September 2009 - Grand Prix Region


September 2009 - Grand Prix Region
September 2009
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September 09
GPX Board of Directors & Chairs
On the Cover
Editorial License
Monterey Car Week — It Doesn't Get Better
Partial List of Activities at 2009 Monterey
Saving the Best for Last
Oct 5 GPX Day Away from Work
Drivers Ed/Autocross at Streets of Willow
Sep 26 GPX Oktoberfest BBQ - Long Beach
Oct 23-25 GPX WInery Tour to California
Central Coast & Avila Beach Concours
More Monterey Pics
GPX Santa Paula Sunday ad, Nov 1
The Ventura Show, Oct 3-4
Aug 1 Breakfast Club Report
Monterey Historics Sep 19 Video/Pizza Party
Drive Your Porsche Day, Sep 20
But for the Love of Learning
Member Profile — Patricia Geary Johnson
Pareto Point's Top Dog V
Sep 5 Arredondo Motorsports BBQ/Open House
Featured Advertiser: Polly's Coffee
Book Reviews: Porsche Moments
GPX Membership Report & Anniversaries
August 1 Minutes of the Board
GPX Goodie Store
Cleaning Your Engine — Part 1
Classified Ads
The Ventura Show, Oct 3-4
Santa Barbara Concours, Oct 11
Santa Barbara Detailing Clinic, Sep 12
San Diego Region DE at Coronado, Sep 24
Breakfast Club Meeting at Frisco's
Index to Advertisers
Commercial Ad Rates
2009 GPX Board of Directors & Chairs
President - Skip Carter
Chief Driving Instructor
Mike Mulligan
Vice President - Rick Mills
(323) 791-8342
Treasurer - Barbara Gillam
(213) 507-9936
Zone 8
PCA National
Porsche AG
Don't forget to visit the Grand Prix Region
Web site at:
Macson Printing & Lithography, Glendale, CA
Circuit Distribution
Albert Franco
Dal & Spencer Lee
Driving Events
Goodie Store
De Jur
Secretary - Suesan Way
Activities - Marty Goldsmith
(562) 494-6350
Membership - Peter Ross
Web sites
Chuck Weaver
Editor - Skip Carter
Zone 8 Representative
Michael Dolphin
(213) 248-4743
Insurance/Tech Sessions
Ron Shanon
Stephen Krupnick
Suesan Way
Hazel Hofsess
Tech Inspection
Richard Clewett
Tech Inspection co-chair
Greg Schill
(310) 245-7130
Carlos Chang
(310) 647-3211
Marty Goldsmith
Jimmie Mitchell
EDITORIAL POLICY: THE CIRCUIT is the official publication of the GRAND PRIX REGION of the PORSCHE CLUB OF AMERICA. Statements
appearing in THE CIRCUIT are those of the author and are not necessarily the opinions of the CLUB or its editorial staff. The Editor reserves the right to edit
all material submitted for publication. Permission to reprint any material herein is granted providing full credit is given to the authors and THE CIRCUIT,
with the exception of copyrighted material.
ADDRESS CHANGE: Please notify membership chair, Peter Ross, of any address or membership status changes: Peter Ross, PO Box 11391, Carson, CA
90746 310.608.9743. Also notify PCA National, PO Box 5900, Springfield, VA 22150.
The Circuit
...and a word or two from the President's seat — Skip Carter
If there is one sure sign that the Grand Prix Region
is doing well, it's the fact that the newsletter just
grew by 8 pages, or that 50-70 GPX members were
in Monterey last month for the Historics, or we've
topped 100 at a recent Breakfast Club meeting. Then
there's the record number of events we're producing.
We have also purchased a large LCD display for our
Timing System. So, at our October 5 Day Away from
Work Drivers Ed/Autocross at Streets of Willow,
drivers will now see their times as they exit the track.
Speaking of Timing... We could use one or two
more volunteers to help with timing. Contact Marty
Goldsmith for information (
Richard Clewett & Greg Schill are also working on the
On the Cover...
That there were more Grand Prix Region members on the
Monterey Peninsula last month than have ever been to an
event outside of Los Angeles! One of them was Roy Lock
and his posse. Roy manged to get a ride up the cherry picker
Thursday afternoon at Laguna Seca to take his own version
of The Event Photo.
Besides photos, the posse also got an event poster,
then spent four days seeking out famous drivers for their
signatures. The poster was then presented to GPX to use in
our Holiday Party's Silent Auction for ASUDEC.
Tech Inspection Team. Several of you volunteer
for Tech at our Day Away events, but we want to
tighten up the procedure and make sure our team is
doing a good job. Please contact Greg to pitch in and
help: or (310) 245-7130.
We have three new advertisers this month.
LA Dismantlers in Sun Valley is owned by Sara
and Todd Darkamen. They have two websites: and their newer site: http:// Evidently these folks are Porsche
nuts as well, and their business has made the
L.A.Times more than once. (818) POR-SCHE (7677243)
Our second new advertiser is a GPX member, Adan
Reinosa. Pareto Point Industries is marketing
TopDog V, an easy to install oil bypass filtering
system. See the information on page 24.
Our third advertiser is our fabulous printing company,
Macson Printing & Lithography (page 27). We
ceretainly appreciate the improved quality of The
Circuit. Thank you Doug McLean and Rick Mills.
What fun we had in Monterey. So much, that we've
come up with a GPX Monterey Historics Video - Pizza
Party. European Collectibles in Costa Mesa is hosting
the event. There will be free pizza and water. If you
want something else to drink, bring it. We'll have an
outstanding collection of photos and video. It's set
for Saturday, September 19, and starts at 5pm.
The very next day is "Drive Your 356 Day." We've
put together a wonderful Fun Tour of the Palos
Verdes Peninsula to celebrate Dr. Ferry Porsche's 100
Birthday. Jeff Trask is the person to RSVP and for
more info: or 949-697-4499.
And don't forget The Ventura Show on October 3-4.
You can have two days of Porsche fun in Ventura,
then just a short drive to Streets of
Willow on Monday for our Day Away
from Work Drivers Ed / Autocross.
Too much fun!!!!!
Sleazy Dog Construction
September 09
3 1875, Ferdinand Porsche born in Maffersdorf
5 Sat GPX Breakfast Club-Frisco's, Long Beach
5 Sat GPX Board Meeting after Breakfast Club
5 Sat
GPX Tech Session at Accutrack, 1pm
4-6 F-Sun ALMS Detroit Belle Isle Grand Prix
7 Mon Labor Day
11-13F-Sun F1, Italian Grand Prix, Monza
12 Sat
GPX Arredondo Motorsports
Open House & BBQ — 1pm
12 Sat
Santa Barbara Region Detail Clinic (pg 36)
13 Sun Palos Verdes Concours d'Elegance
19 1909, 100th Birthday Ferry (Anton Ernest) Porsche
19 Sat
Santa Barbara Region Autocross
19 Sat
Rosh Hashanah
19 Sat
GPX Monterey Historics Video/Pizza Party
5pm at European Collectibles (pg 20)
20 Sun Drive Your Porsche Day (page 20)
20 Sun Eid ul Fitr
24 Thu San Diego Region DE at Coronado (pg 36)
25-27F-Sun F1, Grand Prix of Singapore
23-26W-Sat ALMS, Road Atlanta
26 Sat
Grand Prix Region Oktoberfest Party
1-5pm (flyer on page 13)
26 Sat
San Gabriel Valley Region Rally
28 Mon Yom Kippur
3 Sat GPX Breakfast Club-Frisco's, Long Beach
3 Sat GPX Board Meeting after Breakfast Club
3 Sat
2-4 F-Sun F1, Japanese Grand Prix, Suzuka
3-4 S-Sun Porsche Club Escape, Dayton, Ohio
3-4 S-Sun German Autofest / Ventura Show (pg 17)
3 Sat
Golden Empire Region Concours/Rally
4 Sun Golden Empire Region Autocross
5 Mon GPX Day Away from Work Drivers Ed/
Autocross (see flyer on page 12)
9-11 F-Sun ALMS, Laguna Seca
11 Sun Santa Barbara Region Concours (page 30)
12 Mon Columbus Day
14-18W-Sun356 Registry West Coast Holiday
16-18F-Sun F1, Grand Prix of Brazil, Sao Paulo
17-18S-Sun San Diego Region Time Trial, Spring Mtn
23-25 F-Sun GPX Winery Tour to Paso Robles and
Avila Beach Concours (flyer on page 14)
25 Sun Cal Central Coast Region
Avila Beach Concours
31 Sat
30-1 F-Sun F1, Grand Prix of Abu Dhabi, Abu Dhabi
1 Sun Daylight Savings ends
1 Sun GPX Tour to Santa Paula Airport
7 Sat Grand Prix Region 912 Registry Breakfast Club at Frisco's in Long Beach
7 Sat GPX Board Meeting after Breakfast Club
7 Sat
1pm- Benton Performance BBQ &
912 Tech Session, La Habra
7 Sat
Arizona Region Concours
8 Sun Arizona Region Autocross
11 Wed Veterans Day
14 Sat
Zone 8 President's Meeting
21 Sat
Cal Inland Region Concours
26 Thu Thanksgiving
27 Fri
Eid al-Adha
5 Sat GPX Breakfast Club-Frisco's, Long Beach
5 Sat GPX Board Meeting after Breakfast Club
5 Sat
Grand Prix Region Holiday Party & Installation Dinner at Fricos
12 Sat
Hanukkah begins
18 Fri
Islamic New Year
22 Tue Annual Drive Your 356 Day
25 Fri
26 Sat
Kwanzaa begins
27 Sun Ashura
1 Fri
New Years Day
2 Sat GPX Breakfast Club-Frisco's, Long Beach
2 Sat GPX Board Meeting after Breakfast Club
16 Sat
Zone 8 President Meeting & Awards Banquet
18 Mon Martin Luther King Jr Day
Monterey Car Week — It doesn't get better that this!
by Skip Carter
photos by Jimmie Mitchell, Roy Lock & Skip Carter
I'm writing this for people who have never been to the
Monterey Peninsula for the Historic's. The two anchor
events, the Historic Automobile Races at Laguna Seca,
and the Pebble Beach Concours are, arguably, the best
events of their type in the world.
