North London Centre Caravan Club ISSUE 4 AUTUMN 2012


North London Centre Caravan Club ISSUE 4 AUTUMN 2012
The Newsletter of the
North London Centre Caravan Club
Page no.
Chairman’s Welcome
Editor’s Link
Regional Meeting September 2012
North London Meeting July 2012
North London Meeting September 2012
North London Meeting October 2012
Rally Reports
Thank Yous
Letter from you Rally Secretary
North London Centre Supplies
Seasonal Articles
Recipe & Jokes
Royal Bath & West Show May 2013
HCIR September 2013
Kids Corner
Poem – Smiling Is Infectious
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Chairman’s Welcome
It is an honour and privilege to serve as your new Centre Chairman. I have been the Centre’s Treasurer for
the past 22 years and have served on the Centre committee before that. I have served with 8 different
Centre Chairmen, they have all served the Centre well and I hope to follow in their footsteps and will
strive to maintain the high standards set by my predecessors. I will continue to promote the Centre and
build on what I believe is a successful and friendly Centre.
On behalf of the Centre I would like to thank Dawn, our retiring Chairlady, for all her hard work and
commitment over the last 3 years; especially having a young family at the time. She was supported by an
excellent committee, many who have offered to stand again this year and for that I thank you all for your
continued support of the Centre. We will not be losing Dawn as she has agreed to take on the job of
Webmaster. I would also like to thank Debbie for volunteering to stand as Treasurer and Alan for
volunteering to take on the job as Rally Secretary; I am sure that they will all do an excellent job.
Dawn has put together a varied Rally programme and may I say a sincere thank you to all the Rally
Officers and Assistants who generously give up their time to run rallies. As without them we would not be
able to enjoy our hobby and pastime.
I would like to take this opportunity to thank Mandy for her continued help and support in all that I do.
Mandy and I extend a warm welcome to all members, old and new, visitors and friends to the North
London Centre. We look forward to seeing you all out on the rally field.
Pete Smith
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Editor’s Link
Hi Everyone
I hope you are all well and looking forward to the Xmas and New Year rallies. Unfortunately for various
reasons Barry and I have not been able to rally much this year, but we are looking forward to meeting up
with those of you who will be at the New Year rally in Ampthill.
Barry and I were sad to hear of Steve’s passing. Although Barry and I were not fortunate enough to get to
know Steve very well, it is very apparent from the obituaries on page 15 and 16, that he was very well
liked and will be remembered with fondness by many North London members, as well as those he knew
from other Centres. Our thoughts and prayers are with his family at this sad time.
My recipe for coffee ice cream on page 19 is one of my favourites and so easy to make. Although it is
not quite ice cream weather, it makes a very acceptable dessert to keep in the freezer for unexpected
I am making my usual plea to you, the reader, for any contributions to your Centre newsletter. Anything
that you find interesting will be considered for inclusion in the next issue. Please feel free to write to me
at my virtual address below.
Best wishes
Linda Holbrook , (
Solutions to ‘Sudoku’ and ‘Nine to Five’ are on page 23
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Regional Council Meeting
Regional minutes from the meeting - 19 September 2012
Membership Reports were discussed further and Rodney advised that he had received an email from The
Club stating that they are still having problems with the accuracy of these reports; However, Centres will
still receive a full nominal roll via email each month. Centre Membership Grants are issued by the Club
as per the 31st December issue. It was agreed that Centres should use their own initiative during AGM
registration as to the accuracy of the reports. The issue of some Club Membership Cards has been
delayed, although weekly Centre membership updates are still being sent out by The Club.
Mick Hicks asked if any progress had been made with regard to Events direct email marketing (Page 4,
8.8). The Chairman stated that it is indeed possible to do this as the Your Club in Your Region invitation
was sent out by The Club using this process. It will be the responsibility of the Event organiser to initiate
this process via the Marketing Dept.
Sandie gave everyone a copy of her report and a full listing of the NHCR Events Attendance for 2012.
For completeness the Newbury Show and Diamond Jubilee figures have now been added (copy attached
to these minutes). Sandie expressed her thanks to everyone for getting their figures to her so quickly after
each event. It was mentioned that “No Shows” have increased recently, mostly due to non-centre
members not turning up. This is very disappointing and it was suggested that perhaps deposits should be
taken, particularly for the larger events?
