May 2013 - Porsche Club of America
May 2013 - Porsche Club of America
May 2013 May 2013 Contents 2 Porsches at Spring Mountain - May 3-5 3 Table of Contents - Board of Directors & Chairs 4GPX Concours at Lakewood Country Club - May 19 2013 GPX Board of Directors & Chairs President - Suesan Way (619) 992-4287 5 GPX Walters Cayman Tech Session - May 18 6 Wright of Way — President's Column 7 Editorial License On the Cover: Porsche Sweeps 1982 Le Mans 8 GPX Fairplex DE & Zone 8 Time Trial - Jun 9 9 GPX Santa Monica Mtn Tour to the Mullin - Jun 22 Vice President - Dave Hockett (909) 518-0415 8 It's Not Just the Cars, it's the People 10 Grand Prix Region & Zone 8 Calendar 11 Cal Inland Rich Pare Memorial Rally - May 25 12 Le Mans 1982 16 May Anniversaries & New Member Report 20 GPX Mt Baldy Tour - July 20 Secretary - Marty Goldsmith (562) 494-6350 Santa Barbara El Camino Rally - May 11 58th Porsche Parade - June 23-29 GER James Dean Memorial Autocross - May 18 23 Book review for Porschephiles: Porsche 911 Performance Handbook Treasurer - Rochelle Booth (310) 433-2826 24 The SoCall All Porsche Swap and Car Display 28 March Breakfast Club Meeting 30 Classified Ads Zone Rep at SoCall All Porsche Swap Meet 31 GPX Breakfast Club Meeting at Frisco's ad Index to Advertisers Activities - Susan Moard (626) 705-8686 Commercial Ad Rates Membership - Gail Sachs (650) 279-1876. Web sites GPX Zone PCA Porsche Don't forget to visit the Grand Prix Region Web site at: Editor - Skip Carter (619) 992-9927 Zone 8 Representative Tom Brown (760) 505-3286 Advertising Chuck Weaver (562) 430-3010 Chief Driving Instructor Mike Mulligan (760) 672-9175 Circuit Distribution Albert Franco (310) 379-8987 Concours John Baskett (310) 707-3903 Fundraising / Charity Rey Garnica (786) 208-6023 Goodie Store Bob Baddy & Junko Kamei (310) 951-7979 Insurance Ron Shanon (310) 375-9840 Performance Driving Events Skip Carter (619) 992-9927 Safety Nick Perdikaris (310) 901-8154 Social Media Chair Mark Nelson (917) 609-9674 Tech Inspection Dan Hockett (909) 921-5596 Technical Adviser Michael Dolphin (213) 248-4743 Timing Darren & Jennifer Cole (661) 209-9498 Tours Marty Goldsmith (562) 494-6350 Track Workers Team Bob & Karen Lewis (562) 429-3777 Webmaster Jimmie Mitchell (310) 539-2568 Advisors to the President Linda Cobarrubias Nick Perdikaris Aide-de-camp Norma Dawson printing by California Litho, Fullerton, CA EDITORIAL POLICY: THE CIRCUIT is the official publication of the GRAND PRIX REGION of the PORSCHE CLUB OF AMERICA. Statements appearing in THE CIRCUIT are those of the author and are not necessarily the opinions of the CLUB or its editorial staff. The Editor reserves the right to edit all material submitted for publication. Permission to reprint any material herein is granted providing full credit is given to the authors and THE CIRCUIT, with the exception of copyrighted material. ADDRESS CHANGE: Please notify membership chair, Gail Sachs, of any address, email, phone or membership status changes: Gail Sachs, PO Box 230874, Encinitas, CA 92023-0874 or (650) 279-1876 Also notify PCA at PO Box 5900, Springfield, VA 22150 or 3 Celebrating 50 Years of 911 32nd Annual Concours d’Elegance May 19, 2013 Lakewood Country Club Registration: $65.00 Judged Classes includes Buffet Lunch (you can delete lunch when registering) Display Only Registration: $45.00 including lunch Buffet Lunch $20.00 (1 lunch comes with each Judged Car registration - you can buy extras) Lakewood Country Club 3101 Carson Street, Lakewood, CA 90712 Schedule: 7:00 AM Car placement starts 10:00 AM Judging starts 2:00 PM Awards Ceremony sponsored by: For full Concours rules: FOR REGISTRATION GO TO http://MSReg.US/ for online registration Credit Card, E-check or check payment OK For information, sponsorship, and other, contact Concours Chair John Baskett — For registration help, contact: Suesan Way at (619) 992-4287 or The Circuit Write of Way, by Suesan Way Canadian Geese The 2013 California Festival of Speed was truly a great and fun weekend for everyone from volunteers to drivers and back to the organizers and the almost 5000 people that took part in the weekend’s festivities. The big player, of course, was the near sold out track that had over 200 drivers, who drove the roval at the Auto Club Speedway in Fontana all weekend long. The driving events included everything from PCA Club Racing doing fast and competitive wheel to wheel racing, Zone 8 Time Trial drivers going for season points on this great and large road course with the high speed half track banking oval. We also had the pleasure of again welcoming Greg Franz and the Pirelli GT3 Cup competing in their season competition in there very powerful and gorgeous cup cars. Along with all of the fast and furious track action, there was a lot of other happenings to keep the Porsche Enthusiasts entertained for hours on site. For those who have wondered about trying out a little tracking of their car, there was a taste of autocross (an opportunity to drive your car on an little course with an instructor giving you some tips on what you can really do with your Porsche). People were smiling and surprised as they walked away from the course! People enjoyed one of the largest Concours d’Elegance that the Festival has ever seen, which was a beautiful display of Porsches, prepared with care and accuracy for judging by their owners and shown on Vendor’s Row on Saturday. We had Porsche corrals all weekend long with hundreds of cars parked by model, and a Saturday swap meet and a Porsche Platz car sale. There were three days of Lunch Time Track Tours, an opportunity for anyone to put their car on the track at freeway speeds over the lunchtime hours, and that is always one of the weekend favorites. One of the great features of the weekend was the celebration of 50 Years of the 911. All 50 Porsches were collected for the display and then, at the right time, they rolled out onto the track (during the lunchtime) and were arranged for the perfect picture – the coordination and timing were meticulous and quarterbacked by the editor in chief of the this publication, and my Sweetheart and partner in crime, Skip Carter. 