March 2016 Westwords - Westgate Community Association


March 2016 Westwords - Westgate Community Association
Westgate Community Newsletter
Westgate Community AGM
Thursday 10�� March 2016 @ 7:00 pm
Casino Volunteers Needed!
March 17 & 18
March 2016
Important Dates
Happening at the Hall
Westgate Community AGM
Thursday, March 10, 7:00pm
Adult Fitness
Monday & Wednesday 9:30 am -10:30 am
Casino (Volunteers Needed!)
March 17 & 18
Sit Fit
Tuesday & Thursday 10 am - 11 am
Soccer Registration
Deadline to register is Sunday, March 20
RSVP Ministries (formerly Calgary West
Christian Women’s Club)
2nd Tuesday of the Month 10:30 am - 12 pm
Westgate Ladies Spring Potluck Supper
Wednesday, April 20, 6:30 pm
Westgate Parade of Garage Sales
Saturday, May 28
Community Clean Up
Sunday, June 12
Kick Start Fitness
Tuesday & Thursday 7 pm - 8 pm
Chinook Martial Arts
Wednesday 7 pm - 8 pm
Westgate Acoustic Music Jam
Last Sunday of the Month 2 pm - 5 pm
Did we miss something? Contact to have your event
added to future calendars.
Westgate Community Hall Rentals
The Westgate Community Association has two halls available to rent.
Main Hall (capacity 150 people)
$500 full day or $50 per hour
Club Room (capacity 50 people)
$400 full day or $40 per hour
$300 full day or $30 per hour
All areas are non-smoking and require a minimum $500 deposit and a $100 nonrefundable booking fee.
Call the Hall Rental coordinator at 249-5656 or email for full
Westwords | March 2016
Inside This Issue
Important Dates.....................2
Happening at the Hall............2
Happy New Year, Westgate
Residents! .............................3
Let’s Step Forward Towards
a Safer and More Active City
A Message From Ward 8
Counselor Evan Woolley.......4
Westgate Community Soccer
Registration ...........................4
SCAM ALERT – Fraudsters
Pose as Canada Revenue
Looking for Ways to Support
March is Community
Association Membership
Awareness Month!.................6
Westgate Community
Membership Form.................7
Your Year of Reading Guides
Calling for Calgary Awards
READYCALGARY 2016.......10
Happy New Year, Westgate
The past year has been busy for your Community Association, Board
members and Directors working on a variety of events for your
enjoyment and issues that affect the quality of life in our community.
The most recent event was Winterfest; a night of skating and activities
for kids, culminating with an outstanding display of fireworks. Thank
you to Gillian for taking on planning this event for the past few years.
To those who volunteered at the event for kids crafts, music, fireworks
safety and all the other things that must be taken care of: THANK YOU.
With the warmer weather and melting rinks, THANK YOU to the
residents who spend their time late at night flooding the rinks for your
skating pleasure. You are appreciated by all who skate; without you,
the shinny hockey program would not occur.
The lego contest held in November was well attended and a fun time
for all. Thanks to Geneva for stepping forward to coordinate this event.
Welcome to Robert McBain as Newsletter Editor – thank you for
volunteering your time.
My personal thanks to our dedicated team of Westgate Board members
and volunteers: Renee, Gillian, Lesia, Meghan, Dan, David, Jodi, Susan,
Glenn, Geneva, John, Ryan, James, Harvey, Pat, Jane, Rob, Vanessa and
all volunteers who I have omitted to name. THANK YOU.
SENIORS EXERCISE: Mon., Tues., Wed. & Thurs. mornings we offer low
impact and “sit’n’fit” exercises for our senior residents. A low cost way
for you to stay fit and remain living in Westgate. Contact Pat at
CASINO: Westgate Community Association relies on the funds raised
by our Casino to maintain the Community Hall and continue offering
programs, services, events and resources for all residents of Westgate.
We are asking for your help to volunteer for a shift at the Casino. Please
consider volunteering; you will be able to meet your neighbours whilst
helping us. Dates are 17�� & 18�� March 2016 at Blackfoot Casino.
Contact Jodi at to add your name to list
of casino volunteers.
ANNUAL GENERAL MEETING: Thursday, 10�� March 2016 @ 7:00 pm.
Mark your calendars to attend, and please consider volunteering for
your Community Association. There are Board and event coordinator
positions available. “Many hands truly do make light work.” For further
information, please email
DOGS: please note the school and community fields are NO DOG zones.
To dog owners who walk their dogs around our community, please pick
up after your dog. The streets of Westgate are not the place for your
dogs to leave their calling cards; we have some very messy locations.
It would be appreciated if you would take a bag, pick up as you go and,
yes, go back pick up what you have left behind in past walks.
