Term 1 - Holy Spirit School


Term 1 - Holy Spirit School
News from Mr Jeff Hall
Wednesday 10th February 2016
Dear Parents and Carers,
In line with BCE Policy, School
Fee Statements will now be
emailed to parents.
Holy Spirit School Term 1
School Fee Statements will
emailed by the end of this
week, with payment due by
Wednesday 9th March.
N.B. Direct Debit clients will not
receive a statement.
Please contact Mrs Paula
McDonell in the school office
should you require any further
Thank you.
Don’t forget that the Parent Information Night is on this evening. As outlined
in last week’s newsletter the evening will commence in the hall at 6.30pm. I
expect the evening will conclude by approximately 8.30pm and I look forward
to seeing you tonight.
As we settle into the first term we begin to look at providing feed-back to
parents as to how your child has settled into their new class. In the next few
weeks we will be inviting you to make a time to meet with the classroom
teacher/s. This normally takes place during the seventh or eighth week of the
first term. Please ensure that when the timetable is available that you make an
interview time.
The new classrooms for Year 3, facilities for Learning Support and the Art
Room are looking great and I invite you to drop in and have a look.
To help us, I would ask that parents who arrive early to collect students to wait
in the Tuckshop area where seating is provided. Although this new block is
close to the Parent Hub room, we ask that parents do not wait in in this area.
Thank you.
Have a great week. See you tonight.
God Bless,
Jeff Hall.
Now that our Prep 2016 students are settled into school, it is
time to call for applications for Prep 2017 students.
If you have a child, or have friends with a child, to be enrolled,
please contact the school office for an enrolment pack.
Thank you!
News from Mr Peter Hehir
Assistant Principal
School Behaviour Support Plan
Our school has a new Behaviour Support Plan to support positive behaviour in our school. School Behaviour
Plans are a vital component in every school. They detail the purpose, plans and expectations around student
behaviour and how we can best support our students. Behaviour has a major influence on a student’s learning
and we need to have consistent and efficient approaches to student behaviour in all parts of our school.
Our staffs have been engaged in professional learning and in professional conversations about the appropriate
approach to a school Positive Behaviour Plan. As well as clearly stating our purpose and our approach to
behaviour, we have developed a Matrix of behaviour expectations based around “I am a Learner”, “I am
Responsible”, I am Respectful” and “I am Safe.” The children will discuss and learn about these expectations
and what they mean for each child in our school. They are written in positive language which enables the
children to understand how they should behave in various situations and contexts.
We will be encouraging children to consider their behaviour using our “Heroes” Chart which recognises good
behaviour in class throughout the week. Teachers will be keeping records of this behaviour and also collecting
data and reporting on behaviour that does not meet our standards.
Hopefully, this new School Behaviour Support Plan will support even better behaviour in our school,
recognising the excellent behaviour of so many and supporting those who need to improve their behaviour for
the good of their learning and for their own development and growth
News from Mrs Kim Barrett-Coade
Assistant Principal Religious Education
Thank you to the children and teachers for your reverence, prayerfulness and beautiful
singing during today’s Ash Wednesday mass and liturgy. Ash Wednesday is the first day
of the liturgical season of Lent, this is a reflective season leading up to Easter.
Starting next week, the children will pause each morning and reflect on a way that they can
become better people during Lent. ‘How can I be more like Jesus in my daily actions and words?’
Each class has received a candle in which they will write a suggestion on how to be less selfcentred and more giving this Lenten season. I will read out one class’ suggestion each day and
ask the children and staff to reflect this in their daily interactions.
*Let our Light Shine this Lenten Season*
Caritas- Project Compassion
During Monday’s assembly the school community was informed about 2016 Project Compassion and how our
school is going to support the poor and underprivileged of our world. Our guest speaker, Marie from Caritas
Papua New Guinea and Year 6 Heart spoke to the school community on how the money is used to support the
many ventures in assisting the world’s poorest of the poor!
As written, in last week’s newsletter, the school will walk together on the last day of this term for one hour to
raise awareness and money for the many ventures and programs assisting the destitute throughout the world
supported by Caritas.
It is called, ‘Laps for Life’. In week five the children will take home a donation card and envelope and are asked
to gather monetary donations for their one hour walk. We want the children to experience walking for an hour
as some children need to walk this distance and more every day just for water and, if they are lucky, school. I
will discuss more about this at tonight’s Parent Information Night.
