Jubilate September 2016 - Chaplaincy of Christ the Good Shepherd


Jubilate September 2016 - Chaplaincy of Christ the Good Shepherd
The magazine of the Chaplaincy of
Christ the Good Shepherd Poitou-Charentes
September 2016
2 euros
Our mission: Commitment – Communion – Community
Services for September
04 Sept
10.30 am
10.30 am
10.30 am
6.30 pm
Holy Communion St Leger (79)
Holy Communion Courcelles (17)
Holy Communion Villejésus (16)
Come and Worship Civray Parish Church (86)
11 Sept
10.30 am
10.30 am
11.00 am
Holy Communion Ambernac (16)
Holy Communion Jarnac, Foyer Protestant (16)
Home Service, Ann White’s home Jassay (79)
18 Sept
10.30 am
10.30 am
10.30 am
10.30 am
Holy Communion, Magné Parish Church (86)
Morning Worship , Courcelles (17)
Holy Communion, Barbezieux,Temple Protestant(16)
Morning Worship, Champgne Mouton, (86)
25 Sept
10.30 am
10.30 am
11.00 am
6.30 pm
Morning Worship , Foyer Protestant, Jarnac (16)
Holy Communion , La Rochefoucauld (16)
Holy Communion , Pompaire (79)
BCP EP , Civray Parish Church (86)
Pastoral Letter.
Dear ………
Over fifty years ago I was a curate in South Wales. The Vicar of the parish
had left for a new appointment so I was in charge. I had to write a letter for
then Parish Magazine and full of confidence I started to type on the skin for
the rotary printer, such was the technology then, and the magazine duly
appeared. I was so proud.
That is until I saw the introduction to the letter ‘Dear Fiends’.
Since then I have had a hang up about writing such letters but nevertheless
here goes.
This month is not a good one for this Scottish family….too many birthdays,
including my own. There is however one positive aspect to a birthday it
provides us with a special personal Saint; and for me this happens to be Saint
Jerome. The Scottish Prayer Book has a collect for All Saints Day which
states that the Saints ‘encourage us by their example, support us by their
fellowship, and aid us by their prayers’. Saint Jerome has given me all three
during my ministry.
Jerome was born in Aquileia a Roman city near Venice. It is not very large
today but in the fourth century it was a major Roman town. After study in
Rome, he made his way to the Syrian desert where he lived a solitary life of
prayer and study. Eventually he settled in Bethlehem where he studied the
Scriptures in their original languages of Hebrew and Greek. His scholarship
was unsurpassed in the early Church. Today Jerome is remembered for his
efforts to make the Scriptures accessible to ordinary Christians through
translation into the vernacular language of the day, Latin.
My relationship with Jerome is covered by the Prayer Book collect quoted
above. Jerome had a great love for the Bible, and that has been a great
encouragement to me over the years. All Christians must know their Bibles,
if they are to know God and understand his message for us today.We must be
steeped in the words of Scriptures, the stories, the poetry and the meaning of
it all. It’s hard work, no easy task, and can be quite daunting and yet unless
we do, we will miss so much that is essential to our faith. It is necessary to
read the Bible. And it does not matter how we do it. We can start at Genesis
and work through until we reach The Apocalypse in the book of Revelation,
or we can use a scheme such as those provided by the Salvation Army or the
Bible Society. What is necessary is to read with prayer and understanding.
Jerome has provided fellowship over the years I have tried to walk in his
footsteps and to learn from his life, constant in study and open to new ideas.
He left home and security to follow his vocation and despite hardship
devoted himself to the calling of his Lord.
Jerome, is not the most comfortable of the Saints, he can be a bit grumpy at
times, a little hard and unrelenting. Somewhat like an old Grandfather who
finds children irritating and modern life too difficult (a bit like me I
suppose): but the sort of person who is faithful and sure and true; a solid
dependable rock in life and in faith. I love him. I am often surprised by
Christians who have no consideration for the Saints. It seems to me that
death should be welcomed with joy and that it is not a great departure but a
great advancing. If we are in heaven we don’t stop existing, we enter a more
abundant state, which I hope does not mean that we stop saying our prayers.
So, as we ask each other to pray for us, why not ask the Saints as well?
Well that’s Saint Jerome, my birthday saint. He means a lot to me and has
walked with me for many years. My friend, my guide and my help.
Who is your Saint? What do you gain from your relationship? Try talking to
“If Christ is the power of God and the wisdom of God, then he who is
ignorant of the scriptures is ignorant of the power of God and his wisdom:
ignorance of the scriptures is ignorance of Christ.”
St. Jerome Commentary on the prophet Isaiah.
Chaplaincy prayer meetings
Prayer Meeting, Monday 19th September, 2.30 pm,
Chez Richard and Rhiannon Beech,
La Serpouillère, 16450 Beaulieu sur Sonnette
Together in Prayer
September 2016.
1st Trust in the Lord with all thine heart; and learn not unto thine own
understanding. In all thy ways acknowledge Him and He shall direct
thy paths.
Proverbs 3:5-6.