Paul Newman / Dick
Barbour / Rolf Stommelen
Hawaiian Tropic 935
The roots of this week go back to the Pebble Beach
Road Races of 1950-56, run under the auspices of
SCCA (Sports Car Club of America). A fatality (Ferrari
meets Cypress tree), marked the end of that era, but
a group of local businessmen saw opportunity for a
permanent race track that would not be lined with trees.
They founded the Sports Car Racing Association of the
Monterey Peninsula (SCRAMP),
conceived and built Laguna Seca
Raceway. Pete Lovely won the
first race at Laguna Seca driving
a Ferrari on November 9, 1957,
and SCRAMP still operates the
site under their original charter.
In 1974 the inaugural Monterey
Historic Automobile Races took
place with Ferrari as the featured
marque. It is the granddaddy
of Historic Races. For 36 years,
Steve Earle and General Racing
have produced this event, but
on August 17, it was announced that SCRAMP is taking over
from General Racing. Steve says that he will continue this
tradition at Infineon Raceway in Sonoma in early June next
year. This certainly marks the end of an era.
The Pebble Beach Concours was first conducted in 1950.
Each year, on an August Sunday morning, 175 of the most
prized cars in the world roll onto the 18th fairway at Pebble
Beach. They are judged for historical accuracy, technical
merit and style. There is no higher standard than Pebble
Beach. On the Thursday before, these same vehicles Tour
the nearby hills and valleys, pausing for lunch on Ocean
Avenue in downtown Carmel by the Sea before returning
to Pebble Beach. That lunch stop is one of the very special
This 1937 Horch 853 Voll and Ruhrbec
below) got everyone's attention on the
Best of Show Sundat at the Pebble Be
Can you say "Gulf Porsche" ???
The first time
on the lawn
is the 1930 S
Jay Leno an
Advantages of being at the
track early included no crowds
AND watching morning workout
of cars like the Porsche F1 and Indy car
by Klaus Bischoff of the Porsche Museum
opportunities for visitors to see these cars actually
driven and have an opportunity to meet and speak
with the owners and caretakers before the drama
of the actual Concours three days later.
The list of "secondary" events that have sprung up
around these two events is staggering. Many of
these would stand alone in other settings, but here
they are second best. I've put together a list of
many of these, and dug up links to several of their
websites. You can see some amazing things on
these. I'll include these lists at the end here.
The weekend before this hosts the famous PreHistorics at Laguna Seca. I understand that
this weekend event is a casual way to get the
forthcoming week to a good start. It is less
crowded and more informal.
On the lawn at Pebble Beach
Stephanie & Bruce Anderson in Carmel
as Don Murray's 550 Spyder passes
Grand Prix Region group waiting to tour
the Leyton House 962
ck Sport Cabriolet (above &
e streets of Carmel, and took
each Concours
In its third year, Concours on the Avenue is held on
a 14-square block area of downtown Carmel. Featured are
post-WWII cars dating from 1946-71. The Porsche portion
is headed by Bruce Anderson, and the event is rapidly
gaining popularity. How much better does it get than having
"attainable" vintage cars on Ocean Avenue and the side
streets of Carmel, with jazz playing the background and
at an extraordinarily fair price — free? Grnad Prix Region
members, Cecelia and Vince Knauf were there showing their
BMW Isetta, which is always a head turner. It's a car that
just makes people smile.
Speaking of Grand Prix Region members, about
the third day Suesan noticed that we had run into
a large number, so we started keeping track. We
didn't see everyone (and certainly don't know all
GPX members by sight), but our list went well
over 50 before the weekend was over. That's
pretty amazing.
Roy Lock, Jimmie Mitchell, John and Patty Reilly,
Dick Inman and Michael Dolphin have helped with
photos. Roy and Dick have sent stories, so we're
in good shape.
Michael Dolphin & Brian Redman
Erin, Maxx & Fred Kominsky
Suesan and I arrived Wednesday evening and felt
like we never had a moment to relax, or just walk
around the wonderful shops of Carmel and other parts of
this area. Next time I guess we need to arrive at least two
days earlier. I may run out of vacation time.
e motorcycles have been
at Pebble Beach, here
Scott Flying Squirrel with
nd owner, Scott Young
When the was last time you
got a good look at a 917 chassis?
1935 Auburn 8-851 Speedster
Partial List of Activities at 2009 Monterey Car Week
Saturday & Sunday (weekend before)
Laguna Seca Prehistoric Races
Concours on the Avenue, Carmel
Automobilia Monterey (to thurs), Embassy Suites
McCall Motorworks Revival, Monterey Jet Center
1959-60 718 RS 60 Spyder
Porsche Panamera Introduction, The Quail
PCA Driving Tour through Monterey County
PCA Reception, Poppy Hills Golf Course
Historic Races (through Sunday), Laguna Seca
Pebble Beach Tour d'Elegance
Russo & Steel Sports & Muscle Auction, Marriott
RM Auction (to Saturday), Portola Hotel
1947 Sunbeam S-7.
1972 Porsche 917-10
Can-Am car brought
by Bruce Canepa
1947 Vincent HRD
Series B Rapide Special
"Gunga Din"
1954 AJS E-95 Po
PCA Welcome Party, Carmel Mission
Pelican Parts Wine Tour & Canyon Run
Concorso Italiano, Laguna Seca Golf Ranch
Bonhams & Butterfields Auto Union, Quail Lodge
La Dolce Vita Automobili at Black Horse
RM Sports & Classics of Monterey Auction
Concours d'LeMons, Toro Park, Monterey
Pebble Beach Retro Auto
The Quail, A Motorsports Gathering
Gooding & Company Auction
Pacific Grove Concours Auto Rally
Mecum at monterey Car Auction
It's hard to look at a Peter Gregg 935
without bringing a smile to your face
The Ferrari TR59 Fantuzzi Spyder. The TR's (Testa Rossa) were built in the
1950's & 1960's. They dominated their time with variations winning LeMans in
1958, 1960 & 1961. In all, 34 250 Testa Rossas were built from 1956 through
1961. Auction prices these days bring in the $8-12M range.
Pebble Beach Concours
Automotive Fine Arts Society Exhibition
Porsche Parade Lap, Laguna Seca
PCA Drivers Ed at Laguna Seca
Some Links to interesting websites:
Automobilia Monterey:
Automotive Fine Arts Society:
Concorso Italiano:
Concours d'LeMons:
Concours on the Avenue:
La Dolce Vita:
McCall Motorworks Revival:
Monterey Historic Races:
Pacific Grove Concours Auto Rally:
Pebble Beach events:
The Quail:
RM Auction:
Russo & Steele Auction:
1983 Porsche 956 C Coupe
driven by Derek Bell & Stefan Bellof.
Bellof was the 1984 World Sportscar
champion with this car and, at the
Nurburgring race, recorded the official
Nordschleife lap record, which still stands
There were a few special
Porsches in the Brumos area,
including the 908/3 and 917K
1948 Vincent HRD
Black Shadow Special
"Black Lighting"
1957 Manx Norton
Featherbed 40M
1956 Ariel Square 4
with Garrard Side Car
The lunch stop in Carmel
for the Pebble Beach entrants gave us a rare opportunity
to mingle amongst the cars and their owners. Many of the
spectator cars on the side streets were also not to be missed
1957 Manx Norton
Featherbed 40M
The Porsche 718 Formula 1 car
550 Le Mans Coupe
1957 Manx Norton
Featherbed 40M
The Tuck Box in Carmel
is beyond quaint. Not only
do they serve a wonder
tea, but jars of their home
made Orange Marmalade
and Sour Cherry
Preserves managed to
find our suitcase
917K-023 won LeMans in 1970
with Hans Herrmann, Richard
Attwood, Vic Elford & Kurt
Ahrens driving. Vic Elford set
fastest lap (241.235 km/h) and
took pole (242.685 km/h). After
coming so close so many times,
this marked Porsche's 1st over
win at LeMans... the first of 16,
a feat unmatched by any other
By the way, in 1970, Gerard
Larrousse & Willi Kauhsen
came in 2nd overall behind this
917K driving a Porsche 917LH
The 18th Fairway at Pebblel Beach
Saving the Best for Last
story & photos by Roy Lock
In 2008, we heard the honored marquee for the 2009
Monterey Historic Automobile Races would be Porsche.
