1/19/2015 - vhs62.com


1/19/2015 - vhs62.com
January 19, 2015
We need his spirit more than ever
The Monday Update is published weekly, on the
John Bunter Memorial Computer
by Harry Diavatis, who is solely responsible for its content.
Please send correspondence, photographs and archival information to
The Monday Update is posted every Monday on www.VHS62.com
(Seven years of back issues are available to view.)
To receive a free subscription and have the Update
sent directly to your email address, copy and Paste this
Constant Contact link to sign in
People corresponding with the MU are requested to always include their complete name
(including maiden, if applicable) and their school and grad year. It makes my job easier.
Hello Classmates, Schoolmates and Friends:
In this edition: Ron Beckmeyer, Lynda Bingham-Gregor, Barbara Blotzer-Brown ’65, Meredith Brown-Rond,
Loana & Bobby Campo ’59, Sandy Cimino-Cruz ’59, Ron Collins ’60, Gary Cullen SV69, Kathleen DriscollOttarson ’61, Steve Erickson HH63, Ed Giblin ’53, Joel Hall HH63, Liz Hardy-Gross ’64, Keith Kjar ’64, Dave Kuehl
HH66, Sarah Kukuruza-G, Allan Leavitt ’66, Maureen “Mo” Mulroy-Kocourek ’64, Lynn Peters-Ancheta HH64,
Cathy Phillips, Tami Post-Lamb ’64, Tom Price ’61, Nick Razes ’56, Janice Rhodes-Webb ’63, Karen Safer-G, Steve
Seghetti. SV57, Mary Ann Shugar-Healy, Charlie Spooner ’60, Carolyn Vecchio-Brown ’60 and Jim HH65 &
Teresa Williams-Boyd HH70.
HH = Hogan HS SV = St. Vincent’s HS SP = St. Patrick’s HS FF = Former Faculty
G = Guest VJC = Vallejo JC SCC = Solano Community Collee
Year Only (ie: ’60) = year graduated from VHS No indicator after name = VHS Class of ‘62
This ‘n’ That ............................................................................................................... 2
The Mailbag .............................................................................................................. 11
Apache Review of Arts by John Parks....................................................................... 17
Comedy Corner ......................................................................................................... 22
Who You Calling an Old Geezer ................................................................................ 24
Paperback Writer....................................................................................................... 25
A Stroll Down History Lane........................................................................................ 26
Postcard Pals ............................................................................................................ 28
Newbies .................................................................................................................... 29
In Memoriam ............................................................................................................. 29
The Last Word ........................................................................................................... 33
MU Calendar of Upcoming Events ............................................................................ 34
Public Service Announcements ................................................................................. 35
Addendums ............................................................................................................... 38
The Fine Print ............................................................................................................ 42
The Living Tree Memorial Park Order Form .............................................................. 45
This ‘n’ that:
“It’s the Time of the Season for Loving…” Week 2
As we end week number 2 of our fundraiser for little Liam Pappakostas I’m pleased to say that
so far we have received a total of$3,725 in donations from 45 readers and everyday more
donations are coming in. At the risk of being redundant, I am very proud of our MU readers
and their sense of community. What can be more rewarding than to
reach out and help a child.
The spaghetti feed to raise money for Liam is this Sunday and I will
present the Philoptochos Society with the checks that we have
already collected on Liam’s behalf. We will continue to solicit
donations until Valentine’s Day. How appropriate is that? We will
demonstrate our love for that little child and his family on the day
that has been designated for love
To donate to this worthwhile cause, please make your TAX
DEDUCTIBLE DONATION payable to The Philoptochos Society and
then mail it to me and I’ll make sure that all donations go towards
helping Liam.
Harry Diavatis
5087 Green Meadow Court
Fairfield, CA 94534
It’s an uphill climb for Liam but with our
help he’ll make it. Please donate so we
can help Liam on his path to full recovery
Donors to Date
Any donation, large or small, will be appreciated. All
donors will be mentioned in the MU. unless you wish to
remain “anonymous.” We will continue to accept
donations until Valentine’s Day, Feb. 14.
A Spaghetti Luncheon for
Liam Pappakostas
Sunday, Jan. 25
Greek Community Center
1224 Alabama St. -Vallejo
Info…………..…(707) 642-6916
More info in the PSA section of this MU.
From: Lynn Peters-Ancheta HH64
I’m glad I read of this needed campaign.
From: Lynda Bingham-Gregor ‘62
Thanks for taking care of this, Harry. What a sad story.
I sure hope he’ll be able to walk again someday.
From: Steve Erickson HH63
Good time to thank you again for keeping us all together and
all your civic good deeds. Harry, you are one of my mentors.
Thank you, Steve… that means a great deal to me.
Loana & Bobby Campo ‘59
Ed ’57 & Sandy Cimino-Cruze ‘59
Conrad & Meredith Rond-Brown ‘62
Joel Hall HH63
Sidney Baldino-Spear ‘64
Janice Rhodes-Webb ‘63
Linda Hewitt-Barry ‘69
Roger '54 & Ruth Corda
Karen Safer-G
Anonymous '62
Dave Macdonald '56
Mike '56 & Irene Zundel-Campas '60
Mary Ann Shugar-Healy '62
Carolyn Vecchio-Brown '60
Cathy Phillips '62
Pete HH63 & Lynn Peters- Ancheta HH64
Marilyn & Steve Erickson HH63
David Scola '65
Dennis '60 & Lynda Bingham-Gregor '62
Kerin Baker '56
John Parks '62
Pauline Dennis-Bunter '62
Anonymous '62
Anonymous '63
Sue & Bill Wagley '61
Diann Hewitt-Welbourne '57
Marsha Martinez-Donahue '69
Anonymous '62
Mel & Lorraine Brooks
Anonymous '63
John Ranacis '61
Jerry Orr '61
Manny & Orilda Damian-Concepcion '58
Joann HH66 & Bob Mansfield '56
Maureen "Mo" Mulroy-Kocourek '64
Harry ’62 & Sally Diavatis
Gloria Pontarolo-Taft '66
Bob SV63 & Carol Cadloni-Tedesco '64
Joe '62 & Carolyn Smith-Rasler HH64
Tom Hannigan SV58
Mark & Gail Speckel-Barker '57
George '67 & Lori '74 Nelson
Suzanne Schmutz '59
Ed '59 & Cynthia Tunnell-Hewitt '59
Charlie Spooner '60
From: Cathy Phillips ‘62
It really tore at my heart strings reading about little Liam and his dad. I wish I could send more, I’m
hoping this helps in some way to complete his journey to good health and walking again. Please
keep us posted on Liam’s journey in the MU. I appreciate all you do to keep us all connected.
From: Carolyn Vecchio-Brown ‘60
Wish I were rich and could do more. Alas, not the case.
Carolyn, you’re richer than you think. It’s love and caring that bring true riches and you, and
Cathy, and all of our readers who are contributing to little Liam are amassing riches that will
last a lot longer than money. Every dollar that has been donated will help Liam in his journey
to return to health. I’m so very touched by all of you who are reaching out to help.
From: Karen Safer-G
Thank you so much, Harry, for doing this for little Liam. We need more people like you in our lives.
Thanks, Karen, but “people like me” are powerless without people like you.
From: Janice Rhodes-Webb ‘63
This is a donation for Liam. I hope this will help for his care and treatments.
I lost my son, Mark Milander, to cancer and so many people helped me and my family during this very
difficult time. That was 32 years ago and I will never forget the kindness of others.
Janice, I can’t tell you how much your letter moved me. There can’t be anything worse than
losing a child… it’s a pain, that might dull in time, but will never go away.
From: Conrad & Meredith Brown-Rond ‘62
Liam and his dad are in our thoughts and prayers
From: Ed ’57 & Sandy Cimino-Cuz ‘59
So nice of you to do this for baby Liam.
From: Joel Hall HH63
Thank you for doing this for little Liam. Glad I can help.
From: Loana & Bobby Campo ‘59
Thank you, thank you, thank you for doing sooo much for sooo many people. Please direct this to
Liam’s Road to Recovery fund. We hope that you and Sally are doing well. Love to Liam!!
From: Jim HH65 & Teresa Williams-Boyd HH70
Hola Harry,
I am responding to your article in the MU regarding donations for Liam Pappakostas. Your article only
mentioned cash donations so I hope they can take advantage of my offer. Hopefully they can auction
or raffle the beach rental.
I live 20 minutes south of Cancun, Mexico, in a small fishing village. The area is called the Maya
Riviera which covers Cancun, Playa Del Carmen and south to Tulum. The beach rental property
"Casa Dos Delfines" is located in the small fishing village of Puerto Morelos. I would like to donate a
seven night (1 week) stay in the master suite of the Casa Dos Delfines -(2 guests), a $770 value, to
the fund raiser for Liam.
You can view the casa and its amenities at
Occupancy periods would be May - Nov (2015 & 2016) and are subject to current availability at time
of booking. All fees and taxes are included except A/C usage which is additional if requested. The
best of luck with the fund raiser!
Let me know if you need additional information.
Jim and Teresa, thank you so much for your generous offer. I spoke with the organizers of the
Spaghetti Feed benefit and it was decided that your beach rental would be a great silent
auction item. I don’t want any of the MU readers to miss out on this opportunity so if they
want to bid on this, in advance, they can let me know their limit and I’ll do the bidding for
them. We plan on opening the bidding at $250. Remember, it’s a $770 value.
This offer has great appeal to Sally and me, so I made further inquiries of Jim regarding the
Casa and learned that in addition to the master suite, there are two additional suites. I thought
it would be fun to spend a week on the Mexican Riviera with two other couples (as long as one
of them isn’t named Brooks) and mentioned that to Jim.
He wrote back:
The casa has 3 suites with private baths, all with king beds. If you are the successful bidder at
Liam's fund raiser (or not) I'll make you a special deal for the complete casa. You’re good to go, pick
a date and some friends!...
Wow! Talk about an offer too good to refuse.
If any of you readers want to bid on this, please get me your bid via email no later than next
Saturday, January 24. Tell me what is the highest amount you are willing to bid and make
sure to include a phone number. I promise to make sure all of your bids are held in
confidence. (PS: Don’t forget the air fare to Cancun because it’s not included – also you’ll
need to have an up to date passport.)
