the church of saint anthony
the church of saint anthony
WELCOME TO THE CHURCH OF SAINT ANTHONY 7th and Center, Casper, Wyoming Main Phone: Office Address: E-mail: Website: PARISH STAFF Fr. Kevin Koch, Pastor Fr. Kevin Koch, Pastor Deacon Don, Pastoral Associate Kathy Kempa, Parish Secretary Cindy Keinert, Parish Admin Religious Ed. Dir Marlene Aloisio, Stewardship Dir Dean Menardi, Youth Ministry Jesus Saldivar, Hispanic Ministry Bulletin Editor O’Reilly Hall Office Residence Office Office Office Office Office Office Office Kitchen St. Anthony’s School 234-2873 Prayer-line Deacon Don Stewart 266-2666 235-2148 265-2544 577-1041 237-3830 472-0396 235-2148 Barbara Haigler Holy Cross Center Adoration Music Ministry Andrea Norris Katie Lijewski Becky Stewart MASS SCHEDULE Extension 24 30 28 21 23 26 27 29 32 41 39 Cyndy Novotny, Principal 266-2666 Fax: 266-4127 604 S. Center Street, Casper, WY 82601 Saturday 5:15 pm Sunday 8:30 am, 11:00 am, 2:30 pm (Spanish), & 5:15 pm Daily Mass Mon. & Fri. 12:00 noon, Tues. & Thur. 7:00 am Communion Service Mon. & Fri. 7:00 am, Tues. & Thur. 12:00 noon Wed. 7:00 am & 12:00 noon Holy Days 7:00 am, 12 noon, & 5:15 pm SACRAMENT OF RECONCILIATION Saturday 3:00 pm to 4:30 pm or anytime by appointment EUCHARISTIC ADORATIO ADORATION N - Blessed Sacrament Chapel Mondays: 7:30 am to Wednesday 11:00 pm Thursday: 7:30 am to 11:00 pm Friday: 7:30 am to 11:30 am BENEDICTION Friday: 11:30 am SACRAMENT OF MATRIMONY Please visit with the Priest or the Deacon at least seven months prior to the marriage date. SACRAMENT OF BAPTISM Baptism Prep Classes are the 1st and 2nd Mondays of the month. Baptisms are held on the 4th Saturday of the month at 12:00 Noon READINGS FOR THE WEEK OF JANUARY 19th Praying And Reflecting On the Writings of Saint Paul The Apostle Monday: Read Rom 5: 5, then Reflect, then Pray: Almighty God and Father, confirm us in your gift of hope. All our trust is in you, and you alone. We humbly pray, do not desert us or abandon us, but bring us to the fullness of life in you. Tuesday: Read Rom 5: 6, then Reflect, then Pray: Almighty, ever-living God and Lord, you appointed the time when Christ your Son offered himself for our redemption; by his glorious resurrection, deliver us from the bonds of time and bring us to the fullness of life in him, Jesus Christ our Lord. Wednesday: Read Rom 5: 8, then Reflect, then Pray: Take, Lord, and receive all my liberty, my memory, my understanding, and my entire will, all that I have and possess. Thou hast given all to me. To Thee, O Lord, I return it. All is Thine, dispose of it wholly according to Thy will. Give me Thy love and Thy grace, for this is sufficient for me. Thursday: Read Rom 5: 10-11, then Reflect, then Pray: Eternal God and Father, by the blessed and glorious cross of Jesus Christ your Son you have reconciled the world to yourself and forgiven our sins. By the power of that cross make us instruments of your peace in our families, our Church, and our world. Friday: Read Rom 5: 15, then Reflect, then Pray: Eternal Lord of history, you wondrously created the human race and even more wondrously restored it. We beseech you, bring to fulfillment in us what you have promised in Christ. Saturday: Read Rom 5: 17, then Reflect, then Pray: Gracious God, giver of all good gifts, hear us, we ask you: by the power of your grace, deliver us from sin and preserve us in your faithful service. Sunday: Read Rom 5: 18, then Reflect, then Pray: Lord our God, creator