nexus connection - HealthBridge Children`s Hospital
nexus connection - HealthBridge Children`s Hospital
NEXUS CONNECTION JUNE 2013 A Message from Benefit Open John W. Cassidy, CEO and Enrollment CMO, Nexus Health Systems Coming Soon! A transforma on is happening in the American healthcare system and we are a part of it. In reac on, companies are finding it necessary to deploy strategies to navigate through those changes and ensure financial viability for the sake of quality care and workplace sa sfac on. Deciding a course can be difficult because the changes are s ll being decided and some of the processes are s ll being opera onalized. But one thing is for certain, the me to prepare is now. Houston hosts many world-class medical facili es and none are immune to the changes. Nexus Health Systems must retool and reorganize as well in order to ensure we can compete within the inevitable changes. In the coming weeks and months, we will introduce ini a ves that are necessary to prepare Nexus for the upcoming changes. Your leadership may have already spoken to you about a facility specific plan. Some changes will be small, while others will seem more impac ul to our daily jobs. But they are all necessary so that Nexus can con nue on its journey to provide specialized treatment to pa ents who need our services. Looking at costs now will help us be er plan our 2014 budgets and costs structures for the future. We can expect to see changes including the following: Expense control including conscious decisions to reduce nonessen al expenses that do not affect pa ent care. This will include decreased travel for educa onal benefits as well as decreased social events for 2013. Realignment for posi ons that can be redesigned to be more impac ul including some temporary hiring freezes for non-pa ent care posions. People may be asked to accept addi onal du es and assignments. Temporary benefit and pay reduc ons for some leadership posions to readjust budgets for the remainder of 2013. Changes to the buy-out program for Paid-Time-Off Program and realignment of PaidTime-Off limits. Con nued on Page 9 Nexus will hold Benefit Open Enrollment from June 20 to July 6, 2013. Open Enrollment is the me of year when employees can make changes to their health, dental, vision, life and disability benefits; add, drop, and/or apply for addional voluntary life insurance or increase/reduce coverage amounts. For the upcoming Plan Year, our insurance carriers will remain the same; Humana and Kaiser including Humana for our carrier for our specialty benefits; whole life, cri cal illness, accident and short term disability insurance. This plan year, our benefits rates, or cost for benefits, will include a special wellness discount plan. Watch for posters and communica ons detailing the Benefit Open Enrollment mee ngs scheduled at each facility in the next few weeks. Par cipants must a end one of these mee ngs to learn details on how you Con nued on Page 12 News from Shenandoah and The Woodlands Nexus Specialty Hospital celebrates Hospital Week with a fantastic BBQ The brisket was smoked overnight! It was yummy! The BBQ pit!! Thanks Cris Acosta! Pictured from left to right: Anna Herrador (EVS Supervisor), Daisy Ramirez, Alma Mendoza, Mariana Santos The pit master, Cris Acosta! Thank you for all of your hard work to make this event a success! Homemade cobbler for dessert! Congratulations Graduates!!! Erin Cassidy earned her Masters in Business Administration from Rice University. Way to go Erin! Pictured with Dr. John Cassidy and Dr. Charlene Cassidy. June 2013 Dondria Braziel Graduated from LSC-Montgomery Nursing Program - RN, ADN Member of Phi Theta Kappa Honor society Magna Cum Laude. Congrats Dondria! Pictured here with her family. Nexus Connection Page 2 of 16 Happenings in West Houston! Employee of the Month Chris is our Lead program Coordinator for the CHANGES program. Employee of the Quarter Mary Hernandez Mary is one of our outstanding RRT’s. She has been with HBH for 13 years! A ny Baby Can’s 9th Annual Walk for Autism took place on Saturday, April 13th at the AT&T Center in San Antonio, TX. Any Baby Can was looking to break their second Guinness Book of World Record title. We haven’t received confirmation