Dear Parents and Friends of SGS


Dear Parents and Friends of SGS
Dear Parents and Friends of SGS,
Welcome back to the new term! It has been wonderful to have some
refreshing rain to start the term, although we do uphold all those affected by
the extremely poor conditions further down the valley. Our thoughts and
prayers are with those who have lost loved ones or experienced major
damage from this storm event.
In the holidays I was able to visit India, especially Welham Boys School. This
was an amazing experience and very valuable for continuing our exchange
programme. I was able to meet with the Principal of Welham Girls’ School,
have a tour and discuss the possibility of an exchange programme that would
involve our girls. This was very positive and appears to be possible.
Our three boys are settled in well to Welham Boys and are actively involved
in school life. They all made presentations at the Spring Festival, Music and Dance evening and enjoyed
being tourists with me while I visited. They are all experiencing some stomach upset and are being well
looked after by the school.
A reminder that our School ANZAC Day service will be held on Thursday 23 April at 1.00pm and you are all
most welcome to attend. Also please consider supporting the local ceremonies representing school on the
Fete preparations
The Fete Committee is doing an excellent job of preparing for our big weekend, under the leadership of
Yvonne Clerke. Please consider how you can assist in the preparation and on the weekend. This is a very
special community time for Scone Grammar School and the wider community.
TAS Primary Rugby Carnival
I have heard very positive feedback about the students who represented us on the last weekend of the
holidays at the TAS Rugby Carnival. Not only did they play excellent Rugby, winning 4 out of 5 games,
including beating The King’s School and Tudor House, but the reports are of excellent behaviour and
teamwork. A huge thank you to the coaches, Mr James Arnott, Mr Alex Warner and Mr Damien Saunders
and the parent supporters, including the driver Mr Warren Park.
I look forward to a very special Term 2
Paul Smart
Primary News from Mr Feeney
I do extend a very warm welcome back to all students and families as we commence our second term together.
Hopefully, there has been time over the Easter holiday break for lots of rest, reflection and recreation activities.
This will be a busy term, particularly as we lead up to the SGS Fete. I do encourage you to give as much support
as you can to this very important and significant school community event. It promises to be extra special this
I have been excited to hear of a number of significant achievements by our students over the holidays and do
want to congratulate all those students involved:
Tyler Kelly showed outstanding sportsmanship to be named the 2015 Royal Easter Show Champion Rider,
and was awarded the General Cariappa Perpetual Trophy for his efforts. Tyler’s brother, Brendan, was also named
the Reserve Champion Senior Boy Rider.
Well done to both boys!
Amidst much glitz, glamour and red carpet at the Blue Heeler Film Festival Awards Night, former Primary
student, Lleyton Hails (Year 9) won The Bluey, for his short film, Dawn of the #Hashtag. The Bluey is the major
award for the Best Short Film at the Blue Heeler Film Festival. A
very excited Lleyton shared his acceptance speech and the cast and
crew all joined him down the front for some photos. The students
said, “When we stood there and had the photos, it just felt like
Hollywood”. Lleyton and Jarret Schubert, who was the Producer and
Visual Effects Supervisor, also had a radiointerview with 98.1 Power
FM, which aired last week. The theme for next year’s Blue Heeler
Film Festival (‘Blue’) has already been announced, and Lleyton is
already busy thinking of ideas for his next production. (Keep
watching the Oscars in years to come!)
Alyssa Mollema (Year 6) continued her impressive archery Noah Folpp, Jarret Schubert,
achievements in Wagga, where she came First, winning the ABA Lleyton Hails, A n n a
National Championship for Cub Female, and First, winning the 3D
Phoenix Mclnerney
National Championship for Cub Female. Moving on to Penrith, at the
FITA Youth National Titles, Alyssa was named First Overall NSW Cub
Female and Second Overall National Cub Female. Outstanding results Alyssa.
Our Primary Rugby First XV travelled to Armidale for the TAS Primary Rugby Carnival over the last weekend
of the holiday break, where they played some wonderful rugby, finishing second in their pool and sixth overall from
25 schools in their division. Do take time to read the details in the Newsletter Report. I would particularly like to
thank Mr Damien Saunders for his co-ordination of the Primary Rugby programme, coaches, Mr James Arnott and
Mr Alex Warner, and Mr Warren Park for his generous assistance in driving the bus.
