SAINT COLUMBKILLE PARISH in Fort Myers, Inc. CONNECTIONS ENGAGED IN THE COMMUNITY The Thirtieth Sunday in Ordinary Time October 23, 2016 Called to Serve A very special “Thank You” to all those who are already serving our church in one or more of the various ministries that help us so much in fulfilling our parish mission. We offer the opportunity to answer the call to the following ministries at St. Columbkille: • Eucharistic Ministers - to administer the Holy Eucharist at Mass, at Healthpark Hospital and other nursing facilities in our parish, and to the homebound. • Lectors - for those who wish to proclaim the Word of God in our services. • Projectionists - to run the announcements on the screen during weekend Masses. • Sacristans - for those who wish to assist the Priest before, during and after our services. • Ushers/Greeters - to share their joy welcoming and accommodating those who are attending St. Columbkille Parish services. Projectionist Please consider serving God and this faith community in any of these ministries. No experience is necessary. Far more important than experience is a desire to serve. We are happy to train those wanting to be active here at St. Columbkille. Please Call the Parish Office for information 489-3973. 12171 Iona Road Fort Myers, FL 33908 239–489–3973 Page 2 Mass Schedule Saturday, October 22 8:00am - †Scott Germann, by the 4pm Ushers 4:00pm - †George & Genevieve Chiaramonte by Genevieve Sharamek & Fred Agel Sunday, October 23 8:00am - The People of St. Columbkille 10:00am -†Jim Huff, by Dell Vodopia 5:30pm - †Agnes McClosky, by Bill & Anne Barbazette Monday, October 24 6:30pm - †Arthur Pell, by Matt & Terry Smith Tuesday, October 25 8:00am - † Barbara Gough, by the Albrecht family Wednesday, October 26 8:00am - †Ronald Demith, by Georgia Demith Thursday, October 27 8:00am - †Scott Germann, by the Germann family Friday, October 28 8:00am - †Jim Baumgarten, by Gary & Angela Baker Saturday, October 29 8:00am - †Edward Madonna, by Ray & Marg Heuring 4:00pm - †Thomas Domino, by his family Sunday, October 30 8:00am - The People of St. Columbkille 10:00am -†Irving A. Riccardi, by Dell Vodopia 5:30pm - †Lillian Leonard, by Bill & Lois Benedetto Sanctuary Candle in Loving Memory of Leonard Witkowski Sacramental Ministries Infant Baptism: It is recommended that parents contact the Parish Office about requirements for baptism before the birth of a child. Infant baptism will be scheduled only after consultation with a Parish Priest. Marriage: Couples should contact one of the Parish Priests. Sacrament of the Sick: If you are not well, or when you know that you will be in the hospital, please ask the priest to confer the Sacrament of the Sick after the weekday or Sunday Masses, or call one of the Parish Priests to make an appointment. We offer the Anointing of Sick the First Friday of the month at the 8:00am Mass and at the end of the Eucharist Adoration at noon. Homebound Parishioners: If you are confined to your home, either temporarily or permanently, a member of the Ministry to the Sick will be happy to bring Holy Eucharist to your home weekly. Please contact the Parish Office. R.C.I.A.: If you are interested in becoming a Catholic, please call the Parish Office to meet with one of the Parish Priests. Saturday: 4:00pm Sunday: 8:00am, 10:00am & 5:30pm Weekday Masses: Monday: 6:30pm Tuesday through Saturday: 8:00am Reconciliation: Saturday: 9am Rosary: Tuesday - Saturday: 7:15am Prayer List Diane Accongio Paula Adams Sherry Anderson Roland Asselin Donna Britnacher Anthony Broderick Nancy Bullyan Yolanda Butler Jan Carlson David Clark Russell Cope Jim Couture Timothy Coverdale Karen Daout Jeffrey Davis Shirlee Davis Cindy Deluca Georgia Demith Michael Dietz Mary Jane DiGiacomo Tom Donahue Stella Drasites Bill Fearnley Jim Fogarty Ruth Amy Frankel Leona Haggerty Bob Harrer Randy Harrison Mary Hennessy Scott Hess Linda Howard Mark Howell Graceann Johnson Jennifer & Ryan Kelly Marybeth Kendig Dorothy Klafehn Pat Krauss Thelma Jackson Raymond Lantz Joan LaSala Karen Marshall Bette Mattey Steven McGarry Joe McHugh Clarence Molden Sharon Mowry Rita Newman Maggie O’Callaghan Eileen Paetz Rita Palouski Gina & Vincent Polizzi Loretta Porter Gus Raffey Richard Record Brandi Riber Laura Rohrbaugh Tara Roquevert William Rossi, Jr. Carol Ryan Michael Scarpati