June 5, 2016
June 5, 2016
.-lq.:ne W*xrj$,v&x 5, 3S16 $f, Sfsrrfd kars *stfu{;*eer$& Foundcd 186S Archd iacese *f Ga lvest*n- l''f *ri st*n 1Stl Hwy 90 $outfi P.S. Bpx llS Andersen, Texas 7?83S {r3s} s7s-exs1 Fax: {93S} 873-3SS4 Emait : ststan&€m harqrnail.com www.s*intstans.org Rsv. R*dclt* C*l-0rtiz. Fastor Walter B*sa, Ferm*nsnt D*ac*n Caro{ Serres, Secr*tary Mass $chedule SunCay 1*Ah{ Safurday: S PM Hoty Days See Bulletrn $/**kdxys $e* *utletin Gther Parish lnforrnation Ccnfesslons: See SuHetin & By App*intrnent &apfisrns: tsy Appcintment l,t/e#dr*gs: Arr*ng*m*nts at least six rn*nths in advar:*e F"un*raJs. Anangernents at the Rectory Sn*lraf I{ornec*rnlng e 8*zaar 2o* Sunday ir: *ctoh*r Slck-call sets make wonderful wedding presents I t* take ccrnrnunio:r shut-ins anc* wonder why, when s*meenc is near death cr the priest visits tc an*int, a si*k-*.*ll s*t le *ct sst up. Decades ago, we allgct on* as a wedding gift. When t'rn in a parish. I make sure ail of my extraor"dinary rnlnister$ tak* a sick-call {erueifix} $et witi} th*rn be*aus* $:anlr h*mes d*l"r't harr* then:" Aeearding tc the rituxlfor the Pastorai Care cf tFre Sick {t.lll.74}, the fucharist sFrou[d he transporl€d in a pyx that is kept in a burse- At the lccati*n {honre}, ther* sh*uld be a pnrper plxce fcr th* lurharist, usually a tabl* with a linen elath, eandles. *nd pcssihly holy w*ter" Alf thes* items ara in the set. Sq if tlnre and l*eati*n alXow. this sh*r.:fd stif I be done" H*w*ver, it is n*t essentlal if the persxn is irr danger of death or a sacred space cannct be set up (fcr exan'lple, cn the side of the road). These s€ts ere *vailable i*r purehase; rnanli Cathal[c s*pply st*res have them" Th*y make a w*s'ld*rfxl w*ddi:Tg gift **caus* they ree*gniae that spouses intend to h* t*geth*r until death, The set can b* used whe* or.le becomes iff or ctcse lu death. Unfortunately, nreny f*nrilies ds not att*nd M*ss, ** th*ir prepar*ti*x ior recelving the fucharlst cr bein6 anointed is fur fr*rn th*ir minds. Th*ir awareness a{ and *ceess to, such iter*s now c*rfie irom parlsh rninisters. * :*:.5 l*dlli$.: iiJ$l:riAl0f,l!. Ligrt*s:. &!0 i$l5I'l$']. lr:ri*,: 1r ll-r.A, 1mj.1fi;ar.i.i "11 ;;;lrqi;11ig iq.ir t. $:,:'. **rfiisii*.' i$ p;b;iiir i:a: :e *r: gr::*ie$ *r-: tr{arrir l.}. 1I11. }! ti.: .\r}{}il i{1. er n,J Ii* *rul i.r F,i!:*,;,t,!iiiit'i;is.:lil.ilfi\iiii]{rii."r}.it.Ir!!i,".P*rr;t}i.tsi* i*i:iish jS ,$i! lr,a::(*{ *.i i I *r ri:!1 (S tJr t, dii\. lt} ij; r{ir iei}thr.rg 19 r*ri;::ir*'J in lhi: ;rr$.i. ii d*;J l:ni i,rpiy a:1 rrs*r;*nr"r:: *i ii* .1. a1*!1in!l,ii,rr - r'; rr.rh;.6eyl{:,t, r,.)lii$in,'lr.ti:ilit5,:rli:ll*dh1 1 f a. {a,:ii.}t{:,fi1ti,Lt$."Si:ir$il.riti:r?tsr\ir$t'**it!d* "d*:i;i$}*o'lthl.u{ t,",. ril.r: ..'t,\..r.r'-'{,'..{,4 i hii !$+{t }It t,.il.n* ir.n T }' L:S,,)r [.,) ..tf .,. . ><f )Ij f tra'i jr !(:\tr liiltl4. r i,.irtrtj rrj:r j+t: ,tj tt \irw A,:8 :.$tt), l$$1 !SftS, 1Src {*i}a.dt*{rit"i.+{ (.;liistidrr SrEtrilr$. 