Yesterday was the launch of Caritas – Project Compassion. The mass was celebrated at the Cathedral of St
Stephen’s by the Arch Bishop Mark Coleridge. Tania Byrnes, three Year 6 students and I ventured into the city
and were privileged to be part of the launch for this most worthy cause.
Below is a recount written by the three year 6 students.
Launch of Project Compassion at the Cathedral of St Stephen
On Tuesday we, George, Hannah and Haylie, were fortunate enough to
represent Holy Spirit Primary at the launch of Caritas
Australia’s Project Compassion campaign. Being Shrove
Tuesday we also enjoyed pancakes for morning tea ...Yum!
Caritas is a Catholic organisation that helps the less
fortunate worldwide. Marie Mondu spoke to the group.
Marie is from Papua New Guinea and works with remote
villages of this country. Project Compassion raises money for
villages all over the world like the communities in PNG.
Holy Spirit Primary School is holding an event called ‘Laps for Life’ that will help raise money for Caritas
Australia’s Project Compassion. On Holy Thursday, 24th March, we will be walking for one hour. (9:30am10:30am) As we walk for this hour we will be reminded that others, our age walk this distance every day just
for water or school.
We received a scroll at the launch mass yesterday from Arch Bishop Mark. It says that at Holy Spirit
 We will encourage each other to be aware that in this world, so many are hungry and so many are
 We will be mindful of Pope Francis to ‘satisfy the demands of justice, fairness and respect for every
human being.’
 We will offer a hand up to the poorest and most vulnerable in our world by giving of our time, talent
and treasure.
We are sure that our ‘Laps for Life’ venture will cover all of these above points.
Term 1 and 2 Year Level Masses 9am on a Thursday (occasional Friday in Term 2)
Term 1
Term 2
18/2 - Yr 6
14/4 –Yr 1
25/2 – Yr 5
21/4 – Yr 6
3/3 – Yr 4
28/4 – Yr 4
10/3 – Yr 3
Friday 6/5 - Mother’s Day Liturgy in the hall.
17/3 – Yr 2
12/5 –Yr 3
24/3- Holy Week Whole School Liturgy in the hall at 9am Thursday
Friday 20/5 - Whole School Mass Pentecost
26/5- Yr 2
2/6 –Prep & Year 6
Blessings Kim
News from Mrs Jo Stower
Primary Learning Leader
The Australian Curriculum: English aims to ensure that all students learn to
listen to, read, view, speak, write and create on increasingly complex spoken,
written and multimodal texts across a range of contexts with accuracy,
fluency and purpose. Speaking, listening, reading and writing are all linked
and so when we support our children with any or all of these, we are enriching their ability
to communicate. Underpinning the skill of communication is the correct use of grammar.
‘Grammar, regardless of the country or the language, is the foundation for
communication. The better the grammar, the clearer the message, the more likelihood of understanding the
message's intent and meaning.’ William B Bradshaw
The way we speak directly impacts on the way we write.
Could’ve, should’ve, would’ve
These words are the shortened version (contractions) of the words could have, should have and would have.
Many children incorrectly say and write these words as ‘could of, should of or would of’. It’s important that
children see and hear these words used correctly so that they know what is correct and what is not.
These words are often confused and misspelt in children’s writing.
There refers to a place or an idea. ‘There is the cat.’ ‘My hat is over there.’ An easy way to remember this is
that the word ‘here’ is part of the word ‘there’ – here and there both mean a place.
Their is possessive, meaning that something is owned. ‘Their dog barked all night.’ ‘They found their cat.’
They’re is a contraction and is short for ‘they are’. ‘They’re coming to my party.’ ‘They’re my friends.’
In order to spell these words correctly, they must be read in context so that meaning is maintained.
Chess Lessons!
Ash Reddy from Chess Mates will be teaching chess lessons at
Holy Spirit School every Monday afternoon from 3:15 to 4:00
pm beginning February 15.
Lessons will be in the Resource Centre and a teacher will be
in attendance at all times.
Chess lessons are suitable for all ages from Prep to Year 6.
The introductory cost per lesson for Term 1 will be $8. From Term 2 the cost will be $10 per lesson.
Younger students are taught through stories and songs and older students are taught the strategies of the game.
Chess is great for problem solving, forward planning and developing emotional intelligence.
For further information please contact either Mrs Stower or Mrs Byrnes in the Resource Centre or call Ash Reddy directly
on 0415256452 or email info@chessmates.com.au .
Bookings and payments are to be made directly to Chess Mates please, not the school off ice. Thank you.