Sandie asked that all 2013 event information be sent to her by the end of the month at the latest so that it
is printed in the “What’s On” leaflet
The next Events Meeting will be held on the Saturday morning of the Regional AGM on 17th November
2012. The time and location is to be advised.
The Club have, in response to the members’ needs, agreed to produce a special ‘Rallying Supplement’.
This will contain information about all rallies, whether at weekends, over Bank Holiday or for longer
holiday periods, both in the UK and overseas. It will be issued in the first quarter of the year, inside the
Club magazine, to registered Centre Members only. Centre lines pages will continue to be published in
their new look format. All Council Representatives to continue to ensure their Centre’s send in their
relevant information, so that The Club website and brochures can be kept up to date.
With regard to the Regional AGM in November, the Secretary has received one nomination form for
Chairman. This is from John Moules, currently Vice Chairman. The Secretary wished to formally advise
Council that she will not be standing for the Secretarial position next year. All further nominations should
be with her by Friday 19th October (28 days before the RAGM). [Secretary’s note: Di Cook has now
also sent in her nomination form for next year]
Rodney asked all the Regional representatives to look within their Centres for prospective Council
Officers to support John, however, they should be mindful that the people they nominate, must have the
necessary skills required to be effective in these positions. Council were reminded that Club members,
currently holding elected office or committee membership within a Centre, are not eligible for
nomination for a regional council position. If no further nominations are received before the deadline, the
Regional Secretary will need to seek advice from Martin Stringer on the future of the NHCR. A comment
was made that perhaps this ruling should be changed, particularly for the less demanding officer
Date of next meeting
Next Council meeting is Saturday 17th November 2012, following the closure of the Regional AGM at,
Abbey Middle School, Mowbray Road, Bedfordshire, MK42 9XA. Time to be advised.
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Comments from the AGM
Before I start I would like to say how sad it is that we’ve lost a very special person this week. Steve
Walker sadly passed away on Tuesday morning. Steve and Sarah have been very active members of
North London and run many a rally including some of the largest rallies, Christmas, New Year and the
German holiday Rally this year. Steve also known as DJ Oggie put on some fantastic discos for the
centre. Our thoughts are with Sarah, Louise, Anna and family.
Mick Hicks
I would like to thank Dawn for completing 3 excellent years as our North London Chairlady. Dawn with
her husband Jason has worked tirelessly to ensure that our centre has continued to function. During her
three years, Dawn has helped set up a new North London website, and acted as rally secretary finding and
booking sites. Dawns charity Help the Hero's has also raised nearly £3000. I am sure you will all join me
in congratulating Dawn on maintaining the high standards of previous chairmen and with Jason
promoting a successful family atmosphere.
The Secretary then presents a gift to the Chairlady for her final term of office.
Margaret Pallet
When we joined the centre. Dawn was a lovely little girl around 5 years old. Full of energy!
Later, I went on to be Liaison officer, when Dawn was on the Teenager committee. We very much
enjoyed that time and hold many happy memories.
Now Dawn is finishing as the first Chairlady and I believe, the youngest; whose vitality has shown
throughout, even during the time of the arrival of McKenzie? She has done an excellent job.
So we have seen her grow from a lovely little girl into a lovely lady.
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Minutes of the meeting held on Sunday 22nd July 2012
at Home Farm Cardington, on the rally, at 11.00am.
Vice Chairman
Hon Treasurer
Hon Secretary
P Canty
Social Secretary
P Smith
Rally Secretary
R Hicks, S Beale & J Beale
M Hicks
M Smith
1) Apologies: D Kiefer, J Kiefer & D Todd
Minutes for 3rd June 2012
Proposed: J Beale
Seconded: P Canty
2) Matters arising: None
Chairlady’s Report.
It was nice to receive emails, letters and thank you cards from members and visitors, thanking us for the
Jubilee Chairlady’s Charity rally. From the feedback I have received, we put on a great show and one to
be remembered. I would like to pass on these kind words to all on committee and others that helped.
We have had to cancel our event at Bloxham this year due to the weather conditions, this is a shame as it
would've of been the last one for us but we have another event in the pipeline for 2013. The Royal
Bath & West Show, which is being run by Mick Hicks, more details to follow.