Pat Guillemaud
Westgate Community Association
For content submissions or advertising, contact
Let’s Step Forward Towards a Safer and More Active City
A Message From Ward 8 Counselor Evan Woolley
Everyone is a pedestrian at some point in their day. Whether
you’re out with your dog, grabbing a coffee with friends, or parking
your car and heading into work. Be it for five or 30 minutes,
walking is a part of our daily lives. Investing in pedestrian networks
not only makes our communities more walkable, but the ripple
effect reaches local businesses and strengthens the social fabric
of our neighbourhoods. I’m proud of the strong history of walking
that is designed into many of our Ward’s older communities. For
example, Sunalta’s narrow tree-lined streets with homes that face
the sidewalk, Mission’s short blocks that offer multiple route
choices and connectivity to river pathways, or Wildwoods’ parks
that connect to the Bow River’s paths. That being said, every
neighbourhood has that intersection no one likes crossing, or that
street you’d rather bypass on your way home. I believe everyone
deserves to feel safe and comfortable as they walk through their
My passion for making Calgary an Active City will require us to make a fundamental change
that recognizes walking as a valued mode of transportation. For that reason, I’m hopeful
for the City’s upcoming pedestrian strategy – Step Forward. Focused on “improving
pedestrian safety, reducing pedestrian-vehicle collisions, providing universal accessibility,
and, promoting walking as a viable part of Calgary’s multi-modal transportation system”,
Step Forward’s first order of business is simple: make commuting safer. Recommendations
like reducing the speed limit to 40km/hr on residential roads, expanding Safe and Active
routes to Schools Programs and building more Rectangular Rapid Flashing Beacons for
cross-walks improve safety for both pedestrians and motorists.
With our city’s growth, there’s no doubt that driving will always play a role in our lives. As
Calgary continues to grow, increased traffic is an ever present reality. Ultimately, whether
behind the wheel or on foot, the goal is to make everyone’s experience better.
Growing up in this community has given me years to explore the unique aspects of each
neighbourhood, as well as see where we can do better. Continuing down the path of creating
a better Calgary is going to take constant work and an open mind, and I feel that this strategy
is another Step Forward in making Calgary an even greater city.
Westgate Community Soccer Registration
The deadline to register (online at is March 20
Events run Monday & Wednesday evenings starting April 25th
Unable to register online? Contact
Westwords | March 2016
SCAM ALERT – Fraudsters Pose
as Canada Revenue Agency
Nearly every day, the Calgary Police Service
receives reports of scammers posing as agents of
the Canada Revenue Agency (CRA) or Immigration
Canada (IC). Unfortunately, scammers have
obtained thousands of dollars from several
unsuspecting victims. So how does the scam work
and how can you protect yourself?
The CRA scam, and many similar ones, usually follows the same pattern. Victims are contacted
via phone by people pretending to be a CRA or IC employee. The fraudsters claim that the
victim owes back taxes and that they need to pay money to correct the issue, or they will be
arrested or deported. Sometimes, the scammers have valid personal information about victims
and their families, such as names and birthdays, to try to legitimize the fraudulent claim.
The scammers can become very aggressive and may begin to threaten victims. Victims are then
told to send money through a wire service or to purchase prepaid credit cards or gift cards.
Once the money is gone, it is nearly impossible to trace.
Protect yourself from phone and email scams by following these tips:
Ÿ Do not feel pressure to respond to a request until you have a chance to verify the story.
Ÿ Never transfer money, or give out credit card or other financial information, until you can
verify the person’s identity and the story, and determine whether it is legitimate.
Ÿ The CRA will not ask for payment via prepaid credit cards or wire transfer.
Ÿ Some scammers are using a technique called spoofing where the caller ID looks like the
call is legitimately coming from the CRA or IC. Hang up and look up published numbers for
the agency in the phone book or online and call them directly to confirm the legitimacy of
the caller’s story before you take any action. Do not call numbers provided to you by the
person who called you.
Ÿ Don’t believe what you see. Business logos, websites and email addresses can easily be
duplicated to look legitimate.
Ÿ Watch for poor grammar and spelling.
Ÿ Hover your mouse over links to check their true destination. If the URL doesn’t match the
link, or seems suspicious, don’t click on it.
Ÿ Be wary of unexpected emails that contain links or attachments from unknown senders.
Ÿ Update your computer’s anti-virus software.
Ÿ Ignore calls for immediate action or messages that create a sense of urgency.
Ÿ Beware of phishing emails posing as the Canada Revenue Agency (CRA) requesting personal
information, or links within an email re-directing to a fraudulent website that appears to
represent the Canada Revenue Agency (CRA). The CRA does not email Canadians and
request personal information.
