The Perth Voice West
The Perth Voice West
Voice The Perth Darryl MOORE FEDERAL LIBERAL FOR PERTH WESTERN AUSTRALIA No 789 Saturday July 27, 2013 • Phone 9430 7727 • • 400 Fitzgerald St Gourmet North Perth Handcrafted 9228 1877 Advertisement Authorised by B Morton, 640 Murray St, West Perth 6005. Perth/Stirling split the ‘worst case scenario’ Vincent ‘doomed’ by DAVID BELL VINCENT looks to be split down the middle in what the mayor describes as “a very poor outcome” for ratepayers. Alannah MacTiernan has heard Perth will gobble up the bit to Bulwer or Vincent Street. The rest will be swept into Stirling. She would have preferred all of Vincent going into the capital, to protect its growing inner-city vibe. “[Stirling’s] a very big council, it deals with a lot of suburban issues, it is fundamentally will be a very poor outcome.” Ms MacTiernan isn’t alone: Stirling mayor David Boothman doesn’t like the Solomonesque solution either. “To be quite frank, I think Stirling’s big enough,” he says. “We don’t need another aquatic centre, and we believe there’s a level of debt that would come with that.” Cr John Carey, who chairs the Beaufort Street Network, says a split is “the worst-case scenario for our local community”. “It just would not make any sense to put inner-city areas like Highgate, parts of Mount Lawley around Beaufort Street, and Angove Street, into a suburban council. It seems crazy that we’ve got this incredible inner-city vibrant area that’d be put under the City of Stirling which has a He says Stirling is more conservative than Vincent, between Stirling’s end of Beaufort Street and Vincent’s (a divide that locals call the “Berlin Wall”). “I’ve been doorknocking in the local community and I don’t get any residents coming to me saying ‘yes I want to be in the city of Stirling’. “The boundaries of the council should be guided by communities of interest: That is, how are the locals connected, interwoven, to be a community.” Ms MacTiernan is due to meet with the local government minister on Tuesday to get the drawn. GATHERING 60,000 followers in 10 weeks, Lost Perth would have to be one of the most popular Facebook pages in town. The site collects old images and stories of Perth, focusing on the way things used to be and the old buildings and businesses that have disappeared, and it’s captured Perth’s imagination lock stock and barrel. The bloke behind the site, 49-year-old “I didn’t want anything,” he chuckles. “I wanted to do it for fun.” The former Navy cook says he’s always been interested in history and having been adopted and lost a couple of family members, he always found himself looking to the anchors of the past, the way things used to be, for comfort. “People always talk about the past, people always talk in the past tense,” he says. Two hours after launching the page 1000 had signed up. It grew to 7000 the clocks in at 63,800. • Warren Duffy: Unearthing lost Perth. Photo by David Bell ffi Perth Voice Dining Guide Everyone’s in love with Lost Perth by DAVID BELL MORE THAN JUST AN ONLINE NEWSPAPER. Real Estate managing the site than many do at work, and he’s loving it. “I’ve created some sort of warmth and happiness,” he says, adding there have been very few times where he’s had to delete a racist post or one that features “two-dollar words” (swear words). “The messages that are coming through are warm and positive.” He’s had a few favourites in 10 weeks, but one of the stories that touched him most was sent in after he’d posted pictures of his late sister who used to busk in the city malls, with a cat perched on her guitar. remembered his sister, and recalled that she used to take the money she made busking to buy food for street kids. “It’s heartwarming to know that she competitions Love your neighbourhood DON’T get lost, but fall in love with your neighbourhood all over again delivering the Voice. We’ll even pay you for the privilege. We need people in Inglewood, Mt Lawley, Dianella or Yokine. Call Stephanie 9430 727. Find the Fake Ad & win a chance for a feast for two SIENA’S He’s now planning to sell his fencing business, work on the site for a few a train driver, because he recently met one and reckons it could be fun. Leederville See competitions page for details super specials QUOTE super specials super specials specials super 01 Perth & City Suburbs Hot price $ X TV ANTENNAS ELECTRICIAN XX X 13 $ XX X XX 95 $ $Hot price Digital TV Points XXXXX XXXXX LAN & Networking Xxxxxx xxxxx Xxxxxx xxxxx Satellitexxxxxx TV Points Xxxxx xxxxxx Xxxxx XXXXX Telephone & Data Inglewood Xxxxxx xxxxx MATV & Digital TV Amcal Chemist Next&toFix Coles, Cnr Beaufort Salisbury St, TV Tuning xxxxxx &Xxxxx Inglewood. Ph: 9272 1941 Smoke Alarms & Rcds - LED Lights Theatre & Audio Opening Hours: 7Napisan days – tillOxy 9pmAction & Hdmi Fans - Exhausts - Security - Faults Projectors Inglewood Amcal On sale until XX Month, last 2kgwhile plusstocks 1kg Free TV MOUNTING 90 X Hot price Hot price amcal price Amcal price $ X 00 $Reg $129XX amcal price $ XX XXXXX Xxxxxx xxxxx xxxxxx Xxxxx amcal price $ X XX XXXXX Xxxxxx xxxxx xxxxxx Xxxxx UXJVIXUQLWXUHDQGUDUHWUHDVXUHV LQYLWHV\RXWRFHOHEUDWHRXU IDQWDVWLFQHZVWXGLRLQ/HHGHUYLOOH XXXXX Inglewood Xxxxxx xxxxxAmcal Chemist Next to Coles, Cnr Beaufort & Salisbury St, (QMR\RXUQHZORFDWLRQVDOHDQGWKHFKDQFHWR xxxxxx Xxxxx 6XQGD\WK-XO\SP Inglewood. Ph: 9272 1941 Opening Hours: 7 days – till 9pm Chemist OnThermoscan sale until XX Month, while stocks last Braun ZLQDUXJZRUWK Next to Coles, Cnr Beaufort & Salisbury St, Inglewood. Ph: 9272Chemist 1941 Inglewood Amcal 9273 4014 SAME DAY SERVICE - SMS QUOTE FAST ONLINE QUOTE Next to Coles,Hours: Cnr Beaufort & Salisbury St, Inglewood Opening 7 days – till 9pm Phone: 9272 1941 Opening Hours: 7 Days - till 9pm On sale until XX Month, while stocks last On Sale until 4th August 2013 or while stocks last 0415 966 469 10yr Warranty - Sen Discounts EC 009715 01 ZZZUXJVWXGLRFRP/HHGHUYLOOH1HZFDVWOH6WW HAVE A PROPERTY TO RENT? Our Property Managers specialise in leasing properties to corporate tenants. by DAVID BELL OUR FEES Let’s be perfectly clear about our fees. Our fee is a flat fee of 10% all inclusive. You pay no more. So if we lease your property for say $400 per week you get $360 and we receive $40. It’s as simple as that. SAVINGS TO YOU • No fees for property condition reports • No letting fees • No inspection fees • No advertising fees • No final bond inspection fee • No “ring the plumber” fee • For a free rental appraisal contact Dalena today on 6181 9600 DALENA LINDSTROM 0402 816 800 You’ll love the way we do business at De Freitas & Ryan $i2nn5e0 rs! W Lauren Crooke is our week 1 winner of $250 Rhonda Moyle is our week 2 winner of $250 like Rhonda & Lauren! HIGHGATE Make an in-store purchase at Caltex Highgate from now to 5th August. Fill in details in-store and go into the draw. Simple! 342 Beaufort St, Highgate Phone 9328 4944 *Conditions apply. Proudly supporting our local community WA Family Owned Business Since 1965 WHOLESALE RETAIL OF QUALITY PET FOODS AND ACCESSORIES, FRIENDLY SERVICE & GREAT ADVICE Check our website for specials Hydrobath & Blowdry Sbleervice www.petsmeatsu 9444 1220 availa Ample parking at the back 9242 3066 - Fax Orders • 414 Oxford Street, Mt Hawthorn OPEN MON-FRI 8.30AM-6PM • THURS NIGHTS TILL LATE SAT 8AM-5PM CLOSED SUNDAY Africa is land of extraordinary landscapes, magnificent wildlife, diverse people, and unrivalled hospitality. Let us help you create your dream African holiday today! 6 Days/5 Nights Luxury Lodges Kruger National Park 3 nights Group Tour East African Explorer %BZTOJHIUT t&YQMPSFUIF$BQF8JOFMBOET Franschhoek, Oudtshoorn & Knysna t$BS)JSF"DDPNNPEBUJPO t*NBCMJ4BEBSJ-PEHF t'VMMCPBSEHBNFESJWFTEBJMZ t0QQPSUVOJUZUPTFFLPVUUIFA#JH t7JTJU.BTBJ.BSB-BLF/BLVSV "NCPTFMJ/BUJPOBM1BSL4FSFOHFUJ t'VMMZ&TDPSUFEJODMNFBMTBDDPN Garden Route & Winelands from $487 per person from $1,089 per person Perennial council critic Debbie Saunders, whose nom de plume was Bob Jones, was blocked after what council CEO John Giorgi claims was a, “series of negative comments (across a variety of matters on our Facebook page)”. Unconcerned by claims he’s impeding on free speech, Mr Giorgi says the page, “aims to promote council o erings with a focus on positive, ‘social’ content that benefit[s] the community”. from When Vincent first published its rogues gallery it left out middle names and suburbs and, in all but one case, ages. In the weeks since it’s endeavoured to provide more details but of the five new names posted since, none have ages or suburbs and one—Liam Williams—had no middle name. Curtin university journalism head Joseph Fernandez says there is “room for confusion so that innocent people whose names resemble those named on the website might be mistaken for the o enders”. “It is enough for the person suing for defamation to show that ordinary reasonable persons thought that the published name referred to him,” he says. “Also, if the objective of this exercise is to actually shame the o ender then such an outcome can only be achieved if the o ender is clearly identifiable.” Council CEO John Giorgi says the council’s not doing anything di erent to newspapers. He says sta attend court but not all information is mentioned during hearings. “Note that before launching the page, the city’s received legal advice concerning this matter,” he adds. Disclosure: Reporter David Bell tutored in media law at Curtin in 2012 under Dr Fernandez. $104 Advertising that packs a punch! Discover the Value 08 9328 6100 / Page 2 - The Perth Voice, Saturday July 27, 2013 • One of the brothels you can ask Tom Tom to find. Root route by STEPHEN POLLOCK SATELLITE navigation company TomTom allows a list of 18 Perth and Fremantle brothels to be made available to drivers as “points of interest” on its WA map. The list—created by Perth cabbie Phillip McGree— is free and can be downloaded by anyone with a compatible TomTom who connects to its online update service. It is unclear if TomTom validates or regulates user uploads, although there is a “report as o ensive, copyrighted etc” feedback option beside the POI download. The brothel POI is rated 3.5 out of 5 by TomTom users. Prostitution in WA is legal but operating a brothel is not. For years WA police have turned a blind eye to bordellos and unofficially regulated them, much to local councils’ and residents’ chagrin. In 2011 the Barnett government attempted to introduce new prostitution laws to ban brothels from residential areas and make them legal in limited industrial zones. The bill failed to gain political traction and was dropped from the government’s legislative agenda following the March election. Veteran cabbie Stephen Satchell says he drives around 30 people—five per cent of his fares—to Perth knocking shops every month. “I’d say that about 75 per cent of my brothel fares are FIFO workers in their mid-20s, the rest are middle-aged men on interstate business. “The majority of them go at the weekend, between 2am and 6am on a Sunday morning, but I get a few randy ones during the week as well. “Langtrees in Burswood and International 300 in East Perth are my most popular dropo s.” The Voice gave TomTom two days to comment, but the company didn’t get back to us. “HELLO” Did