Spring/Summer - Pound Ridge Business Association
Spring/Summer - Pound Ridge Business Association
o ar und the corners Vol. XVI Issue 1 www.PoundRidgeNY.org Spring/Summer 2011 Mailed to each Pound Ridge resident 2 times a year “A Taste of Pound Ridge” Delights All & Benefits the Pound Ridge Library! P OUND RIDGE BUSINESS ASSOCIATION CALENDAR OF PRBA SPECIAL EVENTS 4th of July Antiques & Farmers Holiday Market Association, members Albano Appliance once Monday, July 4, 9AM - 5PM again hosted the third Taste of of the Library and the Summer Sidewalk Sales community, including Pound Ridge on Thursday Fri-Sunday, July 8 – 9 – 10 designer jewelry and evening, May 5th. PRBA Labor Day Antiques & Farmers shoes, artwork, gift directors Fred Albano and Holiday Market certificates and baskets, Ruth Mendes, and PR Library Monday, September 5, 9AM - 5PM a sailing excursion and Foundation trustees Jon 21st Annual Art & Crafts Show a stay at a Vermont Posner and Vivian Falco, Sat. & Sun., October 1&2, 10AM - 5PM retreat! Live music coordinated the event added to the festive and Silent Auction. 12th Annual Halloween Walk The showrooms and and delicious evening. Monday, October 31, 4 - 6PM patio at Albano’s were A 50/50 Raffle also www.PoundRidgeNY.org contributed to the transformed into a evening’s enjoyment. huge buffet highThe combined efforts lighting the varied of sponsor Pound foods of Pound Ridge Ridge Business from Blind Charlie’s, DiNardo’s Ristorante Association and the Italiano, North Star, Pound Ridge Library Foundation resulted in Panella’s Arthur Avenue Deli & Catering, Pinocchio proceeds topping Pizza, Plum Plums Cheese, Pound Ridge Brewing $12,000 which will Company, Pound Ridge Wine & Spirits, Scotts Corner benefit the Pound Ridge Market and Tokyo Hamachi. The challenging job of Library Foundation’s coordinating the food presenters was accomplished by renovation fund. Thank Jehan deNoue, Albano’s resident chef. you to everyone who made this event such a success! Don’t A Silent Auction organized by Vivian Falco, overflowed miss the fourth Taste of Pound Ridge in May of 2012! with items donated by members of the Business PRBA Adds to Town’s Memorial Day Festivities The PRBA’s Memorial Day Antiques & Farmers Holiday Our local expert “grillers,” the Pound Ridge Markets brought antiques dealers Police Benevolent Association, served BBQ to and seekers into Scotts Corners for a participants in the parade & ceremonies. beautiful day of antiquing through a bounty of things antique and collectible. Rounding out the activities was the Farmers Market with homemade produce and foods. In the Town Park, hamburgers and hot dogs were provided by the Pound Ridge Business Association and other community groups for the many participants in the Memorial Day parade and ceremonies on Burial Hill across from the Park. The next market is the July 4th Antiques & Farmers Holiday Market, Monday, July 4th, from 9AM-4PM. SUMMER SIDEWALK SALES JULY 8-9-10 The P R BA’ s Su mmer Si d ewa lk S a les run from Friday through Sunday, July 8-9-10th. Chaired by Merri Virgilio of S i l houet t e, shoppers will have a chance to find specials at participating stores including Al ba no Appl i a nce, Ant iq ues & I nt er i or s , Ant i qu es & Tool s, Ch ubb y’s H a r dwa r e, Ei l een Godf r e y M i ni at ur es, J ul ei gh’ s R esa l e Cout ur e, P i n o c c h i o P i z z a , P l u m P l u m s , Po u n d R i d ge W i n es & Sp ir i t s and S i l houet t e. POUND RIDGE BUSINESS ASSOCIATION POB 268 Pound Ridge NY 10576-0268 ECRWSS PRSRT STD U.S. POSTAGE PAID PERMIT NO. 76169 White Plains NY 106 POUND RIDGE NEIGHBOR 2. Albano Appliance Adds Vermont Castings To Its Grill Offerings Al bano Appl i a nce & S er v ic e, LLC (Pound Ridge, NY) has added Vermont Castings grills to the company’s grill products. The current lineup of manufacturers also includes Alfresco, Evo, Kalamazoo, Lynx, Viking and Wolf. Display models are