ILV NEWSLETTER Shoe"nami at the Rex!
ILV NEWSLETTER Shoe"nami at the Rex!
I LV N E W S L E T T E R 2014 / VOL. 50 WHAT’S INSIDE Shoe"nami at the Rex! Join us for Tea/ Coffee at the famed Rex Hotel! Feb. 19th 2- 4:00 p.m. Price 300,000VND Rex Hotel lobby 141 Nguyen Hue Blvd. D1 Wear your most DEVASTATING shoes! Prizes for prettiest, most unique, & sexiest shoes! Sign up at Thursday coffee mornings. The InterContinental Hotel Welcomes ILV Our lovely chairlady Bronnie Mengesen (sitting next to the InterCon’s Mr. Rok) signs the contract for our Club’s new home at The InterContinental Asiana Hotel. So please join us on Thursdays for coffee mornings in our new venue on the 2nd floor in the beautiful “Purple Jade Room”. You can find the InterContinental Hotel on the corner of Hai Ba Trung St. and Le Duan Blvd, D1. Tea at the Rex 1 InterCon Welcome 1 New groups tennis & Scrabble 2 Help Needed 3 Viet. Cooking 3 EILV 3 Pop Quiz 3/6 Feb’s Book Clubs 4 Feb’s Speakers 4 Month in Review 5/6 Cook Book 6 Board members 7 Pop Quiz Answers 7 Library/DVD Swap 7 Weekly Activities 8 Dec at a Glance 9 AGM Vote 10 ILV Discounts 11 Page 2 ILV NEWSLETTER / NEW ILV Activities Do you love Tennis but have nobody to play with? Well some of our ILV ladies have started a tennis group you may be interested in…. Our official kick-off for Wednesday morning tennis social was a success and fun was had by all! We welcome more players so clear your calendar and join the fun. Details listed below. When: Every Wednesday Time: 8:30AM-10:30AM Where: Riverside Apartments, District 2 Cost: 100,000VND RSVP: Mary via text 012 8980 2012 or email Mary at We are organizing some additional games throughout the Tet Holiday, so email me if you are interested in some pick up games. *This is a group of ladies who already have some tennis skills and while not a highly competitive group it is not for absolute beginners as this is not a teaching group and there are no instructors available. Scrabble anyone?? Scrabble has started up as a new activity, playing for fun! We meet on Wednesday afternoon at 2pm and play until around 5pm. If you are interested please sign up at our next ILV Coffee Morning. Once we know you are interested someone will contact you with the details of our next game. We hope that you will join us! Happy Valentines Day From the Whole ILV Board! ILV NEWSLETTER / Page 3 ILV NEEDS YOUR HELP! ILV is currently trying to fill the volunteer roster for the reception desk at ILV coffee mornings Volunteering on the reception desk could not be easier. *Full training will be given, but all you really need at this table is a friendly face. All we are asking is for ladies to help at maybe one coffee morning a month - the more volunteers the less you will be needed! Please contact Leanne who will work with you over available dates. Thank you in advance. Are You Interested? Sherry is our New Members table coordinator & she needs your Help! We are asking for someone to help out at the New Members table. All you need is a welcoming friendly smile & be willing to help someone new to our club. If interested please email Bronnie Help!! Vietnamese Cooking Class Afternoon book club is looking for a new coordinator to send out invitations/ notifications, as well as take care of the printing of the books. There will be someone to guide through the process. If you are interested please contact Suzanne Miller at ILV's own Kim Pham started Vietnamese Cooking Classes in September! Do you want to join in the fun? You can sign up at the activity desk on Thursday coffee mornings. There won’t be one in Feb. but she will be back in March! Each month Kim will teach us how to cook some of Vietnam's favorite dishes. Each class is 200,000VND/person & after you cook the meal, you will sit together & share it. The classes will be held the first Monday of each month (with exceptions to Feb) at Kim’s place. For times & date of the next class please refer to the website. *She will be taking names for March’s class at the next Thursday Coffee morning. We all know that St. Valentines is a Christian Saint of Love & lovers, but do you know what else he is the patron saint of ? Hint: There are 10 different things all together. He is often represented in pictures with birds & roses. Evening ILV for the Month of February Please join us for a wonderful evening of friends, fun and laughter February 12 th at 7:30pm Please check the website for more details. *If you are interested in attending February's EILV please contact Traci Hopkins at 0938038845 February 2014 / Vol. 50 SAVE THE