2nd We bring before you O Lord, all those in the chaplaincy, who
have requested us, to intercede for them.
3rd We give thanks and praise to you our Father, for all the graces and
blessings you bestow upon us.
4th Today O Lord, we pray for ourselves, give us a right spirit, an
open heart and a listening ear.
5th Lord in your mercy, uphold all those who struggle to believe in
you, who do not know you or do and don’t acknowledge you, as the
Saviour of our world, our redeemer and friend.
6th See that ye be at peace among yourselves, my children, love one
another. Follow the example of good men of old, and God will
comfort you and help you, both in this world and the world which is to
St Columbia’s blessing
7th Today we pray for those who live on the margins of our society,
who are vulnerable, for those who are in trouble and need. We pray
Lord, that you are with them always.
8th Thank you Father God, for our families, friends and neighbours,
keep them safe from harm, surround them wherever they are, with
your tender,loving arms.
9th Be assured, that God, is with us always.
10th We thank you Father, for the beauty of all you have made, there
is so much for our enjoyment. You have made us the guardians of your
precious world. Forgive us, that we so often forget that resources are
not infinite, make us willing and eager to share the many good things
you have provided for us.
11th God of all wisdom, help us to realise, to understand and share
your word.
12th We pray that, day by day
we have opportunities to share
our blessings with others.
13th Thank you Lord for
always being with us. We are
most grateful for your loving
care and concern, even when we
are not close to you. Give us
strength to do the things that
please you.
14th We pray for our brother’s
and sister’s throughout the
world, who cannot openly
express their faith and belief in
you, who are persecuted,
imprisoned, threatened and are in
fear for their lives and the lives
of their families.
14th Feast of the Holy Cross
15th We bring this day before you Lord; we thank you for waking
and rising, for all the ups and downs we may encounter. We hope and
pray that the opportunities presented to us today, will enable us to
shine as beacons in furthering your kingdom.
16th O God you created us in so many different ways, help us to see
and appreciate our different talents, give us wisdom and understanding
of each other.
17th We bring before you, all who today, celebrate and rejoice in
their lives in this marvellous world, you have given us. We give you
thanks and praise to you, for birth, baptism and marriage.
18th We have an absolute need for quiet, for the heart’s wordless
resting on God.
Sister Wendy Beckett
19th God is in everything.
20th Father God, we ask you, for forgiveness for our sins, make us
ready and willing to forgive others.
21st Healing Lord we bring before you, all those who are heavy
laden, who are ill, in mind, body and soul. We ask that you bring them
peace and healing of their frailties.
22nd Thank you God, for all the people, you have brought into our
lives. Thank you for their influence, for the ways they have shaped our
23rd Heavenly Father, we ask you, to give us strength and courage to
witness to your word, in our homes and communities.
24th Thank you Lord for the beautiful countryside we live in. Give us
good health and wellbeing to enjoy and receive the pleasure of being
in it. We pray for farmers and fishermen, who work hard to provide
food for our nourishment.
25th O bounteous Father, We give thanks and praise for the many
many volunteers throughout the world, who work through charities
and organisations to improve the lives of your vulnerable people.
26th Heavenly Father, we thank you for loving us unconditionally,
even when we are far from you. Thank you for your constant care and
concern for us this day. We thank you, that through our weaknesses
you give us strength.
27th Lord God, we ask you to make us content with our lives. May
we have peace in our hearts and lives.
28th Our Father, who art in heaven, hallowed be thy name, thy
kingdom come, thy will be done, on earth, as it is in heaven. Give us
this day our daily bread and forgive us our trespasses, as we forgive
those who trespass against us. Lead us not into temptation, but deliver
us from evil for thine is the kingdom, the power and the glory forever
and ever, Amen.
29th Gracious Lord, you always keep your word and do everything
you say. When someone stumbles or falls you always give them a
helping hand.
30th We pray for all those who are in positions of government and
leadership in our earthly world. Inspire them Lord; give them a right
heart, to govern wisely and justly, to do all they can to relieve
oppression, to promote peace and harmony.
Friday 9 September Savigné
Dave and Marilyn Trigger have invited us to
meet at Savigné village, which is off the main
D 148 (Civray - Charroux Road), near the Church. A part of the walk
will follow the old railway track between Savigné and Charroux. If you
would like food beforehand the Relais is on the main road, coming
from Charroux, just before Savigné. (05 49 87 75 75).
We meet at 2:00 pm for a 2:15 pm start
John/Kay Ward 05 45 30 68 81 (kay_john_ward@yahoo.co.uk)
Marilyn/David Trigger 05 49 87 29 67 (marandave86@gmail.com )
Month of August
Well we certainly had a taste of summer in July, it was too hot
for me to attempt to garden!
Things to do:
Fruit this is a good time to finish planting out new strawberry
plants, water well. Last month you should have removed all the
canes that have fruited from summer raspberries
Trees and shrubs look out for mummified fruit, brown rot can
result in mummified fruit. Remove these to limit the spread of
this disease.
Vegetables Start harvesting main crop potatoes, dig them up now
rather than leaving them in the ground, to prevent the tubers
being attached by slugs and soil dwelling pests.