featured in a showroom area dedicated completely to outdoor systems, which also include refrigeration, cabinetry and other complementary products. Al bano Appl i a nce currently displays the Vermont Castings 5burner and 4-burner Signature Series gas grills, which feature the Signature FlavorSeal System for more consistent temperatures and even heat distribution. They also have high-quality cast iron, porcelain-coated grates and cast iron end caps, which help facilitate convection-style cooking. The EasyFlame Ignition System uses a single source to ignite every burner, ensuring that they light safely and consistently, avoiding flare-ups. For healthy cooking, Signature Sear Plates redirect grease and juices away from the flames. Models available at A l ba no’s can be free-standing or built-in, and range in price from $1,049 to $2,249. “We are pleased to be able to carry a high-quality grill that delivers great performance at a lower price point to help round out our offerings,” said owner Fred Albano. Resident Chef Jehan deNoue said that while the store’s popular cooking classes have gone on hiatus over the summer, they will resume in the fall. Check with Al bano Appl i a nce about scheduling. For more information, contact Al ba no Appli a nce at 764-4051 “ a r o u n d t h e c o r n e r s ” ❁❃❂ Summer 2011 83 Westchester Avenue. Ruth Mendes (Wordcraft & Graphics, Unltd, 764-5378) . . . .Editor/Ads/Layout/Production Richard Mendes (CPR, Computer Problem Rescue, 764-5378) Photography/Photo Editing Visit the company’s Web site at Paula Parker . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Proofreader Extraordinaire www.albanoappliance.com. Published twice a year by the Showroom hours are MondayPOUND RIDGE BUSINESS ASSOCIATION Saturday, 9AM to 5PM. POB 268 • Pound Ridge NY 10576 www.poundridgeny.org Antiques & Iby Elinor nteriors, Inc. Deutsch Antique Furnishings • Reupholstery • Fabrics Window Treatments • Decorating & Design Wall Coverings • Accessories • Consults $90/hr Thursday-Saturday 11-5 • Sunday 1-4 67 Westchester Avenue • 764-4400 CHURYK CO. INC. SINCE 1956 WATER PUMP SERVICE WATER CONDITIONING WATER TANKS/REPAIRS INSTALLATIONS WELL DRILLING COMPLETE WATER TREATMENT 764-4600 Lawrence D. Bass, DDS Family Dentistry On the lane next to the Fire House 78 Westchester Ave (lower level) 764-5541 The Little Book of Find the products or services you need — community retail shops and many unique home-based members. Enjoy the photo history of 19th- & 20th-century Pound Ridge with photos from the Pound Ridge Historical Society. Plus, back issues of Around the Corners. FUTURE VALUE ASSOCIATES, LTD. Numbers Your family phone book . . . mailed to each of the 5000+ postal patrons of Bedford Village and Pound Ridge. Directory of 170+ advertisers, by category, ready to serve you throughout the year. Publisher, Ricky Silbersher 764-5122 Thomas G. Ferrara, President Sarah M. Becker, Vice President Serving Individuals & Businesses Benefit Plans • Investments* • 401(k) Plans Insurance • Long Term Care 764•8700 www.futurevalueassociates.com Thomas G. Ferrara & Sarah M. Becker, Registered Representatives and Financial Advisors of Park Avenue Securities LLC (PAS), 800 Westchester Avenue, Rye Brook, NY 10573, (914) 2888800). Securities products/services and advisory services are offered through PAS, a registered broker/dealer and investment advisor. Thomas G. Ferrara, Field Representative of The Guardian Life Insurance Company of America (Guardian), New York, NY. PAS is an indirect wholly owned subsidiary of Guardian. Future Value Associates, Ltd, is not an affiliate or subsidiary of PAS or Guardian. PAS is a member FINRA, SIPC. Mariela’s Wine & Espresso Bar to Open This Summer Alex Rubeo of Po und R i d ge W i nes & S pi r i t s and Mariela Spadaro are readying Ma r i ela ’s W i ne & Es pr esso B ar for its long-awaited opening this summer. The entrance is located to the left of the liquor store. The wine bar will serve wines by the glass, accompanied by “smalls” such as cheeses, tapas and paninis. Patrons can nibble and enjoy conversation with their favorite wine in a welcoming setting complete with soft music. 