas Supper 2011
Community Grant
Donations from Pumpkin
Gift Received—Dinner Theatre
Irish Stew Supper—March 17
Membership fees
Other income—coffee sold
Other income—Fashion Show
Other Income—lunch sales
Painting classes
Silent auction
Canasta, bingo
Bills & utilities
Bingo float
Christmas 2011
Fees & charges
Food & Dining
Gifts & Donations—Remembrance Day Wreath
Quick Books Cash Management
St. Patrick Day food supplies
$ 395.37
Volume 12 Issue 5
Page 21
Page 22
Volume 12 Issue 5
Nichole Redlick
Associate Broker
102 Main Street, Lipton
Asking $109,000
397 Central Avenue, Fort
Qu’Appelle—asking $298,000
328 Pasqua Lake
History of Mother's Day: Anna Jarvis
Anna Jarvis is recognised as the Founder of Mothers Day in US. Though Anna Jarvis never married and never
had kids, she is also known as the Mother of Mothers Day, an apt title for the lady who worked hard to bestow
honor on all mothers.
Anna Jarvis got the inspiration of celebrating Mothers Day from her own mother Mrs Anna Marie Reeves Jarvis
in her childhood. An activist and social worker, Mrs Jarvis used to express her desire that someday someone
must honor all mothers, living and dead, and pay tribute to the contributions made by them.
A loving daughter, Anna never forgot her mothers word and when her mother died in 1905, she resolved to fulfill her mothers desire of having a mothers day. Growing negligent attitude of adult Americans towards their
mothers and a desire to honor her mothers soared her ambitions.
To begin with Anna, send Carnations in the church service in Grafton, West Virginia to honor her mother. Carnations were her mothers favorite flower and Anna felt that they symbolised a mothers pure love. Later Anna
along with her supporters wrote letters to people in positions of power lobbying for the official declaration of
Mothers Day holiday. The hard work paid off. By 1911, Mother's Day was celebrated in almost every state in
the Union and on May 8, 1914 President Woodrow Wilson signed a Joint Resolution designating the second
Sunday in May as Mother's Day.
Volume 12 Issue 5
Page 23
523 Grand Avenue Indian Head
Your Independent Insurance Broker
Home, Auto, Commercial, Farm,
Travel and Medical
SGI Motor Licence Issuer
806 Howard St Indian Head
335 Beta St McLean
13 Caswell St Qu’Appelle
903 Water St Indian Head
10 Canterwood Tr. White City
407 Woodward Av
Indian Head
******Featured Listings******
50-7th Avenue Qu’Appelle. Three bedroom one bath
home on 2.8 acres with town water and sewer. Best
of both worlds! Great barn & corrals. Lots of trees!
31 Dixie Street Qu’Appelle- 3 bedroom, 2 bath appr.
1326 sq. ft home with a great yard. Outdoor arena,
huge shop! Town water!
Danah Hysuick
523 Grand Ave.
Indian Head, Sask
View our listings on-line at or at
Page 24
Volume 12 Issue 5

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