BeritaBoustead - Boustead Holdings Berhad
BeritaBoustead - Boustead Holdings Berhad
For internal circulation only BeritaBoustead October - December 2015 Boustead participates in dialogue session on graduate employability pg 5 u v w x 1 Corporate Planning and Group Legal & Compliance departments’ trip to Penang and Langkawi pg 8 & 9 2 Group Finance (GFIN) organises Rat Race 2015 pg 11 3 Jabatan Komunikasi Korporat adakan kempen derma darah pg 13 4 KSB anjur sukan ekstrem Rakit Redah Jeram pg 16 2 3 Deputy Chairman/Group Managing Director's message UAC receives SIRIM award Dear fellow Bousteadians, efforts towards enhancing the quality of our products and services, in spite of market conditions. I would like to wish all of you and your families a very Happy New Year. As we kick off 2016, I am glad to note that above all, Boustead remains a resilient Group. Indeed, 2015 was a challenging year as market forces impacted the Group, from the implementation of the Goods and Services Tax and the depreciation of the Ringgit to the decrease in crude palm oil prices. Despite these market conditions, we were able to persevere due to our solid and stable foundation. Furthermore, in line with our commitment to enhancing value for shareholders, in the third quarter of the financial year we declared dividends of 6 sen per share. This brings total dividends to 16 sen per share to date. As we move forward, the Group must continue to improve and strengthen efficiencies and productivity. A tangible demonstration of this was during the annual SIRIM Industry Night, which saw UAC Berhad receiving the prestigious SIRIM Quality Award for Product. Pharmaniaga Berhad was also awarded with certification for several quality schemes under SIRIM Berhad. This is indeed testament to our dedicated Sesungguhnya, tahun 2015 merupakan satu tahun yang mencabar di mana kuasa pasaran telah memberi kesan kepada Kumpulan, dari pelaksanaan Cukai Barangan dan Perkhidmatan (GST) dan kejatuhan nilai Ringgit ke penurunan harga minyak sawit mentah. Walaupun keadaan pasaran sebegini, kita masih dapat bertahan kerana mempunyai asas yang kukuh dan stabil. Tambahan pula, sejajar dengan komitmen kita untuk meningkatkan nilai pemegang saham, kita telah mengisytiharkan dividen sebanyak Tatkala kita bergerak maju, Kumpulan kita perlu terus meningkatkan dan mengukuhkan kecekapan dan produktiviti. Bukti ketara dapat dilihat semasa acara tahunan Malam Industri SIRIM di mana UAC Berhad telah menerima Anugerah Kualiti SIRIM yang berprestij bagi produknya. Pharmaniaga Berhad juga telah menerima pensijilan untuk beberapa skim kualiti di bawah SIRIM Berhad. Sesungguhnya, ini adalah bukti kepada usaha berterusan kita ke arah peningkatan kualiti produk dan perkhidmatan walaupun keadaan pasaran adalah sukar. Tahun mendatang ini dijangka sukar memandangkan ketidaktentuan ekonomi global yang berterusan. Walau bagaimanapun, dengan memanfaatkan sifat berdaya tahan dan kekuatan kita sebagai sebuah Kumpulan berkepelbagaian, saya yakin kita dapat mencapai matlamat-matlamat kita pada tahun 2016. Ketika kita bekerja bersamasama untuk mencapai matlamat kita, saya menyeru agar staf Boustead dapat terus bertahan dan memberi tumpuan untuk meningkatkan produktiviti bagi mengekalkan momentum kita. Semoga 2016 menjadi tahun yang menguntungkan dan memanfaatkan kita semua. Terima kasih. Tan Sri Dato’ Seri Lodin Wok Kamaruddin This award is given to UAC in recognition of the quality performance of its range of products. Mr. BT Gan, Deputy Chief Executive Officer/Chief Operating Officer received the award on behalf of the Company. This award further encourages the team to continue to strive for higher quality in its products and higher standards in its manufacturing processes. Thank you. Tan Sri Dato' Seri Lodin Wok Kamaruddin Seri Panglima Madius Tangau at a ceremony held in Petaling Jaya on 13 November 2015. The 2015 SIRIM Quality Award marks another milestone for the Company in its pursuit of sustainable product quality. It also affirms the efforts of the management to drive the Company towards higher product quality excellence all the time through the commitment, passion and teamwork of UAC’s management and staff. May 2016 be a fruitful and rewarding year for us all. Staf Boustead yang dihargai, 6 sen sesaham pada suku ketiga tahun kewangan ini. Ini menjadikan jumlah dividen setakat ini sebanyak 16 sen sesaham. AC Berhad (UAC) recently received the prestigious 2015 SIRIM Quality (Product) Award. The award was presented by the Minister of Science, Technology and Innovation, YB Datuk The year ahead is expected to be a trying one given the ongoing volatility of the global economy. However, by leveraging on our resilient nature and our strengths as a highly diversified Group, I am confident we will be able to achieve our objectives in 2016. As we work together to reach our goals, I urge Bousteadians to remain steadfast and focused on improving productivity in order to maintain our momentum. Perutusan Timbalan Pengerusi/Pengarah Urusan Kumpulan Saya ingin mengucapkan Selamat Tahun Baru kepada anda sekeluarga. Ketika kita memasuki tahun 2016 ini, saya gembira untuk menyatakan bahawa Boustead kekal sebagai Kumpulan berdaya tahan. U Mr. BT Gan (3rd from left) receiving the SIRIM Quality (Product) Award from the Minister. Also in the picture are SIRIM’s President and Chief Executive, Dato’ Dr. Zainal Abidin Mohd Yusof (far left) and Chairman, Tan Sri Dr. Ir. Ahmad Tajuddin Ali (far right) UAC also received the Carbon Footprint Certification at the same Mr. KL Tan (right) receiving the Carbon Footprint Certification from SIRIM's Director, Prof. Emeritus Tan Sri Dato’ Dr. Mohamed Salleh Mohamed Yasin event. The Carbon Footprint Certification scheme is a pilot programme funded by UK Switch-Asia and driven by SIRIM QAS Sdn. Bhd. UAC is one of the pioneer companies to receive this certification, which recognises the Company’s commitment to reducing risks of environmental damage through carbon