3. Alex greets patrons to his liquor shop, with such perks as a “Wine of the Month Club” with 20 members. He is determined to be “Your friendly choice in Scotts Corners,” and makes personal attention to his patrons a top priority. He enjoys being a part of our community. Weekly wine tastings on Saturdays introduce new and interesting wines. Po u n d R i d g e W i n e s & S p i r i t s 764-3424 M a r i e l a ’ s W i ne & E spr e ss o B a r 71 Westchester Avenue Thank You, Dave & Lois! The Lionheart Gallery in Westchester Designer Showcase T he Li onhear t Ga l l er y was at the Westchester Designer Showhouse in Bedford Corners with an exhibition of “Works on Paper“ until June 12th, presenting the work of printmakers Roxanne Faber Savage, Claudia Mengel and Karen Vogel. www.cpwestchester.org/designerevent.htm The Li o nhea r t is currently under renovation, but the Decorative Finishes showroom is open by appointment in the interim. Manager Susan Grissom recently cochaired the Pound Ridge Pride Day for the Pound Ridge Partnership. 27 Westchester Avenue • 764-8689 www.lionheaertgallery.net For the past 7 years, D a v e Ander so n (pictured at right),, assisted by his wife Lois, has served as Beautification Chair for the P R B A. During this time, he has planted the 25 barrels of flowers (provided by the P R B A) in Scotts Corners seasonally, watered and maintained them over the growing season, and replanted them for the fall. In addition, the Andersons have recently volunteered to install the Ass oci a t i on’s winter holiday wreaths and lighting. The P R B A recognized Dave as our “Mem ber of t he Year ” in 2007. The Pound Ridge Partnership recognized the Andersons’ commitment to beautifying Scotts Corners by awarding them the David & Lois Anderson Beautification Award as part of Pound Ridge Pride Day. Ellen Belzer, a member of the P R B A B oa r d o f D i r ect or s, was pleased to take part in the presentation on June 5th. Congratulations, Dave and Lois! Ander so n La ndsca pi ng, 764-4916 N Local ❖ National ❖ International Owner Operated GOLDEN HANDS The Bedford Pound Ridge RECORD-REVIEW Pound Ridge’s official newspaper To subscribe, call 244-0533 ALBANO APPLIANCE & SERVICE APPLIANCES FOR EVERY ROOM AND EVERY BUDGET 83 Westchester Ave Scotts Corners (914) 764-4051 Monday - Saturday, 9AM-5PM • Closed Sunday www.albanoappliance.com CP R COMPUTER PROBLEM RESCUE a full service Moving company 764 ❖ 0900 Deborah Golden , Owner www.goldenhandsmoving. com Licensed & Insured ! Viruses? Spyware? Crashes? Upgrades? Printing Problems? Internet/Email Glitches? WHAT CAN YOU DO? Call Richard Mendes for CPR TEL / FAX 764-5378 MAC/PC Installation • Training • Support EMAIL rm3m@optonline.net FAST FRESH DELIVERY Artisan Pizza & Full Italian Menu LUNCH & DINNER • 7 DAYS A WEEK 764-4500 69 Westchester Avenue in the Heart of Scotts Corners www.worldsbestpizza.net “5-time World Pizza Champs” 4. Hudson River House – Up for the Challenge! Ci o ppa Ar chi t ect s LLC was involved with a total renovation to an existing 1950s house and adding a small amount of additional space to the very small living room and tiny office. The clients' goal was to take better advantage of the remarkable view which was why they bought the house! "You can't recreate the view!" They did not want a McMansion! The site is spectacular with a 180-degree view of the Hudson River. The original house had a small sliding glass door on the river side. The low knee walls on the partial second floor left very little floor space in the three family bedrooms. By changing the roof line, I was able to expand the usable second floor space within the same footprint. A very green approach! By also adding a second floor