that the record was broken, however, we do know we had more participants than the 2012 Walk for Autism. The Walk continues to grow every year due to the amount of support we receive from our community. Every year we bring in more participants, more volunteers, and more community resources This year we added adult resources and ,thus, continue to create more autism awareness. We were fortunate to have the San Antonio Police Chief speak on the training Any Baby Can has been providing San Antonio Police Officers. The Mayor of San Antonio, Julian Castro, and Gordon Hartman of Morgan’s Wonderland, also attended and supported the 9th Annual Walk. Any Baby Can’s Walk for Autism is a community event and all the CHRIS ELEM WAY TO GO CHRIS! Chris is our Lead program Coordinator for the CHANGES program. funds raised stay in San Antonio to serve families raising a child with autism. Any Baby Can’s Autism Services Program is offered, at no cost to families, and this is made possible by the funds raised from the walk. A new area was added to the walk this year on top of the annual resource fair and Rudy’s Playground, the Health and Wellness area. Local gyms, wellness practices, nutritionists, and other were invited to provide wellness info and activities for children of all ages and abilities. Never have we had an organization or business provide free bicycle helmets to our participants/families and we are so grateful that HealthBridge Houston could be that added resource for us this year! From the Sunny Shores of Southern California When to Manage and When to Lead by Marie a Mauhay, BSN, Nurse Manager "One does not manage people; the task is to lead people"-Peter Drucker The debate between leadership and management has been discussed and many ar cles wri en for a number of years. I believe that the dis nc on between management and leadership is useful in gaining a be er understanding of when to manage and when to lead. To provide a clear dis nc on of the differences between leadership and managing, I will use Stephen Covey's and Warren Bennis’ perspec ve on leadership and management. Leadership and management are two crea ons. Leadership is the first crea on. Leadership is not management. Management is the second crea on. Management is a bo om line focus: How can I best accomplish certain things? Leadership deals with the top line: What are the things I want to ac- complish. Management is doing things right where as leadership is doing the right things. Management is efficiency in climbing the ladder of success; leadership determines whether the ladder is leaning against the right wall. Franklin Covey con nues to cite this example to point out the difference between leadership and management. He wrote, "You can quickly grasp the important difference between the two if you envision a group of producers cu ng their way through the jungle with machetes. They are the producers, the problem solvers. They are cu ng through the undergrowth, clearing it out. The managers are behind them, sharpening their machetes, wri ng policy and procedures manuals, holding muscle development programs, bringing in improved technologies and se ng up working schedules and compensa on programs for machete wielders. The leader is the one who climbs the tallest tree, surveys the en re situaon, and yells, "Wrong jungle!" But how do the busy, efficient producers and managers respond? Shut up! We are making progress." As individuals, groups and businesses too o en are too busy that they do not even know they are in the wrong jungle. Let us try to lead and manage with dignity and integrity doing the right thing for all the people we served. EMPLOYEE OF THE MONTH Lily Beltran, RRT Lily Beltran has been has been employed with HBO since 2008. Lily has a heart of gold and is the epitome of what a caring and compassionate care provider should be. Lily is ALWAYS willing to go the extra mile to help out colleagues and pa ents. She can always find a way to make the best out of a difficult or challenging situaon and is always ready to help find a solu on to a problem. Thank you, Lily, for all of your con nued hard work and dedica on to our program here at HBO. Your compassion for what you do is truly reflected in every ounce