Ken Barlow - Cathedral High School
Ken Barlow - Cathedral High School
Volume 8, Issue 7 Dear Cathedral Family, Insight February 2009 “We the people, in order to form a more perfect union….” On the first day of the first full month of our newly elected president’s term, I heard those words from one of his speeches ringing in my ears. “We the people , in order to form a more perfect union….”January ‘09 has faded, we inaugurated Barak Obama as the Forty-Fourth President of the United States and we remembered Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr., who encouraged us to “Keep the dream alive.” Throughout the month of February, we will honor and celebrate the contributions of Blacks in America. Though this is an important part of the dream, it is only a part. As one month is only part of the year, it is our responsibility to remember, respect, and acknowledge the value of our entire community everyday of every year. So that “We the people, in order to form a more perfect union” …are able to… “Keep the dream alive.” In my opinion, Cathedral High School is a microcosm of the United States of America. Our mission statement reflects the importance of diversity/inclusion with our alumni/constituent base is its mirror. It’s the McGinleys, O’Briens, McLinns, Maios, Farrells, Hicks, Evans, Stuart’s, Smiths, Barlow’, Garcias, Paradas, Kebos, Yovonovichs, Dezelans, Espinozas and more who make us who we are. “We the people, in order to form a more perfect union “… here at dear old Cathedral and…” Keep the dream alive.” As Americans, it is in God we trust. Though Cathedral’s founding fathers, the Brothers of Holy Cross, are gone, we step into the future with God and our new President. We step into the future with a commitment to diversity and inclusion. We step into the future continuing to be the model for all high schools. We step into the future as Cathedral profoundly shapes the way students think, serve, and lead. We step into the future striving to keep our school as the most successful and unique school in the state of Indiana and America. We step into the future with a greatly blessed group of people, the alumni and constituents of Cathedral High School! Here are three ways our alumni and constituents can help us form a more perfect union and keep the Cathedral dream alive: 1. Update your contact information regularly. We can better keep you informed if we know where you are. So be sure to let us know when ever your information changes (mailing address, e-mail or phone numbers). Just visit our website click on the alumni icon, then click on “update your profile” and follow the instructions. Send me an e-mail if you have questions; my contact information is on the Website. 2. Stay involved. We have many alumni/constituent events throughout the year for everyone. Our Brunch with Santa, Easter Egg Hunt, Father Kelly Golf Outing and the Alumni Awards Dinner are just a few examples. We are also in the preliminary stages of forming Alumni and Friends clubs around the country. Stay tuned to the monthly alumni e-newsletters, Highlights magazine, e-mail blasts and the alumni Web calendar and events page. 3. Let us know what you are up to. Cathedral alumni and constituents are doing amazing things in politics, sports, business, and medicine. Whatever life path you have taken, we’d love to hear from you. Cathedral High School is a very special place. Not many high schools in our country can claim to embrace the academic, ethnic, geographical, religiou,s and economic diversity that is Cathedral and continue on such a high path of excellence. Our alumni/constituents who reflect our mission have been instrumental throughout our growth and pursuit of excellence. “We the people, in order to form a more perfect union.…” Let us help to continue to “Keep the dream alive.” Sincerely, Ken Barlow Ken Barlow Director of Alumni and Community Affairs Table of Contents Academics Athletics Bookstore Campus Minister Cathedral Connection College Advising Dates to Remember Enrollment Management Honor Roll Guidance School News Service 4-5 13-14 6 9 19 18 3 6 21-28 21 16-17 12 Join the Cathedral Choir for a Choir Alumni Trip June 24 – 29, 2009 Moms in Touch at Cathedral High School FESTIVAL CORALE INTERNAZIONALE DI ROMA Moms gathering for an hour each week to pray for our kids and our school. a festival for American and Italian choirs in Rome Meetings in the chapel • Tuesdays at 10:30 a.m. • Fridays at 2 p.m. Sing in St. Peter’s Basilica in the Vatican and St. Paul’s Outside the Walls artistic director Z. Randall Stroope Please join us when you can. For more information contact Eran McCarty at Find out more about Moms in Touch by visiting their Web site Non-singer travelers are also welcome For information contact Elaine Holloway at: Insight is published monthly by Cathedral High School for parents and guardians. The publication address is: Cathedral High School, 5225 E. 56th St., Indianapolis, Ind. 46226 Periodicals Postage paid at Indianapolis, Ind. POSTMASTER: Send address changes to Cathedral Insight, 5225 E. 56th St., Indianapolis, Ind. 46226 Cathedral High School is a private, Catholic, lay-governed college preparatory school. It is tax-exempt under Sec. 501(c)(3) of the U. S. Internal Revenue Code. Chairman of the Board: Joseph M. Dezelan President: Stephen J. Helmich Principal: David L. Worland Dates to Remember February Mon., Feb. 2 State Championship Day (G. Volleyball & B. Football) – Free day! Tues., Feb. 3 Professional Learning Communities – school begins at 8:07 a.m. Thurs., Feb. 5 Caritas from 10:15 to 11:32 a.m. with Mayor Greg Ballard (’73) as our invited guest Fri., Feb. 6 Adoration in the Chapel from 7:30 a.m. to 2:45 p.m. – sponsored by sophomore class Sat., Feb. 7 ISSMA Instrumental District Solo and Ensemble Contest Sun., Feb. 8 to Mon., Feb. 9 Millikin University Vocal Festival overnight trip for some Choral students Mon., Feb. 9 Cathedral Connection Junior/Senior Parent Meeting – 7:00 p.m. in the Commons Tues., Feb. 10 Professional Learning Communities – school begins at 8:07 a.m. Fri., Feb. 13 Dad’s Day Breakfast – 6 a.m. in the Cafeteria Tues., Feb. 10 to Fri., Feb. 13 Senior Christian Awakening Retreat #5 Mon. Feb. 16 to Fri., Feb. 20 Winterfest Tues., Feb. 17 Professional Learning Communities – school begins at 8:07 a.m. Thurs., Feb. 19 Faculty Meeting – 3:20 to 4:20 p.m. – Commons Parent Connect Updates due Thurs., Feb. 19 – Fri., Feb. 20 Junior Girls Retreat Fri., Feb. 20 Winterfest – P.M Assembly schedule Sat., Feb. 21 ISSMA State Solo and Ensemble Contest – North Central High School Tues., Feb. 24 Professional Learning Communities – school begins at 8:07 a.m. Wed., Feb. 25 Ash Wednesday Math League at 6:55 a.m. in cafeteria Fri., Feb. 27 Shamrauction Set-up Day Sat., Feb. 28 Shamrauction Vocal Department’s ISSMA Contest March Tues., March 3 Sophomore Day of Recollection Thurs., March 5 Junior Plan for College Day – periods 1 - 5 Sophomore Day of Recollection Fri., March 6 Amy’s Day Breakfast at 6 a.m. in Cafeteria Adoration in the Chapel from 7:30 a.m. to 2:45 p.m. – sponsored by sophomore class Third Quarter ends Sat., March 7 Choir Festa Italiana at 6:00 p.m. in Cafeteria Mon., March 9 Cathedral Connection Fireside Chat – 7:00 p.m. – Commons Tues., March 10 Professional Learning Communities – school begins at 8:07 a.m. Lenten Reconciliation Tues., March 10 to Fri., March 13 Senior Christian Awakening #5 Thurs., March 12 Junior Parent Meeting (preparing for application to college process) Fri., March 13 All Report Cards are mailed home Dad’s Day Breakfast – 6:00 a.m. – Cafeteria Fri., March 13 to Sun., March 15 All-State Band weekend – Indiana University Sat., March 14 Possible St. Pat’s performance in Chicago; overnight trip for choirs Sun., March 15 Marching band in Hibernian Parade – downtown Academics Summer School 2009 We will offer two sessions of summer school for the summer of 2009. There will be a morning session (811:30 a.m.) and an afternoon session (12-3:30 p.m.). Both sessions will run from Mon., June 8, until Fri., July 3. Final exams will be on Fri., July 3, so this is a mandatory day of summer school. student may not miss any other type of class to attend a Cathedral-sponsored camp. We attempt to allow as many students as possible to take at least one summer school class. We will attempt to allow all students who register on time to enroll in one class first before we begin to enroll students into their second class. The cost of classes has been set at $410 per class. Payment is due with the registration form; students will not be placed in classes unless payment accompanies the registration form. Textbooks are not included in the course cost. Summer school registration will open on Mon., Feb. 23, and close on Fri., March 6. Registration is not based on a first-come, first-served basis. If the sections begin to fill, preference will be given in the following order: rising seniors, rising juniors, rising sophomores, and incoming freshmen. The registration form can be found in this edition of the Insight. It can also be downloaded from our Website ( Please honor the Feb. 23 enrollment date—there is no advantage to submitting registrations earlier than that date. Please note that the Bridges to Success: English, and Bridges to Success: Math classes are only for incoming freshmen, and these classes provide no credits earned toward graduation. These are enrichment classes that are only open to members of the Class of 2013 by recommendation. Dates to Remember Feb. 5 Feb. 19 Feb. 23 Feb. 27 March 5 March 6 March 6 March 13 March 19 March 26 March 30 to April 3 When