We have also had to cancel Meesden Bury Farm and Hurley due to lack of numbers.
I have been receiving plenty of bookings via the web, however we need to see if there is a way that we
can manage the online bookings depending on the situation for each rally. For example, once a rally is
full, the website needs to state this and make the online booking form for that rally inactive, to stop
further bookings.
Also, there needs to be a time limit for the online booking forms, perhaps no later than 48hrs before the
start of the rally. The reason being, that this weekend I received an online booking form for the Bedford
River Festival (the same weekend) at 1.20pm on Fri; the same day that the rally started. As most rally
officers prepare paperwork and envelopes at least a week prior to the rally and have also left home to set
up the rally on the Thursday, they will not be aware of the new booking. This could cause problems for
people just turning up unannounced.
I would suggest that the online booking form remains open for each rally until 2 days prior to the rally to
allow rally officers to view these late bookings. Members can, by all means, phone the rally officers on
the Friday if they so wish and see if there are any vacant places. It is then up to the rally officer to confirm
and at least they are aware. I can help Sue if there are any problems with these amendments.
Unfortunately we are unable to attend the Bedford River Festival but understand the bookings are high;
hope the sun stays out and you all have a great weekend.
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Rally Report
The Pre-German rally was a good success, we were treated to the Black Forest Gateaux at the meeting
and Steve and Pete explained all about the rally and answered any questions. Anthony provided a disco in
the evening and Angel performed her solo song that won her the final of Spelthorne's Got Talent. XFactor watch this space!!!!!
The Fox and Duck this rally replaced the advertise Laurel Cottage and it proved to be an excellent venue;
the contacts from the pub could not have done enough for us. They arranged for full English breakfast for
the Saturday & Sunday and a Sunday roast if required, both of these were excellent. Our thanks to the
rally officers who put on a excellent weekend, this consisted of a friendly Viking Cub competition and
also our centre Boulee competitions run by M Hicks. The winner of the singles was Steve Llewellyn and
the mixed doubles was won by John Beale and Beth Rowe. The rally officer had laid on a Saturday
evening social, which included Sausage, Mash & Peas followed by 2 different types of quizzes.
A very good weekend
Home Farm Cardington this was an event for us with the attraction of the Bedford River Festival, this
proved to be a great success with 30 vans in attendance and every one took advantage to go to the festival,
the weather was hot and sunny and with plenty of things to do at the festival most people did not come
back to the site until quite late some even later. The list of activities was endless and it was all free except
for the ice creams, burgers etc. On the Saturday night they had on various tribute bands and the final was
the Fireworks display.
Our thanks to Pete and Mandy for looking after us over the weekend.
Future Rallies
I will be attending, the German Holiday rally.
P Smith will attend Hillsons Yard
Proposed: M Smith Seconded: R Hicks
4) Secretary’s Report
Membership figures as of the 22nd July 2012
Existing 184
1) From Middlesex Centre confirmation that they would like to run Bloxham 2013
2) To Print Shop no longer require there services for printing the rally book, 2013
3) From Norfolk Centre requesting donations for the chairman’s charity auction weekend 2012
4) To Norfolk Centre confirming Item sent to them as requested
5) From C Club marketing department to revamp registration.
6) From C Club poster Good news for Centre rallies and Events. See CC web site
7) From C Club Personal Accident Insurance Declaration of Health Rallies
8) From C Club requesting email addresses for Centre Officers.
9) From Berkshire centre location and details for the Regional AGM 2013
10) From C Club revisions to Centre reports.
11) Letter from C Club concerning the site of Laurel Cottage
12) From C Club renewing memberships a new format is attached for registering with the centre
13) From C Club Centre interest paid into our account.
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Ref 2. After receiving the original letter telling us of the on cost for printing rally books the committee
felt that this figure was too great and that we could do this in house. A discussion took place with the
printer and they would not change their mind so a letter of confirmation was sent out confirming that we
would not require there services for 2013. Dawn to do a master to present to the committee.
Ref 11. Laurel Cottage is now open to run rallies there but there are some conditions attached for example
it must not be over used. This will have to be monitored by the host centre when issuing 4b clearances
and the clearances must now be approved by the whole committee. Which is quite ironical considering
that it was the Bucks centre that caused the original problems.
