26 April 2016 JUNIOR SCHOOL NEWS ANZAC DAY Junior School girls, led by Ava Cowley and Sarah Rao, joined Middle and Senior School students in the Citizens’ Parade on ANZAC Day in Southport yesterday. The large contingent of girls representing the School marched along Short Street and Marine Parade before participating in the Service which followed at Broadwater Parklands. TRISTANIA HOUSE WEEK Crazy socks and tasty treats were a big hit last week in the Tristania House Fundraising Week. Supporting their chosen charity, Currumbin Wildlife Hospital Foundation, a number of exciting activities were enjoyed by the Junior School students. Thank you to all the Tristanian Families for their efforts in donating prizes for the raffle and tasty treats for the Bake Sale. The raffle will be drawn this week after the Years 4–6 Chapel on Wednesday. Congratulations and thank you the Tristanian students led by Reese Carey, Annabelle Chase-Smith and, Kenina Murtagh and to Miss Cooper and the Tristania staff on their hard work during this week. YEAR 2 HINZE DAM EXCURSION To culminate their studies of the Water Cycle, Year 2 recently visited the Hinze Dam. The girls had the opportunity to see first-hand where the Gold Coast water is collected before arriving at our homes through our taps. “I liked learning about the Water Cycle with Angela.” (Billie Reynolds) “I enjoyed when we went for a walk down the stairs to the base of the wall of the dam. It looked really scary how tall it was!” (Sara McCarthy) “I liked learning about all the water bugs in the science experiments we did with the Hinze Dam water.” (Sophie Murphy) “I liked learning about the history of Hinze Dam and the timeline activity.” (Tara Strangman) SPORTING ACHIEVEMENTS Congratulations to Mary and Lucy Nash and Sarah Bigg for achieving some fantastic results recently. Mary was awarded the 10 Years Age Champion and Sarah the 9 Years Age Champion at Ashmore Little Athletics, while Lucy placed 1st in Point Sparring and came 2nd in Clash Sparring at the ISKA Queensland Karate Championships. Well done to all three girls. (Mr Brad Moore – Junior School Sports Co-ordinator) MOTHER’S DAY MARKET STALL The Women’s Auxiliary will be conducting a Mother’s Day Market Stall on Wednesday 4 May. Students may purchase multiple items to have gifts for mothers and grandmothers. All items at the Market Stall will be $15.00 each. Further details about participating in the Mother’s Day Market Stall can be found on Parent Lounge. MOTHER’S DAY CLASSIC Please join St Hilda’s School Team at the Mother’s Day Classic 4km or 8km walk or run. We have been the largest school team in Australia for the last 7 years and we want to make it 8 whilst supporting breast cancer research. All welcome and early bird registrations are now open. Traditionally, we wear pink shirts and St Hilda’s caps – students, mums, dads, everyone! http://www.mothersdayclassic.com.au/event-info/event-locations-map/gold-coast/ Register yourself first then, select Team name: St Hilda’s School Gold Coast Password: love ONCE UPON A MATTRESS Tickets are now on sale for Once Upon A Mattress, our Middle and Senior School Musical for this year. Tickets are available via the Arts Centre Gold Coast. We would love to see you there in what promises to be a great show. http://www.theartscentregc.com.au/whats-on/whats-on-items/st-hildas-musical-once-upon-a-mattress PREMIERS READING CHALLENGE All students are encouraged to participate in The Premier’s Reading Challenge which takes place from 16 May - 26 August. The challenge is not a competition, but aims to improve literacy and encourage children to engage in reading for pleasure and learning. This year, the Premier has challenged all students from Prep to Year 2 to read or experience 20 books, Years 3 and 4 to read 20 books and Years 5 to 9 to read 15 books. Prep to Year 2 students can experience books through shared reading, listening to stories or reading picture books. The aim for the 2016 challenge is to reach a total of two million books read. Students wishing to take part in this year’s challenge as an individual reader can register at: http://education.qld.gov.au/schools/readingchallenge/registration.html Every student who completes the challenge will receive a Certificate of Achievement signed by the Premier and all students receive a Certificate of Participation. DATE CLAIMERS Date 27 April 28 April 29 April – 31 May 29 April 29 – 30 April 2 May 3 May 4 May 4 May 5 May 5 May 6 May 6 May 8 May 10 – 12 May 11 May 12 May 13 May 15 May Mrs Lisa Cleverly Head of Junior School Time 2.30 – 3.00pm 2.30 – 3.00pm 2.30 – 3.15pm 2.30 – 3.00pm 2.30 – 3.00pm 2.30 – 3.00pm 2.30 – 3.00pm 2.30 – 3.00pm 2.30 – 3.15pm 9.00am Activity and Venue Years 4 – 6 Chapel - Chapel Wardens/Chapel Prep – Year 3 Chapel – Year 2C/Chapel Family Reading Month begins Prep – Year 2 Assembly – Leadership/MPC Senior School Musical – Once Upon a Mattress/Arts Centre Gold Coast Labour Day Holiday House Colour Day Mother’s Day Market Stall Years 4 – 6 Chapel – Year 6T/Chapel Andrews Cup Cross Country/Ipswich Prep – Year 3 Chapel – Chapel Wardens/Chapel Grip Student Leadership Conference/Tweed Heads Prep – Year 2 Assembly – Prep C/MPC Mother’s Day Classic NAPLAN Tests for Students of Years 3 and 5/Classrooms Years 4 – 6 Chapel- Chapel Wardens/Chapel Prep – Year 3 Chapel – Year 1H/Chapel Prep – Year 2 Assembly – Visual Arts/MPC St Hilda’s Service at St Peter’s Anglican Church Southport
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