registering for summer classes, please observe the dates of the classes. Due to the very short semester, students may not miss more than two classes. (Of course, optimally, students should not miss ANY classes!) If a student misses more than two classes, he/she will not receive credit for the class and money cannot be refunded. Students have experienced conflicts in the past with family vacations, camps, Scouting activities, athletic competitions, etc. PLEASE DO NOT ENROLL YOUR STUDENT IN CLASSES THIS SUMMER IF YOUR STUDENT WILL NOT MAKE ALL THE CLASSES FOR THAT SESSION. (Especially note that July 3 is the mandatory final exam day.) If a student has a conflict with taking a Physical Education Class and a Cathedral-sponsored sports camp, the student may attend the Cathedral sports camp for no more than one week AND the student must make up all work assigned during the PE class. This policy refers to PE summer school class only. A ParentConnect updated ParentConnect updated Registration begins for Summer School No school (Shamrauction set-up) ParentConnect updated End of Quarter 3 Summer School registration closes Report Cards mailed Parent-Teacher Conferences 5-7:30 p.m. ParentConnect updated Spring Break As always, please contact me at lford@cathedral-irish. org or (317)968-7321, if you have any questions or concerns. CATHEDRAL HIGH SCHOOL Summer School Registration 2009 STUDENT: _____________________________________________________________________________ ADDRESS: _____________________________________________________________________________ ZIP CODE ____________________________________________________________________________ PARENT(S) NAME: ________________________________________________________________________ PARENT E-MAIL: ________________________________________________________________________ HOME PHONE: ____________________________ WORK PHONE:____________________________ GRADE 09-10 (Please circle one) Freshman Sophomore Junior Senior ** Please indicate 1st, 2nd, and 3rd choice by placing the number 1, 2 or 3 on the blank before the class. JUNE SESSION I (June 8 to July 3) Morning Session (8-11:30 a.m.) ____Physical Education ____Economics (Academic) ____2nd Semester Freshman Theology – Old Testament ____2nd Semester Sophomore Theology – Christian Morality ____1st Semester Junior Theology – Church History ____2-D Art (Additional $50 fee) ____Health ____Speech (Academic) ____Debate (Honors) ____Modern Technology A ____Government ____Fiber Arts (Additional $50 fee) Bridges is a supplemental program and enrollment is by recommendation ONLY. There is no academic credit. Bridges to Success: English (1 hour daily) Bridges to Success: Math (1hour daily) Please select one of the times listed below: Please select one of the times listed below: 8 - 9 a.m. 9:10-10:10 10:20-11:20 8 - 9 a.m. 9:10-10:10 10:20-11:20 JUNE SESSION II (June 8 – July) Afternoon Session (noon – 3:30 p.m.) ____Physical Education ____1st Semester Junior Theology – Church History ____Modern Technology A ____Debate (Honors) ____2-D Art (Additional $50 fee) ____Health ____Government ____Speech (Academic) ____Fiber Arts (Additional $50 fee) • The fee for each class is $410 plus text books which can be purchased from Campus Outfitters. • The fee for the Bridges Program is $100 each session which includes all class materials. • ALL OFFERINGS ARE SUBJECT TO CHANGE BASED UPON STUDENT INTEREST. Class size MUST exceed 10 students. • Please complete this registration form and submit it with payment to the attention of Eileen Egan no later than March 6. • Summer school registration will open on Mon., Feb. 23 and will close on Fri., March 6. REGISTRATION IS NOT BASED ON FIRST COME, FIRST SERVED. • Students will be scheduled for one class each before scheduling a second or third class. Historically, sessions fill rapidly for Physical Education; please select a second or third choice due to limited PE teachers available this summer. • Registrations received before Mon., Feb. 23 will be returned. Enrollment Management Admission Decisions The Cathedral High School Admissions Committee will convene early in February to make decisions regarding the Class of 2013. Our office will mail decision notification letters to families of applicants by Feb. 16. Families of admitted students will have until Friday, March 6 to decide whether or not they intend to enroll at Cathedral. An enrollment deposit of $1,000 is required in order to secure a place in the Class of 2013. Prospective parents may call the Office of Enrollment Management (see contacts below) if you have questions on any aspect of admission to Cathedral. free to call our office if you have questions about tuition assistance or if you would like to discuss your specific situation. If you do not have a copy of the Parents’ Financial Statement and would like one, please contact our office. We will be happy to mail a copy to you! The deadline for applying for need-based tuition assistance for the 2009-10 school year is Feb. 28, 2009. You also may apply online at financialaid/sss. Office of Enrollment Management & Tuition Assistance Contact Information Diane Szymanski, V.P. for Enrollment Management;; (317)968-7313 Tuition Assistance (Financial Aid) Information Just before Christmas our office mailed a copy of the tuition assistance application (Parents’ Financial Statement) to each family that received need-based assistance during this school year. This form and additional information were also mailed to families of prospective members of the next freshman class (Class of 2013). Additional information about tuition assistance at Cathedral is available at the Admissions section of the Website ( Feel Amy Weber, Asst. Director for Enrollment Management;; (317)968-7370 Erin Reardon, Enrollment Management Assistant;; (317)968-7368 Bookstore stocked with long and short sleeve uniform shirts, crew and hooded sweatshirts and polar fleece jackets and pullovers. Happy Valentine’s Day from the Cathedral Bookstore & Spirit Shop! Valentine’s Day is just around the corner! Visit the Cathedral Bookstore & Spirit Shop for some great gift ideas to surprise that special someone. Get your Irish on with fun winter spirit apparel and sport your Cathedral pride at winter sporting events, school activities, and functions! Bookstore Hours The Bookstore & Spirit Shop is open daily on regular school days, 7:15 a.m. to 1:30 p.m. *Please note the Bookstore will be closed Mon., Feb. 2, and Fri., Feb. 27. Book Notes - Don’t forget the Bookstore carries paperback novels assigned by the English teachers and a wide variety of school supplies for your convenience. Replenish your supplies for second semester: pens, pencils, folders, index cards, pasteboards, folders, notebooks, and more. *The Cathedral Bookstore & Spirit Shop is a proud supporter of the Cathedral High School Financial Aid Program through proceeds from the sale of spirit wear and gift items. Visit the Cathedral Website: to view Cathedral spirit apparel and Irish gift items available for purchase at the Bookstore or for detailed uniform or textbook information. Cathedral Uniforms – Spruce up your uniform for second semester this month! The Bookstore is fully CATHEDRAL HIGH SCHOOL TUITION ASSISTANCE Policy (2009-10 School Year) Through the generosity of alumni, parents and friends of the school, Cathedral is able to offer tuition assistance (financial aid) to families with demonstrated financial need. There are no scholarships given for extracurricular activities of any kind (i.e., no athletic scholarships are given to any student.). Tuition assistance funds are limited and therefore will not cover the total cost of a Cathedral High School education. Assistance is offered to families with demonstrated need who adhere to our published time frames and guidelines. Families applying for tuition assistance are strongly encouraged to follow all instructions and apply as soon as possible. Families wishing to be considered for tuition assistance must file the required forms or apply online on an annual basis. If families have more than one child enrolled at Cathedral, it is necessary to file only one form. If all children in the family are of school age, Cathedral encourages both parents to be employed outside the home unless there are extenuating circumstances. The Tuition Assistance Committee recommends that whenever possible Cathedral students age 16 and over share responsibility for their private education through summer employment and to the extent possible through parttime employment during the school year. There are a limited number of Work Study assignments available on campus. Final responsibility for tuition rests with parents, who, in the estimation of the committee, should to the extent they are able take steps necessary to assume financial obligation for their children’s private education. APPLYING FOR TUITION ASSISTANCE FOR THE 2009-10 SCHOOL YEAR 1) Step One: Submit the Parents’ Financial Statement (PFS) to School and Student Service for Financial Aid (SSS) on paper or online ( We encourage families to file as soon as possible. SSS will begin processing PFS forms Nov. 15, 2008. Complete the Parents’ Financial Statement (PFS) and mail it to School and Student Service for Financial Aid in the envelope provided with the form as soon as possible, but no later than Feb. 28, 2009. DO NOT RETURN THIS FORM TO CATHEDRAL HIGH SCHOOL. The PFS may also be submitted online at Cathedral High School’s SSS code is 2172. In the case of parents who are divorced or legally separated, regardless of financial agreement between parents, the parent with physical custody