6 To hear the story of getting all of those cars organized was one of the great stories of the weekend (ask Skip about it sometime). I cannot possible tell it or I would. I have another story I can tell about my friend Cecelia Knauf. Cecelia is the Registrar for the Festival and works really hard for months getting things organized for the weekend. She was a really great track driver, but gave it up a few years ago and now drives the Pace Car each year for the Festival. I am not sure why Cecelia stopped competiting, but if you look around her home, I am not sure where she would put another trophy. Between Cecelia and her husband Vince, one of the co chairs for the festival, the walls are full. So, Cecelia lets me be her radio person in the Pace Car (I think this is our 3rd year together). Our job is to lead the race cars out on the track. They bunch up behind us to get a fair start. These are very loud and powerful, and are behind us moving back and forth warming up their tires and revving their engines, and we are going no more than 40 – 65 miles an hour with these cars crowded on our tail. Some of these drivers are very aggressive and like to get right up to the pace car and sort of like to be a little aggressive – makes me take notice. I’ll tell you, the sound alone is overwhelming. So, once the race we start, there is a driver who is just pushing and pushing and I am watching him and finally I look over at Cecelia and she is grinning from ear to ear and giggling – just getting a kick out of his pushing – and she is just waiting for more instructions from the tower and just driving her perfect line and grinning and giggling all the way home. What a great race, what a great day and what a great Festival. If you missed it, don’t miss it next year and no, you cannot have my Pace Car job with Cecelia. May 2013 Skip Carter As I write this column, Suesan and I are packing, heading out in the morning for Pahrumph, Nevada. The Grand Prix Region is co-hosting a PCA Club Race at the Spring Mountain Motorsport Ranch with the Las Vegas Region. It is the first time there has been a PCA Club Race in the Vegas area since 2008, so there is a lot of excitement about it. one on himself. I started telling him about an excellent 944 Spec Racer I knew was available, and how it's a great car to learn in... Enough power to have fun with, but not a handful. So many people I see show up with GT3s, GT3RSs, etc and want to learn how to drive. I'm not saying you can't do it that way, but we recommend most people to start out with an easy, not big horsepower car, learn how to drive, then move up if you feel the inclination. We'll probably hook up in Victorville for lunch with our CDI, Mike Mulligan, and Vince Knauf, Zone 8 Club Race coordinator. There's a funky old diner you may have heard about — Emma Jean's Holland Burger Cafe. Have I ever mentioned my fondness for diners and home cookin'? I'm starting to run out of room here, so I'll wrap it up. I bought the 944 racer this week. Patrick Sloan and I are going to co-drive the car (he's got a truck and can haul it to the track). The 914 is, well, up for sale. It's only about a 5-hour drive from La Mesa to Pahrumph. Every thing I've heard about the facility sounds wonderful. The onsite condos are more reminiscent of a resort than a race track. I hear the same about the clubhouse (bar, fitness center, etc). It sounds like a track you can take the family. The main article in this Circuit is a reprint from the Pacific Northeast Region newsletter. It's about the 1982 Le Mans race and, more significantly, Porsche's dominance that year. With this year's 24 Hours on May 15th, it seemed like a timely article, especially considering Porsche's entries this year and, even more exciting, the promise of a purpose built Le Mans car for 2014! It's been about 10 years since I've owned a track car, which was a very nice almost stock '74 914 2.0 with some tighter suspension and 15" 5-lug Fuchs. In 2004 I sold it to a friend. He drove it a few times, but it's mostly been sitting in a field. Several months ago he expressed an interest in getting rid of it, so we trailered it up to Mike Mulligan's shop in Vista, where it has been undergoing a resuscitation. Fuel lines, brake lines, injector service, battery and, you can imagine, a few other things. It's a little worse for the wear, but this week I went up and drove it around. It's funny how you can jump in a car you haven't started in ten years, and it's just like yesterday. But the story takes a twist... From having no track car for ten years, to having two all of a sudden is weird, but a problem that is not difficult to solve. See you soon at an event Sleazy Dog Construction On the Cover... In 1982 Porsche dominated the 24 hour Le Mans race like no other manufacturer had done before or since. Inside is a wonderful story by Jay Gillotti from the Pacific Northwest Region covering that historic race This year's 24 Hours du Mons is on June 15th May 2013 While the 914 was being revived, a friend and I started talking. My problem is, managing performance driving events, there is no way I can get a track car to an event. He's thinking he needs a track car, but doesn't necessarily want to take 7 June 9, 2013, Sunday Registration: http://MSReg.US/DETTJune9 For info contact: Suesan Way, Registrar or (619) 992-4287 Drivers Ed: 1.5 mile road course Entry Level Event — no special equipment needed for stock classes Helmets required (Snell SA or M 2005 & 2010)H Helmets available for rent or purchase Mandatory First Timers Ground School Saturday evening Accommodations Sheraton Fairplex Porsche Club Rate – $109.00 1 MINUTE FROM THE TRACK sponsored by Porsche of Downtown LA Day Drivers Ed — $ 125.00 Time Trial adder — $ 25.00 $50.00 late fee if payment not received by June 1 Paid Corner Workers THIS IS AN ENTRY LEVEL EVENT Instructors are provided (and mandatory) for novices We will NOT be using the tunnel because of asphalt damage The Mullin is located in Oxnard, and is2010 devoted May 2013 July to classic cars of the French Art Deco style. The coachbuilder Voisin is being featured. There is an outstanding display of Grand Prix racers (mostly Bugattis). We will leave our rendezvous point in Malibu at 8:30 sharp, aiming for brunch at Camarillo Airport. This is a popular waypoint for touring fliers and car clubs. We will drive from there the short distance to the Mullin. You must do two things to participate. First, go to and purchase your tickets (not sold at the door). Then e-mail Marty Goldsmith at CaptMarty@verizon. net for instructions and info. (562) 494-6350 We will be driving in Topanga Canyon, Mulholland Highway and Potrero Valley Road. A Tour by the Grand Prix Region Saturday June 22 8:30 am at rendezvous 1 9 The Circuit Grand Prix Region & Zone 8 Club Calendar May 3-5 F-Sun GPX/LVR PCA Club Race/DE/Zone 8 Time Trial Spring Mountain Motorsports Park (ad page 2) 4 Sat SAR Cinco de Mayo Concours 5Sat Breakfast Club-Frisco's, Long Beach Frisco's Undergoing Remodeling-back in June 5Sat GPX Board Meeting - (cancelled) 11 Sat ALMS Laguna Seca 11 Sat SAR Cinco de Mayo Autocross 11 