Proposed: P Smith
Seconded: S Beale
5) Treasures Report
Nothing to report, this mainly due to the lack of rallies.
Proposed: R Hicks
Seconded: P Canty
6) Rally Secretary’s Report
As discussed about the rally book will now be done in-house. The rally program for 2013 has now been
completed and will need to get rally officers in place. Then the rally program then can be sent to the
caravan club for their insertion and also be placed on our Web site.
7) Social Secretary’s Report
Looking forward to New Year, we have 3 acts and a full supporting program and some new activities. The
theme for New Year is Colour (black, silver and red). The approx cost this year has increased and is
expected to be £50 this covers all the entertainment, food and the rally. This is still excellent value for
your money.
8) H.C.I.R. Report
We will be going back to Great Barford as Henlow Lakes were asking too much for the site. The theme
for the Friday fancy dress is Disney and the overall theme for the weekend is the 60’s.
9) Regional Report
The regional AGM is at Abbey Middle school. Remember this is a school so the rally starts at 6.00pm and
not before. As always a full supporting program hosted by the Bedford centre.
10) Website update
We have over 7000 hits on the web site so far. Booking on line will be revised to have a cut off point as
late booking should be made direct to the rally officers. Various revisions to be made to the web site and
various updates have been recommended. For example removing out of date items.
11) Any Other Business: M Hicks. Can you please let me have the details of the members so that I can get them transferred to
North London? Action - P Smith
S Beale. Nominations - has anyone come forward for any of the positions yet as I have heard of various
rumors. At this point of time all nominations come to me the secretary and I will keep the current
committee up to date.
There being no further business the meeting closed at 12.30pm
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Minutes of the meeting held on Sunday 23rd September 2012
at Offley, Social club, on the rally, at 9.00am.
Vice Chairman
Hon Treasurer
D Kiefer
Hon Secretary
P Canty
Social Secretary
P Smith
Rally Secretary
R Hicks, J Kiefer, S Beale & J Beale
M Hicks
M Smith
Apologies: D Todd.
Minutes for 22nd July 2012
Proposed P Smith
Seconded R Hicks
Matters arising: None
Chairlady’s Report.
We have received donations from Brittany Ferries of £100 off any ferry tickets up to October 2013.
Oxford caravans a donation of a Halogen Oven.
Plus various donations from the German holiday rally.
It was decided that it would be best to hold a raffle over the AGM weekend with the draw taking place at
the flagpole straight after the AGM all proceeds will go to the Charity, this will be the last action for the
charity subject to making a presentation.
M Hicks asked if the monies raised from the charity could actually go to one of the local Help the Heroes
rather that the main body as this would be more appreciated than going to the main body and getting lost.
Chairlady to look into this.
Received a nice letter from Phil and Guinevere O’Brien thanking us for their time with North London but
they are moving on and have transferred to another centre.
Rally Report
German Holiday rally
Steve & Sarah Walker and Pete & Mandy Smith run the 2 week holiday rally in the Black Forest of
Germany at a beautiful site called, Kirchzarten. When we arrived on site our pitch was already allocated
and Steve was sat there waiting for us. Whilst I left Jason to put the awning up I went to check in, we also
received our rally envelope with lots of information in. Steve and Pete had spent a lot of time putting all
the information together of what to do and where to go and visit in the local and surrounding areas.
Opening flag took place and we welcomed lots of North London members as well as visitors. The
weather was very hot and we were able to sit out late after flag and enjoy the Bratwursts that the rally
officers provided as well as some of the local Schnapps! Some had more than others!! It was a lovely
evening to get to know everyone on the rally.
A few nights later the rally officers were treated to a Smorgasbord buffet with local delicacies laid on by
Tom & Diane Slender and Mel & Jackie Gray, there was also plenty of wine, beer, soft drinks and more
Schnapps! Another great evening. We visited some of the local places, Titisee Waterfalls was beautiful
but a long walk back to the top, Freiberg was great for shopping and the Toboggans were a bit scary but
not as much as the cable cars. A lovely part of Europe and a great rally.
It didn't all end there as our visitors Sandra & Tony brought their Line Dancing School over to Germany
to show us how it’s done. Their class was great, lots of people took part and the rest of the campsite came
to watch, a big thank you to them for bringing all their equipment and providing another great evening.