Congratulations and best wishes to Prunella Hayes (Year 5 Gold), Michael Dunley (Year 4 Gold), Andrew Crowther
(Year 1 Blue), Ava Roelfsema (Year 1 Gold), Edward Arnott (Year 6 Blue), Matilda Raphael (Year 5 Gold) and Grace
Pratley (Year 5 Blue), who are all celebrating birthdays this week. I trust they will all enjoy the day and the
opportunity to share this special occasion with family and friends.
Good Humour for the Week
What is the best thing to do for a very sick wasp?
Take it to the local waspital!
Did you hear about the Russian woman who owned a talking cow?
Her children told their friends it was Ma’s cow!
From the Chaplain
During the Easter school holidays students from Scone Grammar School, along with Rev Nate, Mel, Mr. Price, Miss
Wong and Mr Buckley, set off to Katoomba for the three day KYCK 2015 convention. This year’s group was again
larger than the last year and we had a good mix of older and younger secondary students. The theme of the
convention was ‘Victory’ from the book of Luke. We learnt more about how Jesus has won the victory for us and how
God wants us to live victorious lives because of it. #Jesushasthevictory After a few traditional ‘McDonalds stops’
we arrived at Katoomba, where we got to see the Three Sisters! The weekend that followed was very encouraging.
We joined with over 2000 students learning about God’s word and engaging in lively worship and music! This year’s
band (Whitefield) made the words of the songs come alive for us. We enjoyed great food and met lots of great
people. These 6 Bible talks and experiences were very challenging as well as encouraging and many of us learnt
things which will help us to grow as young people following Jesus. We would gladly go again and we all had an
amazing experience.
Weekly Chapel Bible passages and relevant links can be found at
In Prayer this week:
Reflect on: Luke 18:18-23
Give thanks for: God’s goodness in sending us Jesus, the resurrection and the life, so we can have a way to be
friends with God; A safe and restful school holiday time; Parents, teachers and supporters who truly care for us
Pray for: Our boys in India at the Wellham School; Abby McDonald and her family in Gallipoli; For the school building
project; For parent and teacher interviews this week; For families and students who are ill or struggling at the
moment; Preparations for Grandparents Day; Year 2 and Year 9 students; For your son or daughter’s teacher/s!
(specific prayer requests can be sent to to be prayed for by our weekly prayer group- not
published in newsletter)
Rev’d Nate
K-12 Cross Country
On the 31st March, Scone Grammar held their annual Whole School Cross Country Carnival. Once again the
carnival was held out at Glenbawn Dam. We are very lucky to have such a wonderful venue to hold our carnival.
Although the weather wasn’t the best, with a small amount of rain in the morning, the carnival still ran very
It was a super day of running and participation with great sportsmanship and house support. Although long
distance running is not everyone’s favourite sport, it is wonderful to see the amount of students that simply give
it a go!
Every year we have an open event, 16-18 years boys and girls, and the winner of that event is presented with
the Glenbawn State Park Trust Shield. This year I would like to congratulate Lauryn Crackett and Sebastian
Carrall as our winners.
Congratulations also to the following students on achieving age champions:
8 years
9 years
10 years
11 years
12 years
13 years
14 years
15 years
16 years
17 years
18 + years
Madeline Downie
Lottie Firth
Jordan Evans
Heidi Edlington
Alby O’Regan
Laura Sadler
Anna Atkinson
Sarah Lindsay
Lauryn Crackett
Natalya Catzikiris
Paige Tilse
Harry Warner
Michael Downie
Hunter Ryan
Myles Hobden
Will Warner
Wyatt Smith
Ky McGrath
Tristan Taylor
Sebastian Carrall
Connor Deasy
Luke Duncan
On the day we also have our Kindergarten and Year 1 students participate in the carnival. Last year these
students participated in the whole day and ran a further distance than usual, approximately 1km. As a result of
its success the students ran this course again this year. It is great to have our younger students a part of the
day from start to finish and participating in the house activities.
I would like to say a big thank you to all the staff, and those who were up extra early to help me set up! Thank
you to all the parents who came and supported on the day, it makes for a lovely atmosphere.
The top 5 students in each age group will now go on to compete at the HRIS on Friday 1 May at Avondale
College in Cooranbong. All notes have now gone out and will need to be returned by Friday 24 May.