Sat SBR Zone 8 Rally 12 Sun Rose Bowl Swap Meet 12 Sun F1 Spain 12 Sun Mothers Day 18 Sat GER Zone 8 Autocross 18 Sat GPX Walter's Porsche Cayman Tech Session (ad on page 5) 19 Sun GPX Zone 8 Concours (ad on page 4) Lakewood Country Club 19 Sun OCR Autocross, El Toro 19 Sun SDR Autocross, Qualcomm Stadium 24 Fri CCC Drivers Ed, Buttonwillow Raceway Park 25-26 S-Sun GGR PCA Club Race/DE/Time Trial 25 Sun CAI Zone 8 Rally 25 Sun F1 Monaco 27 Mon Memorial Day 31-2 F-Sun Sonoma Historic Festival, Infineon Raceway June 1948 Porsche #1 is road certified 1 Sat Breakfast Club-Frisco's, Long Beach 1 Sat GPX Board Meeting after Breakfast 1 Sat Friends of Steve McQueen Car Show, Boy's Republic, Chino Hills 2 Sun Pomona Swapmeet 6 1998 Porsche scores 16th overall win at Le Mans 8Sat GPX/SGV DE Instructor Training Instructor Track Day, Fairplex at Pomona 9 Sun GPX/SGV DE/Zone 8 Time Trial, Fairplex (ad on page 8) 9 Sun SDR Autocross, Qualcomm Stadium 9 Sun Rose Bowl Swap Meet 9 Sun F1 Canada 9 Sun OCR Autocross, El Toro 13 1970, Porsches 1st overall win at Le Mans, 917K 14 Fri Flag Day 15 Sat 24 Heurs du Mons 15-16 S-Sun Intermountain Region DE, Miller Race Park 16 Sun Fathers Day 16 Sun F1 United States (New Jersey) 22 Sat GPX Santa Monica Mountain Tour to the Mullin (ad on page 9) 22 Sat CCC Zone 8 Autocross, Santa Maria Airport 23 Sun LAR Zone 8 Concours 23-29 Porsche Parade, Traverse City, MI 30 Sun F1 Britain 10 July 4 Thu 6 Sat 6 Sat 13-14 S-Sun 14 Sun 20 Sat 20 Sat 21 Sun 21 Sun 28 Sun 4th of July Breakfast Club-Frisco's, Long Beach GPX Board Meeting after Breakfast GGR DE/Time Trial, Thunderhill F1 Germany GPX Mount Baldy to Top of the Notch Tour SDR Zone 8 Rally School ALMS Mosport OCR Autocross, El Toro F1 Hungary August 3 Sat 3 Sat 4 Sun 4 Sun 9-11 F-Sat 11 Sun 11 Sun 11 Sun 16-18 F-Sun 18 Sun 25 Sun 31 Sat Breakfast Club-Frisco's, Long Beach GPX Board Meeting after Breakfast SDR Zone 8 Concours OCR Autocross, El Toro Monterey Pre-Historic Races, Laguna Seca ALMS Road America Rose Bowl Swap Meet Pomona Swapmeet Monterey Motorsports Reunion, Laguna Seca Pebble Beach Concours d'Elegance F1 Belgium ALMS Baltimore September 2 Mon Labor Day 3 1875, Ferdinand Porsche born in Maffersdorf 7 Sat Breakfast Club-Frisco's, Long Beach 7 Sat GPX Board Meeting after Breakfast 7 Sat Zone 8 Rules Committee Meeting 7-8 S-Sun GGR PCA DE/TT, Thunderhill 8 Sun Rose Bowl Swap Meet 8 Sun F1 Italy 14-15 S-Sun LVR Drivers Ed, Spring Mountain 15 Sun Palos Verdes Concours 19 1909 Ferry (Anton Ernest) Porsche born 20-22 F-Sun Intermountain Region PCA Club Race/DE Miller Motorsports Park 21 Sat SBR Autocross, Camarillo 21 Sat ALMS Circuit of the Americas 21-22 S-Sun SDR DE/Zone 8 Time Trial, Willow Springs 22 Sun F1 Singapore 28 Sat SDR Zone 8 Rally 28 Sat RR Timeline to Lake Arrowhead 30 Sun OCR DE, Chuckwalla October 5 Sat 5 Sat 5 Sat 5 Sat 6 Sun 6 Sun 7 Mon 13 Sun 13 Sun 13 Sun 14 Mon 19 Sat 19-20 S-Sun Breakfast Club-Frisco's, Long Beach GPX Board Meeting after Breakfast ALMS VIR GER Zone 8 Concours GER Zone 8 Autocross F1 Korea GPX Day Away from Work DE/ Zone 8 Autocross, Streets of Willow F1 Japan Rose Bowl Swap Meet SBR Zone 8 Concours Columbus Day ALMS Road Atlanta SDR DE/Zone 8 Time Trial, Chuckwalla May 2013 20 Sun 24-26 T-Sat 27 Sun 27 Sun 31Thu Pomona Swapmeet GPX/SGV Escape to LA, Fairplex in Pomona GPX/SGV DE/Zone 8 Time Trial, Fairplex F1 India Halloween November 2 Sat 2 Sat 2 Sat 3 Sun 3 Sun 3 Sun 3 Sun 10 Sun 11 Mon 15 Fri 16-17 S-Sun 16-17 S-Sun 17 Sun 22- Dec 1 24 Sun 28Thu Breakfast Club-Frisco's, Long Beach GPX Board Meeting after Breakfast AZ Flight 36 Zone 8 Concours AZ Flight 36 Zone 8 Autocross Daylight Savings Ends F1 Abu Dhabi OCR Autocross, El Toro Rose Bowl Swap Meet Veterans Day GPX Drivers Ed/Test n Tune, Buttonwillow SDR PCA Club Race/DE/TT, Buttonwillow SAR DE, Inde Motorsports Park F1 United States (Austin) LA Auto Show F1 Brazil Thanksgiving December 7 Sat 7 Sat 7 Sat 8 Sun 8 Sun 8 Sun 25Wed 26 Thu Breakfast Club-Frisco's, Long Beach GPX Board Meeting after Breakfast GPX Holiday Party (date to be confirmed) Pomona Swapmeet Rose Bowl Swap Meet OCR Autocross, El Toro Christmas Boxing Day In honor of the upcoming 24 hour Le mans race on June 15, we have included a wonderful article (next page) on the 1982 Le Mans race. In 1982, not only did Porsche 962s sweep 1st, 2nd & 3rd places (Jacky Ickx & Derek Bell in #1, Jochen Mass & Vern Schuppan in #2, and Hurley Haywood, Al Holbert & Jurgen Barth in #3), but John Fitzpatrick & David Hobbs finished 4th in the 935 Moby Dick, and Cooke Racing finished 5th in a 935 K3. Of the 19 cars that finished the race, 9 were Porsches, including Bob Garretson's 935 and the Jim Busby, Doc Bundy, Marcel Mignot 924 Carrera GTR. No manufacturer has ever so dominated this event. PCA Cal-Inland Region Presents: Porsche Club of America Zone 8 Rich Paré Memorial Rally A Time-Speed-Distance Rally January 2014 1 Wed 4 Sat 4 Sat New Years Day Breakfast Club-Frisco's, Long Beach GPX Board Meeting after Breakfast Grand Prix Region events are in Bold # indicates a GPX addition or change WHEN: Saturday, May 25, 2013 Registration Opens: 9:00 AM. First car leaves at 10:01 AM. WHERE: Directions to the start: From the northbound “14” freeway, exit at Golden Valley Road and turn right. Go to the first driveway just past McDonald's and turn left into the parking lot. From the southbound “14” freeway, exit at Golden Valley Road and turn left. Go to the first driveway just past McDonald's and turn left into the parking lot. COST: $35 per car at the start, $30 per car if you pre-register by April 17, 2013 EVENT: Approximately 2 1/2 hours and will mostly be run in the Santa Clarita Valley area. Abbreviations AZ — Arizona Region of the Porsche Club of America CCC — California Central Coast Region CAI — California Inland Region GER — Golden Empire Region GGR — Golden Gate Region GPX — Grand Prix Region LAR — Los Angeles Region LVR — Las Vegas Region OCR — Orange Coast Region RR — Riverside Region SAR — Southern Arizona Region SBR — Santa Barbara Region SDR — San Diego Region SGV — San Gabriel Valley Region ALMS— American Le Mans Series DE — PCA Drivers Education track event F1 — Formula 1 PCA — Porsche Club of America CLASSES: Novice (E), Tour (D), SOP (C), NAV (B), Expert (A). See Click on Competition Rules, and then click on Rally. Standard Zone 8 Rally Classes. NOVICES: No experience required. Good stuff to bring: Navigator, time-of-day watch, clipboard, paper, pencil(s), water bottle. You will have fun, even if you leave any of the above at home. You must have a driver and navigator. INFO: Mike @ 661-273-2690 or e-mail to This event is hosted