Spring 2015 - Cystic Fibrosis Research Inc.
Spring 2015 - Cystic Fibrosis Research Inc.
40 Years of Research, Education & Support Spring 2015 New Year Rings In New Hope for Cystic Fibrosis By Bridget Barnes With a new year underway, the treatment of bipartisan group of legislators, in its history. When combined into a single pill, new and promising drugs Kalydeco target the root cause of CF for 50% of the population, and are currently poised for the therapy for people with two copies of the Delta F508 mutation will be approved in 2015, as well as other medications that may slow the progression of the disease for some. In fact, the CF drug pipeline is over- for all the clinical trials. While there is still no cure, with the development of these potential lifelines, CF is moving into a new age. In January, legislation was introduced to rare diseases participate in clinical trials or health coverage. The Ensuring Access to Clinical Trials Act of 2015, sponsored by a year permanent. This law has enabled those with rare diseases, such as CF, to receive payment for participation in clinical trials their income when calculating for Supplemental Security Income The future looks bright for many with CF, thanks to new therapies. and Medicaid. we are today, so close to controlling this Without this law, the negative financial impact contributed to lower enrollment in disease, without the generous and couragecritical trials. According to Julie Desch, MD, ous clinical trial participation of thousands a researcher at the Cystic Fibrosis Research of people with CF.” The need for clinical Laboratory at Stanford University who also trial enrollees is more important than ever. Continued on page 4 Ion Transport Properties in Human Native Small Airways: Implications for Cystic Fibrosis By AKM Shamsuddin, PhD | CFRI New Horizons Research Program Principle Investigator Defective transepithelial ion transport has long been recognized to be a major contritherapy must be provided is not well understood. Small airways are the primary target in responsible for the obstruction of the small airways with inspissated and dense secretions CFRI-funded researcher, AKM Shamsuddin, PhD, at work in his lab. airways because of their relative inaccessibility. Continued on page 8 CFRI Community Letter from the Spring 2015 Editorial Chief Sue Landgraf Editors & Writers Bridget Barnes Siri Vaeth Dunn, MSW Contributing Writers Mary Convento Bill Hult Sue Landgraf AKM Shamsuddin, PhD “Coming together is a beginning; keeping together is progress; working together is success.” Dear Friends, — Henry Ford This year CFRI celebrates its 40th anniversary. Our beginning – spearheaded by parents whose children with CF faced a grim prognosis – led to 40 years of progress. Sue Landgraf and David Soohoo Layout and Design Marina Michaelian Ward Board of Directors Bill Hult, President Jessica Martens, Vice President Mike Roanhaus, Secretary Oscar Flamenco, CPA, Treasurer Brad Baugh, Esq Francine Bion Elyse Elconin-Goldberg Doug Modlin Kristin Shelton, RRT 2015 is also a year of transition for our organization. In February, David Soohoo, CFRI’s intrepid Director of Programs & Operations for the past 14 years, retired to spend time with his family. With his calm presence, David was a vital anchor for the organization. During his tenure, David Executive Director We are poised to meet our many goals for 2015. I am thrilled that we met our 2014 Research Challenge Fund goal, thereby increasing the number of funded research projects by four, to a total of 11 Memorial CF Research Challenge Fund. We are honored to pursue a cure in memory of Jessica and all those who have lost their battle with this terrible disease, and in honor of all those with CF who wage their daily battle for life. Sue Landgraf Programs & Outreach Manager Siri Vaeth Dunn, MSW Programs & Outreach Supervisor including the annual National CF Family Education Conference, CF Discovery Series, and many more. Mary Convento Programs & Operations Associate Programs & Operations Assistant Warmly, France Redmayne CFRI Community