of all things and judge of the world, show us, we implore you, the fullness of your mercy. Forgive us our sins and bring us to our everlasting home, in Christ Jesus our Lord. 1 ST. ANTHONY’S CHURCH CASPER The Shepherd’s Staff office will be closed on Monday, January 19th for Martin Luther King Day. We encourage all to join the Pax Christi group and others gathering for the activities that are planned for the day. All will gather at Casper City Park at 7th and Center and march to the First Methodist Church in downtown Casper. Keynote speakers will be James Simmons, president of the Casper branch of the NAACP and RJ Johnson. After the program an Oxfam Hunger Banquet will be held. CALENDAR OF EVENTS Saturday 01/17 Sunday 01/18 Monday 01/19 Tuesday Wednesday 01/20 01/21 Seminarian Education Appeal is this weekend. We have been greatly blessed with men called to the vocation of priesthood. Thursday This is our opportunity to pray for these men and to offer our own sacrifices to help them become priests. Your generosity and prayers are deeply appreciated. Envelopes are provided in the Friday pews for your offering, just drop them in with the regular collection. Once again, thank you for your generosity. ST. PAUL CLASS NO CLASS THIS WEEK Saturday 01/22 01/23 01/24 st We will be studying St. Paul’s 1 letter to the Corinthians on 1/27. Dean Menardi will instruct the class on Tuesday at noon & Sunday 7:00 pm in O’Reilly Hall. If you have any questions call Deacon Don at 266-2666. Do you like to sew? Would you consider the Ministry of making our Baptismal bibs? All materials are provided. Call Cindy at the Shepherd’s Staff, or stop in to talk with her for more information. 01/25 3:00 pm-Reconciliation-O.H. 6:15 pm-Mexican Dinner-O.H. 9:30 am-Fellowship Breakfast-O.H. 9:30 am-Religious Ed-St. “A” School 6:15 pm-L.E.A.P.-P.C. Shepherd’s Staff Closed Martin Luther King Holiday 7:00 pm-Children’s Choir Practice-CH 6:00 pm-SAFARI-P.C. 6:00 pm-Family Faith Night-P.C. 3:00 pm–Jr. High A.S.H.-P.C. 7:00 pm-R.C.I.A.-P.C. 7:00 pm-Being Catholic-P.C. l0:00 am-Being Catholic-O.H. 11:00 am-Centering Prayer-Pastoral Center 11:30 am-Benediction-CH 12:00 pm-Baptisms-CH 3:00 pm-Reconciliation-CH 9:30 am-Fellowship Breakfast-O.H. 3:30 pm-Spanish Pot Luck-O.H. 6:15 pm-L.E.A.P.-P.C. O.H.=O’Reilly Hall; P.C.=Parish Center S.S.=Shepherd’s Staff; CH=Church; N.C. Newman Center January 2009 Institute will be held January 20th thru the 22nd at the Parkway Plaza. This year’s guest speaker will be Sister Charlotte It is with sadness that we announce that Shelia Wiggins has re- White, SCL. She will speak on “The Care and Feeding of Lions.” digned as DRE for St. Anthony Parish, effective Dec. 31, 2008. I Deadline for MEAL registration was January 12th. thank her for starting the Family Faith Nights and the Sacrament Prep Retreats. She will be missed. This leads to announcing we January Weekend for Life with Bishop James Conley, Jan 23rd and are looking for someone who would be interested in the Religious 24th. All Catholics are encouraged to attend the Weekend for Life Education Director or coordinator position. Please come and fill Events to be held in Cheyenne on Jan. 23rd and 24th. Bishop James out an application. We will close the application process on Conley will speak at the Right to Life Dinner on Friday evening. January 23, 2009 at 5:00 p.m. Call Chuck and Lisa Provance for details and tickets 307-778-8626. Friday evening Vigil for Life, Rosary for