

November, 2010
Flexible, proven automation
for any broadcast configuration
VSN Video Stream Networks, S.L. • Parc Audiovisual de Catalunya • Crta. BV1274, km 1 • 08225 Terrassa - Barcelona • España
Tel.: (+34) 937349970 • Fax: (+34) 937351729 • E-Mail: info@vsn-tv.com • Web: http:// www.vsn-tv.com
November, 2010
General Description ..................................................................................................... 3
Workflows.................................................................................................................... 4
2.1. Master control room (redundant configuration) ..................................................... 4
2.2. Compact playout (mono/multi-channel).................................................................. 6
2.3. Studio programs production (A/B mode) ................................................................. 7
2.4. Ingest, file format change and 'print-to-tape' room ................................................ 8
2.5. Traffic and programming management (see specific documentation on
VSNCREATV) .................................................................................................................. 10
3. Module Description ................................................................................................... 10
3.1. Modules for MCR .................................................................................................... 10
VSNMULTICOMPLAY playout .................................................................................... 10
VSNMULTICOM scheduler ......................................................................................... 11
VSNMULTICOM server............................................................................................... 11
VSNMULTICOM remote ............................................................................................. 11
3.2. Modules for production control ............................................................................. 11
VSNMULTICOMPLAY Production A/B ........................................................................ 11
3.3. Modules for ingest and print-to-tape functions..................................................... 11
VSNMULTICOM rec.................................................................................................... 11
VSNMULTICOMPLAY print-to-tape............................................................................ 12
3.4. Device control modules .......................................................................................... 12
DevSvr Engine ............................................................................................................ 12
3.5. Modules for the transfer and transcoding of AV materials ................................... 12
VSNMULTICOM transfer ............................................................................................ 12
4. Key advantages of VSNMULTICOM ........................................................................... 13
5. References: Some broadcasters using VSNMULTICOM ............................................ 14
6. Reference guide ......................................................................................................... 15
Product Manuals........................................................................................................ 15
VSN Video Stream Networks, S.L. • Parc Audiovisual de Catalunya • Crta. BV1274, km 1 • 08225 Terrassa - Barcelona • España
Tel.: (+34) 937349970 • Fax: (+34) 937351729 • E-Mail: info@vsn-tv.com • Web: http:// www.vsn-tv.com
November, 2010
1. General Description
VSNMULTICOM is a complete solution for the automation of mono/multichannel TV playout.
With over 20 years in the business, VSNMULTICOM has proved an efficient and safe software
application that has guaranteed the playout of over 150 TV channels.
VSNMULTICOM allows a thorough control of the contents and playout's typical workflows. It
offers the maximum reliability and security for a smooth playout.
Independence of broadcast infrastructure
One of the most competitive advantages of VSNMULTICOM lies in its independence of all the
equipment installed in the broadcast infrastructure as it has been approved by manufacturers
like EVS®, Grass Valley®, Sony®, Avid®, Brainstorm®, Chyron®, Seachange®, Omneon®, VizRT® and
Pesa®, among many others.
A global digitization solution
VSNMULTICOM is the only automation software that offers a global digitization solution fully
integrated with all production, scripting and archive systems, i.e. ENPS®, Avid®, EVS®, Front
Porch®, Tarsys®, etc.
Daily Rundown –MCR automation VSNMULTICOM
VSN Video Stream Networks, S.L. • Parc Audiovisual de Catalunya • Crta. BV1274, km 1 • 08225 Terrassa - Barcelona • España
Tel.: (+34) 937349970 • Fax: (+34) 937351729 • E-Mail: info@vsn-tv.com • Web: http:// www.vsn-tv.com
November, 2010
2. Workflows
VSNMULTICOM suggests a flexible set of modules offering a consistent solution for the various
ingest and playout tasks independently of the channel configuration preferred. The operation is
similar, but the architecture of the system is scalable depending on the desired redundancy
The ability to integrate any other software and hardware completes a view of a system that is
open and affordable in every case.
General block diagram and Data flow (Video and Playlist)
2.1. Master control room (redundant configuration)
VSNMULTICOM is a tool offering absolute security and robustness to the 24x7 playout of
broadcaster's principal channels.
The architecture allows setting up the transmission routes for these channels (SAT, CATV, TDT,
Analog), in an easy way, and guaranteeing that their playout chains (the devices associated to
each route) are reliably and flawlessly managed.