you know that thieves turn your power off to check for an active alarm! So... You have the best security system money can buy... AND YOUR METER BOX IS UNLOCKED!!! Contact Peter Lynch: P. 9247 1299 M. 041 999 1915 | Book through: $POEJUJPOT"QQMZ4BMF7BMJEJUZ6OUJM"VH/))$POEJUJPOT-"/%0/-:1BDLBHFTBOEQSJDFTBSFCBTFEPOQFSQFSTPOUXJOTIBSFMPXTFBTPOBMJUZ 1SJDFTDPSSFDUBUUJNFPGJTTVFTVCKFDUUPBWBJMBCJMJUZBOETVCKFDUUPDIBOHFXJUIPVUOPUJDFJODMVEJOHCVUOPUMJNJUFEUPBEWFSTFDVSSFODZnVDUVBUJPOTGVFM TVSDIBSHFTnJHIUTDIFEVMFTUBYFTBOEBJSGBSFJODSFBTFT5SBWFMBHFOUTFSWJDFGFFTNBZBQQMZBOEDSFEJUDBSEUSBOTBDUJPOTXJMMJODVSTVSDIBSHFT/FX )PSJ[POT)PMJEBZTSFTFSWFTUIFSJHIUUPXJUIESBXUIJTPGGFSBUBOZUJNFXJUIPVUOPUJDF$BODFMMBUJPOGFFTBQQMZ1MFBTFDPOUBDUZPVSMPDBMUSBWFMBHFOU UPDPOmSNQSJDJOHBOEPUIFSBQQMJDBCMFDPOEJUJPOT*TTVFEPO+VM/))-JDFODF/VNCFS5"/PSUIMJOF5SBWFM-JDFOTF/P5" publish names then they leave themselves open to defamation cases when those people of that same name su er any negative consequences,” she wrote to councillors following her comment’s deletion and her blocking. I think it is grossly negligent to publish only a name, when countless others in Perth have the same name. Is it going to take a law suit for anything to be done?” Cr Dudley Maier believes Ms Saunders has a point. According to the electoral roll 277 people have the same first and last names in Vincent alone and 19 have identical first, middle and last names. “That’s why it’s so important to get the address where we can.” LOCK YOUR METERBOX FOR COMPLETE SECURITY $3,615 per person 'JU[HFSBME4USFFU1&35)8""#/ Page rules state posts can be removed without notice, and “fans” are told to contact the council directly for serious matters. Ms Saunders, who runs the Oxford Street cafe 50mL, was blocked after asking whether a man credited with taking a Facebook photo of mayor Alannah MacTiernan was the Anthony Minh Tran recently posted on the council’s website, convicted for soliciting a prostitute in Highgate. Ms Saunders opposes the council’s “name and shame” campaign, describing it as a “mediaeval practice” that doesn’t solve the problem. “I was highlighting that if the city is only going to A JOURNALISM academic well versed in defamation law believes Vincent city council is leaving itself wide open to being sued by people with the same names of people convicted of trawling for sex in Highgate. Advertise in your Voice for as little as AFRICA South Africa Self Drive A VINCENT council candidate has been banned from posting comments on the council’s official Facebook site. Legal ‘danger’ Win $250 Exclusive to: Discoverr Saunders Unliked Call Today 9430 7727 Conditions Apply Trees poisoned ‘Selfish’ attack on foreshore fl ora Need Dentures or Mouthguards? by STEPHEN POLLOCK THREE mature native gum trees have been poisoned along the Maylands foreshore. Two have died, one struggles on. Bayswater council sta suspect homeowners of killing the trees at Berringa Park Wetlands in order to get a better view of the Swan River, but proving it is hard going. “The drill holes—typically used to assist in poisoning trees—and ringbarking strongly suggest the attack was a deliberate attempt to kill the trees,” Swan River Trust manager Stephen Lloyd says. The council voted to erect a 1.5m sign at Berringa Park, reminding people that destroying trees is a criminal o ence. The maximum penalty for killing a tree is $5000. Maylands Labor MP Lisa Baker describes the attacks as “selfish”. “Tree poisoning is a direct attack on the right of the entire community to enjoy and have access to beautiful parklands amongst our suburbs,” she says. “I support the SRT and the Bayswater city council in measures taken to combat this selfish act of destruction of public property and our community’s natural environment.” Cr Chris Cornish says the “wetlands area is a delicate Full Dentures Only $995 no more to pay Chrome Partial Dentures From $850 Mouthguards From $80 NO GAP payments for HBF members (conditions may apply) All other health funds welcome • 3 year full warranty • Bayswater councillors Chris Cornish and Sonia Turkington examine targeted fl ora at Berringa Park Wetlands in Maylands. • All jobs completed within 5 working days Photo by Jeremy Dixon ecosystem which we must preserve”. Cr Sonia Turkington is more circumspect: “I support council’s decision to provide in principle support to the Swan River Trust to erect a sign where a tree has been poisoned. “However, I do not support groups that come in and plant vegetation that will deliberately take away the views of the river which people enjoy.” After a tree was poisoned in Bardon Park in 2008, council erected two similar signs. • Quality guaranteed • All products manufactured on site For a FREE consultation call 9271 1818 Metallica Chrome Castings, 318 Walcott St, Menora AUSPOWER DROP A DRESS SIZE ELECTRICAL SERVICES Specialising in all electrical work Quality workmanship (OR 2) IN 6 WEEKS. ECU’s ShapeHer Women’s weight loss program has a proven track record that in the past six years, has helped hundreds of ladies just like you, lose weight and keep it off. The program consists of: MENTION THIS AD ȸ̅˅ɞ̅˷ʧƧʞʞ̅ɾ˨ʼ̕ˎ̅ˎɗ˨˷ʼʭƧʞ̅̈˨Ƨʏʭʏʭɾ̅˷ɗ˷˷ʏʼʭ˷ ȸ̅̅ȹʌʼʏȹɗ̅ʼɩ̅ʧʼ˨ʭʏʭɾ̅ʼ˨̅ɗ̾ɗʭʏʭɾ̅˷ɗ˷˷ʏʼʭ˷ ȸ̅ťʭʞʏʧʏ̈ɗɊ̅Ƨȹȹɗ˷˷̅̈ʼ̅ɾ͆ʧ̅ƧʭɊ̅Řʼʭɗ̅Ȟ̅ŎʌƧˎɗ̅Ŏ̈̕Ɋʏʼ ȸ̅ºľpp̅ƇʼɾƧɇ̅ĸʏʞƧ̈ɗ˷ɇ̅VʼɊ͆ĸ̕ʧˎ̅Ȟ̅úĞľpɧɧɧ ȸ̅éʏɩɗ˷̈͆ʞɗ̅̈ʏˎ˷̅ƧʭɊ̅ʭ̈̕˨ʏ̈ʏʼʭƧʞ̅ƧɊ̾ʏȹɗ ȸ̅úʼ˨ʭʏʭɾ̅ȹ˨ɝȹʌɗ̅Ƨ̾ƧʏʞƧȮʞɗ ȸ̅ĸéZpŎ̅ľp̅éÐúÐŘpj Ğʭʞ͆̅ɔ̀˕͓̂̅ˎɗ˨̅ɊƧ͆˕̅Āʼ́̅ɔ̌˅ʶ̅ɩʼ˨̅̂̅́ɗɗʚ˷ FOR 10% DISCOUNT 9370 6978 FREE QUOTES & ADVICE Ph Peter: 0418 912 451 A/H: 9302 6644 *Ask for Details Lic. EC5706 ECU10009 | CRICOS IPC 00279B The Perth Voice, Saturday July 27, 2013 - Page 3 voice mail Newspaper House, 37-45 Cliff Street Fremantle WA 6160 PO Box 85 North Fremantle WA 6159 Display Advertising Sales Consultant Publisher: The Herald Publishing Co. Pty Ltd Editor-in-chief: Andrew Smith Directors: Andrew Smith & Pip Thomson Could you sell this space? ACN: 009 416 620 EDITORIAL We’re looking for a bright, hardworking, service-focussed, professional person to join our sales team. This is NOT a retail ZHSLZQVI@V\T\Z[ILLHNLY[VNL[V\[HUKÄUKI\ZPULZZ VɈLYNVVKX\HSP[`HK]PJLVUHKZVS\[PVUZ[OH[^VYR Perth Voice and Herald Newspapers publish and deliver over 120,000 newspapers each week. We are proud to be an independent and trusted voice in Fremantle, Perth, Melville & Cockburn. We have the highest delivery in the area, a loyal readership - and we’re growing! Ideally you will have advertising or business to business sales experience excellent communication and listening skills good organisation and time management cold call experience the ability to create good selling messages for your clients an eye for design a strong sense of ethics and service a friendly open manner Salary plus allowances package from $55K up to $90K (based on sales) plus 9% superannuation 0M`V\Ä[[OLIPSSWSLHZLLTHPSVYWVZ[ `V\Y*=^P[OYLMLYLUJLZ[V! Natalie Hug (K]LY[PZPUN+PYLJ[VY Mobile: 0438 933 250 PO Box 85, North Fremantle WA 6159 Phone: (08) 9430 7727 Fax: (08) 9430 7726 Editor: Andrew Smith Chief of Sta & Production Editor: Steve Grant Journalists: David Bell, Stephen Pollock No Moore discrimination THE federal Liberal candidate for Perth, Darryl Moore, is “mystified why so many people are interested in same-sex marriage” (Voice, July 21, 2013). Mr Moore, how would you feel if your country denied you the right to marry the person you love, the person with whom you share the most important part of your life? Lack of marriage equality directly a ects the lives of many voters, their families and friends. The Liberal Party refuses to acknowledge and accept the fact that same-sex marriage is supported by a majority of Australians. Legal recognition of same-sex marriage is a change that is opposed by a dogged minority, whose lives will not be adversely a ected in any way when it comes to pass. Marriage equality is a human rights issue in which Australia lags embarrassingly behind a rapidly growing list of other nations. Need I go on? Jeff Hughes Haig Park Circle, East Perth Ravenous for more rates Proudly Supporting the Arts The Perth Voice Vincent Street night works Notification Of Night Works On Vincent Street On Tuesday 6 August works will commence to install a new electricity transmission cable underneath Vincent Street, to reinforce the supply of power to the urban rail network. Due to heavy traffic flow on Vincent Street the works have been scheduled to occur at night after the rail closures, between the following dates: Tuesday 6 August to Sunday 18 August Between the hours of 7:30pm – 5:30am There will be a trench crossing the road between Morriston Street and Cleaver Street that will be backfilled once works are complete. The work will be undertaken in accordance with an approved traffic management plan. As such, please note that during these times there will be delays to traffic. Construction crews will do their best to keep noise levels to a minimum to avoid any disturbance to residents and the planned works are not expected to affect the power supply in your area. If you have any questions, please contact Western Power on 13 10 87. adcorp F86201A Page 4 - The Perth Voice, Saturday July 27, 2013 RE: “Mini blocks spook Vincent” (Voice, July 21, 2013). The City of Vincent could oppose or compromise, but it is greedy for rates, which is the truth of the situation. No thought of what we want, no preservation of ensuing trees, no thought to parking and bins on verges. And will it spend extra money coming in on underground power? No. Robert Hart Anderson St, Mt Hawthorn The Ed says: Local elected councils have less and less say about these issues, Robert. Developers often appeal unfavourable decisions to the unelected SAT (and get sympathetic hearings) while decisions on big developments are now made by the unelected DAPs. The days of local communities determining their own local planning amenity are over. Moore info please IT is good that federal Liberal Perth candidate Darryl Moore has finally made clear his strong opposition to marriage equality. However, he has not fully explained himself to voters. Opposition leader Tony Abbott has said his party-room will decide the issue of a conscience vote on this matter after the election. That means if Mr Moore is elected as the Member for Perth he will have a say later this year on whether or not the cCalition will allow a free vote for its members, just as the Labor Party already does. The voters of Perth now know Mr Moore will personally vote against same-sex marriage, but he has not said whether he supports a free vote for his colleagues. Where does he stand on that? I call on Mr Moore to make his position clear before the election. Brian Greig WA Convenor Australian Marriage Equality Whatley Cres, Bayswater The Ed says: Mr Greig is a forme Australian Democrats senator and before that was a Vincent town councillor. Going cold chookey ‘TIS many a floating moon since last we found a Voice in our letter box. Come Thursdays and there’s a trudge down to the basket put out by Actons the Blessed. Ron Willis First Ave (east end south side), Mount Lawley The Ed says: We’ve put distribution on the case, Ron. Magic million I SUGGEST for starters that Ron Willis and his concerned “Voicelanders” (Voice, July 21, 2013) get behind the City of Stirling’s “Million