Whazz Up Vallejo? Its September! By Ruscal Cayangyang Whazz
Whazz Up Vallejo? Its September! By Ruscal Cayangyang Whazz
Whazz Up Vallejo? Its September! By Ruscal Cayangyang Whazz Up is now 1+ years old, covering the whaz in Vallejo! Submit: ruscalcayangyang@gmail.com or vib.editor@gmail.com Tune into Ozcat Radio: http://www.ozcatradio.com/ Google Maps for Directions: maps.google.com Check out the People's Garden http://www.vallejopeoplesgarden.org/p/programs.html *Be informed about Mayor Candidates, City Council Candidates and Tax Measures here: http://www.ci.vallejo.ca.us/GovSite/default.asp?serviceID1=982&Frame=L1 *Register to VOTE: http://www.solanocounty.com/depts/rov/default.asp Ballots go out in October! ELECTION DAY is November 8! Tuesday, September 6 FLASH AND REMINDER: Vallejo Faith Organization Candidates Forum is Tuesday September 6, from 6 - 8:30 PM. There has been a location change. The event will now be held at: Emanuel Temple Apostolic, 900 6th Street, Vallejo, CA Vallejo Independent Bulletin Whazz Up September 2011 – www.ibvallejo.com Wednesday, September 7 Business Neighbor & Friend Networking, 6:00 pm - 8:00 pm 3555 Sonoma Blvd www.MaxsofManila.com (707) 400-8027 To make new friends, and meet prospective clients. Buffet Dinner Free Soda, Coffee, tea. $15.00 net per person before event (pay at Max’s of Manila to get receipt right away, or pay undersigned and get receipt on the day of event). $20 at the door....Bring your display items (flyers, samples, business cards, products)We will have two tables for display area. Everyone is welcome to talk about their business, give free consultation/demo for 5 minutes. Vallejo Symphony Fundraiser, 2:00 pm - 9:30 pm Rubio's Fresh Mex Grill, 173 Plaza Drive www.VallejoSymphony.org 707-643-4441 Support the Vallejo Symphony's 80th season. Bring this flyer to Rubio's from 2pm to closing and Rubio's will donate 20% of your bill to the Symphony. Thursday, September 8 Underage Drinking Prevention Town Hall Meeting, 6:00 pm - 8:00 pm Vallejo City Council Chambers, 555 Santa Clara St www.Fight-Back.org 707-651-7180 Town Hall meeting includes door prizes; screening of the short film "Wasted-The Truth about underage drinking"; Panel discussion with VCUSD Superintendent Dr. Bishop and much more. Candidates Forum, 6:00 pm - 9:00 pm Touro University, 1310 Johnson Lane, Mare Island www.vallejochamber.com 707-644-5551 The Business Partnership, a group consisting of the Vallejo Chamber of Commerce, the Solano Association of Realtors, the Vallejo Business Alliance, will be hosting a public forum for all candidates registered for the 2011 Vallejo City Council election. The non-partisan forum is a free event and will be open to the general public. Touro Auditorium holds 500 people and seating will be on a first-come, first-served basis. Doors will open at 5:30 p.m. The forum will be simulcast live on Ozcat Radio and VCAT television. A “Meet the Candidates” reception will follow the forum beginning at 8:00 p.m. Vallejo Independent Bulletin Whazz Up September 2011 – www.ibvallejo.com Friday, September 9 Gracie's Friday Night Summer Music Series, 6:30 pm - 10:00 pm Gracie's BBQ, 1801 Sonoma Blvd www.Graciesq.com 707-552-2254 Featuring teachers and friends of Step Up Music. Eat delicious barbeque and enjoy the music. See details view for scheduled performers. Sept 9 - Nick Phillips & Friends - groove jazz on trumpet Sept 16 - The Raymond Victor Family Band - Vallejo First Family of Blues Sept 23 - Fiddlaround - swamp boogie, blues, zydeco and country Sept 30 - Guy Arrostuto & Bob Simmons - two Vallejo Favorties Oct 14 - The Raymond Victor Band - Vallejo First Family of the Blues Oct 21 - Guy Arrostuto & Bob Simmons - two Vallejo Favorties Oct 28 - The Jeff Magidson Blues Band Darrell Edwards & Heavy Weather perform live Havana Sol Restaurant, 324 Virginia St 707-554-3777/707-373-9138 IBDEW brings you old school, new school and the best in R & B. Clap your hands and stomp your feet to the beat. Reservations highly recommended. Advance Tickets for $8.00 available at the Vallejo Visitor Center or $10.00 at the door. Ticket good for 10% off your dinner as well. Night Golf Tournament, 6:15 pm - 10:00 pm Mare Island Golf Course, 1800 Club Drive www.mareislandgolfclub.com 707-562-5673 DONT MISS THIS CHANCE TO PLAY IN THE DARK!!! WHAT AN EXPERIENCE!!!!! Enjoy a great dinner and lots of laughs!!The format will be 2 person team alternate shot. We will play the front 9 holes with special tee boxes. Feel free to sign up a foursome, just mention who the 2 person teams will be. 6:15pm - Registration and Dinner 7:45pm Shotgun start 9-hole play, Two-Person Alternate Shot Fee: $55 per golfer includes: Green fees for nine-holes with shared cart One bucket of range balls Pasta dinner with a choice of drink (water, soda, wine or beer) Complete set of night golf accessories including one(1)glow golf ball, glow necklace, and glow necklace for golf bag Night Golf is limited to the first 56 golfers to sign-up. Entry fee must be paid in advance. Vallejo Independent Bulletin Whazz Up September 2011 – www.ibvallejo.com Saturday, September 10 Vallejo Farmers Market, 9:00 AM – 1:00 PM, Georgia & Marin St, Downtown Vallejo www.pcfma.com Vallejo Farmers' market always offers the freshest fruits and vegetables, live music, interesting community booths, good food and a good time! Every Saturday! Free Coffee Tasting by Moschetti's Coffee, 9:00 am - 12:00 pm 11 Sixth St. - Corner of Curtola Pkwy & Railroad Tracks http://www.moschetti.com/ Support Moschetti's Coffee! Every Saturday! Vallejo Waterfront Artists Display & Sell Original Work, 10:00 am - 4:30 pm, Every Saturday! Vallejo Ferry Building Promenade, 289 Mare Island Way www.vallejowaterfrontartists.org Vallejo Waterfront Artists is an ongoing event FIRST & THIRD Saturday from approximately 9:30am to 4:30pm (some Sundays also). Local artists display & sell their work along the Promenade outside the Ferry Terminal! Second Saturday Access Day Mare Island Shoreline Heritage Preserve, 9:00 am 7:00 pm 1595 Railroad Ave www.mareislandpreserve.org 707-557-9816 Ice Cream Social Sunday afternoon 2:00pm at the Visitors Center Sierra Club led hike in the Preserve 9:30am. Guided nature and history hike 3:30pm. Almost full moon guided walk 7:30pm. S'mores around the fire at the Visitors Center following. Access is primarily pedestrian, (although bicycles will be permitted on the paved roadway only)including walks, stops at the cemetery, and at the interpretive center in its beginning stage in a former ordnance storage magazine, Building A-167. Antiques & Collectibles Day, 10:00 am - 3:00 pm Vallejo Museum, 734 Marin St www.VallejoMuseum.org 707-643-0077 Bring in your antiques or collecibles to learn more from local experts. Bring one item for $10.00, each additional item is $5.00. What is it? How was it used? Learn about date, style, materials, historical significance and more! Note: These evaluations will be for information only and are not legal appraisals. All proceeds benefit the Museum. Vallejo Independent Bulletin Whazz Up September 2011 – www.ibvallejo.com Six Flags Season, 10:30 am - 6:00 pm Six Flags Discovery Kingdom, 1001 Fairgrounds Dr www.SixFlags.com/DiscoveryKingdom Park opens at 10:30am, closing times vary from 6 pm to 9pm. Join in the fun in 2011 as the Park celebrates their 25th Anniversary here in Vallejo, CA. The all-new SkyScreamer opens, taking guests 150 feet over the park in this swingin' ride experience. OBAMA ALLEY YARD SALE, 9am-4pm, 1st & 3rd Saturdays, One block North of Georgia St. Email: katnipper@pacbell.net Vallejo Independent Bulletin Whazz Up September 2011 – www.ibvallejo.com Sunday, September 11 Visit the 911 Memorial Site: www.911memorial.org 911 Memorial Events in Solano County: Benicia: Memorial at the City Park, First and Military streets, starts at 7 a.m. with the