is published and distributed to friends of CFRI for free. Sue Landgraf | Executive Director and mother of an adult daughter with CF News from the Board Send address corrections and other correspondence to CFRI: 1731 Embarcadero Road, Suite 210 Palo Alto, CA 94303 Dear CFRI Community, CFRI continues to embody its tagline, Research for Living ~ Partners for Life, by both broadening its research programs and Phone: Toll Free 1.855.cfri.now (1.855.237.4669) Fax: 650.404.9981 Email: cfri@cfri.org Website: www.cfri.org With our permission, you may reproduce original information from this newsletter with credits to CFRI Community and the author. 2 of our diverse CF community. In 2014, the Board of Directors conducted a survey with active members of our community. in pursuing our mission, as well what resources they believe CFRI should provide in order to be as useful as possible to the CF Bill Hult, President Continued on page 3 cfri | Spring 2015 Be a Part of the Push for a Cure By Siri Vaeth Dunn, MSW largest single donation to CFRI in the organization’s history, to inspire others to give generously to fund CF research and support. Please join her! How wonderful it is that nobody need wait a single moment before starting to improve the world. — Those with CF spend hours each day trying to slow its inevitable progression. In addition to lung disease, many cope with liver issues, diabetes, The need for increased research funding is critical. As we stand on the cusp of new complications. We still have much investigations, to move us closer to a cure. CFRI is very pleased to have broadened the lives of our loved ones. But we cannot do it without you. Please give today and help us match the Circle’s fund so that we can bring hope to those with CF and their loved ones. leadership of members of our CF Research Challenge Circle, and the generosity of those who contributed to the Research Challenge Fund. CFRI needs your help to continue this forward momentum. Please join with us to improve the lives of those battling cystic Together, we can improve the world. Together, we can inspire hope and your gift to CFRI will be matched 1-to-1 by Jessica Fredrick CF Research Challenge Circle, thereby doubling the impact of your donation! As with most challenge matches, should we not reach our goal by year’s end, we must last year at the age of 21 from complications all gifts received through this newsletter will be matched by the Circle and will be used to fund vital CF research projects. uating from UCLA. Jessica was a member of a student dance club, and an active advocate and fundraiser for CF research. Her health declined rapidly last spring, and tragically, she lost her battle while awaiting a lung transplant. Jessica reminds us of the urgency facing our CF community, and how, in the face CF treatment options, but there is still no cure. In fact, our CF Research Challenge Fund continue the quest to improve the world for those living with CF. After Jessica’s inspiring young woman who passed away death, her aunt, Suzanne Freiley, made the News from the Board Continued from page 2 community. Nearly 500 people responded, and their input was both encouraging and and CF in the Classroom. In light of cross infection concerns for those with CF, respondents also recognized CFRI for successfully live streaming important information via our Discovery Series. Respondents emphasized the need for To contribute to the Jessica Fredrick Memorial CF Research Challenge Circle, please call 650.404.9975, or email cfri@cfri.org CF Research Challenge Circle Suzanne Freiley Shannon Jorgensen John and Sallie Best Millward Brown, Inc. Michael and Pat Flynn Sue and Marc Landgraf Elizabeth Nash Foundation Doug and Robin Modlin Fred and Linda Milanovich Sereno Group of Willow Glen Spiritus Project inaugural pediatric conference, bilingual resource materials, and our online Mindfulness Based Stress Reduction class. In currently funding 11 CF research projects – up from seven the previous year. We are grateful to our entire CF community for its When queried about the