1*ir.. W*{hin$tsn. }C,.i}} f;lgirt: **s*ra*d. fu *r*m i"ige+:r }un$ay &ultetirr: r:e1l $0N]25-SJL June 5, 2016 Tenth Sunday in Ordinary Time We give thanks to the Lord for the gift of life. ln today's first reading and in the Gospel, we hear two accounts of life being restored. Elijah pleaded with God to revive the widow's son, and Jesus was moved by pity for the grieving mother and restored her son's life. Paul explains to the Galatians that the source of his teaching is revelation from Jesus Christ. Father Jojo Mass lntentions frioio@em barq mai l. co m Wednesdav June 8th-12:00 Margaret Baronowski & Joan Jameson Fridav June 10th- 12:00 Eleanor Walkoviak Father Jojo requests that you visit the following website: Adam Walkoviak, Pete Nowak & Allick Nowak John Michael Dobyanski, Rodney Laskowski & Jeremy Poret 11= i lrr www. ch u rch m i I itant. tv _JL l-iturgical Minist t- &/ tt 1t;.. I is:, t- ,*p.( Lectors. Susan Wisnoski & Russell Pasket Rosary: Barbara Dibello E.M.H.C: Kellyane Kitkoski, Michael & Susan Wisnoski Altar Seruers: Daylen Wagner, Drew Wagner & Andrew Borski Ushers; Stephen Pasket, Chet Sicinski, Johnny Pasket Jr., & Michael Wisnoski Lectors. Sundav June 1 2th-10:00am SaTmczak Tommy & Barbara Rosary. Joan Pushee E.M.H.C. Margaret Mcclosky, Kaitlyn Pasket, David Borski, Marion & Evelyn Szymczak, and Robert Maggio (Choir) Altar Servers: Reece Wrobleski, TylerAbraham & Wyatt Marek Dennis Sechelski, James Busa, Carl Schroeder & Lance Schroeder Ushers: r .rF'rqir+"-!r Mas$ss At St" **turday-Mauu ; I Sunday- Mass will begin at 10 Stanislaus & Friday * sffi,I Wed. : eginning at SPm. Mass *t 12 noon I ".ri6r-irJ'li.:g.rii5;l.o.lrnrl"Li.tdtu"-tr:lr'ixiF-i.iffi*,i.iflnriri-,ifrl.'-'!iiir'iiiiir-ar*ff*riri!i-ra-rq_ t-\ I Our Holy Fathef's Pr:axer lnte.ntiof'ls fqfJune *$-1S ! UniveJsal: l-tuman Salidarit!: that the aged, marginalired, a*d those who have ns sne mray find-*ven witf'lin the huge cities *f the r,,u*r"ld-*ppsrtu*itie$ fcr *nc*unter and solidarity. ilvan.&eIizati.g.Ir: Serninarians and N*vices:Thar scminanlans and xren and wornen ,*ntering relig{nus life r:ay have mentsrs whs life tl"re j*y af the fiospel and prepare tl"rem wiseiy for th*ir rnisslon. \*-***-r----rrprr-r:r:-r**rff { |r iI I **-riarrrx-**-!**xnxFan-- tt*! dr?----::-*-- Choir practice '-nilr*ii--",Jil'l Sick : ^ I hr rred-\rc n'afl in -;-----l--" in tho the Thursdays 6:30 CnurCn. EVeryOne wel**n:e tn jcin! --*2 I IS Every 3'd weekend of the rnonth, arwinting of tl-re sirk wi{l be held in the *hurnh fi:llrlqring the 10:00 AM Sunday Mass \ I t1? 12 Hour Adorationl 0ur elrurch is *pen every* &'tonday b*ginning at arn I until&prx, Every*ne is wei*omcto join in the rvorchip *ilh the schedulad persons. tI Divine Mercy & Ro*ary |l*ld *n Friday f*fiowi*g ll"l* il*6n mass. A1I are we{conre to join r;s in the Chaplet of Divrne Mercy. .Sr" i ! ! ! I****_Y:':::1i31**, , t $rcrua&xffl Jr*tdt$rr, {ttroV {u, u"*" / fuchm{-r$i( ed*rrstl First Friday of every rncnth begins at 5pm and Mass ai 6prn N* n*rn & ass !r" Anninting nf th* sick is for p*uple wh* ar* xeri*usly ill xr pr*paring to undergo surg*ry" lt is als* for the *ld*rly who ur* suffering frcm the ltl*lt{ ,€!!. * ?q !a =!i q r l+ r?* !i !!{l il-- i ; c!. - r r - a\ \lri }aCraffi€nt Sacranrent Of of K*{Sll(lllotl$fi Ra*o*ciliation i I [ *0 -,-rt"- h-f.* *--kdry M*** ! call ahead sc the priest kn*ws.