We immediately set out to plan our trip to the event.
Little did we know it would mark the end of an
era, the last MHAR to be organized by Steve
Earle’s General Racing. This 36th and final event
was Porsche’s 3rd time around, the last being
Porsche's 50th Anniversary in 1998.
Over the years many side events have sprung
up around the Monterey Historics and the
Pebble Beach Concours. It sometimes looks like
a 3-ring circus with supporting shows, street displays, tours, auctions other concours and more.
The side events are a car enthusiast's dream
with endless variations, like Haggarty’s "Dawn
Patrol”, a gathering of hardcore enthusiasts who
meet at Pebble Beach as cars are unloaded and
Tom Malloy giving GPX members an up close and personal tour of the Leyton
962, courtesy of Marc Bixen and Ernie Becker
Frank Lock and Sir Stirling Moss
Roy and Frank Lock
My son Frank and I "camped out" at Laguna Seca
for four days. Wow! Four days? How much can you
see in four days? Not nearly everything. Where else
does so much history come together in one setting?
Famous cars and drivers were everywhere!
As we entered the paddock we saw our favorite car,
the awesome Porsche 962. Not one, not two, but
three of them (and this was just the beginning). As
we walked further we literally ran into cars. Here
is another one of my favorites, the Gulf Wyer 917K
- four of them. And, John Horsman, the engineer
who tamed the 917 with his famous tail design, was
there to sign autographs!
Porsche racers staging for
Thursday's photo op at Laguna Seca
Not one, not two, but three 962's as soon as we enter the paddock
Klaus Bishoff from the Porsche Museum.
His job is to exercise the museum cars - daily
AUCTION POSTER — Bids being accepted
This poster, with these signatures that Roy and Frank got at the
Historics, is going to be raffled as part of our ASUDEC Silent Auction
fundraising at our December 5 Holiday Party at Friscos.
Signatures are:
David Piper,
Jurgen Barth,
David Donahue,
George Follmer,
Hurley Haywood,
Vic Elford, Brian
Redman, John
Horsman and Sir
Stirling Moss
Thanks to Roy and
Frank and Maxx
and everyone else
who kept Roy's
cell phone ringing!!
n House
Fred & Maxx Kominsky
yne Ichiriu
Thursday is the day the official event photograph is taken,
the photographic opportunity of the week. I was fortunate
enough to get in the cherry picker to take the photograph
for myself (see cover). Getting all those cars together was
like herding cats. It took about an hour to setup the shot.
I counted 91 significant Porsche racers. Cars that missed
the photo included the 804, 718-2, 936/81, and other 917s,
962s, Abarth Carrera GTL, 904s, etc. The only significant
Porsche race car I had not previously seen was the 804
Formula 1 car. Well, there is was next to it is the 718-2
Formula 2 car.
Access to all cars was excellent. What made this display an
eye and ear catcher was the morning warm ups. The cars
that would do the demonstration laps were started and
then mechanical condition checked out by Klaus Bischoff
of the Porsche Museum. Each car was ran about 5 minutes, The sounds were sweet and deafening. Jerry Seinfeld brought a stable of cars. My favorite is 550 Le Mans
Coupe, 550-003. It is the former Carrera Panamericana
Fletcher Aviation racer number 159 and in restoration.
So much happens in the paddock that if you stand still you
miss 90% of the action. Cell phones and several friends
looking has made tracking down specific cars and drivers
easier. At several points my phone rang so much, it overloaded the phone’s ability to catch all incoming calls. Maxx
Kominsky’s eagle eyes spotted Sir Sterling Moss. He got
out of the race car, asked Frank and Maxx to wait while
he changed, came out and signed a few autographs and
photos, something they'll never forget.
The theme in the Rolex Tent was LeMans Racers, with real
LeMans competitors like the Gulf Porsche 917K, 936/81,
908LH, Ford GT40, and Ferrari 512 and Denny Hulme's
McLaren M20.
There are so many sub-events going on. GPX members
Marc Bixen & Ernie Becker from Redline Technik put on a
mini-tech session with Tom Malloy and his Leyton House
962. What a treat.
There were many things to do and see. I keep saying this
but, after 4 consecutive days, we still wanted more. We
were all over the track, shooting from the Corkscrew and
other vantage points.
So, as we were leaving Laguna Seca on Sunday afternoon,
I was able to reflect on the 36 years of Historic Racing
here. My first race was 1982, the first year Porsche was
the marque. At the second Porsche event in 1998, I drove
my 1962 Roadster, representing the '62 model year,
on the presentation lap for
Porsche production cars.
This Historics I was able
to share my experiences
with my son, Frank. All are
memorable in their own
way, and I will cherish each
fond memory.
A Birdcage Maserati isn't something you see everyday
Day Away From Work
October 5, Monday — Streets of Willow
Grand Prix Region DE & Zone 8 Autocross
P a i d
C o r n e r
W o r k e r s
Morning practice — 15 & 20 minute continuous lap DE sessions
Mid day — Autocross timing (3 timed laps + 1 warmup lap)
Afternoon – Two more continuous lap DE sessions
Run groups determined by experience and performance
Instructors available and required for all student drivers
Entry level event — no special equipment needed for stock classes
Required Sunday afternoon Chalk Talk for novices
Registration and Tech Inspection at hotel Sunday afternoon
Helmets required (see Zone 8 rules for specs - www.Zone8,org)
Tech Inspection starts at 7am
Mandatory drivers meeting at 8:30 am
First run group 9am
HOTEL INFO – Hampton Inn & Suites
2300 Double Play Way, Lancaster 93536 661.940-9194
$99.00 double occupancy (mention Porsche Club)
Comes with full breakfast, on-site tech & registration
For info contact:
Suesan Way, Registrar or (619) 992-4287
To avoid late registration fee, mail completed form and entry fee by September 26
PCA GPX c/o Suesan Way, 10385 Bonnie Lane, La Mesa, CA 91941 (make check to PCA GPX)
Driver Name:
Do you have car numbers Y
Shirt: S M L XL XXL
2nd Driver Name
Do you have car numbers Y
Shirt: S M L XL XXL
Email address:
PCA Region:
Car # preferred: (Driver)
Phone: (cell)
Emergency contact:
Driving experience in last 2 years:
Car and Model:
Registration fee
2nd driver
(postmark after Sep 26)
Zone 8 Competition Class:
Breakfast - Lunch
Coffee, donuts, breakfast and
lunch available for purchase at new
concession stand right at Streets
Day of event registration - additional $50.00 late fee
INSURANCE NOTE: Liability insurance is provided by PCA’s traditional insurer. A copy of the Certificate of Insurance is available at registration. PCA insurance does NOT cover damage to your car or damage that YOU cause to the facility or other cars. You are responsible for this. Please see the PCA website ( and go to the insurance page for more information.
Please review your personal car insurance to verify what coverage it provides, if any.
GPX Tour to California Central Coast
Wine Tour & Avila Beach Concours
The Circuit
Friday - Sunday, October 23-25 (with Sat/Sun option)
By popular demand, GPX has scheduled a winery tour centered on the Paso Robles area. It is planned so we can also attend the
Cal Central Coast Region's annual Zone 8 Concours, held in conjunction with the well-known Avila Beach Concours.
— — — The program goes like this — — —
Friday — Depart Carrow's Restaurant in Ventura (2401 Harbor
Blvd) at 8:30am SHARP. We suggest arriving at 7:30 for breakfast.
Our caravan will follow a very scenic, very Porsche route on
country roads, arriving in Paso Robles for a late lunch. The route
includes Sespe Gorge, Wheeler Gorge, spectacular coastal mountain scenery, Cuyama Valley farming area,
the West Kern Oil Museum, Midway Oilfield, the Temblor Range, Carriso Plain National Monument, and miles
of coastal mountain ranch country. The rest of the day we are free to enjoy the historic downtown area and
other attractions. We will have recommendations for dinner locations. Those unable to caravan with us can zip
up the freeway and arrive for supper or Saturday morning's tour.
The Adelaide Inn ( has 18 rooms held for us (up to 30 days before event). One queen - $82.80 plus tax
(2 queens available). Cancel up to 72 hrs. There are other events going on, so make reservations early (ask for "Porsche Club”).
Make reservations at (805) 238-2770
Saturday — We have a five-hour Wine Tasting Tour set up on the Central Coast Trolley (bus) charter,
which includes lunch. The Trolly picks us up in front of the Adalaide Inn at 11 am and returns about 4 pm. It
sounds like a fun guided tour in a colorful vehicle ( Owing to the capacity
of the Trolley vehicle, our group is limited to twenty persons. First come-first serve, so sign up early. You must
send a check for the wine tour to reserve your spot (see below). We have a group dinner booked for Saturday
Sunday — We will drive one-half hour south to Avila Beach (near San Luis Obispo) to attend the Avila Beach Concours &
Cal Central Coast Region Zone 8 Concours ( (Or make your way down later in the morning).