usefulness of resources that CFRI currently provides, the of people with CF.” This was gratifying for Peace and good health, updates on CF treatment and research,” as well as our educational and support publications, including CFRI Community, through our monthly Caregivers Support Group, one-to-one counseling program, Bill Hult | Board President cfri | Spring 2015 3 New Year Rings In New Hope Continued from front cover Visit www.clinicaltrials.gov and www. smartpatients.com to learn more about which CF clinical trials are currently enrolling study participants, some of which include family and friends. people with CF ages 12 and older with two copies of the Delta F508 mutation, was recently granted an accelerated target summer. Results from late-stage clinical lung function and other health measures. Pharmaceuticals plans to enroll people over age 12 with advanced lung disease in 2015 will likely bring new therapies for CF. from the treatment prior to its potential conjunction with Cystic Fibrosis Foundation and Patient Support website at www. In February, for people ages 12 and older with either one or two copies of the Delta F508 mutation, constituting 90% of the CF Phase 3 trials of Kalydeco in combination move the faulty CF protein to the proper place in the airway cell membrane. For those who have the R117H mutation, results from a Phase 3 trial. In people with this mutation, Kalydeco helps restore the chloride ions to and from the airways. Another new treatment that targets the underlying cause of cystic fibrosis is entering a multiyear research program to evaluate a novel approach to improve Cystic Fibrosis Transmembrane Regulator May is Cystic Fibrosis Awareness Month! We honor all those living with CF, and remember those we have lost. Be a part of the search for a cure. 4 levels of an important signaling molecule in the body, which is lower in people with CF. an aerosolized therapy to deliver normal directly to the lungs, where it can be used by the body’s cellular mechanisms to If successful, this therapy could benefit all people with CF regardless of an individual’s mutations. A Phase 2 proof of concept study sponsored by Novartis is currently underway for would be administered in pill form for people with either one or two copies of the Delta F508 mutation. QBW251 is being tested in both healthy subjects and those that have CF. Enrollment is complete in a multi-center Phase 1b trial by N30 Pharmaceuticals, Inc. for people with two copies of the Delta F508 mutation. N6022 is a new injectable of the defective CFTR protein and decreases a new class of compounds that increases Alpha 1 Anti-trypsin, an aerosolized protease inhibitor, which has anti-inflammatory properties. A Phase 2 single-center trial was also completed at National Jewish Health a phosphodiesterase inhibitor, can reduce Savara Pharmaceuticals is currently analyzing positive data from a Phase 2 trial studying AeroVanc, an inhaled antibiotic powder for persistent methicillin-resistant Staphylococcus aureus infections, which impact an estimated 25% With so many medications poised to cross seemingly within reach, 2015 is positioned disease for many, and may greatly enhance the quality of life for more and more people living with CF. The AbbVie CF Chef Shares is now available! Visit www.chef4cf.com to view the new recipes submitted by members of our CFRI community. cfri | Spring 2015 CFRI’s Research Program: Another Year of Success! By Siri Vaeth Dunn, MSW Since 1975, CFRI has provided grant funding channel assay using SPQ research at well-established medical institutions. Our investment in novel ideas has enabled researchers to bring new perspec- the way for the assay that was used to discover CFTRtargeting drugs such as With the support of the 2014 CF Research Challenge Circle members, $150,000 in additional funding was raised to support discovered that CF carriers have sweat chloride levels halfway between those of CF patients and non-carriers, projects are in addition to the eight funded through our New Horizons Campaign, Elizabeth Nash Memorial