} | [ {ftu*u" *Spm it *n th* Znd and 4th Saturdays -.i, - j -1 *re Rite *r chrisrran rnrrrarron I llannins a Mafriage? I! o:y-,1:,.::I:,s l of adult confirmation, please I " Aduits iRClAior pr*parati*n is required Th*re a ' ;;;; thry church office';;"" Irlr-L I proce.ss thai, must be cor::qtelf i | -r*rq-iastgl&anqi**-*****-rl ;-!F- primr tn nne being rnarried in lhe i ' Baptisrn t t Classes arc nec*ssary fnr baptrsms. Please contacl th* parixh *ffice lo r:ake, n**d*d arranfl€ments" i iI * ,l C*thuiir Chur*h. $rart fiartyt Fl*ase cnntact th* parish *ffice f*r more infcrrnatisn. I Legion of Welcome to St. Marv Stanislaus Catholic Church! Please contact the parish office if you wish to register or know someone who would like to become a member of our parish. Current members are asked to update your contact information as ---J-r I I a II a III I a I I a r- - -- i i It, well. I Monday l,{ight at 6:i0 in CCE guilatng. For tryfo. Contact Diann Sechelski os0-s73-2255 oftur 5:00 fIf IffIf frrrl ::- ---: -- I---- Altar Societv --r -- St. Stanislaus Altar Society meets the first Thursday of every month. The next meeting will be September 1st at 6:30 Catholic ladies are welcome to join us! I I I ! I rrrrrrrIr a t) I t I I I I I t I a a i The church office will have limited hours r t t I I I I I I I from June 7th to June 10th. I I I I I I I I T I I ! I ,\r r\rr\rr\r r\r r\r r\r r\rr\r r\r r\r r\rr\rr\r r\r r\r r\rl\rt\r r\r r\rr\t r\r,\r r\r r\r r\rr\r r\r r\r rv r r I I I I I I I I ! I t I I We will have collection basket for food at r I I r weekend Masses to help our r I I I I a I I I I I T neigh bors in need. I t a I I t a a a Birthdavs & Anniversaries On the 1't weekend of every month (Sunday Masses), Fr. Jojo will bless anyone with a birthday or wedding anniversary during that month. Kniehts of Columbus KC Coun cil #4054 meets at the KC Hall every 2nd & 4th Monday at 7pm. Please join us. All Catholic men are welcome. Contact Dean Miller at 936-524-1700 for more information. t-:--------: Cemetery Guidelines lf you have questions or concerns pertaining to the cemetery contact Charles Posinski a|873-2113. lf work needs to be done to a headstone or qrave vou must first contact Charles Posinski. ! Life itself is a precious gift from God. With that gift comes the obligation to use what we have been given for the betterment of ourselves and others. To waste the talents that are uniquely ours is a loss that can never be recovered. We can praise the Lord with who we are and all that we are. I?ri"t',1, f 1{r5i! "' rlrlef ftil{{t\e'ti{{ r l'' . - ' I OuEhircFwill b-eop6nEily'toFprave- Reading.s -. Saturday June 11 Mondav June 5 Thursdav June 9 Weekday Apostle Mt 5:1-12 1 Kgs 18:41-46 Mt 5:33-37 17:7-L6 FridavJune 10 Weekday 2Sm t2:7-10, t3 1 Kgs 19:9a, *"r.,,n", Gal2:1.6, 11-16 ' l- Kn, 18:20-39 Lk Mt5:27-32 ,, 5:t7-1e I I SundavJune 12 Mt 5:13-16 I : I t9-2t 7:36-8:3 or I 7:36-50 .l a t r r - - E I I : I 13:1-3 Tuesdav June 7 Kgs provided oPen. st 8am until 4 pm the office is ff''e church office is closed on Mondays. For information on renting the parish hall contact the church office. Acts 11:21b-26; Mt 5:20-26 1. I I St. Barnabas, 1 Kgs 17:1-6 I ' I I I E r i I r r r parish family ill and/or homebound. who are Please pray- for our -- - Jannie Abbott, Lois Barton, Bernice Briers, Betty Busa, Francelle Busa, Michael Busa, Pearl Busa, Christine Bush, Annie Cooper, Margaret Creel, Patricia Dobyanski, John Faust, Ruben Garcia, Claudia Gurrola, Meb Haftman, Mark Heymen, George Janacek, Rosalee (Pat) Janacek, Kaudia Johnson, CJ Kapcinski, Helen Kimich, Betty Kitkoski, Kacy Kitkoski, Kathy Lang, Florence Lara, William Lett, Charisse Marshall, Russell Mattern, Rosemary Molina, Helen