Basilica Shrine of Saint Mary: The St. Mary School Office:


Basilica Shrine of Saint Mary: The St. Mary School Office:
September 13, 2015
Twenty-fourth Sunday in Ordinary Time
Liturgy Schedule
Saturday:…………………....5:30pm English
7:00pm Spanish
Sunday:……...8am, 9:30 am, & 11am English
12:30 pm in Spanish
Daily: …………….As published in bulletin
Mass in the Extraordinary Form…
Fourth Sunday of the month at 5pm
For information 910-891-1972
Baptism: Preparation prior to baptism is
required. Parents should contact the Parish
Office for details.
Confirmation: Please contact the Faith
Formation Office for more information.
Reconciliation: 4:00–4:45 pm Saturdays or by
Weddings: Contact the Pastor as soon as
possible to set the wedding date and begin
marriage preparation; preferably at least 3
months before your wedding.
Anointing of the Sick: Please call the Parish
Office to make arrangements.
R.C.I.A.–Rite of Christian Initiation for
Adults: Saturday: 9:00-10:00 am; RCIA
Room, 1st Floor, Tileston Center
The Saint Mary School: Grades Pre-K–8.
The oldest Catholic School in North Carolina
now celebrating 146 years of education.
Accredited by SACS-CASI.
Faith Formation: K–High School
Sunday: 11:00 am—Noon
September to May
Basilica Shrine of Saint Mary:
412 Ann Street
Wilmington, North Carolina 28401
Tel. 910-762-5491
Fax 910-762-9664
Monday–Friday: 9am–4pm
The St. Mary School Office:
217 South Fourth Street
Wilmington, North Carolina 28401
Tel. 910-762-5491 ext. 140
Fax 910-772-8034
Monday–Friday: 8am–3pm
Pastor, Very Reverend Robert J. Kus…………………………………………… ext. 111
RCIA/Social Ministries, Sister Isaac Koenig, S.U……………………………… ext. 135
Director of Religious Education, Mr. John Walsh……………………………… ext. 114
Director of Youth Ministry, Ms. Amy Preusser ……………………………….. ext. 117
Director of Hispanic Ministries, Ms. Norma Rivera……………………………. ext. 122
Business Manager, Ms. Sharon Marren…………………………………………. ext. 158
Wedding and Missions Coordinator, Ms. Simone Payne……………………….. ext. 129
Development Director, Ms. JoAnn Daley………………………………………. ext. 110
Parish Secretary, Ms. Simone Amato…………………………………………. ext. 113
Bulletin Editor, Ms. Sandy O'Leary………………………
Campus Director, Mr. Phil Davis……………………………………………….. ext. 115
Organist/Director of Music, Ms. Sara Bryant…………………………………… ext. 118
St. Mary Parish Bookstore………………………………………………………. ext. 159
The Upper Room 1871 Event Coordinator, Mrs. Victoria Hudson………..910-538-9885
St. Mary School Principal, Ms. Joyce Price…………………………………….. ext. 153
St. Mary School Administrative Assistant, Ms. Susan Linn……………………. ext. 140
CEPI De Santa María: Spanish Adult School,
Tileston Gym Annex 2nd Floor
910-762-5491, ext. 138
St. Mary Adult School: Art and ESL.
Call office for times and dates.
Children, Youth &
Young Adults
Nursery: 6 months–5 years
Sunday: 9:30 Mass.
St. Mary School Lower Building
Grupo de Jóvenes Adultos:
Friday: 7:00 pm. Hispanic Ministry room,
1st Floor Tileston Center
Social Outreach
St. Mary/Tileston Outreach:
Monday–Thursday 8:30-11:30am
St. Mary Health Center:
(Dental and Medical)
Tileston Gym Annex - Lower Floor
Walk-ins Welcome
For Appointment, call: 763-8163
Basilica Shrine of Saint Mary – September 12 and September 13, 2015
Twenty-fourth Sunday in Ordinary Time
Liturgies and Paraliturgies
Including Mass Intentions
Pastor’s Corner
My Dear Friends,
Congratulations to all who celebrated their
Confirmation at the Basilica Shrine of St.
Mary on Friday! I hope that the graces you
received will stimulate you to live your
Catholic Christian faith with greater strength
and fidelity.
Recently Pope Francis told the world that
during the Jubilee Year of Mercy, all Catholic priests would be able to
forgive women who have had an abortion. This is not “news” for priests
of the Diocese of Raleigh, for we have had that right for at least the last
25 years.
