October - Town of Qu`Appelle


October - Town of Qu`Appelle
The Qu’Appelle Spirit
Community News
Volume 8 Issue 9
October 2008
I recently received the following update from Jill and Tim Radwanski,
Qu’Appelle teachers who are currently on an exchange in Australia. The
school year there runs the same as the calendar year. So while we were enjoying our summer holiday, the Radwanski’s were working hard, but still finding
time to experience as much of that part of the world as they can!
Jill writes:
Okay people, get out your atlases for Mr. and Mrs. Rad’s whirlwind tour of
Autralia! We have seen so much that it is hard to put into words, but here are
some highlites!
. Adelaide, South Australia—watched the world’s beach volleyball
. Kangaroo Island, South Australia—where we surfed the sand dunes
. South Island, New Zealand—cruised with dolphins
. 12 Apostles, Victoria—saw from above in a Cessna airplane
. Geelong Hospital, Victoria—quick emergency surgery for Mrs. Rad’s
. Apollo Bay, Victoria—drove along the Great Ocean Road
. Melbourne, Victoria—attended an Aussie Rules Football game
. Queenscliff, Victoria—went on a Blues Train (live music)
. Cairns, Queensland—went on a helicopter to snorkel in the Great
Barrier Reef
. Sydney, New South Wales—climbed the Sydney Harbour Bridge and went
to a show at the Sydney Opera House
. Hobart, Tasmania—went on a ghost tour of a historical convict site
. Ayers Rock, Central Australia– camped under the stars
We’re back in Canada in three months’ - I wonder what other adventures we
can squeeze in!!!
Submitted by: Elizabeth Fries
The Qu’Appelle Spirit
Community News welcomes all
submissions for consideration,
however, reserves the right to
reject, rewrite or edit any copy
submitted for publication.
All submissions, photographs,
etc. become the property of the
Qu’Appelle Spirit Community
News and will not be returned
unless accompanied by a
stamped self addressed envelope
until after the publication of the
next scheduled issue.
postage-due items will be
Mission Statement
To present a clear, concise,
unbiased reporting of
Qu’Appelle’s town news and
information in an entertaining
and informative package.
Editorial Board
Lynn Severt, Deb Spooner,
Dave Thomson, Margaret
Thomson, Annette Jardine
All profit goes to the Board of
the Qu’Ap p elle B ranch,
Southeast Regional Library.
Submissions To
Qu’Appelle Spirit
P.O. Box 407, Qu’Appelle,
Or e-mail to:
Past Issues can be found on
The Town of Qu’Appelle web
page at:
Tim & Jill in New Zealand
Tim & Jill in Cairns,
Queensland, Australia
Page 2
Town Council News
Submitted by
Councilor Elizabeth Fries
Volume 8 Issue 9
PFRA for the installation of a new
demonstration well and further agreed
to apply to Canada-Saskatchewan Water Supply Expansion Program for financial assistance for the project.
Offers to sell property to all parties that
received a letter as per resolution
151/08 and have not paid in full by
August 22, 2008 were rescinded.
An order was issued to a resident to
trim back trees on their property which
overhang onto Town property.
Qu’Appelle Town Council met at Town
Hall for a regular meeting on Aug. 19,
2008. Present were Mayor Allan Arthur,
Councillors Linda Andrew, Brian Bogdan,
Elizabeth Fries, Penny Harvey, Mike Lenzen and Nicole Nyhus, and Administrator
Carol Wickenheiser.
The minutes of the July 22, 2008 regular
meeting of Council were accepted as circulated and read.
Correspondence was read and filed. The
statement of financial activities for July
and the list of payments for approval were
A Bylaw to amend the rates to be
charged for the collection, removal and
disposal of waste or refuse, and to provide for transferring any unpaid accounts to the tax roll was introduced
and read a first and second time. It was
passed unanimously that the above
Bylaw be given three readings at this
meeting, and was then read a third
time, numbered 03/08 and adopted.
An open discussion of several issues
followed and the meeting was adjourned at 9:15pm.
Visit Qu’Appelle online
at Qu’Appelle Lions Hall
November 15, 2008
9:00—2:00 pm
Table rental—$10.00
Contact: Mary @ 699-7121
Sheila @ 699-2378
Doris Sheldon is a local carver,
who with her husband Len, call
Qu’Appelle home.
Among other carvings, Doris has
just finished carving on a standing
This is you invitation to meet
Doris and view her carvings on
Sunday afternoon, October 5th at
97 Walsh Street in the yard of
Ken and Jo Mader.
Council agreed to assume all responsibility
for fees associated with the survey and
sale for the subdivision of the James Hamblin School property. Further, it will be
set up as a separate parcel of land and not
joined to the present rink land title.
A report was filed from the Town Foreman.
The resignation of Bert Wickenheiser as
Foreman for the Town of Qu’Appelle,
effective Oct. 31, 2008, was accepted.
Whereas the two tenders received for the
water storage reservoir were more than
double the engineer’s estimated cost of the
project, and whereas the design engineers
in discussions with other contractors have
indicated that similar projects this year are
consistent with the budget estimate, now
therefore Council reject all tenders for this
project and agree to re-tender the project
in January/February 2009.
Council entered into a partnership with
Students at James Hamblin School are enjoying the new play
structure recently installed in the playground.
Volume 8 Issue 9
Page 3
proliferation of Canadian thistle on one
quarter, and dandelions on another .
The landowners will be advised by
letter to clean up these weeds before
the end of the fall.
Indian Head
In order to comply with the new regulations, all three outside operators will be
sent to the next available Health and
Safety workshop.