Once the potatoes are out
of the ground leave them
on the soil surface for
the skins to dry. After
cleaning store the healthy
undamaged tubers either
in sacks, not polythene, or
paper sacks in a cool dark
Flowers plant freesia corm into pots of free draining compost for
perfume in the summer. Cut out old flowering stems of rambling
Cut down spent perennial flowers that don't have seed heads you
want to keep.
Lawns mend turf edges, cut out a square of turf that includes a
damaged section and turn the whole piece around 180 degress to
form a new straight edge. Fill the gap with sieved soil and sow
grass seed. Water the whole area well
Pots. You need check the weather forecast to protect against
the frost, this could keep you pots giving you pleasure for a few
more weeks.
Pests look out for weevil grubs, these C-shaped larvae up to 1cm
long can kill plants by eating the roots. I have found these in pots
that I intend to use when I have emptied out the compost. Check
your pots, remove the plant gently to check for grubs. The books
suggest controlling them biologically with nematoded.
Would you please thank the
knitting circle once again for
the great blanket they sent
me many years ago. I use it
every night and it is a
delightful companion for my
rapidly advancing years.
Thank you all.
Geoffrey Colman
During the month of August 2016 we are very happy
to announce that there will be 2 Wedding Blessings.
Please hold them in your prayers.
Jenny & Colin in Passirac
Reverend Nikki Marshall
Keith & Irina in Ambernac
Reverend Paul Knight
John Ingram's cancer finally got the better of him in the early hours of
Saturday 20th August. He will be greatly missed by family and friends.
The following tribute was posted the day after his death:
24 July 1951 – 20 August 2016
Husband, father, grandfather.
Policeman, motorcyclist, instructor, fast but safe driver.
Singer (tenor voice), member of several choirs.
History scholar, quizzer, avid reader.
Traveller on canals.
Lover of films, sport, Chelsea FC, music, Gilbert and Sullivan operettas.
Creator of curries, pineau and cassis, aficionado of wines.
Member of “Gentlemen Wot Lunch” and “Clueless”.
Loved his animals, especially Cassie, Tara and Tiger.
Member of Chaplaincy Council.
A man of deep faith who appreciated the prayers offered on his behalf.
Combined Church Services
17 people and one dog
enjoyed the picnic in the
church garden, after the
combined churches
service, at Barbezieux,
led by Sandy and Nicky.
Photo Keith Haynes
This is definitely something to develop, one can always find shelter to
share a meal and companionship over the colder months.
The Travellers Home Group summer outing took place
on 12th August.
As you can see, it was a beautiful
morning for our trip down the
Charente from the village of St
Simon, which is halfway between
Angouleme and Cognac.
The village has a long
history and was the main
centre for the
manufacturing of the
barges, called gabarres,
which were used for
transporting goods,
including cognac, down the river
to the sea.
The gabarre which took us on the hour and a half round trip was a
reproduction of a 17th century vessel.
We arrived back in the village in time for lunch at the restaurant in the
square by the church. A great day out, enjoyed by all.
D Foster
Dickensian Concert
5th November 2016 Tickets will be on sale soon at 6 €.
Music, Monologues , Dickensian cameos and a
Victorian Melodrama are planned for your delectation.
Market Stall with Christmas gifts,
Bring and share Supper, bring your own drinks and couverts.
Information from Carolyn or Roy Carter:
05 45 84 19 03
It is going to be a Corker!!
Assistant Chaplain:
The Revd. Paul Knight
Office: 2, Place Gambetta, 86400 Civray.
Tel: 05 49 97 04 21
e-mail: revknight@orange.fr
Admin. Assistant Valérie Pétry
e-mail : office.goodshepherd@orange.fr
The office is open Monday, Tuesday & Friday mornings.
Elisabeth Barnett
Catherine Chambers
Richard Beech
Duncan Paige
05 46 94 99 25
05 49 87 07 56
05 45 85 75 03
05 45 21 91 10
Geoff Cornwall
Linda Shepherd
Carolyn Carter
John Matthews
05 49 63 06 31
05 45 29 08 93
05 45 84 19 03
05 49 75 29 71
Chaplaincy Wardens :
Ann White 05 49 60 48 56
Ted Hands
09 62 62 05 04
Geoff Cornwall
05 49 63 06 31
Dave Trigger
05 49 87 29 67
Charente East
Linda Shepherd
05 45 29 08 93
Charles Wilcock
05 46 91 07 71
Charente Ouest
Contact addresses
To submit anything to Jubilate or for any enquiry, please use the following
Phone number: 05 49 97 04 21
Email office.goodshepherd@orange.fr
For further details of all Chaplaincy services, venues and activities,
you can consult the Web Site at
Annual subscription form for Jubilate
30€ (35€ to UK) including postage for 11 monthly editions
(Dec /Jan is a combined edition)
Cheques payable to The Chaplaincy of Poitou-Charentes.
Please fill in the form below, cut or copy and send to the
Chaplaincy Office, 2 Place Gambetta, 86400 Civray.
Tel : __________________________
September 2016