above the existing one-story living room and office, I was able to create a wonderful master suite with a second floor porch overlooking the river. The new design started with the need for a new stair. By starting with a module of Marvin awning windows, literally from floor to ceiling, I was able to translate that module throughout, giving the building a cohesiveness. The new "Towerette" became the new vertical circulation space through the house. With the use of repurposed Douglas fir beams that now support the new second floor, we were able to use green-friendly approaches to the project. This project was entered into the Marvin Windows Nationwide Challenge. We are hoping for the best! Carol A. Cioppa AIA LEED AP Ci o ppa Ar chi t ect s LLC, 92A Fancher Road tel: 914 764 1549 mobile: 203 273 7171 <mailto:cioppaarchitectsllc@blogspot.com>cioppaarchitectsllc@blogspot.com Avalon Agency Insurance Now in Scotts Corners Av a l on Agency I nsur a nc e has been in business since 1966. Terry and Cynthia Macnamara took over the business from Cynthia’s father, Ray Tapio, in 2000. Av a l o n is a full-service independent insurance agency and acts as a broker for its clients for all lines, including home, auto, business — basically everything except individual health insurance. The Av a lo n Agency moved from Bedford to Scotts Corners this spring. Its clients are primarily in New York and Connecticut. Cynthia & Terry Macnamara 234-5678 800-676-4921 70 Westchester Avenue www.avalonagency.com A valon i n s u r 15th Annual Yard Sales The 15t h Annua l Ya r d Sa l es weekend is set for Friday through Sunday, July 8-9-10, with about 15 families holding sales at their homes, and several nonprofit organizations set up in Scotts Corners. The event, sponsored by A nt i ques & Too l s, is timed to complement the Busi nes s Ass oci a t i on’s annual S umm er S i dewa l k S a l es. Maps locating each sale along with the days and times of each, will be available on the front terrace of the shop from July 1st on. Also on July 10th, Ant iques & To ol s’ 2nd S unda y Ant i ques Ma r k et will take place, plus the Ev er y S unda y Fa r m er s M ar k et on the front terrace. Joan Silbersher • Every day 11AM-5PM Ant i ques & To o ls of B us iness & K i t chen 65 Westchester Ave. 764-0015 P i l a te s Po u n d R i d g e . c om a n c e Since 1966, your hometown insurance agent We live locally and pride ourselves on the personal service we offer all of our customers. 917-841-1218 Fully Equipped Studio Privates, Duos & Classes, 6 days a week First Private 25% off Anna DiPace-Zullo Certified Instructor We love to save our clients money! P i l a t e s Po u n d R i d g e @ m a c . c o m 234-5678 www.avalonagency.com Pilates Pound Ridge Heating Sales & Service MARSHALL OIL CO., INC. • • • • • Radio Dispatched Service 24-Hour Emergency Service Filtered Fuel Oil Automatic Deliveries Swimming Pool Water Serving Pound Ridge since 1938 130 SALEM ROAD 764-5766 TOP DESIGNERS & VINTAGE HIGH FASHION AT JULEIGH’S RESALE COUTURE J ul ei gh’s has been in business in the heart of Pound Ridge for almost five years, serving New Canaan, Greenwich, Westport, Ridgefield, Pound Ridge and surrounding towns, as well as their Manhattan clientele. With a huge selection of beautiful vintage gowns, furs, dresses, vintage jewelry, as well as top designers (all current within the last year), discerning women are sure to find what they want—shoes, handbags, dresses, coats and evening gowns. J ul ei gh’s clients are high-profile women, who seek the best in service and attire, and who know that when they come to J ul eigh’s, they are treated as the individuals they are. Estate jewelry by appointment. Amy Nevins, 764-4297 67 Westchester Avenue • www.Juleighsconsignments.com ROOTED – Wood Sculptures by Nature As many of you know, John Depew, owner of Mi l l R i v er Tr ee S er v i ce and a I TA L I A N O RISTORANTE DI NARDO’S lifelong resident of