R. M. Of South Qu’Appelle
Submitted by
Christine Whitaker
The regular council meeting of the RM of
South Qu’Appelle was held on September
The administrator advised that rural municipal elections for the reeve and councillors for divisions 1,3 & 5 will be held on
November 5th. Nominations will open on
October 2nd and close at 3 pm on October
20th. Nomination papers are available
from the RM office. Polling places were
set at the RM office ( divisions 1 & 4) ,
McLean Hall (divisions 2 & 3), Edgeley
Community Centre (division 5) and
Avonhurst Hall (division 6).The advance
poll for all divisions will be held at the
RM office on October 31st from 9.00 am
to 7.00 pm. Election officials were
As the RM election date is on the normal
council meeting date, the meeting will be
changed to November 7th, unless no elections are necessary. The October meeting
date will also be changed to Friday,
October 3rd.
Several road signs have been removed in
recent weeks. Council set a reward of $500
to anyone providing information leading to
a conviction regarding theft or damage of
Several problems have been identified
with bush encroaching on seasonal roads.
Council will take a road tour this fall, after
One development permit and one subdivision application were approved.
Complaints were received about the
Informational correspondence was received from the Ministry of Municipal
Affairs, the RM of North Qu’Appelle,
the Saskatchewan Watershed Authority
and the Clearing the Path Committee.
For further information, ratepayers
should call the RM office at 699 - 2257
Dr. Melanie Roth
Dr. Jess Mountenay
Emergency Service
Business Card
- $15.00
1/3 Page
- $30.00
1/2 Page
- $50.00
Inside Full Page - $75.00
Back Page
- $85.00
Silhouette Hair Care
Qu’Appelle, Sk.
Stylist: Carolle Ast
Phone: 699-2255
Tuesday to Friday: 9:00 a.m. - 5:00 p.m.
For all your hair care needs
Phone: 695-2238
Hours: Monday to Friday
8:30 to 12:00 1:00 to 5:00
Saturday 9:00 to 12:00
Page 4
Volume 8 Issue 9
if their child/ren will not be in school. If
we do not receive word of an absence,
our office will attempt to make contact
with caregivers at home, at work or
through emergency contacts. Students
who are late are asked to report to the
office upon their arrival. Furthermore, in
accordance with PVSD directives, the
school will be issuing monthly letters
reporting on absences of 25 percent or
School Photographs
School News
Administrator’s Message
Yes, there is no ignoring it…..we are in the days of technological superhighway. To
its credit, technology has afforded us the ability to erase walls and borders, enabled us
to access information in ways we once only dreamed about and has given efficiency to
our day to day business activities. Unfortunately, wrapped up in all of the wonderful
capabilities technology provides there is the dark side wherein it is used to steal from,
manipulate, corrupt and harm others.
We realize that at JHS the need to focus on cyber safety and cyber bullying is immediate and there are a number of steps we are putting in place to inform and protect our
students. Education for our staff and our students is being facilitated by both the Regina Police Department and our staff. Our computer usage policy was revamped and
examined thoroughly with our middle level students. A task force of students has been
used to gain more information on how young people get around the barriers, and we
are working with our PVSD team to provide better internal blocks. Also, because we
recognize the need for good parent information, in each newsletter you will find a
cyber tip that you may feel useful to use with your child.
I urge you to please work with us and help protect and keep your children safe in this
technological world.
Jazzy HumSingers
The JazzyHumSingers meet Tuesdays at
12:20 p.m. Keep watching for an update
on what’s happening with our choir.
JHS Magazine Campaign
Kick-off – September 22nd
SOS “Save our Subscriptions” - James
Hamblin School is in the process of running its annual magazine subscription
campaign again this year and we appreciate your continued support. A large portion of the funds stays here in our school
community (40%). Last year JHS students and staff raised over $1000.00 dollars.
Thank you, in advance, for
“saving” your magazine orders and
helping to make our campaign a great
success. During our campaign, students may be visiting your home to
inquire if you are interested in purchasing or renewing your magazines. If
you haven’t had a student visit your
home and you wish to purchase or renew a magazine subscription, please
call Linda at 699-2301. A reminder, all
money and orders are due into the office no later than Wednesday, October
15th, 9:00 a.m.
Absences and Lates
The safety of our students is very important; therefore, communication between the home and school is essential.
We ask that the caregiver contact JHS
School photographs have been taken and
should arrive within the next couple of
weeks. Lifetouch does charge a $10.00
late fee, so please be mindful of the payment deadline date that will be included
on the proof package. If you are unhappy with your child’s photograph,
please mark “retake” on the proof and
return it to school prior to photo retake
day. Retakes will be taken on Wednesday, October 22, at 9:00 a.m. If your
child missed having his/her photograph
taken, please call the office to advise that
you wish to have your child’s photograph
taken. If you have any questions, please
call the office during regular school
Newsletter Items for
The deadline date for newsletter items
for November is Thursday, October 20.
JHS Lunch Programs for
Friday, October 3 (Day 2)
Grade K/2 Subway Sale
Friday, October 10 (Day 1)
SLC Sale
Friday, October 17 (Day 5)
Girls Volleyball TCBY
Thursday, October 23 (Day 3)
SLC Sale
Friday, October 31 (Day 2)
K/2 Sale
Milk Days
Friday, October 3
Friday, October 31
Thursday, November 6
Friday, November 21
Friday, December 5
Volume 8 Issue 9
Page 5
September in Review
All of our students were busily engaged in our recent soccer camp. Kev from the Saskatchewan Soccer Association did a great
job of introducing some new skills and honing the interest of our students.