The "Virtual Matrix" technology available from version 9 constitutes an exclusive feature of
VSNMULTICOM offering additional advantages regarding 1) cost savings as regards the number
of hardware equipment associated to each playout chain and 2) seamless playout chain hot
VSN Video Stream Networks, S.L. • Parc Audiovisual de Catalunya • Crta. BV1274, km 1 • 08225 Terrassa - Barcelona • España
Tel.: (+34) 937349970 • Fax: (+34) 937351729 • E-Mail: info@vsn-tv.com • Web: http:// www.vsn-tv.com
November, 2010
In each system's final configuration, VSN engineers will adapt and customize the solution to
meet the specific workflow requested by the Technical Management.
We would like to emphasize that playout control can be distributed among the Master Control
Room (continuity) or the Programming Management staff thanks to the powerful, bidirectional
integration of VSNMULTICOM and the system devoted to control the channel's traffic and
scheduling, VSNCREATV. Any changes made to a subsystem will be automatically reflected in
the other system in real time and transparently, as long as the staff has been authorized.
Operation: Two synchronized mcomply with two playout lists for a single on-air channel. The
operator's commands act upon the two lists at once and these get updated in sync. In case of video
server or mconply failure, the system switches to the Backup element.
Two swappable Device Server (DevSvr) to control the common devices. In case of DevSvr main failure,
the DevSvr Backup activates switching the RS-422 control switchers (such as DNF). mcom sched allows
to prepare or revise future rundowns.
No matter which devices and/or manufacturers you wish to control, VSNMULTICOM allows to
replicate these architectures on demand very easily. Almost 20 years since its debut, it features
one of the largest libraries of controlled devices that range from VTRs, routers, mixers, graphics
systems, dubbing systems, GPI devices, libraries of the Flexicart sort, LMS, etc.
VSN Video Stream Networks, S.L. • Parc Audiovisual de Catalunya • Crta. BV1274, km 1 • 08225 Terrassa - Barcelona • España
Tel.: (+34) 937349970 • Fax: (+34) 937351729 • E-Mail: info@vsn-tv.com • Web: http:// www.vsn-tv.com
November, 2010
2.2. Compact playout (mono/multi-channel)
VSN guarantees the scalability of the VSNMULTICOM systems offering affordable configurations
as the number of channels increases. The client decides whether to share contents among
different channels or to make them independent.
GUI of the Multichannel control VSNMULTICOM remote
VSN offers various options to automate not only your playout and the related events but also
other workflow areas that are not so habitually tackled such as materials transfer and
transcodification, ingest lists, or catalogue compatibility among different manufacturers.
The system creates the playout lists based on the file sent by the Programming Department or,
alternatively, through the VSNMULTICOM scheduler module, or even manually from the
playout application's user interface itself. A single programmer can provide the rundowns for
various channels in an easy manner.
With an aim at producing satellite or TDT Program Guides, all planned rundowns can be
exported to different report formats.
VSNMULTICOM keeps each channel's playout lists thus allowing to export these in any of the
most commonly used standard formats, as well as the "As-Run-Log".
VSN Video Stream Networks, S.L. • Parc Audiovisual de Catalunya • Crta. BV1274, km 1 • 08225 Terrassa - Barcelona • España
Tel.: (+34) 937349970 • Fax: (+34) 937351729 • E-Mail: info@vsn-tv.com • Web: http:// www.vsn-tv.com
November, 2010
Compact multichannel playout diagram
In compact multi-continuity, different servers are controlled from a single computer (this is the
solution currently operating in RTVV, Real Madrid TV, Canal Barça and Starnews, among others).
The 4 mcomPly instances control the servers and share a router through RS-232/RS-422.
The mcomRemote station allows managing four playouts from a single terminal.
The mcomScheduler station allows preparing or revising future rundowns.
The mcomTransfer module feeds the servers with the necessary materials for playout.
2.3. Studio programs production (A/B mode)
For the production of live programs, VSNMULTICOM has the ability to integrate with different
NRCS systems (newscasts) through the MOS protocol, i.e. Avid I-News, ENPS, etc. The
Automation receives the rundowns and controls all studio devices. Otherwise the operation can
be commanded by the production mixer.