Life and Benediction will EUCHARISTIC ADORATION be held at St. Mary’s Cathedral at 9:30 p.m. Saturday morning Mass If you are able to spend an hour with Our Lord, Wednesday with Bishop Conley and Father Gary Ruzicka will be at 7:30 a.m. at morning, 2:00 am - 3:00 am, please give Andrea a call at St. Mary’s followed by continental breakfast and a talk by Bishop 237-3830. Conley. We will then join the Right to Life March activities. A full schedule is printed in the Register. For more information, please call Readings for the Week of January 18, 2009 the Marriage, Family and Respect Life Ministry Office at 1-800-7884616. A group count for breakfast would be appreciated. Please take advantage of this important time to learn and be encouraged, to pray and be visible in support of all human life. Sunday: 1 Sm 3:3b-10, 19/1 Cor 6:13c-15a, 17-20/ Jn 1:35-42 FAMILY FAITH NIGHT WEDNESDAY, JAN. 21ST 6:00 pm Monday: Heb 5:1-10/Mk 2:18-22 Potluck dinner starts at 6:00 pm followed by a program on immigraTuesday: Heb 6:10-20/Mk 2:23-28 tion lead by Dean Menardi. Come and join us for an evening of felWednesday: Heb 7:1-3, 15-17/Mk 3:1-6 lowship and learning. Questions?? Call Dean at 266-2666. Thursday: Heb 7:25---8:6/Mk 3:7-12 Friday: Heb 8:6-13/Mk 3:13-19 St. Ann's Gift Shop is open again at St. Patrick's Church on Country Saturday: Heb 9:2-3, 11-14/Mk 3:20-21 Club Rd. New items are out. Please come see us after Sat. 6p.m. or Next Sunday: Jon 3:1-5, 10/1 Cor 7:29-31/Mk 1:14-20 Sunday 8 a.m. and 10:30a.m. Masses. For an appointment during the week please call Jerry Ann 237-8203, Betty-265-7951 or Ann-2352 5027. SECOND SUNDAY IN ORDINARY TIME Saturday Sunday 01/17 01/18 Monday 01/19 Tuesday 01/20 Wednesday 01/21 Thursday 01/22 Friday 01/23 Saturday Sunday 01/24 01/25 5:15 pm Helen Schmidt † 8:30 am Floryda Vick † 11:00 am For Peace in the Middle East 2:30 pm For The Homebound 5:15 pm For Selection of Bishop 7:00 am Communion Service 12:00 pm Davey Family 7:00 am Jim Gillum 12:00 pm Communion Service 7:00 am Communion Service 12:00 pm Communion Service 7:00 am Kathleen Jarrard 12:00 pm Communion Service 7:00 am Communion Service 12:00 pm Larry & Dorothy Wolff 5:15 pm Buck & Keating Rogers † 8:30 am Parish 11:00 am Frances Pedry † 2:30 pm For Selection of Bishop 5:15 pm For Vocations JANUARY 18, 2009 OUR PRAYERS, LOVE AND SUPPORT REACH OUT TO THE FAMILY AND LOVED ONES OF: Tomas Segueda, Richard Nowakowski, Richard Tobin, Kenneth Fowlkes, Michael Kane, Mary Duncan, Maria Louisa Reyes, Edith Jack, Colleen Lacey, Richard Theno, Paula Coss, Jayne Morton, Helen Schmidt, Manuel Mendoza, Sr., Virgie Lewis, Donald Poste, Noeline Sun, Sherry Leman, Kathy Brown, Robert Broadway. St. Anthony School Foundation Update The St. Anthony Tri-Parish Catholic School Foundation is challenging all alumni to join together to fund the entire tuition (Kindergarten through 9th grade) of one student for the class of 2020. The cost to education one child for a school year is $5,000. Your contribution – whether it’s $20, $50 or $100 – will be used to fund the St. Anthony’s Alumni Angels Scholarship, and will change the life of a promising student who’s just starting out on the long, tough journey towards graduation. Please donate today! For more information about the new Alumni Angels Scholarship, please contact Paula Gillette, 234-2873. JR. HIGH/HIGH SCHOOL NEWS Safari! — All 7th and 8th graders See ya at the parish center at 6:30 on Wednesday evenings! Come join