18 April 2016 JUNIOR SCHOOL NEWS STUDENT LEADERSHIP INDUCTION Congratulations to the following students who have been elected to fill the following leadership positions in Term 2: Form Captains Year 3F Year 3L Year 3W Year 4M Year 4N Year 4V Madeleine Jackson and Aurora Salmon Arabella Williams and Matilda Wilson Mia Nicholson, River Teixeira and Giselle Tracey Lili Baumann, Anna Hwang and Elysse Tapper Lily Cathcart and Nell Ryan Ella Hardy, Zara Hill and Verity Wedderburn TENNIS FED CUP EXCURSION On Tuesday, five Junior School Students had the opportunity to attend a training clinic at the Pat Rafter Arena in Brisbane in the lead up to the Fed Cup. Students participated in the sessions, refining their skills and meeting Samantha Stosur and Daria Gavrilova. ‘I was most excited to meet Daria, she’s one of my favourite players. A few other schools also went on this amazing excursion… we watched Casey and Arina train on the outside courts. Their shots were so hard and fast, but they still got the ball in.’ (Summer Welsh – Year 5) TRISTANIA HOUSE WEEK This week is Tristania’s annual Fundraising Week and a variety of activities have been organised for Junior School and details of these are listed below. “Crazy Sock Day” Free Dress Day – Thursday 21 April All students in Junior School (Pre-Prep – Year 6) are invited to wear silly socks with their free dress. Appropriate covered footwear, sun-safe clothing and tied-back hair are required. Students who have PE on this day are required to change into their sports uniform for their lesson. A gold coin donation would be appreciated in order to support the Currumbin Wildlife Hospital Foundation. Healthy, Tasty Treats Stall – Wednesday 20 April Tristanians will be asked to bring in healthy, tasty treats to sell to the Junior School students at morning tea. These can include muffins, fruit kebabs, slices etc. Prices will range from 50 cents to $1. Please note that all ingredients used should be clearly listed and we kindly request that no nuts are used. Currumbin Wildlife Hospital Foundation Supporter Wrist bands The bands will be on sale all week for $2.00 each. Tristanian students will sell these during break times and students are allowed to wear the wrist bands for the duration of the fundraising week. Guess the number of Dinosaur Pasta Shapes A jar of Dinosaur Pasta will be based in the Library. Students are welcome to guess the number of pasta shapes in the jar. Guesses are 50 cents each or 3 guesses for $1.00. Tristanian students will be available in break times to take guesses in the Library Quad area. Raffle A raffle will be held during the week with prizes on display in the Library. Tickets will be 50 cents each or 3 for $1.00. Tristanian students will be selling the raffle tickets at lunchtime for students in Years 2 – 6. Pre-Prep – Year 1 students can purchase tickets by placing their money in a sealed envelope marked with Tristanian Raffle, their name, class and number of tickets required. This needs to be handed to their Form Teacher. Tickets will be forwarded back to the students through the Form Teacher. Funds raised during the week will support the Wildlife Hospital and provide much needed and appreciated financial assistance. Linen and small cuddly toy collection – a collection of linen (pillowslips, tea towels, towels and face washers) and small cuddly toys for injured animals to cuddle in their recovery at the hospital will be collected for the animals in the Hospital. These items do not need to be brand new and your donations can be dropped off at the Junior School Library before being sorted and packed up by our Year 6 Leaders. Members of Tristania House are confident that their fundraising activities and linen and cuddly toy collection for such a worthy cause will all be well-supported by our School community and thank you in advance for your participation, interest and much appreciated contributions. SCHOOL BANKING SIGN-ON A School Banking Account Opening Morning will held on Wednesday 20 April. School Banking is open to all students from Pre-Prep–Year 6 and their siblings. The Commonwealth Bank will conduct the Account Opening Morning where students can register to be part of the program. Please bring along a Birth Certificate for a student wishing to open an account. ANZAC DAY The School ANZAC Day Service will be held on Friday 22 April at 11.00am in the MPC for all students in Prep to Year 12. Mr Crawley has invited students who wish to wear medals belonging to their relatives to this Service. Parents are welcome to join us at this Service. St Hilda’s School is marching in the ANZAC Citizen’s Parade on ANZAC Day in Southport. If your daughter would like to participate in this community event, please refer to the information pertaining to this event which will be emailed this week. ONCE UPON A MATTRESS Tickets are now on sale for Once Upon A Mattress, our Middle and Senior School Musical for this year and are available via the Arts Centre Gold Coast. We would love to see you there in what promises to be a great show. http://www.theartscentregc.com.au/whats-on/whats-on-items/st-hildas-musical-once-upon-a-mattress MOTHER’S DAY CLASSIC Please join St Hilda’s School Team at the Mother’s Day Classic 4km or 8km walk or run. We have been the largest school team in Australia for the last 7 years and we want to make it 8 whilst supporting breast cancer research. All welcome and early bird