Ÿ Never provide personal information such as SIN, bank account information or credit card
For content submissions or advertising, contact
Looking for Ways
to Support
In October 2015, our Federal
Government responded to
crisis overseas and made a
commitment to resettle
Did you also know that there are 150 community 25,000 Syrian refugees in
associations in Calgary that are run by your neighbours? Canada by the end of March
In fact, more than 20,000 volunteers are involved in 2016.
community associations here in Calgary, making it the Immigration Society (CCIS), an
organization who has been
LARGEST collective volunteer movement in the city!
Are you a member of your community association? If not, involved
for over 30 years,
you are missing out on numerous benefits, including resettlement
a community leader with a
sizeable discounts at local businesses. Membership is is
to “…work in
extremely affordable with mission
community community
Did you know that Mayor association memberships immigrants and refugees
Nenshi declares the month averaging under $30 a year! settle
of March as Community Throughout the month of contributingandmembers
Association Membership March we encourage you to Canadian society”.
Awareness Month?
“be part of it” and find out Thus, they have created a
what your community helpful
association can do for you! website,
It’s easy and you may be surprised by the many benefits where
and options available to you as a resident.
information on how to
Community associations are run by your neighbours, they volunteer, donate or simply
bring residents together, they provide endless catch up on related news. If
opportunities right in your backyard, and they act as a you are interested or just
voice for your community. Most importantly, these hard- want to find out more check
working volunteers are dedicated to making sure your out the website or call 211 and
community is a great place to live, work, and play. help support settlement and
Purchasing a community association membership is a integration of our new
great way to get involved and show your support for the neighbours!
many ways your neighbours work to ensure you love
where you live.
For example, this very community newsletter is just one
of the many ways your community association works to
keep you informed on events, topics and issues of interest
close to home, written and compiled by your neighbours.
So take a minute during March Community Association
Membership Awareness Month and find out more about
your community association and how you can get involved!
March is Community Association
Membership Awareness Month!
Don't Forget!
AGM is March
10, 7 pm
Westwords | March 2016
Westgate Community Membership Form
Support your community association - purchase your membership today!
Membership is only $20.00 per household and is valid for 1 year from date of registration.
Please visit to sign up online or submit the following form
to the hall in person or by mail. Please make your cheque payable to the Westgate
Community Association. The hall’s mailing address is 4943 8 Avenue S.W., Calgary Alberta,
T3C 2V8.
Our Strength is Our Volunteers!
Family Name: ________________________ First name: ___________________________
Email Address: ____________________________________________________________
Street Address: ___________________________________________________________
Postal Code: ________________________ Phone Number: ________________________
Number of adults in household: _________ Number of children:__________
Would you like to receive an Email version of the Newsletter in the future? Yes ___ No___
Volunteer Spotlight - Gillian Lefebure
Gillian has lived in Westgate for 12 years and has volunteered
with the Community Association for the past 4. Currently the
Event Coordinator, she has helped organize the Canada Day
Bike Parade, Easter Egg Hunt and Winterfest. She also played
a large role in organizing the building of the playground near
Winston Drive and in bringing the Little Free Libraries to
Westgate. Outside of volunteering Gillian is kept busy with her
career as a geophysicist, her two kids and is currently training
for the Ottawa marathon.
For content submissions or advertising, contact
Your Year of Reading Guides
Calling for Calgary Awards
Whether you choose to read with a book in
hand or with an ebook downloaded from our
extensive catalogue, all you need to get started
is your FREE Calgary Public Library card and our
Year of Reading Guides. Use the Guides to plan
your next read, track your progress or take
The Year of Reading Guide is a series with one
Guide for each of preschoolers, kids, teens, and
adults, and features Librarian-approved
recommendations for everyone!
Your family can make use of tons of FREE
Library e-resources. Just download ebooks
directly to your device (; check
out free movies, TV, music & audiobooks with
Hoopla (; load virtually every
popular magazine you’d ever want to read
( … all you need is your FREE
Calgary Public Library card.
Consider giving a Guide to a family member,
friend or neighbour, along with a FREE Calgary
Public Library card. They are available at all
community libraries and online at
The Calgary Awards is one of the largest
citizen recognition programs in our city. The
City of Calgary established the Calgary
Awards in 1994 to celebrate and recognize
outstanding achievements and contributions
made by Calgarians. Each year, individuals,
corporations, community groups, schools
and organizations are nominated in five major award categories, for a total of 16 awards.
The City of Calgary encourages all Calgarians to look to their neighbours, colleagues, community
leaders, local organizations and businesses for those who could qualify as recipients of the
Calgary Awards.
The Calgary Awards are for Calgarians. Individuals, businesses, not-for-profit organizations,
community groups and other organizations can all be nominated. For specific eligibility
requirements, how to nominate someone in your community and for more information visit:
Nominations close on Friday, May 6, 2016.
Westwords | March 2016
Start Your Day out Right - With
Two fun classes to enjoy at the Community Hall
Only $5 drop in fee!