Saturday, September 12
5:30 pm Mass — † Vernon Furnia
Offered by Mary Louise Plumadore
7:00 pm Mass — Parishioners of the Basilica Shrine of St. Mary
Sunday, September 13
8:00 am Mass — † Sofia Flyn
Offered by Graciela and Ronnie Bost
9:30 am Mass — † Annie McGue
Offered by Peggy Clark
11:00 am Mass — † Lena and John Cocozziello
Offered by Joan Cocozziello
12:30 pm Mass — Parishioners of our Sister Parish in Honduras
Monday, September 14
7:30 am Mass — † Carmen M. Vera
Offered by Jose Vera
Tuesday, September 15
7:30 am Mass — † Carlos Del Rosario
Offered by Arnel Del Rosario
Wednesday, September 16
7:30 am Communion Service
Thursday, September 17
7:30 am Mass — † JoAnn Zimmerman
Offered by Sister Alice Mooney
By now, all registered parishioners should have received a letter from
me about our Tileston Center elevator project. This is the tail end of our
“Serving God By Serving Others” capital campaign. As you know, at
St. Mary we have a strict policy of “cash-on-the-barrelhead.” If we
don’t have money, we don’t purchase things. Fortunately, we are
almost to our needed goal for our elevator project, but we need your
help. All of the money we raise now is strictly for our parish, not for the
diocese. And all funds we raise are for the capital campaign, not for our
columbarium project, which is a totally independent and self-supporting
project. We must work fast so that workers can begin digging the
foundation in December. Then, they will be able to build the elevator
shaft in May, June, and July of 2016 while school is out for the summer.
If don’t have the money, we would have to wait another full year. So, I
ask you to please be as generous as you can for this big and muchneeded project. Be assured that I will do my part financially as well!
Thanks in advance!
My fourth collection of homilies – Flowers in the
Wind 4: More Story-Based Homilies for Cycle A
- is now available on or in our St.
Mary Bookstore.
Sincerely yours in Christ,
Father Bob
Friday, September 18
8:30 am Mass — † John Crowley, Jr.
Offered by Michael and Christine Hackeling
Saturday, September 19
5:30 pm Mass — † Sam Hand
Offered by Gordon and Donna Armiger
7:00 pm Mass — Parishioners of the Basilica Shrine of St. Mary
Sunday, September 20
8:00 am Mass — † Eleanor Ruggiero
Offered by Michael and April Ramaglia
9:30 am Mass — † Mary Welsh
Offered by Peggy Clark
11:00 am Mass — † Joseph Razzano
Offered by The Razzano Family
12:30 pm Mass — Members of the St. Mary Faith Formation and
Youth Groups
Readings for the Week of September 13
Nm 21:4b-9; Ps 78:1bc-2, 34-38; Phil 2:6-11; Jn 3:1317
1 Tm 3:1-13; Ps 101:1b-3ab, 5-6; Jn 19:25-27 or Lk
1 Tm 3:14-16; Ps 111:1-6; Lk 7:31-35
1 Tm 4:12-16; Ps 111:7-10; Lk 7:36-50
1 Tm 6:2c-12; Ps 49:6-10, 17-20; Lk 8:1-3
1 Tm 6:13-16; Ps 100:1b-5; Lk 8:4-15
Wis 2:12, 17-20; Ps 54:3-8; Jas 3:16 -- 4:3; Mk 9:30-37
Weekend Mass Schedule at a Glance
Saturday Mass in English – 5:30 pm
Saturday Mass in Spanish – 7:00 pm
Sunday Mass in English – 8:00 am, 9:30 am and 11:00 am
Sunday Mass in Spanish – 12:30 pm
To schedule a Mass Intention, to donate the Altar Flowers, or for information on
Baptism, please call the Parish Office at 762-5491.
Copyright © J. S. Paluch Co
Parish Office Hours:
9:00 am—4:00 pm
Twenty-fourth Sunday in Ordinary Time Basilica Shrine of Saint Mary – September 12 and September 13, 2015
Please Pray for Our Sick
To add or remove a name—
Dee Albert
Vivian Albritton
Michael Allred
Marco Antonio
Eleanor Armstrong
Anya Atkens
Bea Bacon
Phillip Bayham
Kathy Bodnar
Sean Brady
Alesandra Brigantti
Judith Brockelman
Philip Brockelman
Mary Jane Buckingham
Roland H. Campbell
Veronica J. Campbell
Joanne Catanzaro
Martha Crilly
Thomas Crossland
Tony Currin
Lucille DeLuca
Robert DePasquale
Darnell DeVane
Kitty Diab
Nancy DiBlasi
Richelle Dombroski
Mike Gallagher
Julie Garcia
Rita Giordano
Walter Hickey
William W. Hickman, Jr.