of the student must file the PFS form. 2) Step Two: Submit (Signed) Copies of 2008 completed Federal Tax Returns, W-2 Statements, and Schedules directly to Cathedral High School – Enrollment Management Office. Submit a copy of all 2008 signed federal tax forms, together with W-2 statements and all schedules, for each parent listed on the Parents’ Financial Statement (PFS) to the Enrollment Management Office at Cathedral High School as soon as possible but no later than April 15, 2009. DO NOT SEND TAX COPIES TO SSS. Cathedral High School reserves the right to request supporting documentation including divorce decrees and custodial agreements. If you will be filing a tax extension request, you must provide Cathedral a copy of your extension form. As soon as your taxes are complete, submit a copy to Cathedral High School. Awards issued pending completion of tax returns will be subject to revision after submission of completed tax returns. Tuition assistance decisions will be mailed to all families meeting the Feb. 28 deadline by early May, 2009. Late applications (those postmarked after Feb. 28, 2009) will be processed in the order in which they are received, although tuition assistance is not guaranteed under these circumstances. Award decisions for late applications may not be processed in time to be mailed by early May. Evaluation of tuition assistance requests will begin in a timely manner following Cathedral’s receipt of the computer-generated Report of Financial Need (RFN) from SSS. The RFN form serves as a guideline to help determine need; however, Cathedral is not bound by the figure generated by the SSS. The distribution of tuition assistance resources adheres to the guidelines for tuition assistance adopted by the Cathedral Board of Directors. TUITION ASSISTANCE ADMINISTRATION CATHEDRAL HIGH SCHOOL 5225 East 56th Street Indianapolis, Indiana 46226 Diane Szymanski, Vice President for Enrollment Management Background The School and Student Service for Financial Aid (SSS) on behalf of the National Association of Independent Schools (NAIS), of which Cathedral High School is a member, provides a service to their member schools to assist them in the administration of their tuition assistance programs. SSS provides a need-based analysis for each student for which a Parents’ Financial Statement is filed. Cathedral High School’s Principles of Good Practice in Tuition Assistance Administration In keeping with Cathedral High School’s commitment to NAIS and to our mission of access to and diversity within our school, the principles outlined below are followed in the distribution of need-based financial aid: 1. Cathedral High School does not discriminate in the administration of the tuition assistance policy because of race, color, religion, national origin or gender. 2. Cathedral High School recognizes that the primary responsibility for financing a student’s independent school education rests with his or her family. 3. Cathedral High School strives through various publications and communication to provide students and families with factual information about the tuition assistance policy and procedure of the school. 4. The Vice President for Enrollment Management uses a uniform methodology to annually assess, in a consistent and equitable manner, each family’s ability to pay for a Cathedral education. 5. The Vice President for Enrollment Management reserves the right to require additional documentation (tax return forms, custodial agreement papers between divorced parents) of family resources when determining financial need. 6. Cathedral High School does not use financial need as a consideration in determining a student’s eligibility for admission. 7. Cathedral High School will continue to fund the student’s financial need until graduation from Cathedral or until financial need is no longer demonstrated, provided the family fulfills requirements of application for tuition assistance in a timely manner. 8. The Vice President for Enrollment Management notifies recipients of the tuition assistance awarded by the tuition assistance committee and provides an appeal process for families requesting additional funding. 9. Confidentiality is a main priority of Cathedral High School with regards to all facets of the tuition assistance process. 10.Families must apply for tuition assistance on a yearly basis. Families with more than one student at Cathedral need file only one form. Campus Minister It seems as if Christmas is just finishing as I began to write about the Lenten season. Ash Wednesday begins our season of Lent on Feb. 25. Holy week will arrive with Palm Sunday on April 5 and Easter on April 12. article. And now even with the many resources of the Web, we can share a lot with others. Just think about forwarding an interesting article instead of the many jokes or chain letters we receive. That would be a good practice to start. Our calendars march on; tempus fugit. Paul was a leader. He knew how to organize the early church and passed his leadership skills on to his disciples, Timothy and Titus. We are often called to be leaders. Cathedral is proud of the fact that she has produced so many leaders in our community. I can’t help but think that we, too, as parents, are looked upon as leaders. Remember the old saying that we may be the only church some ever see or the only homily that some ever hear. Our leadership is not to be taken for granted. Arguably our responsibility is great. Pope Benedict XVI has declared this church year to be the year of St. Paul. Lent is a good time to begin a study on the life and writings of St. Paul and his early adventures in our church. Paul began as a persecutor of the church. That was until he encountered Christ in the famous blinding event of his life. He then prepared himself as a disciple by learning all he could about this Jesus. This is the same Jesus that St. Paul persecuted others because they believed in him. We model ourselves with this discipline of study. We know too often that we may stop our study right after high school or even confirmation. We know, too, that we must be adult learners of our faith. Yet too often we push aside this time to learn more because of our hectic and busy lives. Lent is a time to slow down enough to pick up a book or two as a Lenten practice. Finally, Paul wanted so much to be an imitator of Christ. His ideal was to be Christ-like. He warrants modeling this behavior. Would that too be a goal for us? To model our selves after Christ, isn’t that what we are called to be as Christians? Can we be accused of being too Christ-like by our family and friends? I don’t think so. Paul spent much of his time in prayer and some of his beautiful prayers can be found in his writings. He prayed for people, he prayed for the church, he prayed for the communities he visited, and he prayed that God would continue to use him in ministering to others. During this Lent, let the lessons learned from Paul be on our heart as we speak heart to heart to others. Paul was a teacher. His many writings to the various young churches and to his disciples tell us he was interested in passing on this new faith of his. We, too, are called to teach others in our families and circles of acquaintances. Being a teacher may not be our gift but we can share a conversation that may spur others to grow their faith. We can do this by just mentioning a book we might be reading or a magazine Blessings. 10 11 Service SERVING UP CARE TO THE HOMELESS HBSCF. Homelessness, being served by the Cathedral family in a diligent manner. Juniors, under the leadership of Grace Hurt, Sam Salin, and Pat Laskowski, are earning funds to finance their newly envisioned project: serving lunch to the homeless clients at the Cathedral Soup Kitchen one Saturday each month. Six students worked at a Lucas Oil concession stand in January to accumulate half of the funds needed for this twelve month project. They will complete their funding efforts at another concession stand date on Feb. 28. This funding raising will finance the meals that they impressively cook and serve food to the homeless at the Cathedral Soup Kitchen one Saturday a month. A frequent spiritual encourager of the Cathedral Soup Kitchen, Father Munshower also joins our Saturday lunches. The dialog and caring is the tastiest part of the junior’s monthly nutritious lunch. HBSCF. Homelessness, being served by the Cathedral family in a compassionate manner. “Let’s work on your resume. We can go into Microsoft Word and set it up. Have you searched for employment yet on the internet? Let’s look at Here, let me show you Mavis Beacon. You can practice your key boarding skills each week until you improve to your goal. Excel? Sure, let’s examine this spreadsheet a little so that you can learn how to manipulate quantitative information in Excel.” These are words of encouragement and instruction led by Cathedral students from noon until two thirty each Saturday at Horizon House. The venue: a computer lab that has eight computers and three internet linked work stations to provide computer instruction to the homeless. Senior Dale Pedzinski has earned a $4,000 grant for jump drives, instruction manuals and celebratory cupcakes for the homeless of Horizon House. He has determinedly built a viable classroom of computer instruction since September of this year. Six of his clients at Horizon House have gotten jobs. They are being taught computers, connectivity and hope. The day center of Horizon House is full of bedraggled individuals. The computer room glows with warmth and purpose. HBSCF. Homelessness, being served by the Cathedral family