the gang, have some fun and learn a little about your Catholic faith while you’re at it. Eucharistic Adoration A Gift of Love If you are interested in letting persons know they are being remembered in your prayers, you will find small red folders that can be given after time spent in prayer. Please feel free to pick one up and pass on the good news of prayer. They will be located in the Adoration Chapel. L.E.A.P. Your youth group is waiting for you to come check us out! See you at the parish center after the 5:15 mass every Sunday. We’re Here is a new address for Brother Francis. studying the life of Jesus. You’ll want to be a part of it. Brother Francis Kjeldgaard A.S.H. Brothers of Holy Cross Join us after school for fun, food, maybe a game or a movie or 921 S. Edwards Dr. help with homework… High schoolers on Mondays and Jr. highAustin, TX 78704 ers on Thursdays, 3 to 5 at the Parish Center. Call to Discipleship We’re a part of this great new web-based tool with teaching, prayers, reflections, Saint of the Day, cartoons, music, podcasts, and all kinds of other cool stuff. Have a parent write or call Dean and give us an e-mail address. We’ll get you signed up and you can jump into it! Wyoming Youth Retreat 2000 February 20-22. Registration stuff is here. Call Dean, stop by the Shepherd’s Staff or come to L.E.A.P., Safari or A.S.H. BAPTISMS & BAPTISM CLASSES DURING LENT February 2nd & 9th, 2009. No baptisms will be done from February 25th thru April 11th, 2009. HELP WANTED: The Wyoming Catholic Register is seeking an Advertising Sales Account Manager. The successful candidate must possess effective and creative communications skills. A background in advertising media sales is preferred, but we will train qualified candidates if they demonstrate interest, desire, aptitude and dedication to become successful in advertising sales. Compensation includes base salary, sizeable commission structure and benefits package. Please send cover letter and resume to: Kathrine Patton, Wyoming Catholic Register, P.O. Box 1468, Cheyenne, Wyoming, 82003; email to or fax to 307-637-7936. STEWARDSHIP CORNER Stewardship is an act of worship, not an act of obligation. 3 NEEDED: Someone with love & joy to take Holy Eucharist to the hospital on the first, third, and fifth Mondays of the month. Please contact Mary Ann Gallinger at 234-4467. Lecturas para la semana del 18 de enero de 2009 Domingo: Lunes: Martes: Miércoles: Jueves: Viernes: Sábado: 1 Sm 3, 3-10. 19/1 Cor 6, 13-15. 17-20/Jn 1, 35-42 Heb 5, 1-10/Mc 2, 18-22 Heb 6, 10-20/Mc 2, 23-28 Heb 7, 1-3. 15-17/Mc 3, 1-6 Heb 7, 25---8, 6/Mc 3, 7-12 Heb 8, 6-13/Mc 3, 13-19 Heb 9, 2-3. 11-14/Mc 3, 20-21 Domingo siguiente: Jon 3, 1-5. 10/1 Cor 7, 29-31/Mc 1, 14-20 El Pedido de la ayuda para la Educación del Seminarista es este fin de semana. Hemos sido bendecidos grandemente con los hombres llamados a la vocación del sacerdocio. Ésta es nuestra oportunidad de rogar por ellos y de ofrecer nuestros propios sacrificios para ayudarles a llegara a ser sacerdotes. Su generosidad y rezos se aprecian profundamente. Los sobres para la donación están en las bancas y se recogen durante la ofrenda. Nuevamente, gracias por su generosidad. La oficina de personal de la Parroquia estará cerrada el lunes 19 de enero para por la Celebración del día de Martin Luther King. Les animamos para que se unan al grupo Pax Christi y a otros a las actividades planeadas. Nos reuniremos en el Parque de la Ciudad (City Park 7th