Sallie Shea Mary Jane Sheridan David Siemienas Linda SIemienas Kathy Sirak Molly Toye Claire Tessandori Carol Vaillancourt Loren Vaillancourt Patrick Valentine Keith Van Asten Josefina Villegas Nancy Visintine Gail Weeden Shirley Werner Siobhan Williams Tara Woodroof Erin Wright Deborah Young Loretta & Sy Ziegelman Names cycle off the prayer list monthly. If you would like the name to remain please call once a month to remind us to keep it listed. Do not ask to have people placed on the list without getting their permission first. Page 3 Administration Pastor: Reverend Lorenzo J. Gonzalez Parochial Vicar: Reverend Joseph Gates Assisting Priest: Reverend Pat Boyhan Administrative Coordinator Sergio Figueroa Parish Secretary Peggy O’Rourke Liturgical Ministry Coordinator JoAnne Bertuch Maintenance Coordinator Teo Gaytan Music & Events Coordinator Lee Van Asten Religious Education Coordinator Gilda Suarez For emergencies or more immediate contact with a staff member, please call the Parish Office directly. We welcome all new parishioners and are thankful God has sent you to us. Please fill out a registration card in the narthex and return to the Parish Office or place in the collection basket. Parish Office Hours The Parish Office is open 8:30am to 12noon and 1:00pm to 4:30pm Monday through Friday. Thrift Store Our Thrift Store is located in the K-Mart Plaza at the Iona/McGregor intersection. Open 10am - 5pm Monday through Saturday. For information call 489-4001. Parish Library Our Parish Library is located in the church narthex and is open any time the church is open. The library features books and CDs spiritual in nature. Please fill out a card to borrow items. Parish Gift Shop Our Parish Gift Shop, located in the church narthex, is open before, during and after weekend Masses. Stop in! On the Calendar Alcoholics Anonymous has five meetings weekly in the Ministry Center, Rooms C-D. They are Tuesday at 6:30pm, Wednesday at 7pm (women only), Thursday at 1pm, Thursday at 6:30pm and Friday at 6:30pm (men only). For information and details call Peggy at 481-3956. Alanon for families and friends of alcoholics meets in the Ministry Center on Tuesday at 6:30pm and Thursday at 1pm. For details call Judy at 489-1654. Centering Prayer meets at 3:00pm each Tuesday in Cafe Kells. For information please call 489-3973. Cancer Support Group meets the first Wednesday of each month at 1:00pm in the Ministry Center, Room 2. For information please call Sherry at 454-1868. Charismatic Prayer will begin meeting again next season. Eucharistic Adoration is the first Friday of each month at 12noon in the church, followed by the anointing of the sick. Homeless Sleeping Mats Ministry meets each Wednesday in the Ministry Center Room CD at 10:00am. For information please call Marge at 239-489-1732. All are welcome! Knights of Columbus Council #11425 meets the second Wednesday of each month at 7pm in the Ministry Center Room 1. For information call Rob at 239-935-9867. NAMI - National Alliance on Mental Illness meeting for caregivers is the first Monday of each month in the Ministry Center, Room 2 at 6pm. For information call Gloria at 239-337-9024. Scripture Reflection Group meets each Friday at 1:00pm in the Ministry Center, Room 2. For information call Manny at 239-834-9478 Sewing Ministry will meet at 9:30am in the Ministry Center Youth Room on October 27, November 10 & 17 and December 1 & 15. For information please call Lillian at 433-2144. Taize Prayer will meet at 7:00pm in the church beginning October 20th. For information call Lee at 489-3973. Women’s Guild meets the second Monday of each month at 9:30am in Iona Hall. For information call Lillian at 433-2144. Page 4 Kids’ Corner Ages 3-6 October 27, 2013 • Luke 18:9-14 Movie Ministry Presents “Spare Parts” This Sunday, October 23 - 1pm Ministry Center - Room 1 All are Welcome - No Charge Join us in viewing a film documenting an inspirational contemporary true story. Devotions Corner St. Columbkille will be praying Devotions throughout the week. The Rosary is at 7:15am Tuesday through Saturday. After the 8am Mass on: Thursdays - Prayer for Priests Fridays - Divine Mercy Saturdays - Marian Novena Eucharistic Adoration is on the first Friday of each month at 12noon. It is a story of four American high school students in an impoverished school district