I spoke with Liam’s grandfather, Jim Pappakostas ’56, on Saturday and he said that Liam is
making progress. They have him on a stationary bike and he is able to use it. His left leg is
paralyzed but he does have some feeling in his toes so they think that there might be a chance
to recover use of that leg. Whatever the case may be, Liam has a long difficult road ahead of
him. We pray that his parent’s, Mark and Laura, continue to be strong and resolute.
CC Sabathia, a 1998 graduate of Vallejo High, is certainly one of the great stories to come out
of Vallejo. He gained fame and fortune, as a starting pitcher for the New York Yankees but
never forgot where he came from and continues to give back to the community. I’ve never
personally met the young man but I’m very proud of him nonetheless.
Vallejo native CC Sabathia hosts baseball camp at Vallejo High
By John Glidden,
Jason Taylor, 6, has his eyes on the ball as he hits
in a mini-game at the CC Sabathia PitCCh In
Foundation baseball camp Saturday morning at
Vallejo High School. Taylor was one of about 250
kids who got free instruction, t-shirts, food and
drink and the opportunity to meet New York
Yankees star and Vallejo native CC Sabathia.
Mike Jory Vallejo Times Herald
The 2014 season was a painful one for New York Yankees pitcher CC Sabathia, as he underwent
knee surgery and made only eight starts.
However, CC and Amber Sabathia couldn’t hide their beaming smiles Saturday morning during the
annual PitCCh In Foundation baseball camp at Vallejo High School.
The couple, the parents of four children, watched as more than 120 local children learned different
aspects of baseball — including hitting,
running the base paths and how to
handle a baseball.
Many of the youngsters couldn’t
contain their own smiles as they played
exhibition games in and around Vallejo
high’s baseball diamond which is
named after CC Sabathia, 34, the
Yankees’ left-hander.
Amber Sabathia, watched by her
husband CC, addresses attendees of
Saturday’s CC Sabathia PitCCh In
Foundation ProCamp at Vallejo High
School. She encouraged a round of
applause for all the parents who were
out supporting their children’s activity.
CC, a native of Vallejo, began the PitCCH In Foundation to assist children and teens gain self
confidence in academics and athletics.
“I’m so glad you guys are out here,” Amber Sabathia said as she addressed the kids. “Seeing you
guys out there on the field and playing, putting your all in what you are doing, is a great thing.”
Then Amber reminded the children to give their all in another area — school.
“He (CC) wouldn’t be here today, if he didn’t give his all, respecting his teachers, and parents, doing
his homework and getting to school every day,” Amber added. “So make sure you guys do that.”
Before playing games, CC fielded questions from the kids, with many of the children asking why the
former Vallejo High School athlete decided to play baseball.
“Baseball picked me,” said the 6foot-7 starting pitcher as he loomed
over the kids.
He also told the kids that playing
various sports during high school
helped him learn coordination.
Later in the day, CC said that he
hoped more kids would play Little
League in the city.
The lefty is coming off a less-thanexpected season in 2014, when he
underwent surgery on his right
knee in July. He went just 3-4 with
a 5.28 ERA in eight starts before undergoing knee surgery. It was the first time in Sabathia’s career
that he has missed significant time on the mound.
For his career, Sabathia has 208 victories and could be on track for 300 wins if he can stay healthy.
“CC is held in high esteem,” said Greg Reason, president of Vallejo Little League. “He is the face of
Vallejo baseball.”
Reason said that he was CC’s first baseball coach when the pitcher was in Little League.
Many of the kids participating in the camp are expected to be playing in the upcoming Little League
season, Reason added.
“Camps like this get the kids excited to play baseball,” Reason said.
Vallejo Admirals assistant coach Mike Samuels said that all the kids on the field reminded him about
the history of Vallejo and the game of the baseball.
“This is what Vallejo used to be like,” Samuels said as he looked around at all the kids on the field.
In the end, CC said that the camp “(makes) it easy for them to show up and get some good
“Baseball is still alive in Vallejo,” he added.
I hate to ruin my good mood by bringing up the clowns on Vallejo School
Board, but this Wednesday, January 21 they are scheduled to make a
decision regarding who will fill the final seat. Vallejoans who had made
formal application for the remaining chair were: Brenda Crawford, Ruscal
Cayangyang, Blance Groves Vaughn, Shelee Loughmiller, Julian Vaughn,
and (are you ready for this?) Hazel Wilson. Actually, I hope this Board is
stupid enough to “spit in the face” of the Vallejo electorate and name Wilson.
John Lewis has threatened that should Wilson be selected, the community
would seek to nullify the board’s appointment, citing that the community
wished to see change on the board. Stick around folks, I think it’s going to get interesting.
Personally I believe that the Board will name Shelee Loughmiller to fill the vacancy. Why do I
think this? Because she is a big fan of Superintendent Ramona Bishop.
This “Side Show” called the Vallejo Unified School District Board became even sillier during
last Wednesday’s meeting. Three of the candidates withdrew leaving only Cayangyang,
Loughmiller and… yep… Hazel Wilson. The Times Herald reported on the meeting and it was
so out of kilter and ludicrous that I’m reprinting the article here for our MU readers You might
want to keep a “barf” bag handy.
Vallejo School Board interviews three to fill vacancy
By John Glidden, Vallejo Times-Herald
“But where are the clowns?
Quick, send in the clowns.
Don't bother, they're here.”
Stephen Sondheim
Vallejo City Unified School District board member Burky Worel, right, brings up a procedural matter
during Wednesday night’s special meeting as the board begins the process of candidate interviews to
fill the board vacancy. Mike Jory – Vallejo Times Herald
The Hogan Middle School auditorium hosted a theater show Wednesday night but it wasn’t a
production on display.
Just the Vallejo City Unified School District Board of Education.
The board met to interview candidates to fill a vacancy on the board. That’s when the show began.
Before selecting questions to ask the candidates, trustee Burky Worel announced that the board had
received letters from Julian Vaughn and Blance Groves Vaughn stating that they no longer wished to
be considered to fill the vacancy. At that time of the meeting, only four candidates remained: Brenda
Crawford, Ruscal Cayangyang, Hazel Wilson, and Shelee Loughmiller.
Worel stated that there was an issue determining whether Julian Vaughn is currently a registered
voter in the county.
By a 3-0 vote – Fellow trustee Raymond Mommsen was not in attendance – the board removed
Julian Vaughn from contention.
Worel also stated that in her letter to the board, Groves Vaughn contends that during the fall election
she was offered a job with the district not to run.
County records show that Groves Vaughn received candidacy papers, seeking election to the board
last fall, but she never returned them.
Worel said that he asked the Solano County District Attorney to look into the allegations
“This has serious implications, not just for this election, for every election,” Worel said.
For Act 2 of the show, the public watched as the board deadlocked over how many questions to ask
the candidates.
Board president Ward “Ace” Stewart and trustee Tony Ubalde mulled over 40 questions submitted by
the general public during the last week, as well as questions supplied from the California School
Boards Association.
Trustee Worel declined to select any questions, stating “I’m fine with any questions you want to ask.”
Stewart and Ubalde initially decided on 12 questions to ask the candidates.
Worel asked that the number be culled to seven questions, arguing that 10 questions is “too many.”
Stewart then invited Worel to select the questions he wished the board to remove from contention.
Worel then moved that the board only ask seven questions, prompting Ubalde to ascertain which
seven questions the board should ask the candidates.
“Whichever you gentlemen choose,” Worel responded.
“We, gentlemen, choose 10, so if you want to remove three, you should remove three in your motion,”
Stewart said in response to Worel.
Ubalde declined to second Worel’s motion, eventually making a motion to adopt eight questions.
Worel declined to second the motion, stating that “with no second, I believe that motion also fails.”
Then the meeting became more interesting: Stewart announced that another candidate, Brenda
Crawford, declined to continue the process. All four candidates had been sequestered from the main
meeting during the question selection period.
“I think that means we are down to three that already ran in the (fall) election,” Worel said after the
announcement, reiterating that his previous motion died due to a lack of a second.
In the November election Cayangyang placed fourth, finishing two votes ahead of then-incumbent
trustee Wilson, while Loughmiller finished seventh.
“Mr. Chairman, I thought I was moving toward a compromise and rather than 10 (questions), I moved
down to eight,” Ubalde said. “And that it was fair governance and working together to proceed with
the interview.
“I feel that those eight questions are significant because they give us a broad perspective and insight
from the candidates,” he added.
Ubalde motioned again to ask eight questions of the candidates.
Worel declined to second, stating that the board president can also make and second motions.
After speaking, there was dead silence, causing the audience to murmur, with some laughing. One in
the audience called out, “Are we having a meeting tonight?”
Worel said that the three candidates had already been asked questions during the fall. He then made
a motion that the board ask seven questions, prompting Stewart to inquire on which seven questions
the board should ask the candidates.
“Whichever seven you two choose,” Worel said, causing laughter in the audience.
“This is not a kangaroo court,” Ubalde said in anger.
“This is a very serious matter,” he added, with many in attendance clapping in response. “This is not a
joke, this is very serious and we ought to take it very seriously.”
Ubalde asked Worel to “stop playing games.”
“I tried to compromise, we were at 11 (questions), now we are down to eight,” Ubalde said as he
slammed his hand on the table. “For Pete’s sakes.”
Ubalde then invited Worel to remove a question so the board could move on with the interview.
After a brief silence, Ubalde made a motion that the board ask seven questions, stating “because this
is a very childish procedure.”
Worel seconded.
“This is unheard of,” Ubalde said.
The board finally decided on the seven questions, as those in attendance began to applaud.
Then Act 3 of the play began: The public speaking on the issue.
“The decision has already been made, I’m sure when it comes back ... that this will be a 3-1 vote and
Hazel Wilson will be appointed, most likely,” local citizen Stephen Hallett said as he addressed the
board. “And quite frankly, that is unfair and ridiculous. You already have made up your mind, that is
clear,” he added.
Deborah Ceryes also spoke to the board, inviting the board and audience to take deep, long breaths.
“I don’t think it is correct for people to speak of predictions of the board and I think we need to follow
the trustees’ decision to follow this process,” Ceryes said with some in the audience clapping.
Ceryes then spoke to Worel, asking whether he had committed to the district’s values “and I expect
you to.”