This is a very special event, drawing cars from Santa Barbara and Monterey, and includes classic cars of all types. After that we
will disperse to find our way home.
Where to meet:
7:30am for Breakfast at Carrow's Restaurant in Ventura (2401 Harbor Blvd)
Depart: 8:30 SHARP! (lunch will be in Paso Robles)
Have a full tank of gas when you arrive.
We will be on 2-lane roads from this point on.
Send $65.00 per person (for Coast Trolley Wine Tour)
Make check to PCAGPX and send to:
Suesan Way, 10385 Bonnie Lane, La Mesa, CA 91941.
Must be postmarked by October 15 ($75.00 after or at event — IF SPACE IS AVAILABLE)
Questions? Call Marty Goldsmith at (562) 494 6350 or e-mail at
All who sign up will receive further information and driving instructions by e-mail.
September 09
California Central Coast Porsche Club Of America
More Monterey Pics...
August 2009
Nick Perdikaris seems to be
enjoying his Panamera ride
Steve & Susan Hutchins and their
Slant Nose at Concorso Italiano
(and Ralph Boothe making a get-a-way)
California Central Coast Region
Porsche Club of America
October 25, 2009
a Zone 8 Concours event held within the
Avila Beach Concours d’Elegance
Avila Beach Golf Course.
All proceeds benefit Hospice of San Luis Obispo County.
A weekend of fun! October 22-25, 2009
The Avila Beach Concours d’ Elegance
and Zone 8 CCCR event,
“Concours at the Coast”
Porsche is the Marque
for this event
Plan ahead for this fun weekend. What a beautiful setting, these gorgeous cars on the
golf course at Avila Beach Resort overlooking the Pacific Ocean. Reserve early
as the dinners will sell out.
Look for Concours at the Coast entry forms on:
and for weekend event info, (Rallies, Tours, Dinners, Wine Tasting, Gala Dinner Event)
go to:
Or contact Alyce @ ~ cell phone - 805-441-5384
Linda Cobarrubias and Doc Pryor
Mike Jones and family
Porsche 962 engine
Nick Perdikaris, Steve Foster, Linda
Cobarrubias and Connie Somers
The last 917-30
Michael Dolphin's recent photo not far from his home in Altadena
The Circuit
Prix Region's
Santa Paula Sunday —
November 1
Antique Airplane Capitol of the World!
Do you enjoy kickin' tires at small airports?
Then you'll love strolling along Santa Paula's ramp...
This should be a fine family trip, with things to
interest everyone.
RSVP to Marty Goldsmith
so we will have a count of how many are coming.
We owe the restaurant and the museums an
estimate of how many will be there.
The Grand Prix Region is having a relaxed and interesting outing
to Santa Paula, an old “small city” near the Santa Clara River,
between Castaic and Ventura on Highway 126.
$0.00 Entry Fee (free)
9:00 am — Meet for breakfast at the well-known Hozy’s Grill,
a racing-themed diner at American Racing Products
( 1760 E. Lemonwood Dr, Santa Paula
10:00 am — Drive a few blocks to the Santa Paula Oil Museum
(, the original headquarters of Union Oil
Company. It is devoted to the early oil drilling days in California.
11:30 — Drive to the Santa Paula Airport. This private airport
features a multi-hangar air museum, open to the public on the first
Sunday of each month ( They have a well-known
lunch facility, so bring your own basket or try an airport burger.
Every First Sunday of the month, please come out to visit our Museum!
Local aviation history comes alive on First Sundays. Our Chain of Hangars
are open for you to explore from 10am until 3pm.
Hangar Number One is the first in our chain of hangars. It tells the story of
the founding of Santa Paula Airport in 1930, and that's just the beginning of
the adventure. Each of these privately owned hangars in our Chain houses a
variety of vintage aircraft and privately owned collections of various types of
memorabilia from antique radios to racecars. Several other aircraft owners
put their antique aircraft on static display and many vintage aircraft also fly
in each month. The Experimental Aircraft Association Chapter 723 offers free
airplane rides to kids ages 7-17. Cancel if rain.
September 09
When It Comes To
Porsche Parts
And Service
Who Doesn’t Want
The Best They Can Get
Porsche Parts Specialists
Classic • Contemporary
p - 310.993.6440
e -
w -
Specialists in Classic &
Contemporary Porsches
Long Beach, CA • e -
p - 562.901.2900 • f - 562.901.2988
4445 E. Anaheim St
Long Beach, CA 90804
The Circuit
Club Meeting Report — Aug 1
by Peter Ross, photos by Jimmie Mitchell & Skip Carter
Our August Breakfast Club Meeting held at Frisco’s in Long
Beach had the usual flair...Great people, great weather and
great cars. It was another splendid day to own one of the
finest cars in the land: Porsche.
It was nice to see Robert Shanklin back at our monthly
meeting. We also had new member Dan Koenig there,
attending his second meeting. We want to mention two
GPX Charter Members, John and Patty Reilly. Twice now we
have erroneously announced their 32nd PCA anniversary
when, in actuality, they have been members for OVER 43
years. That’s a big mistake on our part, and you have our
apologies. I just hope someday, that I can say that I’ve
owned a Porsche for 43 years. I have about three more
decades to go so, I’m still counting.
In attendance at the August Breakfast Club were, Norm
Abell, Art Arredondo, Bob Baddy, Milt Becker, Ernie Becker,
Marc Bixen, Carl Bloom, Joe Bryant, Skip Carter, Elliot
Chandler, Arturo Chaparro, Richard Clewett, D.T. Coller,
Norma Ann Dawson, Art, Day, Timo Dincan, Mark Dodson,
Richard Elliott, Lars Fallman, Henry Fella, Steve Firshein,
Deborah Fisher, Albert Franco, Marty Friedman, Reggie
Garman, Lee Gaucher, Barbara Gillam, Steve Glas, Marty
and Brita Goldsmith, Jeff Haas, Rick Hartman, Dave Hong,
Gentry Humphrey, Steve and Susan Hutchings, Merv
Janquart, Patricia Geary Johnson, Mike Jones, DeJur, Alvin
Jones, Dan Koenig, Stephen Krupnick, Bob and Karen
Lewis, Roy Lock, Roger Lubeck, Frank Medrano, Jimmie
Mitchell, Claude Mitchell, Nick Perdikaris, John and Patty
Reilly, Herb Reynolds, Jon and Denise Rhodes, Allan
Rosenberg, Peter Ross, Robert Shanklin, Ron Shanon,
Steve Sweet, Bob Turner, Suesan Way, Charles Weaver,
Sue Williams and Mike Willson. As usual, if I omitted or
misspelled your name, my apologies, and please let me
As a reminder, if you have changed your address, phone
or e-mail info, please contact PCA National at www.pca.
org and update your information. In addition, please
notify Skip Carter,, and Peter Ross with the changes. If you're not getting
our periodic email, also let us know. We are missing
current e-mail addresses of many members. So, check your
information on the PCA National Website and, if it needs to
be updated, please do so. Beyond that, we’ll see you at the
next Breakfast Club Meeting.
One more good reason to come to Breakfast Club is the
increase in Goodie Store items. Some very nice Porsche
and/or Grand Prix Region items.
And, last but not least, we want to thank Marc Bixen and
Ernie Becker of Red Line Services for their generous door
prize donations.
Ernie Becker & Marc Bixen
of Re LIne Service
De Witt Collier
Skip Carter & Michael Dolphin helping Goodie
Store Chair, De Jur show new products
Joe Bryant & his C4S Cab
Susan Hutchins, Deborah Fisher & Pattie Reilly
Mark Dodson
Bob Lewis
September 09
Ron Shanon
Rob Wessels
Steve Firstein
Mike Jones
Steve Sweet
Bob Baddy
Brita Goldsmith and her door prize
Dave Hong,
Jon Rhodes
Karen Lewis
Bob Lewis
Stephen Krupnick
Denise Rhodes
Mike Jones
Peter Ross
Art Day
Reggie Garmon
Roy Lock's other non-Porsche
Michael Dolphin
Claude Mitchell
Skip Carter
Suesan Way
De Jur
Rob Wessels
Peter Ross
Gene Fenton's beautiful Gulf Blue 997
Jeff Haas
Norma Dawson
Roy Lock
Mike Wilson
Bob Turner
The Circuit
September 19 — Saturday
Monterey Historics Video / Pizza Party
6:30pm at European Collectibles
1665 Babcock St, Costa Mesa, CA 92627
(949) 650-4718
There will be free pizza and water.
If you want something else to drink, bring it.
We'll have an outstanding collection of photos and video put together by Autoblog.Com
We'll have an outstanding collection of photos and video put together by Autoblog.Com
RSVP to Jeff Trask or 949-697-4499
September 20 — Sunday
8:30 am meet for a 9:00 am start
To celebrate Dr. Ferry Porsche's 100th Birthday
The Grand Prix Region & Porsche 356 Club have organized:
Drive Your Porsche Day
We will meet (location to be determined)
For a nice Sunday drive through the Palos Verdes Peninsula
Plan for a nice lunch stop
To RSVP and... For information, contact:
Charles Foster
But for the Love of Learning
September 09
by Norma Ann Dawson (with sidekick Suesan Way)
There is a direct correlation between the level of poverty of a country and the
level of illiteracy of its population. Over 58% of the 14 million inhabitants in
Burkina Faso are under 20 years old. Over 45% of Burkina Faso’s population live
below the poverty line. Less than 45% of the children in Burkina Faso attend
school and less than 20% attend secondary school.