emission reduction. Mr. KL Tan, Manager QA received the award on behalf of the Company. UNMC awarded MyRA 5-star rating T Technologies, Nanotechnology, Climate and Pollution, Intelligent Systems, Advanced Materials and Geomechanics. UNMC’s current research portfolio stands in excess of RM33 million. he University of Nottingham Malaysia Campus (UNMC) was awarded a 5-star rating by Malaysia Research Assessment (MyRA) for the quality of its research and innovation, making it the highest rated international university in Malaysia. The announcement was made at a ceremony officiated by the Minister of Higher Education, Malaysia, YB Dato' Seri Idris Jusoh, on 30 November 2015. UNMC also undertakes research for the business community, utilising MyResearch Sdn. Bhd., which is a tax efficient vehicle. In 2015, UNMC set up its first spin out company, Nottingham Green Technologies Sdn. Bhd., which focuses on cleaning up effluent from palm oil mills. MyRA measures the quality of research, development, commercialisation and innovation conducted by Malaysian universities. Professor Christine Ennew, CEO and Provost of UNMC, said, “This is a significant achievement, recognising that we are delivering high quality research and achieving benchmarks equivalent to the country’s leading Universities.” With 280 academic staff, UNMC’s world-class research portfolio comprises Environmental Sustainability, Islamic Business and Finance, Minister Idris Jusoh presenting the MyRA certificate to Professor Kendall (left) in the presence of Datuk Mary Yap, Deputy Minister of Higher Education and Dato’ Professor Dr. Asma Ismail, Director General of Higher Education Sustainable Palm Oil and an Asia Aerospace Technology Centre. This is further supported by research groups that explore areas such as Drug Delivery, Green Professor Graham Kendall, Vice-Provost for Research and Knowledge Transfer of UNMC, said, “This is a fantastic outcome for UNMC and is a testament to all the hard work by the staff at the University. I am extremely proud to represent the team of high quality academics and professional services staff that have achieved this in the short time that we have had a presence in Malaysia.” 4 5 Boustead participates in dialogue session on graduate employability Congratulations Pharmaniaga! HR Asia Award 2015 P harmaniaga Berhad (Pharmaniaga) was once again selected as a recipient of HR Asia’s Best Companies to Work for in Asia 2015 award. The award presentation ceremony was held on 13 November 2015 at a prestigious hotel in Kuala Lumpur. Receiving the award was En. Mohamed Iqbal Abdul Rahman, Chief Operating Officer of Pharmaniaga. A total of 210 companies were evaluated by the award auditors. After several assessments including surveys, an audit session and a tour of the company, Pharmaniaga proved that it continues to be one of the top employers of choice. The first time Pharmaniaga won the award was in 2014. En. Mohamed Iqbal (centre) accepting the award from the Deputy Minister of Science, Technology and Innovation, Datuk Dr. Abu Bakar Mohamad Diah Group photo of Boustead staff and SL1M interns B En. Mohamad Rizal Hj. Mansor (right) from Idaman Pharma Manufacturing (Sg. Petani branch) receiving the triple certification from SIRIM's President and Chief Executive, Dato' Dr. Zainal Abidin Mohd Yusof En. Jamsari Mohamad (right) from Pharmaniaga Logistics receiving the ISMS certificate from SIRIM's Chairman, Tan Sri Dr. Ir. Ahmad Tajuddin Ali SIRIM Industry Night 2015 P harmaniaga recently received certification for several quality schemes under SIRIM Berhad. Ten certificates have been awarded to companies under the Pharmaniaga Group, including the Information Technology Department under Pharmaniaga Logistics Sdn. Bhd., which was awarded with the Information Security Management System (ISMS) (ISO/IEC 27001) certification. Idaman Pharma Manufacturing Sdn. Bhd. (Seri Iskandar branch) received three certifications each, namely for the Quality Management System Certification Scheme (ISO 9001), Environmental Management System Certification Scheme (ISO 14001), and Occupational Health and Safety Management System Certification Scheme (OHSAS 18001). Meanwhile, Pharmaniaga LifeScience Sdn. Bhd., Idaman Pharma Manufacturing Sdn. Bhd. (Sg. Petani branch) and Congratulations to the teams and all who worked very hard to attain these prestigious certifications! Malaysia’s 100 Leading Graduate Employers Award 2015 P harmaniaga was recognised as an employer of choice by university graduates, topping the list of Malaysia’s 100 Leading Graduate Employers Award 2015 in the Pharmaceutical sector, ousting finalists GlaxoSmithKline Malaysia and Pfizer Malaysia. The award was based on votes from public and private undergraduates, as well as from those who graduated less than a year ago. En. Mohamed Iqbal (right) receives the award from GTI Media Malaysia's Director, Mr. Loh Kwai Nam The black tie award presentation ceremony was held at the Kuala Lumpur Convention Centre on 13 November 2015. En. Mohamed Iqbal Abdul Rahman, Chief Operating Officer of Pharmaniaga, represented the company to receive the award. Pharmaniaga previously received the same award in 2012 and 2014. oustead Holdings Berhad (Boustead) recently participated in a dialogue session between academians and industry participants, focusing on the issue of graduate employability. Organised by the Economic Planning Unit (EPU) at the Kuala Lumpur Convention Centre on 11 November 2015, the event was graced by the Prime Minister, YAB Dato’ Sri Mohd Najib Tun Abdul Razak and chaired by YB Senator Dato’ Sri Abdul Wahid Omar, Minister of the Prime Minister’s Department. Parties involved in the dialogue session were the Heads of Government-Linked Investment Companies (GLICs) and Government-Linked Companies (GLCs) as well as Vice Chancellors of public universities in Malaysia. Other distinguished guests included YB Dato’ Sri Richard Riot Anak Jaem, Minister of Human Resources and YB Datuk Seri