Worel stated that the whole question period was a “waste of time,” because the rest of the board had
already decided which candidate to select.
“We could have taken the vote already (and) in my mind, the three of you have already made up your
mind,” Worel said, as audience members clapped. “We are wasting time, when we could be doing
school district business.”
The board then interviewed Loughmiller, Wilson and Cayangyang from a variety of questions, ranging
from the top three issues facing the district to what each candidate is most proud of with the district.
The board is set to make its selection Wednesday.
We await the decision with bated breath… NOT!
From: Keith Kjar ‘64
Harry, I'm sure by now you have been informed on the recent school board fiasco regarding the
appointment of the fifth member. Here's a two hour video which seems like a total waste of time.
Check out this video and tell me whether it is a tragedy or a comedy.
Actually, Keith, it's a FARCE. I read the TH article and don't think I could possibly suffer
through a 2-hour video of watching those clowns. I hope that Vallejoans will launch a
campaign to recall the entire Board before they do any more damage.
The Mail Bag
From: Ron Beckmeyer
Hi Harry.
First I want to wish you and Sally a very happy 2015. Hoping we all
stay out of the hospitals this year.
As the year 2014 was closing, I am recalling the many deaths of our
friends, classmates and family members. The last two years we
have lost many good souls. Having attended more than my
share of memorial ceremonies, one such service will not leave my
mind. In December, a few days before Christmas, I attended a friend’s mothers funeral service. Ten
days after her mother’s death, her father passed away from a broken heart (loss of the wife married
67 years) I can’t imagine the loss of both parents that close together. The reason this will not leave
my mind is during her mother’s memorial the daughter rose and went to the podium . This daughter
recited a moving poem by Linda Ellis called THE DASH. This poem tells of a man standing to speak
at a friend’s funeral and noted the two dates on the headstone. One is that of their birth and the other
date of their death, However, he goes on stating it is the DASH between these dates that count as it
represents all the time they spent alive on this earth. This is what we should remember of this person
maybe not just the two dates, but this DASH . This poem continued as the daughter spoke touching
my soul. Leaving this service, I went home wanting to re-read this poem. I went to my Amazon book
account and typed in THE DASH. You can also type in Linda Ellis (the dash) into to your computer to
read this poem. After reading her poem, I purchased her book called LIVE YOUR DASH. We
remember yesterday, we live today, However, we are not guaranteed to see a tomorrow, so live your
DASH as best you can. I do not usually recommend books, as I have read less than a dozen, cover
to cover, however, this LIVE YOUR DASH is worth your purchase .The other book is that of THE
RUBAIYAT OF OMAR KHAYYAM translated by Edward Fitzgerald. Omar Khayyam was a Persian
mathematician, astronomer and poet with a birth date of 1048 -----Dash date ------1131.
Thanks, Beck… but now I have to “dash” along. LOL Oh, and by the way, I made a “dash” for
Barnes and Noble to buy the books you suggested and I couldn’t remember the name of the
second book… I thought you said it was the Kama Sutra, so I bought it. Hmmm… I guess that
wasn’t the book, but it was certainly… interesting.
From: Liz Hardy-Gross ‘64
Thanks Harry, for all your hard work and have a great week. Always enjoy reading your newsletters…
except for when I read about my old buddies passing on. Everett (Flowers) was always one of them,
all through junior high, and high school. I moved away in 1974, but remained friends with all the
chicas. Now most have moved away, or are moving out of Vallejo. Thank God for the internet! Of
course Lynn and Pete (Ancheta), and Carol and Bob (Tedesco) will never leave.
Yes, Liz, it’s always difficult to see our friends depart. I’ve sure lost some good ones.
From: Dave Kuehl HH66
I believe the Jelly Belly #44 is a P-51 Mustang. The plane is owned by Steve Seghetti and his son
Brant (based at Nut Tree Airport, Vacaville). I heard Steve bought the Mustang in 1983 and rebuilt it
after it was shipped to him in pieces. Brant has raced "Sparky" at the Reno Air Races for several
years. The plane is sponsored by Jelly Belly (http://sparkyairracing.com/sparky). ; The other plane
(landing on top the motorhome) is Kent Pietsch's Cadet stunt plane, also sponsored by Jelly Belly.
Thanks, Dave… and now let’s hear from the man himself.
From: Steve Seghetti. SV57
Hiya Harry. The airplane referred to by
Sharon Kent-Harris in John Park’s ARA
column, is a WWII P-51D Mustang that has
been in my keep for 31 years. Friends and I
restored it over a 3 year period starting April
1984. An actual combat veteran with 5 air
The plane is actively flown in local air shows
and participates in the Reno Air Races every
September. “Sparky” resides at the Nut Tree
Airport in Vacaville and is always available for
tours with a few days notice.
We have the Jimmy Doolittle Museum here in the big
hanger at the Nut Tree. B-25 Bomber, T6 Texan trainer, T28 trainer, Ryan STA, Grumman F-4F Wildcat Navy fighter,
our P-51 and several others on display. Love to have
E mail me at
sparknot44@gmail.com for
Thanks, Harry, for your
weekly newsletter.
From: Mary Ann Shugar-Healy
While working madly to finally box up all my Christmas house decorations so I could put them away, I
decided to take a break. Part of the break (Okay, so I was stalling or avoiding the work) I decided to
read the January 12th MU. So what did I see, but a comment and picture in John Parks' Apache
Review of Arts indicating that the ornaments should be all boxed up by now! Okay, John, I'm working
on it! Quit your nagging. I've been postponing it for a week, so I can stall a little more. I finished
reading the MU, ate dinner, and now I'm stalling long enough to send this email.
I'm also very touched by your work for little Liam Pappakostas. Life isn't fair that a 5 year old has to
deal with such issues. A check will be in the mail, and I hope you make a million!
Thanks, Mary Ann, I received your check last Thursday. Much appreciated.
From: Charlie Spooner ‘60
Oh my gosh, Harry! Several people have advised me that the scene involving putting the horse
"down" is included in Wild the movie. My review in The Occasional Spoonful said it was left out.
How did I miss it? Did I doze off? Did my cranky bladder send me running to the restroom? Or is my
cognition slipping a cog -- or two? Whatever the case, I apologize to our loyal readers, and to JeanMarc Vallee and Nick Hornby, for the misinformation. I promise to do better in the future.
Charlie, don’t you realize what really transpired? It’s the “Ol’ Yeller”
defense mechanism in play. When the movie, about the stray dog,
came out in 1957 our young adolescent brains were not prepared for
Ol’ Yeller to be put down at the end of the film and as a result we
were traumatized to the point where we now refuse to acknowledge
the “putting down” of any animal. Regarding Wild, the movie, yes,
you were there… you saw it… but you’re brain refused to accept it.
You, my friend, are blissfully ignorant when it comes to the pain and
suffering of animals… You are suffering from Animal Stress
Syndrome (ASS.)
You’re welcome,Chas… the bill is in the mail.
From: Gary Cullen SV69
Harry ~ In the recent MU, you had a mention of Phyllis Neeley '42. I am interested in meeting with
her (if she is willing) to chat about her life in Vallejo during the war. I am currently doing research on
that time period 1942-1944, specifically about Vallejo's role during WWII. My father was one of the
"Boys from Boston" better known as the 211th Anti Aircraft Artillery National Guard Unit out of
Boston. They were deployed to Vallejo seven days after the Pearl Harbor attack, to protect Vallejo
and specifically Mare Island, from further Japanese attack. I'm looking for people like Ruth who were
here at that time and might be able share their memories of the events during that period.
Can I access her contact info from you, or if needed, can you ask her if I could contact her?
The story is something I'm hoping to put into book form titled "Boys From Boston", hopefully by next
year. The interesting fact is, of the 1800 men who were deployed, over 300 of them returned to the
Vallejo area, married local gals, started families and businesses, and became part of Vallejo's future.
Some of the local names you should recognize...Pendergast, Tedesco, Carnes, Rollins, Kukuruza,
Mederios, DeMello, Akermann, McInerney, and Robinson are just a few of the many.
I've already interviewed a good number of individuals from that time period, but am looking for others,
thus, if you can think of any other seniors in our community that may have been around during that
period, let me know.
That’s quite an endeavor you’ve undertaken, Gary… the book should be fascinating. You’ve
already told me a great deal more than I knew. The MU has 17 readers who were graduates of
Vallejo High from the years1937 through 1949. I have forwarded your email to all of them, so
it’ll be interesting to see who participates.
From: Maureen “Mo” Mulroy-Kocourek ‘64
I saw the article on Liam in the Times-Horrid and am happy to read you are spreading the word and
helping to raise funds for his recovery. I'm sending my check to you today! I've also marked the
spaghetti luncheon fundraiser on my calendar.
I also wanted to ask you to spread the word about our rowing club Straits Of Mare Island Rowing
Association (SOMIRA)'s annual fundraising crab feed. It will be held on Saturday, January 31st at
Dan Foley. Cocktail hour begins at 5:00 p.m. and the dinner starts at 6:00. I'm attaching a flyer and
hope that you will include it in the MU. If anyone wants tickets, they can email me
mo@somira.org. We usually sell out, so sooner is better than later for ticket purchase. Also, if
anyone or any business would like to donate a raffle item, we'd love to have it to help raise $$. This
is our major annual fundraiser that we depend on to keep our whaleboats afloat. Hope to see you
and Sally and other Apaches there!
Mo, you might see me, but “fat chance” you’ll see Sally. She’s not a seafood lover as I am.
Your flier for the crab feed can be viewed in the PSA section of this MU.
From: Steve Erickson HH63
Greetings Harry, Sally, and MU Bunch,
It was so good to see how well your fund raising effort to help the Pappakostas family defray some of
their expenses for Mark, and little Liam is coming along. Watching folks come together in these
situations always restores my faith in the human condition. Folks like you, Harry, are my mentors.
Some are gifted at organizing these fund raisers… once they're started, it seems there's always
volunteers to follow.
Condolences, and prayers to the families of Gordon Shaffer, and Everett Flowers. Can’t say that I
knew Gordon, but knew Everett from school, I was on the sophomore football team at Vallejo with
him. As you put it so well we've lost so many folks that we are better for having known them… is it our
Hope Linda Boatwright-Morgan, another classmate, is well on to recovery. Truly sad when these
things can happen in your own garage, and then some slick lawyer can have them back out on the
street faster then you can get out of the hospital.