Tree Initiative” and, after they have exhausted their e orts with this, they can get involved with the city’s “Adopt a Park” program. If every resident ensured there was a street tree or two outside their house and nurtured the tree until it established itself, a big battle would be won. I have encouraged Stirling to market its million tree initiative plan through schools by encouraging students to get their families involved. Another incentive could be to give a small rates rebate to local property owners if a tree is still in place and growing, say after three years. I am a big supporter of putting trees back and local councils should undertake a street tree audit and replace missing trees. I do not, however, believe we need another “Big Brother”—a state watchdog for trees. Ron, take up my o er for a co ee and I will take you through stepby-step my dealings with the local councils about trees and greening of the area. Michael Sutherland MLA for Mt Lawley Torn ABRUPT whining of local councils’ indiscriminate chainsaws tear me apart. They’re a precursor of more record heatwaves, floods and destructive winds. Bridget Sawyer Clifton Tce, Mount Lawley Write to us THAT’S your bloomin’ lot for the week. We love letters so send yours in—keep it short and don’t forget your particulars (we prefer not to publish anonymous letters). Photographer: Jeremy Dixon Cartoonist: Chatfield Story Deadline: Tues. noon ADMINISTRATION Business Development Director: Bryan Zemunik Receptionist: Julie Rainbow ADVERTISING Director: Natalie Hug Assistant to Director: Melanie Buljan Display Advertising: Simon Fasolo, Pamela Palmqvist Real Estate: Natalie Hug Ad Copy Control: Susanne Ottosson Production: Matthew Eeles, Nibha Mehra, Fernanda Herrmann, Helena Tay Trades & Services: Bryan Zemunik Classifieds: Julie Rainbow Ads Deadline: Tues. noon ACCOUNTS Director: Christine Smith Assistants: Janelle Tester, Molly Brown DISTRIBUTION Manager: Marie King Assistants: Stephanie Campbell, Dave D’Anger, & many locals! WEBSITE Matthew Eeles, Stephen Pollock Where do we go? We’re delivered to letterboxes on Fridays and Saturdays throughout: Coolbinia Dianella* East Perth Glendalough Highgate Inglewood Leederville Maylands* Menora Mt Hawthorn Mt Lawley Northbridge North Perth Perth West Perth Yokine* *Fortnightly Distribution PLUS: We deliver to key drop-points in Bayswater and Perth CBD Total Voice circulation: 37,698 March 2013* *CAB Audited The Voice is part of the independent and WA-owned Herald Newspaper Group, which also publishes the: 19,635 papers (March 2013)* 22,422 papers (March 2013)* Applecross to Bicton Leeming to Kardinya 39,019 papers (March 2013)* Total Herald circulation: 81,076 March 2013* *CAB Audited Alannah MacTiernan for Perth We have a great community and I am dedicated to working with you all to make Perth a place where everyone gets an opportunity to have a good life. I will fight for public transport, reducing congestion on our roads, better schools and a bigger share of Commonwealth money for Perth and WA. And I am determined to deal with the very real issue of climate change. Federal Labor has committed $500 million for rail projects in Perth and over a billion dollars to improve our roads in the eastern corridor. I will bring the experience, strength and determination to the task of delivering these projects for our area. Working together, we can really get things happening in Perth. Alannah MacTiernan Labor for Perth Authorised by Stephen Smith, 953A Beaufort St, Inglewood Tel: 0497 535 927 Email: PO Box 8117, Stirling St, Perth Business Centre WA 6849 @AlannahMac The Perth Voice, Saturday July 27, 2013 - Page 5 TRADIES JULY SPECIAL From just $75 per week Book now and get 2 ads free! We’re looking for DVEHVWRVUHPRYDOLVWV EDWKURRPVHUYLFHV FDELQHWPDNHUV FDUSHWFOHDQHUV JDUGHQHUV WLOHUV U-turn on Eid by STEPHEN POLLOCK THE Barnett government is set to do a u-turn and allow Muslims to celebrate Eid at Kings Park. In March, the Botanic Gardens and Parks Authority refused an application for a 2000-people Eid-al-Fitr celebration at the Saw Avenue picnic area, arguing capacity for the area was limited to 500 (Voice, March 9, 2013). BGPA chief Mark Webb had said the popular community event had outgrown the picnic area and could create parking and traffic snarls. The decision threatened to bring to an end a trouble-free 19year tradition that is enormously popular with local families. Following further discussions with the BGPA the Islamic Centre is now planning to submit a revised application and management plan for the event. “Recognising the importance of the Eid celebration to the Islamic community, there has been ongoing constructive discussions between Kings Park and the Islamic Centre to find a suitable location for the Eid prayers,” WA multicultural interests office spokesperson Liz Rehfeldt said. The BGPA says Hale Oval, with a capacity for 2000, is shaping up as a possibility. The Voice contacted the centre but it didn’t get back to us. The BGPA estimates 4500 attended Eid-al-Fitr and 4000 attended Eid-al-Adha in Kings Park last year. Backers hope for no bitter after taste from 7th attempt 3KRQHWRGD\RQ 9430 7727 THE PERTH VOICE IS AVAILABLE ON THE GO Access the latest edition of the Perth Voice from your Phone or Tablet device Simply visit • Images of the huge Emu Brewery project. Image supplied | Cox Howlett & Bailey Woodland. View from Kings Park. Green light for old amber site by DAVID BELL WE’RE NOW ON FACEBOOK /perthvoice A MAMMOTH $350 million, three-tower project has been given the thumbs up for the old Emu brewery site on Mounts Bay Road. The Perth development assessments panel—including PCC councillor Rob Butler— unanimously approved the 268-apartment, 120-hotel room development by owner AAIG Pty Ltd (said by local planning boffins to be Singapore and Malaysian-owned). PLANET ARK’S Timber Floor Finishes Imagine a Timber Floor Sealer that: You never have to re-sand Lets you feel the timber under your feet - not a plastic film Is easy to renew & lets you repair serious damage like a cigarette burn within about half an hour Plant chemistry Hard Oils have these added advantages over synthetic floor finishes: t They are much better for your health t Less expensive initially & in the long run (only $3.50m2 for Jarrah) t Responsible to the environment t No animal testing. They are ‘plant based’ t Much more enjoyable to live with Actually strengthens the timber from within Smells like orange oil & linseed EST. 20 YEARS And if you’ve got a timber floor, ask about Planet Ark’s brilliant timber floor “fibre technology” cleaning system. For dusting and cleaning it’s easy to use and highly effective. Great for people with disabilities, asthma or allergies. It’s light, no lifting, no buckets, no chemicals and no squeezing. Once you’ve tried this system you’ll never go back. Call in today for a FREE demo or for a brochure phone now. Also Available: Bio, Volvox and Livos Natural Wall Paints, Enamels, Decking & Timber Finishes OPEN: MON-FRI 9-5 SAT 9-2 Page 6 - The Perth Voice, Saturday July 27, 2013 Phone 9430 5054 for a free booklet 37 Cantonment St, Fremantle The 31-level office block will flood Perth with an additional 48,000sqm of office space and it’s hoped the 35-level tower will ease the squeeze on Perth’s dire short-term accommodation shortage. A combination of residential and commercial use would reportedly “increase the day time and night time activity in the locality” and the attached public plaza will spruce up pedestrian links in the area. Online forum Skyscraper City, a hangout for town planners, urban design hobbyists and assorted tall building enthusiasts, was abuzz: “This would be the ultimate skyline changer we’ve wanted for so long,” posted hayds. “This will be the nice cherry on top [of] everything else going on,” ryan79 said. “A kick-arse design was submitted for once,” Bullswool commented. AndyGM was cautious: “Cursed site, will never happen,” he said, referring to six previous approvals for the site that never started. Winter Indulgence No relief for addiction volunteers by STEPHEN POLLOCK A VOLUNTEER group that helps people overcome narcotics addiction has been refused a discount on venue hire in Maylands. Bayswater city council is charging Narcotics Anonymous the full rack rate of $3120 for a three-day hire of the RISE for an August conference. Cr Graham Pittaway was unrepentant, saying the council was not a “bleeding hearts club”. NA usually books a place in Yokine for $1000 but it was unavailable. Cr Alan Radford says the group has nothing to do with Bayswater and as a state-wide body doesn’t merit a discount. But Cr Chris Cornish says the council has previously provided financial support to national and statewide groups, including the WA cancer council, Telethon and the Fred Hollows Foundation. “We dish out donations left, right and centre—didn’t we give a donation to a frisbee group— and here we are knocking back a worthy organisation who are trying to address a huge problem in society,” he told colleagues. The self-funded NA, run by volunteers, relies on donations to survive and a hat is passed around after every meeting. It provides a 12-step program for recovering drug addicts throughout the world and hold 24 meetings in Perth’s Rehearsal reprieve Return of the ferry by DAVID BELL A REHEARSAL studio in Mount Hawthorn has been given an eleventh hour stay of execution. Vincent sta wanted to close down Dream Studio on Oxford Street and had recommended councillors axe it. A sta report said the business doesn’t “protect and enhance the health, safety and general welfare of the city’s inhabitants”. It says there aren’t enough parking bays and there was a recent noise complaint. Sta ers had given owner JB Poole “numerous extensions to deadlines” to get back to them with more info for a retrospective approval, the report says. It also notes a spotted history of operating without approvals and outside approval conditions. The place looked likely to get the chop but, just hours before the council meeting, the item was deferred as Cr Ros Harley moved for a compromise to save the longstanding business. Cr Harley wants Mr Poole to provide an acoustic report, paved car bays, and cash-in-lieu payments for any required carbays he’s unable to squeeze in. metropolitan area every year Cr Marlene Robinson says drugs touch many lives in Bayswater and it doesn’t matter where the organisation is based. Cr Sonia Turkington was also in favour of a discount: “Goodness knows, drugs are a problem of today—narcotics is a killer.” Around 600 people are expected to attend the NA convention, including representatives from WA correctional services and people who run homeless shelters. Half of NA’s members are in rehabilitation centres. The Voice contacted NA, but it didn’t get back to us. The convention is scheduled for August 16-18. by STEPHEN POLLOCK TRANBY HOUSE on the Maylands foreshore is set to become a tourist attraction, with Captain Cook Cruises set to re-launch its river cruise to the site. FRIDAY NIGHT VLOUNGE FREE YOUTH EVENT your mates at VLounge. This month, there’s a DJ and you can create your own playlist 2013 GARDEN COMPETITION with all night requests, plus CLOSES 27 SEPTEMBER a pool table, ping pong, a Ratepayers and residents are invited to participate in the City’s annual Spring Garden Competition. There are various categories, even a best courtyard or balcony prize. We encourage everyone to enter – great prizes to be won! Just search ‘garden 2013’ on our website or call Kim on 9273 6563 for full details. 