Doug Hill
Mike Hubbell
Nicole Hyden
Gilbert Jacob
Mike and Helyn Jewell
Elizabeth Keiholz
Kelli Keiholz
Sabrina Kelley
Evelyn Kubes
Rosa LoConte
Jay Linkfield
Sr. Marion McGillicuddy
Michael McQuery
Alison Maccherone
Dennis Malone
Donald Mankin
Christopher Manley
Charles Meyers
Howard Militscher
Ed Mood
Marge Mullis
Ann Neglia
Ashley Newton
Jeff Niday
Karen Nilson
Judy Norcross
Gertrude Ondreako
Kenneth Orchuk
Barbara Perino
Barbara Rainis
Jerry Razzano
David Reck
Ciro Rivera
Robert Russo
Josephine Senechal
Robert Senechal
John Skaf
Pam Stafford
Regina Stewart
Carl Tilenni
Stephen Tyde
William Wadman
Libby Watts
Jeffrey Weeks
Sheila Weeks
Brien Weissenborn
William West
Ruth White
Chester Wiggins
Pam Winsky
Joanne Wright
CENTERING PRAYER—An hour of contemplating prayer and the Centering
practice. Wednesdays from 1:00—2:00 pm. Contact: Joan Regan at 3832804 or
THE LITURGY OF THE HOURS—will be said Monday - Thursday at 7:05 am.
Everyone is invited, books are available as is instruction.
ST. MARY AAMEN CHAPTER—Chapter meetings are held Fourth Sunday of
each month at 4:00 pm in the Tileston Center.
BLESSED SACRAMENT—Every Thursday after the 7:30 a.m. Mass for one
CAMILLUS MINISTRY—Ministry Co-Coordinators, Sue Reilly
( and Eileen Mankin (
Watts if you are interested in serving as a Lector or Eucharistic Minster: 7997623 or
assistance to help our new members become part of our parish family.
YOUNG FAMILES AND COUPLES GROUP—meets last Sunday of each
month after 9:30 Mass for light breakfast, discussion and crafts for the kids.
Contact: Erin Buller—910-821-0123 or or
CATHOLIC DAUGHTERS COURT 1036—Meets the Second Sunday of the
month at 3:00 pm in the St. Mary School Cafeteria. Contact: JoAnne
Shadroui, Regent—910-452-6351.
FIRST FRIDAY ADORATION—Following Mass until 1:00 pm
ST. MARY NURSERY—Volunteers are needed to help staff our Sunday
nursery during the 9:30 am mass. Contact:
MUSIC MINISTRIES—Contact: Sara Bryant at 762-5491 ext. 118, or
KNIGHTS OF COLUMBUS COUNCIL 1074— Wilmington Council 1074
meets in the basement of the Tileston Center. Contact: or
ST. MARY ALTAR GUILD – Meets once a month at different restaurants
around the area. Contact: Nancy Dasbach—(910) 264-9480.
THE UPPER ROOM 1861—Victoria Hudson, Event Coordinator
The Week Ahead In Our Parish
Sunday, September 13
• Nursery—Available at the 9:30 am Mass in the St. Mary School
Lower Building
• Adult Confirmation Class—9:30—10:30 in the Youth Room
• English as a Second Language —10:45 am in Room T325
• Discipleship Youth Bible Study—11:00 am in the RCIA room in
the Tileston Center
• Faith Formation Classes—11:00 in the Tileston Center and St.
Mary School Buildings.
• RICA in Spanish—11:00 am in Room T303
• Practica de la Banda Latina de Domingo—11:00 am in room
• Catholic Daughters meeting—3:00 pm in the St. Mary School
Monday, September 14
• Contemporary Choir Rehearsal—7:00 pm in the Basilica
• Grupo De Alcohólicos Anónimos—8:00 – 9:30 pm en el
Tuesday, September 15
• Prayer Shawl Ministry—10:00 am in the Tileston Center
• DRE Youth Ministry Meeting—10:00 am in the RCIA Room
• Practica de la Banda Latina de Domingo—7:00 pm in Room
Wednesday, September 16
• Centering Prayer—1:00—2:00 pm
• Women’s Contemplative Prayer—1:30 pm in Room T325
• Youth Ministry—6:00 pm
Thursday, September 17
• Adoration of the Blessed Sacrament—following morning Mass
in the Basilica
• Divine Mercy Chaplet – 12:30 pm in the Chapel
• Renaissance Choir Rehearsal—7:30 pm—9:00 pm in the Music
Friday, September 18
• Hispanic Young Adult Group (El grupo de jóvenes adultos)7:00 pm in the Tileston Center
• Grupo De Alcohólicos Anónimos - 8:00 – 9:30 pm en el
• Hispanic Prayer Group—8:00 pm
Saturday, September 19
• RCIA—9:00 (Begins October 3rd)
• Gospel Choir Rehearsal—10:30 am in the Basilica
• Andrea Sanzhez Gomez and German Santiago Bautiste
Wedding—11:00 am in the Basilica
• Hispanic Community Wedding Ceremony with Reception to
follow—1:00 pm in the Basilica
• Reconciliation—4:00 pm in the Basilica
• Hispanic Children’s Ministry—5:00 pm
• Hispanic Prayer Group Vigil—8:00 pm
Sunday, September 20—Catechetical Sunday
• Nursery—Available at the 9:30 am Mass in the St. Mary School
Lower Building
• Adult Confirmation Class—9:30—10:30 in the Youth Room
• English as a Second Language —10:45 am in Room T325
• Discipleship Youth Bible Study—11:00 am in the RCIA room in
the Tileston Center
• Faith Formation Classes—11:00 in the Tileston Center and St.
