Newsletter #07 17 May 2016 - East Narrogin Primary School
Newsletter #07 17 May 2016 - East Narrogin Primary School
ENDEAVOUR ACHIEVEMENT SUSTAINABILITY THOUGHTFULNESS Principal: Mrs Ann Webster Email: Phone: 9881 1581 Deputy Principal: Mrs Joanna Hayes Fax: 9881 1707 Off-Site Kindergarten: 9881 2015 Please remember that we have early close at ENPS every Monday. School closes at 2.30pm Kindy closes at 2.30pm From the Principal Dear Parents and Members of the School Community, We are now four weeks into Term Two of the 2016 school year. We have started the term with a positive vibe within the school and we are all really excited to be participating in our Cross Country this Friday. It will be an afternoon of fun and ‘having a go” at running long distances and I congratulate all the students who have been training really hard with Ms Pettit before school as well as with their class to be super prepared for this challenging event. Our extremely active P&C are busy preparing cupcakes, biscuits, soup and cakes for the District Cross Country on Friday May 27 as well as finding volunteers to make and sell donuts at the exciting Kookaburras vs Great Britain hockey match in Narrogin on May 21 and May 22. Please see Jo Thomas (P&C President) for more information on how you can help be involved in raising money for our school. We are waiting in anticipation for 9 new student laptops for classroom use. This will allow students to access computer time more effectively. Congratulations to Ben Jones for being nominated as School Board Chair. On behalf of the School Board I would like to acknowledge the strong commitment of Lisa Bradford and Renae Shepherdson for all the valuable decision making and contributions they have made in improving our school over the years. Both ladies have resigned from their positions. Welcome back to Mrs Webster from long service leave and we are sure you are looking forward to the remainder of a busy Term 2!! Newsletter No: 07 Date: 17 May 2016 Established 1963 Coming Events Footy Clinic, Years 4—6 Thursday 19 May ✩ Cross Country (1.30pm—3.00pm) Friday 20 May ✩ Walk to School Day Friday 20 May ✩ Ovarian Cancer Fundraiser, $2.00 Cupcakes (available after Cross Country) Friday 20 May ✩ AQWA Excursion, Years 1—3 Wednesday 25 May ✩ District Cross Country (AM) Friday 27 May ✩ Student Development Days — Students DO NOT Attend Friday 03 June Tuesday 07 June ✩ Public Holiday — Students DO NOT Attend Monday 06 June ✩ Have a lovely week School Cross Country and Ovarian Cancer Fundraiser Kind Regards, Joanna Hayes, Acting Principal This Friday 20 May 1.30pm on school oval. Year 4 boys and girls. Year 5 and 6 boys. Year 5 and 6 girls. Cupcakes will be for sale after the Cross Country for $2.00 to raise money for ovarian cancer. Congratulations to Kaysha and Kayleigh for demonstrating responsible behaviour and helping others. Academic High Fivers, High Achievers From Behaviour & Participation Monday Assembly Draw Congratulations to the following students who had their names drawn out at the Monday assembly. These students each had the chance to spin the ENEE BEE WHEEL for a reward. Week 3 ✩ Tahlia Regan – Be Caring and Considerate (10 min outside sport for the whole class!) ✩ Tanika Bropho – Be Your Best (Computer time with a friend!) ✩ Lamonte Penny - Be Your Best (Extra playtime with a friend!) ✩ Joseph Piper - Be Caring and Considerate (Computer time with a friend!) ✩ Tyler Ugle – Be Your Best (Footwear of his choice in class!) Week 4 ✩ Gorden Turvey – Be Responsible (10 min outside sport for the whole class!) ✩ Gorden Turvey – Be Responsible (Jump the line card!) ✩ Ashleigh Erickson – Be Responsible (Free dress with a friend!) ✩ Lachlan Ballard - Be Responsible (10 min outside sport for the whole class!) ✩ Jobe Fleay – Be Your Best (Computer time with a friend!) Behaviour Expectations Our school leaders and also Duty Staff will be looking out for students who are using good manners. Attendance!!!! We would like to remind parents and caregivers that it is a Legal Requirement to make sure that your child attends school each day and that the school will need a sick note with a reasonable excuse if your child is absent. Part of my role for 2016 on a Monday and Wednesday is to follow up on student absences and to work closely with our Aboriginal Education Officers and do some home visits during the week. Any parent from