12 May 2016 - Scone Grammar School


12 May 2016 - Scone Grammar School
Dear Parents and Friends of SGS,
THANK YOU! THANK YOU! THANK YOU! for a fabulous Fete!
The weekend was excellent. We were blessed again with a beautiful day that
encouraged a huge crowd to enjoy all that was on offer at SGS. Thank you to
all those who were able to help in so many ways. My thanks go to the students and staff who worked hard to support the Fete, to the parents who
gave so freely of their time to assist in so many ways, to the Class Liaison
Parents who coordinated the food stalls and especially to the Fete Committee
who have worked hard for many months to enable the Fete to be a success.
All of this was led by Yvonne Clerke in her role as Fete Coordinator. A HUGE
THANK YOU to Yvonne for her dedication and calm leadership of the Fete.
The proceeds are to be allocated to the landscaping of the area outside the western side of the MPR. These
funds will go a considerable distance to see this project completed.
The NAPLAN tests are proceeding this week. We have been working with the students to try to take any
stress out of this experience as we know it is only a one day snap-shot of their work in Literacy and Numeracy and not a complete picture of them as a person or a learner. We are also encouraging them to do
their best in each of the tests as the information gives us valuable information about the learning that is
happening in our school.
Public Holiday
Friday 13 May is a Pupil Free Day due to the half day Public Holiday gazetted in Scone. No students should
be at school on this day. Staff will be doing a Professional Development session led by the AIS NSW on Data
Analysis, particularly focusing on NAPLAN Data.
Thank you all again for the wonderful fete.
Paul Smart
Photos by Sophie Frazer Photography
Primary News from Mr Feeney
This week, students in Years 3 and 5 (together with Secondary students in Years 7 and 9)participated in NAPLAN. I
want to share this letter with you again, sent by a UK Primary Head Teacher, to her students following the UK
equivalent of NAPLAN. As you think about your child/children, NAPLAN, their results and their other school or home
activities, I encourage you to consider this important message:
Dear Charlie Owen
Please find enclosed your ... test results. We are very proud of you as you demonstrated huge amounts of
commitment and tried your very best during this tricky week.
However, we are concerned that these tests do not always assess all of what it is that make each of you special and
unique. The people who create these tests and score them do not know each of you the way your teachers do, the
way I hope to, and certainly not the way your families do.
They do not know that many of you speak two languages. They do not know that you can play a musical instrument,
or that you can dance or paint a picture. They do not know that your friends count on you to be there for them, or
that your laughter can brighten the dreariest day.
They do not know that you write poetry or songs, play or participate in sports, wonder about the future, or that
sometimes you take care of your little brother or sister after school.
They do not know that you have travelled to a really neat place, or that you know how to tell a great story, or that
you really love spending time with special family members and friends.
They do not know that you can be trustworthy, kind or thoughtful, and that you try, every day, to be your very best
… the scores you get will tell you something, but they will not tell you everything.
So enjoy your results and be very proud of these, but remember, there are many ways of being smart.
This is a wonderful message about what’s at the heart of education and learning!
Year 6 students have been in Canberra this week on their Year 6 Canberra Trip, enjoying some exciting and very
memorable learning opportunities. Please continue to pray for the group as they travel back today and take time to
check out some of their highlight photos on the SGS Facebook page.
I would like to express a heartfelt thank you, on behalf of all Primary staff and students, to all those parents
(together with many staff and students) who contributed so generously with their time and efforts last Saturday at
the SGS Fete, and particularly to Mrs Yvonne Clerke and the Class Liaison parents.
It was such a wonderful day!
Next week on Wednesday, 18 May, free Dyslexia Seminars will be held in Scone and Muswellbrook to provide
information, tips, insight and practical knowledge about what dyslexia is and how we can go about remediation.
Learn how small adjustments can make big changes to a child’s learning and how new can support our children to
ensure their promising future.
Scone RSL
Muswellbrook RSL 7:00pm
The National Walk Safely to School Day will be held next week, on Friday, 20 May 2016. All Primary school
children, along with their parents and carers, are encouraged to walk to school if possible and share some time
talking about commuting safely. Further information can be found at www.walk.com.au
Remember, ‘Until they’re ten, children must always hold an adult’s hand when crossing the road’ .