Idris Jusoh, Minister of Higher Education. Tan Sri Lodin and several distinguised guests at the event Representing the Boustead Group was YBhg. Tan Sri Dato’ Seri Lodin Wok Kamaruddin, Deputy Chairman/Group Managing Director; En. Fahmy Ismail, Chief Executive Officer, Boustead Plantation Berhad and Pn. Nawal Hanafiah, Senior General Manager, Group Human Capital Management. Also present were Boustead’s current and former Boustead Skim Latihan 1 Malaysia (SL1M) interns, along with SL1M interns from other GLICs and GLCs. As a GLC, Boustead has been supporting the SL1M programme since its inception in 2011 as part of its Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR) initiatives. The SL1M programme was introduced by the Government to help address the issue of graduate employability. Todate, many graduates have benefitted from the programme. Several interns who showed strong potential were recruited into Boustead’s growing talent pool. the exhibition which comprised more than 50 exhibition booths, several interesting programmes were conducted by the exhibitors such as debate competitions, forums and a lucky draw. Boustead participates in MISEE 2015 B oustead Holdings Berhad (Boustead) recently participated in the Malaysia Investment & Stock Exchange Expo (MISEE) 2015, which was held at the Putra World Trade Centre from 20 to 22 November 2015. of the event was to educate the public and engage with potential retail investors. The event was officiated by Minister of Finance II, YB Dato' Seri Ahmad Husni Hanadzlah. The objective Participants included Bursa Malaysia, public listed and unit trust companies as well as investment consultants. Besides Visitors looking at the information posters at Boustead's exhibition booth A visitor being briefed on the Boustead's business activities 6 7 Congratulations Abdul Rahman and Low Tian Hock! A bdul Rahman Mohd Raidzoh and Low Tian Hock did the Company proud when they recently completed and attained the Malaysian Institute of Certified Public Accountants (MICPA) qualification and the ACA qualification from the Institute of Chartered Accountants in England and Wales (ICAEW) respectively. Abdul Rahman and Low first joined Boustead as Accountant Trainees under Boustead’s Accountant Trainee Programme and are both today, successful chartered accountants with the Group. Abdul Rahman receiving MICPA certificate from Mr. Tan Theng Hooi of MICPA In honour of his achievement, Abdul Rahman was invited From left: En. Fahmy Ismail, Mr. Low Tian Hock, Mr. Daniel Ebinesan, Mr. Andrew Ratcliffe of ICAEW, Ms. Loh Wei Yuen of ICAEW, Ms. Josephine Wong, Pn. Nawal Hanafiah, Pn. Johana Sara and Mr. Mark Billington of ICAEW From left: En. Harizal Halim, Pn. Nawal Hanafiah, Pn. Johana Sara, Pn. Nazariah, En. Abdul Rahman, En. Mohd Raidzoh, Mr. Daniel Ebinesan, En. Fahmy Ismail and En. Adzli Shaferul Profile of a Chartered Accountant - Abdul Rahman bin Mohd Raidzoh when he completed his SPM. He then pursued Foundation Study in Engineering at a private university under scholarship before continuing to pursue a Bachelor’s Degree in Electrical Power Engineering the next year at the same university. Some things were not meant to be and dictated by circumstances, he left the engineering field after two years. He then continued his education by taking a Diploma in Accountancy course at Universiti Teknologi Mara, Seri Iskandar and proceeded to the main campus in Shah Alam to pursue his Bachelor's Degree in Accountancy. QUALIFICATIONS: • • • Graduate of the Malaysian Institute of Certified Public Accountants (MICPA) & Chartered Accountants Australia and New Zealand (CAANZ) Bachelor of Accountancy, Universiti Teknologi MARA, Shah Alam Diploma in Accountancy, Universiti Teknologi MARA, Seri Iskandar DATE JOINED BOUSTEAD: • 1 November 2012 CURRENT POSITION: • Accountant, Boustead Holdings Berhad (assigned to MHS Aviation Berhad) Abdul Rahman’s journey in the accounting world started out when he completed his Diploma in Accountancy in 2010. Abdul Rahman was a science stream student from MRSM Pontian On behalf of Boustead, we would like to congratulate Abdul Rahman and Low on their success and we look forward to seeing them both build long and successful careers with the Group. All the best! to attend a graduation ceremony organised by MICPA on 26 October 2015 at Connexion@Nexus, Bangsar South. Present at the graduation ceremony were Abdul Rahman’s parents, wife and young son as well as Mr. Daniel Ebinesan, Group Finance Director and other representatives from Boustead. Since joining Boustead, he has been assigned to the Tax Department of Boustead Holdings Berhad, Boustead Building Materials Sdn. Bhd., Boustead Sissons Paints Sdn. Bhd., The University of Nottingham in Malaysia Sdn. Bhd. and is currently an Accountant assigned to MHS Aviation Berhad. The father-of-one who is expecting another child in April considers himself a family-oriented person. He acknowledges that juggling between work, studies and family is very demanding and requires a huge effort to pull through. Thanks to his supportive family, especially his parents and wife, he managed to complete his MICPA programme in two years and graduated in July 2015. “My parents are my greatest inspiration and source of encouragement. They are always there to support me whenever I lose my way, and I cannot even imagine where I would be today were it not for their patience and wisdom. My wife, stood Low also similarly attended a graduation ceremony organised by ICAEW held on 5 November 2015. Present to share Low’s hard earned success at the auspicious ceremony held at JW Marriot Hotel, Kuala Lumpur were his parents, Mr. Daniel Ebinesan and also other representatives from Boustead. Profile of a Chartered Accountant - Low Tian Hock by me through thick and thin, and it is comforting to know that come what may, I'll always have her support and calming presence with me.” Low’s accounting journey began in 2007 when he was awarded a merit scholarship