Fellowship and Special Circumstances grant programs. The research program is overseen by CFRI’s Board of Directors, as well as the Research group comprised of researchers, clinical physicians, adults with CF, and parents of those with CF. All research proposals undergo a rigorous peer review process prior to selection. warded to the Board of Directors for their recommendations. Final funding approval is then sought from CFRI’s voting Membership. Bubble Assay,” a promising Beate Illek, PhD Paul Quinton, PhD method for screening potential therapeutics for all CF mutations. Horst With some of the best and brightest minds strated restoration of G551D CFTR mutation function using genistein, which led to the development of Kalydeco and other similar research projects, 2015 promises to be CF treatments continues. Projects Funded Through the 2014 CF Research Challenge Fund Paul Beringer, PharmD | University of Southern California Mechanism of macrocyclic peptide regulation of Pseudomonas-induced University of California San Francisco Tmem 16a as a target for treatment of chronic lung infection in CF patients Proposals for the third research project are now being vetted. Special Circumstance Grant Sara Modlin | Touro University California Prevention of Cystic Fibrosis Distal Intestinal Obstructive Syndrome Projects Funded Through the Elizabeth Nash Memorial Fellowship Forest Rohwer, PhD, Robert Quinn, PhD, et al | San Diego State University Stanford University Over the years, CFRI-funded researchers University of CA San Francisco Development and Characterization of Novel 3D Airway Cell Models for CF Research Wito Richter, PhD, Elise Blanchard, PhD | University of California San Francisco and treatments. These include the ground- Inhibition of Type 4 phosphodiesterases as a therapeutic approach for CF that a defective chloride channel is the basic disease-causing defect, and his discovery The Role of CFTR in a Novel Pathogen Sensing Mechanism Joanne Engel, MD, PhD, Travis Ruch, PhD | University of California San Francisco Projects Funded Through the New Horizons Research Campaign AKM Shamsuddin, PhD | University of California San Diego a transporter of bicarbonate. Jonathan Widdicombe, PhD, discovered that the defective chloride channel discovered by Quinton is present in human airway epithelial cfri | Spring 2015 Ion Transport Properties in Human Native Small Airways Ning Yang, MD, PhD | University of California San Diego Correcting Abnormal Cystic Fibrosis Mucus with CFTR-independent HCO3- Secretion Stanford University A Little CFTR Goes a Long Way: Accurate, in vivo Readout of CFTR Function 5 September 1, 2014 — December 31, 2014 Our In Memory of ” and In Honor of ” pages provide the opportunity to honor a person, family, or special event, or to remember a loved one. If you want your donation to honor or remember someone special, please include the person’s name and address with your donation. At your request, we will send an of your gift to the person you designate. Please mail your contributions to: CFRI 1731 Embarcadero Rd. Suite 210 Palo Alto, CA 94303 6 Elaine Abrams Carol A. Adelman Kimberley Adelman Marcus Adelman Gianna R. Altano Rosemary Altano Edward Andreini David Armknecht Jodi Armknecht Ann M. Baldwin John Baumgartner Cara Baysinger Anne C. Beltrame Kristina Benson Patricia Berndt Lara Borowski Wendy Bosarge Lyman Bourke Greg Brazil Dick Brewster Cheri Brower Mary Bruno Mary-Jane Burroni Kyle Butler Peter Byram Agnes and Jess Calleri Sonya Chartrand Cynthia Clark Cassandra Cochran Sonny Crockett Caroline Daly James Delehanty Paul Dotur Tom Doyle Yolanda “Lindy” Stagnaro Dunn Jennifer Eisner James Ekegren Steven Elconin Jennifer English Cecil Ervin Dave Fernandes Selma Fink Dan Fitzgerald Mary L. Fleming Jessica A. Fredrick Patricia Fredrick W. Erby George Diana Goodman Keith Gordon Cynthia L. Haley William and Alice Hargis Joseph and Frances Hartman Anthony Hidalgo Mark Holmes Tracy Holmes John Holmes James L. Houston Robert Houston Edward J. Jensen Brian Jensen Paul Jones Kathy and Peter Judge Jason Jurman Iva