of care that you provide to our pa ents. You make a difference!!! June 2013 Nexus Connection STAR AWARD Erica Sharber, CNA Erica was nominated by our paents and families for April’s Star Employee Award. Rm #2 says, “Best Teacher. Thank you for the kindness, pa ence and exper se teaching me safe wheelchair transfers”. Way to go Erica!! Page 4 of 16 F Communications from Conroe, Texas Sheena has been a stalwart of compassion and professionalism for 15 years. No one exceeds her in devo on to duty and she excels in service to families and loved ones of our residents. She has grown in her degree of managerial exper se over the years and has become a bas on of stability in the TNC family. Kourtney Wright Livings Skills Advisor 4/9/2008 Ma Lehigh AP/ Purchasing Specialist 5/28/2008 Debbie Wilson Director of Quality Svcs 6/9/2008 Shellye Evans Somerset APD 6/11/2008 Claude Harris joined us 10 years ago as a part me recep onist. She has always been appreciated and admired for her professionalism and excellent customer service. Thank you Claude for your flexibility and willingness to excel in other needed areas as well. Tanisha Carter began her journey at TNC as a PRN LSS and throughout 10 years she has had to wear many hats and learn different posi ons. Tanisha is always willing to do whatever it takes to get a job done and her loyalty and dedica on is known by all. Thank you for your “can do” a tude. Sam Elzie came to us 10 years ago as an LSS. He is a hard worker and very compassionate towards all residents. He treats the residents as if they were his family. His flexibility and strong work ethics makes him a true asset here at Touchstone. Kidz Fest 2013 On Friday, May 17, 2013, Touchstone held its 1st Derby Day! A er several heats of wheelchair racing, there was a true winner in Coby Nirider with a me of 1:11. Francesca Hampton followied in 2nd with a me of 1:22 and Don Williams came in 3rd with a me of 1:28. Hot dogs and refreshments were served to all and music entertainment was provided by our music therapists. A big thank you to all par cipants and everyone that helped make this a great event. Touchstone employees gave away over 250 helmets on behalf of the Nexus Hope Foundaon for the 2nd year. Touchstone has been par cipa ng as a vendor for the last 4 years, raising awareness to preven ng brain injuries. A big thanks goes out to the employees and their families that dedicated their me to make this event successful. The Apple Core: Be er Hearing and Speech Month (May) By: Anna Coburn, Speech Therapist, Touchstone Better Hearing & Speech Month provides opportunities for audiologists and speech language pathologists to raise awareness about communication disorders and to promote intervention that can improve the quality of life for those who experience problems with hearing, speaking, or understanding. Since 1927, the American Speech‐Language‐Hearing Associa on has celebrated Be er Hearing and Speech Month each May to raise public awareness of speech and language disorders that affect 14 million Ameri‐ cans Who Has Hearing, Speech, and Language Problems? Forty‐two million Ameri‐ cans have some type of communica on disorder. Hearing, speech, and language disorders are everybody’s problem. Anyone of any age can have a communica on disorder. Children can have communica on disorders from birth; adults can develop disorders related to an injury or illness; and older people can experience gradual decline in their ability to hear, speak, and understand. What Causes Communica on Disorders? Hearing: Some of the causes of hearing loss are chronic ear infec ons, heredity, birth defects, health problems at birth, certain drugs, head injury, viral or bacterial infec on, exposure to loud noise, aging, and tumors. Speech and Language: Some of the causes of speech and language disorders are related to hearing loss, cerebral palsy and other nerve/muscle disorders, severe head injury, stroke, viral diseases, mental retarda on, certain drugs, physical impairments such as cle lip or palate, vocal abuse or misuse, and inadequate speech and language models. What are the types of communica on and swallowing disorders in Acquired Neurologic Disorders Individuals with aphasia One in five Americans has a