DATES! • SAVE THE DATES! Jan 30 No Meeting Back Feb 13 ILV Coffee Morning The Purple Jade Room, The InterContinental Hotel Hai Ba Trung St. & Le Duan BL., D1 Feb 6 No Meeting Back Feb 13 ILV Coffee Morning The Purple Jade Room The InterContinental Hotel Hai Ba Trung St. & Le Duan BL.,D1 Feb 12 10 am –12 pm New Members Coffee Join Tracey at the The InterContinental Hotel Residence Contact Tracey Mitchell Feb 12 7:30pm-9:30pm Evening ILV For more info Contact Traci at 1222523150 Feb 13 10am– 12pm ILV Coffee Morning The Purple Jade Room, The InterContinental Hotel Hai Ba Trung St. & Le Duan BL. , D1 Feb 19 2pm– 4pm Tea At the Rex! “Shoe’nami” 141 Nguyen Hue Blvd. D1 Sign up at Thursday Coffee morning Feb 20 10– 12pm ILV Coffee Morning The Purple Jade Room, The InterContinental Hotel Hai Ba Trung St. & Le Duan BL. , D1 Feb 27 10 am– 12pm ILV Coffee Morning The Purple Jade Room The InterContinental Hotel Hai Ba Trung St. & Le Duan BL. , D1 Page 4 MONTHLY BOOK CLUBS Lunch time Book Club Monday February 10 127 Pasteur St. D3 12 NOON, THE HIDEAWAY CAFÉ, 41/1 PHAM NGOC THACH, D3 February’s read “The Bookseller of Kabul” By Asne Seierstad The lunchtime book club is usually held on the second Monday of each month. Enjoy lunch at your own expense and participate in lively discussion. To join, give Moray a call at 0938 366 714 or email Afternoon Book Club This months book TBA Meeting date also TBA “The new book can picked up at SPEAKERS / EVENTS Jan 30 Feb 6 No Coffee Morning– We will be back in February 13. Feb 12 New Members Coffee Feb 12 EILV- Come join us for a wonderful evening of good conversation, laughs and fun. Feb 13 Pam Finnie– She is a visitor from NZ , here to present “She is very attractive for her age.” She will talk about woman, aging and appearance. Feb 20 Cultural Talk, Mardi Gras!! – Lisa & Traci, will do a cultural talk on one of the United States most famous festivals Mardi Gras! Feb 27 Coffee Morning– AGM Elections. Please come help vote for our 2014-2015 board. If you would like to join the board please let us know, we would love to have you!! that time. The afternoon book club is held the last Thursday of each month at 2pm. Afternoon book club is looking for a new coordinator. If interested or want to join please contact Suzanne Miller at Page 5 ILV NEWSLETTER / What happened last month at ILV Tet Holiday Presentation Talk– January 16 We rang in a New Year with a new home & an fantastic Cultural Event. The day started off with a surprise to all of our ILV ladies as they got in free of charge to help celebrate our first time in our new home. Then were treated to a glass of Champagne & delicious cakes all gifted from the InterContinental Hotel (a big thank you to them for their kindness), as well as each lady who attended received a special gift from ILV of a Champagne flute as a keep sake. Of course we were all excited as Nga once again treated us to a wonderful talk on the Vietnamese very special holiday “Tet”. She walked us through what “Tet” was all about, special things that are done in Vietnam during this holiday, special foods that they eat, money envelopes, do’s & don’ts & of course how to prepare for this upcoming holiday. She brought along a few friends, Mrs. Van who was wore a traditional outfit worn in the south of Vietnam called a “Áo Dài” with a traditional hat like you would typically see on the streets of HCMC. Ms. Huong who also was kind enough to join us wearing her traditional outfit worn in Northern Vietnam called a “Áo Tứ Thân”, she also wore a hat but it was very different then what you would see here in HCMC. Nga wore a different outfit called a “Áo Bà Ba”, which is still very popular for daily use in Southern Vietnam. They were all very different from each other but all very beautiful. She brought with her some very talented people to help demonstrate some of the typical things that you might see during this holiday. There was a gentleman to do calligraphy which he did very artistically and is always a favorite of our ladies. Another gentleman who came to show us how to make the traditional square “Tet” cake called “Banh Chung” which he made very skillfully. The ladies very cleverly then showed us how to cut the traditional “Tet” cake using only part of a leaf it was cooked in. As well there was a gentleman who amazed us with his vegetable carving skills, making beautiful works of art out of veggies we use every day in our own kitchens, he even let u take home what he had made. We would like to thank the “Hoa Tuc restaurant who very generously donated some delicious treats (You