Kaminski Kathleen Kions Lori Kipp Viola Kiviniemi Bridget Klein David Kroepfl Jane Ellen Kulik Eugene Lagomarsino H. Lane Matthew Lewis Dawn Longero Jennifer Longoria Robert Mackey Eleanor Maroni Catharine Martinet Nahara Mau David McAfee Jamie Smolin McDonald Barbara A. McKee Taynna Melendez Jennifer Montgomery John R. Moran Don Muldoon Carolyn M. Musto Kimberly Myers Elizabeth Nash Kim Nelson Kim & S. Nelson Danny and Kevin O’Brien Michele D. Olson Jennifer Ortman Dellene Ott Pearl Family Barbra A. Petitt Kevin Pira Maxine Plotkin Jon Prater Tim Prater Jim and Bonnie Predny Jaimee B. Renfrow Brittany Richmond Katie Robinson Pamela K. Rockhold John Runge Maureen Sazio Dhea Schalles Linda Scherschel Joseph M. Sinnaeve Tammy Smerber Anabel M. Stenzel Robert C. Stewart Charlie Stockley James S. Strohn David Stuckert Laurie Stuckert Thibault Family Helen L. Trader Louis A. Trigueiro Roy Tripp Mary Tripp Phyllis Tripp Ralph Turner Jennifer Uskoski Aurore and Jerome Vaeth Howard Van Dyk Martha B. Wakefield Tom Walton Nicky Wastell Delores Wegner Maurice Wernli Hayley C. Wester Andy Williams Sandra K. Wilson Cynthia Witman cfri | Spring 2015 September 1, 2014 — December 31, 2014 Connor Acheson Marie Amaya Robert Amaya Sadie Anderson Jessica Arvidson Kyle Baker Katie A. Barcikowski Lucy Barnes Bridget Barnes Jamie Barry Joseph Batchelder Baugh Family Makinnon Baugh Marin Baugh Maggie-Faye Bendz Brett Bennett Sharon Le Berthon Theresa Le Berthon Allison Best Julie M. Buck Linda Burks Brian Burks Jane Burroni Isabel Stenzel Byrnes Jaclyn Cacciatore Andrew Carl Traci Carwana Sammy Cassidy John C. Ceres John R. Christie Eva Clayton Shaun Collins Lauren Colonna Nicholas A. Cook Cameron Cornell Barbara H. Curry Edna DeVore Jason Dolan Ann duFrane Tess Dunn Josh Ellis Janelle and Andre Estournes Thomas Evans Theresa Fenimore Orison Fischer Jarrod Fischer cfri | Spring 2015 Victoria Flamenco Flynn Family Joseph Fraker Jacob Fraker Emily Fredrick Rhonda Fredrick Suzanne Freiley Isabella Frisbee Frisbee Family Sean Gallagher Morgan Garcia Mark E. Gerow Gaynell Gleason Elyse Elconin Goldberg Tara Goodearly Emily Gorsky Barbara S. Greenberg Gianna Gutierrez-Serrato Jean Hanley Kathy Hardy Brendan Harrigan Nancy Harrison Barbara Harwood Tara Heppe Susan Hoffman Courtney Hollis Nicholas Hollis Clark Huddleston Isabel Huntzinger Michelle Jones Peggy B. Jones Alex Karwowski Brian Kennedy Jeremy Kharrazi Shae Kish-Walters Eleanor Kolchin Jason Konkel Steven Kusalo Sue Landgraf Allyssa Lenart Maeve Leonard Marilyn Lewis-Hampton Michael Livingston Joseph A. Lopez Janet Lowery Alyson Lowery Emily F. Lucas John and Matthew Magner David Martin Elizabeth A. Mayer Mikayla McDonald Rachael McMullen Rebecca McMullen Beth McMullen Jackie Merrill Carlos Milla, MD Jonathan Miller Fiona R. Mischel Hannah Mitchell Anna Modlin Amanda Moretto Angela Morey Mary Mori Jessica Nett Natalie Newman Lindsey J. Nijmeh Maggie O’Connell Joshua O’Connor Aly, Maddie and Killian O’Reilly Michael E. Orlen Joni Pan Payton Walker Olivia Pearson Carole Perry Brie Peters Jereme Pierce Alex Prator Dory Ptak Michael Reuscher Brian Reynolds Rebecca Roanhaus Carl Robinson Elizabeth Rogers Alanah Rosenbloom Matthew S. Ruckersfeldt Rich Ryan Scott Sandler Ben Sanford Corey Sarkis Kasey Schumacher Gina Serrato Jessie Shah Janice Shaul Rachel Silver Tara Sinclair Kandra L. Smith Lisa T. Steiding Laura Steuer Robert Sutter Brian Tacke Erin Phillips Taylor Meilssa P. Teeman Frank Thibault Adam Thompson Katherine Thompson Lisa Tingley Todd Trisch Robert Turk-Bly Heidi Umber Sara Umber Chris Vallee Betty Vitousek Devin Wakefield 7 Implications for Cystic Fibrosis Continued from front cover With the support of a New Horizons research grant from CFRI, our team in Dr. Paul Quinton’s lab at the University of and crucial for effective bactericidal activities of antibiotics, as well as innate antimicrobials and defense mechanisms of the airways of the lung. pathogen clearance and may be a target iments according to our original proposal to and utilized a special mini-Ussing chamber human lung tissue