I LV N E W S L E T T E R November 2012 / VOL. 37 ILV “Candy Cane” Christmas Lunch December 6th - 11 a.m. – 3 p.m. at Hotel Equatorial The “Candy Cane” Christmas Lunch is fast approaching! With just a few short weeks to go, please sign up at the Thursday morning coffees or EILV. For questions please contact Suzanne Miller on suzmiller53@yahoo.com. Every year gets better and this year is no exception! The committee has been working hard to make sure that this year’s party is the best yet! New this year will be specialty drinks along with the champagne reception and we have included some hors d’hoevres as well. A wonderful holiday lunch will be prepared by the Equatorial staff and some surprises are in store as well. We have already received some fabulous door prizes including a weekend getaway to the Six Senses Resort (in a beach villa), Vespa Adventures, lots of dinner vouchers for two, more vouchers worth hundreds of dollars (yes, that hundreds!) from Siam Skin Center and West Coast Dental and so much more!!! Those who have signed up already, please pay by Nov. 15. We will continue taking names and tables up to a week before, but those who sign up in November will need to pay at the time you sign up. WHAT’S INSIDE Save the Dates! 2 Speakers 2 Book Clubs 2 ILV Bazaar 3 Man Chef 3 ILV Christmas Party 4 Sozo Cafe 5 Help Needed! 5 Outing to WAR 6 The Little Prince Performance 8 The Nutcracker 9 HCMC Community Events 10 11 ILV Activities 12 November at a Glace 13 Please note that no tickets will be sold at the door! We look forward to seeing everyone there for a fun Christmas party!! Evening ILV November 2012 Next Evening ILV will be held Wednesday November 14th at Bronnie Mengersen’s house. For more information please contact: Bronnie at 0122 252 3150 or bronniemengersen@gmail.com This month we will enjoy an evening of holiday make-up tips with representatives from L’Oreal. We hope to see you there. Page 2 ILV NEWSLETTE R / www .ilvietnam.com MONTHLY BOOK CLUBS SAVE THE DATES! • SAVE THE DATES! November 1st 10 a.m.-12 p.m. ILV Coffee Morning Sherwood Residence 127 Pasteur Street, D3 November 8th 10 a.m.-12 p.m. ILV Coffee Morning Sherwood Residence 127 Pasteur Street, D3 November 7th 10 a.m.-12 p.m. Newcomers Coffee Katie Cox’s house scoutkatie@gmail.com November 10th Man Chef Hotel InterContinental Asiana Saigon November 14th 7:30 p.m.-9:30 p.m. Evening ILV Bronnie’s house Thao Dien, D2 Contact Bronnie at 0122 252 3150 November 15th 10 a.m.-13 p.m. Member to Member Bazaar Sherwood Residence 127 Pasteur Street, D3 November 22nd 10 a.m.-12 p.m. ILV Coffee Morning Sherwood Residence 127 Pasteur Street, D3 November 29th 10 a.m.-12 p.m. ILV Coffee Morning Sherwood Residence 127 Pasteur Street, D3 Nov. 14 Evening ILV - “Rainbow Divers” by Jeremy Stein Nov. 15 Vendor - MEMBER-T0-MEMBER BAZAAR Nov. 22 Cultural Presentation - U.S.A. Nov. 29 Holiday Fashion Parade—by ER Couture Dec. 6 Christmas Lunch - Equatorial Hotel Evening ILV - Christmas Cheer 12 NOON, THE HIDEAWAY CAFÉ, 41/1 PHAM NGOC THACH, D3 Stay tuned for details On the next meeting. THURSDAY MORNING SPEAKERS / EVENTS Dec. 12 Lunchtime Book Club The lunchtime book club is usually held on the second Monday of each month. Enjoy lunch at your own expense and participate in lively discussion. To join, give Moray a call at 0938 366 714 or email moraypagoda@yahoo.co.uk Afternoon Book Club The afternoon book club is held the last Thursday of each month at 2 P.M. To join, give Nanna a call at 1203 786 435 or email nannakristine@gmail.com November 2012 / Vol. 37 Page 3 M EMBER TO M EMBER B AZAAR November 15th 2012 10:00 a.m. to 13:00 p.m. At Sherwood Residence, 127 Pasteur St., D.3. ILV brings you the opportunity to shop - maybe even start the Christmas shopping early this year! There are currently 23 vendors that will be participating and selling things from batik, greeting cards and goodies to jewelry, scarves and much more! Please note that there will be no ILV Coffee Morning on this date. Also, due to space limitations, we thank you in advance for leaving push chairs and strollers outside! The Christmas Committee will also be there to take names and payment for those attending the Candy Cane Christmas Party. Come out and support our members! A not-to-miss morning! Entrance fee: ILV Member: 130.000 VND/person Non-member: 200.000 VND/person MANCHEF THE MEN ARE TAKING OVER THE KITCHEN! There is a new and exciting twist to ManChef this year. The new executive chef at the InterContinental, Chef Roberto wants to do something different for the men! We will all be surprised! The sumptuous dinner will be a combination of free flow wine, soft