by the Cal-Inland Region of the Porsche Club of America. You do not have to be a PCA member to participate. We welcome all cars with a driver and navigator, regardless of make. Bring a friend. -------------------------------------------------PRE-REGISTER-----------------------------------------To SAVE $5.00, pre-registration MUST be received by April 17, 2013. (Make checks payable PCA/CAI) Send this form to Zone 8 Rally, 256 E. Ave. P-1, Palmdale, Ca. 93550-3223 Driver: ___________________________ Navigator____________________________ Address: _________________________ Address: ____________________________ City, St., Zip: ______________________ City,St.,Zip: __________________________ Phone: ___________________________ Phone: ______________________________ Class: ___________ (see web site) Email: ____________________________________ 11 Le Mans 1982 by Jay Gillotti reprinted from June 2012 issue of Porsche Spiel, Pacific Northwest Region photos courtesy of Porsche Archives & anonymous donor= I t’s hard to believe that this month marks 30 years since my high school graduation. A more pleasant anniversary to recall is one of Porsche’s greatest victories. Some might argue that the 1982 24 Hours of Le Mans was Porsche’s greatest triumph of all. It certainly led to a period of unprecedented dominance by Porsche in sports car racing, rivaling that of Ferrari in the late '50s and early '60s. 1982 also happened to be the 50th running of the great race. That, along with the inception of a new formula, gave the race a sense of occasion and importance that may have been lacking when sports car racing suffered through the difficult economic conditions of the late '70s and early '80s. Porsche certainly knew how to win Le Mans by this time. They had taken 6 of the previous 12 races and, in 1981, they had literally dusted off the 936s in their museum, installed a version of the engine intended to run at Indy in 1980, and decimated the field (Ickx & Bell taking the win by 14 laps over the Cosworth-powered Rondeaus). Porsche’s newly installed American CEO, Peter Schutz, was a fan of racing and pushed to revitalize Porsche’s participation in front-line motorsport. At the same time, the FIA had devised a new formula for sports car endurance racing that seemed to play to Porsche’s strengths. Group C had relatively few restrictions (beyond a simple fuel consumption limit (no maximum engine capacity)). For 1000 KM races, each car would have only 600 liters of fuel, with tank size limited to 100 liters. At Le Mans, the cars were allowed 2600 liters. Minimum weight would be 800 kilos, and the car that could cover the greatest distance with the available fuel would be the winner. Soon after the 1981 Le Mans race, Porsche’s Norbert Singer was assigned the task of developing a new car for Group C. Project 956 would not only be Porsche’s first modern monocoque racer, but also its first ground-effect car. Instead of using the traditional tubular space-frame approach dating back to the 906, the 956 would have a bonded and riveted aluminum tub structure. While the center section of Group C cars’ underbody was required to be flat, Porsche and the other manufacturers would employ venturishaped tunnels at the rear to create downforce. Porsche’s traditional flat-6 motor was angled downward in the rear sub frame to allow extra room for the ground-effect tunnels. The drive shafts were made to a new shape and with new materials to minimize the effect on the air passing through the underbody tunnel. Another step to increase the ground effect was to make the 956 the longest wheelbase Porsche to date (street or race car). Singer’s task was made easier by not having to design a new engine. The 2.6 liter flat-6 (with water-cooled cylinder heads) that won Le Mans in 1981 would carry over to the 956. Capable of producing 600 reliable horsepower with twin turbochargers, this engine could also sip fuel in an economical manner. It did get an all-new 5-speed gearbox to help with maximizing fuel efficiency. The car went from first drawings to first shakedown test in about 8 months. By March of 1982 it was ready for testing at the Paul Ricard circuit in France. Of course, Porsche also had the services of Mr. Le Mans, Jacky Ickx. He had won Le Mans 5 times already and would partner with Derek Bell who had shared two of those wins with Jacky. At its first race (the Silverstone 1000 KM in May) the 956 finished second to a Group 6 Lancia (Group 6 cars being grandfathered into the 1982 races to fill out the fields). The Group C formula brought a welcome return of manufacturer involvement at Le Mans. In addition to Porsche, Ford returned with their new Zakspeed-built C100. Other Ford-powered contenders came from Lola, Sauber, Dome and Rondeau (who had won Le Mans in 1980). Lancia was not ready with a Group C car as yet, so they entered their Group 6 spyders. Le Mans regulars WMPeugeot, Courage and the Aston Martin factory also entered the fray. I risked bringing up a sore subject, but contacted Mr. Horsman for his first impressions of the 956. He recalls admiring Porsche’s leadership in the aero department (Porsche having grown immensely since Horsman’s experience with the 917). The 956 seemed wellsorted in terms of balancing low drag with adequate downforce. He also felt the reliability and performance of the 2.6 liter turbo engine in the 956 would be hard to beat. In addition to his disdain for the French organizers, he remains critical of the underdeveloped and inadequately tested DFL Cosworth. This was to be a pivotal factor in the race, as we’ll see. In qualifying, Ickx took the pole with an average speed just over 146 mph, and the 956s were running about 220 down the Mulsanne straight with their long, low-drag tails. This speed was not much faster than the 936 had been in 1981, but fuel-efficiency was Harley Cluxton (of Grand Touring Cars now the main focus of in Arizona) was a Le Mans enthusiast who Porsche’s effort, and had commissioned Tiga and ex-JWA/ the 956 was running Gulf man John Horsman to build a new less turbo boost. The Cosworth-powered Mirage, the M12, to Porsches qualified on Group C regulations. In a great PR coup, race rubber, electCluxton signed Mario Andretti to drive ing not to use softthe new car at Le Mans with his then 19John Fitzpatrick & David Hobbs finished 4th compound qualifying overall driving the Porsche 935/78 Moby Dick year old son, Michael. The Mirage qualitires. Two interesting fied in a fine 9th position but ran afoul of customer Porsches the French authorities in a bizarre scene qualified close behind the 956s. Reinhold Joest’s team had just before the start. No