from lobectomy patients through the UCSD Pathology Department, which we believe will greatly increase the supply of tissue for our research. ment of the ion transport properties of human native small airways specimens of dissecting bronchioles of the lung and measured open circuit transepithelial potential, conductance and equivalent short circuit current in controlled and pharmacological stimulated conditions. volume in the small airways primarily calcium-activated chloride channel agonists secretion in human native small airway CFRI-funded research is expanding our understanding of ion transport properties in small airways. absorptive functions. In this study we tested our hypothesis that human native small airways consist of separate populations of secretory and absorptive cells that recycle The results suggest that human native small airway epithelia are capable of appropriate airway hydration and hygiene. We also tested that human native small airway epithelia secrete bicarbonate in human native small airways is probably critical to normal innate defense mechanism of the airways. Failure to secrete as to whether anion conductance can compensate for the loss of CFTR function in as well as innate antimicrobials and defense mechanism of the airways. Become a CFRI Partner in Living! DONATE TO THE 2015 CF RESEARCH CHALLENGE FUND Challenge Circle to raise funds to support additional CF research donors, designated gifts to CFRI will be matched 100% and restricted to our CF research programs. MOTHERS’ DAY TEA Our Mothers’ Day Tea continues to be Tea Sender. For those who wish to use the Internet to reach out to friends, colleagues and family members, you may also TRIBUTES IN HONOR OF & IN MEMORY OF Any gift to CFRI can be made in honor or in memory of a loved one. Your loved one’s name will appear in our newsletter, and if you designate. GIVING GIFTS OF STOCK TO CFRI Giving a gift of easy and fun! to donate to CFRI, contact us for instructions on how to complete the transaction. ATTEND A CFRI FUNDRAISING EVENT Whether you want CHARITABLE PLANNED GIVING auction items, we have an event for you! In addition to the Magical Evening at Carolands, we have concerts, golf tournaments, and other events that will be posted on our website, Have fun while supporting CFRI! . VEHICLE DONATIONS If you have a car, boat, recreational vehicle, or motorcycle that you no longer need, please con- HOLD YOUR OWN FUNDRAISER: 40 Years – 40 Events! deductible, and we will coordinate the transfer of property. bocce ball tournaments – come up with an idea and we will support you! For more information please contact Mary Convento at 650.404.9975 or mconvento@cfri.org Big or small, we appreciate them all! Zumbathons, concerts, 8 cfri | Spring 2015 CFRI Launches Partners in Living Initiative: A Holistic Approach to Life with Cystic Fibrosis By Siri Vaeth Dunn, MSW meditation and yoga to help those touched CFRI is pleased to have launched its Approach to Life with Cystic Fibrosis” to community – including children and adults with the disease, parents, caregivers and family members – to achieve optimal physical and mental well-being. Funded and chronic pain. The class will be held every Sunday from 4:00 pm – 6:00 pm PST, beginning on April 12. Registration is open to those diagnosed with CF, as well as to caregivers. Because this is an online class, there are no geographic limitations. The $75 registration sions. For more information or to register, addresses the need for increased information and support for those coping with the challenges of life with CF. In order to better address the needs of will host a one-day Cystic Fibrosis Pediatric Road: Tools to Help Your Child Thrive,” on Saturday, May 16, from 9:00 am to 5:30 pm, City. A CF parent mentor, as well as medical caregivers and researchers from Stanford, UC San Francisco, and UCSF Benioff programs to provide direct service for those Program: A Living Legacy to Peter Judge” therapy is available to California residents, provided by mental health professionals who have special training in CF-related