placing of 343 miniature American flags honoring the firefighters who lost their lives in the Twin Towers. Vacaville: Observance begins at 8:43 a.m. at the Place of Peace in front of the Vacaville Police Department, 660 Merchant St. Suisun City: Memorial ceremony starts at 12:30 p.m. at Harbor Plaza, Main and Solano streets, and includes an anticipated display of two 10-foot sections of steel beams from the World Trade Center and a keynote speech by an eyewitness to the events in New York. Fairfield: Police, fire and emergency rescue public open house from 1:30 to 3:30 p.m. along Civic Center Drive showcases emergency response equipment. Dixon: Memorial at 4 p.m. at the Dixon Fire Department, 205 Ford Way, includes the unveiling of a section of steel from the World Trade Center. Vallejo Jazz Society presents Mad & Eddie Duran Quartet, 5:00 pm - 7:30 pm Step Up Music, 1716 Sonoma Blvd www.VallejoJazzSociety.com 510.517.7005 We felt that sharing beautiful music with our friends and neighbors would be an appropriate way to mark the 10th anniversary of the world-changing events of 9/11. The Vallejo Jazz Society is sponsoring it's second event this year--a concert featuring celebrated guitarist Eddie Duran and saxophonist Madeline Duran in a quartet setting. The two musicians, who have been married over 20 years and have been dubbed “San Francisco’s First Couple of Instrumental Jazz” will be accompanied by bassist David Pinto and percussionist Raul Ramirez. Admission $10.00 or $5.00 for VJS members. A not-for-profit organization formed in September of 2010, the Vallejo Jazz Society’s mission is to heighten awareness of jazz in Vallejo and nearby communities by sponsoring concerts throughout the year at various local venues. The organization will also provide jazz-related educational resources such as concerts and clinics in local schools. Vallejo Independent Bulletin Whazz Up September 2011 – www.ibvallejo.com Monday, September 12 Town Hall Meeting, 6pm-8pm Joseph Room, JFK Library, 505 Santa Clara St, Vallejo, CA http://www.facebook.com/event.php?eid=215855365137220 707-644-5776 A Town Hall Meeting in Downtown Vallejo, regarding the future of Vallejo, hosted by Joanne Schivley, Vallejo Councilwoman and Mayoral Candidate. Open to you, your friends, and citizens of Vallejo! Feel free to come, ask questions regarding the city, as well bring new ideas to help make our city better! Whazz Up City Hall: Monday, September 12 City of Vallejo Youth Commission Special Meeting 5pm, City Hall Council Chambers Tuesday, September 13 Vallejo City Council Meeting 6:45pm, City Hall Council Chambers All City Agendas, Staff Reports and Videos: http://ci.vallejo.ca.us/GovSite/default.asp?serviceID1=253 Saturday, September 17 Bob Sampayan Event 601 Tisdale Ave www.bobsampayan.com/ 707-681-9434 Trivia Night, 5:30pm - 9:00pm Vallejo Museum, 734 Marin St Contact Marian for a sign-up form 648-5230 or mswanson@fight-back.org http://www.facebook.com/event.php?eid=204815516242096 So… some folks always have the answers to names of songs, characters in movies, and other stuff (trivia) like this. Many of you have friends who are equally as knowledgeable as you are about past events and such. Well… now you have a perfect venue to see how really good you are. Vallejo Independent Bulletin Whazz Up September 2011 – www.ibvallejo.com Sunday, September 18 Unity Day! Celebrating Unity & the Universe, 11am-5pm Unity Plaza & MLK Waterfront Park next to JFK Library http://www.facebook.com/vallejotogether Open to you and your friends, 'Celebrating Unity & Universe'!!! Hope to see you at Unity Day :) ***If you would like to perform or have a booth at Unity Day-Sunday, September 18 at Unity Plaza in Vallejo, CA, email at mguevara17@yahoo.com or ruscalcayangyang@gmail.com Here are last year's photos: http://ibvallejo.com/index.php?option=com_content&task=view&id=956&Itemid=1
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