hearing loss. may also have other Changes in communica on and swallow- problems, such as dysing abili es are common as a result of arthria, apraxia, or swallowing probstroke, brain trauma, or a variety of neu- lems. rological diseases such as Parkinson's. Dysarthria Aphasia Dysarthria is a condi on in which you Aphasia is a disorder that results from have difficulty controlling or coordidamage to the parts of the brain respon- na ng the muscles you use when you sible for language, o en on the le side speak, or weakness of those muscles. of the brain. Aphasia causes problems Dysarthria o en is characterized by with any or all of the following: speakslurred or slow speech that can be diffiing, listening, reading, and wri ng or cult to understand. even sign language. The severity can range from mild to severe. June Dysarthria may involve some or all of the basic speech processes such as accuracy of pronuncia on, control of breathing, pitch, loudness and quality of voice. Cogni ve-Linguis c skills Cogni ve-linguis c is a term, which encompasses many language skills, which are more Apraxia of speech complex than just retrieving words or Apraxia is a general term. It can cause forming sentences. It includes spoken problems in parts of the body, such as and arms and legs. It is a motor planning wri en expression and understanding, problem. Apraxia of speech is a motor verbal and non-verbal aspects of comspeech disorder. It is caused by damage munica on such as tone of voice and to the parts of the brain related to facial expression. speaking. Other terms include apraxia of speech, acquired apraxia of speech, HOW DO WE USE IT? There are many different levels of communica on in everyday life, for examThe American ple: • Social speech: informal, ‘hello’, Speech-Language‘goodbye’, ‘how are you? Hearing Associa on • Light conversa on: at a party • Language at work: technical, teaching, (ASHA) is the na onjargon al professional, sci• Highly academic language: lecturing, giving mul -step direc ons en fic and creden- aling associa on for more than 145,000 audiologists, speech-language pathologists and speech, language, and hearing sciensts. verbal apraxia, and dyspraxia. People with apraxia of speech have trouble sequencing the sounds in syllables and words. The severity depends on the nature of the brain damage. To communicate well, people need to be able to focus and concentrate on what is going on around them. Cognive-communica on disorders o en occur a er trauma such as a vehicle accident or a stroke. Cogni on Speech-language pathologists also treat pa ents with cogni ve deficits: such as impaired memory, problem solving, reasoning, insight, processing informa on, organiza on, planning, ini aon and follow through. Dysphagia Dysphagia is a disorder of swallowing and/or feeding. Dysphagia may occur during any of the processes involved in the act of swallowing, including • preparing for a bite or sip of liquid • chewing • moving the food in the mouth • triggering the swallow moving the food from the mouth to the stomach. Speech-language pathologists are the professionals who treat all types of speech, language, swallowing and related disorders. They hold at least a master’s degree and are cer fied by the American Speech-Language. Hearing Associa on. It is derived from the Greek ''dys'' meaning bad or disordered, and ''phago'' meaning "eat. Quest for Quality… HBH Quality Indicators Not Red 2013 NSHs Total Quality Indicators Not Red 2013 HBOs Total Quality Indicators Not Red 2013 YTD AVG Dec Nov Oct Sept Aug July June May April Mar Feb Jan 92%85%85%85% 87% 100% 85% 80% 60% 40% 20% 0% 0% 0% 0% 0% 0% 0% 0% 0% Benchmark 100% 85% 94% 94% 100% YTD AVG Dec Nov Oct Sept Aug July June May April Mar 120% TNC Quality Indicators Not Red 2013 95% 94% 80% 60% 40% 20% 0% 0% 0% 0% 0% 0% 0% 0% 0% Stayinformedwith... ADPMobileApp–“NewsFeed” The ADP Mobile App “News feed” is up and running!! You can view your scheduled Holidays, pay dates, and learn “how to use your Holiday Bank” plus other useful resources. This a great tool for viewing your benefits, check stubs, me cards, re rement account balances and reques ng PTO!! Using the ADP Mobile App is EASY and user friendly. In order to download the app you must