our school that does not have a reasonable excuse for their child’s absence will be contacted by the school to provide a reasonable excuse for their child’s absence. We are also working closely with KAATA and our school representatives to make sure that students attend regularly. Johan van Wyk, Behaviour and Participation Administrator Kookaburras Vs Great Brittan Raffle We are raffling 4 adult tickets to the International hockey game on Saturday 22 May 2016 at 2.30pm. Tickets can be purchased from Room 9 before school or at lunchtime. Tickets only $1.00 each! Raffle drawn on Friday 20 May. All money raised will go towards the Year 6 camp. WALK SAFELY TO SCHOOL Friday 20 May, 2016 On Friday 20 May, we are encouraging students and their families to walk safely to school (or bus stop). Walking to school is a great way to replace short car trips, which is better for the environment. We would like to see as many students and their families walk part or all the way to school (or bus stop) on this day. It is strongly recommended that students walking and cycling to school aged 10 years and under are accompanied by a parent or carer. A good reason to participate: ✩ If we all changed just one or two car trips a week to active transport, such as walking, cycling, we could reduce traffic congestion and air pollution while saving money, improving our health and the safety of our children. The most important message for the students is that walking is free, it’s better for the environment and it keeps our bodies fit and healthy! Upon arrival at school, students are invited to Breakfast Club in the undercover area. Prizes and stickers will be handed out to lucky participants. Tischa Forman & Jo Hayes From The Canteen For a limited time only on Mondays we will have hamburgers on the menu at $3.80 for a small size or $5.00 for a large size. Chicken or pumpkin soup with a bread roll is available on Monday, Thursday and Friday for $4.00. Thank you to Ebony Rogers and Laura Windsor for your help and support in the canteen. Uniforms We have in stock our East Narrogin scarf to add warmth to your school uniform for the coming cold months. They are available from the canteen for $6.00, for the girls and the guys. For the girls, we have fleecy lined fashioned slacks for $30.00 to help keep you warm. Ros Boothey, Canteen Manager From The Uniform Shop The due date for jacket orders has been extended for another week. Please return your order and $30.00 to the school by Tuesday 24 May with your child/rens name and size. The uniform shop will be open on: Tuesday 31 May—8.30am—9.30am Tuesday 21 June—8.30am—9.30am Kelly Smith, Uniform Coordinator Honour Certificates ECC/2 Kallum Thompson ECC/2 Isabella Hall For trying hard to persevere when making a boat that floats after reading "who sunk the boat" by Pamela Allen. He was the first student who created a boat that floated and he continued to challenge himself to see if he could make it even better by placing pebbles inside it. Well done Kallum, you should be proud of your problem solving :-) For trying hard to learn her initial sounds and being such an enthusiastic student when introduced to guided reading. Her love of books and reading shone through and I hope she continues to smile after every book she reads! What a star Bella :-) Community Centre Kalei Franks For beautiful colouring and lovely neat work. Kalei takes care with all her work and is learning that it is OK to make mistakes. Well done Kalei! Community Centre Vienna Perren For trying so hard with her work and classroom duties. Vienna is extra helpful and often helps others to put games away and pack up. Well done Vienna! Room 1 Emily Kulker For Emily, you are a great class member. I really appreciate that you are dedicated to your learning, often being one of the first to get on with set tasks. Not only do you complete tasks quickly and efficiently, you are also always helping out at the end, making sure our classroom runs smoothly. Well done! For Kayteequa, you are quietly achieving in our classroom environment. I love how you welcome the new students and help them to fit into class routines without making a fuss. You are also working hard to complete all given tasks to the best of your ability. Keep it up! Room 1 Kayteequa Penny Room 3 Bohdi Haigh For working independently during all writing activities and for displaying an excellent