13-17 years is welcome. Buzz Annie for details on 9273 6041 or visit: youthevents ALL RESIDENTS PLEASE BE AWARE & PLAN AHEAD! EVERYONE WILL BE AFFECTED – EVEN IF YOU DON’T CATCH THE TRAIN! Plan ahead to avoid the congestion around Vincent as a result of the train shutdowns. Pump up your bike tyres and try cycling to work or leave 30minutes earlier and consider walking if you can – check out the City’s TravelSmart map for cycle and walking routes. The Joondalup line train will cease at Leederville Train station. » If you work in the CBD, it’s best to catch a Train Replacement Bus leaving from the Vincent side of Leederville train station. » If you work in West Perth, catch the new Green CAT which leaves from the West Leederville side of the train station (and goes through West Perth to the Esplanade). Full info and tips (at the bottom of) the City’s TravelSmart web page Plan ahead - avoid the headache of traffic congestion – and maybe get fit too! Give them a reason to look twice! ake ance Double Th D & r e e C age group 4+ ons Private Less ss la C Tumble Beg-Adv. p o H Ballet • Hip /Jazz Pom g Levels 1-3 e rl Chee adin Acro Class 4-6pm ed, Thurs: Mon, Tues, W 0-3.30pm Sat: 12.3 Contact: 7 744 nd 0439 51 B Danielle ra d 0439 520 771 ran Samantha B THE RISE REC CENTRE, Eighth/Ninth Ave, Maylands DoubleTakeCheerDance WE’RE ON FACEBOOK » E-NEWSLETTERS » visit our website to sign-up 2013 NATIONAL TREE DAY We’ve chosen Ellesmere Street Reserve in North Perth as the planting site to celebrate this Australia-wide event. Everyone is welcome to plant a tree with us or just enjoy the atmosphere. There will be a free BBQ and refreshments; children and dogs welcome. Our aim is to reduce the grassed area and replace with a water wise native garden zone. Search ‘tree day’ on our website for more. LOCAL HISTORY PHOTO AWARDS Come and hang out with soft drinks. Everyone aged BYO wines Tuesday to Thursday Book now on 9386 5886 Lunch – Wed to Fri · Dinner – Tue to Sat 131 Stirling Highway, Nedlands Bayswater city council has voted to modify the new Tranby Jetty to accommodate larger commercial vessels, after the company expressed interest in making the heritage-listed house a stop-o point. Cr Sonia Turkington says the National Trust has struggled to attract visitors to the circa 1839 house, and the cruise visits will provide a major tourism fillip for Maylands. “We have a responsibility to bring tourists into Bayswater,” she says. Council is building a $247,000 Tranby Jetty after the original fell into disrepair. It is expected to be ready by November. Cooks’ CEO Pauline McAlinden says the plan is to o er daily cruises to Tranby, with 15-minute stopovers. “It’s early days so we’ll need to talk with Bayswater council and Tranby House about what we can do,” she says. “The main priority is to get people back to the house and give it exposure.” The jetty will be open to all commercial vessels but the council will not charge a fee in order to avoid complications over state funding rules. The item was brought up at the last minute and several councillors wanted more time to examine the likely impact of a larger vessel. “We want to use the river; but wisely,” Cr Mike Anderton says. “I have a background in marine engineering and I think we need to do a study on what impact these larger vessels may have on the riverbank. WHAT’S ON IN VINCENT soccer table, free pizza and Beat the winter blues with an incredible Chez Pierre dining experience. 5 delicious courses for just $58.50 (Excluding Saturdays) Every picture tells a story > help us uncover Vincent’s rich history! Dust off your old local photos (or your nonna’s or granddads) and enter them in our annual photo competition. Various categories and great awards to be won – open until end of August. Visit the Library website for more. NEW CAT LAWS The state’s cat laws are changing! As of 1 November, all cats must be sterilised, micro-chipped, registered with Vincent and wear the tag. We can’t take registrations until we know the state’s intended fees. So, subscribe to the Vincent e-newsletter or call 9273 6000 and we’ll keep you informed! CITY OF VINCENT ADMINISTRATION & CIVIC CENTRE 244 Vincent Street, Leederville T: 9273 6000 F: 9273 6099 E: The Perth Voice, Saturday July 27, 2013 - Page 7 Still waiting for Stirling rort report by STEPHEN POLLOCK AN official report on the $544,000 rort at Stirling city council that triggered a former employee’s suicide is nowhere in sight three years after the investigation began. • Former Stirling councillor Paul Collins outside the WA corruption and crime commission HQ. Photo by Jeremy Dixon In 2010 a WA corruption and crime commission inquiry revealed collusion dating back to 2003. Investigators believed a former building manager had received kickbacks in return for guaranteeing contracts to suppliers, regardless of whether they cost more. The day the man was to testify in 2010 he killed ADVERTISEMENT One scheme. One focus on individuals. One commitment to lifelong support. From 1 July, Australia’s current support system for people living with disability is being progressively replaced with DisabilityCare Australia. This new scheme will help provide a better quality of life for Australians with a significant and permanent disability, and for their families and carers too. What’s new about DisabilityCare Australia? DisabilityCare Australia is a new way of funding personalised support for people with disability. As well as looking at a person’s immediate needs, it will take a lifelong approach and enable people with disability to have choice and control over their supports. It will focus on early intervention, recognising that timely support can minimise the impact of a disability on individuals, families and carers. Assistance will be provided at the right time, rather than only once people reach crisis. himself. Since then, a number of contractors have been charged and made to pay restitution but the CCC appears in no hurry to publish an official report. “The commission doesn’t have a date when a report on the city of Stirling will be tabled in the parliament,” CCC spokesperson Owen Cole told the Voice. Former Stirling councillor Paul Collins says that until the report is published, a cloud of uncertainty will hang over the council: “It is now more than three years since the CCC investigation began and will be three years this November since public hearings were held which identified a number of flaws in the city’s procurement of goods and services,” he says. “One witness called to give evidence committed suicide and a number of criminal convictions have since been attained against di erent persons but we still do not a have a final or even interim report. “The CCC’s report will be very important in determining full accountability at the city for the misconduct but this will be harder to achieve the longer the CCC takes.” In 2009 Mr Collins, along with members of the council’s audit committee, pushed for an independent audit after noticing contracts over $10,000 hadn’t been put out for tender. Their probing kickstarted a wider investigation that uncovered alleged rorting, which led to the CCC’s involvement. Mayor David Boothman says the council has worked closely with the CCC to significantly reduce the risk of future rorts. “In terms of financial checks and balances we are now the benchmark by which other councils in Australia measure themselves against.” PROBLEMS WITH YOUR PLUMBING? Who is eligible? DisabilityCare Australia will help people who have a significant and permanent disability and who need assistance with everyday activities. This includes people whose disabilities are attributed to intellectual, cognitive, neurological, sensory, or physical impairment, or a psychiatric condition. Will I lose my current support? No. Your current arrangements will stay in place until you have met DisabilityCare Australia to discuss your needs. Will it affect my Disability Support Pension? No. Your Disability Support Pension will not be affected. When does it all begin? IC PLUMBERS DYNAMTOILETS • SINKS ALL PLUMBING PROBLEMS CALL TODAY DisabilityCare Australia is being rolled out in stages because it is a big change to the current system. Locations that start from July 2013 Barwon region of Victoria ......................People aged 0-64 Hunter region of NSW .............................People aged 0-64 South Australia .......................................Children aged 0-14 Tasmania .....................................Young people aged 15-24 Locations that start from July 2014 ACT ................................................................People aged 0-64 Barkly region of NT ...................................People aged 0-64 From July 2016, DisabilityCare Australia will continue to extend to more locations and age groups around Australia, including Queensland. For more information, visit or call 1800 800 110 For people with hearing or speech loss TTY: 1800 555 677 Speak and Listen: 1800 555 727 One big difference to lots of lives. Authorised by the Australian Government, Capital Hill, Canberra. Page 8 - The Perth Voice, Saturday July 27, 2013 TEAM UP AGAINST POVERTY oxfam trailwalker perth 18–20 October 2013 KALAMUNDA TO CHIDLOW REGISTer now! WWW.OXFAM.ORG.AU/TRAILWALKER No joy for late bemoaners by DAVID BELL A PHOTO of dog poo has been handed to Vincent city councillors by a ratepayer deeply unhappy with the approval of a block of units and offices in North Perth The Albert North Perth—an eightoffice, 11-unit project on Albert Street— was initially deferred when it went in front of council in December 2011. The WA heritage council spoke against the development saying it would negatively impact on the neighbouring primary school’s heritage value, and the school P&C was concerned it’d block the library’s natural light. After some rejigs it was approved by councillors in February 2012. Now, as site works commence, three locals are opposing the project, asking councillors to reconsider the approval almost 18 months after it was given the thumbs up. Neighbour Hesson Razavi says it’ll block out most of the sunlight from his backyard. Nearby resident Paul O’Brien says community consultation failed because he’d only found out about the development from his neighbours. Local Craig Willis says it shouldn’t KROM FENCING FA C T O LOWEST PRICE IN WA R Y D I R E C T Asbestos Removal Colorbond & Hardi Fence Concrete Retaining Walls Plinths (Metal Retaining) Pool Fencing Colorbond Gates DIY GATES OR WE INST(33-9,E MEASURE & QUOTE Aluminium Slat (wood look) or Colorbond Gates & In Fill Panels We do all insurance & private quotes Mobile 0426 954 134 WA’S ONLY 100% NATURAL AND ORGANIC LATEX MATRESS SUPPLIER go ahead on safety grounds because the “blind” vehicle exit is near a school. He also points out that while council approved four offices, the developer is now advertising eight. But Ms MacTiernan says the locals