I would encourage families to find a way to creatively and actively participate if you can. Perhaps walk to school
together; perhaps walk to the bus stop together; or perhaps organise a special walk together at some point through
the day, to provide an opportunity to share about these important areas. Thank you for your support.
Good Humour for the Week
One student said to his friend, “What classes do you have after lunch?”
“English and Music”, his friend replied.
“Ah, Hemingway and hummingway!”
One teacher said to a colleague, “Whiteboards are remarkable!”
Congratulations to Bridie O’Neill (Year 3 Gold), Georgia Henderson (Year 1 Blue), Charlton Hall (Year 3 Gold), Nick
Adkins (Year 6 Blue), Jennie McGrath (Year 2 Gold) and Jack Faulkner (Year 6 Gold), who are all celebrating
birthdays this week. I do wish these students all the best as they enjoy this special milestone and share the time
with family and friends.
From the Chaplain
As I have been in Canberra with Year 6 this week, where the political issues of finance and the leadership of
Australia have been topical, I have been thinking about what the Bible says about Government and the leadership
of nations. Two passages come to mind to guide our thinking in all things political at the moment. The first is from
Romans and says “Everyone must submit himself to the governing authorities, for there is no authority
except that which God has established. The authorities that exist have been established by God.” This
passage is a great reminder of the command, from God, to respect our Government, even if we don’t agree with
them, to the full extent that we can without compromising or faith. This demonstrates respect. The other passage
which can steer our thinking and actions is from 1 Timothy, which commands us to “ pray for our leaders” , so
“that we may live peaceful and quiet lives in all godliness and holiness” . Christians can pray that our
leaders will make Godly decisions, in the best interests of the citizens of our country, especially those most
vulnerable. Christians can pray that our leaders will look to the Bible for guidance, uphold God’s justice, protect the
vulnerable and lead Australia well.
In the end, it is important to remember that God is the ultimate authority over all of us. He doesn’t just consider
and make laws all day; our God gets down among His people. He doesn’t just carry out justice; He died on the
cross to pay for our wrongdoing and to make us right with Him again. He doesn’t promise a successful Australia; if
you trust in Him, He promises an eternal, perfect kingdom with Him forever!
Weekly Chapel Bible passages and relevant links can be found at twitter.com/sgschapel
In Prayer this week:
Reflect on: Romans 13:1-7
Give thanks for: Rain!; A successful school fete; God’s goodness in sending us Jesus, the resurrection and the life,
so we can have a way to be friends with God; Parents, teachers and supporters who truly care for us
Pray for: Our Government and the next season of politics in Australia, that equitable outcomes abound for all
Australians; For the school building project; For families and students who are ill or struggling at the moment; Year
6 and Year 12 students; For your son or daughter’s teacher/s! (specific prayer requests can be sent to
prayers@sgsnsw.edu.au to be prayed for by our weekly prayer group- not published in newsletter)
Rev’d Nate
Tales from The Yellow Cottage
What a fantastic weekend it was!! We were very proud to receive the prize for the
“Best School Float” this year. The children and the staff worked so hard to create
a spectacular looking float.
It was very special to watch all the smiling faces on the children as they enjoyed
the ride around the main street. The SGS Fete was a great success thank you to
all our visitors on the day.
We hope all our mothers had a lovely Mothers’ Day on Sunday and that you enjoyed your beautiful cards and gifts
the children made you.
This week we are participating in the STEPS vision-screening programme. This is a State Government initiative that
has been around for many years that ensures that all children heading to school the next year have had their
vision tested. The STEPS team will be at The Yellow Cottage on Wednesday this week and Friday next week.
Please remember The Yellow Cottage is closed on Friday, 13 May for Scone Cup Day. The staff will be
involved in professional development on the morning of this day.
It is Families’ Week next week. Every day during that week we are inviting any family and friends to visit us for the
afternoon. At 2.00pm every day of that week we would love to see lots of family and friends visiting The Yellow
Cottage. We will start our afternoon with some musical fun and then we will share a picnic afternoon tea with our
visitors before heading home. Please bring a special afternoon tea to share with your child. This can include any
special treats but they must be NUT FREE.