drinks, cocktails and dinner with an Asian flair. All food and cocktails will be prepared by the men under the supervision of Chef Roberto and the InterContinental's Executive Sous Chef Ms. Vy. Men should report for cooking duty at 2.45 p.m., the cooking will begin at 3 p.m. and dinner will be served at 6 p.m. Chefs will meet in the lobby! Diners, please come up to the Purple Jade at 6:00 p.m. The cost for the event is 1,000,000/person(chefs pay same amount)! This will prove to be an exciting evening for your culinary enjoyment!! Please sign up at ILV coffee mornings or contact: Suzanne Miller at suzmiler53@yahoo.com or Lynn Morris at mrsblackmerc@gmail.com Payment must be made by November 8th Page 4 ILV NEWSLETTE R / www .ilvietnam.com November 2012 / Vol. 37 Page 5 Sozo Café by Roni Conard Sozo Café was started in 2005 to help street kids There is a need for volunteers to teach the staff and their families. Over the years, it has devel- English. Lessons can be arranged at the teacher’s oped into a meeting place for university students convenience during the day and no certification or and young adult workers to improve their English experience is needed to teach, just a willingness skills and get involved with community service. to help. Sozo has the materials, workbooks and They take part in projects like visiting orphanages, suggestions and would be happy to help you with schools, for the blind, elderly homes, hospitals lesson plans. and many more charitable places. Sozo is located in the backpacker area: 176 Bui Volunteers are always welcome at “Tea Time” Vien Street, District 1, HCMC. from 7-9 p.m. on the top floor. Those who are working come on Monday and Wednesday and the university students come on Tuesday, Friday and Saturday to practice their speaking and listening For more information about Sozo Café and the volunteering work, please contact Roni Conard ronijean@hotmail.com skills. They are thrilled to talk to native English speakers and they are a delight to get to know. There is no preparation or strict schedule, come whenever you can. Many of the staff are handicapped or disadvantaged. They are given a chance to learn a skill and improve their English. HELP NEEDED! The boys and girls from the Be Tho Orphanage have for the past years gone to Sherry Groen’s house every week to learn the skills of quilting. Help is needed to cut the fabrics and get it ready for quilting. If interested please contact: Sherry Groen at 0908 546 015 or groen.group@gmailcom Page 6 ILV NEWSLETTE R / www .ilvietnam.com VIETNAM’S ENDANGERED ANIMALS By Ann Wheaton The Cu Chi Wildlife At Risk (WAR) Organisation is located close to the Cu Chi Tunnels which is a good one and a half hour drive or 50 km away. The car proceeds slowly through the city traffic before picking up speed in the suburbs and then onto picturesque country roads. Bordered for many miles by rubber plantations, the trees planted in straight rows with the basin attached to the trunk, it creates a shady aspect along which to drive. Interspersed with the rubber plantations are the vibrant green paddies of developing rice shoots and small villages where the men are sitting on the side of the road in small tea houses, chatting and socialising. The women were, generally, working behind the roadside fruit and vegetable stalls or in the paddy fields. One woman was fishing in a beautiful lake wearing her conical hat and traditional pyjamas, the epitome of country Vietnam. There were not many domesticated animals evident but we did see one or two water buffalo wallowing in the shallow waters of the paddy fields and even a couple of small ponies. were relieved when this misunderstanding was clarified. Mr Lam explained to us that the centre is committed to the conservation of Vietnam’s endangered wildlife and that this includes tackling the issues involved in the illegal wildlife trade. They only have a relatively small area of 4,000 square metres in which to house their sixty different species of animals but returning the animals to the wild, which is the ultimate aim of the centre, can be fraught with difficulties. The animals in the centre included Moon Bears and Sun Bears, differentiated by their size and markings. The Sun Bears are smaller and do not hibernate. These bears are a vulnerable species mostly due to the deforestation of their habitat and hunters who kill them for their body parts. There are many reptiles represented here including a king cobra who lay curled up looking like a coil of thick rope, dainty turtles who are hunted for food consumption, porcupines, water monitors, and pangolins. A Javan Pangolin (Manis javanica) was