Mary School Buildings.
• RICA in Spanish—11:00 am in Room T303
• Practica de la Banda Latina de Domingo—11:00 am in room
Please check with individual ministries for time/date changes or see the
up-to-date parish calendar on the website:
Basilica Shrine of Saint Mary – September 12 and September 13, 2015
Parish Happenings
St. Mary Parish Bookstore—Located in the Tileston Center
Saturday - 4:00 pm - 7:00 pm
Sunday - 9:00 am - 1:00 pm
Tuesday - Thursday - 10:00 am - 3:00 pm
762-5491 (ext. 159) or
Twenty-fourth Sunday in Ordinary Time
Columbarium and Memorial Garden
There are still niches available in the 1st or
2nd Phase of the garden for the inurnment of
If your plan includes burial or inurnment
elsewhere, you can still be a part of the Basilica Shrine of St. Mary
Memorial Garden by purchasing a memorial plaque or making a taxdeductible donation to the project.
For more information, please call JoAnn Daley at 910-762-5491, x110
or email
The Camillus ministry needs volunteers to bring communion to our
brothers and sisters in private homes or nursing homes who are unable
to attend Mass. Please contact Susan Reilly, 508-2322, or Orientation takes 15 minutes, and you can serve
weekly at a private home for an hour or so, or alternate with others
less frequently at residential facilities. Thank you!
Lectors are needed for all masses
If interested in joining this ministry, please contact
Stephanie Watts at: 799-7623 or
Mark Your Calendars
Saturday, November 14th ~ 11:00 am – 2:00 pm
5th Annual Quarter Auction
to benefit the St. Mary/Tileston Outreach
Always a sell-out so SAVE THE DATE!!!
Rosary Group
Do you have 20 to 30 minutes once a week to join us in asking our Blessed
Mother and her mother, St. Ann, for their intercessory prayers for a safe and
fruitful visit of our Holy Father to the United States? Do you have your own
personal intentions that you would like to lift up in prayer? Please join us
on Tuesdays at 12 noon here at the Basilica Shrine of St. Mary. We will continue for nine consecutive weeks leading up to Pope Francis' historic first trip
as the Pope to the United States, to pray the Rosary. Prayer cards will be
St. Mary Altar Guild
September 20th
Please come and join us at the Basilica at the 9:30 am Mass for communion after which we will have a Brunch at Cape Fear Country Club
at 11:00 am.
Contact Nancy Dasbach with any questions
It's A New CDA Year!
Catholic Daughters of the Americas (CDA) is one of the oldest and largest
organizations of Catholic women in the Americas, and Wilmington Court
#1036 is the second oldest chapter in North Carolina.
“A Stitch….A Prayer….The Touch of God”
Members of this ministry knit and crochet special shawls and blankets that
receive a pastoral blessing. These hand-made items are made available to
anyone experiencing a physical or emotional crisis. Recipients realize that
they are not alone but are wrapped in the love and power of God.
Our members enjoy each other's company, share faith and love of God while
supporting local and national charities and addressing the needs of our community. We complete a small service project at each meeting.
They will meet monthly beginning on Tuesday, September 15 at 10:00am in
the Tileston Center. Some members do their knitting and crocheting at regular
meetings and others prefer to work exclusively from home.
Meetings are held at 3 p.m. on the second Sunday of the month in the St.
Mary School cafeteria. Our first meeting of the 2015-16 year is scheduled for
September 13. All Catholic women 18 years and older are warmly invited to
This ministry is open to anyone with willing hands. You don’t have to be a
member of Basilica Shrine of Saint Mary. You don’t even have to know how to
knit or crochet! We will show you how. Call Noreen at 798-0055 for more
information on this wonderful ministry. If you know of anyone who needs the
warmth and comfort of a prayer shawl, call Noreen and she will make arrangements to get one to you.
Located in the Basement of the Tileston Building
Come take a look at our treasures!
Sunday, September 13, 2014
from 9:00 am to 1:00 pm each day
All proceeds benefit the St. Mary Tileston Social Outreach
~ Stewardship of Treasure ~
July 26, 2015
Envelopes Mailed
Envelopes Returned: 390
$ 15,766.20 $ 18,600.00
07/01/2015 to $ 70,629.84 $ 74,400.00
Overwhelmed by the many ways to plan your estate?
On Thursday, September 24th at Noon the Basilica Shrine of St. Mary
will offer an information only seminar on ways to better understand
the sometimes complex process of estate planning. Topics include:
• Legal Steps Required in Personal Planning
• Wills & Trusts
• Power of Attorney
• Vehicles for Charitable Planning and Giving
• Using Appreciated Assets (stocks) to make pledge payments
• How not to leave your IRA to the IRS
To RSVP please call JoAnn Daley at 910-762-5491, Ext. 110 by to
reserve a seat. Space is limited.