might eat during the “Tet Holiday ”) for us to try. I must say I have spent 2 years here during “Tet” & some of these treats are things I had not yet tried or seen but were very nice & would try again. Nga & the ladies finished up with 3 different songs each from their different regions of Vietnam, they sang beautifully & we really enjoyed all of the effort that was put into this beautifully done cultural event. A huge “THANK YOU” to Nga & all of the people that helped her to make this day so special for all of us. *If by chance you might like to talk about your own country or even just a part of it, like a special festival unique to your country, please let Tina Bacon know & she will help you to arrange it and help you find other ladies from your country to help you. You can contact her at Page 6 ILV NEWSLETTER / What happened last month at ILV The Water Puppet Show- On Wednesday 22nd January, 21 Ladies went to the Golden Dragon Water Puppet Theatre to experience the skilful works of both puppeteers and musicians. For 50 minutes we were entertained by brightly painted wooden puppets that told tales of rural folklore in Vietnam on a water stage.They acted out stories of water spitting dragons, rearing ducks and catching foxes, fishing, sword dances, children playing in water and many more. The most impressive though was the phoenix dance, a tale of 2 beautiful peacocks meeting, falling in love and producing offspring!!! It was a most enjoyable show and well worth the visit. Following the show a group of ladies then proceeded to Propaganda to dine on delicious vietnamese cuisine. A thoroughly enjoyable evening. Thanks Lisa!! Leanne *Thank you to Leanne’s daughter Grace for the use of her pictures. Answers on page 7 ILV Cookbooks Are here!! Only 100,00 VND Pick yours up at the New Comers Table on Thursday!!! Hint: The hint is “Roman Mythology” & in this famous 1802 painting By Benjamin West, of Cupid with his mother consoling him when he is stung by a Bee. The answers to the Pop Quiz: (A) St. Valentine was a Priest, martyred in 269 in Rome. He is the Patron Saint of “bee keepers, engaged couples, epilepsy, fainting, greetings, happy marriages, love, lovers, plague, travellers & young people. He is represented in pictures with birds & roses. There are many different legends about him one goes that Valentine was a priest who served during the 3 century in Rome. When Emperor Claudius II decided that single men made better soldiers than those with wives & families, he outlawed marriage for young men. Valentine, realizing the injustice of the decree, defied Claudius & continued to perform marriages for young lovers in secret. When Valentine’s actions were discovered, Claudius ordered that he be put to death.(B) Cupid is the son of the Roman Goddess “Venus” & her lover the god of War “Mars”. There is a story of “Cupid the honey thief, the little god is stung by bees when he steals honey from their hive. He then runs to his mother “Venus” crying, complaining that such a small creature shouldn’t cause such a painful wounds. To which “Venus” laughs & points out the poetic justice, that he too is small, & yet delivers a sting of love. There are many conflicting stories regarding Cupid, his name, parents etc. depending on which mythology you are reading. Sherry Groen New Members / Asst. Website Leanne Rideout Reception / Activities Tracey Mitchell New Members Coffee Tina Bacon Speakers/ ILV Guide Book/ Discounts Lisa Boudreau Outings/ Holiday Luncheon Colette Almstrong Newsletter Nanna Arnadottir Website / facebook Nilufer Aldemir Bazaar Coordinator Suzanne Miller Holiday luncheon/ Member at Large Marinette Rikong Member at Large COMMITTEE Bring along any DVD’s or Books you no longer need to the ILV Coffee morning & swap them for different ones! DVD’s and Books SWAP WHAT YOU‘VE GOT Please present your current ILV Membership Card. The Library will operate on a honor system. All book donations, loans or returns are handled by the Sherwood Residence staff. ILV MEMBERS HAVE ACCESS TO A LIBRARY LOCATED IN THE SHERWOOD RESIDENCE DOWNSTAIRS LOBBY 127 Pasteur St. D3 Happy Reading! Traci Hopkins Vice-Chair Admin./ Website/ EILV Sandra Steindl Vice-Chair Social Janett Lozano Treasurer Narda Person Secretary Bronnie Mengersen Chair Lady MEMBER LIBRARY EXECUTIVE COMMITTEE ILV Committee Members 2013-14 February 2014 / Vol. 50 Page 7 ILV NEWSLETTER / Page 8 ILV Weekly Activities Tuesday 10am—12 Mahjong NORFOLK MANSION, D 1 2nd Floor next to pool All levels of players welcome Wednesday 10 am—12 pm Beginner Bridge This is not