Good to see visits from two of the ole neighborhood gang, Frank Darling, and Jamie Curb. Rekindled
many fond memories… we were indeed a close knit community. Jamie, you mean you weren't a
boy? You, and Susan Monahan were two of my best buddies, street baseball, hide and seek,
marbles. Susan had all my marbles she was deadly into keepsies.
Frank, I played a couple seasons on your dad's team, he was a good coach. Like most of my sports
career I was a relief player, never a real threat to the other teams. Ha!
We were on 864 Beechwood Ave. from 1951 till 1964… by then I was over choppy seas in the
service. Mom, dad, and Patrick moved to 128 Acacia Way on a hill off Benicia Road. Dad had always
wanted to live on a hill overlooking the bay.
I read Tim Jackson's letter concerning a motorized lift up the stairs. I'm with you, Harry, stick to the
stairs, as long as you can. Here in Minnesota most all houses, I should say the two we've built, have
at least a basement, ours both had upstairs bedrooms so we have two sets of stairs. We were 55
when we built this one, we not only get exercise with the stairs, we also have a walk-around deck so
we get a lot of upper body work out, shoveling snow off it.
Always find something relevant in John Parks’ writings, his
picture of an Ice plant flower, reminded me of the respect I
gained for this plant while serving in the Marines. Most of the
bases I was stationed at, states-side, were semi desert, and
common grass didn't fare well. But ice plant thrived, so
improvising, as my old outfit so often did, we called it grass.
We raked, and groomed it, and had little red, and yellow signs
that said “Keep off the Grass.”
Almost forgot I did an Anniversary card, on Facebook, to my
Sweet Marilyn on our 49th wedding anniversary yesterday.
Sally sent me a message, and said perhaps I should send you
the picture, never having been too poetically gifted like some
of the folk on this site, I borrowed some lines from one of my
favorites Mark Twain.
“Marriage gives to two questioning natures a reason
for living, and something to live for; it will give new
gladness to the sunshine, a new beauty to the earth,
and a new mystery to life.”
I wrote some other stuff in my Facebook card to her, she must
of liked it because she said “thank you.”
Well that’s about it from the Banana Belt of Minnesota, for this
visit. It’s gonna be in the 40s tomorrow… maybe a bike ride?
Keep on doing good, Harry, we appreciate all your labor
though, I truly believe, it's a labor of love.
Damn, but that’s a good looking couple. Congratulations
to you both. 49 years… WOW!
From: Sandy Cimino-Cruz ‘59
Ed and I are doing great and we hope you and Sally are as well. Our holidays were wonderful but too
much food. Now it’s vegie time (you know us Eye-talians and our pasta,)
Take care and thanks again for connecting us to all our dear Vallejo High friends.
Hmmm… funny that you should mention “pasta” and refer to it as “our pasta” as if it’s an Eyetalian culinary discovery. While some folks believe that pasta originated in China and was
brought to Italy by Marco Polo, here is another plausible theory.
Most food historians believe that Arabs (specifically from Libya) are to be credited for
bringing pasta to the Mediterranean basin. In the Talmud, written in Aramaic in the 5th
century AD, there is a reference to pasta being cooked by boiling. It is thought, then,
that pasta was introduced to Italy during the Arab conquests of Sicily in the 9th century
AD, which had the interesting side effect of drastically influencing the region’s cuisine.
Its also known that by the 12th century, the Italians had learned from the Arabs methods
for drying pasta to preserve it while traveling. Further support for this theory can be
found by the fact that, in many old Sicilian pasta recipes, there are Arab gastronomic
Isn’t it nice to know that the Arabs are responsible for giving us something other than Algebra
and “Jihad?”
The Apache Review of Arts
. . . . Replies were hazy. Trying again.
By John Parks
BEFORE MY MIND GET'S IN THE WAY ---- I'll tell you about my visit to Mona's Lebanese Cafe and
Catering. Bill and Jackie, two retired string players from the symphony in Washington DC, wanted to
open an antiques store. They found an old house to use in eastern Loudon, at what was once the
small village of Guildford Station which had grown up around a stop on the now abandoned W&OD
The name later changed to Sterling, and suburban
growth eventually engulfed the little community. The
old home now houses their shop, primarily selling
wood furniture. Their friend, Mona, needed a better
place to operate her catering business that specializes
in Lebanese dishes. They worked out an arrangement for her to use the roomy kitchen. She also offers
limited-menu lunches four days a week, but can only
handle about a dozen patrons who use chairs and
tables that are for sale in the antique store. My
Lebanese food was excellent; I really enjoyed the
meal. Also, the people I met there were really interesting and nice. One was a retired English
teacher who taught Katie Couric at Yorktown High in Arlington way-back-when.
MOVIETONE NEWS --- This is an excellent film, one of the best I've
seen. It's a true story, very well produced, based around the life of
Olympian “Louie” Zamperini who just died this past July at age 97.
He was raised in Torrance and was to be Grand Marshall for the Rose
Parade this year. His family filled in for him. The movie portrays his
survival in a raft for 47 day after his bomber was downed in WWII, and
how he endured a series of Japanese prison camps. What a guy! See
Pokey Little Puppy, Hokey Pokey = POKEY
House is
surrounded by the
Arlington National Cemetery and the Kennedy
graves are about 100 yards down the hill on the
right. Here's a summary of a new book about the
house. “Union soldiers occupied Arlington House,
Robert E. Lee’s home in Virginia, soon after the
beginning of the Civil War. The inventory below
was taken in 1863, for the case, “U.S. v. all the
Rights, Titles, of Robert E. Lee,” a suit brought
against Lee for nonpayment of property taxes. The list shows the extent of furnishings left in the
large house, even after Lee’s wife Mary Anna Randolph Custis had moved many of the more valuable
items for safekeeping.
In his book, Houses of Civil War America, Hugh Howard writes that the mansion served many
purposes during the war: It was the headquarters for General George McClellan; its property held a
hospital; and “in 1863, the southern portion of the estate became a freedman’s village for thousands
of runaway slaves. The Custis-Lee family had early 200 slaves.
George Washington Parke Custis, who built Arlington House, was Martha Washington’s grandson
(through a son from a previous marriage). When his father died during the Revolutionary War,
George and Martha Washington adopted this boy, along with one of his sisters. In 1831 this man's
daughter married Robert E. Lee.
Custis’ large painting of Washington, Battle of Monmouth, finished in 1840, wouldn’t have been in the
house at the time of this inventory, as a relative removed it at the beginning of the war. The “large
painting” the inventory refers to must have been another on the same theme, showing how important
the connection to Washington was to the Custis-Lee family.
The suit against Lee succeeded in 1864, and the house and contents went up for auction, ending up
in Federal Government possession. The Union Army buried war dead on its grounds. In the 1880s,
the Supreme Court ruled that the wartime confiscation had been illegal, and the Lees’ oldest son sold
the house and grounds back to the Government for what he considered to be a fair price. (BTW, my
youngest daughter, taught at a school where Bob Lee (Robert E. Lee V) was the athletic director.)
Arlington National Cemetery now occupies much of the former Custis-Lee land, and Arlington County
was named after the house.
Inventory of Gen’l Lee’s personal property at Arlington House, August 29 th 1863
11 Sofa bottom chairs
3 Arm red plush seat chairs
1 Brussels Carpet
3 Red blush seat sofas
7 large Paintings in Hall
1 Extention [sic] dining table
1 large Painting of Washington
& his officers on the Battlefield
4 Book Cases
6 Cane bottom chairs
9 bedsteads
2 Wardrobes
4 Husk mattresses
4 Stands
1 Centre table
1 Common Book [?] Chair
2 Cane B Chairs
1 small Book case
2 Bureaus
1 pair hand ?
4 Ward Robes
2 Marble top N Stands
2 Side boards
1 Marble top centre table
2 Marble top stands
2 Hair mattresses
1 large Wardrobe
1 Moss [?] Mattress
2 Straw “
2 Fancy Candlesticks
2 Bureaus
1 Fancy glass case Clock
7 Paintings
9 Engravings
2 Piano Stools
1 Music Stand
1 shovel, tongs, & bellows
1 secretary
10 guilt [gilt] frames
1 large Map of Va
2 Guilt Window Heads
9 & 1 wash Stand
2 Dress bureaus & glasses
1 Carpet, +, 3 Boxes of Books
3 Stories
1 Marble top Wash Stand
1 large secretary
4 Stands
2 Tables
Oh, and by the way, my wedding was on the front porch.
I remember how the upper crust in my hometown
pronounced it—care-a-mel. Which is correct, I guess,
but to everybody else it was carmel.
Which led to the misconception about the order
of Carmelites.
I imagined they served God by heating sugar
to about 170 C, then adding milk and butter
and vanilla essence while they listened
to the radio.
I thought I could do that. I could wear the white
shirt and pants. I knew I couldn’t be good
but I might be a good candy maker.
So imagine my chagrin when I learned about
the vows of poverty and toil enjoined
by these particular friars.
I also crossed off my list the Marshmellowites
and the Applepieites, two other orders I
was thinking of joining.
“Bad News About My Vocation" by Ron Koertge
AN OLD FRENCH AD FOR INK ---- When was the last time you bought
some ink? Was the purchase made at that tiny store in the business
building at VHS?
FROM THE ERIC DUGAN STUDIO IN VALLEJO ---The little white cloud that cried?
THE SONG OF THE WEEK ---- is an introduction to hip jazz, by Bing Crosby and Louie Armstrong. It
even references rock 'n roll! I think you'll like it.
CAROL ---- was a big hit for Chuck Berry in 1958. Here it is once again for your listening pleasure, in
honor of one of the best Carols ever: Cris's wife, my sister-in-law, who is celebrating a birthday this
week. This one goes out to you, "CJ". https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=HYYr4-Red-U
“Like a one-eyed cat peepin' in a seafood store,”
Join the battle of the sexes by sending your idea of what passes
for humor to the Monday Update. Please try to keep it clean.
After all we have old people reading this stuff. “
For the Hers… from Tami Post-Lamb ‘64
A husband and wife are on the 9th green when
suddenly she collapses from a heart attack!