Pound Ridge, has spent many winters in Australia. His travels take him to the Outback country where he collects and retrieves salvaged dead wood. “I honestly feel that I can’t take all the credit for these sculptures and consider nature to be the co-creator of my art. Extreme harsh climate conditions of the Outback have created and left their imprint on these pieces. I have a life-long love of wood and by cutting these pieces, my intention is to reveal the intrinsic art within the tree.” His work has been embraced by the art world and will be showcased in a book, photographed by fine-art photographer Roy Weinstein. There will be showings of his sculptures in upcoming art gallery exhibits this fall. Complete lunch Tree Service You can see these dinner beautiful and exotic wood Over 26 Years ta k e - o u t Local Experience sculptures crafted by a outdoor pat i o Pound Ridge native at 85 Special Service p r i vat e Main Street in New Canaan, pa r t i e s FREE CAT RESCUE Organic Services by appointment. Call M i l l 764·4024 W W W. D I N A R D O S . N E T R iv er Tr ee at 203-966-8591. John Depew 764-8291 76 westchester ave · scotts corners · pound ridge 5. 6. Search. Find. Personalize. Send. Sensational! Unvelope.com You have style, discriminating taste and a sense of fun. You’ve gone to many ecard Websites and been turned off by silly, uninspired and unsophisticated cards that you’ve wasted your time looking through. Enough. Those days are over. At U nv elo pe.co m®, the art and soul of ecards™, you’ll find a user-friendly Website with cards and messages that reflect the way you think and feel. All U nv elo pes have been elegantly created to reflect well on you, whether you send them for personal use or to keep in touch with clients and customers. Eco-friendly, exquisitely designed and economical, you can personalize, schedule for future delivery and send as many high-end, musical-animated cards as you wish. Pound Ridge owners and managing partners Jane and Steve Lieberman, along with a talented art, photography and editorial team, have put their hearts and souls into creating each and every U nv el o pe ecard. Recently, a corporate executive and new member emailed the following thoughts to U nv el o pe.com : “I'm at work and just found a way to log in (could not wait)! I quickly opened a few cards and am already excited. It's wonderful, classy, creative, different, touching, inspirational and beautiful. Now THESE are cards I'd be proud to send to AC&S Excavating Contractors, Inc. Serving Pound Ridge and the area since 1952 FULL ON-SITE EXCAVATING Site Development Septic Systems Rock Hammering Blasting 764-5749 www.acsexcavating.com friends and colleagues. Congratulations. I can't wait to register as soon as I get home. This simply has to be a great success! Pat” You can well imagine how these words made the Unvelope team feel. It was almost better than receiving an U nv el o pe ecard! Visit www.unv el o pe.c om and make your own determination. Join for $12.00/year or $18.00 for two years and send as many cards as you wish at no additional cost. Or, you can choose from a limited selection and try it for free. Go ahead. Communicate beautifully through Unv el o pe ecards. Jane & Steve Lieberman Website: www.unvelope.com SUMMER PET CAUTIONS • Give your pet access to plenty of fresh water at all times. Even healthy pets can suffer from dehydration, heat stroke and sunburn if overexposed to the heat. • Avoid lathering your pet with any insect repellent or sunscreen not intended for the four-legged kind. • Keep your pet away from matches, citronella candles and lighter fluid which, if eaten, can irritate the stomach, lungs and central nervous system. • Be cool near the pool. Don't Torrie M. Hartman, B.A., Director leave pets unsupervised around a pool, etc.