just a Bridge Club of beginners. Some have never played cards before. Learn how to play in a friendly group, where you can ask questions. Contact: Keiko 0903 332 081 Friday 1 pm Shanghai Rummy We will eat lunch 12pm first then play cards at 1pm Contact: Kasia 09121621378 Tuesday 10 am - 12pm Bridge Friday 11 am Line dancing Norfolk Mansion, D1 2nd Floor next to pool Contact: Keiko 0903 332 081 Sherwood Residence 127 Pasteur D3 Contact: Keiko 0903 332 081 Friday 9am Japanese Calligraphy Group Summerset D1 Meeting Room Nguyen Binh Khiem Contact: Yoko 090 839 7829 1st Monday of each month Vietnamese Cooking Class Golf District 7 Meet at the course For details and location Contact: Sherry 0908 546 015 Japanese Flower Arranging or Japanese Cooking Please let Keiko Know if you would be interested in These activities. Contact: Keiko 0903 332 081 200,000 VD Class size is limited to 6-7 people Sign up at ILV coffee mornings Are you a Quilter? Craft Quilting Group Wednesday 9 am Interested?? If interested Contact: Sherry 0908 546 015 NEW ! NEW ! NEW ! Tennis Group Every Wednesday 8:30am-10:30am Riverside Apt. D2 RSVP (By Text ) Mary 012 8980 2012 NEW ! NEW ! NEW ! Scrabble group Wednesday 2pm-5 If interested Sign up a Coffee morning New ILV Sponsored Activities Welcome! If you are interested in starting any new ILV Sponsored activities, Contact: Leanne Rideout at February 2014 / Vol. 50 at a Glance Sun Mon Tue Wed Thu Fri Sat 1 2 3 4 Mahjong Bridge Golf 5 Beginner Bridge 6 No Meeting 8 7 Line Dance Shanghai Rummy Japanese Calligraphy 9 10 11 Mahjong 12 Golf Beginner Bridge Bridge 16 17 19 18 13 ILV Coffee Pam Finnie “She is very attractive for her age” 20 ILV Coffee Cultural Talk Mahjong Bridge Mardi Gras 14 Line Dance Shanghai Rummy Japanese Calligraphy 21 Line Dance Shanghai Rummy Japanese Calligraphy 23 24 26 25 Mahjong Bridge 27 ILV Coffee AMG Elections 15 28 Line Dance Shanghai Rummy Japanese Calligraphy 22 Page 9 February 2014 / Vol. 50 Page 10 ILV Elections are coming up on February 27th & we need YOU! Nominations will be made in the coming coffee mornings & we encourage anyone to consider joining as a member at large! What a great opportunity to help shape the future of ILV! Don't forget it is never too late or too early to join the ILV board. If you are interested in joining the ILV Committee, just let one of our committee members know at the next coffee morning or by emailing them direct on our webpage. As we are all here on indefinite assignments, the Committee occasionally has unexpected vacancies which need to be filled during the year. Elections are once a year. EXECUTIVE COMMITTEE JOB DESCRIPTIONS 2014 *required to attend monthly Committee Meetings Chair The official face of ILV - represents us at meetings and functions outside of ILV Chairs monthly committee meetings Must attend as many coffee mornings as possible Some time required each week on phone calls / emails Vice Chairs x 2 (Admin & Social) Assist the Chair & act in place of chair when required Attend monthly committee meetings Attend as many coffee mornings as possible With chair, form special function sub-committees (e.g. Christmas lunch, Summer Send-Off, Quiz night & Welcome Back.) Treasurer Responsible for ILV Finances Keep detailed records of incoming & outgoing monies and balance them against cash on hand Keep cash secure Take care of weekly coffee morning payments at venue Present finance report at monthly committee meetings and at the AGM Assistant Treasurer Performs Treasurer’s duties in her absence Secretary Prepare and distribute agenda for monthly committee meetings Take and distribute minutes of each committee meeting Handle incoming & outgoing correspondence as needed Distribute committee nomination forms & job descriptions for AGM *Other Committee members – all are also required to attend monthly Committee meetings February 2014 / Vol. 50 Page 11 New Discounts To Add To Your Books ILV is pleased to announce the following members of the Refinery Group will be now giving ILV Members discounts. The Refinery 10% discount not in conjunction with any other offer. Eg. Set Lunch , brunch or “Happy Hour”. You can find them at 74/ 7 Hai Ba Trung, District 1 Hoa Tuc 10% discount will be given on their a la carte menu You can find them at 74 Hai Ba Trung, D1 Blanchy Street 10% discount not in conjunction with any other offer You can find them at 74/3 Hai Ba Trung St |District 1 Au Parc 10% discount not in conjunction with any other offer. You can find them at 23 Han Thuyen, District 1
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