in a caring manner. Juniors also serve meals to the homeless at the Men’s Mission on Delaware, the Care Center on Rural, or Lighthouse Mission on New Jersey every six weeks. As well, members of A Chance To Serve (ACTS) meet to serve dinners at the Men Mission once a month. Fueled by the bitter cold, the numbers of homeless clients are high; seats at tables are sometimes rotated twice. Molly Lawson served over 180 pieces of pumpkin pie on Mon., Jan. 20., the holiday commemorating the dream of Martin Luther King. Molly, Sam Salin, Emily Peat, Sam Quigley, and Hannah Waltz were made their holiday a day of community action, filling trays with nutritious food and warm greetings. Only some of the homeless like pumpkin pie. They all liked the warm attention. HBSCF. Homelessness, being served by the Cathedral family in a committed manner. The Caritas classes of Mrs. Wheeler and Mrs. Robie will compete in February and March to see who collects more socks, packaged crackers and packages of dressing, mayonnaise, mustard and ketchup for the homeless of Horizon House. The race is on between these juniors and freshmen students. The homeless will not be the only ones to benefit from this spirited competition. HBSCF. Homelessness, being served by the Cathedral family in a loving manner. Cathedral families gather jeans, warm coats, and blankets for the homeless of Indianapolis twice a year during spring cleaning and fall in preparation for the cold, brazen winter. Hearts are expanded as students prepare reflections on their service hour forms about the occurrence of homelessness in Indianapolis and are amazed to learn about teenage homelessness and families living out of cars. HBSCF . Homelessness, being served by the Cathedral family in a valiant manner. Our class 4A champion football team and talented members of the APE weight-lifting classes have faithfully unloaded the trucks of the Cathedral Soup Kitchen year–round, hefting the cases of frozen ground beef, fruit juices, and vegetables without complaint. Due to their helpful assistance with this important logistical need, meals can be prepared to serve this abandoned sector of our society with love and attention so that our homeless are encouraged to recover and re-connect with our community. It may be said that Cathedral is courageously supporting six positive intersections of community contribution. Even more powerfully, as C.S. Lewis asks us, “Once a man is united with God, how could he not live forever?’ Our good acts of Homelessness, Being Served By the Cathedral Family bind us to our Lord and each other in an infinite manner. 12 Athletics With many of us clinging to our New Year’s resolution hoping to somehow stay the course, the winter sports teams are gearing up for sectional, regional and state competition. The Lady Irish varsity basketball team defeated Lafayette Central Catholic to improve their record to 4-10 in hopes of setting the tone for the remainder of the regular season. Seniors Adrienne Sahm, Chatara Edwards, Hilary Whitsett, Maggie Schrage, and Ally Khajenouri provide the leadership as they look forward to Sectional action at Broad Ripple on Feb. 10 to 14. Alyssa O’Malia, Megan Tsangaris, and Lindsey Howard paced the JV squad with a season record to 9-3. The Junior Varsity finishes the regular season with a home game on Feb. 7 against Arsenal Tech. The Freshman Lady Irish set sights on capturing a City Championship on Jan. 31 and Feb. 2 at Bishop Chatard. Lundy Birch, Keely McGrath, Abby Treece, Olivia Johnson, Elizabeth Witchger, Briana Glass, Katie Kaufman, Jasmine Whitaker, Melanie Gardner, Sally Chamness, Sarah Jenson and Jasara Perkins make the freshman girls’ basketball roster. At press time the state fourth ranked boys’ basketball team stands at 8-1 and ready to take on Bishop Chatard for the first round of the City Tournament. The Irish captured an exciting win at Carmel when senior Errick Peck scored at the buzzer in overtime. Seniors Patrick Paligraf, Trace Cureton, Kelsey Barlow, Sean Worland, Barry Flynn, Kyle Koehne, Jarrett Hamilton, and Joe Bender join Errick to lead the Irish into sectional play beginning March 3 at Lawrence Central High School. The JV squad led by Connor Barthel, Andrew Deering, and Donte Robinson hope to improve their record with a city tournament championship to defend their crown. The freshmen team is determined to have a strong showing in their City Tournament Feb. 17 to 21 led by first year coaches Brad Berghoff and Geoff Yates. Of course,you can follow all the winter sports action at The Fighting Irish wrestlers ranked fourth in the state dominated the City with 13 wrestlers advancing to the finals. With championships at the Cathedral Invitational, Connersville, North Central and the Cathedral 6-way they hold a 21-2 record. Seniors John Grey, Dominic Corsaro, Nick Hupp, Tony McGinley, Tom Stipp, Vince Hofmeister, Spencer Poling, Gavin McGinley and Andrew Page have their sights set on Sat., Jan. 31 with Sectional competition at Lawrence Central. Coach Sean McGinley is facing a huge challenge to make a return trip to Center Grove for the State Finals. Seniors Brooke Daley, Claire Dilts, Abby Kotarski, and Rachel Roberts laid the foundation for the Lady Irish swim team to notch the City Title as well as eight victories and only four losses thus far in 200809. According to Coach Paula Meyer, team depth gives the Lady Irish a better than average chance to bring home the Sectional Championship on Feb. 5 at Franklin Central. Seniors Jack Gibbons, Coley O’Connor, Dale Pedzinski and Tyler Sexton sparked the boys’ team to a City Championship and a 5 – 4 season record. The boys begin Sectional swimming on Feb. 19 at Franklin Central. The Fighting Irish Hockey team is gearing up for the Hoosier league tournament beginning Feb. 6 to 13 and State tournament on Feb. 20 to March 1. Seniors Tim Bolger, Marco Caress, Stephen Champlin, Vincent Culpepper, Trevor Dewey, Grace Kirchgraber and Justin McGinnis were honored on Jan. 24 and guide an ever improving squad. Home matches are usually at the Forum in Fishers. The bowling team, coached by Bryan Banschbach, is taking final practices to prepare for Position Rounds held at Woodland Bowl on Jan 20. Seniors Brittany O’Brien, Katrina Rohrer, Taylor Schultheis, Jared Kidwell, Matt Miller, Nathan Shruba, and Corey Ziedonis hope to advance in tournament play. Congratulations to the Cheer squads for qualifying for National competition. Coach Brenda Kelly and the girls travel to Orlando, Florida to tumble toward the championship. Also, special congratulations to Adrienne Sahm as she scored 1000 career points on Dec. 29 in the Twin 13 Lakes Invitational Remember the athletic hotline at (317) 543-494,2 ext. ,8 for the latest news on Cathedral sports scheduling and check the W)ebsite at for results and updates. Information for spring sports: (All athletes must have a physical and HIPAA on file in the athletic office to tryout for a spring sport) Boys’ Track and Field – Coach Tom Gallagher – first practice Feb. 16 Girls’ Track and Field – Coach Mark Worrell – first practice Feb. 16 Softball – Coach Ed Roessler – first practice March 9 Baseball – Coach Rich Andriole – first practice March 16 Girls’ Tennis – Coach Mark Noe – first practice March 16 Boys’ Golf – Coach Joe Vollmer – first practice March 16 Boys’ lacrosse – contact Andy Gruber Girls’ lacrosse – contact Veronica Clark Rugby – contact Chris Kaufman Boys’ Volleyball – contact Rhonda Low The Sophomore Class invites your family to join a family from Lucious Newsom’s ministry to be Lenten Prayer Partners How to be a Lenten Prayer Partner: Send this form and a check for $25 to Service Enrichment-Attn.C. Halstead. A Dinner in a Box for St. Patrick’s Day will be delivered to a disadvantaged family being served by Anna’s House (The Lord’s Pantry) ministry on Monday, March 16 by sophomores and assisting adults. An Irish shamrock will accompany the dinner identifying your family’s names (i.e. John, Jill, Susie and Bart). An Irish blessing will be sent with the dinner along with a request for their prayers for your family during Lent. You will receive an angel with the names of the family that you provided the St. Patrick’s dinner so that you can pray for their family during Lent. _____________________________________________________ Family’s First Names for Shamrock:_______________________________________________ Name: ____________________________________________________(for Service Enrichment only) Address:________________________________________________________ _________________________St_______Zip__________ Questions? Please contact Cheri Halstead at chalstead@cathedral–, 968 7317. Please send this form by Thurs., March 12 to: Cathedral High School 5225 E. 56th Street Indianapolis, Ind. 46226 Attn: Cheri Halstead Please make your check payable to Cathedral High School and in the memo section note: Lenten Prayer Partner. Thank you! 14 “SINGING VALENTINE” ORDER FORM Easy as A – B – C A.Check song to be delivered: _____1. Love Me Tender _____2. Let Me Call You Sweetheart _____3. Can’t Take My Eyes Off Of You _____4. You Are My Sunshine _____5. That’s What Friends Are For B.Name the recipient and check time of delivery preferred. (Must be Fri., Feb. 13 ) IN PERSON $3 (At Cathedral only - Sing and present a sucker from you) ______________________________________ Check delivery time requested below: (Name of person to receive telegram) ____5A Lunch _____5B Lunch _____5C/6C Lunch _____6D Lunch _____ 6E Lunch _____Please sing during their lunch but I don’t know when it is _____3:10 – 3:30 p.m. - Location at CHS of person