The Student Leadership Council has been busy organizing for the new year. Charter Members, Jessica Betteridge, Cade Deal,
Chelsea Geis and Kaela Witkowski, welcomed new members, Jarred Berrard, Cohlton Carnochan, Tori Hardock, Sabrina
Pana, Faith Whittingham, and probationary members, Leah Fries, Hayley Johnson and Crystal Presley into their fold.
Girls’ Volleyball with 13 members, boys’ volleyball with 11 members, Jazzy HumSingers with 13 members and weightlifting
have also begun for the year.
The JHS Open House occurred on Sept. 22 with the participation of 13 service groups working for and with our students.
Thank you to the JHS-SCC, JHS Parents’ Group, Qu’Appelle Library, Qu’Appelle Karate, Boys’ and Girls’ Club, Qu’Appelle
Soccer, Girl Guides, Scouting, Cadets, 4-H, Qu’Appelle Riding Club, Preschool, and Youth Golf for all you do for our children and for participating in the evening. Also, a big thank you to all parents and caregivers who attended the evening. Being
interested in your children’s education is so important. Winners of the JHS SCC draws were Aaron Witkowski, Lora Schaeffer
and Michelle Braumberger, and Tom Whalen and Natasha Witkowski were winners of prizes sponsored by the Indian Head
Golf Course. Congratulations!
YUM, YUM! Thank you to the Qu’Appelle Branch of the Plainsview Credit Union for sponsoring a hot dog and drink lunch
for our entire student body on Sept. 25. Two prize draws were made and the lucky winners were Aiden Cook, Graham Betteridge, Duran Husband and Dillan Pana. Also, an additional thank you to our ever faithful Parents’ Group for organizing and
preparing the lunch.
And finally, for those of you who haven’t noticed yet, JHS’s outdoor area with two picnic tables in our student U and new playground structure are all complete. Additional thanks are extended to Bert Wickenheiser, Robert Weisgarber, Norman Kuntz,
Mick Lenzen, Bruce Carnochan, Kelly Bennett and Brian and Bonnie Betteridge for their efforts in finishing it off. Qu’Appelle
really does have a great community!
Student Led and Three
Way Conferences
With the onset of October, we know
that two important communications
with our parents and caregivers are
just around the corner. First, Student-Led and Three-Way conferences
are scheduled for November 3rd and
5th, and second, report cards will be
going home on November 27th.
circumstances arise; however, if at
all possible, please attempt to attend
the time scheduled for you. Rescheduling can be a very difficult
task due to the number of families
we schedule for and the busy lives
of our students and staff. If you
have not received your conference
schedule by October 28th, please
contact the office.
JHS proudly boasts parent and caregiver attendance rates of 95% and
higher for most of our Student-Led
and Three–Way conferences. We are
so pleased that our JHS families
make this communication such a high
priority. And, because we, too, believe that our conferences are important, we have tried our best to accommodate those parents who are working and are unavailable to meet during regular school hours. Accordingly, our conferences are run on two
evenings from 4:00 to 8:00. Once
again, we appreciate your efforts to
participate in and accommodate our
conference times. Mr. Proulx will be
in attendance on Monday evening
only. We understand, inordinate .
For those of you who are new to
Student-Led and Three- Way conferencing you can expect to see
your child/ren actively reporting on
the assessment of their own work.
This form of assessment, most
probably, was not a process many
of our parents and caregivers were
involved with when they went to
school. In fact, not too many years
ago, the evaluation of students was
solely a teacher’s responsibility.
Unheard of was the belief that students were capable of reflecting on
and evaluating their own work and
then setting self goals for improvements. Often the “old” way of
schooling taught students to learn
exactly what the teacher wanted,
but it did little to teach children how
to think and to plan for their own
learning. Undoubtedly, it was a great
way to control children, but not the
best way to foster thinking for life
long learning.
More progressive approaches recognize that students should be active
partners in their assessment. Not only
do models of student assessment
teach responsibility, encourage students to develop a sense of ownership
for their academic progress and engage students as active partners in
their learning, but, as well, they help
students identify their learning
strengths and weaknesses and allow
them to make realistic goals for their
improvements.(Hackmann, Kenworthy, Nibbelink,1998 ; Miller, 1997).
Schools have come to realize that it is
beneficial to relinquish our control
and allow students to become independent self-disciplined thinkers.
Following our conferences, you will
receive the more traditional report
card communication which is primarily a teacher assessment of your
Page 6
child/ren’s progress. We hope the
combination of both approaches will
provide a comprehensive picture for
you of your child/ren’s progress.
However, as always, we urge you to
contact the school if you have any
Hackman,D., Kenworthy, J., & Nibbelink, S. (1998). Student empowerment through student-led conferences. Middle School Journal, Sept.,
Miller,H.M. (1997). No more onelegged chairs: Sharing the responsibility for portfolio assessment with
students, peers, and their parents.
Middle School Journal, 28 (3), 4
Parents are reminded to check their
child’s hair and scalp regularly. If you
suspect your child has headlice, please
immediately contact the public health
nurse in Indian Head at 695-5230. You
may also wish to inform the school’s
administration in order that we may all
work together to prevent this nuisance
from reoccurring. Remember, all communications with the school are held in
the strictest of confidence.
May We Help You?
Don’t forget that each Wednesday evening, to increase communication and our
availability with the public, and to accommodate those parents who work and
are unable to meet during regular school
hours, the school’s administration will be
in the school until 8:00 p.m. If you have
any questions or issues you wish to discuss, please feel welcome to visit.
Please Dress Your Child
Appropriately for Weather
With the fall season upon us and winter
season approaching, the weather is becoming cooler and more unpredictable!