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After at least 10 days of beautiful hot sunshine, the Thunder & Lightening reared its ugly head and the
Chinese raffle had to be cancelled, which was a real shame. However, a very big thanks you to the rally
officers for all their time and effort before and during the holiday, it was a great success and from the
feedback I’ve received so far I think everyone who attended had a lovely time.
Future Rallies
I will be attending, the AGM.
Proposed P Canty Seconded J Beale
4) Secretary’s Report
Membership figures as of the 23rd Sept 2012
Existing 186
9) From C Club ending the run of headed paper & compliment slips.
10) From C Club your club in your region open day.
11) From C Club AGM committees returns for the centre.
12) From C Club changes to the weekly reports.
13) From Print Shop requesting us to go back to them at no on cost.
14) From C Club Charity Cycle ride for 2013 in aid of Leukaemia & Lymphoma
15) From C Club AGM nominal role of membership.
16) From North London poster for the Royal Bath show sent out to the events and the regional.
Ref Item 1. I have generated a new set of headed paper and compliments slips these have been approved
by the Caravan Club and will be issued out as of the AGM. These are not to be changed or revised in
any way.
Ref Item 5. After being approached by the print shop about our rally books I had a discussion with Dawn
on this situation and it was decided that we would go back and use them again this year.
 for the committee to bring the window plaques and committee badges to the AGM.
 that we also need the Friendship/Fellowship plaques for the AGM and also the committee plaques.
 that I require the figures for the various attendances etc for the AGM booklet.
 that at the AGM will require new photos of the committee for the web site and the rally book.
 that the web site should have all of the email addresses and links set up for the new committee.
 are there any price increases for the coming year.
Remind you;
 that at the AGM the procedure change to suit the transfer of the Chain of Office.
As you will see from the board that we have a full committee for the AGM and the coming year.
Proposed: J Kiefer
Seconded: S Beale
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5) Treasures Report
Nothing to report in relation to the accounts. Looking at the various prices I feel that we do not have the
need to do any increases this year.
As of the AGM, D Todd will be the Treasurer but I will still be working with her and completing the
accounts until the end of the year ready for the accountants.
Proposed: R Hicks
Seconded: P Canty
6) Rally Secretary’s Report
The rally program for 2013 has now been completed and will need to get rally officers in place. After a
brief discussion on the program there was some small changes, this will be re-issued to the committee.
We must push for the remaining rallies that require rally officers at the AGM so we can get the book out
to the printers.
 that the rally program also needs to be sent to the Caravan club.
7)Social Secretary’s Report
Looking forward to New Year we have 3 acts and a full supporting program and some new activities. The
theme for New Year is Colour (black, silver and red). The approx cost this year has increased and is
expected to be £50 this covers all the entertainment, food and the rally. This is still excellent value for
your money.
8) H.C.I.R. Report
We will be going back to Great Barford as Henlow Lakes were asking too much for the site. The theme
for the Friday fancy dress is Disney and the overall theme for the weekend is the 60’s.
Next meeting will be in November after all of the AGM’S
9) Regional Report
The regional AGM is at Abbey Middle school. Remember this is a school so the rally starts at 6.00pm and
not before. As always a full supporting program hosted by the Bedford centre.
10) Website update
Web will be transferred to Dawn asap.
11) Any Other Business: D Kiefer - I would like to thank the existing committee for the continued support over the past 3 years
and hope that the new committee will give the support to Peter as the new Chairman.
There being no further business the meeting closed at 11.00pm
~~~ 12 ~~~
Minutes of the meeting held on Sunday 13th October 2012
at Arlesey FC after the AGM.
Vice Chairman
Hon Treasurer
P Smith
Hon Secretary
P Canty
Social Secretary
D Todd
Rally Secretary
R Hicks, S Beale, J Beale & D Kiefer
M Hicks
M Smith
A Frazer
Apologies: None
Minutes for September
Carried over to next meeting
Matters arising: None
M Hicks opened the meeting by circulating a full list of the committee’s names and addresses.
Also circulated was a list of the proposed dates for the committee meetings with the first being at the
Halloween rally.
P Smith Welcomed everyone to this informal meeting and thank you all for standing.
With reference to Debbie Todd and the treasurer position I will continue to work on this position until the
New Year keeping Debbie fully informed with all aspects of the position.