at this time _______________ TELEPHONICALLY $5 __________________________________Phone number_____________________ (Name of person to receive telegram) Check best time to call. ______________anytime during the day is fine or __________4 – 6:30 p.m. (If party does not answer, we will leave a singing message on machine.) C.Place order by Tues., Feb. 10 with any choir student in Advanced, Beginning, or Pop Swing or Mrs. Elaine Holloway. Order blank may be sent electronically by emailing Make checks payable to Cathedral High School (attention: Elaine Holloway) Mail to Cathedral or drop off at the front office. We love you for supporting the CHS Choir Program! THANKS! This Valentine is from ____________________________________ Sold by _________________________________ Choir student to sing (if possible) ___________________________ Any choir group or individual is ok____________ 15 School News Advent Project Benefits Others As an Advent project the seniors in Sara Koehler’s and Jim Oberfell’s classes as well as the juniors in Mrs, Koehler’s classes combined their efforts and raised $900 which went to Heifer International. This international organization gives animals to needy families as a means of helping them end the cycle of poverty. The sophomores in Mrs. Heger’s and Mrs. Cavanaugh’s classes donated items to the Julian Center. This project came about because of the concern and dedication of sophomore Julia Cole. Theatre News Backstage Boosters is looking to fill the folowing volunteer positions for 2009-10: 1. Chairman of Boosters 2. Chairman of Ticket Sales 3. Chairman of Ads/Sponsorships 4. Chairman for Season Program (Playbill) 5. Chairman for Flowers 6. Chairman for Locker Signs 7. Chairman for Concessions 8. Chairman for Feeding Cast and Crew 9. Chairman for Ushers 10. Chairman for Still Photography 11. Chairman for Video Photography 12. Chairman for Ushers Please contact Pam Lewis at if you’re interested. Band News On Sat., Feb. 21, 2009, we will honor our band seniors and their parents during pregame of the Cathedral boys’ basketball game. We want to wish the best of luck and many thanks to these outstanding students and parents for their years of music, energy, enthusiasm, and love given to our “Pride of the Irish” band program. We will miss you next year! Best of luck to our instrumental soloists and ensemble performers that will be competing at the ISSMA District Solo and Ensemble Contest on Sat., Feb. 7, 2009. Special good wishes go to our students competing with the college-level Group I music as they try for a spot in the Indiana State Solo and Ensemble Contest at North Central High School on February 21, 2009. The next full band booster meeting will be on Mon., Feb. 16, 2009, beginning at 7:00 p.m. in the SLC. Seniors Matthew Miller (oboe), and David Wacker (percussion) were honored at the annual Indiana Music Educators Conference as members of the IMEA Honor Band, and performed at the state convention on Sat., Jan. 24, 2009. Congratulations to these two hardworking musicians – we are very proud of you!! Choir News Congratulations to Carolyn Humbert and Kelsey Massa, senior choir members who sang in the Indiana All-State Choir on Jan. 31 . The concert was part of the Indiana Music Educators Conference at the Convention Center. The choir included singers from across the State. Good job, ladies! Over 50 choir students are preparing (at time of press) for the Indiana State School Music Association’s (ISSMA) District Solo and Ensemble Contest. Check here next month to see which events advanced to State Contest on Feb. 28. On Fri., Feb. 13 (Almost Valentine’s Day), choir students will be once again presenting Singing Telegrams at Cathedral and telephonically. Please see the ad in this publication or go to the Website for the order form: On campus, choir,Singing Telegram Order Form. Nine choir students have been chosen by Millikin University in Decatur, Illinois to attend its Vocal Festival on February 8 to 9. Those attendees are Kyle Barker, Charles Benberry, Mattie Brokaw, Chase Haskin, Carolyn Humbert, Kelsey Massa, Steven Meuleman, Ashlee Mills, and Natasha Olsson. The 16 students, chosen from four states, will participate in the Festival Choir and compete in a solo competition with coaching from a vocal instruction from the University. Congratulations and good luck! CATHEDRAL LADY IRISH SOFTBALL HOMECOMING MAY 16 at 1 p.m. Did you miss the fabulous FESTA ITALIANA last year? “Eat, Sing & Ciao Down.” It’s the choir department’s fun-filled evening featuring a gourmet Italian dinner, beautiful music and “Little Italy” décor (our transformed CHS cafeteria). This year’s date is Sat., March 7 at 6:30 p.m. Tickets will be for sale soon, so MARK YOUR CALENDAR. CATHEDRAL vs. CASEY, ILLINOIS Attention all Cathedral Lady Irish Softball Players We are planning a homecoming for all our former Cathedral Softball Players The date and time is May 16 at 1 p.m. The 2009 Cathedral Lady Irish vs Casey, Illinois Please contact Coach Roessle for more information and to obtain your mailing address for further details on this homecoming. Looking forward to seeing you Saturday - May 16. It’s time for VALENTINE GRAMS… Send a sweet greeting of fun and friendship on Feb. 14! Cost: $1 per box of candy or $1 for two Valentine necklaces (Mardi-Gras style). [Sophomore class fundraising pays for the Class of 2011 prom deposits for the junior year]. Please complete the tear slip below and return to Mrs. Kilbarger or Mr. Ernst no later than Wed., Feb. 12 along with your payment. Valentine Grams will be delivered to the student’s classroom. To assure prompt delivery, include first and last name of each individual and graduation year. We’ll figure out the classroom. Please circle necklace or candy. If not marked, we will deliver candy. NO NICKNAMES ARE ACCEPTED). To: To: Grad year: Grad year: From: From: Necklace Necklace Candy To: Thank you from the Class of 2011 17 Candy College Advising FAFSA Reminder Seniors and their parents should be in the process of filing the Free Application for Federal Student Aid (FAFSA) and any other financial aid forms required by the schools to which they have applied. To be considered for Indiana state aid, your FAFSA must be received by March 10. We recommend filing it by March 1 at the latest. FAFSA forms may be completed online at which is updated weekly and posted in our office and on the Website at under the MY FOOTPATH section of College Advising. Be sure to check with the schools to which you have been accepted about any scholarships they offer. Planning for College Program On Thurs., March 5 all juniors will participate in our annual Junior Planning for College Program. This program will occur here at Cathedral during the morning and will introduce students to key components of the college search through sessions that include a mock admission committee and an overview of the campus visit and interview processes. Standardized Tests UPCOMING TEST DATES ACT: Feb. 7; April 4; June 13 SAT: March 14; May 2; June 6 Junior Parent College Meeting: March 12 As a follow up to the student program, the college advisors will meet with the parents of juniors on Thurs., March 12 at 7 p.m. in the SLC. This meeting will be an overview of the preparation and the process of the college application season which will begin in the fall. Juniors—Now is the time for juniors to register for the SAT and ACT during the spring. You can go to www. for the SAT and www.actstudent. org for the ACT. Paper copies of the application are also available in the Guidance office. Please make sure your students enter the CEEB code of 151660 for Cathedral when they register so copies of their scores are sent here. We encourage juniors to take both the ACT and the SAT this spring and then repeat one or both tests in the fall of senior year. There is no limit on the number of times students can take the tests and most schools will mix and match (on SAT) to give students their highest score Cathedral is a test site for the March 14 SAT test date and the June 13 ACT test. A reminder that the Cathedral College Preparatory Guide is available online by clicking directly on the Guidance Links and Resources section. All the Guidance information is found under the “Academics” tab of the website. Appointments for Juniors Juniors should be contacting their college advisor during this semester to set up a pre college meeting. These meetings lay the groundwork for the application season in the fall. All juniors should meet with their advisor between now and the end of the school year. Scholarship Information This is the time of year when many students, and especially parents, begin to ask about scholarship opportunities. While deadlines for many scholarships have passed, several opportunities remain. The College Advising Center maintains a scholarship list, 18 Cathedral Connection Junior – Senior Prom Although it is not time to begin shopping for prom dresses or tuxedos, it is time for the Cathedral connection to plan for the pre-prom parking event. Many volunteers are needed to assist the evening of prom parking cars. It’s a lot of fun for the parents. The kids are great! Please consider helping out. If you have any questions, please contact Kristi Petruzzi or Shawn Fischer. Junior/Senior Parent Meeting The annual Jr./Sr. Parent Meeting will be held on Feb. 9 at 7p.m. in the Student Life Center. We have planned for this to be meeting of practical application, with discussion on academic, social, spiritual, and athletic issues. Your comments and concerns will lead the discussion. Come and share your insight on the issues that are important to you, or listen to the topics raised by other parents. If we don’t have answers, we have the resources to get answers for you. Our Cathedral Family values the input of our parents. This is a wonderful opportunity to address Prom and Graduation. Please join us! Fireside Chat Once each semester, you the parent have the opportunity to question, comment or suggest ideas and concerns you have regarding your student’s academic, social, spiritual or extracurricular activities. The Cathedral administration – from the President to the Principal will be available to address these issues. Included in the evening will be responses by the Administration to the parent concerns/questions/suggestions raised at the Junior/Senior Parent Meeting. Don’t miss your chance to add your voice. Please join us March 9 at 7 p.m. in the Student Life Center. Kristi Petruzzi, Co-Chair (317)849-2703 Shawn Fischer, Co-Chair (317)946-6918 19 Laugh the night away in Oz Visit the Emerald City and help a great cause! Feb. 28, 2009 You won’t have to work hard — just click your heels — but you’ll definitely want to join us because there’s going to be no place like the 2009 ShamrAuction! To reserve your table for this unforgettable event, or to get sponsorship information, call (317) 968-7311. 