Saturday 15th October 2016
This year we will be celebrating all things Holy
Spirit at our school and parish Carnival. We
hold a Carnival every two years and there is
always a wonderful sense of community. As
the year progresses we will ask for the
support of our community. Please mark this
date in your diary.
Proceeds from this wonderful day go towards
resources for your children.
Hi All, I am doing a shout out for any family or family business that would be able to loan the school a tent /
marquee for our Community Carnival on Saturday 15th October. Any size would be appreciated! If you could
please email: hsscarnival2016@hotmail.com or contact Belinda Nutley on 0409 341 012
Thank you.
CARNIVAL MEETING: There will be a meeting for all interested people on Tuesday 23 rd February at 6.00pm in
the school staff room (in the Admin building). All are welcome!
Calendar Dates
Early notice of date claimers:
Cross Country
all grades involved
Mother’s Day Walk to School, Breakfast and Liturgy
Sports Day
all grades
EKKA Public Holiday
Father’s Day Walk to School, Breakfast and Liturgy
Swimming Carnival
Years 4,5 and 6 students
Friday 22nd April
Friday 13th May
Friday 15th July
Monday 15th August
Friday 2nd September
Saturday 15th October
Friday 21st October
ICT News
ICT FORMS EMAILLED TO PARENTS THIS WEEK – Please note that it is BCE Policy that new forms need to be updated
and signed at the beginning of each new school year. As has been clearly advised, your child will not be given their iPad
until this signed paperwork has been returned to the class teacher. Thank you for your assistance.
Road Signs
Please follow and obey the clearly signed entry and exit signs for use in the school drop off – pick up zone.
Thank you.
When leaving the school grounds from
the drop off – pick up zone, there is NO
right turn. It is left turn only into
Sparkes Road.
When entering the school grounds, there is NO right
hand turning from Sparkes Road.
All users must turn in from the left hand lane.
It is of serious concern the amount of parents who rush their child /
children across Sparkes Road without using the pedestrian crossing,
most notably crossing opposite the school oval.
This practice not only endangers the lives of their love ones, but the lives of other road users. Is saving 5-10
minutes walking worth the risk?? Please do not do this. You are modelling unsafe and illegal behaviour to your
Please be aware that it has been requested of the Police to patrol this area on a regular basis. We thank the
Police for their support and we have been assured that additional patrols will commence this week.
School staff do not direct traffic in this area, as these are road rules which we are all expected to follow.
Just a gentle reminder to please reverse park in when visiting the school. This allows clear vision was driving
out. Safety first!
A reminder to please not park in the carpark behind the Parish office during the hours of 7.00am – 5.00pm.
Thank you.
If we all work together, show respect to the rules and each other, the world would be a happier place!
School Snippets
We send the very best of good luck wishes to Shelby (6 Mind) and Abby (2 Spirit) as they leave tomorrow for
the NCA Cheer Competition in Dallas, Texas USA. This is the world’s biggest Cheerleading competition with
1200 teams and 35000 athletes attending. The girls have spent hundreds of hours training for this event.
What a fantastic experience! Go girls! 
Year 6 students will be selling Super Dooper iceblocks at the beginning of first break on Tuesdays from Spirit Place (the
undercover eating area near year 6). Iceblocks will cost 50 cents each and limited to one per child.
Existing families will be aware that the previous year’s Yearbook is generally delivered towards the end of Term 1 of the
following year. Yearbooks are sent home via students and copies are mailed to families who have since left the school.
Year 6 students were asked this week to contact Sandy Dippelsmann if they were interested in attending the district
trials for any of the following sports: AFL, Basketball, Soccer, Hockey, Netball and Rugby League.
Please note the office is open on the following hours:
8.15am 3.30pm
8.00am 3.30pm
8.00am 3.30pm
8.00am 3.30pm
8.15am 3.30pm
We have had several reported cases of headlice in the past week. Please take a few moments to check your child. If
headlice are found, children must be treated before returning to school. Thank you for your assistance.
Assembly Awards
Congratulations to the following students who will be receiving their class certificate at assembly on Monday 15th
February. Assembly starts at 2.10pm in the school hall and all are very welcome to come..