knowledge of Rainbow Facts. Great job Bohdi! Room 3 Xavier Symington For working hard to achieve very pleasing results in all subjects and for displaying an excellent knowledge of basic number facts. Well done Xavier! Room 4 Emanuel Fleay For participating in all classroom activities and having a go at all set tasks. You are a star! Room 4 Sophie Grice Room 5 Cassidy Fowler For always being willing to help others and producing work to a high standard. Well done Sophie! For always completing her homework to a high standard. It is great to see you putting so much effort into your learning Cassidy. You are a very focused student who always shows respect for yourself and others. Well done Cassidy! Room 5 Paige Gresham For always showing your 5 L’s during mat sessions. You always listen to instructions and contribute excellent things to class discussions. You are a wonderful student who is dedicated to learning. Keep it up Paige! Room 6 Jasmine Miners For her excellent application and understanding of fractions. It is exciting to see you developing your mathematical skills, Jasmine. Keep up the fantastic effort! Room 6 Jack Warburton For applying himself maturely to all tasks assigned. It is pleasing to see Jack take his responsibility for his own learning. Congratulations Jack, keep it up! Room 7 Lexy Allinson For trying hard to finish her work quicker. Lexy is demonstrating a more positive approach to all her schoolwork and her reading keeps progressing soundly. Well done, Lexy, keep up the good work! Room 7 Chelsea Bradford Room 9 Liam Todt Room 9 Rhys Trefort Room 10 Phoebe Jones Room 10 Makenna Batt Physical Education Award Chelsea Shepherdson - Year 4 Physical Education Awad Kaylab Maley - Year 2 Literature Award Lily Russell - Year 3 Design and Technology Trevor Eastwood – Year 2 Design and Technology Amira Schmid - Year 5 Health Amy Eastwood – Year 5 STEM Arrayah Maley – Year 1 For always demonstrating passion and enthusiasm for learning. Your contributions during class discussions are always thoughtful and valuable. Congratulations on your positive attitude and mature approach to everything you do at school. You are a real asset to our class! For demonstrating commitment and confidence as a Year 6 student. Liam your willingness to persevere with tasks and strive to improve, particularly in the areas of Maths and Writing are to be commended. Fantastic work, Liam! For his dedicated approach to all learning tasks. Rhys shows a high level of thought, application and attention to detail that makes his work a pleasure to mark. His maturity and sense of responsibility for his own learning is to be commended. Keep it up Rhys! For making a great and sustained effort toward working to her behaviour contract. Your behaviour has improved markedly Phoebe. Keep it up please. For the enthusiasm and dedication she shows towards all learning tasks. Makenna is a mature and reflective student who always takes responsibility for her own learning. She is to be especially commended on her recent application towards her TAGS project. Makenna is an absolute pleasure to teach. For showing a keen interest in netball this term. Well done Chelsea for having a go and joining in the skill activities. For being an enthusiastic participant in all Physical Education activities. Kaylab always cooperates with his peers and tries his best at all times! For being an outstanding student in viewing lessons. Lily is enthusiastic, curious and reflective about her learning. Her contributions to class discussions are intelligent, insightful and interesting. Lily sets the standards for others to follow and is an absolute pleasure to teach. Thank you Lily! Trevor, you have been my right hand in Design and Technology classes when we were doing Paper Planes and you have done a brilliant job in showing me and the Junior classes some new exciting designs of paper planes. You are a champ!!!!! Amira, you have been showing a very positive and mature attitude towards Design and Technology. Looking forward to see some of your designs in the future, keep up the good work!!! For excellent participation in the Protective Behaviour program class including thoughtful responses during discussions. For making a lovely and colourful digital space picture using Paint during STEM Honour Certificate Award Winners from Friday 13 May. Community Notices Disclaimer This section is provided