federal code of civil procedures


federal code of civil procedures
Article 543. - In matters of federal jurisdiction, international judicial cooperation will be
regulated by the dispositions of this book and other applicable laws, except when otherwise
arranged by treaties and conventions of which Mexico is a state party.
Article 544. - In matters of international litigation, the Federation’s ministries and the federative
states shall be subject to the special rules foreseen in this book.
Article 545. - The serving proceedings by Mexican courts regarding notifications, reception of
evidence and other acts of mere procedure, requested to produce effects abroad shall not imply
in definitive, the recognition of the competence assumed by the foreign court, nor the
commitment to execute the sentence that will be ruled in the corresponding procedure.
Article 546. - In order for foreign public documents to attest in the Republic, they will have to
appear legalized by the competent Mexican consular authorities according to the applicable
laws. Those that will be transmitted internationally by official conduit to produce legal effects
shall not require legalization.
Article 547. - The serving of notifications and reception of evidence in national territory, that will
produce effects abroad, may be carried out ex parte.
Article 548. - The practice of serving proceedings in a foreign country that will produce effects in
judgments filed before national courts, may be entrusted to the members of the Mexican Foreign
Service by the courts dealing with the matter, in such case, these proceedings shall be practiced
in accordance to the dispositions of this Code within the limits allowed by international law.
In cases where such a practice proceeds, said members may request the competent foreign
authorities, their cooperation with the practice of the entrusted proceedings
Article 549. - Exhorts sent abroad or received from it, will be subject to what is arranged by the
following articles, except when otherwise arranged by treaties and conventions of which Mexico
is a state party.
Article 550. - Exhorts sent abroad will be written official communications that will contain the
request of fulfillment of the necessary activities in the process in which they are ordered.
These communications will contain the necessary information data and the certified copies,
certificates, transfer copies and other annexes according to each case. Additional form
requirements with regards to exhorts received from abroad will not be demanded.
Superior Court of California, County of Imperial
Access Center, June 8, 2012.
Article 551. - Exhorts or letters rogatory may be transmitted to the required organ by the
interested parties, by judicial route, through consular civil servants or diplomatic agents or by the
competent authority of the requesting or required State on case by case basis.
Article 552. - The exhorts originated abroad that are transmitted by official conduits will not
require legalization and those that are sent abroad will only need the legalization demanded by
the laws of the country where they are due to be carried out.
Article 553. - All the international exhorts received from abroad in a language different from
Spanish will have to be accompanied by its translation. With the exception of evident deficiency
or objection by a party, the text will be taken as good.
Article 554. – The international exhorts that are received will only require homologation when
they imply coercive execution on people, goods or rights, in which case the arranged by Chapter
Sixth of this book will be applied. Exhorts regarding notifications, reception of evidence and other
issues of mere proceeding will be served without forming incident.
Article 555. - The international exhorts that are received will be served according to the national
laws. Notwithstanding the aforementioned, the exhorted court may exceptionally grant the
simplification of formalities or the observance of formalities different from the nationals,
following request by the exhorting judge or the interested party, as long as this is not harmful to
the public order and especially to individual guarantees; the request shall contain the description
of the formalities, which are asked to be applied for the serving of the exhort.
Article 556. - The courts that deliver or receive international exhorts to and from abroad, will file
them in duplicate and will conserve a copy as proof of what has been sent, received and acted.
Article 557. - The notifications, citations and summons to the Federation’s ministries and the
federative states, originating from abroad will be served by conduit of the federal authorities
that are competent in reason of their address.
Article 558. - The serving proceedings set in the previous article and article 545 will be carried out
by the corresponding court from the notified party’s address, from whom evidence will be taken
or from where the thing is located, on a case by case basis.
Article 569. - The judgments, private arbitral awards and other non-commercial foreign judicial
decisions will be effective and will be recognized in the Republic in all that is not contrary to
domestic public policy in the terms of this code and other applicable laws, except as provided by
the treaties and conventions to which Mexico is party.
Superior Court of California, County of Imperial
Access Center, June 8, 2012.