funds. In addition, a CF Caregivers Support Group is now held on the 4th Tuesday of each month at 7:00 pm PST, facilitated by a licensed professional at CFRI’s office. Those who live outside the Palo Alto area participate by telephone. To sign up for the support group, please call 650.404.9975. A third component of the Initiative is a class for the CF community. Led by Julie thereby improving health and quality of life. CFRI is committed to being your partner in living. Please join us! CFRI’s 28th National Cystic Fibrosis Family Education Conference Partners in Progress July 31 - August 2, 2015 Redwood City, CA families and caregivers of children with CF. For more information, or to register, please The second component of the Partners in support for the many challenges that accompany life with CF. Attendance at the pediatric conference, and participation in support groups, therapy sessions Our annual conference brings together the latest updates in research and care to our diverse CF community. Speakers (To Date) Include: Chris Kvam, Esq — Rochester, New York Stanford Hospital and Clinics Margaret Rosenfeld, MD — Seattle Children’s Hospital Scott Russell, DPT — University of Southern California Boston Children’s Hospital Beth Sufian, Esq — Houston, Texas Anna Tsang, MSO — St. Michael’s Hospital, Toronto Early Bird Registration $180 per person $215 per person Registration includes meals, reference materials, and access to presentations & support groups. To ensure good health for all, please use proper hygiene practices. See www.cfri.org For more information, visit www.cfri.org or call 1.855.cfri.now Sponsored By: Genentech Chiesi USA Gilead Sciences AbbVie Novartis Boomer Esiason Foundation Foundation Care Pharmacy combine body awareness, mindfulness cfri | Spring 2015 9 Save the Dates CFRI’s Discovery Series Integrative Medicine & Cystic Fibrosis March 12, 2015 | 6:00 pm – 7:30 pm PST Crowne Plaza Cabana Hotel, Palo Alto, CA Livestreamed! Sponsored by Genentech CFRI’s Bilingual DVD, Now Available! CFRI is proud to announce the creation of trando la Cara de Fibrosis Quística,” a bilingual DVD created to provide information and hope to families facing a recent diagnosis CF Caregivers Support Group 4th Tues. of Every Month 7:00 pm – 9:00 pm PST Narrated by Dr. Carlos Milla, Director of the Cystic Fibrosis Center at Lucile Or participate by phone – Please RSVP Sponsored by Vertex provided in English and Spanish. The DVD reassures families that there are resources available and they are not alone, and also serves as a useful tool to educate family and friends about CF. CF Discovery Series Organ Donation: Donate Life CFRI is grateful to Novartis Pharmaceuticals and The Safeway Foundation April 14, 2015 | 6:00 pm – 7:30 pm PST Crowne Plaza Cabana Hotel, Palo Alto, CA Livestreamed! Sponsored by Genentech available at no cost to the CF community. To request copies, please email Mindfulness-Based Stress Reduction (MBSR) First Class Sunday, April 12, 2015 Every Sunday until June 7, 2015 4:00 pm – 6:00 pm PST Register Now! Sponsored by Vertex Quística en la Clase” Available Now! CFRI Mother’s Retreat CFRI is pleased to announce that one of its most the Classroom” as well as the Spanish version, April 17 – 19, 2015 Register Now! CFRI Pediatric Education Conference Navigating the CF Road: Tools to Help Your Child Thrive May 16, 2015 | 9:00 am – 5:30 pm Register Now! Sponsored by Vertex CFRI 28th National CF Family Education Conference Partners in Progress educating teachers, school nurses and others, to help them understand the This new edition includes valuable information about the Individuals with 504 of the Rehabilitation Act, and preparing for a successful transition to ceuticals for its generous support of these widely used resources for the CF educate.shtml or call 650.404.9975. July 31 – August 2, 2015 Register Now! See pg. 9 for sponsors. The CFRI Retreat Come to the CF Retreat! August 2 - 9, 2014, 2015 | Vallombrosa Center, Menlo Park, CA August 2 – 9, 2015 Register Now! For more information about any of these events, please