to pursue the RMIT Bachelor of Business degree, majoring in Accounting. Upon graduation, Low joined the Company’s ICAEW Accountant Trainee Programme. Since then he has been exposed to various operations within the Boustead Group of Companies, starting with Group Finance and subsequently to the Trading & Industrial Division of the Group. The experience he gained in group reporting, taxation, financial and management accounting is the greatest advantage of joining the Accountant Trainee Programme where real life situations and theoretical aspects of the syllabus go hand in hand. The Accountant Trainee Programme provided Abdul Rahman the opportunity to learn from the very best finance personnel in the Boustead Group. Being under the tutelages of Mdm. Amy Ng, Boustead Building Materials’ Financial Controller and Mr. Tilliampalam Sangarapillai, The University of Nottingham Malaysia Campus’ Director of Non-Academic Services provided him with quality experience which helped him to shape his professionalism and work attitude early in his career. Abdul Rahman is extremely grateful to Mr. Daniel Ebinesan, the Group Finance Director, for his mentorship and support and to Boustead for giving him the opportunity to be part of the Accountant Trainee Programme. QUALIFICATIONS: • • • • Graduate of the Institute of Chartered Accountants in England & Wales (ICAEW) Member of Malaysian Institute of Accountants and CPA Australia Master of Engineering (CivilStructure), Universiti Teknologi Malaysia Bachelor of Business (Accountancy) with Distinction, RMIT University, Australia DATE JOINED BOUSTEAD: • 15 November 2010 CURRENT POSITION: • Abdul Rahman and his mentor, Mr. Daniel A group photo for remembrance Accountant, Boustead Holdings Berhad (assigned to Boustead Engineering Sdn. Bhd.) Undeniably, the programme is a challenging one that requires a lot of dedication and perseverance. In addition to the responsibilities at work, Low attended lectures and classes regularly in preparation for his examinations. Juggling between work and studies became increasingly difficult as he was assigned bigger roles and responsibilities at the workplace. As the saying goes, “Nothing ventured, nothing gained.” With good self-discipline, determination and time management, Low completed his final module in July 2015. Low was overjoyed and speechless when the result was released. The only thing in his mind then was “Thank God, I have finally completed all my ICAEW papers.” Here, Low’s family, superiors and friends deserve a lot of credit for giving him the encouragement and support needed. Low believes that “All work and no play makes Jack a dull boy.” Hence, he enjoys watching movies, travelling and sports like table tennis and hiking. Low believes that the ICAEW programme is a great stepping stone that will help him grow further within the Boustead Group. He looks forward to contributing to the Boustead Group by applying the knowledge gained from his accounting and business studies. He is extremely grateful to Mr. Daniel Ebinesan, the Group Finance Director in particular and Boustead for giving him the opportunity to be part of the Accountant Trainee Programme and for the continued faith and support. Low smiles happily with his mentor, Mr. Daniel standing proudly beside him 8 9 Corporate Planning and Group Legal & Compliance departments’ trip to Penang and Langkawi (22 - 25 October 2015) T he Corporate Planning and Group Legal & Compliance departments of Boustead Holdings Berhad recently took some time off for a company retreat to Penang and Langkawi. We stayed at The Royale Bintang Penang and Meritus Pelangi Beach & Spa Resort Langkawi respectively. Day 2 (23 October 2015) After an early breakfast, we went to visit Penang Hill. We had a fun experience going up the steep hill via the funicular train. Once we reached the top, we took a buggy for a tour around the hill. The view was breathtakingly beautiful. It was very calming to be on the hill top, breathing in the refreshingly cool air while overlooking Penang Island. Trying our best to blend in with the 3D art painting In the afternoon after Friday prayers, we enjoyed lunch at Ummu Shirah Kari Kepala Ikan at Batu Ferringhi. We then headed to the Batik Factory, where we spent a few hours appreciating hand-painted batik and painted some pieces ourselves. Our favourite place to stay, The Royale Bintang Penang "At the top of the world. Oops! it’s just Penang Hill" Following this, we stopped by Chowrasta Market to buy pickled fruits, before touring around the city centre to admire and take photos of the creative street art that Penang is well-known for. In the evening, we visited Straits Quay. There were lots of yachts and small boats by the pier. We then headed to Gurney Drive for dinner at Oriental Seafood Restaurant where we also had a birthday surprise for the 'October babies.' Post-dinner happy faces Day 1 Day Group picture at the entrance of Penang Hill Master of art at work (24 October 2015) We kicked off our day with a ferry ride from Kuala Kedah to Langkawi in the morning, and went shopping at Kuah as soon as we arrived. There were loads to buy at the duty free shop and all of us went a little crazy with the shopping. With happy faces and bags full of chocolate goodies, we headed for lunch at Wan Thai Restaurant where we feasted on delicious Thai seafood. (22 October 2015) Our journey started with a bus ride to Penang, as our flight was cancelled due to the terrible haze. Despite the change in travel plans, we still enjoyed ourselves on our bus ride, stopping by several rest areas along the way, including R&R Tapah, where we had a quick lunch before we continued our journey to Penang. We checked in at The Royale Bintang Penang as soon as we arrived. We then went for dinner at the famous chicken tandoori eatery, Kapitan Restaurant, just minutes away from the hotel. 