with no money, no tools, few teachers or plans to survive their reputation for failure. They are helped by a substitute teacher with nothing but spare parts and a dream to compete against MIT in a National Underwater Robotics Competition. What happens next is a parable about intuitive creativity faced with the traps of poverty and injustice; but blessed with perseverance that leads to hope and a miraculous reward. For more information contact Carolyn at 914-589-0162 or Readings for the Week Monday: Eph 4:32 5:8, Ps 1:1-6, Lk 13:10-17 Tuesday: Eph 5:21-33, Ps 128:1-5, Lk 13:18-21 Wednesday: Eph 6:1-9, Ps 145:10-14, Lk 13:22-30 Thursday: Eph 6:10-20, Ps 144:1-10, Lk 13:31-35 Friday: Eph 2:19-22, Ps 19:2-5, Lk 6:12-16 Saturday: Phil 1:18-26, Ps 42:2-3, Lk 14:1-11 Sunday: Wis 11:22-12:2, Ps 145:1-14, 2 Thes:1:11-2:2, Lk 19:1-10 Page 5 Youth Corner St. Columbkille Youth Group Meets Sunday at 6:30pm in the Ministry Center Youth Room! All youth grades 9 through 12 are welcome to join us! Youth Rally Nov. 5th Noon-8:30 $20 - No Youth Group November 6 & 27 - Halloween Party Oct. 30 History of All Hallows Eve The Solemnity of All Saints is celebrated on November 1. It is a solemnity, a holyday of obligation and the day that the Church honors all of God's saints, even those who have not been canonized by the Church. It is a family day of celebration—we celebrate the memory of those family members (sharing with us in the Mystical Body, the doctrine of the Communion of Saints) now sharing eternal happiness in the presence of God. We rejoice that they have reached their eternal goal and ask their prayers on our behalf so that we, too, may join them in heaven and praise God through all eternity. The honoring of all Christian martyrs of the Faith was originally celebrated on May 13, the date established by the fourth century. Pope Boniface IV in 615 established it as the "Feast of All Martyrs" commemorating the dedication of the Pantheon, an ancient Roman temple, into a Christian church dedicated to the Blessed Virgin Mary and all the martyrs. By 741, the feast included not only martyrs, but all the saints in heaven as well, with the title changing to "Feast of All Saints" by 840. In 844, Pope Gregory IV transferred the feast to November 1st, timing it around the harvests to be able to provide food for the pilgrims. Some scholars believe this was to substitute a feast for the pagan celebrations during that time of year. Pope Sixtus IV in 1484 established November 1 as a holyday of obligation and gave it both a vigil (known today as "All Hallows' Eve" or "Hallowe'en") and an eight-day period or octave to celebrate the feast. This feast is marked with liturgical observances that have changed over the centuries. By 1955, the octave and vigil of All Saints were abrogated. Instead of a separate vigil on the calendar, the celebration begins the evening before, as mentioned in The General Norms for the Liturgical Year and the Calendar: Solemnities are counted as the principal days in the calendar and their observance begins with evening prayer of the preceding day. Some also have their own vigil Mass for use when Mass is celebrated in the evening of the preceding day. In the Divine Office, or Liturgy of the Hours, solemnities and Sundays begin with Evening Prayer I (the evening before) and Evening Prayer II (the evening of the solemnity). Feast Day Customs In England, saints or holy people are called "hallowed", hence the name "All Hallows’ Day". The evening, or "e'en" before the feast became popularly known as "All Hallows' Eve" or even shorter, "Hallowe'en". Many recipes and traditions have come down for this evening, "All Hallows’ Eve" (now known as Halloween), such as pancakes, boxty bread and boxty pancakes, barmbrack (Irish fruit bread with hidden charms), colcannon (combination of cabbage and boiled potatoes). This was also known as "Nutcrack Night" in England, where the family gathered around the hearth to enjoy cider and nuts and apples. In England "soul cakes" are another traditional food. People would go begging for a "soul cake" and promise to pray for the donor's departed friends and family in exchange for the treat, an early version of today's "Trick or Treat.” The Church designates November 2 as the Feast of All Souls, a day to pray for all the departed souls in Purgatory. The