have a Smart phone, Android or Blackberry device. Instruc ons on “how to down load” the ADP Mobile APP can be found on the Nexus ADP SelfServe Communica on page. Answers to your frequently asked ques ons are just a “click” away, down load the mobile app today!!! June 2013 Feb Benchmark Jan 100% 85% 79%71% 68% 80% 57%64% 60% 40% 20% 0% 0% 0% 0% 0% 0% 0% 0% 0% YLD AVG Dec Nov Oct Sept Aug July June May April Mar Feb Jan Benchmark 93%93%85% 85% 100% 85% 69% 80% 60% 40% 20% 0% 0% 0% 0% 0% 0% 0% 0% 0% Nexus Connection If you don't have me to do it right, then you must have me to do it over. Anonymous Page 8 of 16 Nexus Direct A direct access hotline to the Nexus Compliance Department monitored by a contract agency and available to all employees, families, vendors and visitors. 1-866-285-8528 John W. Cassidy: Message Con nued from Page 1 Many of the changes we are incorpora ng into our opera ons are similar to what our healthcare partners have already had to do. Some of our changes are described as temporary because they are in fact not thought to be permanent changes. They are thought to only be temporary so that we can realign budgets that were set prior to us knowing about some of the revenue reducons. These changes are real and may cause us to reevaluate processes and the way we do our jobs. But, in the end, we will con nue to provide excellent pa ent care for the paents who need us. Retooling and reorganizing does not mean instability. There is hope and there are benefits when we relook at processes and work at improvements. We get be er and we emerge a stronger, more effec ve organizaon. For Nexus, that means that we will con nue to provide pa entcentered, family focused, physician lead care to the pa ents who count on us. Everyone is encouraged to ask ques ons and par cipate in the resolu on to this changing environment. To help team members be er understand the changes professionally and personally, we will be hos ng some informa onal sessions in the coming weeks and months. It is important for healthcare professionals to understand the ongoing healthcare changes. Together we all make a difference by embracing change and impac ng results to ensure that everyone understands the importance of quality healthcare. News from Riverway! 2013 Employee of the Month: Joel Talley Joel Talley, Controller, joined Nexus as the leader of the accoun ng team in October 2012, but he was not a new face to Nexus when he joined the team. Joel had first joined the department as a contractor in August 2012. In Joel’s role as Controller, he brings professionalism and knowledge that everyone respects and admires. He has put new processes in place and is always willing to help with a posive “can-do” a tude. Joel, thanks for all you do for us! We are glad you are part of the Nexus Team! June 2013 Nexus Health System’s Employee Assistance Program (EAP) 1-866-440-6556 Providing employees with confiden al support dealing with personal issues and events that affect our daily lives. Services include both telephone and in-person support services. Available 24 hours. Louise Jones joins Nexus as a System Specialist, Payroll and manages the payroll process for Nexus Specialty Hospital, HealthBridge Houston, and HealthBridge Orange. Louise has over 15 years of experience in HR and Payroll and spent over 5 years working for ADP in various roles. Julie Conner joins Nexus as our new EMR Clinical Analyst. She will be leading the en re Electronic Medical Record (EMR) implementa on process from beginning to end. Julie has over 8 years of experience in EMR implementa on and over 30 years of experience as a nurse. Most recently, she worked as the System Director of Nursing Informa cs for Christus Health. Kim McFarland joins Nexus as Assistant Controller. She will be assis ng Joel Talley, Controller, and the rest of the finance team to keep our financial processes running smoothly. Kim is a Cer fied Public Accountant (CPA) and has over 5 years of accoun ng experience. Most recently she worked as a Senior Auditor for Deloi e & Touche, who handles outside audi ng for Nexus. Nexus Connection Page 10 of 16 HAPPY ANNIVERSARY! HAPPY BIRTHDAY! HBO Anniversaries TNC Anniversaries # yrs. # yrs. Sheena Hebert, Program Director .............. 