"Help me dear," she groans to her husband.
The husband calls 999 on his cell phone, talks for
a few minutes, picks up his putter, and lines up
his putt.
His wife raises her head off the green and stares
at him. "I'm dying here and you're putting?"
"Don't worry dear," says the husband calmly,
"they found a doctor on the second hole and he's
coming to help you.
"Well, how long will it take for him to get here?"
she asks feebly.
"No time at all," says her husband. "Everybody's
already agreed to let him play through."
“Hang on Sloopy, Sloopy hang on…”
For the Hims… Anonymous
A blonde goes into work one morning crying her eyes out.
Her boss asked sympathetically, 'What's the matter?'
The blonde replies, 'Early this morning I got a phone call
saying that my mother had passed away.'
The boss, feeling sorry for her, says, 'Why don't you go
home for the day? Take the day off to relax and rest.'
'Thanks, but I'd be better off here. I need to keep my mind
off it and I have the best chance of doing that here.'
The boss agrees and allows the blonde to work as usual. A
couple of hours pass and the boss decides to check on her.
He looks out from his office and sees the blonde crying
'What's so bad now? Are you gonna be okay?' he asks.
'No!' exclaims the blonde. 'I just received a horrible call from
my sister. Her mother died, too!'
Oh, NO. Not my sister’s mom too! Next thing you kow
it’ll be my dad’s wife…
“Who you callin’
an Old Geezer?!”
This feature will appear in large font to make it easier for
some of you to read.
John was retired and wanted to stay active so he invested some money in a small
cattle ranch. He went to the local bank to borrow money for a new bull. The loan was
made and Banker Bill, who lent the money, came by a week later to see how the bull
was doing.
John complained that the bull just ate grass and wouldn't even look at a cow. The
Banker suggested that he have a veterinarian take a look at the bull.
Next week, the Banker returned to see if the vet had helped.
John really looked very pleased. "The bull has serviced all of my cows! He broke
through the fence, and bred all my neighbor's cows! He's been breeding just about
everything in sight. He's like a machine!"
"Wow," said The Banker , "what did the vet do to that bull?"
"Just gave him some pills," replied John.
"What kind of pills?" asked the Banker
"I don't know, but they got a peppermint taste."
Contributed by Ed Giblin ‘53
Okay, Readers, send in that little short story, essay, poem, remembrance or whatever, you always thought
deserved to be published and we’ll use it in Paperback Writer..
“Dear Sir or Madam, will you read my book?
It took me years to write, will you take a look?”
Paperback Writer
Religious Jihadists and the Mind of Men
An Essay by Ron Collins ‘60
The singular forms some religions take are rooted in men's desire to follow their ancient social roots
of male dominance. Islamists continue to gather many converts from the tribal and elementary social
forms of culture that place men head of the family and essentially, as Churchill pointed out in
a prophetic speech written in 1899, "makes slaves out of females." A lesson the world is learning is
that the religion of Islam takes a preponderant number of converts from historic tribal groups that
have male dominance as part of their culture, so it's easy to convert males to Islam since the social
and religious culture are similar. There is only the need to convert the male, for in Islamic religion, the
family including the female, is lead by the male.
In times past, the world was dominated by powerful political and economic systems, especially those
imperial colonialists of the 1800's. Then, the world was led by economic systems of the 1900's
including capitalism and communism. Now, it's the battle for individual minds. Not just territory or
country, this battle is being waged by portions of a radical Islamist religion who only initially need
male converts.
This is a dangerous undertaking. The modern world has always behaved as if politics and economics
would determine social stability under orderly government and laws fostered by constitutions.
Now, world leaders are scrambling to head off the tide of extremists who convert to Islam. This
religion, in its extreme form of jihadists, is converting males into believing they are not just heads of
their families, but also heads of the world religious order of Islam.
As males of tribal mentality believe they are sole heads of the family, so do jihadists believe their
religion is sole head of all religions and nations. These recruiters of Islam have merely taped into
what appears to be the elementary social and cultural forms of male dominance, and have applied it
to a deathly struggle for world dominance.
Indeed, the world is engaged in the struggle for the mind of mankind. Peace will be won in the distant
future through the education of human rights. That education includes acceptance of the sanctity of
life among world institutions, governments and religionists, and protection of the pursuit of happiness
within freedom by means of the separation of church and State in the rule of law over all beliefs.
Jihadists are only one element to the disruption of peace. All governments and individuals who
disrespect or disregard the individual right to exist safely are engaged in preventing individual liberty,
the corner-stone for peace and prosperity in the world.
A Stroll Down History Lane…
A place to share your memories…
before they disappear forever.
From: Nick Razes ‘56
Monday January 25, 1982 (33) years ago. All
of the 49er Fans went nuts. Will Tomsula
bring us another one? I like him, and hope
he will.
Good luck to you and other Niner
fanatics, like your classmate Dave
Macdonald. Personally, I don’t care for
their quarterback Colin Kaepernik. I think
all those tats make him look sleazy as
hell and a terrible role model.
He makes you long for Joe Montana,
doesn’t he?
From: Allan Leavitt ‘66
I hope you can forward these pictures to the gentleman that is doing the research on the Silverado
Boy Scouts Council.
I was unable to open the pics, for some unfathomable reason, but I did manage to forward
them to Tom Price.
From: Tom Price ‘61
Hi Harry,
Thanks for forwarding the double Boy Scout panorama you received from Allan Leavitt. Good
clarity. And, thank you, Allan, for sending it.
This photo was taken in July 1961, at Camp Silverado at Silver Lake, off Hwy 88 [at the base of
Thunder Mountain], Amador County, on the way up to Carson Pass.
Regarding person identity, so far but one adult is identified , Mr. Joe Regner [Vallejo High Industrial
Arts Teacher], back row, seventh from the your left, has a flattop and glasses. Another man, centered
in white shirt, probably was the camp cook. I have good record of Camp Silverado summer camp
leadership staff for numerous years.
For the sake of local Vallejo, Benicia and Napa Scouting history, it’d be great if readers might ID
others in this photograph, especially the adults. Moreover, MU readers are invited to share any and
all Silverado Boy Scouting and leadership stories [even those I may not be allowed to print, ha ha] as
well as additional imagery of events, ceremonies, Scout awards and certificates and patches, etc.
In addition, if anyone is thinking of cleaning out that old closet and discarding Cub Scout, Boy Scout,
Explorer Scout and Venture Scout memorabilia [even just one item !!!], I’d deeply appreciate being
contacted. Even though for health reasons I am stuck in Southern California for the next six months,
there are several current Scout leaders in Napa and Vallejo that might be able to pick up and hold all
donations until summer.
All donated Scout materials will be well organized, properly preserved and archived for all time in the
Silverado Area Council Archive. Harry, please share my email with those interested. Thank you.
From: Kathleen Driscoll-Ottarson ‘61
On January 10th I completed my 2nd “SHARKFEST
SWIM”in Troncones Mexico. This is a 1.1 mile open ocean
swim. While it is not a race, don’t kid yourself it is a bit
competitive. There were about 17 participants with an age
span of 50 years. I’m the oldest at 70 and 11/12ths. It’s
not a difficult swim once you get past the surf, the swells
were gentle, rolling swells that just add interest to the
It is not a timed event and everyone completed in less than
1 hour. My goal was to complete and not come in last. I
came in 10th in a field of 17. I was very pleased with my
The most difficult part is keeping oriented and not
swimming out to sea. There are no black lines on the
ocean floor, but there were many stand up paddle boarders that marked the course and were easy to
see and kept everyone oriented. One paddle boarder’s dog always goes with him.
We’ve been in Mexico for about a month now and will stay for 2
more months. It’s 10:15 as I write this and the temperature is 77.
The nights are fantastic, with folks out on the streets and in beach
front restaurants socializing, eating and enjoying the many music
venues. The days do get hot up to the mid 80’s but we have learned
to siesta quite nicely and enjoy the mornings and evenings. We live
on the local economy shopping in the Mercado and enjoying the
simple life.
Wow, Kathy! That picture of you emerging from the ocean
reminded me of another iconic emerging scene…
This week’s Newbies
From: Sarah Kukuruza-G
Hi Harry! Sarah Kukuruza here for my dad. Could you please add me to your
list? This way i can keep dad apprised of all the happenings seeing as he
still lives in the stone ages. Thanks!! I hope you and your family are all well
and healthy.
Hi Sarah… wow, it’s been a long time. Nice to hear from you. Yes, I’ll
certainly add you and your dad Phil SV63 to the MU list. Give my
regards to Sam and LeAnn too. Hey, Phil! I miss you old friend… give me a call and I’ll let you
buy me lunch. LOL.
In Memoriam
Jacqueline Carroll Austin ‘66
March 16, 1946 - January 4, 2015
Mrs. Jacqueline Carroll Austin, 68, of Vallejo passed away on Jan. 4, due to a brief
illness. Jacqueline was born in Vallejo where she worked in nursing at Sutter
Solano Medical Center for 20 years. She was a 1966 graduate of Vallejo High
Jacqueline's greatest joy and favorite thing to do was to spend time and care for
her immediate family, her grandchildren, sisters, brothers, her mother and father.
She took pride in making sure everyone in her family was dressed appropriately at
all times and displayed proper etiquette.
She is preceded in death by her mother, Juliaette Inez Carroll. Mrs. Austin is survived by her
husband, Joseph N. Austin, Sr. of Vallejo; daughter, Janee' Austin; son, Joseph Austin, Jr. and five
grandchildren. Memorial service were held Saturday, Jan. 17, at Skyview Memorial Lawn, in Vallejo.
I send my condolences to my classmate Joe Austin and his family on their loss.
From: Barbara Blotzer-Brown ‘65
I am very sad to report that my cousin John Joyce passed away. He was the brother of Tom Joyce
‘66, Linda Joyce-Meyer ‘67, Prof Mary Joyce (who proceeded him in death), and the son of John (Jip)
Joyce and Catherine Blotzer-Joyce.
Some of your readers might remember my Uncle Jip as being a baseball umpire for many years in
Vallejo and as a firefighter at Mare Island. My cousins Tom and John played baseball in Vallejo as did
my brother Steve Blotzer.
Thanks Harry for providing us your wonderful Monday Update! It is enjoyed very much!