Miss Day
Abby McDonald ANZAC Centenary Student Tour
Our ANZAC Centenary Student Tour is finally underway! The farewell breakfast at Hunter Valley Grammar School was
a very exciting time with the family and friends of all the students going on the tour.
It felt amazing and finally real to be leaving on this very important pilgrimage.
It was also nice to say thank you to the many people who have supported us, including the RSL, CWA, Bunnings,
Harvey Norman, Big W, our schools and all those who gave donations to this once on a lifetime trip.
Our flight was over 30 hours long and felt like it was going to go on forever. When it was finally over we had arrived at
We spent our first two days in Venice included exploring the canals and alleyways, San Marco Basilica, visits to Murano
and Burano islands and a chance to make our own Venetian mask.
The highlight for me from this part of our tour was visiting the outer isles of Burano and Murano to experience their
lace and glass making.
The boarding of our ship to Turkey, the MSC Opera reminded me that I am on this trip for a purpose - to follow in the
footsteps of the brave soldiers before us.
We have cruised for 2 days down the Adriatic Sea, past the Greek Isles and we are now heading up into the Aegean
Sea towards our ultimate destination of Gallipoli A highlight so far onboard has been a talk by our hosts, Military
History Tours on the landings at ANZAC. From this I learned about the Turkish soldiers, the commanding officers of
both armies and some facts surrounding the intended landing place.
The days ahead include docking in Istanbul where we will be joined by additional passengers. We will explore Istanbul
and then spend the next 5 days exploring the Gallipoli Peninsula.
I am feeling very thankful to be here and am greatly looking forward to these experiences I will endeavour to keep you
updated on my experiences at ANZAC.
Kind regards,
Abby McDonald
Term Two is shaping up to be a busy term for Music at SGS. With ANZAC day
coming up this week we are having a special school ANZAC service on Thursday
which will feature our musicians performing traditional hymns and bugle calls. Next
Thursday we have B’Tutta coming to perform for all primary students and years 7 &
8 who are studying music this semester. B’Tutta are a percussion group from Musica
Viva in Schools, students will see and hear a wide range of unusual instruments
from around the world, some may even get the chance to perform with B’Tutta!
Elective Music students who have subscribed to the Meet the Music programme head
off to Sydney next week to see the second concert for this year which features
Australian independent singer/songwriter Josh Pyke. Josh is performing a selection
of his songs chosen by JJJ listeners with the Sydney Symphony Orchestra. Each
song has been arranged for orchestra by a young Australian composer. Over the
next month we will have students performing at the Wine & Food Affair at Denman
and at the School Fete. We will be seeking students who would like to perform at
the primary stage area for the School Fete next week.
“Next to the Word of God, the noble art of music is the greatest treasure in the world.”
Martin Luther
Mr Buckley
Scone Grammar takes it to them at TAS
Last weekend the Scone Grammar School Year 5/6 Rugby team travelled up to Armidale to compete in the The Armidale
School Rugby Carnival. The boys have been training since early February under the watchful eye of coaches James Arnott
and Alex Warner.
Scone Grammar was placed in a Pool with some traditional rugby powerhouses, meaning that there would be four hard
games on the Saturday. The first game saw the boys blow out some cobwebs with a commanding 28-5 win against the
Inverell Highlanders. A great start to the day. We then came up against a very well drilled and mobile Trinity Grammar
team. Trinity got away to a flier and we were unable to pull them back, going down 19-5. In hindsight, it was probably
the wake up our boys needed as our next game was against The King’s School. We played this game on the Main field
which made the occasion even more special. Some incredible goal line defence saw Scone Grammar withstand a
mountain of early pressure from Kings and from there we were able to perfectly implement our game plan. In what was
probably the highlight of the tour, Scone Grammar came away with a 29-5 victory. The compliments that then came from
the Kings Coaches, players and parents gave our boys a real sense of accomplishment. Our final pool game was against
Tudor House and with our confidence sky high, we dominated the opposition to come away with a 44-0 win.