3 After lunch, we went to a popular 3D interactive art museum called Langkawi Art in Paradise 3D Museum. The museum features over one hundred 3D interactive paintings by a group of talented international artists. We had a blast taking countless “A journey is best measured in friends, rather than miles” Finishing up the final touches of our batik masterpiece "Happy birthday October babies!" Take a stroll down memory lane, Penang Street Art Ferry ride to Langkawi "Be careful everyone!" photos and striking funny poses against the 3D wall and floor paintings. Before checking in at the hotel, we visited the Gamat factory. There, we were given the opportunity to put our hands in boiling Gamat oil. All of us were surprised to find that the heat was bearable. We then proceeded to check in at Meritus Pelangi Beach & Spa Resort, where we freshened up before heading out for dinner at a restaurant in Pantai Chenang. Day 4 “Hmm, which gamat products should I buy?” (25 October 2015) With a heavy heart, we left Langkawi and took a ferry to Kuala Perlis. Lunch at Kak Su Laksa was enjoyable and some of us tried a dish we do not usually have back in KL, laksa belut. We will surely miss Penang’s beautiful architecture and mouthwatering delicacies, Langkawi’s duty-free shops, and most of all, we will treasure the memories we shared together during our trip. Splashing time at Meritus Pelangi Beach & Spa Resort Langkawi 10 11 Faster checkout with AFFINBANK BHPetrol ‘Touch And Fuel’ Mastercard Contactless Payment I n conjunction with the relaunch of the AFFINBANK BHPetrol ‘Touch and Fuel’ MasterCard Contactless credit card, and to mark the nine-year partnership between AFFINBANK and BHPetrol, BHPetrol is proud to announce the launch of MasterCard contactless payment terminals at all pump islands. BHPetrol is the first merchant chain in Southeast Asia to offer this innovative service. “Establishing contactless payment terminals at pump islands is part of our drive to offer our customers greater efficiency and convenience. With these new payment terminals, customers will experience a whole new level in speed and convenience when filling up their vehicles at BHPetrol stations. Currently, there are 160 From left: En. Idris Abd. Hamid, En. Kamarul Ariffin Mohd. Jamil, Mr. Tan Kim Thiam and Mr. Davesh Kuwadekar at the AFFINBANK BHPetrol 'Touch & Fuel' MasterCard & Contactless Terminal Launch BHPetrol stations equipped with approximately 1,500 contactless payment terminals across Peninsular Malaysia,” said Mr. Tan Kim Thiam, Managing Director of BHPetrol. The AFFINBANK BHPetrol ‘Touch and Fuel’ MasterCard Contactless credit card provides improved benefits and privileges for cardholders. Group Finance (GFIN) organises Rat Race 2015 This includes a petrol cash rebate of 2% on weekdays and 10% on weekends for petrol spending at BHPetrol stations nationwide. Cardholders will also enjoy further savings of up to 0.8% with AFFIN Bonus cash rebate on their overall monthly retail spending (excluding petrol and government related transactions), low finance charges of only 9.99% per annum as well as Personal Accident insurance coverage of up to RM30,000 a year. Getting ready for the run The winner for each category completed the climb to the 15th floor of Menara Boustead in under three minutes. It was worth the climb for all those winners, as they were awarded with great prizes. In addition, new cardholders who join from 1 December 2015 to 30 November 2016 will also stand a chance to take home a welcome gift with a minimum cumulative spend of just RM500 when they use their cards within the first 30-days of card issuance. Group photo of Rat Race 2015 runners One Cochrane Residences S et to be unveiled soon, One Cochrane Residences is the latest residential development by Mutiara Rini Sdn. Bhd., a subsidiary of Boustead Holdings Berhad and the successful developer of the award-winning townships, Mutiara Damansara in Petaling Jaya and Taman Mutiara Rini in Skudai, Johor Bahru. The freehold eight-acre site will house four tower blocks comprising two 39-storey towers (Tower A and B) and two 38-storey towers (Tower C and D). Upon completion in 2020, there will be 800 condominium units of various sizes (minimum unit size is 970 sq. ft., standard unit sizes are between 1,100 sq. ft. and 1,400 sq. ft., whilst penthouses are around 2,400 sq. ft.). One Cochrane Residences offers a unique dual-key concept, along with a standard floor layout. The dualkey concept provides owners with added privacy via a separate entrance to one of the rooms with an en suite bath and pantry. North-facing units enjoy an impressive view of the city skyline, while southfacing units look towards Sungai Besi. All units have separate balconies, and facilities are spread over one floor for convenience at Level 8 of West and East Podiums. A walkthrough bridge connects all Towers to the Podium Facilities Floor. Complementing each unit are two car parks. Four-tier security systems ensure Male under 40 category “A privacy and safety whilst each tower will have four passenger lifts, a service lift and separate lift lobbies. Strategically located at Jalan Cochrane, One Cochrane Residences is just 4.2km southeast from Kuala Lumpur City Centre and directly opposite the newly opened IKEA Cheras, the upcoming MyTOWN Shopping Mall (opening in November 2016) and the Cochrane MRT Station. The MRT line connecting Sg. Buloh and Kajang is now undergoing construction and is expected to be completed by 2017. In addition, the KLCC Twin Towers, the Golden Triangle, renowned shopping centres at Jalan Bukit Bintang/ Jalan Ampang and international/ boutique hotels are only a 5 to 10-minute drive away. One Cochrane Residences is also easily accessible and well connected to major highways such as the Maju Expressway (MEX), SMART Highway, Middle Ring Road 2 (MRR2) and Federal Highway. One Cochrane Residences is now open for registration. Kindly register your interest at Property Division, 18th Floor, Menara Boustead or call 03-2141 9044, Cik Hanim (ext. 255) or email hanim.mrini@ or En. Wan (ext. 147) or email