Wohler Press Release


Wohler Press Release
For additional information about VSN Innovation & Media Solutions, follow us on :
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News and Press Manager:
Gonzalo Acha
Email & Skype: gacha@vsn.es
Phone:(+34) 93 7349970 (Ext. 114)
VSN HQ – Barcelona, Spain
Marketing Director:
Jordi Capdevila
Email & Skype: jcapdevila@vsn.es
Tel: (+34) 93 7349970 (Ext. 109)
VSN HQ – Barcelona, Spain
VSN to present new BI layer and VoD & streaming platform at BroadcastAsia
A powerful new Business Intelligence layer for VSNEXPLORER -its advanced Media Management solution
(with MAM, PAM and BPM modules)- and a state-of-the-art Video on Demand and streaming platform,
VSNWEBTV, are the main features that VSN Innovation & Media Solutions will present at BroadcastAsia
2015 (booth 5L6-01) under the motto “From End-to-End to Anywhere”.
VSNEXPLORER’s new features will receive special attention during BroadcastAsia 2015. VSN has
integrated a Business Intelligence layer into its media management system consisting in a set of tools
that transform its metadata into meaningful information for business analysis purposes. This layer is
capable of extracting insightful reports (being graphs or tables the most common views) for
administration, finance and project management purposes, among others (only accessible through
predefined permissions system), taking content management to the next level.
This way, VSN’s MAM, PAM and BPM solution is becoming smarter than ever. This new layer is capable
of transforming metadata into information that adds value to the already stored data, presenting it in a
simple way and enabling its users to take actions to further improve revenue. This will add a precious
additional value to the solution, improving the customer’s business processes and even opening new
business opportunities for them.
On the other hand, VSN will present at the prestigious trade show VSNWEBTV, a new VOD and
streaming platform that allows users to distribute its assets directly from VSNEXPLORER (VSN’s MAM,
with PAM and BPM modules and a new BI layer) to their Webpages or to stream them on the Internet,
maximizing impact and monetization of contents in any possible platform, creating the revolutionary
concept “From End-to-End to Anywhere”.
Nowadays, audiovisual companies from the Media & Entertainment industry need more than ever to
reach its audiences in any platform or screens, and in the shortest time. Conscious of that need, VSN has
added to its portfolio of solutions this state-of-the-art streaming and VOD platform that allows users to
manage, distribute and monetize its contents directly from their MAM, both live and on-demand.
Attendants will be able to know first-hand VSN’s new features for its complete portfolio of broadcast
and media management solutions (covering Media & Business Process Management, News & Live
Production and MCR Automation, Distribution & Second Screens) by visiting its fully-featured booth
(5L6-01). Those interested in requesting a demo in advance, can do so at VSN’s BroadcastAsia 2015
event page by clicking here.
About VSN
VSN is a global technology company specialized in providing advanced solutions for the broadcast and media
sector. It offers solutions based on standard IT infrastructure solving the needs of creation, distribution and
management of audiovisual contents in TV channels, public institutions, IPTV, universities, contents distributors and
news agencies. With more than 20 years of experience and installations all around the world, more than 1000
clients trust daily in VSN´s solutions to manage the most important parts of their operations.
Thanks to VSN´s software tools, audiovisual companies can manage their activity, increase the productivity, avoid
bottle-necks, automate processes and improve the integration between systems and departments. In a nutshell,
optimize the business processes to reduce costs and increase productivity. VSN offers a real value, because it helps
its clients to globally maximize their assets´ performance.
With offices in Barcelona (HQ), Dubai, Montevideo, Miami, Hong Kong, a center of technological excellence in
Alicante, and a widespread network of partners, VSN offers worldwide coverage, always keeping close to its clients.
VSN´s solutions solve the complete workflow of an audiovisual company, improving its efficiency and walking hand
in hand with them in their journey towards the Media & Entertainment new business models.
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