are out of luck: Nothing can be done to go back on the decision and any attempt would see the council pulled in front of A PAPERWORK snafu has seen trees outside the Albert North Perth development severely overpruned. Locals were concerned when they spotted the trees had been given a drastic haircut. Council CEO John Giorgi says it was a mistake that so much was cut o . Vincent had received a request “to cut back the trees from the property line” and added “this is a normal request from residents/developers, which is actioned on an ongoing basis throughout the city”. The council engaged a contractor and a crew came around to lop o some branches. “Unfortunately, the contractor’s paperwork contained an error and Big bonsai another crew attended the same job and undertook additional pruning. “The city’s officers are currently liaising with the contractor regarding this matter to determine what action will be taken.” He says the trees’ shapes were already compromised by powerlines. the powerful state administrative tribunal which handles planning appeals. She says the eight offices instead of four are a non-issue: The council approval covered a set amount of space for a particular use and how it was divvied up wasn’t important. The mayor says she found it hard to believe anyone could’ve been unaware of this project given the attention it received and the information that went out. The $63,000 from the project’s per cent for art cash looks likely to be spent on a 2.8m 300kg reading light by artist Robin Yakinthou, subject to input from locals (as it’ll be put on public land near the school and not on the development site). Guiding Light”, aims to reflect an education theme for the school next door. It was the artist’s concept sketch of the lamp that led Mr Willis to hand dog poo pictures to councillors, asking them to seriously consider the turds as an alternative to the giant lamp. Mr Willis was annoyed he’d had a meeting set up with council CEO John Giorgi, who didn’t show and sent minions along instead. “The lack of respect was pretty ordinary,” Mr Willis said. The council took his questions on notice and will undoubtedly work feverishly on a response. WARNING! If you do not buy from European Bedding then you may be buying an inferior product "3"6&01%",+)6 "/1&Ɯ"!,/$+& /+!&+201/)&Ǿ&#&1ȉ0 not "3"6&1&0+,1,/$+& ))6ǖǕǕʢ "/1&Ɯ"!+12/))1"5ǽ We have over 27 years experience in selling latex matresses and adjustable beds made in Germany ș "/#" 1,+!'201)""!0 ș ))"/$6/"" ș 5 "-1&,+),*#,/1 ș "/#" 1-&+)2--,/1 ș %,,0"6,2/"+0&16 ș 201,*&0"!/!"/0 If you go elsewhere you may be paying for an alternative – maybe it’s not even natural at all. Remember to ask for proof that it is 100% organic natural latex. Call now on 9384 0388 or come in today to see and #"")1%"!&ƛ"/"+ "#,/6,2/0")#ǽ1ȉ04,/1%&1ǽ HeveyaTM Range Exclusive to European Bedding 557 Stirling Hwy, Cottesloe 9384 0388 A VOICE PROMOTIONAL FEATURE WHAT’S NEW ! e c n e r fe if d a h it w a te f o p a cu C ugh these combinations t common Western” say Jean. “It is thro offee and tea are by far the mos ”. two, coffee that Cha & Talk has evolved beverages in the world. Out of the s sold every The new range of loose leaf tea is exciting and is king with over 2.1 million cup teurs the ability growing. dily stea ber num the allows cafe owners and restauran year in Australia with profit potential lthy hea with partly due to the to offer premium teas to further uct prod ue The decline in tea consumption is uniq a g erin yet to understand while deliv are ts uran The tea resta ce. and rien s cafe expe all that over fact ons still serving tea bags enhance their patr ch and mat to s ware tea the value of quality tea with many own its has lt, customers feel range also resu a as t to and twis es, art leav ern tea mod of a ad with inste theme $3 on hot water and have a natural . ude attit ry pora short-changed when they spend tem con r thei t with little or no represen a teabag with dust-like content and ‘Cha & Talk’ also sell their full . nary ordi the flavour beyond at gre a in for k loo we s range of teas including tins “Thing However, the local tea and tea wares directly via their blend is the merging of the business ‘Cha & Talk’ are website the n, now here to turn the tables unk the h wit familiar To add to that, Cha & Talk also around. With a gourmet and n der er a social service. The media mo off the h teas wit lity nal traditio range of qua form is called Talk Delicious! plat sourced from around rn” ste We the h wit al ent the Ori where all gourmet food and tea the world and from est memories. to lovers are invited share their fond selected tea masters with is e rang stry, the extensive experience in the tea indu individually head to even other leading To order wholesale or of tea with a top class, matched by none - not their brand new website for a cup providers in the tea industry. difference. full research team Jean Yeo of ‘Cha & Talk’ has a d-pick a variety of behind her. Together they han for scrutiny and ide ldw wor es spic and s teas, herb Talk Delicious e. When all the ranc assu and stringent quality control delicate task of tea ingredients are finally approved the www.chataFre in a great blend for look nch Crêpes we ine nu ge e Th blending begins. “Things unknown, the the with iliar fam the of ging is the mer Oriental with the traditional with the modern and the Cha & Talk - Paris Crêpes Cafe 110 High St Mall, Fremantle Tel: 0488 063 757 The Perth Voice, Saturday July 27, 2013 - Page 9 DINING A VOICE PROMOTIONAL FEATURE YOUR GUIDE TO THE AREA’S BEST FOODS Where we have fun with wine... A wide range of share pl plates, la wines and cocktails with daily specials... G Gourmet HIGH TEA every Sunday (bookings essential) Functions & bookings 9444 7761 | w shop 1, 162 Oxford Street, Leederville Open Tuesday to Sunday 12.00 p.m. Coffee, lunch and dinner Full Moon Thai 20 years experience in authentic Thai Cuisine Dine in & eat for free between 6 - 8pm 12 Aug - Thai Queen’s Birthday 5 Dec - Thai King’s Birthday 30% off takeaway 310 Walcott St, Mount Lawley 9473 1762 • 9271 2603 Dine in • Take Away • Home Delivery Open 7 days 5pm - 10pm A new level of sophistication Upon arrival at Amani Wine Bar you’re met at the door by a charming hostess who shows you to your table. That’s right, full table service. Welcome to a whole new level of sophistication, right here in the heart of Leederville’s Oxford Street district (opposite the Luna). Of course, there’s also the black velvet settee or the long banquette if you prefer, where you can watch the bar staff shake, rattle and roll their cocktail magic. Amani drips with class on every level: From its Manhattan-inspired monochromatic decor and long bar, to European mirrors and mood lighting to exemplary levels of personal service. Aficionado will appreciate the depth and complexity of the extensive wine list, which is constantly updated (feel DI $ N U M RRA BA 21 $ D +SALA OIN STEAK SIRL AD E +SEAAMLY GARLIC SAUC CR IZZA $ ANY P TA PAS OR free to ask questions—the staff know their stuff). It’s not all serious though— with wine cocktails and punches lots of fun to share (the Kentucky Rose and Passion of the Crusta are two inhouse faves) and there’s plenty of great beers and ciders too. With winter upon us, mulled wine has made a welcome return and where better to enjoy it than next to Amani’s open fire? The world-class menu is designed to excite and to share, with Chef Josh Kucharick passionate about in-season ingredients. Josh’s fine-dining share plates offer a variety of first-class fl avours and textures to taste with friends, whether lunch or dinner for two, a pre- or postmovie wine and platter or a full-menu function for many (with special dietary requirements happily catered for). With free wi-fi for customers, Amani’s also the perfect place to visit for a quick wind-down or business lunch. There’s always something new at Amani: New menus, new wines, High Teas in July (fantastic functions for the ladies) and live entertainment every Sunday evening. For dining, bookings are always recommended, and particularly for Saturday nights. Amani Wine Bar Shop 1/162 Oxford St Leederville Ph 9444 7761 Scan the QR code above for more great food reviews and photos. The hottest concept in dining... 24 16 Mondays 25% off (up to $105) Tuesdays 1/2 price main meals Wednesdays $30 per person (3 course set menu) Thursdays 1/2 price bottle of wine with any meal *not to be used with any other offer Tue - Fri until 7pm Open: Tue - Thu 5pm - 10pm Fri - Sat 11am - 10.30pm For bookings please call 9227 1184 153 James St, Northbridge 155 Walcott Street, Mt Lawley. Tel: 9328 6669 GIARDINI Present this ad to get a FREE bottle of Devil’s Lair Fifth Leg red or whiteins”(SSmenB)u. when you purchase two or more meals from the “ma Offer valid for dine in only - lunch or dinner. Tues - Fri until 31 August 2013 Original ad only accepted and diners must be of legal drinking age to utilise offer. Maximum one voucher per table. Ad must be presented before dining. Cannot be used with any other discount offer Now Open! Tel: 9471 8945 2nd Avenue Plaza, 755 Beaufort Street. Lunch: Thurs - Fri 12 - 2pm Dinner: Tues - Sat 5.30 - late Page 10 - The Perth Voice, Saturday July 27, 2013 JAPANESE STEAKHOUSE Shop G.5, 95 Barrack St, Perth • Tel: 9325 3532 Lunch and dinner 11 - 9pm • Fri 11 - 10pm Open every day including public holidays 135 Oxford Street, Leederville | 9242 2602 voice food A mood for Coode food MYKONOS LETS GO GREEK - RESTAURANT & CAFE Winter Specia l Tues, Wed, T hurs 1/2 price mea l special *condi tions apply LUNCH • DINNER R • BANQU BANQ BANQUETS QUETS TUES - FRI 12PM - 12AM • SAT 12PM - 1AM • SUN 12PM - 12AM MYKONOS - GREEK RESTAURANT & CAFE 515 BEAUFORT STREET, HIGHGATE - 9328 3398 WWW.MYKONOS.NET.AU T Give your business some extra juice! FFOOD JENNY D’ANGER JE HE Coode Street Cafe is tucked away in the back bits of Bayswater’s slice of Mt Lawley but the secret has been well and truly out for years now. On a rainy Thursday lunchtime the place was heaving with customers. And little wonder, with the cafe groaning under the weight of a slew of “best breakfast” awards collected since 2007. Breakfast, lunch, co ee and cake: Coode Street does it all brilliantly. Take one look at the food cabinets with the contents glistening like Crown jewels and promising a sweet or savoury gem, and it’s no wonder. The range of cakes immediately caught my attention: Too vast to mention, but suffice to say I wasn’t going to overdo the savouries. Lit up like a Broadway play there were plenty of these on display too, including chicken pies, bacon and leek tarts, smoked salmon, goats cheese and asparagus tarts and quiches. Apart from a couple of sweet things everything is made on the premises, owner Terry Burgon told the Voice. The cafe started as a deli 20 years ago and “converted” from there, he says, adding it’s been a long process. Getting down to business I pointed to the sweet potato and spinach tart ($15.50). The mix of sweet potato and the sharpness of feta, with a perfectly cooked pastry case was great, as was the homemade beetroot and pumpkin salad it came with. It was “buyer beware” for Dave, who’d ordered the tuna patty ($15.50) without reading the fine print. They were delicious but, with feta mixed through, weren’t a suitable choice for my cheeseallergy a icted man. The waiter was a delight, whipping away the patty and in no time returning with a couple of free-range poached eggs on toast. “Creamy,” hubby declared, his happy smile restored. The lemon zingers ($7.50) we washed our food down with were terrific, the sharpness of the lemon winning out over the sweetness of the apple, and a pleasing ginger “zing” after taste. Time to revisit the cake cabinet. “It’s like a Cherry Ripe,” the waiter said as I eyed o a slice of the lovebite ($7.50). One of the few cakes not made at the cafe, it came from North Fremantle sweeties Rawsome. Based on the Paleo diet they’re raw, gluten-free, grainfree, dairy-free, egg-free, sugar-free—and one would think taste-free, but how wrong one would be. A Cherry Ripe it was, on steroids, a rich chocolate delight, topped with shredded coconut. If this is good for you, sign me up. D’Angerous went for the lemon meringue ($7), and reckoned it could have been sharper but that didn’t stop him eating the lot. Two hours passed in a flash as we talked, ate and watched the rain fall gently over the treelined street from the warmth of our window seat. Blissful. Coode Street Cafe Corner Coode St and Third Ave, Mt Lawley Open 7 days 7am–5pm 9371 9900 With our new 4 Week Business Booster package. Here’s what you get... 5000 Flyers Double sided colour flyers. Including production. Delivered to your specified suburbs Three 10x3 Ads Appearing in our Who? What? Where? feature. 