I have discussed the following with M Hicks concerning the rally fee I would like to change this to suit a
one off fee and round it off. M Hicks pointed out that this can be changed within our centre rules but it
will need the committee’s approval. This was accepted by the committee and will be reflected in the new
2013 rally book.
M Hicks For the purpose of Debbie and Alan who are taking up new positions on the committee may I
remind you both please that under no circumstances are you to change any of the current forms, these
have been approved and currently work to the required systems and meet the legal requirements. This also
applies to the letter headed paper.
D Kiefer Then went through the various paper work required for the rally secretary function with A
Frazer and then passed over the book to A Frazer.
P Smith As far as the rally Secretary documents these can be changed or improved as long as the content
on the current form are kept and not changed.
M Hicks After doing the minutes etc. my next concern is the rally book, as we need to get these out asap.
I require the rally program and the front cover. We have 2 pages that will be removed and it is suggested
that we replace them with Blank rally slips.
The Flag and the Table cloth have been passed to M Pallett for her to update.
The current chain of office year bars will be updated this will be done by D Kiefer.
~~~ 13 ~~~
P Smith in a general discussion with Sarah Walker I have asked her if she has any items in which North
London might be interested in with the aim to purchase them for example the Plaque printing machine.
When convenient she will make up a list of items and forward it on may be some of these item could be
put on the web site “for sale page”.
Rally Reports
Offley Social Club – Nominations Rally – 21st to 23rd Sept.
A good weekend with 10 vans attending. There was a disco in the social club on Friday evening.
On Saturday evening we had went over to the club for a drink & a chat. It was good to see Steve Walker,
who paid us visit. Our Chairlady & family visited us on Sunday morning to officiate at Flagpole. Well
done to Pete & Mandy for organising a nice weekend.
---------------------------------------------Arlesey Town FC – AGM Rally - 5th to 7th Oct.
Vans arrived on site from 12pm on Friday, with a total of 20 turning up with two visitors from Bucks &
Berks – followed by drinks &a chat in the clubhouse. Saturday was a free day, seeing some of the ralliers
sitting out for lunch enjoying the warm sunshine. An FA Cup match was held between Arlesey &
Brackley Town (won by the home team 4-3) followed by West Ham vs Arsenal on the TV (Arsenal won
3-1 – much to many of the North London members delight).
In the evening the club held a Charity night with a popular local band with a raffle, most of us won
prizes. Sunday saw the AGM –followed by Flagpole. Well done to Our first Chairlady, Dawn, for a
successful three years, who along with Jason was presented with two large wine glasses, big enough for a
whole bottle between them. Good luck to Pete for the next three. All positions were taken and the old &
new committees were congratulated for their respective efforts & election. Various annual presentations
were made. Again a great weekend was had by all – thanks to Mandy & Pete for organising another great
~~~ 14 ~~~
Steve Walker
By Pete Smith
Steve had many interests, like the Nene Valley Steam Railway, but I met Steve through his interest of
Caravanning. Steve and Sarah along with Louise and Anna attended the North London Centre Christmas
Rally at Abbots Hill School. I was collecting a whip round for the Rally Officers when I went into Steve
and Sarah’s caravan. I don’t know who could talk the most, me or him, but I spent most of the afternoon
in their caravan. You could say, we hit it off from the start and became good friends. Steve played a major
part in the North London Centre Caravan Club, he served on the committee as the Rally Secretary and
also represented the North London Centre on the Home Counties Invitation Rally.
Steve’s past as a DJ was to the centre’s advantage when Steve volunteered to be the DJ at many centre
social nights. I will always remember the party night, at Banham Zoo, in the greenhouse tunnel when
Steve played all the old sing-a-long songs and we danced until late.
DJ Oggie, as he liked to be called, was always in his element behind the decks with a Port & Brandy in
his hand. Steve was never shy behind the decks, he liked to wear bright coloured shirts and have as many
disco lights as possible in the hall.
Mandy and I have run many a large rally, like Christmas, New Year, but we have always run these rallies
with a good team. Steve would always be the first person I asked, he always said “yes, not a problem, but
I will have to ask Sarah first”, but I knew that Sarah and the girls would always support Steve in all that
he wanted to do.