Children who do not stay in school do not develop the practical skills necessary
to deal with life, exposing them to various abuses. Unschooled children
are more likely to migrate from rural agricultural areas to cities. In cities,
unschooled children are more likely to be the victims of child trafficking. They
are more likely to be involved in drug trafficking. Girls are more often forced
into prostitution and boys into gangs. Unschooled children have a much higher
incident of HIV/AIDS exposure than schooled children.
Africa Sustainable Development Council (ASUDEC), which GPX has sponsored
for the past three years, has developed a holistic approach to the education of
unschooled teenagers in Burkina Faso. While working to improve family income to
allow children to attend school, ASUDEC has engaged in attempting to solve the
problem of educating the more than 50% of Burkina's unschooled children. To
this end, ASUDEC has proposed an innovation in education which aims to:
1. Give a more practical direction to literacy, rather than teach reading and writing only for its own sake, as is the current practice; and
2. Integrate the traditional education systems, the classical education
systems and the educational approach of the former Training Centers for
Young Farmers (CFJA) in order to make it possible for the child to evolve
intellectually as well as technically while remaining in full contact with his
culture and ancestral values.
In other words, it is a question of creating truly authentic schools that
communities would be proud of promoting and whose costs would be reduced,
compared with the classical school system. With the support of the Alpha
Program of the Swiss Co-operation, a pilot school following this new system was
inaugurated during the school year of 2006-2007 in Naviergane village in the
Southwest, while a second school is under construction. At least four schools of
this type will be necessary to allow a consequent evaluation and a validation at
the national level.
In the June 30, 1961 edition of the New York Times, President John F. Kennedy,
designating American Education Week, said: “Let us think of education as
the means of developing our greatest abilities, because in each of us there is
a private hope and dream which, fulfilled, can be translated into benefit for
everyone and greater strength for our nation.”
Our nation and the world have changed a great deal since President Kennedy’s
potent words 48 years ago. We are now part of a global community, a global
community where providing education for all who desire it can be translated
into benefit and greater strength for the entire world, not just one nation. Help
the world by joining GPX in its support of ASUDEC efforts to find a better
educational system for Burkina Faso’s over flow of unschooled children.
For more information, please go to or
Member Profile: Patricia Geary Johnson
Many of you know Patricia Geary Johnson, because she and her sidekick,
Norman Abell, are regular attendees at most club functions. You've also seen
several Circuit covers that have shown Patricia's talent with water color. What
most of you probably don't know is that Patricia is an internationally-famed
watercolorist and prize-winning fine artist, specializing in pure transparent
watercolor, wet into wet with dry brush accent.
This last June, over fifty-five of her original paintings were on display in San
Francisco at the Campton Place Taj Hotel. The show included many painted in
her job as an official US Navy Combat Artist. Commissioned works of domestic
and foreign classic cars were also on display.
In addition to her first prize at the recent Porsche
Parade in San Diego, her water colors have been
selected for permanent display aboard various US
Navy ships, in the Pentagon and in the Ronald Reagan
One of her more interesting paintings was the official
poster for the Coronado Historic Races a few years
ago. It is a fanciful scene of patriotic red, white, and
blue racing cars (including a white Porsche), coming
down an imaginary dirt track superimposed on the
deck of an aircraft carrier. Signatures bordering the
painting are many of the 300 drivers.
Fred Astaire's 1927 Rolls Royce at the Bel\verly Hills Hotel
Several GPX members own Patricia's paintings. Each
year she donates a painting to our Holiday Party Silent
Auction. Patricia then does an original painting of the
winner's Porsche. This is always one of the most popular items at our Silent Auction.
Patricia’s exhibitions include shows at the California State Museum of Science and
Industry, the Los Angeles Maritime Museum, the Long Beach U.S. Naval Station, the
Samuel B. Morse Gallery at Robert Louis Stevenson School in Pebble Beach, and the
Palos Verdes Art Association. Additionally, her one-woman show has appeared at the
Ruth Bach Memorial Library and the Dana Branch Library in California.
Her “Irish Castles” series, commissioned by the Irish Tourist Board, has been
displayed at Long Beach Memorial Hospital and has now returned to Ireland.
Blarney Castle in County Cork
Two Porsches and the aircraft carrier, Ronald Reagan
As an instructor, Patricia has taught drawing September
and painting
for the U.S. Navy Special Services, the Palos Verdes
Art Association, the University of Southern California at
Isomata (Idyllwild School of Music and the Arts), and
California State University Long Beach. She also teaches
part-time and lectures at several additional academic
She has trained with California watercolor
Harrier AV-8 hovering over the U.S. Navy helicopter carrier,
USS Pelican (MHC-53)
artists Rex Brandt, Phil Dyke, Emil Kosa, Jr.,
Robert E. Wood, Millard Sheets, George Post,
and Richard Haines. Additionally, she studied with U.S. Naval artist Arthur Beaumont.
Patricia received her B.A. at Stanford University, studying under internationally known
watercolorist and author Daniel Mendelowitz. She has also done graduate work in painting
and drawing at California State University Long Beach and at the Otis Art Institute.
It is a true pleasure having Patricia and her art as a part of the Grand Prix Regioin so, if
you'd like a painting of your car done by Patricia, our silent Auction on December 5 is a
great opportunity.
USN Queenfish (SSN-651) breaking the ice cap and surfacing at the North Pole on August 5, 1970
The Circuit
Pareto Point Industries (PPI) introduces
TopDog V, an innovative, eco-friendly
and easy to install bypass filtration kit. TopDog V provides maximum defense
against engine wear by filtering your oil
to 2 microns absolute as you drive. Using a patented MagDog magnetic filter
sandwiched between the block and
spin-on filter, fast and simple installation is ensured. The complete installation can be accomplished in just a few
minutes. There is no need to locate
and connect to the oil pressure sending
unit or the oil return. Without high complexity and at a very
low cost, TopDog V will quickly deliver fleet quality filtration benefits to everyday vehicles, resulting in greatly
increased oil, filter, engine, component life, fuel efficiency, plus powerful
magnetic filtration, low maintenance, portability, and easy oil system access
for gauges, turbochargers, etc. The unit as shown in the picture is displaying a
permanent clean port connection for oil sampling
To learn more contact us: PARETO POINT INDUSTRIES, 7250 Bandini Blvd.
#114, Commerce, CA 90040-3344, 323-726-2199,,
September 12 — Saturday —1:00pm
Arredondo Motorsports Open House & BBQ
1914 W.Del Amo Blvd in Torrance
Torrance, CA 90501
Phone: 310-787-7001
tacos — carne asada — apastor — carnitas
marinated wings — marinated chicken
rice and beans
4 different types of salsa
various flavored drinks, sodas & beer
September 09
Circuit_08_09:Layout 1
10:36 AM
Page 1
Restoration, Maintenance & Performance For Your Porsche® Since 1964
When ordering, please mention
ck &
Low Price
We Will Nold
Underso !
Until now you had to
replace the entire fog light
when your lenses
cracked. Our replacement
lenses can be easily
installed and will never
crack like the original glass lenses. Sold in pairs.
944 1983-89 Fog Lenses
916247 $49.99 PR
944 1983-89 Driving Lenses 916248 49.99 PR
• Solid Mechanical Chain Tensioners
• No Engine Modification Or Machining Required
The 901563 is a complete unit that
replaces the old tensioner.
Set Of 2
$74.99 SET
The Circuit
Featured Advertiser: POLLY’S AND PORSCHES
By Marty Goldsmith
I suspect you've noticed a regular Circuit
advertisement in The Circuit for Polly’s
Gourmet Coffee, located in Belmont Shore
in Long Beach. Brita and I were curious
enough to pay a visit to Polly’s and the
owner, Mike Sheldrake. We were delighted
with what we found. My first question to
Mike was: “Are you a Porsche owner or
club member?” To our surprise, he was
not, although he does own a Karman-Ghia
(which he restored) and a VW panel van. It turns out that Mike is the Major
Domo for the annual Belmont Shore Car Show, put on in September by the
local business association (thus his interest in things automotive).
Polly’s has been an institution in The Shore since 1976. It was
originally a part of the Polly’s Pies chain, supplying all their coffee.
Mike, the then manager, bought the coffee business in 1989 and
has operated it ever since, hands-on. Their key feature is the
1925-vintage German coffee roaster, which is in operation every
day. It is gas-fired and roasts 15kg of green coffee beans in a
batch. In a typical six-hour operating day, it produces about 600
pounds of roasted beans. Mike assures us that being a mechanic is
part of owning a classic coffee roaster!