The Sales Gallery and Show Units located at Jalan Cochrane are currently under construction and are expected to be ready for public viewing by June 2016. The sales launch is scheduled for October 2016. In the meantime, the architectural model of One Cochrane Residences is available for viewing at the main lobby of IKEA Cheras until 6 February 2016. Female under 40 category ll work and no play makes Jack a dull boy” is a phrase we often hear. But in this case, all work and no exercise makes Group Finance (GFIN) a lethargic team. participated in this event. Even our Group Finance Director, Mr. Daniel Ebinesan, showed support by climbing up to the 7th floor of Menara Boustead. With the haze continuously plaguing KL, it was quite hard to stay healthy. That was when the idea of a ‘rat race’ came about, in order to educate GFIN team members on how to stay healthy by exercising indoors. For the race, GFIN team members were divided into four categories, namely male/ female above 40 and male/female under 40. The participants were cheered on by Group Human Capital Management and Group Corporate Communication & Administration teams led by Pn. Nawal & Cik Harzilah, at both the starting (ground floor) and finish lines and along certain check points. At first, the thought of climbing 408 steps seemed to be a daunting challenge for most team members. But, with encouragement, almost all After the exhaustive climb, GFIN team members cooled off and relaxed while listening to a health talk by Mdm. Josephine Wong, who highlighted the importance of adequate exercise and sleep for a stress-free life. Equipped with this much-needed information, participants then put it into practice, with Mdm. Josephine demonstrating some exercises. After exercising, it was time to have a drink. In line with the health and wellness theme, GFIN team member Cik Adibah gave a demonstration on how to make Malaysia’s favourite drink, 'teh tarik', with a twist, namely with ginger tea and ‘masala’ tea. The event ended with a birthday celebration for 4th quarter (September to December 2015) babies. A sumptous luncheon was then provided for the hungry souls. 12 13 the Curve news eCurve news An enchanted Journey to Storyland A unique and specially-created wonderland of books filled to the brim with festive cheer awaited shoppers at the Curve this year, as the shopping mall took on the enchantment-themed Journey to Storyland campaign for the Christmas holidays. Back to Jurassic A as grand Christmas-themed storybooks, each containing a magical tale within their pages, decked the stage. Accentuating the immense brightly-coloured books, decorated Christmas trees and strings of fairy lights added an air of excitement to the ambience, beckoning visitors to immerse themselves in the Journey to Storyland musical. From 27 November 2015 to 3 January 2016, the Curve’s Centre Court took books to new heights with a stunning Storyland setup, performances in A Ballet-ful Christmas, as well as Silent Comedy show, Gigglin’ with the Grinch. The Story Time storytelling sessions, as well as the Santa and Santarina walkabouts were an alltime children favourite. Last but not least, Christmas Carollers got visitors into the Christmas spirit as they filled the air with classic favourites. Charming and full of whimsical delight, the live musical performance featured Aria, a young songstress who discovered that her voice and songs have the power to bring the characters of her favourite book to life on Christmas eve. Full of playful, wondrous creatures, lively dances and sweet songs, the show captivated audiences young and old with its tale of love, friendship and festive joy. Foodie Fest t he Curve’s first-ever Foodie Fest from 2 to 4 October 2015 was a great success, as shoppers and families of all ages were treated to three whole days of great streetstyle food, exciting cooking demos by Malaysian Celebrity Chefs and delightful entertainment. Patrons got to choose from 18 stalls at the Centre Court which offered a wide range of dishes, drinks and desserts. LEGO Ninjago™ Crowd at the Centre Court during the three-day Foodie Fest event Various cuisines were made available ranging from local, western and even fusion to cater to Malaysians from all walks of life. L EGO Malaysia recently joined forces with the Curve to bring the popular LEGO Ninjago™ franchise to life. Ninja enthusiasts had the opportunity to enter the mystical world of Ninjago™, undergo intense training only fit for a true Ninja and fight alongside Kai, Zane, Cole and Jay against the evil Morro at the LEGO Ninjago™ Battle Dojo from 16 to 27 September 2015. Adding to the Ninja experience, Meet and Greet sessions with characters from the Ninjago™ series were held on a daily basis throughout the campaign. There were also Ninja performances on Children's play area Triceratops and Carnotaurus dinosaur replicas that stood at almost five feet high and 13 feet long. Themed 'Back to Jurassic', shoppers enjoyed a thrillingly immersive atmosphere, complete with exotic flora and of course, kids had access to rides on three large dinosaurs. With moving heads and claws, blinking eyes, as well as lifelike roars all adding up to a memorable experience for the kids, the rides were made up of Tyrannosaurus, Visitors were also able to take home their own piece of the prehistoric era with various memorabilia, figurines, apparel and more being sold at the merchandise corner at the Centre Atrium. In addition, Special Dino - Egg Surprise redemption gifts were also available throughout the campaign period. In the spirit of giving, shoppers who spent a minimum of RM350 in a maximum of two receipts were entitled to redeem an exclusive Magical Umbrella, courtesy of the Curve. In addition, those who spent RM750 and above in a maximum of two receipts were entitled to redeem an exclusive L’Occitane Body Care Set. In addition, other delightful Christmas activities included graceful ballet Wondrous creatures come to life prehistoric