15 Samuel Elzie, Shi Leader .......................... 10 Tracey Harmeier, Marke ng Liaison .......... 9 Ofelia Juan, HR Manager ............................ 9 Salina Tullos, RN ......................................... 6 Debbie Wilson, Director Quality Services ... 5 Shellye Evans, Asst Program Director......... 5 Alice Chase, LVN ......................................... 3 April Walker, LSS ........................................ 3 Elisabeth Reffe , Transi on Care Nurse..... 3 Stephanie Johnson, LSS .............................. 3 Katherine Anderson, Rec Therapist ............ 2 Robert Windsay, LSS .................................. 2 Chris na Williams, Asst Program Dir .......... 2 Henry Pi man, Cog Rehab Counselor ........ 1 Jalisa Caldwell, LSS ..................................... 1 Melissa Fredrick, LSS .................................. 1 TNC Birthdays Nita Hisaw, LVN .......................................... 6/1 Henry Pi man, Cog Rehab Counselor ........ 6/2 Shamequa Maxey, LSS................................ 6/4 Luis Banda, Rehab Tech.............................. 6/7 Julie Grimes, PT .......................................... 6/8 Amanda Raley, LVN .................................... 6/9 Jenifer Arnsworth, LSA ............................... 6/10 Rosondra Johnson, Program Facilitator ..... 6/13 Jacquelin Clinton, LSS ................................. 6/18 Cynthia Bailey, Dir Neurocog/Psych Svcs ... 6/19 Sandra Reed, LSS ........................................ 6/21 Felicia Johnson, Pa ent Transporter .......... 6/21 Tesha Triggs, LSS ........................................ 6/22 Natalie Wright, LVN.................................... 6/25 Teresa Horton, Admissions Coordinator .... 6/26 Jeanie Flowers, LSS..................................... 6/26 Carolyn Thomas, LSS .................................. 6/26 Frankie Sco , LSS ....................................... 6/27 Deidre Chatman, Recrea onal Therapist ... 6/27 Jacqueline Pinchback, LSS .......................... 6/28 Dee Montello, COTA .................................. 6/29 Emma Arnsworth, LSA ................................ 6/30 Rhonda Bellinger, LSS ................................. 6/30 NSH Anniversaries Robert Bartolucci, Respiratory Therapist .... 13 Aiesha Moore, Director Cardiopulmonary .. 10 Abdu Said, Respiratory Therapist ............... 7 Alfred Landicho, LVN .................................. 7 Theresa Velarde, Respiratory Therapist...... 7 Lisa Vesper, RN ........................................... 4 Julie Baga, PT .............................................. 2 Gino Giacopelli, Respiratory Therapist ....... 1 Hector Carrillo, Housekeeper ..................... 1 Maria Magana Gu errez, CNA .................... 1 Angel Arevalo, CNA ..................................... 1 Lisa Bari, Speech Therapist ......................... 1 HBO Birthdays Karen Rodiguez, RN .................................... 6/1 Krishna Thotapalli, Speech Therapist .......... 6/3 Pa y Steger, Dir Laboratory Services.......... 6/8 Karina Mar nez, PT .................................... 6/12 Le cia Urru a, Housekeeper ...................... 6/15 Julie Baga, PT .............................................. 6/17 Jessica Aburto, Dietary Cook ...................... 6/19 Lawrence Mallari, Ac vi es Assistant......... 6/20 Steve Romero, Respiratory Therapist ......... 6/20 Maria Rivera, CNA ...................................... 6/21 Mary Ann Bailey, OT ................................... 6/26 HBH Anniversaries # yrs. Luis Ceballos, LVN ....................................... 10 Isabel Sanchez, CNA.................................... 10 Evelyn Perridon, Director Pharmacy ........... 8 Alozie Uhegwu, RN ..................................... 6 Marie Sayles, Respiratory Therapist ........... 6 Connie Brown, Dietary Aide ....................... 3 Margot Betcher, Pa ent Si er .................... 2 Mi ka Stanford, LVN .................................. 2 Samuel Montanez, Central Supp Coor ........ 2 HBH Birthdays Corporate Birthdays Brent Vincent, Network Administrator ....... 6/18 Nelda Alfaro, Syst Coor Pa ent Accounts ... 6/23 Donnah Nyaoke, RN.................................... 6/2 Brenda Laurent, CNA .................................. 