Polly's uses 23 types of raw beans. From them they can blend
70 varieties of coffee ready for grinding and use. We can assure
you that the product is quite fantastic! Customers can have their
coffee by the cup or by the bag. The store has a large outdoor
seating area, and smaller space inside. Pastries, scones, muffins,
cookies and croissants are prepared daily. An added attraction is
the Friday night (7:30 PM) Classic Movie presentation. Admission
free - You call in advance to get the program.
In addition to the in-store retail business, Polly’s supplies coffee to all the Polly’s Pie shops and to
many other wholesale customers. We saw several hand-truck loads of boxed coffee going out to the
Long Beach Airport. Mail order gift packs are also available.
Mike has chosen to advertise in The Circuit, and that ad enticed
Brita and I to visit. It will be a pleasure us to frequent Polly’s in the
So, if you are a discerning coffee drinker, we suspect Polly's will
make you smile.
And, don't forget to mention where you saw the ad!
September 09
Official printer of The Circuit
For all your commercial printing needs.
Specializing in projects, from simple one/color
letterhead to multi-paged full color catalogs, brochures,
newsletters and specialty items of all kinds.
Family owned and operated in Glendale since 1951
Doug McLean
120 S. Kenwood St., Glendale, CA 91205
ph. 800.454.7746 • fax. 818.247.9815
e-mail. •
The mark of responsible forestry
© 1996 Forest Stewardship Council, A.C.
The Circuit
Book Reviews for Porschephiles
Bruce Herrington
by Bruce Herrington, Riverside Region
Porsche Moments
by Jesse Alexander, published by David Bull Publishing
Jesse Alexander is arguably the best motor racing
photographer of the 50s and 60s, the period that this
reviewer considers to be The Golden Age of Motor Racing.
Porsche Moments contains some 100 pages of pictures
depicting the efforts of people involved with Porsche and
Porsches, to achieve motor racing success.
Mr. Alexander has spent a lifetime in photography, the
largest part of it devoted to documenting motorsports. His
involvement began in the early 1950s with the birth of the
sports car movement in the United States. His first sports
car was an MG TD Roadster, followed by a Morgan Plus
Four, and then a Sunbeam Talbot. He first photographed
races at Pebble Beach and Palm Springs (venues that
are no longer with us), and also the late lamented Santa
Barbara Airport course, where he fell in love with Porsches.
Porsche Moments covers Porsche’s early racing history
in Europe and Mexico, from 1953-62. It is a big book
(11x13), big enough so that the full-page photographs
therein are salon sized, suitable for framing. Rather than
cutting up such an outstanding book, individual prints can
be ordered directly from the author.
Dan Gurney’s foreword touches on their shared
personal developments: Dan as a driver, and
Jesse as a photographer. As Dan says, “Jesse
Alexander’s photographs beautifully capture the
passion and hard work required then to put a
race car in the winner’s circle”. Jesse’s unique
ability to capture the feeling of motorsports, in
picture after picture, makes this book more than
worth its $75.00 price tag.
Because his photos are so great, some of them
will be familiar as ‘Classics’. But, since the entire
book is from Mr. Alexander’s personal files, the
vast majority are newly available pictures, in the
same character as the classics.
Organized by venue rather than chronologically,
the character of these early motorsports
events comes through clearly. The people
in the pictures seem to be causal — friendly
sportsmen focused on the fun of the events, not
businessmen focused on the dollars (or what the
lawyers would do if given half a chance). As Dan
Gurney’s introduction says: “You can almost feel
the camaraderie among the competitors”.
Virtually all the pictures
show people doing things.
Though the pictures are
somewhat ‘snap shot’ in
some ways, the composition
and the actions of the people
in them give the viewer a
you are there’feeling, lacking
in the typical vacation album picture.
Though the emphasis is on the pictures, captions are
provided so that the reader can fully appreciate what is
going on. Typically, Jesse Alexander’s pictures are largely
self-explanatory. The cover, showing a pensive, focused
Graham Hill sitting in an RS-60, is a really great picture,
even when you don’t know that he’s waiting for the first
practice of the 1960 Targa Florio, and that Hans Herman
(in the RS-60 behind), would win the race.
Porsche Moments is available through Motorbooks
International or through
major booksellers.
September 09
Membership Report
Cleant Brown
Jane & Bart & Lessa Yee
September Anniversaries
24 years
17 years
15 years
14 years
13 years
12 years
11 years
8 years
7 years
6 years
4 years
3 years
2 years
1 year
Bart & Jane Yee
David & Dee Dee Strelka
Leslie Houy & Maria Pepper
Lou & Vera Edward
Joe Demeo
Edward Sanders & Kathleen Keltner
Steve & Elsie Hollstein
Robert & Linda Gagliano
Dave Wooten
Renan & Bryant Pulecio
Marc & Jeff Bixen
Joseph Demeo & Kris Kelly
Glenn & Tiffany Ohno
Armando & Christopher Serrano
Steve Sweet
Ron & Karen La Forest
Rob & Joyce Ukropina
Steve Sweet
Ron & Sheila Walecki
Joe & Kurt Burian
Aaron Chan
Dave & Dan Hockett
Lloyd & Mary Ellen Rae
Michael & Lisa Kral
Jesus Pardo
Melinda Wilson
Melinda Wilson
Cleant Brown
Beau Henley
Michael Lescault
Andrew Maldonado & Lewis Shiro
Steve & Elise
& Taylor Hollstein
Ron & Karen La Forest
Rob Ukropina
Marc & Alan Bixen
Jimmie & Jesus Pardo
New Members — Transfers In
Marilyn & Patrick Graves
2008 Green Cayman
Susan Williams
2006 Gray 911S
Sue Williams
Michael Lescault
Ron Walecki
Mike Kral
Dave Hockett
Patrick &
Marilyn Graves
Andrew Maldonado
September 09
356VntgRaceCar_06_09:Layout 1
4:29 PM
Page 1
Since 1972
Bob Campbell’s
Santa Clarita, California
BUY A 356!
Many More Investment Caliber Porsches Available.
1958 Speedster
Original Engine - $195,000 USD
1957 Speedster
Still don’t see the right one?
Call for the most current inventory
1962 Super 90 Twin-Grille
Roadster - Original Engine
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Original Engine
$165,000 USD
Convenient, private,
secure sale.
You remain anonymous
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No calls, just me.
No Lookie Lous.
PHONE/FAX 661-251-3500 :: ::
1964 Cabriolet
Original Engine - $135,000 USD
From a simple tune-up, to
award-winning complete
By appointment.
Enclosed Pick-up, Delivery
and Storage is available.
No affiliation with or approval of
Porsche AG or Porsche Cars North
America is intended or implied
The Circuit
Minutes of August 1 Meeting of the Board
Bud Ewbank
Suesan Way, Secretary
Present: John and Patty Reilly, Hazel Hofsess, Stephen
Krupnick, Frank Medrano, Carlos Chang, Arturo Chaparro,
Charles Weaver, Richard Clewett, Marty and Brita
Goldsmith, Michael Dolphin, Barbara Gillam, De Jur Jones,
Skip Carter, Suesan Way
President’s Report: Continuing discussion about securing
sponsorship for our track days and the next concours.
Treasurer’s Report: Account in the black. Discussion
regarding publicizing Treasurer’s Report.
Social Activities:
We are moving forward with plans for the annual holiday
party. The menuis being finalized. There was discussion
about live music vs. a DJ. Ther general feeling was that
with a full agenda after dinner there wasn’t sufficient time
to enjoy a band. Many felt that most of our group prefers
to chat rather than dance. Most felt canned music was the
best option. We need about 80 people to get the whole
restaurant to ourselves.
Oktoberfest will be held at Rick and Kathy Mills home on
September 26th – flyer in the Circuit.
Tech Session and BBQ - We are working with Benton
Performance to have the annual Benton BBQ & Tech
Session on November 7th after the GPX breakfast. It was a
really successful and fun event last year.
Plans are well under way for the Paso Robles Wine Tour
over the October 23rd weekend. Several couples have
booked. Marty is looking into a tour to San Paulo airport.
Ron Shanon on top of insurance for upcoming events.
Goodie Store:
The store took in $340 this morning. De Jur did an up to
date inventory. New merchandise was introduced today –
short and long sleeved tee shirts and new club lapel pins.
Sweat shirts and new caps are expected for next month.
As well as a couple of new bling purses.
Stephen Krupnick has been named the new merchandising
chair. He is working towards an online goodie store and he
is also working on GPX getting a merchandising card.
Charles is interested in trying to bring in more advertising
dollars. He will work on getting more ads.
October Day Away:
Things are in the works for the next track day – we need
volunteers for a number of jobs including tech inspection.
We will have the new large display so drivers will be able
to see their times as they exit the track.