Week 4 is also photo week. The photo envelopes have been handed out this week. The photos will be taken every
day in the morning session of our programme.
This week I would like to remind all families about our Traffic Light Lunch Box Guide, please make sure you are
only packing one selection from the Orange Light foods. We are finding that some children are bringing a lunchbox
with two or three foods from the Orange Light section, these are not the healthiest choices for our lunchboxes.
The lunchbox traffic lights are available on the SGS website if you have lost your copy.
Please don’t forget to pack your child a change of clothes everyday. If you have some of our spare clothes at home
could you please return them to us, we are running very short of spare items.
Important Dates for this term and next term:
May 11 -20 – Preschool Vision Screening
May 13 — No Preschool Scone Cup Holiday
May 16 – 20 –
Families’ Week at The
Preschool Photographs
From the Fete Committee
To everyone who donated their time on Saturday to help out at the Fete, a huge THANK
YOU! The bunting which was made last year was used again and set the theme for a very
festive day and the feedback from the market stall holders and the people who attended
has all been very positive.
To the Class Liaison Parents thank you for a fantastic day. We will have a Fete wrap up
meeting very soon. To all the parents/carers that helped on various stalls and even to those
parents that did ’t have childre i that year group or i so e cases do ot eve have
children at the School anymore – I can not thank you enough for your help and support.
Special thank you to the Fete Committee who have done an AMAZING job. To all the SGS
staff who helped – a big thank you for giving up your Saturday. My most heartfelt thanks to
the students who gave up most of, if not all, of their day to help with the various stalls;
whether it be The Duke of Ed kids cooking the early morning BBQ, the Hospo kids helping
behind the scenes on the Grammar Grind Cafe stand as well as helping with the games or
other food stalls.
Lastly, a huge thank you to Michelle Edwards and Tania Lambley . I do not have enough
space to note everything they do to help both me and the Fete Committee to make the Fete
such a success.
Now for the exciting part.....how much money did we raise? I am waiting on a few more
invoices and I hope to be able to announce to the school community next week, the final
profit figure. Hopefully we will be a step closer towards signing off on the planned
all-weather surface Primary playground.
Kind regards,
Yvonne Clerke
2016 Fete Co-ordinator
M ichael M ount Air Conditioning
& Electrical
Rod Northam Racing
No Bull Building Pty Ltd
Curriculum Corner – TAS and Creative Arts
During Term One we had a very busy and productive term in TAS and Creative Arts and Term Two is already
proving to be jam packed. Our senior students in Design and Technology, Industrial Technology and Visual Arts
are working towards completing their Major Projects and Body of Work for HSC submission next term. Our elective
students in Years 9 and 10 in Design and Technology, Food Technology and Visual Arts are throwing themselves
into the practical activities each of our classes offer. Year 7 Blue Visual Arts have started a unit called Talking
Heads and Year 8 Gold Visual Arts are continuing with their Today’s Heroes unit which they will complete before
moving to Music next term. The Years 7 and 8 Technology students have moved to the second focus area for the
three rotations this year. They are busy in the Kitchen and Textile rooms with Mrs Lambley, busy in the DAT Room
with Mr Noble constructing moisture testers and racing cars and in the Ag Plot with Mr Vaughan growing vegies
and raising chickens. Our students should be proud of their achievements and the skills they learn from these
hands on learning experiences.
Mrs Megan Wisemantel
Head of TAS and Creative Arts
Year 9 Geography- Fieldwork at Burning Mountain
Burning Mountain was the site of Year 9 fieldwork on 27 April as part of their study of
Australia’s Physical Environment. We were grateful to have the benefit of Mr Nick Price
who provided additional knowledge of fieldwork processes, vegetation and soils also with
us on the day. This year, the students practiced using fieldwork equipment, testing
abiotic and biotic components of the environment. The students found the soil pH test
the most fascinating; at the base of the mountain it was a yellow colour indicating a
slightly acidic soil and at the top of the mountain the test indicated a very acidic soil
showing bright pink. As they climbed the mountain, the students observed the impact of
the burning coal seam on the environment and they further developed their
understanding of the importance of the area to indigenous people.