In the case of judgments, arbitration awards and judicial decisions that are intended to be used
as evidence in Mexican courts, it will have to full fill the requirements to be considered
The effects of judgments, awards for non-commercial private and foreign judicial decisions
produced in the country, are governed by the provisions of the Civil Code and other applicable
Article 570. - The judgments, awards for non-commercial private and foreign judicial decisions
will be coercively enforce in the Republic, through homologation under the terms of this code
and other applicable laws, except as provided by the treaties and conventions to which Mexico
is a party.
Article 571. - The judgments, private arbitral awards non-commercial and jurisdictional
resolutions rendered abroad will be enforceable if they meet the following conditions:
I. - They must have satisfied the formalities prescribed in this Code relating to letters rogatory
from abroad;
II. - Not have been issued upon exercise of a real action;
III. - The judge or trial court had jurisdiction to hear and decide the matter in accordance with
generally recognized rules of international law which are compatible with the adopted by this
Code. The judge or sentencing court has no jurisdiction overseas where, by the legal acts of
bearing resolution intended to be run, contains a submission to the jurisdiction of Mexican
IV. - The defendant has been summoned or subpoenaed personally to ensure the security
impact of hearing and the exercise of its defenses;
V. – That the judgment has the force of res judicata in the country in which it was rendered, and
there is no pending appeals against it;
VI. - That the action that gave rise to the trial in the foreign country, has not been filed or
pending between the same parties before Mexican courts and which prevented any Mexican
court or at least that the letter rogatory to place may have been processed and delivered the
Ministry of Foreign Affairs or the authorities of the State where the site should be practiced. The
same rule applies when final judgment has been issued;
VII. - That the obligation which they have been not contrary to public policy in Mexico and
VIII. - To meet the requirements to be considered authentic. However compliance with the
above conditions, the court may deny execution if prove that the country of origin do not run
foreign judgments or awards in similar cases.
Article 572. – The Exhort of Letter Rogatory from a judge or court requesting the enforcement of
a judgment, must be accompanied by the following documentation:
Superior Court of California, County of Imperial
Access Center, June 8, 2012.
I. - A certified copy of the judgment, award or decision;
II. - A certified copy of the records that prove to be complied with the conditions specified in
Sections IV and V of the preceding article;
III. - Translations into Spanish as necessary to effect;
IV. - The performer has indicated address for notifications in place of the court for approval.
Article 573. - It's the competent court to enforce a judgment, award or court decision from
abroad, the domicile of the debtor, or otherwise, the location of his property in the Republic.
Article 574. - The incident approval judgment, award or foreign judgment will open with the
player and personal summons to the debtor, who were granted individual term of nine days to
expose defenses and to exercise their rights may correspond, and in for which they will offer
evidence as may be relevant, will be scheduled to receive that are admitted, the preparation of
the exclusive responsibility of the offeror unless valid reason. In all cases intervention will the
Attorney General to exercise the rights that correspond. The decision handed down in both
effects may be appealed if the execution is denied, and if the returned effect allows.
Article 575. - Neither the Court of first instance or the appellate court may review and decide on
the fairness or unfairness of the judgment, nor about the motivations or reasons of fact or law
on which it relies, merely examining its authenticity and if required or not implemented under
the provisions of national law.
Article 576. - All matters relating to seizure, attachment, depository, appraisal, auction and
other related to the settlement and coercive execution of foreign court judgment, be resolved
by the court for approval. The distribution of the proceeds from the auction will be available to
the trial judge abroad.
Article 577. - If a judgment, award or foreign court settlement could not be executed entirely, it
could be executed partially upon the request of the Court.
Superior Court of California, County of Imperial
Access Center, June 8, 2012.
State Code Sections for Registration of Foreign Judgments
Federal Entity a
Baja California
Baja California Sur
Distrito Federal
Estado de México
Nuevo León
San Luis Potosí
Quintana Roo
Superior Court of California, County of Imperial
Access Center, June 8, 2012.