journey awaited kids at eCurve for the September school holidays held from 16 September to 4 October 2015. The Centre Atrium on the Ground Floor of eCurve was transformed into an awe-inspiring dinosaur habitat and visitors had the chance to get up close and personal with their favourite dinosaurs. The highlight of the weekend was the cooking demos by two of the nation’s own celebrity chefs, MasterChef Malaysia 2011 finalist, Chef Nik Michael Imran and internationallyrecognised TV personality, Chef Sherson Lian. To top it all off, Elizabeth Tan, Malaysian YouTube sensation thrilled fans with her talent, performing several songs live on stage. Qayyum Irwani, winner of Raja Spontan Era was also present at the Foodie Fest as the guest emcee. stage every weekend and on public holidays, giving kids an opportunity to learn new ninja moves. Adding to the Jurassic experience, there were also interactive dinosaur mascots roaming around eCurve to give shoppers a little teaser of what was happening at the Centre Atrium. A kid smiles happily after a dinasour ride Ritzy Christmas Musical Snapshot from the Ritzy Christmas Musical F rom 27 November 2015 to 3 January 2016, eCurve’s Centre Atrium was transformed to resemble a grand courtyard within a mansion home, with festive decorations in celebration of the holiday season. Twinkling lights, cheery green garlands with glittery ornaments all evoked Christmas cheer, and sparkling white snowflakes hanging down from above completed the picturesque scene. style dresses and feathered headbands to sleek suits and fedoras, entertained audiences of all ages with a thrilling repertoire of fast-paced dance moves and catchy festive tunes. With luxurious floor-length curtains draped over graceful arched windows, not to mention Christmas trees placed all around the area, visitors were able to enjoy the truly festive ambience surrounding them. Apart from that, there was a range of other Christmas activities during the campaign period, including Santa & Santarina Walkabout, Dazzling Christmas Mix and Christmas Carolling. The highlight of the campaign featured the not-to-be-missed Ritzy Christmas Musical. Performers dressed in stylish costumes, from embellished flapper- As an added treat, shoppers were rewarded with a Classic Table Clock by spending a minimum of RM200 in a maximum of two receipts at any eCurve outlet throughout the campaign. Jabatan Komunikasi Korporat adakan kempen derma darah P rihatin dengan bekalan darah yang sentiasa tidak mencukupi, Jabatan Komunikasi Korporat Boustead Holdings Berhad dengan kerjasama Pusat Perubatan Universiti Malaya (PPUM) mengadakan kempen menderma darah pada 9 Disember yang lalu. Kempen tahunan itu diadakan bagi memberi kesedaran kepada staf Boustead dan juga orang ramai untuk menunaikan tanggungjawab mereka sebagai masyarakat prihatin. Seramai 80 orang tampil menderma darah, namun cuma 57 orang yang berjaya menderma setelah pemeriksaan kesihatan dijalankan. Syabas dan terima kasih kepada para penderma atas jasa dan keprihatinan mereka terhadap golongan yang memerlukan darah! To top it all off, a free play zone was set up where visitors were able to play and build using LEGO products and also take photos with special Ninjago™ 3D glue models. Parents joined in the fun in a Darkroom showcasing glow in the dark LEGO products. They also enjoyed videos on LEGO Ninjago™ at the Mini Theatre Zone. Antara kakitangan Boustead yang hadir menderma darah 14 15 News from The Royale Chulan & Bintang Hotels 9 October The Royale Chulan Kuala Lumpur 16 October The Royale Bintang Kuala Lumpur 31 October Ceramah Kecemasan dan Keselamatan Kebakaran diri dan tindakan yang perlu diambil sekiranya berlaku sebarang kecemasan seperti kebakaran. Beliau menasihati para peserta agar dapat The Royale Chulan Kuala Lumpur Pegawai Bomba, Tuan Robert menyampaikan taklimat keselamatan kebakaran dengan bantuan tayangan video dan gambar P From left: Boustead Hotels & Resorts Sdn. Bhd.'s Director of Operations, YBhg. Datuk Mokhtar Khir with YABhg. Tun Dato’ Seri Zaki Tun Azmi, President of Lincoln’s Inn Alumni Association Malaysia (LIAAM) and YBhg. Tan Sri Dato’ Sri Md. Raus Sharif, President of The Court of Appeal at LIAAM’s dinner. 4-6 November General Manager, En. Kamaruddin Baharin and Director of Sales, Cik Siti Sapiah (4th & 5th from left respectively) pose alongside corporate clients at Corporate Cocktail 2015 event. The Royale Chulan Kuala Lumpur 5 November Halloween Night party with in-house entertainment and light refreshments for hotel guests is held at Heritage Club. The Royale Chulan Kuala Lumpur ada 3 November 2015, Bahagian Hartanah Boustead Holdings Berhad telah menganjurkan satu ceramah mengenai Kecemasan dan Keselamatan Kebakaran. Ceramah tersebut telah diadakan di Tingkat 9, Bangunan Letak Kereta, Menara Boustead dan dihadiri oleh lebih kurang 100 orang para peserta yang terdiri daripada Fire Marshal, Emergency Response Team, anggota kawalan keselamatan dan penyelenggaraan bangunan Menara Boustead dan Wisma Boustead. Ceramah dimulakan dengan penerangan mengenai aspek keselamatan yang telah disampaikan oleh Tuan Robert James, Pegawai Bomba dari Jabatan Bomba Dan Penyelamat Kuala Lumpur. Beliau memberi penekanan tentang aspek keselamatan di pejabat dan di rumah, kepentingan pelan menyelamatkan DYMM Sultan Pahang, Sultan Hj. Ahmad Shah Al-Musta’in Billah; DYMM Sultanah Pahang, Sultanah Hajjah Kalsom Abdullah; Professor Dato Seri’ Mohamed Mydin Mohd Musa and international speakers at the 1Malaysia-World Congress in Sports and Exercise Medicine 2015 Ceremony. 7 November The Royale Bintang Kuala Lumpur Farah Halim (5th from left) poses alongside legendary Indonesian songstress, Hetty Koes Endang at a press conference held in conjunction with 'Konsert Satu Suara' at Istana Budaya. 