20 Second Quarter Honor Roll Class of 2009 High Honors Merrie Achtien Briana Anderson JosephineArbogast Dana Baele Kyle Barker ChristinaBarra Lauren Batalis Sarah Bauer Matthew Beauchamp Cyril Bennett Alanna Berdanier Lauren Berghoff James Berlage Timothy Bolger Laura Braswell Emily Brelage Adam Broady Lauren Buchanan Emily Buker Annamarie Bustion Brandon Chambers Stephen Champlin Hana Chong Carrie Christman Jennifer Cockshott Lindsey Cohen Emily Collins Brian Conroy Cory Constantine StephanieCooler Dominic Corsaro Anthony Cossell Vincent Culpepper Skylar Cuppy Brooke Daley Lauren Dedinsky Trevor Dewey Claire Dilts Connor Doll Michael Downs Lisa Edwards Emily Erotas Michelle Erotas Robert Farrell Mary Fleck Kara Fletcher Luke Flood Kevin Foley Ryan Foley Alexandra Fox Michael French Brian Frick Peter Gauss Karlie Gaver Jay Gehl John Gibbons KatherineGill Kaitlin Ginder Rachel Graham Christiana Gray John Grey Elissa Hagans Abigail Hammond Jaclyn Head Ashly Heath Ami Hedlund Sarah Hehner Ethan Helvering Katelyn Hendrickson Louis Herron Connor Hess Adam Hicks Nicolas Hidalgo Alyssa Howard Brittany Howard Carolyn Humbert Nicholas Hupp Emily Izzo Alexander Juerling CatherineKahn Danielle Kelly ElizabethKelly Ryan Kennedy StephanieKennedy James Kervan Matthew Keyes Ally Khajenouri Taylor King Megan Kloc Rachael Koester Christopher Kopf Abigail Kotarski Joseph Kowal Torey Krug Kathryn Laine CatherineLansing Brian Lauer Brittany Lee Daniel Leicht Morgan Lewis Alec MacDonell Stephen MacKay Erica Maginn William Mahoney Maria Malm Taylar Marshall Kelsey Massa Cody Mattox Margery Maurath Angela McCurdy Katelyn Melloh Sarah Michaelis Matthew Miller Brianna Mills Tyler Mitchell Kevin Moeller Natalie Moistner Hannah Moman Zane Montefalco ElizabethMooney Ellen Moriarity Meaghan Murray Claire Myers Britney Nay Rachel Nicksin Matthew Nunley Carleigh O’Brien Christopher O’Connor Collier O’Connor Natasha Olsson Mary Ording Emily Oskay Juan Pagan Andrew Page Jacqueline Painter Patrick Paligraf Madeleine Pavlik Dale Pedzinski BenjaminPietrzak Molly Pitz Henry Plager Jade Powers Lindsay Price Paige Prior Mary Clare Quinn Alexander Reinking William Reuter Morgan Rhodes Eli Richey Rose Roberts Katrina Rohrer KatherineRougraff Thomas Rouse Colleen Ruhmkorff Caitlin Rumer Rita Ryan-Seal Olivia Scheidler Stephen Scheller Kristen Schneider Matthew Schoenfeld Magdalen Schrage Nicholas Schroeder Taylor Schultheis Kelly Sheridan Kelly Shew Stuart Showalter ChristineSieber ElizabethSims BenjaminSmith Patrick Snyder Morgan Soladine Melissa Speckman Andrew Spillman Bridget Stark Frances Steger SamanthaStempky James Stevenson John Streiff Megan Stutts Patrick Sullivan Kathleen Theisen Marissa Thomas Brynne Thompson KatherineThrapp Anna Tirman Nicholas Torvik Patrick Trainor Alex Urbanski Kara Voigt Allison Vollmer David Wacker Ross Walthall Peter Wasky Matthew Weir ElizabethWhitsett Hilary Whitsett Megan Wiegand Peter Witchger Kaleah Wolf 21 Honors Forrest Adams Stephen Arduini Robin Babbitt Grant Baughman Andrew Bernauer Tyler Berry Shane Berschbach Timothy Bohlman Bridget Borrowdale Kevin Bower StephanieBrown Marco Caress Allison Clyne Sean Collins Michael Countryman Trace Cureton Jonathon Cutshaw Jacqueline Devine Farah Doxey Matthew Falvey Kelly Fitzgerald Barry Flynn Margaret Gill Joseph Greenwell Alexandra Haddad Joseph Hahn Mackenzie Haley Jarrett Hamilton Hannah Hilboldt Andrew Hilger Vincent Hofmeister Harold Hogue Matthew Hughes MeredithIozzo Thomas Jacoby KakpindiJamiru ElisabethJanoson Joseph Jurkash Andrew Keller Drew Kochell Kyle Koehne Michael Kolodzej Sarah Leonard Brian Matz Justin McGinnis Jonathon Mecker Lena Mercho MichaelaMeyer Mark Miller Mackenzie Murphy Christopher Nellis Christopher Nguyen Brittany O’Brien Brian O’Hara Errick Peck Samuel Phillippe Lena Pratt Eric Prechtel Rachel Roberts Patrick Schuster Amelia Schwandt Jayson Sexton KatherineSmith Calvin Sullivan Darrell Tibbs Julia Tirinnanzi Kyle Torain Olivia Warstler Louis Welebob Michelle Yeager Corey Ziedonis Second Quarter Honor Roll Class of 2010 High Honors Mark Aikman Victoria Alden Elyse Ausenbaugh CourtneyBalog Carly Barger Shelby Bates ChristinaBechtel Clara Becker Joel Becker Ryan Beeker Lucas Behringer Thomas Bemenderfer Kiefer Berry Steffi Bortenschlager Margaret Brennan Mattie Brokaw Erin Bucherl Lauren Caldemeyer Colin Campbell Morgan Carlton John Castell Kelly Cathcart Danielle Charbonneau Helen Clark Kathryn Cleary Grace Coffey Alex Collignon Jennifer Collins KatherineConnors Jenna Constantino Carlee Cook Zachary Czachura Irene Deis Michael Devlin Patrick Donovan Eric Eikenberry SebastianEwald Olivia Fangman Thomas Farrell Chelsea Finnigan Kara Fischer Edward Flood Peter Fraker Evan Garing ElizabethGath Peter Gerard Sean Godfrey Caroline Graham Stephen Hackl Alixandra Haire Kathleen Hall Shane Hanley Kelly Hartman William Haughs Stuart Hester Benton Hizer Oliver Hopkins Lauren Hummel Grace Hurt Vincent Indiano MadelineJarrett Melanie Jung Jillian Justus Christopher Kauffman Marc Kemen Lia Kennedy Maureen Kennedy Kaitlin Kivett Eric Krueger Patrick Laskowski Abby Lauck Christopher Laughner Lindsay Lausten John Leemhuis Tyler Lenahan Emily Lewis ElizabethMacGill John Macke Paige Mason Kayla Masterson Monica Metallic Joseph Meyer Julia Miles Erin Mooney SamanthaMorgan Kara Neal Zachary Niceley Molly O’Brien William O’Herren Clara O’Leary Kevin Owens Alexander Parker Emily Peat Andrew Perry SamanthaPeszek David Peterson Matthew Pimentel Taylor Poppmeier Michael Preuschl Kristen Probst Samuel Quigley Lars Rascoe Sarah Renie Alyson Ries Kyra Riggins Eric Roberts Kyle Roberts Morgan Robertson Madison Rothberger Kasey Ruppe Molly Sahm Samuel Salin Melissa Schopper Adam Sheingold Peter Shipley ElizabethShirey SamanthaSloan Madalyn Smith Allison Sobecki Victoria Spartz Drew Stanich ElisabethStanich Nicholas Stapleton Michael Stauder Edward Steinmetz Nicholas Stenson CatherineStevens Wesley Stokes John Stringfield Andrew Stutzman Alana Tice Spencer Tigges Zachary Turi Brittany Umana Anjulia Urasky Anna Ventimiglia KatherineWacker Hannah Waltz Caitlin Weber Gregory Welage Joseph Wheeler Mariah Whitaker ChrisjaanWhitson Nicholas Wildeman Kevin Williams KatherineWiningham Erin Wissler Alexander Worrell Alexandra Zaiger Jacob Zupancic 22 Honors Bo Albean Jacob Avellana Alec Bannister CamaronBeard CameronBorkowski Patrick Brady Blake Buchanan Joseph Cohoat Thomas Cohoat Maggelina Corsaro Daniel Dixon ElizabethDouglas Wesley Edwards Sean Engelking Samuel Erotas Rachael Fox Alexander Frick Franqlin Gatson Jacquelyn Gillum Thomas Haley Chase Haskin Collin Haugh Jim Heisserer Joseph Hilger Joshua Hofmeister Dock Hughes Kristopher Ingram Mallory Kaehr Karissa LaGrotte MadelineLeahy Kevin Loiselle James Lynch Abram McCarty Kevin McClure ElizabethMcNabb Scott Miller Matthew O’Brien Ryan O’Connor Jordan Offutt Christen Peeler Kanisha Perry Lauren Rascoe Jonathan Redmon James Ricker Jack Rothkopf Jazmin Ryle Theresa Schott Jennifer Shipley Darshan Sittampalam Emily Stewart Jake Stieneker Brian Sutter Ryan Thie Kathryn Treadway Paul Tsangaris Andrew Unversaw NathanielVicar Mallory Welsh Margaret White Hillary Wright Alexandra Zimmerman Second Quarter Honor Roll Class of 2011 High Honors Connor Ashby Peter Avellana Kaitlyn Barker Connor Barthel Robert Beckerich Ellyn Berghoff Anna Bielawski Danielle Billows Stephen Bolger William Bond Jacob Brennan Alexander Broady Katelyn Buckman Jacob Campbell Brittany Casavant Decker Cavosie Stephen Clark Julia Cole Joseph Corsaro Conner Cox Allison Crone GabriellaCrowe Olivia Daley Sarah Dapper Beth Darragh Shelby Day Lily Delalande Colin Donnelly Zachary Douglas Jacob Dummer Marika Edwards AdrienneFaurote Thomas Fisher-Heath Emily Fletcher Kelley Ford Sarah Fox Meghan Fry Grant Gerbers Grace Gibbons Gabriel Gonzalez Kathleen Gordon Heather Graham Nicholas Graham Vincent Grote Maxxamillion Hamm CharlotteHancock Grace Hannoy Walter Hanuschek Kaleb Harrison Malcolm Herbert Allison Hicks GabrielleHidalgo Kevin Hoeper John Hunzicker SamanthaHupp StephanieIsrael Margaret Johns Patrick Jones ChristineKelly Katelyn Kempf Tyler Knoblauch CourtneyLansing Kelsey Lee Michael Liotti Allison Loew ChristineMaci Kelsey Mahoney Rachel Martin Olivia McClellan Jackson McGrath Emily McKnight Jordan McPherson Patrick McSharar Steven Meuleman Ashley Mills NathanielMoyer