Meeting Adjourned
September 09
Grand Prix Region
Goodie Store
Diner style mugs — $10.00
Lapel Pins —$5.00
Porsche Women's Shirt $35.00
long sleeve - short sleeve - tank
For information contact:
De Jur Bob Baddy (323) 697-0565
(310) 951-7979
100% combed cotton
Hand set Swarnovski Crystals
You select text and/or design
Limited sizes & colors
Avail for viewing at Breakfast Club
Short Sleeve T-shirts:
black or white — $15.00
Long Sleeve T-shirts:
black or white — $20.00
Sweatshirts —
No Hood — $ 30.00
Hooded — $ 35.00
GPX Hats — $10.00
Travel bag w/club logo — $40.00
License plate frames — $15.00
The Circuit
Cleaning your Engine – Part one
By Bev Gould, TC's Garage
Cleaning the engine at first looks like a daunting task, but if
you take your time and have patience the benefits will last for
years. Keeping an engine clean does more than to enhance its
appearance. A clean engine makes it easier to spot oil and fluid
leaks, will run cooler and is easier to repair/maintain. Although
this article is geared toward the 911’s - the principles apply to
most vehicles.
Let’s assume you have a vehicle whose engine has never been
touched beyond changing the oil and minor maintenance. It
only takes a couple years for this stuff to build up on an engine,
so this washing routine would also be good for your other
automobiles as well.
You look at all the grease and gunk and want to say "Forget it!"
My Porsche 911E was like that, the car had been raced, rallied
and toured to the point I had over 300,000 miles on it. The
engine was well maintained and clean by those standards. But
not where I thought a person could put their hands in there
without coming out with a grease trophy.
So where do you start? Start with a good engine wash. Take a
can of engine cleaner (WD-40, GUNK, Citrus Degreaser or other
comparable product) and go down to the local "Do It Yourself"
(DIY) car wash. Check signs – some don’t allow engine washing.
Why the DIY, because:
A) DIY tanks are set up for yucky engine junk and chemicals.
B) Most of us don't have a high-pressure hose at home.
C) The area around your car will be a mess afterwards.
D) Many cities can cite you for washing hazardous materials down the storm drain (ie: storm drains flow into ocean.
Here's what you need to take to the car wash: tape, baggies,
toothbrush, plastic wrap, rags, plastic trash bags, small & large
towels, note pad, rubber bands, post-its, gloves & lots of change.
First thing to do is protect electrical components. Put a baggie
over the distributor and use a rubber band or tape to secure it.
Each model is unique on where the electrical components are
located; my 911E's are
on the left, and I use
plastic wrap secured
with tape to protect this
area. I use plastic wrap
on some of the electrical
harnesses and the coil.
Look anywhere else the
water may cause you
car-starting problems.
If you have exposed
carburetors, use the
This the electrical area I wrap with plastic
plastic wrap or baggies bags and plastic wrap – keep it dry
to protect them.
Next thing I do is disconnect the coil wire. This prevents a nobrainer of starting the car with plastic inside the engine (You can
guess why I started doing this). Pay close attention to engine
decals, you want to protect these. Write a note to reconnect the
coil wire and put it on the steering wheel. Also
note the places you put the plastic and tape/
rubber bands. It may seem redundant, but
better safe than sorry. Place the large towels over the fenders
and deck lid to protect paint
from debris and chemicals
that may over spray. I suggest
wearing old clothes, and use
gloves to protect your hands
(latex is best). Washing the
car afterwards is a good idea,
so you can make sure no
chemicals from are left on
the paint. I take my car soap
Pull the coil wire off and wrap coil
(Einszett Perls shampoo).
+ wire in plastic to keep dry. Don’t
forget the distributor down there
Now you are ready to attack
the built up yucky gunk. Apply your engine cleaner liberally in
the areas of the engine that have the most built-up grease. Let
it soak for a few minutes and it will start eating away at the
grease and dirt. Depending on how bad the buildup is, this can
take anywhere from a few to 20
minutes. You probably will not
get it all on the first go around.
While the engine cleaner is
soaking, take the toothbrush
and gently work on the worst
spots. If you have a severe
build-up, you may need to use
a larger (not stiffer) brush.
Sheet metal below the valve
Once the engine cleaner has
stopped working, you are ready covers usually need more than one
soaking. Don’t spray into the spark
to steam clean.
plug holes, use a toothbrush or
QTip instead with WD-40.
Set the DIY’s wand setting
to "engine" or "steam clean" (terms may differ). Do not use
the wand on the exterior paint - heat and pressure at these
settings is not meant for paint. Use the wand inside the engine
compartment to steam away the engine cleaner and grease. Be
patient and get into the nooks and crannies. Do not forget the
sides of the engine compartments. Dirt kicks up from the fan and
finds its way to the shelves of the engine.
While you are steaming the compartment, make sure water
does not get inside your plastic. Remember, pressure washing
September 09
will cause water to go upwards.
If your engine compartment
is painted, do not put the
wand too close to the paint.
It could strip it off. Once you
have removed as much dirt as
possible (this go around), set
the wand to rinse. Rinse water
usually has a softening agent
Be careful of painted surfaces.
and will rinse the chemicals out Clean under oil filter/filler
of the engine.
A word of warning, GUNK
works great but smells
horrible. Don't use it the same
day you are going on a date
or tour. It takes a couple days
for the smell to go away. I
have tried the Citrus (they
smell better), WD-40, and
others. For nasty jobs I use
GUNK, for easier ones (like
the newer car) I like Citrus.
If you should have a problem, push the car into the sunshine and
open the deck lid. Within a few minutes the components should
dry out and you’ll be on your way. Let the car warm up before
driving in traffic, and drive several mils to let it dry completely.
If your engine was really bad, you may have to do this a couple
of times to get the worst off. Bare in mind, the grease and gunk
took years to get there and it will not give up its home easily.
I have been showing my 1970 911E Targa for many years and
the car has won many Concours trophies. It has 440,000 miles
on it, and keeping the engine clean is pretty easy. After an hour
of touch up, it is Concours ready. Periodic
maintenance is the key, and really worth it when
people go "ooohhhh" when you open the engine
When you finish rinsing,
take rags and wipe down the
engine. Make sure you use
some pressure on the rags
All put back together and ready to go - not too
shabby huh? In Part 2 we will dig deeper into the
while wiping it down. The
grease has softened with the engine to get those detail areas.
heat and will come off with
your rag. When finished with one rag (too dirty or wet) put it in
a trash bag. Keep wiping until the engine is dry or you run out
of rags. Next take the towels off the deck lid and fenders. Wipe
down the paint with the part of the towels that did not get wet or
exposed to the chemicals. When done with the towels, put these
in a different trash bag.
I originally wrote this article a few years ago,
but have tweaked it to be more current. Let
me know if you have any questions, I can be
reached at bev@tcsgarage. com.
Ed: Bev Gould has participated with PCA since
1978, doing rallies, racing, concours, and much
more. She owns together with
her husband, Tom. For great parts, accessories
and cleaning products, and more tips and tricks,
visit their website at
Now you are ready to get the engine ready for starting. Remove
ALL the plastic, plastic wrap, tape and rubber bands. Reconnect
the coil wire and make sure there are no foreign objects in the
compartment (towels, toothbrushe, gloves). Check your notes
to make sure you got everything. You may want to spend a few
more quarters to rinse around the car. Some of your greasy gunk
might be on your shoes or get on someone else’s car.
Sometimes our newly cleaned engines do not want to start. Give
it plenty of time to start and take care not to flood the engine.
If you protected you electrical components from water, your car
should not have any problems starting.
The Circuit
2006 911 Club Coupe.#33 of 50,
PCA 50th Anniversary Edition 911
Club Coupe. 381 hp 3.8 Liter watercooled engine with X51 Speed Kit,
Azurro California Blue Metallic (not
available on any other Porsche).
Stone Grey full Leather interior with stone grey floor mats,
NAV system, GSM hands-free phone, Premium Bose Surround-Sound system with 6 CD changer. Ultra-Shield Invisible bra, interior hood liner, Adaptive
Sport seats heated, painted wheel
crests, crest in headrest, 19" custom
sport wheels, Porsche Cover, Premium Lo-Jack, Cert. of Authenticity.
$95,000 OBO. Marty Noonan 562832-8255
$9995. Extremely Fast, ExtremelyBeautiful, 1984 PORSCHE
928S (the only 8 cylinder Porsche). Black on Black w/2 White
stripes front to back like the Viper. Painted July 09. Elec
seats, cruise, mirrors, leather seats, windows, doors, steering,
sunroof, A/C. CD with new speakers, Alloy wheels, 84K orig
miles. CALL RICK: 562-577-0206 ot
1982 911SC 143K original miles.
PCA Region GPX Concour winner
before new paint, excellent condition, no dings, garage queen. I've
owned her since 1996. Rob at Dutch
Treat has maintained her and has all
records. $16K. (805) 712-4993
2004 911 Carrera Cabriolet, black on black, new tires, battery. Complete service. 19,000 miles on odometer. Immaculate condition. Always garaged and covered, never tracked.
$48,000 OBO, 858-922-9514 or Don
Anderson (San Diego). Will deliver to Southern California.
17" 996 OEM Wheels 7 x 17 (2) & 9 x 17 (2) good used cond.
Michelin Sport Cup tires w/some good tread as bonus. No
curb rash, some slight scratches and
mild signs of touch ups. Straight &
true, excellent candidates for refinish. I replaced with 18's.