Basilica Shrine of Saint Mary – September 12 and September 13, 2015
St. Mary Fall Festival
Saturday, October 17, 2015
10:00 AM - 4:00 PM
The St. Mary Fall Festival brings
together the parish's more than
1800 families for a day of fun,
food, entertainment and celebration.
Ann Street between 4th & 5th is closed to traffic.
In addition to the craft vendors, food & many, many children's
activities line the streets along with booths from the
St. Mary Bookstore, Knights of Columbus, Tileston Outreach and
many other parish ministries.
A stage in front of the Tileston building has continuous
entertainment throughout the day.
Tours are available of the beautiful Basilica Shrine of St. Mary.
There is truly something for everyone! The only thing missing is
We hope you'll join in the fun!
Sign up to volunteer, represent a ministry you're involved with, rent a
booth to display and sell your own arts & crafts, or just come and have
some fun!
The festival is a great time to meet fellow parishioners and share
volunteer opportunities and information about the many ministries
within our parish.
If you are the coordinator or direct point of contact for a parish
ministry, contact JoAnn Daley at ext. 110.
All reservations should be submitted before September 30.
Fr. Bob’s New Homily Book is Available
Fr. Bob’s latest book of homilies – Flowers in the Wind 4:
Story-Based Homilies for Cycle A – is now available on and in the St. Mary Bookstore & Gift Shop.
Mission Corner
Little Boys of El Portillo
In this photo we see some little
boys of the remote mountain town
of El Portillo. This town of our
sister parish recently got electricity
for the first time. Of all the towns
of our sister parish, this is the most
“Catholic” of all. In fact, it’s 100%
Around the Area
English as a Second Language
Offered by Cape Fear Community College
Available for adults in the community at St. Mary.
Morning Multilevel class with Jamie…...M-TH 9:30am-12:30pm
Evening Multilevel class with Jenny.,,,..TU and TH 6:30-9:30pm
The classroom is above the St. Mary Health Center.
For more information, please contact Cindy at 910-362-7184.
Twenty-fourth Sunday in Ordinary Time
Catholic Book Club
Please join us for a Catholic Book Club! We will meet one evening a month
from September through May (with no meeting over the Christmas holiday).
As a group, we will select a variety of faith-based books to enjoy throughout
the year, covering a wide variety of topics that fit the interests of the group.
Each group member will host one meeting at their home and will jumpstart the
discussion of the book they have chosen to lead. Please join us for this great
opportunity to deepen our faith and knowledge as well as meet new friends!
If you are interested, please contact (or 919 720-2794).
Inviting all women to a morning of reflection and refreshment.
The Columbiettes of St. Mark Parish are sponsoring our first Women’s
retreat, reflecting on the charisms of St. Therese, St. Joan of Arc, and
St. Mary. Our chaplain, Fr. Michael, will lead the retreat.
When: October, 3, 2015: Mass at 9:00 am, light refreshments after
Reflections from 10:00 am-noon
Where: St. Mark Church and Parish Hall
All women are welcome! To RSVP, contact Joel Peters at, or call 910-200-5982.
In September, Pope Francis will visit Washington, DC, New York City and
Philadelphia and celebrate Mass in each city
There have been no official announcements regarding plans for attendance of
these Masses by the laity, with the exception of the 4 pm Mass on Sept. 27 in
Philadelphia. Although no tickets needed for this Mass, approximately 2+
million people are expected in Philadelphia. Jumbotrons will be located
throughout the city center for viewing of the Mass. Auto traffic will be restricted
within a 3-5 mile radius from Friday through Sunday, and no one will be allowed to occupy the area overnight to reserve a space. See more at:
Wedding Anniversary Mass 2015
Bishop Michael F. Burbidge invites all couples celebrating 25, 50 or
more years of marriage to honor their vocation of marriage. The Wedding Anniversary Mass will take place on Sunday, October 18 at 2
p.m. at Sacred Heart Catholic Church in Pinehurst. Please register
through your parish office beginning in September through Friday,
October 9.
Carolina Catholic chats with a convert
For our September show, Carolina Catholic had the great privilege of chatting
with Dr. Elizabeth Loparits, the vocal and instrumental accompanist at
UNCW’s Department of Music. An accomplished pianist from Hungary, Elizabeth shares her story of her family’s and country’s struggle under Communist
rule where all forms of religious worship were suppressed. Born and baptized
a Catholic, Elizabeth would sneak into churches where she felt at peace and
at home. Searching for many years, she finally “came home” to the Catholic
faith at St. Therese Catholic Church where she attended RCIA, and at the
Easter Vigil 2015, she received the Eucharist for the first time. Elizabeth was
confirmed by Bishop Burbidge this past May.