Steve would always have loads of ideas, re the decoration and lighting at such events. I will always
remember one New Year rally, when Steve had a good idea of changing all the decorations and lighting
after the first two nights, to change the mood for New Year’s Eve. It was a lot of work but a great success.
Steve had a great admiration and love of the Black Forest area of Germany, an area that he had worked in
and wanted others to see. He thought that it would be a good idea for the Centre to run a Summer Holiday
Rally at a site he knew of in Kirchzarten, which he and Sarah offered to run on the Centre’s behalf. It was
our turn to willingly volunteer to help Steve and Sarah run the Rally.
Steve phoned me one Night in March and told me of his illness. Mandy and I were in total shock as was
everyone else.
I have fond memories of when Mandy and I went with Steve and Sarah to Clacton in May this year. The
weather was lovely and on the Saturday we went down on to the sea front, Steve was now racing about in
his new go-faster scooter. We walked along the pier, and on making our way back to the car, Steve raced
up the hill from the pier, leaving us all behind. He waited at the top looking back at us laughing as we all
struggled to join him.
Steve was determined to run the Rally, at Kirchzarten, in August this year. He arranged everything, from
the activities on the rally, down to the Rally Commemorative Polo shirts, with his personalised
Schwarzwald logo. All Mandy and I had to do, was put the programme together with all that Steve
wanted in the programme, turn up the day before the rally started and assist him in all that he required for
the rally. The Rally was a great success, with many visitors and enjoyed by all.
Steve was unable to attend my Birthday party at the end of September, but he insisted that Sarah and
family still come to wish me all the best.
Mandy and I went to see Steve in Hospital, on Monday 1st October, where we were still able to have a
laugh and joke together.
Sadly Steve passed away the following morning.
And in Steve’s own words, as he would say, at the end of our many phone calls
“Go on you daft so and so, save your money, I’ll speak to you later”.
Steve you will be sadly missed by many but never forgotten.
~~~ 15 ~~~
Obituaries continued…
By Mick Hicks
Steve joined the North London Centre in the year 1997 and from the start he was dedicated to giving the
centre his full support.
Over the years he has helped out on many rallies either assisting or running them. He gave his full support
on many of the major rallies stepping in at short notice.
One of his joys was to sit at his decks and provide excellent discos for the centre and they were enjoyed
by all.
Steve’s last effort to help support the centre was to carry out the German Rally, this proved to be a great
success and for this we thank him. In recognition of a great time members wore the designer T Shirts
from the rally by way of saying thank you.
I classed Steve as a friend and also a friend of North London and he will be sadly missed. At his funeral
the crematorium was full with people standing all around the room, I am pleased to say that most of the
North London members who attended the German rally were in attendance with their families. As well as
other North London members there were many other friends from other centres who were present.
The centre had sent a card from the members and a donation was made to the requested charity.
Our thoughts and prayers go to Sarah and the family at this very sad time.
Michael Hicks
Hon Secretary
Thank yous
A letter from the family of Steve Walker
To all who attended Steve’s Funeral
We would like to thank all the people who attended his funeral and showed their support. We didn’t get
around to see everyone, but appreciate all who made donations to the Nene Valley, and if you would still
like to, this will be open until 18th November 2012 with Austins in Stevenage.
Again all our thanks
The Walker Family
~~~ 16 ~~~
A letter from your Rally Secretary:
Dear Members,
Thank you for electing me as your Rally Secretary for 2013, as most of you will have heard I have had
previous experience with another centre with this position.
I have already started drawing up a provisional Rally Programme for 2014, but would like your assistance
in finding new sites. If you know of a place where we may be able to hold a rally please let me know. All
you need to do is give me the name & telephone number of the Owner or Site Manager and I will do the
rest. If you wish, as a site finder, you can have first choice to run the rally.
Alan Frazer
The Centre has the following for sale – please don’t go elsewhere to buy them:
DICKY-WITT Caravan Stickers
See me (Alan Frazer) on the Rally Field or at Flagpole
Or call me on 01525-370206 or 07946-050066
~~~ 17 ~~~
What is Harvest Festival?
Essentially a celebration of the crops, fruit and vegetables grown on the
land, Harvest Festival is marked in churches during September or early
October (the date is dependant on the autumn equinox). Its origins go back
thousands of years, and in Britain people have given thanks for a good
harvest since pagan times.