We ask that children be dressed appropriately for the weather and be prepared for
fluctuating climate changes.
Student Fees
Just a friendly reminder that students fees
are now past due. If you have not paid
your fees, please call the office to make
Volume 8 Issue 9
arrangements for payment. Remember,
we ask that parents and caregivers pay
by cheque to JHS or, personally, pay
by cash to the office.
Grade 1 to 5
Grade 6 to 9
We ask your assistance; please encourage your children to keep their valuables at home. While we believe our
students are a great group of kids, and
we make every effort to nurture behaviors of care, honesty and compassion,
we still encourage our students to keep
valuable items at home. Think about it;
would you take your ghetto blaster to
the restaurant down town, leave it there
all day, or for that matter all week, and
pick it up later? Probably not. Accordingly, please exercise the same caution
at school, and discourage your youngster from bringing expensive, valuable
or very important items to school. It
only makes common sense.
No Child Without.
Our school is involved in the Canadian MedicAlert Foundation’s
No Child Without program.
There is no cost for students who
attend our school and are between the ages of 4 up to their
14th birthday to join MedicAlert
through this program. If your child
has a medical condition, allergy or
is required to take medication on
a regular basis, then you should
consider this program. A child’s
MedicAlert identification can alert
school staff, friends, coaches and
others about your child’s medical
condition should an emergency
For further information come to
the office for a brochure or go to
www.nochildwithout.ca. To register your child you will need a No
Child Without brochure from the
Please note that the only fundraisers
that are sanctioned by JHS will be published in our newsletter and will be
accompanied by official forms. Should
you have a question about the creditability of any canvassers who say they
are fundraising for the school, please
contact us at 699-2301.
If your child is already part of the
No Child Without program and
there have been changes to their
medical condition, medications or
emergency contact information,
call MedicAlert at 1-800-668-1507
to update your child’s file.
Chocolate Permission Notes
Don’t Forget!
Three-way conferences are scheduled
Monday, November 3
Wednesday, November
Your three-way conference scheduled
time will be sent home a week before
interviews with the youngest child attending JHS in your family. If you
have not received your notice by the
October 28th, please call the school at
To help offset the expensive cost of
skiing, each year students have the
opportunity to sell chocolates. Permission notes will be sent home and
must be returned promptly by the
indicated date on the form, as we
need to know how many cases of
chocolates to order. The sale will
begin as soon as we have the product.
Children in Grades 3-9 may participate in this fundraiser. Just a friendly
reminder that all student fees must be
paid before the student may participate in this fundraiser.
Volume 8 Issue 9
Cyber Safety Tip of the
Create a list of Internet house rules
with input from your children, and
keep internet-connected computers in
an open area and out of your children’s bedrooms. Included in the list
of rules should be websites that you
agree to, and be sure to check out any
new sites your children are interested
in surfing. Remind your children to
NEVER give out their personal information over the internet!
JHS Website
For those of you who are new to our
community you may be interested in visiting our website at
www.saskschools.ca/~jamesham. It is
updated regularly and can be very useful
to access our newsletters, classroom
news and middle level homework. To
access information from your child’s
classroom, please click on the link called
News and then go to the specific grade
you are interested in. If you are looking
for homework for your middle level student, click on the Middle News and
Homework link and then the specific
grade your child is in. While we hope
you find this a valuable tool, we also
encourage you to contact your child’s
teachers with any questions or concerns.
Non Student Days & Holidays in November
November 7 – Non Student Day
November 10 – Holiday for students &
November 11 – No School
– Remembrance Day
November 28 – Non Student Day
Page 7
JHS Lady Warriors Volleyball
Lady Warriors are excited about a new season of volleyball. Returning
players are Kaela Witkowski, Jessica Betteridge, Crystal Deutscher,
Alyssa Meyerhoffer, Faith Whittingham, Tiana Gamble, Mariah Fries
and Jaisa Ellson. We welcome new players Sabrina Pana, Tori Hardock, Samantha Whittingham and Katie Todd. Our first tournament
will be in Indian Head on October 4th. Please check with team members for upcoming games. Our home tournament will be October 17th.
Please come out and support us.
Steak & Silent Auction Evening
JHS staff will once again be hosting a steak and silent auction fundraiser. This year’s focus is on Health & Wellness. The proceeds from
this event will be used to update our food services preparation area. We
are anxious to renovate this area so we can, increasingly, move toward
offering a healthy variety of food for our lunch sales. The evening is on
November 21st at the Qu’Appelle Lions Hall. Please come out and support our fundraiser and enjoy an evening of fun and fellowship. Watch
James Hamblin School/School Community
Annual General Meeting
Wednesday, October 1, 2008
At 7:00 pm
JHS Gymnasium
Nominations/Elections of new members
Financial statement review
If you have a voice and new ideas for our school and/or our community,
now is the time to get involved.
Please join us!
We still have some Demographic forms
and Media Release forms that our outstanding. Please take the time to update
and confirm that the information on the
Demographic form is complete, as well
as completing the Media Release forms.
If, for some reason or other, you did not
receive these forms, please call the office
(699-2301) and we will gladly send them
Thank you so much for your immediate
attention to this matter.
Are you wondering what homework your child / ren in Grades 6 to 9
may have? Check out our web site at
to find out. Click on “News” and then “Middle News and Homework” and then the “Grade”.