Elizabeth’s beautiful story of her journey of conversion and faith can be heard
on our three stations here in Wilmington, 93.1 FM, 91.7 FM, and 103.1 FM on
Sundays, September 13th at 6 p.m. You can also hear this show on our website at by clicking on the Carolina Catholic
Mary Pat Barth, MS, MPS, Trained Spiritual Director is available to
individuals and groups who desire to deepen their faith and discover
God more fully in their lives and experiences. 769-5654 or 777-9507
Twenty-fourth Sunday in Ordinary Time Basilica Shrine of Saint Mary – September 12 and September 13, 2015
Wilmington Knights of Columbus Council 1074 is sponsoring a charity golf
tournament to benefit the Special Olympics and the Cape Fear Habitat for
Humanity. The tournament will be held on Monday September 21st at the
Pine Valley Country Club. The cost is $85 per player. The Knights are seeking sponsors and men and women players. You may register at or contact Golf Chairman Lou Mattes at 910-200-8928 or There will be prizes for men and ladies, silent auctions, a
delicious meal following the round, a chance to win a brand new car lease or
a vacation for a hole in one.
Evening Discussion with the Bishop on LAUDATO SI’
On Care for Our Common Home
Pope Francis’ recent encyclical letter has generated interest around the
world. Join the Most Reverend Michael F. Burbidge, Bishop of Raleigh, along with an esteemed guest panel for an evening’s discussion
on the spiritual, moral, scientific and social aspects of Laudato Si’ on
Thursday, September 17, 2015 at 7:00 p.m. in the Friends and Family
Hall at St. Thomas More Parish in Chapel Hill, NC. Following an
introduction by Bishop Burbidge and the panelists there will be a question and answer segment.
To register contact
Office of Faith Formation and Youth Ministries
John Walsh, Directory of Religious Education— (ext. 114)
Amy Preusser, Director of Youth Ministry— (ext. 117)
From John Walsh:
Adult Confirmation
Adult Confirmation classes continue on Sunday mornings from 9:30 a.m. –
10:30 a.m. in the youth room of the main Tileston Center. Please contact John
Walsh for further information.
2015 – 2016 Faith Formation
We are offering classes from Kindergarten through high school, as well as
adult faith formation opportunities. All faith formation classes meet Sunday
mornings from 11:00 a.m. – noon beginning TODAY. Grade K-5 meet in the
lower school and middle school/high school grades meet in the main Tileston
Please do not send your child to first day of class without registering through
the faith formation/youth ministry office.
From Amy Preusser:
New discipleship young adult bible study!
This course is being offered for all high school-aged youth who have
been Confirmed and are interested in studying Sacred Scripture. Registration is required. Please contact Amy Preusser for more information or with any questions.
Classes start TODAY from 11:00—12:00 located in the RCIA room.
Join us for coffee, donuts, and discussion. Meetings will run through
Faith Formation
Parent meeting for all faith formation parents with a child in grades 612, on Sunday, November 8th at 11:00 am in the Upper Room. This
meeting will be covering all of the upcoming events in Faith Formation and Youth Ministry. I will also be reviewing our Confirmation
preparation procedures and requirements and giving an overview of
the new Discipleship program for post-Confirmation youth.
Sister Isaac—Office of Social Ministry
Twenty-fourth Sunday in Ordinary Time
Our readings today remind us that our faith journey does involve the
Cross. However, Jesus assures us that if we just follow Him, He will
make sure that it will all be alright if we stay close to Him. With the
celebration of Labor Day behind us we are ready to begin another year
of hard work to bring comfort to those in need.
During the past weeks you have read about the various ways we might
live out our faith in working for justice and peace. In the coming
months you’ll also hear about out seasonal projects…Thanksgiving and
Christmas dinner meals ; “Yesterday’s Children – preparing boxes of
hygiene articles” and the Giving Tree. In a Church setting there are
many programs to help us put a face on our faith.
The first weekend of October will be the start of this year’s RCIA
Process. We gather together each Saturday morning, from 9-10 to
reflect on how best we might follow Jesus more closely. By examining
our Church’s teachings and learning the meaning of the Sacramental
Life we share our faith journeys and gather strength and courage to walk
the walk as a committed Catholic Christian. If you are interested in
being a part of this group, please contact Sr. Isaac at 762-5491 x 135 for
more information and details. Why not encourage those close to you
who do not have a Church home to make that call?
As you know, Pope Francis has recently published a very important
document for all people. Called Laudato Si’ (translated “Praise Him” –
the opening words of his message), Francis encourages each one of us to
become more caring of our “common home”. For six sessions in the
Fall, we will offer the opportunity to anyone who desires to read the
document in depth to come and share your observations and insights on
any of the six chapters of the encyclical. In the past we have gathered
on Wednesday at noon time for about an hour. Just to give a flavor of
Francis’ message here are two quotes from it…”Things have a Price
and can be for Sale; but PEOPLE have a DIGNITY that is
PRICELESS “and “to live Charitably means not looking out for
OUR OWN INTERESTS but carrying the burdens of the weakest
and poorest among us.”
How’s that for a 21st Century way of carrying the Cross? What
thought comes to you when you bless yourself upon entering the
Special Need for the Week:
Our semi-annual YARD SALE is this weekend after and during that week our
doors will be open for donations.