VSN offers a specific ActiveX software module to be installed on the journalists’ workstations. It
allows the association of the editing video projects with the different NRCS rundown lines. Then
the VSNMULTICOM A/B playlist is completely synchronized with the NRCS through the MOS
protocol, no matter what changes are made.
Depending on which video servers are being used, either VSNSHARER or VSNMULTICOM
transfer will take care of moving and registering the relevant content to these video servers.
VSN Video Stream Networks, S.L. • Parc Audiovisual de Catalunya • Crta. BV1274, km 1 • 08225 Terrassa - Barcelona • España
Tel.: (+34) 937349970 • Fax: (+34) 937351729 • E-Mail: info@vsn-tv.com • Web: http:// www.vsn-tv.com
November, 2010
Live shows studio playout diagram
Studio production control includes:
VSNMULTICOM transfer. It feeds the video servers according to the needs of the playout. It
can also send all materials ingested in the studio to the main storage.
VSNMULTICOM A/B (mcom A/B) synchronizes the launching of video clips with the overlays
and, in turn, can be governed from the mixer operator.
The playlist is directly received from the NRCS system via MOS protocol.
2.4. Ingest, file format change and 'print-to-tape' room
The control of ingest processes is entrusted to the VSNMULTICOM rec module. From the
application itself or from any other remote PC (via mcom rec terminal), rec-lists can be
programmed with precision, both for VTRs and external feeds.
Ingest and print-to-tape diagram
For format change control, VSN proposes:
VSNMULTICOM transfer allows retrieving the contents that need to be printed to tape as well
as transferring all ingested and validated materials over to the main storage.
VSN Video Stream Networks, S.L. • Parc Audiovisual de Catalunya • Crta. BV1274, km 1 • 08225 Terrassa - Barcelona • España
Tel.: (+34) 937349970 • Fax: (+34) 937351729 • E-Mail: info@vsn-tv.com • Web: http:// www.vsn-tv.com
November, 2010
VSNMULTICOM rec (mcomRec) governs the recording and previewing ports thus allowing
manual, and programmed ingests as well as ingest from tape. It also governs a router to redirect the signals to the appropriate inputs.
VSNMULTICOM print-to-tape allows producing a video server playout list for printing to tape
purposes. The DevSvr module centralizes the device control.
The ingested contents can be directly transferred to the playout servers or to a central storage
unit, so the content is immediately available to postproduction operators. When the need exists
to transcode the video files to other formats or to integrate with other manufacturer's
production systems (such as Unity, EditShare, Tarsys, etc.), a specific element to manage
transfers and execute workflows is available: VSNMULTICOM transfer.
Through an easy interface, this module allows to automatically program all the necessary
transfers and transcodings among the different systems as well as monitoring their execution.
VSNMULTICOM transfer acts as the 'glue' that fixes all functional areas and subsystems
together thus saving users and technical management the more tedious manual processes while
avoiding the appearance of errors in the workflow.
In case you need to compile materials to a videotape, an additional module will take the
contents on the servers at will to prepare all compilation lists to only later execute the print-totape processes and controlling all necessary devices (VTRs, router, etc.). The module in question
is VSNMULTICOM print-to-tape.
VSNMULTICOM transfer's transfer monitoring screen
VSN Video Stream Networks, S.L. • Parc Audiovisual de Catalunya • Crta. BV1274, km 1 • 08225 Terrassa - Barcelona • España
Tel.: (+34) 937349970 • Fax: (+34) 937351729 • E-Mail: info@vsn-tv.com • Web: http:// www.vsn-tv.com
November, 2010
2.5. Traffic and programming management (see specific documentation on
VSNCREATV scheduling solution architecture
VSNCREATV is based on client-server technology and only requires a web browser to be used.
Programmed mainly in Java and compatible with the main database platforms (SQL, MySQL,
Oracle…) its main functions are:
Management of advertising campaigns
Management of programming and containers
Management of rights on third-party and own productions
Corporate accounting integration modules (SAP or similar)
VSNCREATV is integrated with the main playout infrastructure bi-directionally; the MCR gets the
playlists and sends the as-run-logs for consolidation. This communication can be defined as
‘punctual’ or ‘continuous’, so any change made on any of the two areas is automatically
reflected on the other one.