10cm H x 11cm W colour ad Feature Article 100 word story or photo appearing along with your advert each week. A great way to tell your story All this for $1500 Normally valued at $2678. Save $1178 Campaign is for one edition. Additional editions at $660 gst included. To book your package today or for more information Phone 9430 7727 Herald The FREMANTLE .com Perth Voice .com Cheers. To a quick lunch. Our midweek lunch specials are back! Enjoy two sumptuous courses, inclusive of a glass of Margaret River wine and coffee. $39pp * Valid Mon-Thurs 56 Duncraig Road, Applecross T: 08 9315 7700 E: The Perth Voice, Saturday July 27, 2013 - Page 11 voice Astrology sttrology A Voice competitions WINNERS With h Sudhir July 27 - August 3, 2013 ARIES (Mar 21 – Apr 20) Mars is loitering in Cancer. There must still be something to get in the world of emotion. Perhaps you are feeling pensive about some of the reactions you have had in the past that you aren’t keen to repeat. Some kind of an awakening is happening. Old habits aren’t working. Renew. TAURUS (Apr 21 – May 20) Venus has moved into fellow earth sign, Virgo. To feed off the sense of satisfaction this brings, take yourself into the bush and look at the wonders of the natural order. The spine of a leaf, the colours of a rock, the texture of a tree, is where the food of natural beauty lies. Savour it. GEMINI (May 21 – June 21) Mercury is staying in Cancer for a little while longer. That means there’s a whole lot of emotion colouring your view of the world. As much as you would like to put up a wall and pretend it isn’t there, it is – and it will be. till you stop resisting. Be a little muddy, vulnerable and open. CANCER (June 22 – Jul 22) There’s an inordinate amount of energy fl owing through the water signs, of which you are one. That means the current of emotion you have been dipping your toes in, just got deeper and stronger. Even the heat of the Aries Moon can’t shunt you from following your feelings. LEO (Jul 23 – Aug 22) The Sun has moved into Leo, which sets a large portion of your being to rest. There is still however, a large torrent of energy fl owing through the emotional water signs. There is still a great need for a rudder. You aren’t in it up to your ears any more, but balance is required. VIRGO (Aug 23 – Sept 22) Venus has moved into Virgo. The goddess of love is walking through your garden. This is an important time to get it, that there’s no confl ict between simple pleasure and your spirit’s longing. The spiritual and the mundane are two poles of the same energy. Kindy leads to uni. LIBRA (Sept 23 – Oct 23) It’s a tricky time for Libran’s. Venus is in Virgo. She’s grounding love but to air signs that feels like a bit of a downer. It’s a misconception but one to be worked through. Flight isn’t the only pleasurable sensation. You may be called on to offer confl icting parties some sage advice. SCORPIO (Oct 24 – Nov 21) It’s a winning time for water signs. Life is supporting feeling above all else. Emotionality and feeling are two very different things. Don’t mistake one for the other. Feeling comes with awareness - and is wise. Emotionality is cathartic and wild but as blind as a fl ying fox. SAGITTARIUS (Nov 22 – Dec 21) There is an interesting astrological clash going on between those parts of ourselves that feel deeply and those that skim across the surface, reacting impetuously to all that is in front of our eyes. Your job is to go a little deeper and resolve this tension with added understanding. CAPRICORN (Dec 22 – Jan 19) There’s a big question bubbling up. It’s to do with the issue of how to be yourself without getting so hardline that you shut other people out. In the process of protecting integrity, certain other precious qualities get lost. There are other ways to go about this. Think beyond the box. AQUARIUS (Jan 20 – Feb 18) Everything in you wants to move impetuously. Maybe you really do have to follow this for a while, even though to your friends it looks like you’re taking the hard path. The beauty about the space you are in now, is that you are living and learning things for yourself. That’s good. PISCES (Feb 19 – Mar 20) There is a huge run of energy for the water signs – and there’s nothing more watery than a fish. Go with your feelings. There really is no other way. Life will remind you to stay grounded every now and again. The lovely little things need as much attention as the really big things. Copyright 2013 Sudhir (M.J.Dean) we just love REWARDING OUR READERS Get fresh with Bosisto’s Win one of 5 Bosisto’s prize packs. Generations of Aussie families have grown up with the distinctive aroma of Bosisto’s ‘Parrot’ brand Eucalyptus Oil. With its fresh scent and endless natural uses for health and home, Bosisto’s remains a much-loved favourite in today’s modern homes. Now, Bosisto’s is giving back to the community which has helped make it such a popular icon, embarking on an exciting project with the aim of planting one million trees in 2013! Bosisto’s new plantations will help support local farms and farmers while benefiting the environment – reducing salinity and lowering harmful CO2 emissions. Plus, it means more premium quality Australian grown oil, at a price everyone can afford. Plant a tree How can you help? Simply purchase any specially marked Bosisto’s 100% pure Oil or Solution and Bosisto’s will plant a tree for you! Bosisto’s specially-grown trees are nurtured on marginal farming land, providing a much needed boost to local economies. The eucalyptus harvesting process is one that is naturally renewable and sustainable, with many extra environmental benefits. Eventually, each tree will become part of Australian history, helping revitalise an industry that’s as much a part of our culture as thongs and beach barbecues - keeping jobs and profits in Australia. So while you’re mopping the floors, freshening your laundry and doing the right thing by your home and family – you can rest assured Bosisto’s is too. To find out more, and discover why there’s one million new reasons to choose Bosisto’s this year visit Voice readers have the chance to win a Bosisto’s prize pack valued at $225. Chock full of Eucalyptus goodies to clean your home and keep nasty winter germs at bay. HOW TO ENTER FACEBOOK: Like the Voice on Facebook at and enter the codeword VOICEBOSISTO’S TWITTER: Follow the Voice on Twitter @theperthvoice and enter the codeword VOICEBOSISTO’S ONLINE: Visit and follow the prompts. POST: Include your name, suburb, phone and email and post your entries to Voice Bosisto’s Competition PO Box 85, North Fremantle WA 6159 Terms and conditions: Winner must be able to collect prize pack from Voice front office at 41 Cliff Street, Fremantle. Competition closes 13.8.13 with winners announced 17.8.13. Voiceclassifieds EXPERT SERVICES CLEANING Regular home cleaning. Police clearance. Long time experience in the job. Northern suburbs only. 0432 344 957 GUTTERS Free roof inspection with every gutter clean 9433 1077 HANDYMAN Andrew 0412 231 801 your local, prompt and professional handyman. 20+ years experience, Police clearance, fully insured ROOFING All roof repairs 9433 1077 HOLIDAY ACCOMMODATION HOLIDAY House rental near Pemberton. Peaceful. 0417 940 261 Page 12 - The Perth Voice, Saturday July 27, 2013 A natural antiseptic, deodoriser, germ killer, degreasing agent and powerful cleaner, Eucalyptus truly is one of the most versatile of all essential oils. Here are just a few handy home tips… Kill Germs Did you know Bosisto’s Eucalyptus Spray is proven to kill 99.99% germs… all with the pure fresh power of Eucalyptus Oil? Use in place of harsh chemicals on door handles, children’s toys, keyboards, handheld mobile devices and other surfaces fingers frequently touch. Sticky Situations Gum, glue, anything sticky… Bosisto’s Eucalyptus Spray will whip it off in a flash. Also great for paint or ink marks on clothes, shoes or furnishings, or cleaning scuff marks from vinyl floors. Lovely Laundry Stubborn stains? With the grime-busting properties of natural eucalyptus, a spray of Bosisto’s before laundering will help lift grubby dirt, grass and oil stains from clothes. Rubbish Bins & Toilets There’s nothing worse than rubbish bin and toilet odours… and there’s nothing that eliminates them quicker than Bosisto’s Eucalyptus Spray. Use it on household bins, nappy bins, compost and wheelie bins and in the bathroom for a long-lasting Aussie bush aroma. LOST & FOUND ORANGE leather handbag with prescription sunglasses found in Smith Lake Reserve, North Perth on Sunday 21st July. For more details phone Michelle on 0417 091 056 MIND, BODY, SPIRIT ASTROLOGY Skype Sessions with Sudhir - e-mail to book TUE, Wed and Thurs $50/ hr Massage. Please mention ‘Perth Voice’ when you are booking. 