feasts of All Saints and All Souls fall backto-back to express the Christian belief of the "Communion of Saints." The Communion of Saints is the union of all the faithful on earth (the Church Militant), the saints in Heaven (the Church Triumphant) and the Poor Souls in Purgatory (the Church Suffering), with Christ as the Head. They are bound together by a supernatural bond. The Church Militant (those on earth still engaged in the struggle to save their souls) can venerate the Church Triumphant, and the saints can intercede with God for those still on earth. Both the faithful on earth and the saints in heaven can pray for the souls in Purgatory. During these two days we see the Communion of Saints really in action! Christian Roots of Halloween We have entered the 21st century. It is getting harder to be "in" the world but not "of" the world. How are we to tread carefully to find balance in a secular holiday? We have an onslaught of Halloween witches, ghosts, goblins, vampires, etc. everywhere we turn. How do we bring a message to our children to say that being a Christian does not mean that we cannot have fun and enjoy some secular practices? How do we convey that that we must not constantly be negative and condemn everything? To answer this, we must put on the mind of the Church. All through the centuries the Church has taken secular feasts and tried to "sanctify" or "Christianize" them. This is one of the reasons that December 25 was chosen for Christmas—that was the time of the winter solstice or Saturnalia festival, with many pagan traditions during their celebration. The feast day of All Saints itself came from the dedication of the Pantheon, a pagan temple, into a Christian church, undoubtedly another way of sanctifying the secular and pagan. Missionaries familiarize themselves with the culture and religion of the country before they can convert the native people. The missionaries have to be able find some elements in their culture that can help these people identify and understand Christianity at their level. St. Paul tried it with the Greeks. Seeing their altar to the Unknown God, he saw that through their own pagan altar he might bring them to Christianity. It is beautiful to remember that we can recognize and enjoy simple earthly pleasures as gifts from God. Many of the practices of Halloween are innocent fun and some deal with healthy reminders of death, sin and the devil. Since the All Saints and All Souls feasts are back-to-back, we can balance some of the focus of Halloween to the Communion of Saints in action. By: Jennifer Gregory Miller Page 6 Presentations About Arab Culture, Islam and Isis project rachel Hear the observations of one who lived in Saudi Arabia for almost eight years. One of our parishioners, Commander Doug Quelch, USN (Ret), will be giving presentations on these subjects and much more in Iona Hall on Thursdays from 6:00 to 8:00pm October 27 and November 3. At a time when our nation is threatened by terrorist actions of a few, it is important to know that there are millions of Muslims in this country who share the same values we do. Be ready to be entertained and informed by these lively presentations. Please call the Parish Office at 489-3973 if you plan to attend.All are welcome! Peace starts here Special Diocesan Collection Next Weekend - October 29 & 30 Victims of Hurricane Matthew Help is needed in Haiti and other island nations affected by this powerful, deadly storm. The eastern coastlines of Florida and the Carolinas have been flooded as well. The funds collected will be proportionally distributed to the affected areas. See next week’s bulletin for details. H PE AFTER ABORTION One-day Retreat Saturday, November 12, 2016 For confidential information call: Fonda at 239-719-7210 (cell) or 888-456-4673 (toll free) e-mail: Sponsored by Diocese of Venice Respect Life Office 1000 Pinebrook Road Venice, FL 34285 941-441-1101 Teams of Our Lady We are a Catholic movement of “Married Spirituality which brings together Christian Couples united by the Sacrament of Matrimony” and who wish, together, to deepen the graces of their Sacrament. Marriage is…whether newlyweds, raising a family, or empty nesters…the call to grow closer together in love and holiness. Yet in today’s busy society, with forces and stresses that can undermine both marriage and