John F. Joyce ‘72
January 19, 1954- December 21, 2014
John F. Joyce, "JJ," a 30-year resident of Las Vegas,
passed peacefully into the arms of Jesus Sunday, Dec. 21,
2014, at 8:33 p.m. at Nathan Adelson Hospice. In
attendance were his loving wife, Patricia Preston-Joyce;
brother, Thomas Joyce of Prescott, Ariz.; and kindergarten
friend, Kelly McWilliams of Los Angeles.
JJ was born Jan. 19, 1954, in Vallejo, and was a 1972
graduate of Vallejo High School. He was a senior at
Sacramento State when he became interested in gaming
during Spring break while his group stayed at Harrah's, Reno. JJ enrolled in Harrah's dice school and
began a 35-year career in gaming. Eventually, JJ transferred to Harrah's Las Vegas, where he
finished his BA at UNLV before opening Bellagio and Wynn, where he was promoted to CSTL.
John had a zest for life, always wore a smile, had an old fashioned work ethic of "earn your check"
while still having fun. John was an over comer of life's adversities and never complained. He spent his
life, money, and positions making things fair for others when he could.
He was tenacious in living beyond the prognosis of 3-6 months DR's gave in 2008 for GBM brain
cancer. He returned to work against doctor's orders and lived another six years and five months,
enduring four brain surgeries, three in 2014.
JJ was passionate about many things, all sports but especially baseball and the Giants (he got to see
three championship games), bicycling the loop, music (his brain was an archive of all groups names,
dates, and lyrics), Harley's, swimming, was an avid snow skier, loved animals, and Smithwicks beer
at his favorite Irish Pub. JJ was kindhearted, loyal, and loved his family and friends.
John is survived by his wife, Patricia Joyce; brother, Thomas Joyce; sister, Linda (Bruce) Meyer; and
niece, Brenna Joyce. Private memorial services are pending for summer 2015 in Lake Tahoe. Please
donate in JJ's memory to Heaven Can Wait, 702-227-5555.
John Kloske had been a faithful reader of the MU for several years. We send our condolences
to the family on their loss.
John Kloske ‘61
October 14, 1942 - January 6, 2015
John Kloske, aged 72, and a 21-year resident of White House, TN passed away Jan.
6, at Alive Hospice following a long illness from cancer. He is survived by his mother,
Doris (Monsees) Mitchell of San Diego, CA; sisters, Jerry Ann Cook (Gary), JoAnne
Steely (Philip); nieces, nephews and grandnephews, and was pre-deceased by his
father, Robert Earl Kloske late of Jupiter, FL, and his brother, James Morgan late of
Aberdeen, WA.
He had no children. John was a native son of Vallejo, but lived in his youth in several
California communities, and in Arizona, Missouri, Louisiana, and Hawaii. He was a longtime resident
of Sacramento, CA where he served most of his 29 years of public service in various roles with the
State of California. John was a peace officer and former deputy State Fire Marshal, an employee of
the State Personnel Board, the Department of Personnel Administration, the Office of Emergency
Services, and the Department of Corrections. He was a former member of the City of Vallejo Fire
Department, where he spent most of his eight years of service in the fire prevention bureau rising to
the rank of Fire Marshal. He was the Director of the Junior Fire Department in Vallejo schools, and a
leader in improving emergency cardiac and respiratory response techniques and equipment. At one
time he was recognized as the preeminent authority in the regulation of fire alarm signaling systems
in California. He was a trainer and educator of fire science subjects
at Solano Community College at Suisun, CA for several years, and
at the State Fire Academy at Asilomar.
John was also a commercial radio and television artist in Hawaii,
Louisiana and California from 1958 through 1973 and appeared as
master of ceremonies at many public and private events under his
own name and also under the stage name of "Clay Allen". He
worked at radio stations as a disc jockey and staff announcer in
Vallejo, Napa, Monterey and Needles, CA. For many years he was
the voice of the Vallejo 4th of July celebration activities and events.
Broadcasting from the
Elbow Room in Vallejo
for KVON in the 1960s.
Throughout his years he voluntarily, and generously gave of his time and talent to service with the
American Red Cross, the Heart Association, the Muscular Dystrophy Association, the Boy Scouts, the
Camp Fire Girls, the Vallejo Chamber of Commerce, the Vallejo Jaycees, the Improved Order of
Redmen, the Benevolent and Protective Order of Elks (Vallejo and Sacramento Lodges), the Loyal
Order of Moose, the Vallejo Firefighters Local 1186, the International
Association of Firefighters, the California Firemen's Association, the California
Emergency Services Association, the American Management Association, and
the Correctional Industries Association.
In Tennessee, he was the past Executive Director of the White House Area
Chamber of Commerce, a member of Kiwanis International, a director of his
neighborhood homeowner's association, and occasional volunteer in various
community activities. He also worked briefly as director of codes enforcement
for the Tennessee Department of Commerce and Insurance in the Division of
Fire Prevention.
In 2009 he published his first book - "The Killing of Olive Taylor", a story of judicial misconduct and
other felonious acts involving the violent death of his great-grand aunt in 1932, and founded Point of
View Publishing in White House.
The family requests any remembrances be made in John's name to the White House City Library, his
special place for many years.
Austin & Bell White House Funeral Home is in charge of the arrangements. austinandbell.com.
Vallejo High radio station KVHS where ‘Clay Allen’ got his start in radio.
Mike Delgado SV60
I have been unable to find an obit on Mike.
The Last Word…
For all you fellas out there… The next boy’s get together will be on Wednesday, January 21 at
noon. If you’re in the Fairfield area, why not stop by and join us for a little camaraderie and a
great lunch prepared by my daughter Wendy. As of right now, we have 15 guys who have
confirmed their attendance. If you want to join us, please call or email me to let me know so I
can give my daughter a count. (707) 333-5793. Truffle Berries is located at 731 Texas St. in
downtown Fairfield about half a block from the Courthouse and County buildings.
Steven, our youngest grand-child, to
date, (more on that cryptic comment
later) turned 5 years old on Saturday.
We took him and the family to his
favorite Chinese restaurant for dinner.
His actual birthday party won’t be held
until Sunday, January 25 (after Liam’s
spaghetti feed fundraiser.)
The restaurant staff brought Steven deep fried
bananas with ice cream and a candle on top which he
blew out, as a proud grandma looked on.
There’s one thing for certain:
Steven loves his Uncle Jason
John Park’s mentioned the film Unbroken in his column which motivated Sally and me to go
see it last Wednesday. It was a thoroughly gripping and powerful movie. I’m not sure I can
recommend it… due to its brutality which is very hard to take. Based on a true story it follows
the travails of Louis Zamperini who is captured by the Japanese Forces after surviving 47
days at sea in a life raft. He goes to a POW camp where he and his fellow prisoners are
treated brutally at the hands of their Japanese captors. One in particular that the prisoners
referred to as “The Bird,” is particularly sadistic. The young actor playing that role, Takamasa
Ishihara, was so convincingly evil that it’s hard to believe that he can live with himself. The
movie simply wears you out. I think I’m at the stage of my life where I’m more content
watching the Hallmark channel because I know it’s going to have the expected happy ending.
Also I finally finished John Grisham’s novel Gray Mountain about the injustices heaped upon
the citizens and coal miners of the Appalachian region by “Big Coal.” The book had been
recommended by Charlie Spooner and apparently much of the story line is taken from real
events. While I enjoyed the book, I found it somewhat unsatisfying as nothing is really
resolved at the end. It made me speculate that Grisham has a follow up sequel in mind.
I expect that I’ll be seeing a few of you at the Spaghetti Feed for Liam. The event begins at
noon, but you’re advised to come a little earlier if you want to be seated because the Church
hall only holds about 150 people and it’s sure to be sold out.
Forget The Cat in the Hat… Do you
realize how hard it is to get any work
done with “The Cat in the Lap?”
Cali will not take “no” for an answer.
And, anyway, who could resist those beautiful
trusting eyes.
… thanks for starting your Monday with me…
If your class is having an event within the next year let us know and we’ll keep it posted on the
MU Calendar of Upcoming Events
March 7, 2015
March 27, 2015
Vallejo Sports Hall of Fame Induction
Vallejo/Hogan Alumni Football Game
Dan Foley Cultural Ctr.
Corbus Field
3:30 pm
Please make out your donation for Liam to the Philoptochos Society and mail it to: Harry
Diavatis, 5087 Green Meadow Court, Fairfield, CA 94534
Reunion and Event Announcements(Send us your upcoming events and/or reunions
and we’ll post them here every week until your event.)
This space is available.
For those of you who are members of a class that ends in
the number “0 or 5” (1945, 1950 etc), It’s not too early to
begin publicizing your reunion event.
ADDENDUM TWO: Missing Classmates
(Reunion committees: Send me your list if you want it posted here.)
Please contact Barry Fredenburg @ bgfredenburg@yahoo.com
Ailes, Dennis
Alvarado, Michael
Amsbaugh, Dolly
Asbe, Howard
Edmonds, Annabelle
Koontz, Linda
Roberts, Alice
Fawcett, William
Lewis, Isac
Roberts, Ken
Fears, Jeffrey
Guarin, Joseph
Harris, Norman
Avery, Barbara
House, Duanna
Barber, Fred
Baumann, David
Becky, John
Borowski, Janet
Bradeen, Susan
Bradhurst, Shirley
Howe, Joan
Jensen, John
Johnson, Jesse
Keith, Sandra
Kelly, James
Kelly, Judith
Linville, Robert
Marquez, Sally
Martin, Doug
McBride, Dan
McNairy, Thomas
Mitchell, Robbie
Murchison, Jerry
Neal, Denise
Nichols, Sharon
Rollins, Thomas
Salsedo, Pamela
Simon, Margaret
Tackmier, Lynn
Talley, Gwendolyn
Trefethen, Janice
Wartburg, Patricia
Weber, Donald
Wilson, David
Cambe, Benito
Diaz, Thomas
Edgar, Shirley
Kent, Helen
Kersting, Pamela
Kimzey, Linda
Oliveira, John
Padilla, Priscilla
Pulliam, Harry
Reedy, Carolyn
Wilson, Ellen
Zumwalt, Joseph
ADDENDUM THREE: A List of who is in the Living Tree Memorial Park
Alarid, Arline 1955
McCapes-Cotter, Roberta 1968
Alarid-Weber, Carol 1956 Faculty 1965-2004
McCaslin. Bill 1963
Anderson-Parker, Cheri '62
McCombs-Pautsch, Carol '62, In Memory of
Apaches Forever (2) The Class of 1962
McDowell-Jones, Thelma J. 1956
APACHES FOREVER ...and proud of it. The Class of 1965 McGlone, Howard, Faculty 1963-1994
Arellano, Frank D. 1961
McGlone, Kathy Rose 1974
Aringdale, Kristie Joleen 1961
McGlone, Theresa 1975
Baker, Ev & Florence 1928
McGlone, Patricia 1977
Baker, Rodney W. Dr., 1954/In Memory of my brother
McGlone, Dennis 1978
Baker-Jacobus, Carrie 1961 "Vallejo Native"
McManus, Rusty 1965 Football NBL Champs
Barleen Stiewig, Mary 1959 Teacher Napa Elem.