born here in July. It Mr Tak, our driver, stopped frequently, as we got closer to our destination, to clarify the direction and location of our destination with local villagers. These were often contradictory as we noticed arms waving in one direction and then another villager wave the opposite way. We finally arrived however, and were greeted most warmly by the Manager, Mr Lam, who was taking the time to show us around. We deemed ourselves very fortunate as he spoke excellent English, although his pronunciation of the animal called a pangolin (scaly anteater) left many of us wondering about the possibility of penguins in Vietnam. We November 2012 / Vol. 37 The highlight of the visit was seeing the various species of gibbons, who screamed and cried out to us, banging on the wire enclosures until we paid attention. These social animals had our group entertained with their cheeky antics, some species with long tails, others without. Mr Lam explained some of the unique features of the various species. The yellow and black gibbons were male and female. The young ones are born yellow but turn black at about a year old, the females then turn yellow again. The yellow cheeked crested gibbons are diurnal (most active at dawn and dusk) and they sing at the same time every morning. All the gibbon species were endangered because of illegal hunting then sold as exotic pets or for medicines and even to make glue. Mr Lam explained that it was essential that wellmeaning westerners not buy any wild animals offered to them for money. While they may think they are doing the animal a favour he said that it just encourages the traders when they earn money from their illegal business. Page 7 Our visit to Cu Chi Wild Life Park was extremely enjoyable and informative. For more information visit their website www.wildlifeatrisk.org Address: WAR, No 50, Road 15, An Nhon Tay Commune, Cu Chi District, HCMC. Telephone : (+84) 8 3794 7045 WAR depend on sponsorships and donations to survive so if you would like to support this extremely worthwhile enterprise visit their website to find out details. Page 8 ILV NEWSLETTE R / www .ilvietnam.com Dragon Theater Presents: The Little Prince Directed by Jaime Zuniga. Starring TV celebrity Lan Phuong (in the role of The Little Prince). “The Little Prince” is a worldwide phenomenon! First published in 1943, Antoine de Saint-Exupéry’s masterpiece has been translated into 210 languages and dialects, and has sold over 150 million copies around the world. It has inspired musicals, ballets, operas, comics, graphic novels, museums, movies, TV series and now Dragonfly’s original stage adaptation. Our production recreates the interplanetary journey of The Little Prince from asteroid B-612 to planet Earth. Dragonfly Theatre has envisioned a magical and poetic theatrical experience - one that will not disappoint the most devoted fans of Antoine de Saint-Exupéry’s classic beloved children’s tale and at the same time will not fail to surprise with our modern and explosive reinterpretation of the famous characters and unforgettable episodes. "The Little Prince" will be staged in English, bringing one of the most read and translated works of literature to both the expatriate and local communities in Ho Chi Minh City. 4 shows only! Evening performances: November 8 &15 at 19:30 Matinee performances: November 10 & 17 at 10:00 Book your tickets now at: tickets@dragonflyvietnam.com (Free delivery) Ticket Info: General admission: 250,000 VND Where: Thursday November 8 & 15 (7:30 pm) PHU NHUAN CULTURAL CENTRE 70-72 Nguyễn Vãn Trỗi street, Phú Nhuận district Saturday November 10 & 17 (10:00 am) SAIGON SUPERBOWL A43 Trýờng Sõn street, Tân Bình district (close to the airport) November 2012 / Vol. 37 Page 9 The Nutcracker HCMC Ballet Symphony Orchestra and Opera (HBSO) will host the ballet ‘Nutcracker’ at the HCMC Opera House at 8 p.m. on November 11, 16 and 18. The program is collaborated by Norwegian Embassy in Vietnam, the Music Information Center Norway and sponsor Diamond Island. The concert will take place under the baton of Magnus Loddgard who is an experienced pianist and conductor in Norway. Nutcracker is based on the classic story ‘The Nutcracker and the Mouse King’ by E.T.A. Hoffman, is set to music by Tchaikovsky and features dancing sugarplum fairies, valiant toy soldiers and dueling mice, twirling snowflakes, waltzing flowers, and, of course, a Nutcracker prince. The concert is always a favorite in the Christmas holiday season. Now, it is available to Saigonese in a special version staged by Norwegian choreographer Johanne Jakhelln Constant with the dancers of HBSO. Last year, the