Harvest Festivals are celebrated in various forms right across the world. America has a very
important Harvest Festival in the form of its national holiday, Thanksgiving, which is a key date
in the American calendar. Here in the UK, many customs remain from the olden times, including
singing hymns and decorating places of worship with the fruits of the land. More recently it has
become custom for baskets of food, both fresh and tinned, to be distributed to elderly or poorer
members of the community.
In the agricultural community a huge Harvest supper was usually held to mark the occasion some villages still hold suppers to this day. The supper was presided over by the Lord of the
Harvest, a respected member of the community who was responsible for making sure farm
workers were fairly paid and harvesting was carried out properly. Sitting at the head of the table,
the Lord would carve up the highlight of the harvest table, a fat goose stuffed with apples.
Although this delicacy may no longer be available at many harvest suppers, many rural
communities still hold their own Goose Fairs at harvest time.
It was also customary to make corn dollies at harvest time, which were used to decorate supper
tables and houses during the festival. Traditionally made from the last sheaf of corn cut, the corn
dolly was meant to represent the Corn Spirit, which the pagans believed would protect crops and
bestow a good harvest the following year.
Why do we celebrate Halloween?
Straddling the line between fall and winter, plenty and paucity, life and
death, Halloween is a time of celebration and superstition. It is thought
to have originated with the ancient Celtic festival of Samhain, when
people would light bonfires and wear costumes to ward off roaming
ghosts. In the eighth century, Pope Gregory III designated November 1
as a time to honor all saints and martyrs; the holiday, All Saints’ Day,
incorporated some of the traditions of Samhain.
The evening before was known as All Hallows’ Eve and later Halloween. Over time, Halloween
evolved into a secular, community-based event characterized by child-friendly activities such as
In a number of countries around the world, as the days grow shorter and the nights get colder,
people continue to usher in the winter season with gatherings, costumes and sweet treats.
~~~ 18 ~~~
Very Easy Coffee Ice Cream
This is the easiest recipe ever. I am sure you will love it as this is so
simple to make and freeze. The texture is smooth, silky and tastes
1 tin sweetened condensed milk
300ml double cream
2 Tablespoons of instant espresso powder (Percol)
1 Tablespoon of Coffee liqueur (Tia Maria)
Put all ingredients in a large mixing bowl and beat until mixture forms into soft peaks.
Alternatively whizz in a food processor until mixture forms into soft peaks.
Pile into a freezeable container until frozen
nb. The ice cream will stay soft, due to the alcohol.
Sent in by Mick Hicks
1. The wife was counting all the 1p's and 2p's out on the kitchen table when she suddenly got very angry
and started shouting and crying for no reason. I thought to myself "She's going through the change."
2. When I was in the pub I heard a couple of idiots saying that they wouldn't feel safe on an aircraft if
they knew the pilot was a woman. What a sexist pair.... I mean, it's not as if she'd have to reverse the
bloody thing!
3. Local Police hunting the 'knitting needle nutter' who has stabbed six people in the arse in the last 48
hours, believe the attacker could be following some kind of pattern.
4. Bought some 'rocket salad' the other day but it went off before I could eat it!
5. A teddy bear is working on a building site. He goes for a tea break and when he returns he notices his
pick has been stolen. The bear is angry and reports the theft to the foreman. The foreman grins at the bear
and says "Oh, I forgot to tell you, today's the day the teddy bears have their picks nicked."
6. Murphy says to Paddy "What ya talkin to an envelope for?" Paddy replies "I'm sending a voicemail !"
7. Just got back from my mate's funeral. He died after being hit on the head with a tennis ball. It was a
lovely service.
8. 19 Irish paddys go to the cinema together, the ticket lady asks "Why so many of you?" Mick replies,
"The film said 18 or over."
~~~ 19 ~~~
~~~ 20 ~~~
~~~ 21 ~~~
Kids Corner
~~~ 22 ~~~
Smiling is infectious
Smiling is infectious
You catch it like the flu
When someone smiled at me today
I started smiling too
I walked around the corner
And someone saw me grin
When he smiled I realised
I had passed it on to him
I thought about the smile
And then realised its worth
A single smile like mine
Could travel round the earth
So if you feel a smile begin
Don't leave it undetected
Start an epidemic
And get the world infected.
~~~ 23 ~~~
~~~ 24 ~~~