Molitor, Thomas Noble, Joseph Obell, Matthew Oliver, Reagan Oliver, Mary Pasket, Barbara Perry, Mary Joel Phillips, , Marvin Sechelski, Geneva Sicinski, Crista Chiles Skalsky, Lane Smith, La Nell Szymczak, Tonya Taylor, Angie Tomczak, Steve Vezurk, Joanie Willis, Janette Yanchak, Michael Yanchak, Jenna Zientek Please prav for those in activ.e militarv dutv. Austin Barnes, Andrew Burzynski Don Fontaine, Michael Katkoski, Airman Cody Klawinsky, Matthew Macejewski, Tech Sgt. John McKnight, & Deavan Szymanski Please let the office know of anvone who should be added or removed from these lists. !'I . C"ff..ti*. l' - ' May 28th 'Ur*--_iro 2, I 94.00 - r - I a_ r ; I July 10,2016 St. Vincent de Paul Total $3,245.00 to St. Mary Seminary I t - June 26,20L6 Peter's Pence I I May 29th t ' I s 1,051.00 s Z-* Cofi.ffinr,! r_a l_t- r r r - r I - rt I -ar - ,} *. .. NOBLES FUNERALCHAPEL "Where service Comes First" s.'i ,r ?:: Over Forty Years' Experience in Navasota When the Need Anses We lnvite You to Call Blackshear, Navasota TX 402 Easl <1.., Est. r -:,- iI, Jeffley & Douglas Nobles (936) 825-7776 BUCKNER,S JEWERLY INC. 1e71 watch, clock, Jewelry sales & Repairs Midway Plaza Shopping Center l-929 University Ave. Ste C Huntsville, TX 936-295-0942 ,Cf;i?fi., owner Serres & Son Plumbing Services lnc. *e* STUDHALTER INSURANGE \ifff HEALTH - MEDICARE SUPPLEMENTS LIFE "@tffi -T (e36) Bzs-7387 BCBS * AETNA - UNITED HEALTHCARE - HUMANA * CIGNA * SCOTT & WHITE * NEW ERA - UNITED OF OMAHA * AFLAC * GERMANIA * & MORE GIS DATA SPECIALISTS Baylor Lumber & Building Co., Inc. Pipeline Mapping and Database Development 210 North Tenth St. PO Box 111 Navasota, TX 77868 7L3-582-8892 Mid Tex Livestock Auction Sale Every Commercial & Residential Master Plumber .--Michael Serres "\'or-rr Complete Plumbing Needs" 936-825-6805 Knights of Father Domanski Council No. 4054 Meets 2nd & 4'h Mondays 7pm - KC Hall Thursday l2 Noon "A family owned and operated business" (e36) 82s- 3e70 TMPL # 17862 First National Bank Circle Columbus Cell: (935) 870-s840 4 Bar-B-Q Wayne Fread 936-825-6173 RT Box 1570 Navasota, TX77858 OfAnderson Hwv 90 Anoerson Member F.D.l.C (e36) 873-2s11 Triangle B Corp Propane Reody to Service Grimes & Surrounding Counties 1-800-882-3 657 or 936-851-2268 P O Box THE FEED BARN 102 W. Johnson St Navasota, TX 77868 475 Richards, Texas 77873 Advertise your Business Here todayl Contact the Parish Office 936-82s-0600 Roger & Blake Vezurk, Owners In Memory of 936-873-2291 Novosolo Iivestock Tartrilrl< Buul,a Co. Auction on Saturdays 7846 Hwy 90 Navasota 936-825-6545 d(Ln55KqOWgffinrur NOTO'S Home & Auto Store Lawn Mowers - Parts Tires & Auto Accessories 102 E. Washington, Navasota (936) 82s-3s78 r Iirnrilr ()rvned & t)pcracud . l)igic*l I:'rl^itction .:.{ SurroLtnul Sound r Specirl [ir,qnts Srowrl,vrri.s: l"ri: -1p ct;p. Sat: tp. +p &;p" SLrn: rp & -gp F ree (lhrisrirn NIrlvie Night - See ,rr:r.i Sundat's .tr ;pr1t wlYw. M ILLERsT uE;rrRE. cou Lone-Star Roof Systems "Texas' Premier Roofer" Kurt & Luke Bradicich - Owners 972-816-547 1 or 800-317-1939 wwrl'. LoneStarRoofSvstmesLLC. com TEXAS COMMERCIAL WASTE Land Clearing Driveways Dozer & Tractor Work P.O. BOX 291 BRYAN, TEXAS 77806 Darrell Wagner ( 9791 77s-7L7L Cell 936-870-5967 Home 936-873-3146 Brush & Fence Lines
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