Code Sections of Civil Procedure
of each State
Artículos 432-442
Artículos 585-594
Artículos 582-591
Artículos 890-899
Artículos 577-586
Artículos 536, 999-1008
Artículos 766-770
Artículos 598-607
Artículos 588-597
Artículos 604-608
Artículo 2.185
Artículos 373,480-489
Artículo 469
Artículos 587-596
Artículos 509-519
Artículos 755-767
Artículos 692-768-773
Artículos 418-420
Artículos 483-495
Artículos 429-440
Artículos 1011-1021
Artículos 622-626
Artículos 552-561
Artículos 356-475-482
Artículos 518-528
Artículos 718-725
Artículos 341-452-457
Artículos 596-605
Artículos 442-451
Artículos 581-590
Artículos 420-433
Artículos 356-475-482
EXP. ______/2011
P R E S E N T E.-
, Ciudadana Estadounidense, mayor de edad, con permiso de
internación número FMN
,emitido por el Instituto Nacional de Migración,
señalando como domicilio procesal para oír y recibir toda clase de notificaciones en el Bufete
, ubicado en Avenida
de esta Ciudad, por mi propio derecho, y
autorizando en los términos del Articulo 46 del Código de Procedimientos Civiles vigente como
mis abogados procuradores, con las facultades mas amplias, inclusive las que requieren cláusula
especial como lo es la de articular posiciones, de conformidad con el numeral 2461 del Código
Civil, a los profesionistas
ante Usted con el debido respeto comparezco y expongo:
Que por medio del presente escrito y con fundamento en la Convención
Interamericana Sobre Exhortos y Cartas Rogatorias de fecha 30 de Enero de 1975, Adoptada en
Panamá, Declaratoria de Reciprocidad Internacional para el Cobro de Alimentos entre México y
Estados Unidos del año 1992, bajo el amparo del Programa URESA-RURESA, actualidad UIFSA,
artículos 570, 571 572, 574 y demás relativos del Código Federal de Procedimientos Civiles,
artículos 585 al 594 del Código de Procedimientos Civiles vigente en el Estado, vengo a
resultado del juicio de Establecimiento de Paternidad que fue promovido por el señor
en contra de la suscrita, en la Corte
Superior de California para el Condado Imperial, Estados Unidos de América bajo el expediente
número EFL12050 y al efecto de que sea debidamente emplazado, señalo como domicilio del
demandado el ubicado en
Superior Court of California, County of Imperial
Access Center, June 8, 2012.
, Col. Nueva, de
esta ciudad, por lo que atentamente solicito a su señoría con fundamento en el artículo 117 del
Código de Procedimientos Civiles del Estado, que en su oportunidad se giren instrucciones a
efecto del que C. Actuario adscrito a este juzgado a efecto de que se le haga saber a la parte
demandada que reclamo lo siguiente:
La homologación y ejecución de la orden de alimentos emitida en el Juicio de
Establecimiento de Paternidad número EFL12050, radicado en la Corte
Superior de California en el Condado Imperial, Estados Unidos de
Norteamérica consistente en el pago de alimentos en la cantidad de $767.00
dólares, los días primeros de cada mes.
Como consecuencia de lo anterior, solicito se gire atento oficio al
Departamento de Recursos Humanos del Instituto Mexicano del Seguro
Social, con domicilio en
esta ciudad y se proceda a la retención del sueldo en los términos solicitados
por la autoridad judicial estadounidense, en virtud de que la parte
demandada labora para esa Institución Social como Dentista.
El día 2 de mayo de 2011, el señor
presentó una demanda de Establecimiento de Paternidad ante la Corte
Superior de California en el Condado Imperial, en contra de la suscrita
, la cual fue registrada bajo el expediente
número EFL12050, solicitando la custodia legal y física compartida de la menor
, con fecha de nacimiento
El día 3 de mayo la suscrita fui emplazada a juicio personalmente, con las copias
respectivas de la demanda, otorgándoseme el termino de 30 días para que
contestara la demanda interpuesta en mi contra, a la cual dí contestación el día 23
de mayo de 2011.
Superior Court of California, County of Imperial
Access Center, June 8, 2012.