6/5 Harriet Ibeto, Dietary Aide ......................... 6/8 Erica Taylor, Dietary Aide ........................... 6/9 Rita Guillory, Respiratory Therapist ............ 6/11 Marie Sayles, Respiratory Therapist ........... 6/14 Alozie Uhegwu, RN ..................................... 6/15 Tanace Foster, Psych Tech .......................... 6/16 Zoe McCoy, Child Life Specialist.................. 6/17 Margot Betcher, Pa ent Si er .................... 6/19 Jose Badillo, RN .......................................... 6/26 # yrs. Kathy Sco , Case Manager ......................... 9 Virginia Jauhar, RN ..................................... 8 Terri Frank, Case Manager ......................... 8 Roxanne Carlson, Tele Tech ........................ 8 Lavaughn Taylor, RN-ICU ............................ 8 Latonya Flores, Respiratory Therapist ........ 7 Amy Abraham, Radiology Supervisor ......... 6 Denise Rogers, Dietary Aide ....................... 6 Candace S les, House Supervisor ............... 6 Carl Woods, LVN ......................................... 3 Tisha Moten, Dietary Aide .......................... 2 Cressida Corpuz, RN ................................... 2 Jaime Johnson, RN ...................................... 2 Tonie Coleman, Dietary Aide ...................... 2 Oswald Barake, RN-ICU .............................. 2 Catherine Locklier, House Supervisor ......... 1 Jane Ngondi, RN ......................................... 1 Cindy Rolon Vazquez, RN ............................ 1 Jennifer Farmer, CNA ................................. 1 Tyler Barnes, CNA ....................................... 1 Tabatha Johnson Basey, RN ........................ 1 Shalawyn Walters, Dietary Aide ................. 1 NSH Birthdays Mariana Santos, EVS Tech .......................... 6/1 Kimberly Edwards, CNA .............................. 6/2 Denise Rogers, Dietary Aide ....................... 6/2 Deisy Ramirez, EVS Tech ............................. 6/4 Della Mills, Unit Secretary .......................... 6/4 Maria Izaguirre, EVS Tech ........................... 6/8 Rose Payton-Thomas, Resp Therapist ........ 6/8 Roxanne Carlson, Tele Tech ........................ 6/9 Yodit Kidane, RN-ICU .................................. 6/13 Cheryl Toliver, Recep onist ........................ 6/14 Mary Kinart, Die cian ................................. 6/18 Jervonne Hickman, LVN .............................. 6/19 Louella Leblanc, PTA ................................... 6/21 Myrna Munar, RN ....................................... 6/21 Bri any Keys, CNA ...................................... 6/22 Florence Onyango, LVN .............................. 6/25 Melissa Grelle, LVN..................................... 6/29 Chorvy Yos, CNA ......................................... 6/30 Candace S les, House Supervisor ............... 6/30 One RIverway, Suite 600 Houston, TX 77056 Nexus Direct Nexus will go paperless with all pay checks this fall. Do you need a checking or savings account? Space City can help. Contact them at: OPEN ENROLLMENT CONTINUED can greatly reduce your costs for benefits!! Please note, if you plan on parcipa ng in flexible spending or dependent care in the coming year, they both require annual reenrollment. Also, if you are not making any changes to any of your other benefit plans, everything will remain the same, but you must reenroll to confirm par cipa on. Employees who were eligible to enroll into short term disability benefits or life insurance last year, but declined, will be required to submit an June 2013 evidence of insurability form (EOI). A end an enrollment mee ng to be held at each facility to find out specifics of those benefit changes and requirements. Be on the lookout for upcoming announcements/dates since Benefit Open Enrollment is for a limited me and any changes made a er the cut-off date risk not being effecve for the upcoming plan year. We are looking forward to another GREAT and healthy upcoming plan year!! Nexus Connection A direct access hotline to the Nexus Compliance Department monitored by a contract agency and available to all employees, families, vendors and visitors. 1-866-285-8528 Page 12 of 16
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