—not all dogs are expert swimmers! School of Dance • Never leave your dog, cat or any Progressive classes ages 3 to adult other animal friend alone in a car! Creative movement • Pre-Ballet • Ballet The inside of a car can heat up very Jazz • Tap • Modern —Adult day and evening classes We also offer private lessons (upon request) quickly—even with a window open. Let us tell you about our Birthday Parties! Po und R i dge Veter i na r y Cent er 69 Westchester Avenue · Scotts Corners (At the rear of the Photo/Nails/CURVES Building) 764-4644 Torrie Marie’s 764-5390 Everything for House & Garden Greenwich Post The Lewisboro Ledger New Canaan Advertiser The Redding Pilot The Country Shopper The Ridgefield Press The Darien Times The Weston Forum The Wilton Bulletin ELLEN BETH BELZER, Account Exec. 203-894-3323 800-372-2790, ext 149 Fireplaces • Stoves • Accessories 40 Westchester Avenue 764-5679 www.wittus.com Hand & Power Tools • Lawn & Garden • Paints, Sundries Fireplace Equipment • Plumbing & Electrical Leaf & Snow Blowers • Window Treatments • Housewares Gas Grills • Kerosene Bulk • Bird Feeders & Seed Storm Windows, Doors, Screens Repaired • & More! 68 WESTCHESTER AVE 764-5125 MON-SAT 8-5:30 SUN 9-1 7. Wishful “Thinning” No More! If you wish to have a slender waist, firm buttocks and better posture, your answer is literally “around the corner.” P i la t es Po und R i dge can help you achieve your natural beauty. Anna DiPace-Zullo, Master Teacher at the studio, is a veteran, having started her own Pilates journey over 20 years ago. Actors, models, pro athletes and rock stars practice Pilates because it works. It doesn’t take hours and hours a day of “grunt work” in a gym or studio with harsh music, to get a gorgeous figure. What it takes is a commitment to practice Pilates just a few days a week. After 10 sessions you will feel different, after 20 sessions you will look different, and after 30 sessions you will have a new body. Pilates is a set of exercises developed to cultivate flexibility and coordination while building core strength and improving posture. Whether performing exercises on a mat or using equipment with springs to provide graduated resistance, the goal is always to achieve control over body movement while challenging core strength and torso stability. Anna says, “One of the benefits of Pilates exercises is that they are easily modified to offer a safe and challenging workout for just about anyone, from fitness newbies to professional dancers and athletes. Even those with special needs, like seniors and pregnant women, will greatly benefit. Pilates is an excellent treatment option for clients who suffer from arthritis, chronic pain, scoliosis, disc disease or decreased bone density, and I enjoy helping pregnant women and new moms gain strength to cope with their unique physical stresses.” Small group sessions which utilize the classical Pilates equipment can range in price between $25 to $40 each. Privates and duets are also available. Anna can be reached at 917-841-1218 or email pilatespoundridge@mac.com. The Website address is Pilatespoundridge.com Abitare 35 Westchester Avenue Scotts Corners 764-4644 Residential &Garden Design www.poundridgevet.com Jacqueline Silvestri-Kornblau Exquisite Drapery Design · Access to Unique Italian Antiques & Contemporary Furniture & Art Cinzia Panetti Garden & Floral Design · Statuary 764.9168 www.abitaredesigns.com CIOPPA ARCHITECTS LLC Award-Winning Renovations, Additions & Landscapes Carol A. Cioppa AIA LEED AP 92A Fancher Road Pound Ridge Tel 764 1549 Fax 764 5809 203-273-7171 (cell) carolcioppa@cioppaarchitectsllc.com cioppaarchitectsllc@blogspot.com Laurel Kaddatz, DVM Renee Beyha, DVM Kimberley Khodakhaj, DVM Christine S. Wilson, DVM HOULIHAN LAWRENCE 83 Westchester Ave Scotts Corners 764-5762 Trust. Integrity. For Over 100 Years. The Area’s Largest Realtor. WWW.HOULIHANLAWRENCE.COM EVERYTHING FOR YOUR LANDSCAPE & GARDEN Landscape Design & Installation Perennials, Annuals, Trees, Shrubs, Ground Covers, Roses, House Plants, Mulches, Tools, Planters, Furniture, Sculpture