call 1.855.cfri.now (1.855.237.4699) or email cfri@cfri.org 10 with CF. Adults with CF, their family members, friends, and healthcare promodations are available at Vallombrosa Center; scholarships are available. To ensure good health for all, please use proper hygiene practices. All participants and guests with CF must comply with CFRI’s Cross Infection Control Guidelines. See www.cfri.org for more information, or call 1.855.237.4699. cfri | Spring 2015 Embrace: A Retreat for Mothers of Those with CF April 17 through 19, 2015 | Vallombrosa Center, Menlo Park, CA CFRI will host its first retreat created for mothers of children and adults living with tive strategies for coping, while that mothers have in the care of their loved among mothers. ones with CF. Registration for those staying at VallomHeld at the beautiful Vallombrosa Center brosa is $100, which includes two nights participants may in a single occupancy room, all meals, home. The retreat’s focus is on self-care and is a very limited number of rooms: early acceptance of one’s place on the CF journey. registration is highly recommended. RegisProviding support groups, art projects, yoga, tration for commuters is $50, which includes journaling, CF resources, as well as respite Please join us! For more information, call 650.404.9975, or go to www.cfri.org Time for Tea: Time for a Cure! further CFRI’s outstanding research and education programs, so as to improve the The annual Mothers’ Day Tea is CFRI’s biggest help to reach our goal of $175,000. Please fundraiser of the year, and we need your participate as a Tea Sender! It’s easy: contact us at CFRI, and we will provide you with everything you need, including invitations, teabags and information about CFRI. Mail the invitations to your family and friends, encouraging them to enjoy a cup of tea on Mother’s Day while reflecting upon their loved ones As the future for those living with CF continues to brighten, CFRI is proud to play such a crucial supporting role in the lives of those impacted by CF. Please join us! To become a Tea Sender, their honor – and in their memory – to Navigating the CF Road: Tools to Help Your Child Thrive Sponsored by Vertex Pharmaceuticals, Inc. cfri | Spring 2015 $45 per person (includes lunch) | Register now! Visit www.cfri.org or call 650.404.9975 11 PAID 1731 Embarcadero Road . Suite 210 Palo Alto, California 94303 Change Service Requested CFRI’s mailing list is confidential. We do not sell our list, nor do we give out any names or addresses under any circumstance. CFRI Mission CFRI’s 40th Anniversary Gala A Magical Evening at Carolands Cystic Fibrosis Research, Inc. exists to fund research, to provide education and personal support, and to spread awareness of Please join us as CFRI celebrates 40 years of innovative research and support services for the CF community! On Friday, September a life-threatening genetic disease. evening. CFRI’s Magical Evening at Carolands provides a rare opportunity to enjoy gourmet CFRI Vision Carolands chateau, in Hillsborough, California, will provide the mem- setting, while raising critical funds for CF research. Recently featured in the nationally CFRI envisions informing, engaging and empowering the CF community to help all who have this challenging disease attain the highest possible quality of life. Visit our website at: www.cfri.org for more information about us and her Chateau: Carolands of California,” the 98-room mansion was built by Harriett Pullman Carolan, heiress to the Pullman Carolands — Photo by Gary Weimberg In addition to delicious food and libations, the evening will feature special entertainment and to sell out. Sponsorship opportunities are available. For more information, go to www. cfri.org or call Siri Vaeth Dunn at 650.404.9445. Do not miss this once-in-a-lifetime event! Generously sponsored – to date – by AbbVie and Chiesi USA, Inc. For their generous support of CFRI Community, s Gilead Sciences, Inc. Genentech Call toll free: 1.855.cfri.now Cystic Fibrosis Research, Inc.
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