3 December The Royale Bintang Kuala Lumpur En. Rai, mewakili Pharmaniaga Biomedical memberi penerangan tentang penggunaan alat AED Ceramah berakhir pada sebelah tengah hari dengan penerangan mengenai alat Automatic External Defibrillator (AED) iaitu alat bantuan awal jika berlakunya serangan jantung yang disampaikan oleh En. Rai Edrus dari Pharmaniaga Biomedical Sdn. Bhd. Semenjak ianya diperkenalkan pada tahun 2003, alat AED ini telah berjaya menyelamatkan banyak nyawa. Para peserta diberi tunjuk ajar dan peluang untuk mencuba alat pemadam kebakaran 'Cerah Ceria Seperti Saya’ Road Safety Programme B HPetrol organised a road safety programme themed ‘Cerah Ceria Seperti Saya’ for primary school children from SK Tunku Muda Serting in Bahau, Negeri Sembilan. The event held on 15 October 2015 was attended by representatives from Pejabat Pendidikan Daerah (PPD) Jempol, State Education Departments, Jabatan Keselamatan Jalan Raya (JKJR) Negeri Sembilan and Jempol police. More than 650 school children, including students from the Jempol district, participated in the event, which was aimed at enhancing awareness on the importance of The Royale Bintang Kuala Lumpur hosts a Gotong-Royong event, cleaning Bukit Bintang areas. All hotel staff participate in the CSR programme. memahirkan diri dengan penggunaan Alat Pemadam Api agar kebakaran kecil dapat dikawal sebelum ianya menjadi besar. Beberapa tayangan video serta gambar mengenai punca kebakaran dan cara-cara menyelamat diri dari dalam dan luar negeri turut dikongsikan bersama para peserta. Welcome speech by BHPetrol's Distribution Manager, Mr. Jeswant Singh being visible on the road in order to be clearly seen from a distance. All the activities carried out during the event were in line with the Road Safety Education programme which is part of the primary school curriculum. At the end of the event, students received reflective hanger tags whilst parents received reflective stickers for their motorcycles. To commemorate Christmas and New Year Celebrations, Boustead Hotels & Resorts Sdn. Bhd.'s Director of Operations, YBhg. Datuk Mokhtar Khir launches the 'Candle of Hope' charity programme at the hotel. BHPetrol staff conducting a visibility activity for students "Look left right before you cross the road!" A reflective sticker being affixed to a motorcycle Students keeping their bags visible with reflective tags 16 KSB anjur Kejohanan Paintball Tertutup 2015 akhir pula dijalankan secara kalah mati di mana pasukan yang menang layak ke perlawanan akhir. Pasukan Fighter telah menjuarai kejohanan kali ini, diikuti oleh pasukan Avengers di tempat kedua, pasukan Brave di tempat ketiga dan Pasukan Elite di tempat keempat. Paintballer KSB 2015 Khairul Syahmi Zainuddin telah dipilih sebagai Paintballer Terbaik Lelaki dan Noraliza Musa sebagai Paintballer Wanita Terbaik. Kedua-dua mereka adalah daripada Pasukan Avengers. Pemilihan Paintballer Terbaik ini telah dibuat oleh Marsyal-marsyal dari Kombat Zone. K elab Sukan Boustead (KSB) telah menganjurkan Kejohanan Paintball Tertutup 2015 di Kombat Zone Paintball Park, Taman Melawati pada 14 November 2015. Ianya merupakan kejohanan kali ketiga yang diadakan sejak tahun 2013. Kejohanan ini mendapat sambutan yang mengalakkan daripada ahli-ahli kelab. Sebanyak enam pasukan telah menyertainya di mana setiap pasukan terdiri daripada enam orang peserta termasuklah dua orang peserta wanita. Perlawanan diadakan secara tanding padan gilir atau 'round robin' di mana empat pasukan yang mendapat mata tertinggi akan mara ke perlawanan separuh akhir. Perlawanan separuh Johan Paintball KSB 2015 - Pasukan Fighter Paintballer Terbaik Lelaki, Khairul Syahmi daripada Pasukan Avengers Paintballer Terbaik Wanita, Noraliza daripada Pasukan Avengers KSB anjur sukan ekstrem Rakit Redah Jeram tempat permulaan yang mengambil masa selama 30 minit tersebut, para peserta amat seronok kerana berpeluang menikmati keindahan alam semulajadi di kawasan kampung dan Para peserta bergambar kenangan sebelum memulakan expedisi berakit juga melalui jalan tanah merah yang tidak rata di ada 5 Disember 2015, Kelab Sukan kawasan kebun kelapa sawit. Boustead (KSB) telah menganjurkan aktiviti sukan ekstrem, Rakit Redah Setibanya di tempat permulaan, Jeram (White Water Rafting) bertempat jurumudi bertauliah memberikan di Slim River, Perak. Ini merupakan taklimat keselamatan yang program sukan ekstrem kedua yang merangkumi pelbagai aspek dianjurkan oleh KSB selepas program termasuk alatan dan asas luncur layar (paragliding) yang keselamatan dan teknik asas dianjurkan pada tahun 2014. mendayung untuk mengelakkan risiko kemalangan. Aktiviti ini mendapat sambutan yang amat menggalakkan di mana seramai Tepat jam 11.00 pagi aktiviti 40 orang ahli KSB dan bukan ahli telah dimulakan. Sebanyak tujuh buah mengambil bahagian. Semua peserta rakit digunakan di mana terdapat berkumpul di Dataran Slim River lima atau enam orang peserta dan pada jam 10.00 pagi untuk taklimat dua orang jurumudi bertauliah bagi keseluruhan program oleh pihak setiap rakit. Perjalanan sepanjang Santai Outdoor selaku penyelaras bagi 10 km melalui aliran sungai yang program ini. deras, halangan batu sepanjang sungai dan jeram, benar-benar Mereka kemudiannya dibawa ke tempat menguji ketahanan mental dan permulaan dengan menaiki kenderaan fizikal serta semangat berpasukan pacuan 4x4. Sepanjang perjalanan ke di kalangan para peserta. Kami Published by: Boustead Holdings Berhad (3871-H) Printed by: Percetakan Delima Sdn Bhd (31909P) P mengambil masa selama dua jam untuk tiba ke tempat akhir aktiviti ini. Peluang menyertai dan merasai pengalaman rakit redah jeram ini sememangnya amat menyeronokkan dan bermakna sekali. Keyakinan mula dibina dan keseronokan mula dirasai setiap kali peserta berjaya melepasi jeram di sepanjang sungai. Selain daripada menguji ketahanan fizikal dan mental para peserta, program ini juga dapat mengeratkan hubungan antara ahli-ahli KSB. Aktiviti sukan ekstrem ini berakhir jam 4.00 petang. KSB mengucapkan terima kasih kepada semua pihak yang terlibat bagi menjayakan program Rakit Redah Jeram ini. Cabaran jeram
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