9227 8991 (North Perth) 10am – 6pm voice classifieds PUBLIC NOTICES DRINKING PROBLEM? Alcoholics anonymous. Phone 24 hours on 9325 3566 www. SITUATIONS VACANT WALKERS Wanted distribution areas in Yokine, Dianella, North Perth, Maylands,East Perth & Mount Lawley. Give Stephanie a call 9430 7727 BY OPENING THE DOOR TO US, YOU’RE HELPING US OPEN THE DOOR TO OTHERS. To donate by credit card, call 13 SALVOS (13 72 58) or visit RED SHIELD APPEAL WANTED TO BUY MEN’S & Woman’s luxury designer clothing, leather goods, shoes, handbags, accessories and knitwear wanted for consignment store Dress Circle (Est 1987) 88 Broadway Nedlands 9386 7408 To advertise email the Voice Body Wisdom IPL Hair Removal Treatments Congratulations Emma Bell, Carol Lyon, Kellie Orso, Rhonda Orso & Lauren McWhirter You’re each won a 4 x Underarm IPL Hair Treatments Sessions thanks to Body Wisdom. Your voucher is available for collection in store. Body Wisdom sets the benchmark for Perth beauty salons, boasting cutting edge personalised service and the city’s leading providers of beauty, spa and body therapy treatments. Highly trained and certified skin care specialists customise treatments to suit your specific needs. Body Wisdom provide a range of cosmetic, beauty and spa treatments suitable for women and men of all ages. Body Wisdom is Perth’s medi spa treatment specialist. Our fully trained and certified skin care technicians use clinically advanced technology and products to deliver outstanding results. Body Wisdom provide non-surgical options for the face and body, including Endermologie, Lipomassage, Regen, IPL and High Performance Peels, in addition to our standard beauty salon treatments. They also have complimentary consultations available, competitive pricing and have package and payment options available. Terms and conditions: Not redeemable for cash. Not to be used in conjunction with any other offers and cannot be altered for other services. Non-transferable. Vouchers valid until 31.01.2014. Perth Voice Adbuster Congratulations Frederick Neubronner of Edin Hill You have won a feast for 2 at Stones Pizza after spotting last week’s fake ad. If you spot this week’s fake ad send your entries to Voice Adbuster, PO Box 85, North Fremantle WA 6159 by Tues. NOTICEBOARD WHAT’S ON • CLASSES • ACTIVITIES SPIRITUAL SERVICES • SUPPORT GROUPS ANZAC COTTAGE OPEN TO THE PUBLIC Anzac Cottage, the historic house and memorial built in one day in 1916 as a tribute to those who lost their lives in that fateful landing at Gallipoli on April 15, 1915, will be open to the public on Sunday August 4 from 1pm to 4pm. Situated at 38 Kalgoorlie St, Mount Hawthorn, Anzac Cottage is a unique memorial and well worth a visit. Entry by donation. For more information, please contact Anne on 0411 445 582 GRIEF AND LOSS OPEN SUPPORT GROUP The last Thursday of each month 1.00pm to 3.00pm at The Cancer Support WA, 80 Railway St, Cottesloe. For more info ring 9384 3544 INTRODUCTION TO GNOSIS TALKS. Gnosis is tradition and revelation, knowledge and experience, a progressive lightening and raising of the level of being. These 3 introductory lectures will lead into further study and meditation. Monday 29th July 12-1.30pm, Friday 2 August 12-1.30pm. Friday 9th August 12-1.30pm. CITY of PERTH LIBRARY, Level 1, 140 William St., PERTH. Contact 0401 501 817, 9390 8773, voice J arts $20 for 3 delicious courses! at Mount Lawley Bowling Club ARTS STEPHEN POLLOCK UST when you thought every last drop of green blood had been squeezed out of the zombie genre, along comes Michael Logan with Apocalypse Cow (Forget the cud, they want blood...). The novel’s a satire about cattle transformed into humaneating zombies, after a secret government bio-weapon goes awry. As Britain descends into zombie chaos, ministers cynically blame al-Qaeda. Only a twisted Glaswegian could write about heifers stomping about Britain, munching on nubile girls and having sex with lollipop men. “It’s a biting social and political satire through the sadly underused medium of zombie cows,” quips Logan. “I have always loved zombies and wanted to write a lighthearted novel in the genre without being repetitive. “It struck me that nobody had done zombie animals, which struck me as a little odd given that most global pandemics that are supposed to wipe out the world start with animals (SARS, bird flu, etc).” Logan’s debut novel is a testament to the dark British sense of humour—the penumbra between uneasiness and laughter. The kind exemplified in UK TV shows The League of Gentlemen and The Thick of It. Logan, 42, says growing up in Glasgow helped forge his mordant wit. “Glaswegians are simultaneously very dark and very funny people,” he says. “It can often be difficult to tell whether somebody is screaming abuse at you or telling a joke. “Sometimes they seem to be the same thing.” Logan made his fictionwriting breakthrough in 2011: As joint winner of The Terry Pratchett first novel award he was given a publishing deal. For many years, he was an author trapped in an engineer’s body. He spent his 20s working as an electronics engineer in the gloomy central belt of Scotland, satisfying his creative urge by playing guitar in bands and drinking lots of beer. On turning 30 he started to dabble with fiction and quickly found recognition when a number of his short stories Wednesday Night Dinners. Bookings by 5pm Tuesday. Menu changes weekly. Drinks at “Club” prices. BOOKINGS ESSENTIAL 9370 5070 Strings of Fremantle Chamber Orchestra Highlights Mozart HAYDN VIVALDI The Dairy BACH Dead ABEL Pachelbel of the appeared in literary journals. Buoyed by success, Logan moved with his then-partner to Budapest and tried his hand at journalism, learning Hungarian and working at The Budapest Times. “I felt no love nor particular natural aptitude for engineering, so getting out to do something I loved felt wonderful,” he says. In 2008, he and his wife— who works in humanitarian aid—relocated again to Kenya. Logan, who still works as a journo in Nairobi, says African culture is a great muse. “The thing I love the most about Kenya and the wider continent is that everything is changing so quickly,” he says. “There is chaos and energy and a loose attitude towards rules, which creates a sense of freedom you don’t feel in developed nations. “It is definitely stimulating.” Apocalypse Cow was released in Australia this month. (The Ed says: Pedants may recall the 2006 NZ flick, “Black Sheep”, about killer sheep feasting on people but of course they were mutants, not zombies.) BARTOK Britten P?AFK?LGLMDD 2pm Saturday 3 August Victoria Hall 179 High Street, Fremantle 3pm Sunday 4 August Church of the Resurrection (105 Shenton Rd, Swanbourne) Proudly supported by Melissa Parke MP Federal Member for Fremantle Adults: $35, concession: $30, under 18 years: $15 available at the door Are you nurturing a New Business? Let the Perth Voice advertise your business to thousands of potential clients in 46,200 local homes & businesses. We have three fabulous startup packages: 1. Got a Story to Tell? Our “What’s New” offer gives you a free* half or quarter page to tell it. 2. On a tight budget? Ask about our 6 plus 2 free offer for new businesses. 3. Love competition(s)? Book three ads, then offer Perth Voice readers a prize. We’ll write the story and get your name out there. * Conditions apply WE ALSO PRINT & DELIVER LEAFLETS! PERSONAL SERVICE! RELIABLE DELIVERY YOU CAN TRUST! The Perth Voice Phone 9430 7727 The Perth Voice, Saturday July 27, 2013 - Page 13 MOUNT LAWLEY 83 SALES FOR THE 2012 - 2013 FINANCIAL YEAR! 2A HOBART ST, BAYSWATER 57/96 GUILDFORD RD, MOUNT LAWLEY 115 ROBERTS ST, HENLEY BROOK 129 THE STRAND, BEDFORD 22 TRAYLEN RD, BAYSWATER 29 KELVIN ST, MAYLANDS 64A RIVER RD, BAYSWATER 5/11 KELVIN ST, MAYLANDS 13A DONALD SQUARE, 7/591 BEAUFORT ST, BAYSWATER MOUNT LAWLEY 80-82 MILNE ST, BAYSWATER 13 TOOWONG ST, BAYSWATER 62 MAY ST, BAYSWATER 26 HUBERT RD, MAYLANDS 2B HOBART ST, BAYSWATER 29A SHERWOOD ST, 36A CROWTHER ST, 28 TOOWONG ST, 50A GRAND PROMENADE, BAYSWATER BAYSWATER MAYLANDS BAYSWATER 6/18 FOGERTHORPE 82A THE STRAND, CRES, MAYLANDS BEDFORD 24 SLADE ST, BAYSWATER 63 HOTHAM ST, BAYSWATER 1D FIELD ST, MOUNT LAWLEY 2 FRANCIS ST, BAYSWATER 21 AUGHTON ST, 4/74 CENTRAL AVE, BAYSWATER MAYLANDS 40/96 GUILDFORD RD, MT LAWLEY 5/582 WILLIAM ST, MT LAWLEY 22 SUDLOW ST, EMBLETON 1A RAIN PL, BAYSWATER 1/24 CALEDONIAN AVE, MAYLANDS 14 GROSVENOR RD, BAYSWATER 25 SLADE ST, BAYSWATER 7A BIRKETT ST, BEDFORD 3 SOLAS RD, MORLEY 355 CRAWFORD RD, INGLEWOOD 46 LANGLEY RD, 78/96 GUILDFORD RD, 1/29 SHAFTESBURY AVE, 50/104 KING WILLIAM BAYSWATER ST, BAYSWATER MOUNT LAWLEY BAYSWATER 107 LEAKE ST, BAYSWATER 94 STONE ST, BAYSWATER 34 HOTHAM ST, BAYSWATER 62 QUEEN ST, BAYSWATER 2 WISBECH ST, BAYSWATER 36/96 GUILDFORD RD, MT LAWLEY 3A HENRIETTA ST, BAYSWATER 19 HOBART ST, BAYSWATER 4 WISBECH ST, BAYSWATER 12 DEVON RD, BASSENDEAN 12/75 KING WILLIAM ST, BAYSWATER 19 DONALD SQ, BAYSWATER 105 RAILWAY PDE, MT LAWLEY 43 LORD ST, EDEN HILL 17/60 SMITH ST, HIGHGATE 1B AUGHTON ST, BAYSWATER 2/103 EPSOM AVE, REDCLIFFE 4/62 FITZGERALD ST, NORTHBRIDGE 108 STONE ST, BAYSWATER 2 ADELIA ST, BAYSWATER 168A RAILWAY PDE, 32 KITCHENER AVE, 3 HENRIETTA ST, BAYSWATER BAYSWATER BAYSWATER 8 ROY ST, MOUNT LAWLEY 12A HYLAND ST, BASSENDEAN 3/20-22 KELVIN ST, 4/9 MARGARET ST, 47 KING WILLIAM ST, 26A GROSVENOR RD, 1/96 GUILDFORD RD, BAYSWATER BAYSWATER MAYLANDS MAYLANDS MT LAWLEY 1 ANZAC ST, BAYSWATER 559 WALTER RD EAST, 2/29 SHAFTESBURY AVE, BAYSWATER BAYSWATER 67 HOTHAM ST, BAYSWATER 2/96 GUILDFORD RD, 61/96 GUILDFORD RD, MT LAWLEY MT LAWLEY 33/96 GUILDFORD RD, 109/81 KING WILLIAM ST, BAYSWATER MT LAWLEY 43 KING WILLIAM ST, 85/96 GUILDFORD RD, MT LAWLEY BAYSWATER 22A SUDLOW ST, EMBLETON HELPING PEOPLE MOVE NOW! CALL CARLOS LEHN TODAY 12 ELIZABETH ST, BAYSWATER 0416 206 736 ACTON MOUNT LAWLEY 678 BEAUFORT STREET, MOUNT LAWLEY PH: (08) 9272 2488 WWW.ACTON.COM.AU Page 14 - The Perth Voice, Saturday July 27, 2013 voice estate East Perth Facts #6 Claisebrook Village comprises 137.5 hectares of riverfront land and has 22 hectares of parkland We don’t list houses We Sell Them! EESTATE JENNY D’ANGER JE W ITH the world agog at the imminent arrival of a new royal baby, it seemed appropriate to be reviewing a home on Queen Street, as I’d been hoping for a girl. The little princess would have made history, with recent historic changes to succession laws meaning a first-born girl is no longer passed over for a younger brother. Of course given the longevity of the Windsors, she’d have had to wait awhile, with Liz going strong, Charles next in line and then her own dad. This three-bedroom Bayswater home too has longevity on its side. It’s one of the original homesteads in the area, and the lovely four-bedroom, weatherboard cottage has plenty of grace, charm and elegance, as befitting the Swan colony’s squattocracy. Embracing the home the wrap-around verandah gazes out over a swathe of grass, rose beds and a central fountain. Your East Perth Specialist Wendie Wisbey 0409 293 527 Make home a royal occasion Come spring the view will be framed with gorgeous, dripping bunches of mauve wisteria, thanks to an ancient vine stretching the length of the verandah. As to be expected in a home of this vintage, the ceilings are high, jarrah floors flow, and there’s plenty of decorative fire places and ceiling roses. A section of the verandah has been enclosed forming a huge dressing-room and ensuite for the main bedroom. Winter or summer the central lounge is a refuge from the hurly burly, with a beautiful fireplace and elegant French doors to the verandah. A rear extension houses the kitchen/ dining area. The kitchen is a spacious domain with timber-fronted cupboards and plenty of bench space. From the sink you can see the Darling Ranges, and watch planes coming and going at the international airport—but it’s far enough away for the sound to be on mute, the vendor says. Step through a bank of doors to the covered patio and you’d think you were in the country with a swathe of grass and terraced garden looking out across the leafy suburb’s many trees to the hills beyond. Despite the “country” feel this delightful home, sitting