March 27, 2016 - St. Stanislaus Kostka
March 27, 2016 - St. Stanislaus Kostka
{e is *isew ,. :\ I : 9c. Se"nblaas Caehokc /n)erson, ne*as Tltawl 27 2016 Cla*A .I March 27 2016 Easter Sunday of The Resurrection of the Lord Alleluia, he is risen. Truly, he is risen. ln the first reading, Peter preaches about the life, death and resurrection of Jesus. The second reading encourages believers of Christ to think of what is above, not what is on earth. ln the Gospel, Mary Magdalen, Peter and the beloved disciple witness the empty tomb. Peter is confused, but the beloved disciple sees the empty tomb and believes. Mass lntentions Father Jojo f[ Wednesdav March 30th-12:00 Father Jojo requests that you visit the following websites: Frank & Sophie Busa Stash & Nettie Dobiyanski Fridav April 1st-6:00 Raymond Pasket Saturdav April 2nd- 6:00 AII deceased members of the Joe & Mary Sechelski Sundav April 3rd-10:00 Kenneth Walkoviak -www. fati machal len ge. com -wvvw. consecratio now. o rg -vl/wvv. usccb. org New Catholic Radio Station. KSHJ 1430 Saturday April 2nd-6:00pm Lectors: Leonard & Lanell Szymczak Rosa4iz: Delores Posinski E.M,H C: Charles & Delores Posinski, & Kellyann Kitkoski Altar Seruers: Philip Pasket, Christina Hluchan & Allison Wisnoski Ushers: Chet Sicinski, Johnny Pasket Jr., Michael Wisnoski, & Darrin Pasket Sundav April -10:00am Tommy & Barbara Szymczak Rosarrr Legion Of Mary Marion & Evelyn Szymczak, Joan Pushee, Tommy S4ymczak Kelly Bohnert & Robert Maggio (Choi| Altar Servers: Sam McClosky, Zane Moriarty & Brianna Burzynski Ushers. Jerome Klawinsky, Roger Vezurk, Dennis Sechelski & James Busa i -l Masses At St. Stanislaus Saturday-Mass will be here at 6pm with confessions beginning at 5pm Sunday- Mass will begin at 10 am I I ) Our Holy Father's Prayer lntentions for March 2015 Universal lntention:That families in need may receive the necessary support and that children may grow up in healthy and peaceful environments. Evangelization lntention:That those Christians who, on account of their faith, are discriminated against or are being persecuted, may remain strong and faithful to the Gospel. Thanks to the incessant prayer of the Church. !t r I t a l I l a t a ! I l a t a l l a t I l tl Choir practice Thursdays 6:30 in the church. Everyone is welcome ta ioin! 12 Hour Adoration Our church is open every Monday beginning at 8 am untilSpm. Everyone is welcome to join in the worship with the scheduled persons. i i i i i ,r L---- --------- l------ itl St. Mercy. - - ----------- StanUlMA 1toit&a, 9,nq.{u. i :'-'-'olo,nrilror-*"ilu . I ua. --..! '- t -I I --------\^ Baptism i are necesrury ! i clur."r for baptisms. Please ! i contact the parish office ! i make needed i i ,oarrangements. i1, i \------ Eucharistic Adoration and Mass First Friday of every month begins at Spm and Mass at 6pm No noon Mass I Er"ry Anyone seeking the Rite of Christian lnitiation of Adults (RCIA) or adult confirmation, please call the church office at (936) 873-2291 It I t r I r a r t I r a t a l r t r I r r r r r rtl Divine Mercy & Rosary Held on Friday following the noon mass. All are welcome to loin us in the Chaplet of Divine RCIA : a a a I t t I I I a a t ! I I I a a a r --------l- Sacrament of Reconciliation I I -30 minutes before weekday Masses ; (Please call ahead so the priest knows I i 3'd weekend of the month, anointing : I a iall :?ry ?!9 ry 1T :elytl?Y: r r r r"ll!: I rrI rr! rI I rI rr I f .. 