Drew Myers Katrina Myers Thomas Nelson Brittany Noe Collin O’Connor Alyssa O’Malia Molly O’Malia Morgan O’Neil Madeleine Offenhauser Karley Olson MaurissaPaligraf Lauren Pavlik Andrew Peebles Nicholas Petruzzi Cecelia Phillippe Emily Pollom McKennaPowell Allison Prechtel Marcos Puente Erin Ratterman Christopher Reid Matthew Renie Jeffery Richardson Mary Ricker BenjaminRiesmeyer Ellen Rowe Blake Roytek John Ruckelshaus Ryan Sabuda Allison Scarlott Sarah Scheer Caroline Scheidler Matthew Schneider Alyssa Schroeder Olivia Sedwick Erin Selsemeyer David Shepard Craig Siebe Jimmy Simpson Nicholas Smith Kendra Speckman Sophie Spenia Jeremy Staley John Staley Tarasae Stancil Nicole Starleaf John Steigerwald Edward Stephens Sarah TeKolste Megan Thedwall Isaac Thomas Alexandra Tigges Megan Tsangaris Zoe Turi Ellen Turner Daniel Tuttle Joshua VanderMissen Natalie West ChristineWhite Mary Ann White Henry Will Joseph Witchger Cassia Wojtalik Bethany Wysocki Haley Young Ryan Yust John Zeph 23 Honors Meghan Baker Brittany Blake Paige Boysaw Paige Bradford Brooks Butler Charles Chamness Kevin Collins Corey Colquitt Jennifer Constantine ChristianCook Allyson Darragh Kevin Davis Samuel deBlecourt Andrew Deering Alexander Dickman Anwar Eaton Lee Engelman Cara FitzGerald Stephen French Cassaundra Geiger Audrey Gelb SamanthaGnezda Marta Goedde Reece Horn David Hunzicker Brittany Ignas Jasmine Jones Adam Kebo Christopher Keller Kyle Kennedy Claire King Brittany McGinnis Mary McNulty Schuyler Montefalco Ashley Moore Joseph Murphy Sean Nash Ariana Nassiri Ashley Noe Kathleen O’Hara Max Odgaard Alexandra Parshall CameronPate Brooke Payne Jacob Pedzinski Charles Plager Lucas Plummer Emily Preston Dennise Ramirez Harry Rumer Dominick Santuro Ian Schaak Austin Short Rachel Shruba Hannah Smith James Sweeney Ashley Tiplick Alex Toliver Jacob Toneges Christopher Weber Mary Welch Ambria White Stanton Wilhite MadelineWright Eric Yeager Second Quarter Honor Roll Class of 2012 High Honors Maxwell Adams William Adams Andrew Alden MeredithAusenbaugh Lauren Aylward Jacob Bailey Lucas Banter JosephineBarrett Nicole Batalis Caleb Beidelman Nicholas Berg Stephen Berlage Colleen Bindner Lundy Birch BenjaminBonne Austin Boos James Brokaw Daulton Buckingham Danila Burnham Christie Cates Kathleen Cates Mary Christ Robert Cohoat Michael Conway Sara Conway Kyle Cook Anthony Corsaro Kiersten Crowe Carmen Culpepper Matthew Dauby Elissa Dedinsky Rachel Demyan Vincent Demyan Maria DeSanto Joseph Devlin Natalie Dickman Ebony Dillon Patrick Dimond William Dimond Corinne Doll Hannah Donahoe Natalie Donahue Megan Donnelly Ryan Drehs Kathryn Dusing Mallory Dye Carlene Eckhart Megan Edwards CatherineErath Alexandra Ferguson Daniel Flood StephanieFultz Melanie Gardner Michael Garey NathanielGath Nicholas George William Giles Briana Glass Alexandra Goldfarb CatherineGoodin Arturo Granados CatherineHackl Mary Hale John Hall Brian Harvey Heather Haughs Abigail Helvering Grace Hendrickson Ciara Henriksen Peter Herron Marissa Hoffmire Brenna Holland Sophia Hopkins Michael Hornak Alexandra Humm Jack Hurt Shanice Jackson-Ellison Olivia Jarrett Aysha Jemison Olivia Johnson Allison Jones Kathryn Jones Brie Joyce Mary Kaufman Ana Kavanaugh Conner Kelley Ryan Kelly James Kempf Claire Kiesel Cole Leamnson Frank Leemhuis Samuel Lesem Ryan Levenhagen Emily Linard Jordan Logan Luke Lohrstorfer Steven Longerbone Kathryn Lueking Guy Lusk Keith MacDonell Connor Maher Peter Marbaugh Robert Marshall Meghan McCarthy Nicholas McCarty Keely McGrath Alexandra Meador Anna Meulbroek Kurt Miller Sarah Miller Michael Mitsch Ridley Morgan Gail Moriarity Keenan Mulherin Olivia Muller Robert Mulligan Christopher Murray Drake Myers MadelineNuckols KatherineOskay Carmen Pagan Imani Parker-Robinson Elliott Parshall David Parsons Sarah Peabody Ryan Pitz Joseph Piwowarski David Powers Olivia Price Hana Priscu Scott Pruett Evan Pulliam Graham Reid Morgan Rhodes Rachael Riggle Haley Roach Audra Rougraff Brett Rueschhoff Connor Rulman Alyson Saum Joshua Schmidt Christopher Schoenfeld MeredithSchoenfeld Teresa Schrader Joseph Schroeder Adam Schultheis William Schwandt Vincent Scotto Nicholas Scoville Meghan Searight Taylor Shellman Mikayla Shelton Megan Short Eileen Smart Timothy Smith Samuel Snemis Ryan Snyder Morgan Soderholm Zachary Sosna Emily Spindler Caroline Sprunger Emma Steinken Mary Stith Michael Stump Erin Thomas Madison Thompson Robert Thompson Dylan Thorpe Kaylee Titsworth Morgan Toby Lauren Tolley Paul Tran Abigail Treece Alaina Turchi Nicholas Tuttle Guy Valponi 24 Kathryn Vanderbosch Zachary VanderMissen Michael Venezia Erika Voigt William Waers Erin Walsh Grace Waltz Molly Ward Brandon Watkins Riley Weber Clare Welch Emily Welebob Jasmine Whitaker Colleen Whiting Lauren Williams ElizabethWitchger Conner Witsken GabriellaWright Patrick Zunk John Zupancic High Honors Allison Amato Katelyn Arterburn Corey Babb Brian Balog Stephen Baynes Paul Bayt TheodoreBemenderfer Madison Berry Alec Bitar Sarah Black Mary Brennan Colin Burnside Ryane Clay Andrew Cuppy Holly Dodds Thane Ewald John Fleck Will Hunker Shelby Hyde Connor Jensen Sarah Jensen Walter Justus John Kelly Patrick Kervan Lana Kinney Andrew Klein Michael Kochell Nicholas Koger Madison Landis Alexander Lucht KatherineLynch Alexander Martin Daniel Massa Alexandra McKinley Anthony Mentz Michael Nave Michael Nunley Shannon O’Herren Clorissa Orrick Jacob Peebles Connor Perius Tess Plummer Kathleen Quigley Anna Resiak Joseph Rushka Gregory Shelley Jaclyn Steigerwald Lauren Streiff ElizabethSubrin Mercer Suppiger Alaina Turchi Eileen Wilson Kevin Wissler MacKenzie Wolf Brandon Yosha Andrew Young Jeffrey Zhao Semester Honor Roll Class of 2009 High Honors Merrie Achtien Briana Anderson JosephineArbogast Stephen Arduini Dana Baele Kyle Barker ChristinaBarra Sarah Bauer Matthew Beauchamp Cyril Bennett Alanna Berdanier Lauren Berghoff James Berlage Bridget Borrowdale Laura Braswell Emily Brelage Adam Broady StephanieBrown Lauren Buchanan Emily Buker Annamarie Bustion Marco Caress Brandon Chambers Hana Chong Carrie Christman Jennifer Cockshott Lindsey Cohen Emily Collins Brian Conroy Cory Constantine Dominic Corsaro Anthony Cossell Vincent Culpepper Skylar Cuppy Brooke Daley Lauren Dedinsky Trevor Dewey Claire Dilts Connor Doll Michael Downs Lisa Edwards Emily Erotas Michelle Erotas Mary Fleck Luke Flood Kevin Foley Michael French Brian Frick Peter Gauss Karlie Gaver Jay Gehl John Gibbons Kaitlin Ginder Rachel Graham Christiana Gray Elissa Hagans Mackenzie Haley Abigail Hammond Jaclyn Head Ashly Heath Ami Hedlund Sarah Hehner Ethan Helvering Katelyn Hendrickson Connor Hess Adam Hicks Nicolas Hidalgo Alyssa Howard Brittany Howard Matthew Hughes Carolyn Humbert Nicholas Hupp Emily Izzo Alexander Juerling Joseph Jurkash ElizabethKelly Ryan Kennedy StephanieKennedy James Kervan Matthew Keyes Taylor King Megan Kloc Rachael Koester Christopher Kopf Abigail Kotarski Joseph Kowal Torey Krug Kathryn Laine CatherineLansing Brian Lauer Brittany Lee Daniel Leicht Morgan Lewis Alec MacDonell Stephen MacKay Erica Maginn William Mahoney Maria Malm Taylar Marshall Kelsey Massa Cody Mattox Margery Maurath Angela McCurdy Justin McGinnis Katelyn Melloh Sarah Michaelis Matthew Miller Brianna Mills Tyler Mitchell Kevin Moeller Natalie Moistner Hannah Moman ElizabethMooney Ellen Moriarity Meaghan Murray Claire Myers Britney Nay Rachel Nicksin Matthew Nunley Carleigh O’Brien Christopher O’Connor Collier O’Connor Natasha Olsson Mary Ording Emily Oskay Juan Pagan Andrew Page Jacqueline Painter Patrick Paligraf Madeleine Pavlik Dale Pedzinski BenjaminPietrzak Molly Pitz Henry Plager Jade Powers Lindsay Price Paige Prior Mary Clare Quinn Alexander Reinking William Reuter Morgan Rhodes Rose Roberts Katrina Rohrer Thomas Rouse Colleen Ruhmkorff Caitlin Rumer Rita Ryan-Seal Olivia Scheidler Stephen Scheller Kristen Schneider Matthew Schoenfeld Magdalen Schrage Nicholas Schroeder Taylor Schultheis Patrick Schuster Amelia Schwandt Kelly Sheridan Stuart Showalter ChristineSieber ElizabethSims BenjaminSmith Patrick Snyder Morgan Soladine Melissa Speckman Andrew Spillman Bridget Stark Frances Steger SamanthaStempky James Stevenson John Streiff Megan Stutts Patrick Sullivan Kathleen Theisen Marissa Thomas Brynne Thompson KatherineThrapp Anna Tirman Nicholas Torvik Patrick Trainor Alex Urbanski Kara Voigt Allison Vollmer David Wacker Ross Walthall Peter Wasky Matthew Weir ElizabethWhitsett Hilary Whitsett Megan Wiegand Peter Witchger Kaleah Wolf 25 Honors Forrest Adams Robin Babbitt Lauren Batalis Grant Baughman Andrew Bernauer Tyler Berry Timothy Bohlman Timothy Bolger Kevin Bower Stephen Champlin Allison Clyne Sean Collins StephanieCooler Michael Countryman Trace Cureton Jonathon Cutshaw Jacqueline Devine Alex Diedrich Farah Doxey Matthew Falvey Robert Farrell Adam Fisk Kelly Fitzgerald Kara Fletcher Ryan Foley Alexandra Fox KatherineGill Margaret Gill Joseph Greenwell John Grey Joseph Hahn Jarrett Hamilton Louis Herron Andrew Hilger Vincent Hofmeister Harold Hogue Thomas Jacoby ElisabethJanoson Mary Johantges CatherineKahn Andrew Keller Danielle Kelly Ally Khajenouri Drew Kochell Kyle Koehne Michael Kolodzej Sarah Leonard Brian Matz Jonathon Mecker Lena Mercho MichaelaMeyer Zane Montefalco Mackenzie Murphy Christopher Nellis Christopher Nguyen Brittany O’Brien Brian O’Hara Anna Parsons Errick Peck Samuel Phillippe Lena Pratt Eric Prechtel Eli Richey Rachel Roberts KatherineRougraff Jayson Sexton Kelly Shew KatherineSmith Shelbi St John Calvin Sullivan Darrell Tibbs Julia Tirinnanzi Kyle Torain Olivia Warstler Louis Welebob Sean Worland Michelle Yeager