faith, where can couples find the time to connect not only with one another, but with Christ? Attention all married couples, no matter what age! You are invited to a coffee and information meeting after the 8:00am Mass on Wednesday, October 26th to find out more about Teams of Our Lady, a conjugal prayer group designed to strengthen your faith and your marriage. We look forward to seeing you at the meeting. May God Bless you and your marriage! Page 7 Commemoration of the 500th Anniversary of the Reformation Monday, October 31 We will gather at St. Columbkille Iona Hall with Pope Francis, leaders of the Lutheran World Federation and the faithful from St Columbkille and Peace Lutheran Church to begin the commemoration of the 500th Anniversary of the Reformation. Together, we will watch a live broadcast of the Common Prayer Joint Ecumenical Service from the Lund Cathedral, Sweden. The service is scheduled to begin at 9:30am. A light continental breakfast will be served at 9:00am. All are welcome! The Creation Sin destroys our harmonious relationships with other human beings. What effect does sin have on us as individuals? Sin causes disharmony within us, resulting in a break in the peace and unity that should exist between our bodies and our souls. We feel divided, naked and ashamed. Having lost our harmonious relationship with God, we lose the secure relationship with ourselves. “Then the eyes of both were opened, and they knew that they were naked; and they sewed fig leaves together and made loincloths for themselves.” Adam said to God, “I was afraid because I was naked.” To this God asked, “Who told you that you were naked?” (Gn 3:7.) How does sin affect our relationships with our loved ones? Attention Military Veterans: Invitation from Father Lorenzo On Friday, November 11, 2016, as part of the 8:00am Mass, Father Lorenzo invites you to a special observance ceremony to honor veterans of any service. If you wore a uniform at any time, you are invited to attend. If you can still wear your uniform - please wear it - or if you have a piece of a uniform or if you have any military token of remembrance or keepsake please bring it. Further, remember to bring your military right and your military left! If you plan to attend please RSVP to the Parish Office at 239-489-3973. Thank you !!! God made us to be concerned about other people and to be one with them. Sin destroys our harmonious relationships with other human beings. “The Lord said to Cain, “Why are you angry?” “Cain rose up against his brother Abel, and killed him” (Gn 4:6,8). What is God’s response to human sinfulness? He responds with signs of love and forgiveness and a plan for our salvation. Adam and Eve were told that the head of the serpent of evil will be crushed by a savior (Gn 3:15). In the call of Abraham, the Father begins a process of salvation that will continue in the person and work of Jesus. Page 8 Military Ministry Throughout the year we continue to support our troops. Please remember them with your prayers and donations. As we continue our ministry through 2016, our item for October is energy bars. Please place items in the box in the narthex. Our troops are grateful for our packages. If you have a member of the military who would like to receive prayers and packages, please call Pat at 481-8333. Community Assistance Update Food Pantry News We are supporting: Gladiolus Food Pantry 10511 Gladiolus Drive, Fort Myers, FL 33908 Open Wednesdays from 11:30am to 1:30pm and 5:00pm to 7:00pm South Fort Myers Food Pantry Coalition, Inc. 8260 Cypress Lake Drive Fort Myers, FL 33919 Open Mondays from 8:00am to 12noon and 5:00pm to 8:00pm Items needed are: cereal for kids and cooking oil. For more information please call 489-3973. Save the Dates! “Faithnet” Family Support Group Meets the first Monday of each month. Ministry Center Room 2 6:00pm to 7:30pm. The National Alliance on Mental Illness provides this support group for family members, caregivers and loved ones of individuals living with mental illness. A confidential, secure and nonjudgmental environment is provided where caregivers can discuss concerns and benefit from collective knowledge and experience of others. Information on local resources is available. Cafe Kells Starts Wednesday, November 2 Join us for coffee, sweet treats and fellowship after the 