Kate Gallagher
Pukara Estate - Years 9/10 Elective Geography
The students in the Elective Geography class have been studying a unit on Primary Production with students
choosing to investigate a variety of agricultural types individually in the classroom. As a group, we explored the
production of olive oil and we were privileged to be able to visit Pukara Estate. The students were guided
through the Denman-based olive grove by Racquel Goodchild, part of the management team of the estate, who
explained how their olives are grown, processed and distributed. At the end of the tour, the students were then
able to sample the oils and vinegars and they were generously given a bottle of Premium Olive Oil as a gift from
Pukara Estate. Many thanks to Racquel who spent a considerable amount of time with the students and for
hosting us once again.
Kate Gallagher
Year 12 Biology
On Tuesday morning, the Year 12 Biology class ventured out to the racecourse for a tour through the Scone
Equine Hospital Laboratory. The day before the excursion they were given blood agar dishes to wipe their dirty
and clean fingers on and these were incubated overnight to see if Year 12 are good at washing their hands.
Those using alcohol hand wash were very good, however, those using soap were not so great. The students
also prepared some Equine blood slides and studied these under a variety of microscopes. It was a very
enjoyable morning and the students would like to thank Dr. Catherine Chicken for the time she took to show
them the relevance of their classroom lesson.
Kindergarten French
The Kindergarten students are now the proud owners of a new farm board but we don’t have any animals! We
will gratefully accept any donations of plastic farm animals or any farm animals who would enjoy a brief spell in
a French Farm environment. Please send them to the SGS Library where a temporary holding pen will be set
Anne Davies
French Teacher
Equestrian News
Scone Horse Sports for Schools will now be held on Tuesday, 14 June.
Anne Davies
Equestrian Co-ordinator
HRIS Cross Country
A fantastic day of competition on Friday, 6 May at the HRIS Cross Country. Approximately 100 students from both
Primary and Secondary travelled to Avondale College to compete. Another summery day made for hard running conditions. Secondary placed 11th overall and Primary placed 5th overall, each out of 16 schools.
To gain entry into the HRIS team for secondary and compete at AICES, runners needed to finish in the top 10. Each
event consisted of 80 other competitors. We have some very good long distance runners at our school with the following Secondary students placing in the top 10:
Tyler Kelly
Laura Sadler
Fintan Conway
Lauryn Crackett
Natalya Catzikiris
We also achieved an Age Champion Team
Anna Atkinson
Nikola Holz
Natasha Holz
Aspyn Tanner
To gain entry into the HRIS team and compete at CIS for primary the runners needed to finish in the top 15. Once
again our runners were up against 80 other competitors. The Carnival started with our 8 year old students and 9 year
old students. We had some great results in this age group with Will Darling placing 5 th and Rose Martin placing 12th.
Unfortunately, although the 8 year olds and 9 year olds run separately on the day, they are competing against one
another on time. For this reason Will and Rose won’t be heading to CIS this year. Congratulations to the following
students who will be going on to CIS:
9 Years
Harry Warner
Hugo Firth
Lachlan Hails
10 Years
Archie Martin
Lottie Firth
Sofia Edlington
11 Years
Hunter Ryan
12 Years
Heidi Edlington
Wilha Urquhart
We also had the 9 years boys win the Age Champion team and for this reason Josh Chopin will also be joining the
team down at CIS.
AICES will be held on Thursday, 2 June 2016 at the Sydney International Equestrian Centre, Saxony Road, Horsley
CIS will be held on Thursday, 16 June 2016 at Eastern Creek International Raceway.
Information for both events will be emailed out soon.
Miss Jessica Day
Images from the Scone Grammar School Fete and
Float — Scone Horse Festival 2016
Kids Club and Explorers are
Kids club….4 afternoons of fun - games, craft, activities,
food and finding out more about Jesus
Explorers …For older children
Exploring questions and what the Bible really says,
activities, food and fun.
Who’s it for? Kids club is for children in years K – 3
Explorers is for children in years 4 -6
When is it?