Page 8
Volume 8 Issue 9
Lioness Club
Qu’Appelle Guiding
Submitted by: Eileen Herman
Qu’Appelle District Lioness Club Meeting Report for September 9, 2008
The Qu’Appelle District Lioness Club held their first meeting after the summer recess on Tuesday, September 9, 2008 at the Greenwood Manor commencing at
7:30 p.m. Present were Eva, Marian, Eileen, Junette, Donna, Lorraine, Linda. Diane,
Sheila, and Liz. Mary Paddington, our newest member was also in attendance.
The meeting was called to order by President Eva at 7:30 p.m. The minutes were
read and approved, the financial report was given and accepted. The new executive
officers are to drop by the Qu’Appelle branch of the Plainsview Credit Union and sign
signature specimen cards. The membership fees for 2008/09 are due and payable as
soon as possible at any subsequent meeting. Unfinished business discussed included
the Lioness Kiddies Park, there is just some painting projects left, new seats were purchased for the swings, the park equipment is getting old and needs replacement or
repairs, its condition will be determined before the next meeting. A big “Thankyou”
to Shari Liske, the Park Maintainer, for a job well done, and Harvey Betteridge for
pitching in to help where needed. A “Thankyou Card was received from the James
Hamblin School re: the Lioness donation to their festival and from the Saskatchewan
Diabetes Association. The new stove for the Lions Hall is paid for and in place. A
“Get Well” card and a gift were sent to our member Val, who is a patient in the
Regina Pasqua Hospital. New business included plans to set up a joint meeting with
the Qu’Appelle Lions Club to have the District 5CE Governor, Lorne Olver attend to
discuss the proposed new district boundaries; the Fall Conference will be held at
Kenossee Inn, October 17 and 18; a request of the Childrens’ Wish Foundation of
Canada for a donation, a request of “Grandmothers for Grandmothers” for a donation
pledge for African grandmothers raising orphan grandchildren; planning for the annual Lioness Craft and Bake Sale and a request of the Qu’Appelle Dinner Theatre to
serve the suppers. Motions were passed to pledge a donation of $50.00 to the
“Grandmothers for Grandmothers”, and to purchase a $50.00 Double “TT” gift certificate to be given to the Eddy Manshande family, (Ed suffered the loss of some toes in
an accident). It was decided that the Lioness club could not take on the dinner theatre
convening, and that the Craft and Bake sale be held on Saturday, November 15th from
9:00 a.m. to 2:00 p.m. table rental to be set at $10.00. Sheila and Mary volunteered to
be the contacts for booking and information. Posters and ads will be placed in the
Qu’Appelle Spirit and the R-Town News to advertise the event. The next meeting
will be a supper meeting on Tuesday, October 14, 2008 at the Gateway Café commencing with supper at 6:30 p.m. The meeting adjourned at 8:35 p.m
M & O Construction Ltd.
Basements “Grade Beams”
Bobcat Service
Free Estimates
Call Larry at 757-9433 or 695-2095
Eileen Herman, who is Girl Guide
Commissioner for Prairie Valleys Area
attended a conference at the Girl Guide
Camp at Can-ta-ka-ye on Lake
Diefenbaker from September 19 to 21.
Present at this conference were the Area
Commissioners and the Area Advisers in
charge of camping, international,
program, public relations, cookies, membership, and training. These Leaders
from the 8 Areas in Saskatchewan
planned program and activities for the
coming year. This year the National
Commissioner, Myrtle Corkum, was also
at the conference.
On Monday, September 22 the
Qu'Appelle leaders were at the youth
organizations open house at the school to
give information to parents.
evening Area Commissioner Eileen Herman, as well as the Division Commissioners in Prairie Valleys Area, attended
a supper at Weyburn for the National
Qu’Appelle Community
Owing to circumstances beyond our control, there will be no Dinner Theatre this
year. The Players are very disappointed
but hope to put on a Valentine’s Day
show. We’ll keep you posted.
For next year, we need lots of help. We
especially need: a Dinner Co-ordinator,
a Ticket Co-ordinator, an Advertising
Manager and any other volunteers who
would like to be involved. WE HAVE A
We would especially welcome any newcomers to our town to get involved and
get to know people.
Our sincere thank you to everyone for
their past support.
- Ruth Summersides, Director
Volume 8 Issue 9
Page 9
St. Andrew’s
St. Peter’s
In full communion with the Evangelical Lutheran Church in Canada
Sunday services at 10 a.m.
Box 459, White City
Phone 306-781-3304
Cell – 306-501-1395
SUNDAY SCHOOL - 9:00 a.m.
Lead by Rebecca Otitoju
October 5 – Golden Prairie Home
– 3:30 p.m.
Come and grow in spirit
Contact person: Shirley Priddell
October 5th—9:00 am
October 12th –10:00 am
October 19th –9:00 am
October 26th—10:00 am
November 11th
Remembrance Day Service
Will be held in the Lions Hall at
10:30 am.
Anyone wishing to help plan to
take part, please contact Jo
Mader @ 699-2328
We welcome everyone to worship with
us on Sunday morning at 10:00 am, with
Sunday School held during the service.
Choir practice is held every Wednesday
at 7:30 pm.
Ministry for the October is as follows:
October 5th – Jennifer Thomson
October 12th – Jennifer Thomson
October 19st – Jennifer Thomson
October 26th – Lay service
Our annual Fall supper was held on September 28th. We had an excellent turnout with many compliments received
about the food and service the people
received. We wish to thank all the people who donated food, that served the
food, cut the desserts, cut the turkeys,
cooked the food and washed all the
dishes. Thanks also go to the people that
welcomed the crowds at the door. Without all these volunteers we could not
hold this supper. Many thanks again!!!
We are holding a used clothing sale on
October 24th - 4:00 to 7:00 pm; October
25th – 1:00 to 4:00 pm; October 26th –
11:00 am to 2:00 pm. There are some
terrific buys to be had and we hope to
see many of you at our sale.