8:00am Mass! Lee Van Asten & Friends Performing their Favorites Peace Lutheran Church November 6 - 2pm Free will offering For more information call 239-337-9024. S AINT C OLUMBKILLE P ARISH in Fort Myers Inc. Please consider remembering St. Columbkille in your will or trust. Help us endow our ministry services into the future. Please contact the Parish Office for more information. Italian Night Dinner & Show Thank you Knights of Columbus! A sold out crowd of over 250 people had a great time at Italian Night last Saturday. Thank you to the St. Columbkille Knights of Columbus who hosted the event! The food prepared by the Knights was fabulous and plentiful and they didn't just cook! They also set up, served, managed ads and tickets and cleaned up after the dinner. We thank the Knights, not only for this event, but for all they are doing to add to our parish life. The entertainment, provided by Lee Van Asten and Carolann Sanita was delightful! Page 9 Page 10 St Columbkille Thrift Store Save the Date! Saturday, December 31 Father Pat’s Early Bird New Year’s Eve Party! After the 5pm Mass in Iona Hall Christmas Open House (see future bulletins for details) Refreshments will be served and everyone will receive a 10% discount. Come get a sneak peek at the many lovely Christmas items we have for sale. Pray for Peace and Pray for the Men and Women Serving in the Military Charles Bennett Andrew Buckley Cody Chambers Brian H. DeCicco Nicholas Dieter George R. Dombeck, III Timothy Franklin James Gallup Joseph Harris John Charles Jakobiak in the K-Mart Plaza Sunday, October 30th from 12noon to 4:00pm You don’t have to wait for the open house to stop in! Miles Knight Heather Klein Louis Koconis David Korte Duggan F. Myron Cody Reeb Shayne Reis Anthony Roeber Luke Sarafian Scottie Taylor If there is a member of the military whose name you would like to be on this list, please call the office at 489-3973. Thank you! We have our usual assortment of fine merchandise from clothing to furniture to small appliances to what-nots! All at fabulous prices, in gently used condition, cleaned and ready to wear or move to a favorite spot in your home! We are next to K-Mart at the Iona/McGregor intersection and look forward to seeing you! Please call 239-489-3973 for information or for pick-ups. “Stir the Fire” Mobile Catholic Book Fair After All Masses “Stir the Fire” in your spiritual life with one of many Catholic books that will be available for purchase after all Masses, November 5 & 6. Spiritual reading will help you to have a closer relationship with Jesus Christ, to love him more, and to help you better know your Catholic Faith. Page 11 Dementia Awareness St. Columbkille Ministry Center-Room 1 - Saturdays 1:30pm-2:45pm November 12, December 10, January 14, February 18 & March 18 Education and Support Program: SPECIAL GUEST SPEAKERS * Learning Diagnosis *Life as a Caregiver *Decisions by Caregivers A Faith-Based Perspective “A Call to Love” The presentation will emphasize tools of faith that can be used to bring Peace and Hope into relationships impacted by dementia. VISION MISSION To provide support—an easily accessed, trusted and comprehensive support system for Care Givers of spouses, friends, colleagues, family members and neighbors in our Faith-Based Community • • • To enable them to cope with the pain of grief and loss experienced before, as well as after, the death of a spouse, friend or family member To provide listings of Community Resources throughout Lee and Collier Counties for support groups, meetings at personnel group facilities, and assistance with correct diagnosis To provide written and web based resources for additional learning, guidance and correct diagnosis from the medical community Please contact the Parish Office at 239-489-3973 for more information! Mass Time Changes Begin November 5 and 6 Beginning November 5: Saturday Masses at - 3pm & 5pm. Beginning November 6: Sunday Masses at - 7am, 9am, 11am and 5:30pm. Also - The Daily Mass on Monday will be at 8:00am, beginning Monday, November 7. There will be no Monday evening Mass. Page 12 Cancer Support Group The Cancer Support Group will meet on the first Wednesday of each month beginning November 2nd in the Ministry Center Room 2 at 1:00pm. The group is for patients, their caregivers and anyone interested. For information