1 Heart
1 Mind
1 Peace
2 Heart
2 Spirit
2 Peace
3 Heart
3 Mind
3 Peace
4 Spirit
5 Spirit
6 Mind
6 Spirit
Recipient’s Name/s
Lacey Anderson
Charlotte Lindstrom
Savannah Lamb
Cooper Pollard
Samantha Depasquale
Ashton Gray
Isabelle Hooper
Jaxon De Bruin
Riley Payne
Caitlin Blake
Michael De Bruyn
Makayla King
Dylan Dowdell
Dental Van
Child and Adolescent Oral Health Service News
The Child and Adolescent Oral Health Service will be offering treatment to the
students of this school soon. Years Prep - 6 have been issued with a
consent/medical history form. If you wish your child to be treated please return
the fully completed consent form (4 pages) to your class teacher by 15 February
Due to the demands on our service parents who return consent forms late will not
necessarily have their children treated on site and may be offered treatment at
another site. Once dental staff receive a completed form an appointment for a
dental examination will be made for your child. A Parent/legal guardian or carer
must attend dental appointments with all children under the age of 15. If your child
requires further dental treatment, the Parent or legal guardian will be required to
sign for the proposed treatment plan before it can proceed. You will be notified via the school newsletter of the
date the Child and Adolescent Oral Health service commences treatment at this school. For any enquires please
contact the dental staff directly on 0408 194 818.
N.B: All students were given a form by their class teacher and the school office was not given a supply spare forms.
If you have misplaced your form, please contact the dental van staff on the phone number above. Thank you!
This week in the school Tuckshop
FISH AND POPPER DAYS: Today was the first of our Fish and Popper days. If you missed placing your order for today,
please send it tomorrow. Prep – year 2 parents – if you are ordering Fish and Poppers again for Thursday you will not be
able to do this online.
GLUTEN FREE: Thank you to the two wonderful mothers who have offered to bake us cookies and cupcakes that are
gluten free, egg free, diary free and wheat free. I am not sure what is left in them but they do taste good!
One of these mums also bakes our gluten free pizza bases, hot dog rolls and bread. How lucky are we!
Our gluten free range also includes popcorn, hot dogs, vegetarian spring rolls, fried rice, nachos (please ask for GF),
salami sticks, Piranha Vege salt and vinegar chips.
To be in the draw to be a healthy eating winner, children choose and item from the Tuckshop menu that has an * beside
it. They get their name written on a raffle ticket and names are chosen weekly. Recipients get to go to the Tuckshop to
choose a small ‘prize’.
This week’s winners are: Elizabeth (3M), Faith (2H), Tavila (1S), Ashleigh (3M), Cooper (1P), Isabelle (4H), Brace (4M),
Makayla (6M), Sophie (4M) and Addison (2P).
VOLUNTEERS: Are URGENTLY needed for Wednesdays and Thursdays. Please feel free to come and see what we do and
ask any questions. 3.5 hours per month is all of your time that we need.
11th February
12th February
15th February
Tuckshop Roster
Penny, Ben, Elly
Baking Roster
Kerry, Sandra, Kate
17th February
18th February
19th February
Gail, Jenny
Penny, Christine, Charlene
School Banking
School Banking Sign on Day!
For new students wanting to join School Banking
Thursday 11th February 2016
8:10am - 9:00am
Volunteers Hub, opposite the new school building
Look out for the yellow and black balloons.
Just bring along photo identification such as a current driver’s licence or a passport.
No identification is required for your school child.
No monies are required to open an account.
Non School age Siblings welcome to join, just bring along copy of Birth Certificate.
*School Banking is also looking for new volunteers to come join our friendly, easy going
banking team. If you have Thursday mornings free and would like to get involved in a
rewarding School program. Please come see us on sign on day for more details
High School News
St Patrick’s College Bursary Opportunity – Apply Now
St Patrick’s College is currently seeking bursary applications for Catholic students entering Year 7 in 2017. Bursaries are
based on financial need and family circumstance rather than academic or sporting ability. The bursary will be
maintained for the duration of the student’s education at the College and reviewed annually.
The purpose of the Bursary is to offer new students whose families face financial hardship the opportunity to experience
the holistic education that St Patrick’s College can offer.
In order to consider your application, we ask you to complete the necessary application documentation which includes
an Enrolment Application Form, Financial Summary and at least two letters of support by Thursday 24 March 2016.
Bursaries are awarded at the Principal’s discretion and his decision is final.
To enquire about an enrolment package, please contact Mrs Stacey Bishop, College Development Manager on 3631
9052 or sbishop@stpatricks.qld.edu.au
Community News
Tennis lessons are held here in the school hall during first break on Thursdays and Fridays. If you are interested
in your child participating, please contact Ross directly on 3264 3976.