A great choice for autocross, track
days, or winter tires. First $800 takes
all. Valencia, CA contact Mike at
2007 911 Carrera S, 6 speed manual, 9960 miles, Meteor
Gray, full leather, full power, factory sport exhaust, high end
Bose system, clear bra, Turbo wheels, and lots more, immaculate condition, never raced or been in the rain, non-smoker, a
real must see, this car gets a lot of
attention, custom silver/grey crest
logo, asking $65K Contact Jamie
Gutierrez at (562) 746-9479 or
1981 928 Porsche, dark brown with light brown interior.
Pioneer stereo, Borla Exhaust. $9,000 in receipts. Everything
works, mechanical done, needs
minor body and upholstery work.
$3,500 John 310-763-3887 or
Bell SA-05 Sport 3 Helmet, size XL, clear visor. as
new $250.00. Contact Mike at
WANTED: Child (Junior, not infant) car seat for
Porsche 997 contact Steve 310 962 7256 or
1982 911 Turbo Tuner plus with EVEX Body Package, New
"Exquisite" paint & int, 3M Clear Bra, 450 HP - 46K orig miles,
New Clutch, 2867 lbs. K27 Turbo w/adj boost, short shift kit,
Bilsteins, rear stabilizer,Ferrari ties & truck cross-strut, front
bumper w/twin headlamp sys, side sills, flared arches, GT3
Polished Lip alloy. In " Excellence"
9/08 & Hemmings 3/09. 1 of 5 in
U.S., very tractable. $89,500 Firm.
Serious inquiries only. Contact Jill at
520-762-9125 or
2 sets 356/912 1720cc (85.90mm Big Bore P/C's from my
'68 912); Low Hours; photos avail. add cost if shipped. $200/
set - negotiable. Contact GPX Member Jim Scrimger (310)
373.6104 or Cabriojim @
OEM 993 Cup II wheels w/Pilot Sport Cup (race compound)
& silver crest ctr caps; straight but scratched. Good for track
or refinish, $700. OEM 17" Boxster S wheels with Pilot Sport
(street compound) and silver crest ctr caps; straight and very
good cond, $1250. OEM 993/986 4-spoke black steering
wheel with airbag, $300. Email for photos or questions:
1987 944 Coupe, 5-speed, 3rd owner (2nd owner - Bill Burris),
under 97K orig miles, all stock OEM, orig ext (L Y52 - nautit
metallic), beige int w/blk rugs, sunroof, air, books, tools, most
records, car cover, clean Carfax. Car is truly exceptional,
one of the best 944s you'll come by.
E-mail for pics. Serious buyers only.
$7,750. N.A. Dawson, Long Beach,
1978 911SC, 75,500 miles, Dk Blue Met/Cork int, sunroof, no
A/C, stock all around, everything works, head studs replaced,
all routine and extended maintenance
is up-to-date. Ready to be driven!
Contact me for full write-up on the
car. $19,000. Doug (661) 823-8107,
2006 Cayman S, Black exterior/interior. 5 speed manual. Low
(6,800) pampered weekend miles.
Always covered and is garage kept.
Bose sound and xenon lights upgrade. $ 41,000. Contact Eric at 562
972-4485 or
September 09
Porsche club of AmericA
sAntA bArbArA region
33rd Annual concours d’elegance by the sea
sunday, october 11, 2009
C-1 All Closed 356
C-2 All Open 356
C-3 911-912 (1965-1973)
C-4 911-911 Turbo, 930, 912E (1974-1983)
C-5 911-Carrera & Turbo (1984-1989)
C-6 911-Carrera & Turbo (964, 993)
C-7 911-Carrera & Turbo, GT2, GT3 (996, 997)
C-8 Boxster, Cayman
C-9 914-4, 914-6
C-10 All 924, 928, 944, 968
C-11 Cayenne, Panamera
S-1 All Closed 356
S-2 All Open 356
S-3 911-912 (1965-1973)
S-4 911-911 Turbo, 930, 912E (1974-1983)
S-5 911-Carrera & Turbo (1984-1989)
S-6 911-Carrera & Turbo (964, 993)
S-7 911-Carrera & Turbo, GT2, GT3 (996, 997)
S-8 Boxster, Cayman
S-9 914-4, 914-6
S-10 All 924, 928, 944, 968
S-11 Cayenne, Panamera
UR-1 All 356
UR-2 Future use
UR-3 911-912 (1965-1973)
UR-4 911-911 Turbo, 930, 912E (1974-1983)
UR-5 911-Carrera & Turbo (1984 -1989)
UR-6 911-Carrera & Turbo (964, 993)
UR-7 911-Carrera & Turbo (996,1999 – Y-10)
UR-8 Boxster (1997-Y-10)
UR-9 914/914-6
UR-10 All 924, 928, 944, 968
UR-11 Future use
W&S-1 All 356
W&S-2 911-912 (1965-1973) 911-911
Turbo, 930, 912E (1974-1983)
914-4, 914-6
W&S-3 911-Carrera & Turbo (1984-1989)
911-Carrera & Turbo, (1989-1998: 964, 993)
W&S-4 All 924, 928, 944, 968
W&S-5 All Boxster, Cayman, 996, 997, GT2, GT3,
Cayenne, Panamera
SC-1 Special Interest
SC-2 Current Competition
SC-3 Limited Production
Complete rules at:
At santa barbara city college, 721 cliff Drive, santa barbara, cA
Pre-registration $55.00 - includes one buffet lunch
($65.00 after September 28, or day of event)
Display Only
Pre-registration $30.00 - includes one buffet lunch
($40.00 after September 28, or day of event)
Buffet Lunch $12.00 (if not registered)
BBQ Chicken, Tri-Tip, Beans, Salad, Bread, Beverages
Car placement 7:00 a.m.
Judging begins 10:00 a.m.
Awards presentation 2:15 p.m.
Concours Questions? - Carolyn Ewbank (805) 496-5213 or
For a map to the SBCC Concours Area visit:
To register: Fill out the registration form below (also available at, make check
payable to PCA/SBR and mail to: Jeanette Bassett, 6143 Armitos Dr., Camarillo, CA 93012
PCA/SBR 33rd Annual Concours d’Elegance Registration Form
Porsche Model:
Additional Lunches:
pre-concours detailing clinic
saturday, Sept 12, 2009
at santa barbara auto group
11:00 am - 3:00 pm
you could win a free detailing!
In preparation for our 33rd Concours d’Elegance By The Sea, we’ve scheduled a
Detailing Clinic to teach you how to better prepare your car for competition (or
fun) in less time. Learn new techniques and discover all the latest products to
make your car sparkle. Understand the Zone 8 competition rules and what the
judges look for when examining a car.
Expert instruction will be provided by our own Dick Douglass, experienced Concours Judge, and lunch will be served, courtesy of Santa Barbara Auto Group.
Plus, enter the Concours, attend the Detailing Clinic and you could be eligible
“The Auto Detailing Teacher!”
And the price is right for the clinic - only $10.00 per person (at the door). If you
plan to attend, make a reservation no later than September 7, 2009. Limit 60.
RSVP to Bill Sampson at (310) 457-2601 or
Body Type:
Total Amount Enclosed:
Concours Class Entered:
September 09
Commercial Advertising Rates
Business card
Quarter page
Half page
Full page
Full page - key position
4-Color — add 25%
Quarter billing Annual billing
For information on placing
a commercial advertising,
please contact Skip Carter at
619.992.9927 or
Classified Ads
Classified ads are free to
PCA members. We can also
include a photograph of the
item you are selling.
Email or call with information:
619-992-9927 or
Index of Advertisers:
Aase Motors
Auto Werkstatt
Bob Campbell's 356 Services
Breakfast Club Meeting at Frisco's 31
Callas Rennsport
Charles & Alicia Weaver, Realtors
Children's Dental Health Clinic
Circle Porsche
Inside Front Cover
Class Auto Center
Cooper's Classy Car Care
GMG Motorsport
GPX Goodie Store
LA Dismantlers
Macson Printing & Lithography
North Hollywood Speedometer
Pacific Porsche
Back Cover
Pareto Point Industries
Parts Heaven
Inside Back Cover
Pelican Parts
Performance Products
Polly's Gourmet Coffee
Red Line Service
S & L Glass Company
Sorrento Valley Collision Center
SWB Studios
TC's Garage
5, 27
The Ventura Show
Porsche Club of America, Grand Prix Region
Join us for our Monthly Breakfast Club Meeting
at Frisco's Carhop Restaurant & Grill
4750 Los Coyotes Diagonal, Long Beach (just 1 block from the Traffic Circle)
First Saturday of each month — 9:00 am
Sep 5, Oct 3, Nov 5, Dec 2
$14.00 all you can eat incl tax, tip & beverages
For more information, contact Peter Ross
First-time attendees receive a Porsche coffee mug as a gift.
Porsche Club of America
Grand Prix Region
c/o Skip Carter
La Mesa, CA 91941
4:35 PM Page 1
©2009 Porsche Cars North America, Inc. Porsche recommends seat belt usage and observance of all traffic laws at all times.
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Showroom Hours:
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Inglewood, California 90301
Body Shop Hours:
Monday–Friday 7:00am - 6:00pm
Saturday 8:00am - 12:00pm