one is quite sure if a competitor converted their 936 to a coupe-style Group C car, and made tipped the ACO officials, but Horsman and Cluxton were (continued on page 20) called before the stewards only an hour before the start and advised that their oil cooler was illegally positioned relative to the gearbox. Had this been addressed properly at scrutineering on Tuesday, the problem could have been remedied. With only an hour to go before the start on Saturday, there wasn’t enough time for a fix. The team did valiantly reposition the oil cooler, but by the time the work was done, an alternate car had been allowed to start the race. Cluxton never returned to La Sarthe and no Mirage has run there since. The obligatory pre-race photo finds not only the Porsche drivers and team, but Rothman's personnel and many others The Circuit 356 Services_11_2012 :Layout 1 12/5/12 6:04 PM Page 1 356 RESTORATION REPAIR & SERVICE Since 1972 Santa Clarita, California Sweet, sweet 1958 Speedster Fully sorted – Needs only a driver Offered at $214,500 USD From a simple tune-up, to award-winning complete restorations. By appointment : : Enclosed Pick-up, Delivery and Storage is available. BUY! Purchase an Investment Caliber 356 Porsche. Many More Available. Visit LOCATE! Still don’t see the right 356 for you? Call for the most current inventory SELL! VISIT Convenient, private, secure sale of Your 356. OUR NEW You remain anonymous until sold. WEBSITE AT No calls, just me. No Lookie Lous. BUYER’S AND SELLER’S REMORSE COUNSELING AVAILABLE PHONE/FAX 661-251-3500 :: :: 14 Lovely 1965 C Cabriolet Friendly driving Excellent value Offered at $145,000 USD Stunning 1960 Super 90 Roadster! Original engine – Ready to Go! Offered at $139,500 USD May 2013 TCsGarage Parts & Accessories Free Shipping on orders over $75* Car Care Products Zymol, Sonax, P21S, Einszett, Porsche Parts & Accessories specializing in Porsche, BMW & VW/Audi • Covercraft ,eGear, Lloyd Mats , Striker, UST , Wheelskins and More Don’t see what you need? CALL US! 760‐295‐3330. Co-Owner Tom Gould has 30+ years parts experience and former cofounder of PelicanParts. Bev & Tom Gould • PCA members for 30 + years. 760‐295‐3330 | E‐Mail: 1315 Hot Spring Way #105, Vista, CA 92081 * Free shipping on US ground shipments only. See website for details. 15 Membership Report Caprice Rasmussen Steve Foster John Faber Steve Stame Bob Baddy May Anniversaries 36 years 20 years 17 years 15 years 11 years 10 years 7 years 6 years 5 years 4 years 3 years 2 years 1 year Bill & Sheila Burris John Blakely Satoshi & Karen Mayeda Lynn Bugg & Johnny Hunt Steve Foster & Caprice Rasmussen Lynn Bugg James & Debra Stone Patrick & Patrick Davern Loree Swanenburg Marvin & Treva langston Eddie Swanenburg Rick & Mary Denver Merv Mary Janquart Johnny Hunt Tyrone & Angela Moore Bill & Beebeer Clevenger Kurt & Rebecca Mayer Steve & Kellie Stame Bob Baddy John Blakely John & Carolyn Faber Albert Franco Jim & Susan Lenahan Francis & Janelle Lennarz Sigfried & NellieRoller Ed & Susan Oca Manos Athanassiou Tony & Rebecca Ferreira Bill & Beeber Clevenger Hazel Hofsess & Marilyn Gale Gary & Cheryl Holcomb Brett & Sarah Mohr Siegfried & Nellie Roller Rebecca & Kurt Mayer Frederick & Wa'Set Davis Jim & Susan Lenahan Robert & Alice Myrtle Charles & Karen Harrell Linda & Mike Nolasco Carlos & Catherine Lara Ellen Peterson Eddie & Loree Swanenburg Susan & Ed Oca Joel Brown David & Julie Haas Gary & Cheryl Holcomb Howard & Latanya Love May New Members — Transfers In Albert Franco Marcos & Michaele Aguirre Don & Sue Matz Alan & Gretchen Johnson Robert Dalrymple 2012 Panamera 4 1979 Red 911SC 2010 Cayman 1984 White 930 Linda & Mike Nolasco Hazel Hoffsess Alan Johnson Manos Athanassiou Charles Harrell Yaw Davis family Avery Moore Bret Mohr Tyrone Moore Rick Denver Be two places at once. On the road and off the grid. Escape to new realms of performance in the all-new 2013 Boxster. A two-seat tribute to record-setting roadsters of the past. But like nothing you’ve seen before. With its push-button retractable roof and athletic mid-engine balance, the new Boxster connects you to every subtle nuance of the pavement. And the sheer ecstasy of open roads ahead and open skies above. Porsche. There is no substitute. Test drive yours today. FREE FUEL FILL UP Come into Walter’s Porsche for any factory scheduled maintenance or repairs and Walter’s will fill your fuel tank for the drive home!* FREE ALIGNMENT Get a no cost alignment when you purchase two or more tires from Walter’s Porsche. *Excludes oil changes and other minor services. Call Walter’s Porsche for further details. For your next service appointment, get into the fast lane and come into Walter’s Porsche. Official sponsor of the 866.365.2030 Porsche Club of America Orange Coast Region. 3210 Adams Street Riverside, CA 92504 The Circuit 18 May 2013 19 The Circuit (continued from page 13) 3rd fastest time. The Kremer brothers’ one-off CK-5 qualified 8th. The Group 6 Lancias were 4th and 5th fastest and not far off the 956’s pace. The #3 956 of Vern Schuppan and Jochen Mass could only manage 14th fastest after Schuppan had a puncture on the Mulsanne and was lucky to avoid a huge accident. Harald Grohs was not as lucky in his 935. He also suffered tire failure at the fastest point on the Mulsanne, just past the kink. The car hit the barriers on both sides of the road and did a series of rolls coming to rest #2 car for Mass & Schuppan had trouble with theirs during the race. Porsche installed new engines in all 3 cars for the race, but the motor assigned to the #1 car developed a fault, which required a second engine change for the Ickx/Bell car. Weather would not be a factor in 1982, and the start was sunny and warm. Ickx took things easy, and Mass was in the lead to lap 8 in the #2 956. Within a half hour of the start, the three 956s were running in the top 3 places. However, by lapping at around a 3 minutes 40 seconds pace, the Porsches had to pit at the 45 minute mark. Although forcing the Cosworth-powered cars to run a hot pace, the Porsches would not be able to run at this speed for a full 24 hours and stay within the fuel allocation. The Fordpowered Le Mans-based Jean Rondeau cars were the closest pursuer. The Gordon Spice-Francois Migault entry was shown in the lead at 7 PM while the Porsches made pit spots. The Ford C100 then managed to lead at the four hour mark as fuel stops scrambled the order. However, as evening went on, the brigade of Ford Cosworthpowered cars began to fall by the wayside, mainly due to a fault in the 3.9 liter DFL engine that had not shown up Porsche Kremer CK5 during practice. Vibration