ballet debuted in HCMC for the first time and gained much appreciation from experts and audiences alike. The ballet promises to bring joyful and artistic moments not only to young audiences but also to ballet lovers, bringing them to legendary and poetic scenery. Tickets, priced from VND200,000 to VND500,000 are available at the Office of the HBSO, 3 Phan Van Dat Street in District 1 and at the Opera House, 7 Lam Son Square in HCMC’s District 1. For booking and home delivery call (08) 3823 7419. The Twilight Saga Breaking Dawn Part 2 After the birth of Renesmee, the Cullens gather other vampire clans in order to protect the child from a false allegation that puts the family in front of the Volturi. The final and fourth movie of the Twilight Saga will be in Mega Star movie theatres on November 16th 2012. For more information please visit www.megastar.vn Page 10 ILV NEWSLETTE R / www .ilvietnam.com Other HCMC Community Events ARC Celebration ARC is turning 2 this November and is having a party to celebrate on November 17th from 11 a.m. to 2 p.m. Very festive families BBQ lunch at Boat House Restaurant with some very fun activities like photo booth, face painting and balloon sculptures. There will be raffle prizes being drawn every 10 minutes. You will have 18 chances of winning some amazing prizes which includes: * Boat House Vouchers for 500,000vnd * Renaissance Hotel Voucher – Buffet Dinner at Riverside Café for 2 persons, including drinks * Renaissance Hotel Voucher – Sunday Brunch for 2 persons, including soft drinks, house wine and beer And much much more!!!! Ticket includes BBQ buffet with your choice of one cold drink (soft drink or San Miguel Beer), a raffle ticket, New Zealand Natural Ice-Cream, and you will get a FREE Boat House membership card! Tickets Prices are: Adults: 450,000 VND / Children over 5+: 250,000 VND Tickets can be purchase at the BoatHouse Restaurant, 40 Lily Road, inside ASPC 36 Thao Dien Road, D.2. Please contact arcpets@gmail.com for more information and details on how to purchase your tickets! Hope to see you there! - ARC - Animal Rescue and Care ILV IS LOOKING FOR A GRAPHIC DESIGNER TO HELP WITH THE GRAPHIC WORK SUCH AS INVITATIONS, POSTERS AND FLYERS FOR DIFFERNT EVENTS YEAR-AROUND. IF INTERESTED PLEASE CONTACT LYNN MORRIS! November 2012 / Vol. 37 Page 11 Community Event Calendar November 17th 2012 - St. Andrew's Ball at the Park Hyatt Hotel. If you want to learn how to Scottish Dance, lesson have started every Wednesday night , 7:00 p.m. at the BP (An Phu Superior Compound) in D2. Cost is 60,000 VND/person which includes lessons and a beverage. November 17th 2012 - Bazaar Saigon South School in D.7.is having their annual bazaar. December 1st 2012 - Bazaar British School Bazaar at BIS, D.2 at 9:00 a.m. to 1:00 p.m. Counselor's Bazaar at the White Palace (near the airport) December 7th 2012 - Nordcham Christmas Party Nordchamis having their annual Charity Christmas Party at Hotel Equatorial. A great night for the whole family with delicious Scandinavian dishes and fun Christmas traditions. Please contact Nordcham at contact@nordcham.com or see the Nordcham website for details: www.nordcham.com December 7th 2012 - BBGV Christmas Dinner Party - "Shaken Not Stirred" BBGV is celebrating 50 years of James Bond. Please see the BBGV website for details: www.bbgv.org December 8th 2012 - AmCham Christmas Party 17th Annual American Governor's Ball - Christmas in San Francisco. Please see AmCham website for details: www.amchamvietnam.com . Page 12 ILV NEWSLETTE R / www .ilvietnam.com ILV Weekly Activities Bridge New ILV Sponsored Activities Welcome! Bridge Join us for bridge on Friday afternoons! Lunch at 12.15 and bridge at 1.30. Contact Lynn Morris for location: 09 3846 3300 If you are interested in starting any new ILV sponsored activities please contact : Narda Person 0120 7220 149 November 2012 / Vol. 37 Page 13 November 2012 at a Glance Sun Mon Tue Wed Thu Fri Sat 1 2 3 ILV Coffee At Sherwood Residence 4 5 6 ILV Lunch Book Club 7 Bridge Mahjong 8 Newcomers Coffee ILV Coffee At Sherwood Residence Beginner Bridge Golf 11 12 13 14 Bridge Mahjong 15 Evening ILV At Bronnie’s Beginner Bridge Golf 18 25 19 26 20 21 16 23 29 ILV Coffee Beginner Bridge At Sherwood Residence Golf 30 Line Dance Shanghai Rummy Golf Man Chef 17 Line Dance Shanghai Rummy Line Dance Shanghai Rummy Mahjong 28 Mahjong Line Dance Shanghai Rummy ILV Coffee At Sherwood Residence Beginner Bridge Bridge 10 9 Charity Bazaar 10 a.m.—13 p.m. 22 Bridge 27 ILV Coffee At Sherwood Residence Line Dance Shanghai Rummy ILV Afternoon Bok Club 24
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