Poundridge 764-5781 NURSERIES INC. In the Hamlet www.prnurseries.com Mon-Sun • 8AM to 5PM AMERICAN CUISINE Memorable Meals Excellent Wine List Great Kids Menu Open 7 nights a week for dinner www.northstarny.com 85 Westchester Avenue ( Rt 124 ) Pound Ridge, NY 914 764 0200 8. PANELLA’s Arthur Avenue Deli & Catering Just the mention of Arthur Avenue and the aromas and tastes of quintessential Italian deli comes to mind. Well, save the commute! Arthur Avenue goodness is now in Scotts Corners at Pa nel l a ’s! “Panella” is Italian for a small loaf of bread, or, in Italian slang, “a good thing.” Both are found here in a spacious shop with welcoming decor. You will find a wide assortment of meats, cheeses, grilled and marinated vegetables to have on the breads or on the side. Fresh pasta and Italian specialties can be found in the mini-grocery area. And start the day ordering off their wonderful breakfast menu. Vito and Josephine diPaulo come from a tradition of fine food preparation and service, starting with Vito’s father’s first deli on Arthur Avenue in the Bronx. They love Pound Ridge and are anxious to get to know their new neighbors. Everything at Pa nel l a ’s Ar t h ur Av en ue D el i On May 3rd, Pa ne ll a ’ s sign (designed by Ruth Mendes, & Ca t er i ng is homemade, “from scratch,” with the freshest ingredients. In Wor d cr a f t & Gr a p hic s, U nli mi te d ) was installed. addition to super sandwiches, wraps and panini, daily hot selections are available. A wide variety of freshly prepared salads and marinated foods round out the menu. And for special occasions, look over the catering menu with everything from monster heros and antipasto platters to mouthwatering clambakes and pig roasts! If you don’t see what you want, just ask Vito! Mon-Sat, 7AM-7PM; Sun 10AM-5PM 78 Westchester Ave, 764-3446 A TOPIARY SUMMER REDUCE REUSE RECYCLE From everyday floral needs to wedding decor, Top ia r y is your destination. European wraps and arrangements, flowering green plants, including orchids of all sizes, as well as intriguing dried plant material are found in abundance inside this charming shop. Sandy Wellons has new zinc and majolica containers to show off your selections. Outside the shop is a mini-garden bursting across the arbor and along the edges. Topiary, 70 Westchester Ave. 764-1154 Pound Ridge Home Management,LLC Caretaking & Landscaping 764-5218 Call for a free estimate Justin Brent PO Box 326 cell: 914-774-5099 Pound Ridge, NY www.PoundRidgeHM.com TOPIARY THE FLOWER SHOP SANDY WELLONS 70 WESTCHESTER AVE. POUND RIDGE 764-1154 The Town Recycling Center, located at the Highway Dept. on Stone Hill Road, now accepts electronics (TVs, computers, etc.) with a trash permit from the Town House. No permit is required to deposit paper, glass, cans, plastic or metal. Open Wednesday and Saturday mornings (except on holiday weekends) from 9AM to noon. POUND RIDGE WINES & SPIRITS Choose from our wide selection of fine wines and liquors. By the bottle or by the case. We pride ourselves on individual, personal service. Your satisfaction is our goal! 71 Westchester Ave • Scotts Corners 764-3424 Tues-Fri 11-8PM, Sat 10-8PM, Sun 12-6PM ® THE ART AND SOUL OF ECARDS Don’t send just any e-card, send an Unvelope! Eco-friendly. Economical. Extraordinary. You’ll be making one wise choice. COMMUNICATE BEAUTIFULLY WWW.UNVELOPE.COM Tokyo 54 Westchester Ave Scotts Corners 764-8383 FAX: 764-5223 Hours: Mon-Thurs 11:30-9:30, Fri & Sat 11:30-10:30, Sun 1:00-9:30 WE ALSO DELIVER — delicious Ch ine se & Ja pan e se Cuis ine ! Juleigh’s Resale Couture An Upscale Consignment Boutique in the Heart of Pound Ridge Vintage & Current Top Designers Day Dresses, Sun Dresses, After-Five Dresses Evening Gowns · Jackets · Coats · Shoes Handbags · Furs · Jewelery · Accessories 67 Westchester Ave • Scotts Corners 764-4297 Juleighsconsignments.com
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