1l I I I I I I I Planning a Marriage? a ) o t I There is a required preparation I ! process that must be completed II I Rnointing of the sick is for people who are : prior to one being married in the I I seriously ill or preparing to undergo r Catholic Church. Start Early! iI surgery. lt is also for the elderly who are : rI Please contact the parish office for I I suffering from the infirmities of age. more information. t It I r r t r r r r t r r r r r r r r r r r r rl -a-a-t-tIa-a-t L. of the sick will be held in the church following the 10 :am mass. l Legion of 1------- wetE-oi"; to Si:------l I Altar Societv I I !I Stanistaus Catnotic Cnurcn! ! rl i Please contact the parish office if i you wish to register or know some- ! one who would like to become a I I Monday Night at 6:30 in CCE Building. For info. Contact Diane Sechelslci 9i6-873-2255 after 5:00 member of our parish. Current members are asked to update your contact information as well. J lSt. Stanislaus Altar Society !meets the first Thursday of every month. The next ! meeting will be April 7th at 6:30. Catholic ladies are welcome to join us! ! a r ! I I I I I t I I I I I I I I I I t I I I I I I I I I I I I t I t I I I I I t I t I I I I I I I I I r I I I lataa -l I aaaa aa a I aa IT Ia rl II ' : ANNOUNGEMNETS i Church office will be closed Tuesday Marc;ln 29th for training. I II ll TI II tt a ll IT TT TI -tI : :I I -x-x1--i-x)--tlixt-)--xt-)-ts/ . ' II The next Altar Society meeting will I l-t : April 7lln at 6:3O aa a_a a- l be : ,' I O- o'ta a trrrrt !rrrrrrfrr! l r! f----iilffi;;;&----l i aooir.rsaries rM a t a l rrr! a r! a r a rrrrl Kniehts of Columbus a r r ! ! r r t r r r a t r t raato -b-J,ii-t.*-C,ii?riii".ill or KC Coun cil #4054 meets at the KC Hall every znd & 4th I every month (Sunday i Monday at 7pm. Please join us. All Catholic men are Masses), Fr. Jojo will bless welcome. Contact Dean anyone with a birthday or Miller at 936-524-170A for wedding anniversary more information. during that month. I lf you have questions i concerns i cemetery contact Charles i .l I 4.1 , Posinski at873-2113. I i a the On*o, I I I I I wo* needs to be done to a headstone or erave you must first contact Charles i lf The significance of the empty tomb was seemingly beyond the comprehension of Peter and Mary Magdalen. lt was the beloved apostle, John, who understood the implication. He saur and believed. When we trust whole-heartedly in christ, we witness things that seemingly defy human comprehension. Easter is evidence of that. The love of the cross triumphs over sin and death. From humiliation, brutality and pain come redemption and salvation. Alleluia indeed! Posinski. T I I ! ' II - MondavMarch28 ] ..r.r" of Easter I Thursdav March l Mt 28:8-15 I ** Octave of I o.,, I . Jfl 2:36-4t 20:11-18 I ".,r* ri Easter "t -' . octave of 31 j i Acts 4:13-2! Easter ,n ] 3:11-26 i Lk 24:35-48 i , Acts i : Fridav April i Octave of 1 Easter ' 16:9-15 contact the church office. Second Sunday I of Easter Sunday i of Divine Mercy i Acts 5:12-16 Acts 4:1-12 Rv Jn the office is open. ffre church office is closed on Mondays. !II For Fnr information infnrmafinn on nn renting ranfino the narish parish hall hall sundav nprir 3 : , rrtt",. I ::i:l: bEa6n?5lly-fffiayefl - ! OuiThr]rcFwill -saturdayApril2 6t 8am Until 4 pm pfOVided I Octave of Easter uo, 2:14,22-33 ' 'I 'l '! h.ffiliriel- 1:9-11a, t2-13, 27:t-14 ,^']o-rl-=, i I -Fi"Lfr ;!ffi'r ;,ffir;i5ti"i"il*no ail ii I Ln-arci nil"bffi d. -'l Jannie Abbott, Lois Barton, Bernice Briers, Betty Busa, Michael Busa, Pearl Busa, Christine Bush, Annie Cooper, Margaret Creel, Patricia Dobyanski, John Faust, Ruben Garcia, Claudia Gurrola, Meb Hartman, George Janacek, - Rosalee (Pat) Janacek, Kaudia Johnson, CJ Kapcinski, Helen Kimich, Betty Kitkoski, Kacy Kitkoski, Kathy Lang, Florence Lara, William Lett, Charisse Marshall, Russell Mattern, Rosemary Molina, Helen Molitor, Thomas Noble, Gage & Lane Nichols, Joseph Obell, Matthew Oliver, Reagan Oliver, Mary Pasket, Barbara Perry, Mary Joel Phillips, Marcella Reaves, Christopher Sechelski, Marvin Sechelski, Geneva Sicinski, Crista Chiles Skalsky, Lane Smith, La Nell Szymczak, Tonya Taylor, Angie Tomczak, Steve Vezurk, Joanie Willis, Janette Yanchak, Michael Yanchak, Jenna Zientek Please let the office know of anvone who should be adclecl or removed from these lists. I.-ll-rr-rr- Please prav for those in active militarv dutv. Austin Barnes, Andrew Burzynski Don Fontaine, Michael Katkoski, Airman Cody Klawinsky, Matthew Macejewski, Tech Sgt. John McKnight, & Deavan Szymanski I Collections i Saturday March 19th $ 1,000.90 'lr : I April 24,2016 Home Missions I I Sunday March 20th $ 3,610.60 : rElt-laEta-tl I i. { May 8,2016 Catholic Communications : I I ! .$ NOBLES FUNERAL CHAPEL "Where service Comes First" pi l' Over Fofty Years' Expeience in Navasota When the Need Anses We lnvite You to Call 402 East Blackshear, TX Navasota .- : Est. Jeffrey & Douglas Nobles (936)825-7776 BUCKN ER,S J EWERLY INC. leTL Watch, Clock, Jewelry Sales & Repairs Midway Plaza Shopping Center 1929 University Ave. Ste C Huntsville, TX ^,:"L^ owner McDultre, 936-295-0942 Serres & Son Plumbing Services lnc. Commercial & Residential Master Plumber -Michael 5eres "Yor,rr Complete Plumbing Needs" 936-825-6805 Knights of Father Domanski Council No. 4054 2nd 7pm & 4'h Mondays - u HEALTH - MEDICARE SUPPLEMENTS - LIFE (936) 8zs-7387 * * BCBS - AETNA - UNITED HEALTHCARE HUMANA CIGNA " * * SCOTT & WHITE NEW ERA UNITED OF OMAHA AFLAC " GERMANIA * & MORE GIS DATA SPEGIALISTS Pipeline Mapping and Database Development 7L3-s82-8892 Sale Every KC Hall Reody to Service Grimes & Surrounding Counties 1-800-882-3 657 or 936-851.-2?68 P O Box THE FEED BARN 475 Richards, Texas 77873 Advertise your Business Here today! 102 W. Johnson St Navasota, TX 77868 Contact the Parish Office 936-825-0600 & Blake Vezurk, Owners 936-873-2291 210 North Tenth St. PO Box 111 Navasota, TX 77868 Cell: (935) 870-5840 Thursday I2 Noon "A family owned and operated business" (e36) 82s- 3e70 4 Bar-B-Q Wayne Fread 936-825-6173 RT Box 1570 Navasota, TX7786A Baylor Lumber & Building Co., Inc. Mid Tex Livestock Auction TMPL # 17862 Triangle B Corp Propane Roger W . ri{ Circle Columbus Meets _*!*_ STUDHALTER INSURAilGE Hwv 90 Anoerson Home & Auto Store OfAnderson Tires & Auto Accessories Member F.D.l.C (935) 873-2s11 ,t{lllLLrlp"$ d 0n55K NOTO'S First National Bank qour gilrflipf Lawn Mowers - Parts 102 E. Washington, Navasota (936) 82s-3s78 r lilrnilv ()rr,ntd & ()pellrurl r l)igi6lrl |)fo.jgcrion r ;.1 Surrottnd S,.rund r Speci:rl l:r-r'cnts Srrolyrlruss; ['ri: -p1: $i;p. Sat: rp^ +p & 7p. Sun: rp & -1p Iiree (.ihristiru Nlr.rvic liight - Secoutl Suud;r1,s rrt Tpul lvww. M tLLERsT UEATRE. coll Lone-Star Roof Systems "Texas' Premier Roofer" Kurt & Luke Bradicich - Owners 972-816-547 I or 800-3 17 -1939 www. LoneStarRoofSystmesLLC. com Handling all your feed needs In Memory of Novosolo Iiveslock (o. ?a,lri/,l< Auction on Saturdays Buul.a 7846 Hwy 90 Navasota 936-82s-6s45 TEXAS COMMERCIAL WASTE P.O. BOX 291 BRYAN, TEXAS 77806 1979177s-7L7L - Land Clearing Driveways Dozer & Tractor Work Darrell Wagner Cell 936-870-5967 Home 936-873-3'146 Brush & Fence Lines Mowing & Shredding
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