y Center y marcharemos a la Primera Iglesia Metodista en el centro de Casper. Los ponentes que marca la tónica son: James Simmons, presidente de la Rama de Casper del NAACP y RJ Johnson. Después del programa habrá un banquete. Adoración Eucarística Un regalo del amor Si usted está interesado en dejar que las personas sepan que las están recordando en sus rezos, usted encontrará unos pequeños libros rojos que se pueden dar después del tiempo de oración. Coger uno, con confianza y de pase las buenas nuevas de la oración. Estos estarán en la Capilla del Santísimo. ESQUINA DE LA ADMINISTRACIÓN La administración es un acto de adoración, no de obligación. BAUTISMOS Y CLASES DE BAUTISMO DURANTE LA CUARESMA 9 de febrero del 2009. No habrán bautismos desde el 25 de febrero al 11 de abril de 2009. LECTURAS PARA LA SEMANA DEL 19 DE ENERO Lunes: Lea Romanos 5:5, después Reflexione, luego Ore: Dios, Padre todopoderosos, confírmanos en el regalo de la esperanza. Toda nuestra confianza está en ti y en ti sólo. Oramos humildemente, no nos dejes y no nos abandones llévanos a la plenitud de la vida en ti. Martes: Lea Romanos 5:6, después Reflexione, luego Ore: Dios Todopoderoso y eterno, tu designaste el tiempo en que tu hijo Cristo se ofreció para nuestra redención por su gloriosa resurrección, no nos dejes caer en las tentaciones y ataduras de nuestros tiempos y llévanos a la plenitud de la vida en Jesucristo nuestro Señor. Miércoles: Lea Romanos 5:8, después Reflexione, luego Ore: Toma, Señor y recibe toda mi libertad, mi memoria, mi comprensión, mi voluntad entera, y todo lo que poseo. Tú me has dado todo. A ti, Señor te lo regreso todo. Todo es tuyo, dispone de ello por completo según tu voluntad. Dame tu amor y tu gracia para mí eso es suficiente. Jueves: Lea Romanos 5:10-11, después Reflexione, luego Ore: Dios Padre eterno, por la bendita y gloriosa cruz de Jesucristo, tu hijo, has reconciliado al mundo y has perdonado nuestros pecados. Por el poder de esa cruz haznos instrumentos de tu paz en nuestras familias, nuestra iglesia y nuestro mundo. Viernes: Lea Romanos 5:15, después Reflexione, luego Ore: Señor eterno de la historia, tu has creado maravillosamente la raza humana y aún más la has restaurado. Te pedimos que nos lleves al cumplimiento de lo que has prometido en Cristo. Sábado: Lea Romanos 5:17, después Reflexione, luego Ore: Dios lleno de gracia danos todos los buenos dones, escucha lo que te pedimos y por el poder de tu gracia libéranos del pecado y presérvenos en tu fiel servicio. Domingo: Lea Romanos 5:18, después Reflexione, luego Ore: Señor, Dios Nuestro, creador de todas las cosas y Juez del mundo, demuéstranos, te lo imploramos, la plenitud de tu misericordia. Perdónanos nuestros pecados y llévanos a nuestro hogar eterno, en Cristo Jesús nuestro Señor. ¿Le gusta coser? ¿Consideraría participar del ministerio y cocer los baberos bautismales? Proporcionamos todos los materiales. Llame a Cindy en la Oficina del Personal, o pase por la oficina para que ella le de más información. ADORACIÓN EUCARÍSTICA Clases para bautiso en español Si usted puede pasar una hora con Nuestro Señor, los miércoles en la madrugada de 2:00 a 3:00, por favor llame a Andrea al 2373830 Las charlas de bautismo en español se llevarán a cabo el cuarto sábado de cada mes. A las 6:30 de la tarde en el O’Reilly Hall el sótano de la iglesia. Si tienen alguna pregunta, llamen al siguiente teléfono 266-2666 anexo 32 o si desean pueden dejar su mensaje. 4