please call Sherry at 454-1468. A Big Need - Bus Drivers! The AFCAAM After School Program held weekdays during the school year is in need of S c h o o l B u s D r i v e r s. N O SPECIAL LICENSING NEEDED and we will train. A sense of humor, while not a requirement, would be a great big plus. Drivers, using the St. Columbkille van, pick the children up from Heights Elementary School in Harlem Heights after school at 2:30pm, and bring them to St. Columbkille Ministry Center. Their parents pick them up and take them home. If you think you might want to give an hour or more during the week to this rewarding ministry, please call 239-489-3873. AFCAAM and the children will be very grateful! Page 13 Safe Environment for Children The Safe Environment Educational Program for Children enrolled in Faith Formation and their parents will be on Sunday October 30, 2016 in the Ministry Center Youth Room at 9:00am. The program is offered as part of our commitment to helping keep our children safe. For more information call 239-489-3973. Becoming a Catholic Anyone wishing to explore the possibility of becoming a member of the Catholic Church participates in a time of formation and education known as RCIA (Rite of Christian Initiation of Adults). Anyone who may be interested is asked to call the Parish Office at 239-489-3973 to make an appointment with one of the parish priests. Faith Formation Ongoing Enrollment Faith Formation is a free Sunday School Program for all children Pre-K through 8th grade. We offer formation in our faith and information to develop our faith. Enrollment is ongoing and any family interested in joining Faith Formation is welcome at any time of the year. Our program is set up for 9:00am to 11:00am each Sunday. The children will attend the 10:00am Mass with their parents September, October and May, with coffee, donuts and juice at 9:00am in the Ministry Center, Youth Room; and they will attend the 9:00am Mass November through April, with coffee, donuts and juice at 10:00am in the Ministry Center Youth Room. If you have questions or would like more information please call Gilda at 239-489-3973, or Page 14 Welcome to St. Columbkille Reception! Tuesday, November 1 at 6pm in Iona Hall Wine & cheese will be served. Are you new to St. Columbkille in the last year? Did you miss the Welcome to St. Columbkille Reception when you joined the parish? Father Lorenzo and the parish staff cordially invite you to be officially welcomed! If you have children or relatives living with you, please know that they are invited as well. Don’t forget, if you have never attended a New Parishioners’ Welcome Reception, you are invited to come! Please RSVP to or 239-489-3973 if you plan to attend. Invitation from Bishop Frank J. Dewane to a Celebration for all Volunteers Saturday, November 19, 2016 - 11:00am Bishop Dewane will celebrate the Holy Sacrifice of the Mass on Saturday, November 19 at 11am at Epiphany Cathedral, 350 Tampa Avenue West, Venice, FL. The Mass will be followed by a luncheon in the Parish Hall. The celebration is in gratitude for the work of all volunteers in the diocese, and it is Bishop Dewane’s hope that all who volunteer in any capacity will attend with family and friends. In order to properly plan food, please confirm your attendance by registering at, emailing, or calling 941-486-4714 Contact Information Update (see tear off below) Having accurate parishioner contact information is a necessity in order to communicate when the need arises. Sometimes mailing addresses change, and many have done away with their land lines, and use only cell phones. We have no way of obtaining your cell phone number unless you give it to us. Most people now use the internet and have email addresses. If you have made changes or additions to any of your contact information, please use the tear off below and bring it to the Parish Office or put it in the collection basket. Thank you! Updated Parishioner Contact Information Please update the following contact information for ______________________________ Name ___________ Envelope # New Address__________________________________________________________________________ (circle one)New Phone Number or additional Phone Number____________________________________ (circle one)New or additional Email address_________________________________________________