Module Description
3.1. Modules for MCR
VSN Video Stream Networks, S.L. • Parc Audiovisual de Catalunya • Crta. BV1274, km 1 • 08225 Terrassa - Barcelona • España
Tel.: (+34) 937349970 • Fax: (+34) 937351729 • E-Mail: info@vsn-tv.com • Web: http:// www.vsn-tv.com
November, 2010
It is the channel's playout automation application. It organises and coordinates all equipment
taking part in playout production. Through the user interface, the operator can act upon the list
in real time. It can control all equipment directly or via the Device Server.
Operation: It manages primary events with secondary control. It allows performing
simultaneous operations such as recordings, switching to different destinations, or
synchronising streaming devices as well as auxiliary events to perform start/finish offsets
relative to the primary event.
It is an optional application that serves to produce playout lists from a different workstation and
before they are sent to the Master Control Room.
It is a service module. It is commonly installed whenever disconnection operations, master-slave
or parallel redundancies must be dealt with.
In multi-channel environments, it syncs multiple mcomPly instances with an aim at offering
playout redundancy and management of the disconnection master.
It is a graphic software application that monitors and controls the MconPly remote channels in
real time and reflects their states, errors and alarms.
3.2. Modules for production control
It is the TV set's A/B production automation application. It coordinates the server ports and the
CG devices.
Operation: It manages both primary and auxiliary events that allow performing start/finish
offset operations relative to the primary event.
Functionalities: MOS-compatible to accept the playout lists of the news system. Synchronized
control of the video signal and the graphics generated with a CG like Chyron, Vizrt, Orad, VSNCG, etc.
3.3. Modules for ingest and print-to-tape functions
VSN Video Stream Networks, S.L. • Parc Audiovisual de Catalunya • Crta. BV1274, km 1 • 08225 Terrassa - Barcelona • España
Tel.: (+34) 937349970 • Fax: (+34) 937351729 • E-Mail: info@vsn-tv.com • Web: http:// www.vsn-tv.com
November, 2010
It is the ingest automation application. It coordinates all the stations that take a part in the
ingest planned in the playout lists and in the specific recording lists. Through its user interface,
the operator can act upon the list in real time. It can also control all equipment directly or via
the Device Server.
Operation: It manages manual and scheduled recordings. It allows recording with multiple
destinations simultaneously. Cart-Robot control for massive ingest of materials to videotape
featuring printing and barcode reader capabilities. It features a trimmer module for ingest
preview and subclip generation via trimming.
It is the application that coordinates all the equipment intervening in the print-to-tape
processes. Through its user interface, the operator can act upon the list in real time. It can
control all equipment directly or via the Device Server.
Operation: It manages video compacting and reproduction of the list of materials on the server,
with synchronized recording to VTRs.
3.4. Device control modules
DevSvr Engine
This module is the device server that contains all the drivers with their protocols and native
means of communication. It allows that mcomPly, mcomRec and other applications control
them in a consistent manner via the IP MultiCon-TSS protocol.
3.5. Modules for the transfer and transcoding of AV materials
According to a plan or depending on the states of the different servers in the system, this service
module serves to manage and perform all transfers of digitized material. Priorities and
consumption of variable bandwidths can be defined according to different parameters like
availability and schedule.
Operation: it supports all sorts of network technology like LAN, WAN, Internet, etc. with access
authentication. It also performs smart and automatic deletions of the servers to avoid collapse
while it guarantees the existence of the contents necessary for playout.
It supports all native standard formats, with its MXF, AVI, MPG wrappers. Compatible with Grass
Valley, Avid, Quantel, Omneon, VSN, EVS storages, among others.
VSN Video Stream Networks, S.L. • Parc Audiovisual de Catalunya • Crta. BV1274, km 1 • 08225 Terrassa - Barcelona • España
Tel.: (+34) 937349970 • Fax: (+34) 937351729 • E-Mail: info@vsn-tv.com • Web: http:// www.vsn-tv.com
November, 2010
Key advantages of VSNMULTICOM
Configuration flexibility
Total reliability
The broadest range of controlled devices and systems from all vendors in the market
Video servers: Omneon, Seachange, Harris, Avid, Grass Valley, VSN, Vector, etc.
Routers and mixers: Pesa, Grass Valley, Nevion, Evertz, Kramer, etc.
Graphics: VizRT, Brainstorm, Orad, Chyron, Pesa, VSN, etc.