McMurphy USA, SP4. Jay Darryl 1966/ (3-16-68 Vietnam)
Barleen USA, Cpl. Thomas L. 1965/( 4-12-67 Vietnam)
Menhenett, John 1964/In Memory of
Barns-Newton, Linda 1965
Menhenett, Pappakostas, Marjorie 1957
Barr Bodie, Miriam 1930/In Memory of
Merrigan-Erskine, Karen 1965/In Memory of
Bartalotti USA, Pfc Al 1962/(11-27-67 Vietnam)
Metcalf, Frank Victor 1962
Bartlett USA, Sgt. John R. / (1-18-69 Vietnam)
Metcalf, Tom A. 1960
Bates-Robak, Janis Kay HH65, In Memory of
Meyer-Exline, Gloria Teacher 1957-1983/In Memory
Baysmore, Gary 1962
Miller, Homer, Faculty, In Memory of
Moore Hewitt, Lillian 1933/In Memory of
Beebe-Domenici. Genevieve 1939/In Memory of
Benton Jr. USMC, SSgt. Gregory 1968/ ( 5-23-69 Vietnam) Moore, Theodore Joseph 'Teddy"
Biddinger, Donald 1979
Morehouse, James W. 1961
Biddinger, Richard 1957
Morehouse, Robert W. 1965
Bingham-Gregor, Lynda K. 1962
Morehouse, Stephen C. 1963
Blackmon, Walter 1956
Morehouse, Walter R. 1966/In Memory of
Bleignier-Smith, Maureen 1962/In Memory of
Moreno USMC, Sgt. John B. / (7-7-68 Vietnam)
Bodie, Frank A. "Ping" 1927/In Memory of
Morgan Jr., Richard "Dick" L. 1962 Football
Boyle, Stephen 1968
Morgan-Rust, Lillian, Hogan 1964
Brignone, Pat "Frenchy" 1962/In Memory of
Morriss-Schivley, Joanne 1949
Brown-Garcia, Roxanne VHS Principal
Mortson-Lerseth, Judith 1961/In Memory of
Buckner, Mike 1964/In Memory of
Muller-Ellsworth, May Rae 1956
Bumgarner USA, Pfc. Bruce H. 1965/(12-13-67 Vietnam)
Mulroy, Maureen 1964
Campas, Mike '56
Murray , Buddy 1962
Campo, Bobby 1959
Murray-Tibbetts, Linda J. VHS 1965 /In Loving Memory
Carli USN, SN. David A., Hogan 1966/ (3-3-68 Vietnam)
Neely, Phyllis L. 1942
Castleberry, David "DAC" 1962/In Memory of
Nelson, Robert 1962
Newman Stiewig, Kay Judith "Judy" 1956
Cattalini-Hewitt, Charlotte Staff/In Loving Memory of
Causey, Jerry 1962/In Memory of
Newton, Paul Hogan 1964
Chastain-Domenici, Judy 1965
Nieb-Nunn, Madelyn '48
Christensen, Neale 1961/In Memory of
Nunn, Don '48
Christensen, Richard "Dick" 1965
Nunn, James R. '68
Clark USMC, Cpl. Lonnie W. 1963/ (2-23-68 Vietnam)
Nunn, Kenneth E. '61
Cloud-Metcalf '62, Judy A.
Nunn, Robert C '63
Collins, Bruce Drama Teacher
Nystrom-Libby, Carolyn 1962
Collins, Jerry & Ron, VHS grads 1958 & 1960
Ofc. Jim Capoot, VHS Coach 2008-10/In Loving Memory
Costa-Sullivan, Barbara 1962/In Loving Memory of
Olsen-Smith, Gail SV 1964
Cotter, Steven 1962
Olson-Smith, Shirley '48
Courtright, Larry, 1954
Cox, Stafford 1964/In Memory of
Crazy Eight SV56
Damian Concepcion, Orilda 1958
Damian Davis, Edith 1960/In Loving Memory of
Damian Krek, Cecilia 1969
Damian, Richard Joseph 1960/In Loving Memory of
Damian, Thomas Victor 1959
Davis-Magnuson-Fitzpatrick '61
DeCarlo-Capoot, Jennifer 1984
Dehn, Jim 1956 Basketball
Dennis-Bunter, Pauline 1962
DeStefano, Ron 1962/In Memory of
Diavatis, Harry 1962
Diavatis, Sally, Faculty 1994-2002
Dickenson, M. Jeanne 1963
Dickinson, Leonard 1935/In Memory of
Dickinson-Ziegler, Lynette 1932/In Memory of
Dineen USA, Pfc. Timothy J. 1963/(2-5-68 Vietnam)
Domenici, Anthony 1965
Domenici. Lewis 1939/In Memory of
Downs-Parker, Claudia HH63
Droast, Diane 1968
Droast, John "Jack" 1936
Dunn, Steve 1962
Duvall, Debbie 1963
Easter, Jimmie 1959
Eastwood-Camba, Nancy 1962/In Memory of
Edna Parks Shields, Edna 1926
Egidio-Murray, Carol 1963
Emerton, Ruth Irene 1966, In Loving Memory
Enderiz Jr. USA, Sgt. Victor A. 1965/ (12-2-67 Vietnam)
Erskine, Ernest W. 1962
Etheridge, Gary 1957/In Memory of
Etheridge-Rich, Linda 1962
Fahy, Ed 1966
Feger, Fred P. 1960
Feger, Rick A. 1962
Fimbres-Thompson, Renee 1966
Fitzpatrick, George "Fitz" 1960/In Memory of
Fitzpatrick, Howard Knox '61
Fitzpatrick, Timothy 1958/In Loving Memory of
Fox, Marion 1943/In Memory of
Fromme Jr USMC, LCpl. Fred, VJC1964/(5-9-67 Vietnam)
Gallagher, Dick 1936/In Memory of
Garcia USA, SP4. Marcas J. / (10-17-69 Vietnam)
Garner USN, YNSN (SS) Ed 1960 (4-10-63 USS Thresher)
Garton USA, SP4. Tommy Hogan '64 (6-15-67 Vietnam)
Garton, Donna Office Staff 1951-63/In Memory of
Garton, Ron & Sandy Caldwell-Garton 1962
Garton-Lambert, Connie Hogan 1964/In Loving Memory
Gaul Jim '48
Gaul, Jane '52
Gaylord, Steve 1961/In Memory of
Gee USA, SP4. Gregory J. 1967/ (8-17-69 Vietnam)
Gibson, Belva P. 1946
Gibson, Wesley H. 1950
The Girls of '66
Orr, Jerry 1961
Overly-Keyes, Janet 1956 Choir
Pappakostas, Christ L. 1956
Pappakostas, James L. 1956
Pappakostas, Kathy L. 1953/In Memory of
Pappakostas, Panny L. 1952, Vjo Teacher 48 years
Pappakostas, Sarah Grace, 1991
Parfet-Gross, Barbara 1964
Parfet-O'Brien, Sharon 1962
Parker, Crag '62
Parker, Kent '62
Parks Cooley, Leslie 1929
Parks Ward, Bonnie, 1921
Parks. John 1962
Parks. Charlie 1934
Parks. Cris 1963
Parks. Rick 1969
Parsons, Dave, Faculty 1972-2003
Pasalo, Thelma 1962/In Memory of
Passalaqua, Dennis 1960
Paul Scola, Paul 1974
Paulk USA, CWO. Robert M. /(5-24-68 Vietnam)
Pedrotti USA, 2LT. Dave 1962/ (3-12-68 Korea)
Pellegrini, Bruno, Head Football Coach
Perkins, Caryl Ann 1961
Perruchon. Bob 1964/In Memory of
Piccolo, Carmela 1958
Piccolo, Joe 1954/In Memory of my Brother
Piller, Jaydeen 1962/In Memory of
Pontarolo, Greg 1968
Posedel-Lee. Eileen 1964
Post-Lamb, Tamara 1964
Razes, Nick 1956
Reale-Blackmon, Beverly 1957
Reale-Dehn, Pauline 1956
Renfro, Jack 1950, Faculty 1961-96
Richards. John 1963/In Memory of
Richardson-Conley, Jo Anne 1961
Richardson-Dille, Carol M. 1939/In Memory of
Riley, Brendan 1963
Riley, Jon M., 1954/In Memory of
Riley, Tim 1965/In Memory of
Roark, SGT. Anund C. Medal of Honor (5-16-66 Vietnam)
Roesch, Benno
Rookwood, Jim '60
Rust, Arthur 1961
Rust-Allen 1957, Sarah/In Memory of
Saal, Richard "Dick" 1962/In Memory of
Satcher USMC, Pfc. Charles S. 1964 (3-5-66 Vietnam)
Saunders-Cruz, Charlotte M. 1962
Savoy, Glenn 1962
Schmalbeck, Ted 1961
Schmalbeck-Baker, Virginia 1954
Schneider Jr., Raymond F. 1944
Schneider, Carol L. 1961
Schneider, Norman A. 1947
Schneider-Trost, Patricia 1946
Scola Jr., Joe 1963, Apache Baseball
Scola, David 1965
Emerton-Thelan, Irene 1966, In Memory of
Henry-Young, Carolyn 1966
Kimberlin-Aagaard, Wrennette 1966
Palmer-Gscheidle, Meri 1966
Prall-Bird, Diane 1966
Pontarolo-Taft, Gloria 1966
Rolff-Nauman, Lorraine 1974
Goldberg, Pete 1961/In Memory of
Gomez USMC, GSgt. Manuel J. / (4-17-68 Vietnam)
Grabast-Easter, Jeananne, 1959
Grate, Robert 1950 Football 1949
Graves, Barney 1939 Drum Major
Gregor, Dennis E. 1960
Grigg, Terry 1965
Guinane, Grace 1966
Guinane, Susan 1970
Haavisto, Vincent 1960
Hall, Joel HH63, Vietnam Vet 1969-70
Harding USA, Pfc. Terry Hogan 1964/(5-25-67 Vietnam)
Harris USA, SP4. Michael L. 1968/ (3-22-71 Vietnam)
Hefner USA, SP4. Francis J. 1966/ (5-27-68 Vietnam)
Hefner, Jackie R. 1962
Henry-LaBriola, Rosalind 1963
Hewitt Girls, Diann '57, Carolyn '60, Patti '66, Linda '69
Hewitt, Ed '59 & Tunnell-Fitzpatrick-Hewitt, Cynthia '59
Hewitt, Mayor G. W. 1933/In Memory of
Hinton, Jerry & Marilyn (Van Olst), VHS Apaches 1950
Hollister, Daniel 1982
Hollister, James K. "Doc" Team Physician, /In Memory
Hollister, Jim 1969
Hollister, Leslie 1965
Hollister, Michael S. 1980
Hollister, Patrick 1977
Horrell, Brad 1960/In Memory of
Houstons: Mike '61, Karen '62, Kevin '85, Coleen '87
Howell USMCR, LT. Gatlin Jerryl 1954/ (7-7-67 Vietnam)