The St. Mary ministry, ESL or English as a Second Language, serves
adults of any nationality who wish to learn our English language. The
program enables students to understand, speak, write, and read English
at different levels, under the direction of trained volunteer instructors.
The ministry runs from October to June, 10:45 am to 12:15 pm on
For information, please contact Sister Marion (910-251-3606) or Dé
Corbett at 910-232-2745. Volunteer instructors are welcome.
Twenty-fourth Sunday in Ordinary Time Basilica Shrine of Saint Mary – September 12 and September 13, 2015
Liturgical Ministers’ Schedule
Weekend of September 19—September 20
Twenty-fifth Sunday in Ordinary Time
For Masses in English
~ Schedule does not show substitutions ~
Kataleya Saliano
Jisell Toscano-Nolazco
José Toscano-Nolazco
Gabriela Toscano-Nolazco
Zoey González
In Memory
Celso Estrada
July 28, 1945 – August 30, 2015
Gustavo Salazar-Mejía
March 23, 1983 – Sepember 2, 2015
Georgette Majeski
November 28, 1951 – September 2, 2015
Sr. Margaret Anne Meyers, a
Medical Missionary of Mary,
spoke at all Masses on the
weekend of September 5-6,
2015 as part of our annual
mission appeal. Sr. Margaret
Ann is a physician who has
worked many years in various
nations of Africa. Her brother,
Dr. Al Meyer of our parish is
pictured with her.
Congratulations go to
St. Mary parishioner
Lt. Chris Spivey who has
just been named
Chief of Police for the
Carolina Beach
Police Department.
He was sworn in on
September 9, 2015.
Chris began working for the
CBPD in July of 2000.
Over the past 15 years, he
has been a Corporal, Detective, Sergeant, and became
a Lieutenant in 2013.
Chris and his wife Katherine
have been members of St. Mary parish since 2009.
11:00 am
J. Chandler
L. Collette
R. Corriston
H. Lowery
S. Mauney
D. Snell
D. Thompson
J. Lucido
L. Newton
O. Niles
S. Parker
C. Walsh
J. Walsh
T. Young
J. Duffy
M. Fredrichs
L. Johnson
A. Preusser
M. Reis
L. Vacek
M. Warzal
D. Altman
T. Cordon
J. Francis
P. Thompson
R. Young
A. Zukar
J. Zukar
R. Cicchetti
F. Walker
G. Moser
E. Grace
H. Latham
L. Miller
J. Schmidt
C. Hite
J. Lowery
P. Lowery
Z. Shafer
B. Folan
J.P. Cantonwine
S. Cantonwine
S. Martin
S. Martin
T. Shibley
K. Fischer
G. Genes
M. Robinson
T. Barton
P. Lachance
F. Bindewald
F. Bindewald
B. Herdemian
H. Lange
M. Flores
J. Siler
F. Bua
F. Grant
R. Keegan
R. Jenski
T. Longo
A. DeVega
H. Bielawa
B. Ozment
D. Keefe
C. Mongelli
T. Patton
R. Lowney
L. Franks
J. Patton
L. Dezio
S. Frelke
L. Johnson
F. Romeo
E. Burke
N. Cahill
J. Prantil
J. Newton
P. Carey
E. Molina
F. DeMeza
9:30 am
Presentation in the Church
8:00 am
5:30 pm
September 5—9
Jerome and Marguerite
Higgins celebrated their
60th wedding anniversary
with a
special community blessing
at the
Basilica Shrine of St. Mary
on August 6, 2015.