(Westgate membership
Stop by or call Pat for
more information at
Older Adult
Sit / Fit / Balance
Monday & Wednesday
9:30 am - 10:30 am
We do cardio, strength,
balance and flexibility
training with a focus on
making daily tasks easier.
Tuesday & Thursday
10:00 am - 11:00 am
This is a ‘no impact’ way
to stay active or a first
step to recovering from
an operation or illness.
We Need You!
Our casino is scheduled for March 17th & 18th at Blackfoot Casino. There are many
positions to be filled, both day and night shifts. Volunteering for our casino is
very fun and a great way to meet your neighbours and contribute to
the community. Westgate Community Association relies on the
funds raised by our Casino to maintain the Community
Hall and continue offering programs, services (this
newsletter!), events and resources for all
residents of Westgate.
Contact Jodi at
or 587-893-4489 to volunteer today!
For content submissions or advertising, contact
Building Community
READYCALGARY is a FREE community preparedness program developed by the Calgary
Emergency Management Agency (CEMA) for the citizens of Calgary. It has been designed
to inform, educate and build resiliency to the impacts of emergencies and disasters.
READYCALGARY has been designed as an all-hazards approach to emergency preparedness,
response and recovery to limit the impacts of future emergencies and disasters. This
program aims to educate and inform community leaders to share this information with
others in their family, neighbourhood and communities to foster a network of resilience in
Calgary. Visit for more information or to register today!
Program Structure: This course, delivered in a workshop setting facilitated by CEMA, has
been purposefully designed to reflect the diverse needs of its participants by dividing course
material into two distinct sections:
Section 1 covers the fundamentals of
emergency management (preparedness,
Registration deadline is 7 days prior to the
response and recovery) particularly
session of choice
significant for individuals and families.
As personal preparedness education and Section 1: March 8 (17:30 - 20:30 at CEMA)
awareness is applicable to all, Section 1 Section 2: March 22 (17:30 - 20:30 at CEMA)
is the foundation of this program.
Section 1: April 6 (17:30 - 20:30 at CEMA)
Section 2 develops on the material in Section 2: April 20 (17:30 - 20:30 at CEMA)
Section 1 to reflect the needs and
requirements of a whole community. Section 1: September 15 (17:30 - 20:30 at CEMA)
This section is for individuals interested Section 2: September 22 (17:30 - 20:30 at CEMA)
in further contributing to their Section 1: October 4 (17:30 - 20:30 at CEMA)
neighbourhood and community.
Section 2: October 18 (17:30 - 20:30 at CEMA)
2016 Session Dates: Program and
registration details, as well as online
versions of course materials, can be found at
The registration process is available online via 311 or email your preferred dates to
Participants must register for both Section 1 and Section 2 to complete the full program.
Section 1 must be completed before Section 2, but participants may register for any
available sections at their convenience (Sections do not need to be taken in the same month).
Westwords | March 2016
Average Westgate MLS Sale Prices
February 2015 - January 2016 for Single
Family Homes
6:30 pm
Everyone attending please bring
a casserole, salad, or dessert for four
For more info and/or if you would
like to help
Call Lois 452-6580 or Pat 249-7377
May 28, 2016 from 9:00 am - 4:00 pm
Doing some spring cleaning? Thinking of
hosting a garage sale? Not too keen on
going to the trouble of making signs and
advertising all by yourself?
Let your neighbours George and Robert
help you!
We will provide:
Ÿ Advertising
Ÿ Signs
Ÿ Community maps highlighting your
All you need to do is contact George Costa
( or 403-875-7653)
by May 16 to receive your FREE garage
sale kit.
# of
list price
$674,900 $669,500
$574,775 $570,000
$595,000 $595,000
$666,560 $646,700
$601,467 $589,000
$531,650 $515,000
$644,950 $628,500
$509,900 $500,000
$601,500 $593,967
$523,217 $502,333
sell price
$832,450 $780,000
Stats provided by Westgate resident George
Costa of Remax Real Estate (Central). Please
contact George for a free market evaluation
of your home.
206, 2411 4TH STREET NW
CELL: 403-875-7653
Each Office Independently Owned and Operated
For content submissions or advertising, contact
Advertise here!
For as little as $250 per issue!
Contact newsletter@westgatecomm for full details
Why Advertise with WESTWORDS?
Great demographics - Westwords readers love to support their
neighbours and their businesses. Let them know that you do too!
Locally run, locally supportive - Ad revenues from this newsletter help
support important community initiatives and the valuable volunteers
that run them.
Cost effective - With home delivery to over 1000 households in
Westgate, your ad could cost as little as 5 cents per house!
Offers a lasting message - Ads keep working 24/7. They provide a
lasting, durable message. Readers clip and save magazine ads for
future reference.