3.30pm – 5pm on Tuesdays May 31, June 7, 14, 21
Where is it?
St Luke’s Hall, Scone.
Kids club and Explorers have afternoon tea together and may share some
activities but will be in separate groups both at St Luke’s Hall.
Children from Scone Grammar School can be accompanied to the hall.
Please state arrangements clearly on registration form.
How do I join? Registration forms are attached to the flyer. Flyers are
available at and should be returned to the Primary school office. There are
limited places. These are allocated in date order when completed forms are
received. All children must be registered in advance by Thursday 26 May.
How do I find out more? Phone Jenny on 0409 818977
What is it?
Rugby League Adventure
Last Friday night, Campbell Smith from Year 2 Gold, enjoyed a very exciting rugby
league adventure, ‘…the stuff dreams are made of’. Campbell and his team
from the Muswellbrook Rams U8s were invited to play a demonstration match during
the half time break of the Australia v New Zealand Rugby League test match, played at
Hunter Stadium in Newcastle. They also participated in a sprint race from post to post
and formed a guard of honour as the players returned to the field for the second half,
getting lots of Hi-5s from the players! Campbell made his Hunter Stadium debut in
front of a packed house crowd of 30,000 fans and after the match, with his team, had
the opportunity to meet with some of the test players, as well as some of the Jillaroos
(who also played a match that night). Understandably, Campbell beamed with
excitement the whole night! What a wonderful adventure!
Community Notices & News
For Your Diary
Canteen Roster
Tuesday 26 April 2016 – Friday 24 June 2016
Tuesday 26 April to Friday 24 June
Week 3 (B)
Wednesday 11 May
Naplan Years 3, 5 , 7, 9
Year 6 Canberra excursion
Year 8 Equine visit to Thornwaite
Thursday 12 May
Naplan Years 3, 5, 7, 9
Years 11 & 12 Industrial excursion, Tamworth
Canberra Year 6 students return.
Friday 13 May
Scone Cup – Pupil Free day
Hosp Work experience Scone Cup
Week 3 (B)
Monday 9 May
Thursday 12 May
Jenny Crackett, Karen Johnson
Friday 13 May
Scone Cup Day – Pupil Free Day
Week 4 (A)
Monday 16 May
Grammar Grind
Geography Competition
Tuesday 17 May
Elevate Years 7 & 8
ICAS Competition Digital Technologies
Wednesday 18 May
Elevate Years 9 & 10
Sing Out Loud Together 6G at Strathearn
Thursday 19 May
Vaccinations Dose 2
Rugby 7s Regional Finals at Tamworth – U10s & U12s
Friday 20 May
Years 7, 9, 10 & 11 French excursion
Years 7-11 Ag students Dorper excursion to Gravesend until
21 May
Muswellbrook & Upper Hunter Eisteddfod at St James
Muswellbrook— School Bands
Week 5 (B)
Monday 23 May
D of E Biggest Morning Tea at Grammar Grind
Love Bites Year 10
Tuesday 24 May
Year 11 Hamlet at Seymour Centre
Wednesday 25 May
Sing Out Loud Together 6G at Strathearn
History Competition
School Council Meeting
Thursday 26 May
Friday 27 May
Year 10 Taming of the Shrew at Seymour Centre
HSC Seminar Day at Singleton High School
Muswellbrook & Upper Hunter Eisteddfod at St James
Muswellbrook - School Choirs
Week 4 (A)
Monday 16 May
Jenny Crackett, Emma Sharpe
Tuesday 17 May
Fiona Bailey, Amanda Paradice
Wednesday 18 May
Fiona Bailey, Katie McCann
Thursday 19 May
Jenny Crackett, Sarah Stanford
Friday 20 May
Jenny Crackett, Erryn Day, Tracey Stewart
Week 5 (B)
Monday 23 May
Jenny Crackett, Irene Smith
Tuesday 24 May
Jenny Crackett, Lorraine Bull
Wednesday 25 May
Jenny Crackett, Elizabeth Henderson
Thursday 26 May
Fiona Bailey, Jaymiee Allan
Friday 27 May
Fiona Bailey, Kylie Odgers, Karen Yelverton