on 1009sqm, is central to a swag of shops, cafes and restaurants, and you’ll have no excuse for being late catching a plane. For more sedate pursuits closer to home, the river foreshore is a short walk away. 51 Queen Street, Bayswater EIO from $929,000 Carlos Lehn 0416 206 736 Acton Mt Lawley 9272 2488 MOUNT LAWLEY FOR A FRESH, INSPIRING APPROACH TO PROPERTY MANAGEMENT THINK ACTON MOUNT LAWLEY Treating your investment property like it’s our own 678 BEAUFORT ST, MOUNT LAWLEY PH: 9272 2488 WWW.ACTON.COM.AU Krom Fencing Perth’s best fencing contractors Krom Fencing Quality Fencing Contractor Krom Fencing supplies DIY gates or will install for you Why choose us? Services Providing the very best workmanship and first-class products is one thing, but providing a service that puts the customers’ satisfaction first is another. Expect a hands-on approach to your job that is catered to your needs. Some of these include: • Slat gates infill panels • Colorbond fencing • Garden and pool gates • Core drilling on limestone • Installation of metal retaining walls - plinths • Installer of concrete retaining walls - posts and slats • Asbestos removal • Online quotes - same day service There are so many fencing contractors around Perth, so why are more and more people choosing Krom Fencing? We believe it comes down to our excellent customer service and great rates. It’s our job to make sure you’re happy with the look and the functionality of your new fence, and we get this result more often than not. Speak to the team of fencing contractors at Krom Fencing in Perth and ask about our wide range of services. Free quotes all areas including insurance claims & general fencing Any size jobs. Call us today at 9409 4005 Servicing all over Perth 6 days a week Factory Direct Lowest Price in WA* • • • • • • Asbestos Removal Colourbond & Hardi Fence Concrete Retaining Walls Plinths (Metal Retaining) Pool Fencing Colorbond Gates DIY GATES OR WE INSTALL Aluminium slat (wood look) or Colourbond gates & in fill panels • ALL INSURANCE & PRIVATE QUOTES • FREE MEASURE & QUOTE • ONLINE QUOTES Same day service * We will beat any written quote Office 9409 4005 Fax 9409 4010 Mobile 0426 954 134 The Perth Voice, Saturday July 27, 2013 - Page 15 MOUNT LAWLEY 62A MAY STREET, BAYSWATER EOI FROM $399,000 19 CENTAUR CIRCLE, WOODBRIDGE EOI FROM $999,000 R E F F RO E UND 452SQM BLOCK IN PRIME POCKET! EVERY DAY WILL FEEL LIKE YOU’RE ON HOLIDAY... Residing in the popular Baysie pocket between Beaufort St and the Railway on the Inglewood/Bedford border is where your future property may lie! Blocks of land in these areas will soon be a thing of the past, don’t miss this opportunity! Why settle for less than your dream home? Beautiful new homes are popping up in this popular pocket, if you drive around you’ll see for yourself! From the moment you turn the key you can’t help but enjoy this amazing and very much loved four bedroom two bathroom lake front home finished to absolute perfection. The peace, the tranquility, the natural wildlife all just meters away, simply sit upstairs and literally become one with nature. This brilliant home is nestled in the highly desirable Wood bridge Lakes Estate which is close to the train, and cafe strip in Guildford and offers a superb functional layout that caters for all ages with bedrooms and living areas on both levels, high ceilings, stunning spotted Gum highly polished floors, Corian bench tops, full reverse cycle A/C and a lovely private enclosed alfresco for entertaining. Buyers this home is faultless so if you’re looking for perfection, please call me to view. ALL OFFERS TO BE PRESENTED 5.00PM MONDAY 5TH AUGUST UNLESS SOLD PRIOR 452sqm INTERNET ID# 2421816 4 2 2 INTERNET ID# 2426583 CARLOS LEHN 0416 206 736 PAUL OWEN 0411 601 420 LATEST SALES & UNDER OFFERS PERTH OFFERS FROM $979,000 6 MAYBACH WAY, DIANELLA 6 Bed 2Bath SOLD 45 BOULTON STREET, DIANELLA 4Bed 2Bath SOLD IN 2 DAYS 59B COLLINGWOOD STREET, DIANELLA 2Bed 1Bath SOLD IN 2 DAYS 86 CRESSWELL STREET, DIANELLA 4Bed 2Bath SOLD WITH MY TOUCH 6 CROYDON STREET, DIANELLA 3Bed 1Bath SOLD FIRST HOME OPEN 25 SALAMANDER STREET, DIANELLA 4Bed 2Bath SOLD FIRST HOME OPEN 432B COODE STREET, DIANELLA 3Bed 1Bath SOLD BEFORE FIRST HOME OPEN CONSISTENTLY REIWA’S TOP LISTING DIANELLA AGENT! MERVYN MISSELL TEAM 0404 889 325 REGISTER YOUR INTEREST • 507m2 block - far larger than most homes in the Highgate / Perth area • 4 large bedrooms • 2.5 large living areas • Light filled kitchen which requires no renovation • Renovated bathroom, 2 toilets • Huge paved alfresco with below ground pool • Genuine wine cellar which can be used for extra storage • Off street parking for 1 car. Street permits available also. • High, ornate ceilings and timber boards throughout. • REGISTER YOUR INTEREST WITH WAYNE HELDT TODAY! 4 1 1 HOME OPEN: CONTACT WAYNE HELDT WAYNE HELDT 0433 118 353 ACTON MOUNT LAWLEY 678 BEAUFORT STREET, MOUNT LAWLEY PH: (08) 9272 2488 WWW.ACTON.COM.AU Page 16 - The Perth Voice, Saturday July 27, 2013 MOUNT LAWLEY Thinking of selling? Work with Toby and experience the difference REPUTATION BUILT ON HONESTY If you are looking to sell your property or would simply like to know what your property is worth in the current market, and would like a free reliable and honest market appraisal on your home, please contact me. It does not cost you any extra to sell with the most successful real estate office in your area. TOBY BALDWIN 0418 914 926 DAVID LOMAX 0412 292 450 51 QUEEN STREET, BAYSWATER EOI FROM $929,000 ER R D N FFE U O NEW STOCK NEEDED IN YOKINE SOLD 26 Virgil Avenue 15A Virgil Avenue 106 Raymond Street 175A Byron Road 150 Flinders Street YOUR VERY OWN COUNTRY HOMESTEAD! As one of the original homesteads in Bayswater this property has stood the test of time. Offering a “city meets country” lifestyle, the allure is undeniable. Welcomed by a stunning street presence and wrap around verandahs, this residence has an immediate charm and once you step inside, the proportions throughout will not disappoint. Residing on a huge 1009sqm parcel of land this property also offers a range of options for the future! Duplex potential (STCA) 1009sqm 4 2 2 INTERNET ID# 2421786 CARLOS LEHN 0416 206 736 Buyers waiting for properties BIG and small. “Matching Property to People” JODY MISSELL 0401 770 782 ACTON MOUNT LAWLEY 678 BEAUFORT STREET, MOUNT LAWLEY PH: (08) 9272 2488 WWW.ACTON.COM.AU The Perth Voice, Saturday July 27, 2013 - Page 17 voice trades&services PRIDE PAVING TV ANTENNAS - STEVE paving Trade - Standard Ceilings n HUGE DISCOUNTS NO FRILLS! ARE YOU READY FOR DIGITAL TV? • Digital Antenna • TV, telephone, and data points • Service & repairs • Home theatre setup • Supply & install Plasma & LCD wall brackets • Reception problems solved ebworth Knebworth BUILDING CO PTY LTD 20 Years Experience in WA Residential Renovations, Alterations & Refurbishments Light Commercial & Fit Outs Call today for a free quote Tel: 9471 7332 Fax: 9471 7327 Emai: The Voice is now ONLINE! Now your potential customers have more ways to see your ad and contact you. WWW.PERTHVOICE.COM Builders Reg. 14110 All Building Works including; Renovations & Extensions Shop & Office Fitouts All Carpentry Works Top Quality Service • First Class Finish • Competitive Prices 9473 1610 or 0400 012 766 BATHROOM SERVICES STOP LEAKING SHOWERS • Free Moisture Test • Free Shower Pressure Test • 5% Pensioner Discount • 30 years experience in: leaking showers, waterproofing, tiling & vanity sealing FAMILY BUSINESS • 12 YEAR PRODUCT GUARANTEE • FREE QUOTE 0417 915 951 BRICKLAYER BRICKLAYER Renovations, Garden Walls Limestone Work & Repairs All Work Guaranteed 0417 991 009 CARPENTRY Paul Jones Carpentry Service • All Internal & External Fixings • Pergolas, Decking, Outdoor Installations • Renovation & Construction • All Domestic & Commercial Maintenance 0401 499 610 ALL CARPENTRY SERVICES Timber Decking • Pergolas Patios • Doors Top quality service. First class finish. Competitive pricing 9473 1610 - 0407 996 545 Phone 9430 7727 Fax 9430 7726 Page 18 - The Perth Voice, Saturday July 27, 2013 MENTION THIS AD FOR 10% DISCOUNT Local Electrican • Small Job Specialist Seniors Discount • Save on Callout Fees To advertise phone today on 10% OFF FOR VOICE READERS 9430 7727 Inglewood Home Repairs h EC10197 Call Daniel: 0433 301 714 CLEANING A versatile husband & wife team. Rural background. Service with a smile. Call John or Libby 9271 1543 or 0415 823 253 Email: HUGE DISCOUNTS NO FRILLS! Call the Perth Voice today to find out how you can get huge discounts on 52 week bookings 9430 7727 Vacate | One Off | Regular Home Cleaning | Police Cleared Choice of 1 or 2 Cleaners | All Equipment and Consumables Supplied 9418 2458 ALUMINIUM STEEL TIMBER Builders Reg: 11464 Box 8150 Perth BC, WA 6849 GET MORE VALUE FOR YOUR DOLLAR Alan Evans 0430 077 014 FREE QUOTES & ADVICE A/H: 9302 6644 *Ask for Details Lic. EC5706 9430 7727 BUILDERS ELECTRICAL SERVICES Specialising in all electrical work Quality workmanship Ph Peter: 0418 912 451 Call the Perth Voice today to find out how you can get huge discounts on 52 week bookings Locally owned and operated • 7 Days • All Areas Tony: 0419 929 668 AUSPOWER n James 0406 683 347 General home maintenance inside & out. • retic • gardening • carpentry • new phone points • roof repairs Any small job about the house and garden. 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Add a new patio, pergola, gazebo or outdoor kitchen Brighten up that old room, paint, wallpaper, blinds or curtains. Fix those old doors or install new ones. All general house maintenance and repairs. Qualified Tradesman If so and you’d like to join the Perth Voice distribution team call Stephanie on 9430 7727 0447 680 850 Phone 9430 7727 Fax 9430 7726 The Perth Voice, Saturday July 27, 2013 - Page 19 BRENDON HABAK MOBILE: 0423 200 400 EMAIL: Inner City Top Selling Agent “Thankyou to all of my clients for helping me achieve “REIWA Grandmaster Salesperson” status this year for listing and selling over $55 Million of inner city real estate.” D SOL SOL 22 / 60 Terrace Road, East Perth 11 / 42 Terrace Road, East Perth 3 D 2.5 From $1,400,000 2 2 D D SOL 2 51 / 255 Adelaide Terrace, Perth 1 $950,000 2 D SOL SOL Brendon Habak B Business (Property) 2 2 806 / 2 St Georges Tce, Perth 1 2 $899,000 2 2 D SOL 117 / 22 St Georges Tce, Perth 2 $1,295,000 36 / 90 Terrace Road, East Perth 1 3 $695,000 2 2 $1,530,000 Proudly awarded REIWA’s 2012 Awards For Excellence “Small Residential Agency of the Year” BARBARA STELMACH MOBILE: 0439 909 383 “You may be surprised with how your inner city property has performed over the past 6 - 12 months. Give me a call for a free appraisal.” EMAIL: Inner City Top Selling Agent R FO LE SA R FO LE SA 8 / 138 Mounts Bay Road, Perth 2 2 1 $759,000 59 / 131 Adelaide Tce, East Perth 2 D 1 2 From $599,000 1 From $469,000 Realestate 88 Selling Property, Not Promises Page 20 - The Perth Voice, Saturday July 27, 2013 w 2 1 SOL 44 / 128 Adelaide Tce, East Perth 3 2 From $699,000 D SOL 133 / 369 Hay Street, Perth 1 2 Barbara Stelmach LLB / BCom 23 / 155 Adelaide Tce, East Perth D SOL 1 R FO LE SA 57 / 100 Terrace Road, East Perth 1 3 From $699,000 2 $1,399,000 2 Phone: (08) 9200 6168 2 / 98 Terrace Road, East Perth WA 6004