Corey Ziedonis Semester Honor Roll Class of 2010 High Honors Mark Aikman Victoria Alden Elyse Ausenbaugh CourtneyBalog Carly Barger Shelby Bates ChristinaBechtel Clara Becker Joel Becker Ryan Beeker Lucas Behringer Thomas Bemenderfer Kiefer Berry Steffi Bortenschlager Margaret Brennan Mattie Brokaw Erin Bucherl Lauren Caldemeyer Colin Campbell Morgan Carlton John Castell Kelly Cathcart Danielle Charbonneau Helen Clark Grace Coffey Jennifer Collins KatherineConnors Jenna Constantino Carlee Cook Zachary Czachura Irene Deis Michael Devlin Patrick Donovan Eric Eikenberry SebastianEwald Chelsea Finnigan Kara Fischer Edward Flood Evan Garing ElizabethGath Jacquelyn Gillum Sean Godfrey Stephen Hackl Alixandra Haire Shane Hanley Kelly Hartman Stuart Hester Benton Hizer Lauren Hummel Grace Hurt Vincent Indiano MadelineJarrett Melanie Jung Mallory Kaehr Christopher Kauffman Marc Kemen Lia Kennedy Maureen Kennedy Kaitlin Kivett Eric Krueger Karissa LaGrotte Patrick Laskowski Christopher Laughner Lindsay Lausten John Leemhuis Emily Lewis ElizabethMacGill John Macke Paige Mason Kayla Masterson ElizabethMcNabb Joseph Meyer Julia Miles Erin Mooney SamanthaMorgan Kara Neal Molly O’Brien Clara O’Leary Kevin Owens Alexander Parker Emily Peat Andrew Perry SamanthaPeszek Matthew Pimentel Taylor Poppmeier Michael Preuschl Kristen Probst Samuel Quigley Lars Rascoe Sarah Renie James Ricker Alyson Ries Kyra Riggins Eric Roberts Kyle Roberts Morgan Robertson Madison Rothberger Kasey Ruppe Samuel Salin Melissa Schopper Theresa Schott Adam Sheingold Peter Shipley ElizabethShirey SamanthaSloan Madalyn Smith Allison Sobecki Victoria Spartz Drew Stanich ElisabethStanich Nicholas Stapleton Michael Stauder Edward Steinmetz Nicholas Stenson CatherineStevens Wesley Stokes Andrew Stutzman Ryan Thie Alana Tice Spencer Tigges Zachary Turi Brittany Umana Anjulia Urasky Anna Ventimiglia KatherineWacker Hannah Waltz Caitlin Weber Gregory Welage Joseph Wheeler Mariah Whitaker ChrisjaanWhitson Nicholas Wildeman Kevin Williams KatherineWiningham Erin Wissler Alexander Worrell Hillary Wright Alexandra Zaiger Jacob Zupancic 26 Honors Bo Albean Jacob Avellana Alec Bannister CameronBorkowski Patrick Brady Blake Buchanan Kathryn Cleary Alex Collignon Maggelina Corsaro Daniel Dixon ElizabethDouglas Wesley Edwards Sean Engelking Samuel Erotas Olivia Fangman Thomas Farrell Rachael Fox Peter Fraker Alexander Frick Franqlin Gatson Peter Gerard Caroline Graham Thomas Haley Kathleen Hall Chase Haskin Collin Haugh William Haughs William Hayslett Joshua Hofmeister Oliver Hopkins Dock Hughes Kristopher Ingram Jillian Justus Abby Lauck MadelineLeahy Tyler Lenahan Kevin Loiselle James Lynch Travis Mandrell Thomas McNulty Monica Metallic Zachary Niceley Ryan O’Connor William O’Herren Jordan Offutt Christen Peeler Kanisha Perry David Peterson Lauren Rascoe Jonathan Redmon Kevin Rogozinski Jack Rothkopf Molly Sahm Kyle Scott Darshan Sittampalam Emily Stewart Jake Stieneker John Stringfield Brian Sutter NathanielVicar Mallory Welsh Margaret White Alexandra Zimmerman Semester Honor Roll Class of 2011 High Honors Connor Ashby Peter Avellana Kaitlyn Barker Connor Barthel Robert Beckerich Ellyn Berghoff Danielle Billows Stephen Bolger William Bond Jacob Brennan Alexander Broady Katelyn Buckman Brittany Casavant Decker Cavosie Stephen Clark Kevin Collins Joseph Corsaro Conner Cox Allison Crone GabriellaCrowe Olivia Daley Sarah Dapper Shelby Day Lily Delalande Colin Donnelly Zachary Douglas Jacob Dummer Marika Edwards AdrienneFaurote Thomas Fisher-Heath Emily Fletcher Kelley Ford Sarah Fox Meghan Fry Grace Gibbons Gabriel Gonzalez Kathleen Gordon Heather Graham Nicholas Graham Vincent Grote Maxxamillion Hamm CharlotteHancock Grace Hannoy Walter Hanuschek Kaleb Harrison Malcolm Herbert Allison Hicks GabrielleHidalgo Kevin Hoeper John Hunzicker SamanthaHupp StephanieIsrael Margaret Johns Patrick Jones ChristineKelly Katelyn Kempf Tyler Knoblauch CourtneyLansing Kelsey Lee Michael Liotti Allison Loew ChristineMaci Rachel Martin Olivia McClellan Jackson McGrath Emily McKnight Jordan McPherson Patrick McSharar Steven Meuleman Ashley Mills NathanielMoyer Drew Myers Katrina Myers Thomas Nelson Brittany Noe Collin O’Connor Kathleen O’Hara Molly O’Malia Madeleine Offenhauser Karley Olson MaurissaPaligraf CameronPate Lauren Pavlik Andrew Peebles Nicholas Petruzzi Cecelia Phillippe Emily Pollom McKennaPowell Allison Prechtel Marcos Puente Erin Ratterman Christopher Reid Matthew Renie Jeffery Richardson Mary Ricker Ellen Rowe Blake Roytek John Ruckelshaus Ryan Sabuda Allison Scarlott Sarah Scheer Caroline Scheidler Olivia Sedwick Erin Selsemeyer David Shepard Craig Siebe Jimmy Simpson Nicholas Smith Kendra Speckman Sophie Spenia John Staley Tarasae Stancil Nicole Starleaf John Steigerwald Edward Stephens Sarah TeKolste Megan Thedwall Isaac Thomas Alexandra Tigges Megan Tsangaris Zoe Turi Ellen Turner Daniel Tuttle Joshua VanderMissen ChristineWhite Mary Ann White Henry Will Cassia Wojtalik Haley Young Ryan Yust 27 Honors Meghan Baker Rachel Bell Anna Bielawski Paige Boysaw Paige Bradford Jacob Campbell Charles Chamness Julia Cole Jennifer Constantine ChristianCook Allyson Darragh Kevin Davis Samuel deBlecourt Alexander Dickman Stephen French Audrey Gelb Grant Gerbers SamanthaGnezda Marta Goedde Reece Horn David Hunzicker Brittany Ignas Jasmine Jones Christopher Keller Kyle Kennedy Spencer Lay Kelsey Mahoney Brittany McGinnis Mary McNulty Schuyler Montefalco Ashley Moore Joseph Murphy Sean Nash Ariana Nassiri Ashley Noe Alyssa O’Malia Brooke Payne Jacob Pedzinski Charles Plager Lucas Plummer Emily Preston Bradford Radican Dennise Ramirez BenjaminRiesmeyer Abby Robbins Dominick Santuro Matthew Schneider Alyssa Schroeder Timothy Schultz Austin Short Rachel Shruba Hannah Smith Jeremy Staley James Sweeney Ashley Tiplick Alex Toliver Jacob Toneges Christopher Weber Mary Welch Natalie West Ambria White Joseph Witchger MadelineWright Bethany Wysocki John Zeph Semester Honor Roll Class of 2012 High Honors Maxwell Adams William Adams Andrew Alden MeredithAusenbaugh Lauren Aylward Jacob Bailey Lucas Banter JosephineBarrett Paul Bayt Caleb Beidelman TheodoreBemenderfer Nicholas Berg Stephen Berlage Colleen Bindner Lundy Birch Sarah Black BenjaminBonne Austin Boos James Brokaw Daulton Buckingham Danila Burnham Christie Cates Kathleen Cates Mary Christ Robert Cohoat Michael Conway Sara Conway Kyle Cook Anthony Corsaro Kiersten Crowe Carmen Culpepper Matthew Dauby Elissa Dedinsky Vincent Demyan Maria DeSanto Joseph Devlin Natalie Dickman Ebony Dillon Patrick Dimond William Dimond Corinne Doll Hannah Donahoe Natalie Donahue Megan Donnelly Kathryn Dusing Mallory Dye Carlene Eckhart Megan Edwards CatherineErath Alexandra Ferguson Daniel Flood StephanieFultz Melanie Gardner Michael Garey NathanielGath Nicholas George William Giles Briana Glass Alexandra Goldfarb CatherineGoodin Arturo Granados CatherineHackl Mary Hale John Hall Brian Harvey Abigail Helvering Grace Hendrickson Ciara Henriksen Peter Herron Marissa Hoffmire Brenna Holland Sophia Hopkins Michael Hornak Alexandra Humm Jack Hurt Shanice Jackson-Ellison Olivia Jarrett Aysha Jemison Allison Jones Kathryn Jones Mary Kaufman Ana Kavanaugh Ryan Kelly James Kempf Claire Kiesel Madison Landis Cole Leamnson Frank Leemhuis Samuel Lesem Ryan Levenhagen Jordan Logan Luke Lohrstorfer Steven Longerbone Kathryn Lueking Guy Lusk Keith MacDonell Connor Maher Peter Marbaugh Robert Marshall Nicholas McCarty Keely McGrath Alexandra McKinley Alexandra Meador Anna Meulbroek Kurt Miller Sarah Miller Michael Mitsch Ridley Morgan Gail Moriarity Keenan Mulherin Olivia Muller Robert Mulligan Christopher Murray Drake Myers MadelineNuckols KatherineOskay Carmen Pagan Imani Parker-Robinson Elliott Parshall David Parsons Sarah Peabody Joseph Piwowarski David Powers Olivia Price Hana Priscu Scott Pruett Evan Pulliam Graham Reid Morgan Rhodes Rachael Riggle Haley Roach Audra Rougraff Connor Rulman Alyson Saum Joshua Schmidt Christopher Schoenfeld MeredithSchoenfeld Teresa Schrader Joseph Schroeder William Schwandt Vincent Scotto Nicholas Scoville Meghan Searight Taylor Shellman Megan Short Eileen Smart Timothy Smith Samuel Snemis Ryan Snyder Morgan Soderholm Zachary Sosna Emily Spindler Caroline Sprunger Emma Steinken Mary Stith Michael Stump ElizabethSubrin Madison Thompson Robert Thompson Dylan Thorpe Kaylee Titsworth Morgan Toby Lauren Tolley Paul Tran Abigail Treece Alaina Turchi Nicholas Tuttle Guy Valponi Kathryn Vanderbosch Zachary VanderMissen Michael Venezia Erika Voigt William Waers Erin Walsh Grace Waltz Brandon Watkins Riley Weber Clare Welch Emily Welebob Jasmine Whitaker Colleen Whiting Lauren Williams ElizabethWitchger GabriellaWright Patrick Zunk 28 Honors Corey Babb Nicole Batalis Stephen Baynes Madison Berry Alec Bitar Mary Brennan Colin Burnside Ryane Clay Andrew Cuppy Rachel Demyan Holly Dodds Ryan Drehs Thane Ewald Heather Haughs Natalya Herndon Will Hunker Shelby Hyde Connor Jensen Sarah Jensen Olivia Johnson Brie Joyce Walter Justus Conner Kelley John Kelly Patrick Kervan Lana Kinney Levi Kinney Rachel Kwon Nicklaus Lang Emily Linard Alexander Lucht KatherineLynch Alexander Martin Daniel Massa Meghan McCarthy Alexander Moore Michael Nave Michael Nunley Clorissa Orrick Jacob Peebles Connor Perius Tess Plummer Kathleen Quigley Anna Resiak Michael Roessler Brett Rueschhoff Joseph Rushka Adam Schultheis Gregory Shelley Mikayla Shelton Jaclyn Steigerwald Lauren Streiff Mercer Suppiger Erin Thomas Thomas Treadway Molly Ward Eileen Wilson Kevin Wissler Conner Witsken MacKenzie Wolf Brandon Yosha Andrew Young Jeffrey Zhao John Zupancic