De igual forma, el día 23 de mayo del año en curso, presenté incidente de
alimentos, custodia y derechos de visita audiencia. La parte actora
fue notificada por correo con una copia del incidente de alimentos, custodia y
derechos de visita ese mismo día. Seguido el procedimiento, el día 22 de junio de
2011, las partes comparecieron a la audiencia de alimentos, custodia y derechos de
visita, en donde fuimos referidos a mediación, programándose una nueva audiencia
posterior a mediación y regresar a Corte para el día 6 de julio de 2011.
Debido a que las partes no llegamos a un convenio judicial de mediación, el día 6 de
julio de 2006, la Corte Superior de California estableció las siguientes órdenes de
custodia y alimentos: custodia legal y física de la menor
es otorgada a la parte demandada
, con derechos de visita a la parte actora en fines de semana alternos, los días
domingos de las 12:00 pm a 5:00 pm en el Condado Imperial. Después de 90 días, la
parte actora estará en posibilidad de llevar a la menor a territorio mexicano.
Después de 6 meses, la Parte Actora, tendrá acceso en fines de semana alternos
iniciando el día sábado a las 10:00 am hasta el domingo a las 5:00 pm. La parte
actora es ordenada a pagar la cantidad de $767.00 dólares por concepto de
alimentos a partir del día 23 de mayo de 2011 a la parte demandada
los días primeros de cada mes.
DOCUMENTALES PUBLICAS.- Consistente en los documentos que se agregan a
la presente debidamente certificada, apostillada y traducida al idioma español, por perito
auxiliar de la Administración de Justicia del Estado de Baja California y que se describe a
Copia certificada, con su respectiva traducción al español de la Orden de
Alimentos emitida por la Corte Superior de California en el Condado
Imperial en el expediente número EFL12050.
Superior Court of California, County of Imperial
Access Center, June 8, 2012.
Carta Rogatoria, emitida por la Corte Superior de California, dentro del
expediente número EFL12050 y certificación de los documentos
referidos signada por la C. Kristine S. Kussman, Administrador Ejecutiva
de la Corte Superior de California, Condado de Imperial, E.U.A.
Comprobantes de nómina del deudor alimentario
, expedidos por el Instituto Mexicano del Seguro Social.
Pruebas que relaciono con todos y cada uno de los hechos de mi demanda.
Por lo expuesto y fundado, A USTED CIUDADANO JUEZ, atentamente pido se sirva:
PRIMERO.- Tenerme por presente interponiendo INCIDENTE DE HOMOLOGACIÓN DE
SENTENCIA EXTRANJERA DE ALIMENTOS, solicitando su reconocimiento de validez y en su
momento la ejecución de la misma.
SEGUNDO.- Con las copias simples que se acompañan, solicito se sirva emplazar al señor
en los términos
de ley.
TERCERO.- Se sirva dar la intervención que corresponda al C. Agente del Ministerio
Público Adscrito a este Juzgado.
CUARTO.- En su oportunidad y previos los trámites de estilo, se sirva dictar la resolución
en la que se declare procedente la homologación de la media provisional de alimentos que se
promueve, y como consecuencia se ordene la ejecución de la misma ante el Instituto Mexicano
del Seguro Social, a fin de que se garantice el pago de alimentos en beneficio de la menor
Mexicali, B.C., a la fecha de su presentación
Superior Court of California, County of Imperial
Access Center, June 8, 2012.
Superior Court of California, County of Imperial
Access Center, June 8, 2012.
Superior Court of California, County of Imperial
Access Center, June 8, 2012.
Superior Court of California, County of Imperial
Access Center, June 8, 2012.
Superior Court of California, County of Imperial
Access Center, June 8, 2012.
Superior Court of California, County of Imperial
Access Center, June 8, 2012.
Superior Court of California, County of Imperial
Access Center, June 8, 2012.
Superior Court of California, County of Imperial
Access Center, June 8, 2012.
Superior Court of California, County of Imperial
Access Center, June 8, 2012.
Superior Court of California, County of Imperial
Access Center, June 8, 2012.
Superior Court of California, County of Imperial
Access Center, June 8, 2012.
Superior Court of California, County of Imperial
Access Center, June 8, 2012.
Superior Court of California, County of Imperial
Access Center, June 8, 2012.
Superior Court of California, County of Imperial
Access Center, June 8, 2012.