Hughes, Don 1961/In Memory of
Ingram-Mahler, Dianne 1962
Ironside USMC, PFC. Steven P. (7-10-68 Vietnam)
Isadore, Ashley Deer Valley 2005
Isadore, Clarence Principal-VHS
Isadore, Deatra, Faculty-Peoples HS
Jacobsen, Burton Science Teacher
Jacobus, Robert G., 1962 "Vallejo Native"
Johnson, J. Brent 1960
Johnson, William C. USN 1947/In Memory of
Johnson-Green, Brenda J. 1964
Jones, Jimmie J. 1956
Jones-Wright-Springer, Susanne 1936/In Memory of
Keller Jr., Robert J. 1961/In Memory of
Kelly, Jack 1960
Kozlosky, Carol Diane 1962
Kozlosky, Sharon Lynn 1959
Kuppens Family
Lammon, Ann Faculty 1969
Lammon. John 1962
Laub 1948-1963
Lee USA, Pfc. Loren V. (8-17-68 Vietnam)
Lehman, Al, 1961 In Memory of
Siegler, Alfred C, VHS Principal
Silva DFC, St. Vincent '66, SP4 Thomas J. (4-3-70 Vietnam)
Simons USA, Cpl. Ernest E. 1962/ (4-16-66 Vietnam)
Slagle-Schmalbeck, Donna Rae 1954
Smith, Don '48
Smith, Rob 1962
Staedler, Carl 1963/In Memory of
Stafford, Kim David '69
Stephenson-Metcalf, Stephanie HH1964
Stewart Jr., Richard G. 1981
Stewart, Carol S. 1963
Stewart, Donald K.1962
Stewart, Richard G.1958
Stewart, Willam I. 1955
Stiewig Jr., Theodore Eugene "Ted" 1953
Stiewig, Denise Redmond, Justin Sienna HS 1973
Stiewig, Dorothy Helen, Medford HS 1924, Teacher 1946-73
Stiewig, Herbert Martin "Marty" 1957
Stiewig, Kimberly Lynn "Kim" 1979
Stiewig, Linda Karen, Grants Pass HS 1967
Stiewig, Lloyd Payne "Pinky" 1963
Stiewig, Rebecca Anne "Becky" SV 1981
Stiewig, Theodore Eugene "Ted", Grants Pass HS 1924
Stiewig, William Robert "Bill" 1959
Stone-Davis, Jeanette 1939
Streams, Susie 1961/In Memory of
Strong, Bill 1962
Strunk, Steven 1970
Strunk-Biddinger, Carolyn 1959
Strunk-Draper, Jane 1961
Sturgeon, Russ 1959
Sturgeon. Roger 1962
Sturgeon. Ron 1958/In Memory of
Sutton USA, SSgt. Dennis L. 1963/ (6-5-68 Vietnam)
Swenson-Heaton, Alma 1948
Tholmer-Anderson, Linda '62
Thorpe, Henry "Skeeter" 1963
Thurin, Kathleen 1968
Tibbetts, James C. 1964, VHS Apache Forever
Trestrail, Paul 1957
Trestrail-Frane, Carol Tre 1962
Trujillo, Veronica "Tiny" '60, Head Cheerleader/Staff 1960-69
Vaccaro-Millholland, Connie, Art Teacher 1996-2009
Vallejo High School Class of 1950
Viera-O'Gara, Janet '64
Viscaynes 1961, The
Boldway, Ria Hogan 1963
Gebhardt, Charlie 1961
Gebhardt, Vernon 1963
Imhoff-Davidson, Charlene 1961
Stewart, Sylvester "Sly" 1961
Wade, Raymond 1954/In Memory of
Wagley, Bill 1961
Wagley-Mezzera, Helen 1962
Wagner USMC, Sgt. Russell M. 1948/ (1-28-67 Vietnam)
Waters, Chuck 1970
Webster, John, Faculty
Wells-Dunn, Dana, Hogan 1963
Wiggin-Barth, Donna 1958
Lemke, Barbara Ann 1962
Lemke, Mary Patricia
Libby, Tom 1961
Lockhart USA, SSGT. Roy (11-15-65 Vietnam)
Loken-Campo, Loana 1959
Lopez, Francisco 1964
Lundblad, Robert "Bob" 1962/In Memory of
Macdonald, David R. 1956
Maher, Ronnie, 1963/In Memory of
Manner, Dennis 1959
Manner, Jimmy 1961
Manner, Ritchie 1958
Mansfield '56, Bob
Marcacci-Parsons, Linda 1961
Williams, Evelyn Pearl 1929
Williams-Fitzpatrick, Jane Eirian 1931
Willms, Maynard 1955
Wouda, Don 1957
Wright USMC, Sgt. Charles F. 1954/ (8-23-68 Vietnam)
Wright, Paul 1961
Wright-Murray, Helen 1958/In Memory of
Wright-Sturgeon, Pat 1963/In Loving Memory of
Zachary-Johnson, Roberta 1962
Zander, Pete 1948/In Memory of
Zundel Girls - Sharen '51, Marlin '53, Helen '58, Kathe '61
Zundel Willms, Helen 1958
Zundel, Kathe 1961/In Memory of
Zundel-Campas '60
Bricks are not shown as they have been placed.
The Monday Update
Publisher/Editor: Harry Diavatis
Published: Weekly
First Edition: Oct. 26, 2004
Circulation: 1,320 subscribed
(est. readers 1500+)
The Monday Update was originally intended to serve as a newsletter for members of the VHS Class of ’62. Over a period
of time, members of companion classes (1960, ’61, ’63, and ’64) and from Hogan and St. Vincent’s, indicated an interest
and began participating. Today the Monday Update has a wide and varied range of readership ranging from 1937 and
into the new millenium. We also have several -guests” who have no direct affiliation with Vallejo whatsoever but are able
to relate to the era.. Anyone who has an interest in, or is nostalgic for, our era is welcomed to participate.
Back issues from as far back as 2007 are available on line at www.VHS62.com
To subscribe to the MU go to www.VHS62.com and click on the Link- Sign Up for Our Email Newsletter.”
There is no charge for accessing the Update… just the expectation that subscribers will periodically “contribute”
something to the overall effort, such as a personal update, archival pictures, news, memories, anecdotes, true
confessions etc… anything that may be somehow relevant or interesting to our readership as a whole.
The Editor reserved the right to print, delete, or edit contributions at his discretion and is solely responsible for the content
of the Update. If you send us an email and DO NOT want it published in the Update please be sure to state as much, and
we will respect your wishes. The MU respects your privacy. Personal information, including email addressess and phone
numbers, will not be given out without your permission.
The Monday Update is not financed by, nor does it necessarily reflect the opinions of: Vallejo High School; the VHS
Class of 1962; or the VHS ’62 Reunion Committee. (And it sure as hell doesn’t reflect the Vallejo School Board!)
The Official VHS Class of ’62 Web Site
Administrator: Bill Strong
Asst. Admin: Harry Diavatis
Class size:
Total on File:
All members of the VHS Class of ’62 are listed on the site including Missing and Deceased
classmates. Members of VHS ’62 are asked to log on to the site, register, fill out a profile and send in
a current picture. Non class members may also participate and should log on as “guests.”
Thanks to Bill Strong, many of the Yearbooks from Vallejo, Hogan, and St. Vincent’s are available on
a CD. (Also quite a few of the Junior High Schools.) The MU will be happy to send you a personal
copy, of your choice, on a CD for a free will donation. The average donation has been $35. You may
order up to five (5) yearbooks for the same donation.
Sol JH
Springs JH
Send your check to:
Harry Diavatis, 5087 Green Meadow Court, Fairfield, CA 94533
Vallejo High School
Living Tree Memorial Park
Brick Reservation Form
Return this form with your
check payable to
Vallejo High School:
Harry Diavatis
5087 Green Meadow Ct.
Fairfield, CA 94534
______________________________ ______________________________ _____________________________
Phone No.
Email Address
I would like to reserve _____ brick(s) at a cost of $50 per brick for a total of $_________.
Here are a few suggested examples:
FACULTY 1964-1990
HOGAN 1948
FACULTY 1970-1999
HOGAN 1964
Each brick measures 4” x 8” and you are limited to three (3) lines of no more than 23
characters per line including symbols and spaces. Please print all information clearly and
If you are ordering more than one brick please use an additional form. Feel free to make copies of
this form if you like.
I have ordered two or more bricks and would like them placed next to each other
-----------------------------------------------------Do Not write below this line-----------------------------------------Date Received: __________ Amount Paid $_______ Paid by:
 Cash
 Check