registrations are now open. Traditionally, we wear pink shirts and St Hilda’s caps – students, mums, dads, everyone! http://www.mothersdayclassic.com.au/event-info/event-locations-map/gold-coast/ Register yourself first then, select Team name : St Hilda’s School Gold Coast Password: love MOTHER’S DAY MARKET STALL The Women’s Auxiliary will be conducting a Mother’s Day Market Stall on Wednesday 4 May. Students may purchase multiple items to have gifts for mothers and grandmothers. All items at the Market Stall will be $15.00 each. Further details about participating in the Mother’s Day Market Stall can be found on Parent Lounge. PREMIERS READING CHALLENGE All students are encouraged to participate in The Premier’s Reading Challenge which takes place from 16 May - 26 August. The challenge is not a competition, but aims to improve literacy and encourage children to engage in reading for pleasure and learning. This year, the Premier has challenged all students from Prep to Year 2 to read or experience 20 books, Years 3 and 4 to read 20 books and Years 5 to 9 to read 15 books. Prep to Year 2 students can experience books through shared reading, listening to stories or reading picture books. The aim for the 2016 challenge is to reach a total of two million books read. Students wishing to take part in this year’s challenge as an individual reader can register at: http://education.qld.gov.au/schools/readingchallenge/registration.html Every student who completes the challenge will receive a Certificate of Achievement signed by the Premier and all students receive a Certificate of Participation. PARENTAL VOLUNTEERS The safety of our students is of upmost importance for the School. Procedures and policies relating to Child Protection now require all volunteers working within Anglican Schools to undergo an induction relating to the responsibility they share in safeguarding students. Available on the School website under Governance/Safeguarding Students Policies is a range of policy and procedure documents to inform parents. As part of the St Hilda’s School community, all volunteers are required to read and acknowledge their understanding of their responsibilities as a volunteer. This includes parents and grandparents who assist with classroom activities, reading, School Banking, School discos, excursions and the like. All parents who wish to volunteer are required to complete the Acknowledgement of Understanding Forms available at Junior School Reception and return to Mrs Cleverly in the Junior School Reception. Further information regarding the School’s Policies can be found by reading the following documents available on the website: Student Protection in Anglican School Policy and Procedures St Hilda’s Community Code of Conduct Policy St Hilda’s Volunteer Code of Conduct Policy Grandparents who wish to volunteer are also required to have a current Blue Card and will be required to submit a copy of this to Junior School Reception. We value the time parents volunteer with our girls and the strong community connections this time fosters. We know that you share an appreciation of all that is being done to assist young people to feel safe and know that adults in their school will listen and report any matters of concern to those who can assist. If you have any questions or require any assistance in completing the above in order to volunteer, please do not hesitate to contact me on lcleverly@sthildas.qld.edu.au or 5577 7287. SPORTING ACHIEVEMENTS Congratulations to Shyla Singh (Year 4) on winning the Ballina Open and Jack Newton Championship during the holiday break and being selected to play at the Greg Norman Junior Masters, an elite tournament with juniors from all around the world come to compete, held at the end of the year. Congratulations to Paige Sinnamon (Year 6) on competing and placing 5th in the Sydney Easter Show. STUDENT ART WORK Students in Year 2 have been working on creating a background using dyes and sea salt and a woven fish using mixed media. Lucette James Year 2N Sage Wagner Year 2N Jordan Elvin Year 2C DATE CLAIMERS Date 18 – 22 April 18 April 19 April 20 April 22 April Time 2.30 – 3.15pm 8.00 – 9.00am 11.00am – 12.00pm 25 April 27 April 28 April 29 April – 31 May 29 April 29 – 30 April 2 May 3 May 4 May 4 May 5 May 2.30 – 3.00pm 2.30 – 3.00pm 2.30 – 3.15pm 2.30 – 3.00pm Activity and Venue Tristania House Fundraising Week Tristania House Chapel Service/MPC Year 2 Hinze Dam Excursion School Banking Sign-on/Prep Undercroft Prep – Year 12 Anzac Day Service/MPC Anzac Day Holiday Southport Citizen’s Anzac Day March/ Southport Years 4 – 6 Chapel - Chapel Wardens/Chapel Prep – Year 3 Chapel – Year 2C/Chapel Family Reading Month begins Prep – Year 2 Assembly – Leadership/MPC Senior School Musical – Once Upon a Mattress/Arts Centre Gold Coast Labour Day Holiday House Colour Day Mother’s Day Market Stall Years 4 – 6 Chapel – Year 6T/Chapel Andrews Cup Cross Country/Ipswich 5 May 6 May 6 May 8 May 2.30 – 3.00pm 2.30 – 3.00pm Mrs Lisa Cleverly Head of Junior School Prep – Year 3 Chapel – Chapel Wardens/Chapel Grip Student Leadership Conference/Tweed Heads Prep – Year 2 Assembly – Prep C/MPC Mother’s Day Classic
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largest school team in Australia for the last 7 years and we want to make it 8 whilst supporting breast cancer
research. All welcome and early bird registrations are now open. Traditionally, we wea...