Phone: 699-2221
Senior free delivery in town for orders over $50.00
Qu’Appelle residents—grocery orders of $50.00 or over can be delivered for a delivery charge of $5.00
Now Available: Craft supplies—Ribbon, Sewing, Embroidery, Crocket & much, much more
Bulk lard in various weights; Voortman Cookies
SENIORS (65+) 10% OFF (excluding tobacco products) October 6, 2008
Store Hours: Monday - Saturday 9:00 am – 6:00 pm
Closed Sunday
Open Over Lunch Hour
Page 12
Volume 8 Issue 9
2600 Victoria Avenue
Regina, Saskatchewan
Canada S4T 1K2
Telephone (306)761-6226
Dr. Brian Baker
Family Dentistry
Fax (306) 761-6222
Ken Karwandy
From Braces to Dentures
#445 (Dragan Drugs)
509 Bell Street, Box 820
Indian Head, SK. S0G 2K0
Phone: 306-695-3411
Monday to Thursday
8:00-12:30 & 1:00-4:30
Live Well
With Pharmasave
30 Minute Photofinishing - 35 mm 4” X 6” Prints
521 Grand Avenue
Indian Head
Ph: 306-695-3333
Monday to
9:00 a.m. to 5:30 p.m.
Gateway Café
Dine In or Take Out
Qu’Appelle, Sask.
Ph: 699-7252
Canadian and Chinese Cuisine
Licensed Dining Room
Andrew Scheer, MP
Box 430
241C Broadway East
Fort Qu’Appelle
Hours: 10:00—4:00
Phone: (306) 332-2575
Toll Free 1-888-332-2575
Regina Office: 984-A Albert Street Toll Free: 1-866-790-4727
Open 7 Days a Week
Friday Buffet
11:00 a.m. to 1:30 p.m.
Sunday Smorg
5:00 p.m. to 8:00 p.m.
Thank You
Volume 8 Issue 9
Page 13
Bell Barn Reconstruction Begins
The round Bell Barn reconstruction is now
underway under the guidance of the Bell Barn
Society, a non-profit corporation established in
2006. Once it is re-built on a proper foundation, in the original Bell farmyard, the round
Bell Barn will be operated as a heritage and
tourist site.
On September 18, concrete was poured for the
grade beam which will support the 14- foothigh, 2- feet- thick walls. The circular grade
beam, which is 2 feet high and sits on concrete
piles poured in August, has an outside diameter of 69 feet and a circumference of 217
feet ... exactly the same dimensions as the
original round barn.
Within the beam, there are 5 rings of rebar at
the bottom and 5 rings of rebar at the top, with
inter-connecting rebar ties all around. These
measures are being taken so as to avoid some
of the temperature-related freeze-thaw problems with the original Barn s construction
which resulted in cracked walls and overall
weakening of the structure over time.
The Bell Barn Society is greatly appreciative
of the services of so many individuals, groups
and businesses ... much of it donated. For recent work done, the Society thanks: Hahn Construction for on-going contract management;
Mike McGinn & Associates for engineering;
and Cee Bee Trucking for concrete work.
Thanks also to R.M. Indian Head #156 for site
work, including preparation for the grade
beam. Thanks to Dan Beauregard and Ben
Friesen for use of their back-hoe, and thanks to
Ron Schaefer for recapping the remaining 5
segments of the original Bell Barn.
- submitted by Dayle Bowman -
Smoothing concrete in grade beam
Don Mc Morris
Minister of Health
MLA Indian Head-Milestone Constituency
I invite you to call
Or drop by the office
With any questions or
concerns you may have.
Our constituency office is located at
125 Railway Street, Balgonie, SK
Email: Mcmorris.mla@sasktel.net
Hours: 9:00-4:00 Monday to Friday
Phone: 771-2733 Fax: 771-2574
Or call toll free 1-877-337-3366
Page 14
Volume 8 Issue 9
Bell Barn Dinner-Auction:
A Second Successful Season
On July 25, 2008, the Bell Barn Society hosted its second Dinner Auction and, again, it was a sold-out event!
In addition to the $45,501 raised at last year s Auction, this year’s event generated $46,591 making a total of $92, 092. These two
dinners alone have raised almost 10% of the projected Bell Barn Project costs.
Contributions came from a wide variety of supporters, both local and regional, individuals and businesses. Frank Korvemaker, Chairperson of the Bell Barn Society, was very impressed to see how the people of the Indian Head region have pooled their resources to
support this cultural project.
"We often see such community support for sports and health facilities, but seldom for a heritage project," he said. "It speaks well of
the region that people appreciate the fact that our heritage is also important, and that the preservation of the Bell Farm story through
reconstruction of the round barn results in improvements to the social well-being of the community."
Reconstruction is underway under the guidance of the Bell Barn Society (BBS), a non-profit corporation established in 2006. The
Barn will be re-built on a proper foundation in the original Bell farmyard, and will be operated as a heritage and tourist site.
- submitted by Dayle Bowman -
BBS Honorary Chairperson, Etic
James Richardson International donation
Halloween Haunted House: Can You Help?
Troy Nursery School is hosting a Haunted House at Town Hall on Oct. 29, and we are
looking to the community for some help. If you can assist in designing, building or
decorating to create a ‘spooky’ atmosphere, we would love to hear from you! Please
share your ideas with us to help make our Haunted House a success! We would also
very much appreciate some volunteers (in costume, of course!) to help guide guests
through the attraction. Or perhaps you would like to be a ‘scarer’?! Temporary loans
of decorations, light, pumpkins, etc. are also very helpful.