in these motors on the long, fullthrottle run down the Mulsanne proved to be their demise. beyond the “hump” (and then it caught fire). Grohs was not A damper mounted on the nose of the crankshaft to control hurt in this, his second major crash in a 3 week period. Such the vibration overheated, the rubber ring at its center swelled was the life of sports car drivers and destroyed the in those days! magnetic pick-up The final lap before setting up for for the ignition systhe squadron finish Group C was all about fuel tem. In some cases strategy, and the Porsche engithe vibration broke neers were on point. With 100 motor mounts, liters to start and another 2500 starter motors or liters available, the total of 2600 caused clutch plates liters divided by 23 hours would to fail. The Lancia give the max consumption per spyders had both hour. , Why divide by 23? The stopped on lap 2 limit on fuel flow meant that a with an electrical car would be stationary in the fault in the fuel pits for close to 60 minutes durpump. Even though ing the race. As a result, the cars they got going could use about 113 liters of fuel again, both were per hour, but Porsche backed out for good by this down to a conservative target of 107. The 956s were early evening. Our friend Brian Redman came out of retireequipped with digital, on-board fuel readouts, although the ment for the second time to drive a Lola T-610 and looked 20 May 2013 competitive as usual. Sadly, the Le Mans jinx struck again, and the car went out early when the team miscalculated the fuel and one of Brian’s co-drivers was stranded on track. By midnight, the American 956 of Al Holbert, Hurley Haywood and Jurgen Barth was in the lead. This crew had made some quicker pit stops and done some more aggressive driving, but at 12:30, Hurley had the one serious moment of the race for Porsche. While at speed on the Mulsanne, he reached over to check the door and it promptly flew off into the night! The pit stop for that repair (plus another to replace a failed wheel bearing) would drop them down as far as 8th place. At half-distance, Ickx/Bell led Mass/Schuppan with the 936C holding 3rd place. The Aston Martin Nimrod was running fourth, ahead of the delayed 956. When the Aston was delayed, a Ferrari Boxer made it up to 4th place. Ickx complained of a misfire in his engine during the night, likely the result of running lean on mixture (fuel economy strikes again!). As the sun came up and temperatures warmed, the misfire seemed to go away. were actually a little bored. Derek Bell was quoted as saying: “It’s just not very exciting, is it?” Ickx continued to have concerns about his engine as Sunday afternoon wore on, but his luck and the engine held together. At 22 hours, the Joest 936C suffered engine failure, promoting the #3 956 to a neat 3rd place spot. As Derek Bell drove the final stint, Ickx changed into fresh overalls for the podium ceremony. The 956s formed up in a line-astern, 1-2-3 order as the end approached but they never quite made it to the finish line. The fans swarmed over the barriers as 4 PM approached and the marshals were forced to direct the cars into the paddock as the checkered flag waved. The 1-2-3 finish was an amazing result for a car in only its second race and first time out at Le Mans. Similar to 1970 and 1971, Porsche won nearly all the categories, including IMSA GTX (Hobbs & Fitzpatrick in a long-tail, Moby Dick-style 935 that finished 4th overall), Group 5 (935, 5th overall), Group 4 (934) and IMSA GT (the Busby-Bundy 924 GTR). Ickx set fastest lap with a 3.28.40. It was a bit of a lucky result for Fitzpatrick as he had run out of fuel at one point and had to push his car from the Ford chicane up into the pit lane! The Moby replica also ran much of the second half of the race on 5 cylinders. At 9:30 on Sunday morning, Ickx came The hot pits used to be a bit more crowded than 1982 would turn out to be in with a puncture (luckily it happened what you'll see these days Ickx’ 6th and final Le Mans right before the pit entry). This set off victory. He came back only a debate between Norbert Singer and twice more (1983 and 1985) before retiring at age 40. It is Helmut Flegl about whether the car should be refueled. left to history to argue the what-if. Had the Ford-engine With the number of refueling stops limited, putting fuel in cars not failed en masse, would the Porsches have the car at this stage would run out of fuel? What history does show is that result in at least 3 laps’ the 956 and the 962 derivative went on to win the worth of fuel being unused next five Le Mans races in a row. This basic design at the end of the race. Flegl became one of the most successful racing cars ever won, calculating that Ickx’ built. lead was sufficient and the car was fueled. Also during Sources for this article include contemporary race the morning, the #2 956 of reports from Le Mans, The Porsche Years, 1975Jochen Mass and Vern SchDerek Bell & Jacky Ickx 1982 published by Brooklands Books. uppan lost 3 laps to replace a blocked fuel filter. The #3 956 charged back up into 4th place with several hours left to run. The leading factory Porsches were now lapping 15 to 20 seconds slower than their qualifying times and the drivers 21 The Circuit El Camino Real XXX Grand Prix Region Tour to Mt Baldy Top of the Notch PORSCHE CLUB OF AMERICA/SANTA BARBARA REGION & SCHNEIDER AUTOHAUS PRESENT The Boucher/Schneider Zone 8 Time/Speed/Distance Rally SATURDAY, MAY 11, 2013 IN SANTA BARBARA Saturday, July 20 $10.00 per person (donation to Children's Dental Health Clinic) Mark Your calendars More information coming Porsche wonderful roads Starting at Pomona Fairgrounds Glendora Ridge Road to Mt Baldy Chairlift to the Top of the Notch Lunch at the Notch Restaurant WHEN: REGISTRATION9:00a.m.