for general information only, and on the understanding that the Department of Education is not providing advice or a recommendation about any of the services referred to in this newsletter. On Behalf of P&C Earn $ for your school- Every time you place an order, 20% of the total goes into our school fundraising account. Why not get your family, friends & neighbours to order. At the checkout just select our school and the 20% commission will go straight into our account... It's that EASY! ENPS P&C and ITalkTravel Narrogin alignment The ENPS P&C have aligned with ITalkTravel on Fortune St Narrogin to help raise funds for the P&C and also keep business local when booking your next travel expedition be it a large overseas trip or a simple overnight stay in Perth, Albany, Bunbury etc. Recently ITalkTravel have donated $200 to our P&C for the increased subscriptions to their website and also $300 from local families booking their holidays and trips through ITalk. This is the easiest $500 the P&C have raised this year! All you have to do is make a booking through the ITalkTravel website or directly in store and mention East Narrogin Primary School P&C. It is hoped that, through our broader network of family and friends all utilising the services of ITalkTravel when making any travel bookings the P&C will establish a "royalties" type passive income source. This is a WIN WIN system for all involved so please get on board and support ENPS P&C through supporting ITalkTravel a locally owned and staffed company who also have branches in North Perth & Kojonup. Talking Drugs – an Information Session for Parents Parents have an important role to play in preventing and reducing their children’s risk of harm from drug use. As part of the national and state strategy to address methamphetamine and other drug use behaviour, the Department of Education and SDERA are offering Talking Drugs information sessions for parents. A Talking Drugs session will be held for parents on Tuesday 21 June 2016 at Hilltop Café, Trade Training Centre, Narrogin SHS with welcome tea and coffee available from 6.00pm (Presentation 6.30pm to 8.00pm). Places are limited. To register go to: Triple P—Positive Parenting Program Venue: Southern Wheatbelt Primary Health, Williams Road Narrogin. Dates: Wednesday 18 May Wednesday 25 May Wednesday 01 June Wednesday 08 June Time: 9.15am – 11.15am For more information please contact the Primary Health Office on (08) 9881 0385. The P&C welcome our new Treasurer on-board. A big warm welcome and friendly hello to Michelle Wnuk. Michelle is a former student of ENPS and cannot wait to assist our P&C in all the fabulous things that we do. We say a HUGE thank you to our past Treasurer Debbie Haymes. Thank you for all your hard work and dedication over the past two years, it is very much appreciated. Our current committee consists of: President: Jo Thomas Vice President: Jo Batt Secretary: Nicole Fowler Treasurer: Michelle Wnuk Executive Members: Sara Ballard, Ann Webster, Jude Jones, Darren White, Debbie Haymes, Emma Peddey, Kimberley Stanfield and Ros Boothey All new members are warmly welcomed. Our next meeting is to be held on Monday 13 June at 7.00pm in the Library. Year 6 Cookie Dough Fundraiser The Year 6 Camp Fundraising Cookie Dough Orders are due this Friday 20 May. Please ensure you hand your order into Room 9 by end of school on Friday. Don’t forget to place your order—lots of fantastic prizes up for grabs. Kids First Children Services Kids First Children Services are running a competition for P&C’s to win $1,000. We are collating information to submit our application. What is your ―BETTER PICTURE‖ in education? Please submit your ideas via: Email: Or LIKE our Facebook page and find this post and make your comment Nature Playground—UPDATE The P&C are full steam ahead organising the Nature Playground. Our first project is to construct a tyre gradient down to the oval. So we need to find a weekend suitable to our amazing helpers to kick start this project off. If you are willing to lend a hand could you please advise of what weekend that you are able to help: Week 7—Saturday 11th & Sunday 12th June Week 8—Saturday 18th & Sunday 19th June Week 9—Saturday 25th & Sunday 26th June Name: _________________________________________ Phone: _________________________________________ Please deliver your completed slip to MRS FORD in ECC2