Confirmation Candidate List - 2015
Flannery Michael Hutko
Laura Rita Angeles-Romero
Gretchen Armstrong
Ashlyn Agnes Joseph
Elida Azucena-Manzanarez
Karen Juarez
Kerrigan Julia Bahner
Sophia Margaret Laraia
Morgan Grace Cecelia Barrett
Giovani Francis Leone
Alex George Bautista-Hernandez
Lauren Gabriel Locorriere
Cristopher Christopher BautistaSarr Lopez
Danielle Joan Mark
Abigail Cleopatra Beadore
Nora Elizabeth Mark
Jonathan Nicholas Bennett
Bryce Joseph Mason
Aaron Augustine Britton
Savannah Stella Maris Meek
Brandon Michael Brown
Esperanza Mary MendezErik Nicholas Brown
John Paul Joseph Cantonwine
Luis Peter Mendoza
Joseph Christopher Cenatiempo
Ingri John Mendoza-Garcia
Christopher Colligan
Alexander Michael Nicoletti
Benita Valera Cortes
Maibe Ortiz-Lopez
William Sebastian Coverdale
Jose Gabriel Palomeque Countiño
Brianna Cecilia Cunliffe
Juan Parada-Mendez
Grant Dennis Daley
Alexander Michael Pierce
Ann Del Rosario
Mari-Katherine Mary Poole
Alexander Thomas DeVido
Heriberto Ramirez-Esparza
Elizabeth Catherine DeVido
Liliana Ramirez-Vega
Thomas Anthony Esposito
Bryce Lawrence Rhodes
Angela Selena Catherine FloresKaren Ricker
Rosa Guadalupe Rios-Sanchez
Benjamin Anthony Freeman
Connor Joseph Riso
Daniela Yvette Garcia-Garcia
Jose Valentin Rodriguez-Vanegas
Cristian Cajetan Garnica-Cortez
Elizabeth Roesel
Esteban Gomez
Otilio Daniel Ruiz-Ordaz
Christopher Gonzalez
Erika Solis-Morales
Patrick John Grundy
Fiona Dymphna Stack
Gabriela Gutierrez-De La Concha
Amber Marie Thoryk
Jason Hager
Laura Vazquez-Mendoza
Ashley Joan Hanson
Coleman Peter Williams
Carmela Guadalupe HernandezGloria Guadalupe ZarateJarquin
Andrew Simon Hickman
Basilica Shrine of Saint Mary – September 12 and September 13, 2015
Twenty-fourth Sunday in Ordinary Time
From the Principal
Joyce M. Price
"Let your light so shine..." Matthew 5:16
St. Mary Athletics
Booster Club: Thank you to all the parents who signed up to be members of
the St. Mary Athletic Booster Club. You will have a great time helping us with
events and thinking of things we can do for all our students here at St. Mary
Catholic School. You will be notified when we will be holding our first general
Booster meeting later this month. I hope you will attend and give your positive
input. Please remember that you are entitled to two free admission passes to
any two home games this school year! Please wear your "Booster Blue" t-shirt
to the games so everyone can see that you support our program.
Sign-up Genius: We have five home volleyball games this season. I have
created a Sign-up Genius so parents can sign up to help at one of our "home"
volleyball games. The games begin at 4:15 pm and end, at the latest, 5:30
pm. Please sign up and help so parents of the volleyball players can watch
their daughters play. If you have any questions feel free to contact Mr. Viollis
at The Sign-up Genius link is: http://
Schedules: All fall sports practices and games are posted on the school
homepage under athletic calendar. Make plans to come out and support our
kids. Game times are subject to change.
Save the Date: The Athletic Boosters are holding their second annual Panera
Bread Social on Tuesday, October 6, 2015, at the Mayfaire location, from
4:00 - 8:00 pm. Last year we had a great turnout and it was lots of fun for
families to sit together, enjoy a meal, and catch up. Please save the date, tell
your neighbors, and bring some friends to this fundraiser social. In the near
future, we will be handing out flyers that must be returned on the night of the
event when you order your meal. Take some extra flyers for your friends. See
you there!
Volleyball Home Contests: At each home volleyball game we are planning to
invite a class (PreK and Kindergarten, First, Second, Third...and so on) to
come and cheer on our Lady Falcons. All of our young Falcons will be given a
free bag of popcorn. Parents are encouraged to come with their children and
enjoy the game.
Pep Squad: We are hoping to organize a Junior Pep Squad. The squad will
be given a special spot in the bleachers where they can cheer their lungs out.
If any parent would like to volunteer and help with this fun activity, please
contact Mr. Viollis.
I so enjoyed being with our K-8 school family at
our first school Mass last Friday. It is my favorite
time of the week. The first liturgy was planned by Mr. McFarlane and our senior class of 8th graders.
During the first full week of school our students have met with
all of their teachers including those of elective courses and
specials. The assistants in the lower school are now all in
place, ready to support the students in the classrooms. I have
continued interviews to fill the positions of assistants for After
School and lunch program, as well as physical education teacher.
League play has begun for our girls' volleyball team. We wish
them the best as they represent St. Mary School during this
new season. This team is coached by Mrs. Paula Smith.
I am excited and proud to announce that some of our Suzuki
violinists along with Dr. Spencer will be playing at the opening
of the new CFCC Arts Center in October. Hopefully this venue
will provide additional field trip opportunities for our students
to walk to during the school year.
Thank you to all of our families for the smooth arrivals and
departures during our first full weeks of school. The prayer
and pledge was led over the speaker system throughout the
school buildings beginning with the 8th grade class and then by
a different class each day.
Please visit our updated Facebook page and
share our posts!
Please follow us on Twitter and retweet our tweets!
Friday, September 4th St Mary "Flying Falcons" Cross Country team
had their first meet of the season. It was so exciting and great to watch.
Our young team performed like champions. Each of our relay teams
ran hard and supported each other as they were at different spots on the
course. Our coaches did a great job getting our athletes ready for this
event. Many of our parents and friends were there to cheer our kids on.
When it was all over we all gathered under a tree for some memorable
pictures. We are all so proud of our outstanding runners. Thank you for
all our fans who were there to cheer our kids on!
See you at the next race. I for one can't wait!
Fly straight and fast FALCONS!!