Lower enrolment this fall has resulted in limited manpower amongst board members,
so we would love to hear from community members who enjoy getting into the spirit of
Halloween! We know you are out there! Let’s make this Haunted House an event to
remember! For more information on how you can help, please call Kelsey at 699-7323
or Jennifer at 699-2289.
Volume 8 Issue 9
Page 15
What’s Happening
By Elizabeth Fries – 699-2383
A Parent & Tot group meets at Knox
United Church every Tuesday morning at
10am. For more information, please call
Heather at 699-2686.
Beginning Oct. 6, winter hours will be in
effect at the Town Landfill. Hours of
operation will be Saturdays only, 9am to
12 noon and 1pm to 5pm.
The Book Bags are reading East of Eden
by John Steinbeck this month, and will
meet at the Library on Oct. 9 to discuss it.
New members are welcome at any time
and there is no commitment to read each
Sparks, Brownies, Guides and Pathfinders
will be selling their delicious chocolate
mint cookies around town on the evening
of Oct. 20.
Forever Friends of Hope Foundation Incorporated and the Qu’Appelle District
Lions Club are joining forces to bring an
exciting Casino Night to Qu’Appelle on
Nov. 1.
The Lioness Craft & Bake Sale will be
held on Nov. 15. Tables are $10 each and
can be booked by calling Mary at 6997121 or Sheila at 699-2378.
Wed. Oct. 1 after school crafts for ages 7
& up 3:30-4:30pm at the Library
Wed. Oct. 1 James Hamblin School
Community Council Annual General
Meeting 7pm at James Hamblin School
Thurs. Oct. 2 Yu-Gi-Oh/Chaotic Cards
trade & play 3:30-4:30pm at the Library
Fri. Oct. 3 preschool story hour
10:30am at the Library
Fri. Oct. 3 Federal Election advance poll
at the Senior’s Centre
Sat. Oct. 4 Federal Election advance poll
at the Senior’s Centre
Mon. Oct. 6 Federal Election advance
poll at the Senior’s Centre
Wed. Oct. 8 after school crafts for ages 7
& up 3:30-4:30pm at the Library
Thurs. Oct. 9 Yu-Gi-Oh/Chaotic Cards
trade & play 3:30-4:30pm at the Library
Thur. Oct. 9 Book Bags discussion
meeting 7pm at the Library
Fri. Oct. 10 preschool story hour
10:30am at the Library
Sat. Oct. 11 cribbage tournament
10am-2pm at the Senior’s Centre
Sat. Oct. 11 Alec & Marjorie
Tasker’s 55th anniversary tea & social
2:30-4:30pm at the Lions Community
Mon. Oct. 13 Happy Thanksgiving!
Tues. Oct. 14 VOTE in the Federal
Election at the Lions Community Hall
Tues. Oct. 14 hand & foot canasta
7pm at the Senior’s Centre
Wed. Oct. 15 after school crafts for
ages 7 & up 3:30-4:30pm at the
Thurs. Oct. 16 Yu-Gi-Oh/Chaotic
Cards trade & play 3:30-4:30pm at the
Fri. Oct. 17 preschool story hour
10:30am at the Library
Mon. Oct. 20 Girl Guides door-todoor cookie sale beginning at 6:30pm
Tues. Oct. 21 Town Council meeting
7pm at Town Hall
Wed. Oct. 22 photo retake day at
James Hamblin School
Wed. Oct. 22 after school crafts for
ages 7 & up 3:30-4:30pm at the Library
Thurs. Oct. 23 Yu-Gi-Oh/Chaotic
Cards trade & play 3:30-4:30pm at the
Fri. Oct. 24 non-student day at James
Hamblin School
Fri. Oct. 24 preschool story hour
10:30am at the Library
Fri. Oct. 24 used clothing sale 4-7pm
at Knox United Church
Sat. Oct. 25 used clothing sale 1-4pm
at Knox United Church
Sun. Oct. 26 used clothing sale
11am-2pm at Knox United Church
Wed. Oct. 29 Haunted House for all
ages 6:30-8:30pm at Town Hall
Fri Oct. 31 flu shot clinic 10am-3pm
at the Senior s Centre
Fri. Oct. 31 Happy Halloween!
Sat. Nov. 1 Forever Friends of Hope
Foundation & Qu’Appelle District Lions Club Monte Carlo/Texas Hold -Em
Poker Night at the Lions Community
Hall doors open at 6:30pm, gaming
begins at 7pm
Upcoming events at the Senior’s
Advance Election Poll
- October 3, 4, 6th
Cribbage Tournament
- October 11th—10:00 am
Hand & Foot Canasta
- October 14th—7:00 pm
Flu Shots
- October 31st—10:00—3:00
Non-scheduled upcoming events:
- potluck supper and bingo
- computer programs
- Christmas Craft & Bake sale
To rent the Senior’s Hall , call
Marg Thomson at 699-7166
Page 16
Volume 8 Issue 9
Tom Turkey's Tale of a Tail
Peacocks aren't the only birds who use
their fancy tails to attract a mate. Each
spring male turkeys try to befriend as
many females as possible. Male turkeys,
also called "Tom Turkeys" or "Gobblers"
puff up their bodies and spread their tail
feathers (just like a peacock).
They grunt, make a "gobble gobble
sound" and strut about shaking their
feathers. This fancy turkey trot helps the
male attract females (also called "hens")
for mating.
thanks to Steven for sending this in!
After the female turkey mates, she prepares a nest under a bush
in the woods and lays her tan and speckled brown eggs. She
incubates as many as 18 eggs at a time. It takes about a month
for the chicks to hatch.