-9:40a.m. FIRSTCARLEAVESAT10:01a.m. WHERE: COST: SEARSUPPERPARKINGLOT SANTABARBARA’SLACUMBREPLAZA EXITHwy101(North)atHopeAve.inS.B. LeftatSIGNAL.RightatSIGNAL. RightintoSearsupperparkinglot. $35percaratthestart,$30percar ifyoupre-registerbyMay4,2013. Enjoyano-hostlunchwithyourfellow participantsattheendoftheevent,followed bytheawardspresentation. CLASSES: Novice,Tour,SOP,NAV,Expert. Foracopyoftherules,goto: NOVICES: Noexperiencerequired.Goodstufftobring: navigator,time-of-daywatch,clipboard,paper, pencil(s),andawaterbottle.Youwillhavefun, evenifyouleavesomeoftheseitemsathome, butyoumusthaveadriverandanavigator! MORE INFO: CallDoreenPankowat(805)527-8280for moreinformationand/orrallyrules. PRE-REGISTER To SAVE $5.00, pre-registration MUST be received by May 4, 2013. (Make checks payable to PCA/SBR.) Send this form and your check to: Doreen Pankow, 2251 Brownstone Creek Ave., Simi Valley, CA 93063 Driver: _________________________________________ Navigator: ______________________________________ Address: ________________________________________ Address: ________________________________________ City,ST,Zip: ______________________________________ City,ST,Zip: ______________________________________ Phone: _________________________________________ Phone: _________________________________________ Email: _________________________________________ Email: _________________________________________ Are you a PCA Member? Yes or No: ___________________ Are you a PCA Member? Yes or No: ___________________ If “Yes,” which region? ____________________________ If “Yes,” which region? ____________________________ A copy of the Rally Rules will be sent on request. PCA ~ Zone 8 Golden Empire Region’s James Dean Memorial AX 2013 May 18th 2013 Autocross: Pre-registration $50 per driver ($60 after 5/17/13) open to all vehicles Location: Buttonwillow Raceway Park 24551 Lerdo Highway, Buttonwillow, CA Start times: Registration and Tech 9am / Driver’s meeting 9:30am / Autocross 10am • • • Tentative Schedule 5 practice runs (2 run groups) 30 min lunch (tower cafe on site) 2 practice & 3 timed runs (2 run groups) PCA/GEM 2013 James Dean Memorial AX Registration Form Driver 1: ______________________________________________________ Region: ___________________________________ Driver 2: ______________________________________________________ Region: ___________________________________ Address: _________________________________________________________________________________________________ City: __________________________ State: _____ Zip: __________ Phone: (_____)______-_____________ Email: ___________________________________________________________________________________________________ Make: _____________ Model: _______________ Year: ______ (Driver 1) Car #: _________ (Driver 2) Car #: _________ Autocross/Zone 8 Class: ____________________ Total Amount: $________.00 AX Chair: Greg Fullmer: (661) 246-9612 Omar Olivas: (925) 575-1505 A safe car and a Snell rated (2000 or newer) helmet are required. Loaner helmets are available. All drivers must work the course when their run group is not driving. Checks payable to PCA/GEM mail to Carolyn Kittrell 13130 Game Set Way, Bakersfield, CA 93306 Sorry cancellations within 48hrs of event will not receive refund www.mareridingcenter 22 May 2013 Book Reviews for Porschephiles Bruce Herrington by Bruce Herrington, Orange Coast Region Porsche 911 Performance Handbook, 1963-1998, 3rd edition by Bruce Anderson, published by Motorbooks, Minneapolis, MN The Porsche Community (broader than just PCA) lost a great part of its corporate technical knowledge when Bruce Anderson died this spring (see April Circuit, pages 12-13). Arguably, his mind contained more and broader technical information on the configuration, maintenance and tuning of air cooled, 6cyl Porsches than any other in the world. Fortunately, a book exists which preserves much of that knowledge. Porsche 911 Performance Handbook, 19631998 is not so much a handbook as a tome of 304, 8-1/2x11 pages. The term Performance in the title is also somewhat misleading... This book is about much more than just hot-rodding air-cooled Porsches, a subject with which it does deal, in great, specific detail. This handbook is one of the best sources available for information on the configurations of various year cars. It is an essential book for the library (or coffee table) of anyone seriously interested in air-cooled 911s. This book is very well illustrated with photographs, many in color, illustrating the evolution of the design of certain components. Also included are some custom graphics which illustrate system operation and internal configurations that cannot be shown in a photograph. Then there is the text. Bruce Anderson was well renowned in the aerospace industry as an outstanding technical writer before he started playing with Porsches. His skill in presenting his encyclopedic knowledge is attested by the years his columns appeared in Pano, Excellence and other periodicals, and his many years of service as Technical Editor of Pano's Tech Q&A Section. Chapter 1 of the Porsche 911 Performance Handbook, 1963-1998, is an outstanding compendium of all the design changes (not just engine changes) made to enhance 911 performance year by year. It is the place to find out what makes a car of year X better that a car of year X-1. Chapter 2 is an equally comprehensive and detailed presentation of the particular things to check on when considering the purchase of a 911 of any specific year, and contains model (SC, 993, 964) by model Pre-Purchase Inspection checklists from Zone 8's own Tony Callas. Chapter 3 deals with the ever continuing development of the air-cooled 911 engine, describing the almost year by year and 911 model by model changes in great detail. The very extensive information contained in the narrative is summarized in an 8-page table at the end of the chapter. Chapter 4 gets down to the nitty-gritty of engine rebuilding, with lots of how-to pictures and insightful notes on tricks-of-the-trade. Also included is a 2-1/2 page Engine Builder's Checklist of what to do and how to verify re-usability of components. Chapter 5, over half way through the book, is where the hotrodding starts to come in. This chapter deals with improvements to engine performance. Modifications proposed are discussed in great detail, down to the appropriate carb jets to use with specific piston/cylinder combinations. Chapter 6 on suspension covers springs, anti-roll bars, alignment, wheels and brakes, with specific recommendations for the various 911 models, and intended uses from street to fullrace. Chapter 7 talks about the various transmissions, their configurations and their years of usage. Included are charts of gears available for the various models and their effect on speed at various RPMs. Last but not least are some fascinating appendices providing 911 production figures in very great detail, a preventive maintenance checklist and tune-up specifications for every year and model. There are specific recommendations for adjusting Solex, Weber and Zeniths carbs as well as for mechanical and CIS/K-jetronic injection systems. The final appendix gives specific guidance for changing oil and filters on 993s and 964s. Porsche 911 Performance Handbook, 1963-1998 should be available for $39.99 from your favorite bookseller (ask for it), or from 23 The 356 Club of Southern California The SoCal All Porsche Swap and Car Display Grand Prix Region brought our Hospitality Tent which was surrounded by beautiful Porsches The Phoenix Club in Anaheim provided a fabulous backgroup for this event, right down to German beer and brats! President Suesan Way manning the GPX booth. We had plenty of wqter and snacks and Porsche literature Pelican Parts' Wayne Dempsey brought the 1986 Texaco 962, which was the overall winner of the 12-hours of Sebring in both 1987 & 1988 More photos from the SoCal All Porsche Swap May 2013 yearbook adcl_yearbook ad 6/28/12 12:10 PM Page 1 California LithoGraph ☎ 1166 E.Ash Ave. • Fullerton, CA 92831 7 1 4 . 