Subtitling, cue tones, GPI,etc.
MAM & Archive solutions: Tarsys, Ardendo, VSN, etc.
Several levels of redundancy and protection available (1+1, n+1, etc.)
Storage redundancy
Video server’s channel redundancy
Device control redundancy
Playlist redundancy
State-of-the-art combination of auxiliary and secondary events for sophisticated
Many operational shortcuts, procedures and dedicated GUI to avoid mistakes and make
life easier to operators
Integrated tools for all tasks: playout, ingest, print-to-tape, trimming, Q&A, etc.
VSN Video Stream Networks, S.L. • Parc Audiovisual de Catalunya • Crta. BV1274, km 1 • 08225 Terrassa - Barcelona • España
Tel.: (+34) 937349970 • Fax: (+34) 937351729 • E-Mail: info@vsn-tv.com • Web: http:// www.vsn-tv.com
November, 2010
VSN’s flexibility to adapt the solution to different technical environments/workflows
Any change in the broadcast chain can be made without stopping the operation (hot
Capability to stop-start operation (software upgrades, etc.) with automatic
synchronization (frame accurate) to the on-air video server
Over 20-year experience in the broadcast market
VSNMULTICOM at UTV Mumbai (Omneon video server)
References: Some broadcasters using VSNMULTICOM
In Spain: La Sexta (4 channels), TV3 (7 channels, one HD), RTVV (4 channels), IB3 (3 channels),
Gol-T (HD), Mediapro, Real Madrid TV, BTV, Canal Barça, Intereconomía TV, Unedisa-Veo TV (4
channels), V-Television, Canal Blau, Antena 3 Temática, Marca TV, Canal7 Madrid, Td8
Barcelona, XTVL, Euroservice Ver-T, Telson (Disney Channel), Canal Bizkaia and TeleDonosti.
Overseas: StarTV, Times Now-Zoom, UTV and OrissaTV (India), RTP N, PortoTV and BenficaTV
(Portugal), IRIB (Iran), PTV (Pakistan), Addounia TV and ORTAS (Syria), Televicentro (Honduras),
Telmex (Colombia), TV Cançao Nova and Rede Massa (Brazil), ITN (Sri Lanka), EcuadorTV, Telefe
(Argentina), RTVA (Andorra), DK4TV (Denmark), etc.
VSN Video Stream Networks, S.L. • Parc Audiovisual de Catalunya • Crta. BV1274, km 1 • 08225 Terrassa - Barcelona • España
Tel.: (+34) 937349970 • Fax: (+34) 937351729 • E-Mail: info@vsn-tv.com • Web: http:// www.vsn-tv.com
November, 2010
VSNMULTICOM at laSexta (Spain)
Reference guide
Product Manuals
Supported equipment
VSN Video Stream Networks, S.L. • Parc Audiovisual de Catalunya • Crta. BV1274, km 1 • 08225 Terrassa - Barcelona • España
Tel.: (+34) 937349970 • Fax: (+34) 937351729 • E-Mail: info@vsn-tv.com • Web: http:// www.vsn-tv.com
November, 2010
Copyright ©VSN Video Stream Networks S.L. 2009 All Rights Reserved.
No part of this manual can be reproduced or translated without previous consent from VSN Video Stream Networks S.L.
All the registered and non-registered trademarks and company names contained in this manual are property of their respective owners.
The information contained in this document has been provided by VSN Video Stream Networks S.L. and has been carefully examined before printing.
VSN Video Stream Networks S.L. does not assume any responsibility and declines any explicit or relative warranty towards the use or sale of VSN
products, including responsibility or warranty towards health after certain use.
VSN Video Stream Networks S.L. reserves all the rights to make changes to product descriptions and/or specifications at any moment and without
previous notice.
In no way shall VSN Video Stream Networks S.L. be responsible for any damage, be it direct, indirect, incidental or consequential, or for loss or another
resulting ailment due to errors or inaccuracies contained in this document.
VSN Video Stream Networks, S.L. • Parc Audiovisual de Catalunya • Crta. BV1274, km 1 • 08225 Terrassa - Barcelona • España
Tel.: (+34) 937349970 • Fax: (+34) 937351729 • E-Mail: info@vsn-tv.com • Web: http:// www.vsn-tv.com