With Trinity going through the Pool undefeated, Scone Grammar finished second and were faced with a tricky Sunday
match up with Moree, who also finished second in their pool and a side we play often and are usually very strong. With
this being a playoff match the halves were extended to 20 minutes. In weather that was more suited to ducks, what
happened next, nobody saw coming. Scone Grammar could not have played a more dominant game of rugby, with the
combination of strength, skill and teamwork there for all to see. Sixteen tries and eleven conversions later, Scone
Grammar had racked up an incredible 102-0 victory. Simply amazing. This result ensured we finished the carnival in sixth
place in a division of 25 teams, an achievement that the boys and coaches should be extremely proud of.
I would like to extend a big thank you to the parents who travelled up to Armidale to support the boys, it is greatly
appreciated. I would also like to thank the coaches, James Arnott and Alex Warner who gave up countless hours of their
time to ensure that the boys were well prepared and ready to go. And finally to the boys. Well done, you played great
rugby and conducted yourselves in an exemplary manner throughout the entire carnival, both on and off the field.
Another example of the kids from the country punching well above their weight.
The team consisted of Will Warner (c), Edward Arnott (vc), Beau Devenish, Adam Chesworth, Hayden Bull,
Ryan Clerke, Nick Adkins, Lachlan Park, Seth Hill, Charlie Brooks, Jack Faulkner, Banjo Cole, Sam Mount,
Oscar Metcalf, Tom Forsythe, Lochlan McClean, Fletcher Shearman, Hamish Watts, Tyler Kelly and Joe
Community Notices & News
ANZAC MOVIE. Film Screening of “The Waler; Australia’s Great War Horse”, rated M, on Friday, 24 April at
It tells the story of the Australian Light Horse in WW1 in Palestine and involves Guy Haydon from Blandford,
and his horse Midnight. Peter Haydon shares stories and memorabilia. Scone Senior Citizen's Centre, Oxford
Road, Scone.
Details at Advance tickets from Serendipity, Scone, or at the door. $15 including after
film refreshments. Doors open 7pm. As always, there is a warm welcome for everyone. You don’t have to
be a member. Come with some friends, or come on your own and make some new friends there. For insurance, under 18s must be accompanied by an adult.
For Your Diary
Term 2
Week 1 (A)
Thurs 23 April
Sat 25 April
Week 2 (B)
Mon 27 April
Tues 28 April
Thurs 30 April
Fri 1 May
Week 3 (A)
Mon 4 May
Wed 6 May
Thurs 7 May
Fri 8 May
Sat 9 May
Canteen Roster
Term 2 2015
Year 9 Geography Fieldwork at Burning
Mountain - Postponed
School Service for Anzac Day at 1pm
Anzac Day Services
CIS Primary Hockey Trials
Elevate Education for Year 7 & 8
HRIS Secondary Soccer Gala Open Boys
& Girls
Elevate Education for Year 7 & 8
UNE Open Day Year 12 excursion
Meet The Music –Years 9-11
Musica Viva – at St Lukes Hall Years K –
Vaccinations Year 7 , 11/12 in MPR
UNE Open Day Year 12 return
CIS Primary Netball
HRIS Primary & Secondary Cross Coun
HRIS Rugby Trials 16's at HVG
Year 6 GRIP Leadership seminar at Tam
CIS Secondary AFL 15's
Primary Rugby7's finals-CTD at Tam
AICES Netball 15 Girls
TheAnzacProject'-Years9/10 at EnsemTheatre
SGS Antiques Fair
SGS Fete
Week 1 (A)
Thursday 23 April
Jenny Crackett, Jenny Miskle
Friday 24 April
Jenny Crackett, Wendye Ferris, Emma Burnett
Week 2 (B)
Monday 27 April
Jenny Crackett, Anthea Lisle
Tuesday 28 April
Jenny Crackett, Maxine Cronin
Wednesday 29 April
Jenny Crackett, Jodie DaCruz, Irene Smith
Thursday 30 April
Fiona Bailey, Amanda Paradice
Friday 1 May
Fiona Bailey, Sarah Stanford, Ashley Cox
Week 3 (A)
Monday 4 May
Jenny Crackett, Claire Arnott
Tuesday 5 May
Fiona Bailey, Rachel Newton
Wednesday 6 May
Fiona Bailey, Pip Bishop, Cassie Porter
Thursday 7 May
Jenny Crackett, Cassie Flanagan, Kristy Brooks
Friday 8 May
Jenny Crackett, Bethan Burge, Kelly Malone
Please note price changes on Canteen Menu