4 4 6 - 9 1 3 3 • F A X 7 1 4 . 4 4 6 . 9 1 6 6 Official Printer of The CIRCUIT Who is California LithoGraph? • California LithoGraph is a graphic arts company that has been in business for over 20 years. Why use California LithoGraph? • We are not satisfied until your needs are met. From first contact to the final product we put your needs first. How do I contact California LithoGraph? • We can be reached by phone, fax or e-mail. For your convenience, files can e-mailed or posted to our FTP site. 27 March Breakfast Club Meeting photos by Skip carter Lars Fallman going for 2 wheels today Claude Mitchell sporting the 1999 GPX Day at the Drags T-shirt (right) Joe Bryant's new Cab was brilliant in the sun — REALLY spectacular Paul Mason happy to have his 996 back up and running The Circuit CLASSIFIED ADS WANTED: 1986 944 Turbo floor mats in beige. Can't find them anywhere. 1999 Artic Silver Carrera 4 Coupe, $27,000, one owner, 85K, showroom condition, garaged vehicle meticulously maintained inside and out. Features: sunroof, 6-speed manual with short throw shifter, aluminum white face instrument gauges, grey leather interior, 6-disc CD player, three-spoke sport steering wheel, rear-deck spoiler with stop light, bi-xenon headlights, fab-speed headers, mufflers, cold-air induction tube with BMC air filter, flashed software, 19” HRE wheels, Michelin Pilot super-sport tires, Stuttgart Titanium Plenum. Contact Art Day (310) 529-3353 or 1995 968, M030, 38,000 miles, Call Mike (619) 665-7158 or Motion gas adj shocks, camber plates, coilovers, 700# rear, 600 front, mono ball, Stage II race clutch, Giken LSD, Sparko seats, guages, added 2 quart oil cooler, cool suit, roll bar, extra wheels. All removed parts come with car $25,500 1.Nitto NT01 275/35/18 (2) new w/stickers. 2011 date $480 2.Pagid Black REAR pads for 993 big reds. New. $220. 3.Pagid Orange FRONT pads for 993 big reds. New $240. 4.Weltmeister harness bar (fits many 911s). $100 5.Autopower seat back brace - $60 6.DAS 993 coupe roll bar. mounting hardware incl. $600 7.Like new early long hood 911 med weight car cover. $40 8.CG Lock - $35 (new these are $50) 9.Corbeau FX1 Pro (narrow version) seat. Asking $280. 10. Corbeau FX1 (wider version) seat. Asking $280. 11. Corbeau aluminum side mounts - $75 12. Corbeau cam lock 5-point harness. Sep 2010. $60. 13. Corbeau cam lock 5-point harness. June 2011. $80. 14. 993 driver’s side tailight (cracked) best for wall art? $20 Contact Adam Gill at 2008 Cayman S Dark Blue Metallic / Black Leather, Manual transmission. ~42,000 miles. Still covered under Certified Pre-Owned Warranty. Non-Smoker, always garaged, excellent condition inside & outside.. Contact Alex (213) 999-9935 for details 1974 914 2.0, receipts from 1990, runs well, Jeff at Aase Motors done all work since 90. POC Ci class, front oil cooler, fuel pump relocated, extra strengthening done for battery tray to chassis, Bilsteins, SS brake lines, momo seat, car is not a cream puff, runs, drives, shifts well, licensed and driven regularly. Calif car, Dave, $7975; 30 Our Zone 8 Rep, Tom Brown (right), and Martin Lipp covered the SoCal All Porsche Swap with flyers and other information about the upcoming California Festival of Speed May 2013 Commercial Advertising Rates Size Invoiced Quarterly Business card 40.00/mo Size 3 5/8" x 2" Quarter page 75.00/mo 3 5/8" x 4 5/8" Half page 125.00/mo 7 1/2" x 4 5/8" Full page 200.00/mo 7 1/2" x 9 1/2" Full key position 250.00/mo 4 Color — add 40% to pricing Full bleed available on half & full page only Classified ads Classified ads are free to PCA members Include a photo if you'd like For advertising information, contact: kip Carter, editor S 619.992.9927 Index of Advertisers Appearance Group 15 ARD, American Race Day 14 Automotion / Performance Products 18 Auto Werkstatt 19 Bob Campbell's 356 Services 14 Breakfast Club Meeting at Frisco's 31 California Lithographics 27 Callas Rennsport 27 Circle Porsche 29 Class Auto Center 19 Collision Consultants, Inc 28 LA Porsche Dismantler 15 Pacific Porsche Pelican Parts 15 Race Management 23 Red Line Service 31 Sierra Madre Collection 15 TC's Garage 15 [Right at Robertson & 10 Fwy] True Fast Garage 30 Walter's Porsche 17 SPECIALISTS IN CLASSIC AND CONTEMPORARY PORSCHES 3387 Livonia Avenue Los Angeles, CA 90034 310-280-0700 Back Cover Porsche Club of America, Grand Prix Region BREAKFAST CLUB Redline_bc4.indd 1 9/26/12 10:01:07 AM Join us for our Monthly Breakfast Club Meeting at Frisco's Carhop Restaurant & Grill 4750 Los Coyotes Diagonal, Long Beach (just 1 block from the Traffic Circle) 562-498-FOOD First Saturday of each month — 9:00 am May 5, Jun 1, Jul 6, Aug 3, Sep 7 $14.00 all you can eat incl tax, tip & beverages For more information, contact Gail Sachs MARK YOUR CALENDARS NOW (650) 279-1876 - OPEN TOPICS OF DISCUSSION First-time attendees receive a Porsche coffee mug as a gift. HAVE BREAKFAST AND TALK WITH OTHER PORSCHE OWNERS & PCA MEMBERS 31 Porsche Club of America Grand Prix Region c/o Skip Carter 81814:Layout 2/6/09 10385 Bonnie1Lane La Mesa, CA 91941 4:35 PM Page 1 DATED MATERIAL ©2009 Porsche Cars North America, Inc. Porsche recommends seat belt usage and observance of all traffic laws at all times. We do one thing well. We just happen to do it four ways. Dreams take shape in many ways. Gut-wrenching power, cat-like response and next-generation technology come standard in all of them. From the pure top-down roadster experience of the Boxster to the sports-car agility of the Cayenne. Every Porsche is engineered with a no-compromise approach to performance. Visit us today for four new ways to awaken your passion for driving. Boxster, 911 Carrera, Cayman S, Cayenne. Pacific Porsche 2900 Pacific Coast Highway Torrance, California 90505 310-891-2100 Showroom Hours: Monday–Friday 9:00am - 8:00pm Saturday 9:00am - 7:00pm Sunday 10:00am - 6:00pm LAcarGUY Body Shop 8635 Aviation Boulevard Inglewood, California 90301 424-207-2000 Body Shop Hours: Monday–Friday 7:00am - 6:00pm Saturday 8:00am - 12:00pm
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