When the babies (known as poults) hatch they flock with their
mother all year (even through the winter). For the first two weeks
the poults are unable to fly. The mother roosts on the ground
with them during this time.
Wild turkeys are covered with dark feathers
that help them blend in with their woodland
homes. The bare skin on the throat and
head of a turkey can change color from flat
gray to striking shades of red, white, and blue
when the bird becomes distressed or excited.
Volume 8 Issue 9
Page 19
Page 20
At REMAX Kelly Wilson
Realty we are a TEAM of
professionals who specialize in
Regina, small town, farm &
acreage properties.
TEAMWORK produces
superior results because we
have more time to devote to our
buyers and sellers. We share
tasks so that our clients receive
the convenient service they
need. Try our team for your
next home purchase or
sale and see how
TEAMWORK works for you.
Volume 8 Issue 9
Kelly Wilson
Margie Lynch
Merv Andersen
311 2nd St., McLean $269, 900
1176 sq ft bi-level on a 65’ x 142’ lot with 24’x 28’ garage. Vaulted ceiling in living room &
kitchen. Kitchen features white cabinets & a garden door to deck. Basement has large windows, clear span floor joists, is partially framed & dry-walled and has roughed-in plumbing for
a 2nd bath.
437 Lillis Ave., McLean $295,500
1278 sq ft walk-out bungalow with direct-entry garage and open floor plan. Master bedroom
has walk-in closet, 3 piece bath. Hallway closet is designed for main floor laundry. Walk-out
basement has family room, media area, work-out area, bedroom and bathroom. Fenced yard.
265 Frost St., Southey $219,900
A gardener’s delight: 1176 sq ft bungalow on a 68’ x 258’ lot. Main floor freshly painted, new
flooring in kitchen, laundry and bedrooms. Oak kitchen main floor laundry. Basement has
family room, bedroom, 3/4 bath, and utility room with summer kitchen and separate workshop
area. 20’ x 31’ garage.
501 1st Ave., Odessa $119,900
870 sq ft bungalow on a 50’ x 125’ lot has 22’ x 25’ garage with separate workshop area. 2
bedrooms on main floor and1 in basement. Hardwood floors in living room and bedrooms.
Large eating area in kitchen with oak cabinets. Many upgrades: new high-efficient gas furnace
with 2-stage D.C. motor. New water heater, upgraded 100 amp elec panel.
Kelly Wilson Realty
Photo Tours of all our
are available at
Call Kelly toll free
at: 1-888-388-1793
Horse breeder’s dream facility— R.M. of Lumsden—$649,900
11 acres with newer metal clad pole building containing 159’ x 60’ riding arena with heated
viewing area, washroom. Barn with 1 bedroom suite, heated tack room, 2 grooming stalls, 23
stalls with sliding doors. Insulated stall area has metal roof and plank walls, sand base exterior
training area. 1046 sq ft 2 bedroom bungalow and garage.
115 Chamberlain St., Edenwold $279,900
Large 2100 sq ft home with 6 bedrooms, 24’x26’ garage, mature landscaping, 25 minute commute to Regina. Many services include, skating rink, soccer field, post office, senior citizens
centre, church, community hall and K-6 school with 7-12 being bussed to Balgonie.
Ptn NE35-17-18-W2 RM of Edenwold $329,900
4.7 acres parcel 9 miles from Regina. 1626 sqft bungalow with 5 bedrooms, 3&1/2 baths, attached garage. 2 tier deck off dining room. Private well treed yard. 30’x60’ shop. All weather
road. Elementary School inPilot Butte, High School in Balgonie.
Parcel H NE35-17-18-W2 RM of Edenwold $574,000
Great family acreage backs onto nature reserve. 4.2 acres on paved road. 1&1/2 storey four
bedroom, 2 bathroom. Features all-season south-facing with 3 walls of glass and a wrap-around
deck. 24’x20’ workshop and 26’x20’ workshop. New sewer system in 2008. 10 minutes to
Kelly Wilson, Broker
Remax Kelly Wilson Realty
Volume 8 Issue 2
Page 21
Page 22
Volume 8 Issue 2
Volume 8 Issue 2
Page 23
At REMAX Kelly Wilson
Realty we are a TEAM of
professionals who specialize in
Regina, small town, farm &
acreage properties.
TEAMWORK produces
superior results because we
have more time to devote to
our buyers and sellers. We
share tasks so that our clients
receive the convenient service
they need. Try our team for
your next home purchase or
sale and see how
TEAMWORK works for you.
Kelly Wilson
Margie Lynch
Merv Andersen
27 Walsh Street, Qu’Appelle
2 bedroom bungalow on a large (75' x 125') lot. Features higher ceilings, eat-in
kitchen, main floor laundry, free-standing gas stove in living room, triple pane
windows, wall air conditioner. It also has newer shingles and the exterior has
been repainted. $54,900
151 Chatham St
1216 sq. ft., 3 bedroom, 2 bath home on 5 lots (125' x 125'), backing park.
Vaulted ceiling in living room and kitchen. 3 season sun-room off kitchen. Full
bath and walk-in closet off master. Beautifully landscaped yard. 22' x 32'
garage, 8' x 12' garden shed. Quiet country setting in a full service town 30
minutes to Regina. $134,900
Kelly Wilson Realty
Photo Tours of these
properties are
available at
Call Kelly toll free
at: 1-888-388-1793
Kelly, Karen
and the Kelly Wilson Remax Team
Wish to thank
All our readers
For their continuing support
It is your support that has
Helped make this last year
A successful one.
A person’s
Home is his

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