2012 Pacesetters 前锋2012
2012 Pacesetters 前锋2012
前锋 2012 PACESETTERS Table of Contents 目录 Editorial 主编的话 2 College Family 新亚家庭 3 Message from the Chancellor 校长信息 4 Message from the Vice-Chancellor 副校长信息 6 Message from the President 院长信息 8 Message from the Deans 主任信息 10 Programmes Offered 开办课程 14 College Leadership 学院领导层 15 Faculty and Staff 教职员 16 The Student Council 学生理事会 18 College Life 学院生活 20 Small Groups 学院小组 21 Cultural Night 文化之夜 24 Cohesion Day 学院联谊日 26 Shaping the Counselling Landscape 28 Worship Seminar by the School of Creative Arts 30 Achievements of TCA Graduates 新亚校友建树 32 The Graduates 毕业生 34 Advertisement 广告 46 MICA(P)025/06/2012 MICA (P) 025/06/2012 TCA College Pacesetters 2012 College Family 新亚家庭 Editorial 主编的话 Dear Reader, 亲爱的读者们, You are holding in your hand the Pacesetters 2012, the current yearbook of TCA College. Since 1983, TCA College has been committed to offer quality education to those whom God is calling to serve him, be it in churches or other areas of society. As you will discover on the following pages, TCA College is a place for the equipping of God’s people – and as such it is also a place of community and cultural diversity, of fun and celebration; a place where people’s lives are being transformed. 阁下手持的是新亚学院2012前锋年刊,自1983年以 来,新亚学院就一直承担起,为教会或其他社会领域 中,受神呼召的人士,提供优质的教育。阁下将在本 年刊发现,新亚学院既是装备神子民的地方,也是一 个拥有多样文化的团体,充满乐趣和庆典,转化人的 生命。 Whether you are a graduand, an alumnus, or a friend of TCA College, we would like to thank you for the contribution that you have made in bringing theological education and leadership training opportunities to brothers and sisters from so many different nations. It is our prayer that God will continue to reveal more of himself to you, showing you the next step to take to expand his kingdom! Enjoy the reading! 无论阁下是应届毕业生、本院的校友或友人,我们 都感谢你对从各国而来的弟兄姐妹所作的贡献,给予 他们在神学教育和领袖培 训的机会。我们祈求神 将会继续给你启示,指 引你的下一步,来扩张 他的国度。阅读愉快! 3 TCA College Pacesetters 2012 Chancellor’s Message 校长信息 This year is an awesome year for God’s purposes to become reality in your life. As you have completed one phase of your journey it is now time to step into another level in God. 这是美好的一年,因为神的旨意正实现在你们的身上。 你们已经完成了一个阶段,现时是在神国旅程上,步 入另一阶段。 The Lord has been speaking to me very strongly about his ‘Davids.’ Let me explain. Remember, Samuel came to the house of Jesse and asked to see his sons. They all lined up and Samuel reviewed all of them, but then Samuel turned to Jesse and asked: “Jesse, don’t you have any more sons?” 主不断地对我强调关于「属祂的大卫」之故事,让我 将之说明。昔日,撒母耳来到耶西的家,要见耶西的 众子。他们都站在撒母耳面前,但撒母耳却转过来问 耶西:「耶西,你还有其他儿子吗?」 No one, not even Jesse, considered little David. He was like the ‘forgotten’ one. The ‘overlooked’ one. The ‘least likely’ one. Jesse never thought to consider David, for whatever reason. I hear God calling out, “I have many sons and daughters whom others do not see, but I see them and I have chosen them to do great exploits in my name.” Graduands, I am challenging each of you to embrace God’s call, dare to believe that you are one of God’s chosen. Until now, you have been faithfully serving out in the field. However, today is your day of anointing. Today is your day to receive revelation of God’s purpose for your life and ministry. TCA College, with its powerful faculty, has prepared you for this time. Hear God saying, “Do not be afraid, be strong, be brave for I am with you.” Congratulations on your past achievements, but today, embrace your greater destiny. God bless you with overflowing revelation, Rev. Dr Naomi Dowdy 没有人考虑大卫,甚至是耶西本人。大卫就像是「被遗 忘」的一个,「被忽略」的一个,或是「最不可能」的 一个。无论如何,耶西从来不曾考虑大卫。 我听见神高声说:「我有很多儿女是他人未注意的, 但我看到他们,并且我已拣选他们来彰显我的名。」 毕业生们,我激励你们每位要接受神的呼召,敢于相 信你是神所拣选的那一位。直到现在,你们都竭诚地 事奉,今天就是你们受膏抹的日子,也是领受神给你 们生命和事奉目标之时刻。 新亚学院出类拨萃的教职员们,已装备好你们接受这 时刻。聆听神说道:「你当刚强壮胆,不要惧怕,勇 往直前,因为我与你同在。」 恭贺你们所获得的成就,今天就接受更大的命定。愿 神赐你们丰沛的启示。 拿俄米·道蒂(牧师)博士 Graduands, I am challenging each of you to embrace God’s call, dare to believe that you are one of God’s chosen. 5 TCA College Pacesetters 2012 Vice Chancellor’s Message 副校长信息 Step out in courage and let your gifts be a blessing to churches everywhere. To the graduating students of TCA College 2012, I congratulate you on this momentous occasion. Your countless hours of hard work and sacrifice have done both me and the faculty proud. I thank God for your dedication to fulfil his calling for you. I am encouraged by how many of you have grown from potential to who God has intended at this juncture of your lives. This marks the start of a new chapter of your journey and I am excited about where he will lead you next. As you press on in pursuit of your God-given destiny, I pray that you will walk hand-in-hand with him. Through every trial, let him be glorified. Through every blessing, let others be blessed as well. Guard your hearts to always be humble. Be fervent in your passion for his Kingdom and be wary of the world. Constantly be on the pulse of world trends but be careful not to be swept along with them. Never stop learning wherever God sends you. Regardless of which church, country or ministry God puts you in always strive to be the 21st century leader that he has fashioned you to be. Step out in courage and let your gifts be a blessing to churches everywhere. Remember to anchor your faith in God, not man. Be diligent in your communion with our heavenly Father and be refreshed by his presence and his word every day. This will allow you to persevere in your ministries especially when the going gets tough. In everything, praise him. Most importantly, let your hearts be filled with joy and thanksgiving always. The road to discover God’s fulfilment for your life is never easy, but it is certainly amazing. As we continue to serve his Kingdom alongside one another, I bid you Godspeed. Blessings, Rev. Dominic Yeo 于此极重要的场合,我恭贺新亚学院2012年度的毕业生 们。你们不可胜数的艰苦努力和牺牲付出,我与全体教 职员们都引以为荣。我为你们委身达成神的呼召而感谢 主。 你们能发展潜能,达到神对你们生命所期待的地 步,实在使我鼓舞。这是你们展开人生旅途上的新篇 章,我为着神将会引领你们进入另一段路而兴奋。当你 们再接再厉为神的命定而奋斗时,我祈求你们能与主同 行,通过每一个试验,让神得荣耀;通过每一个祝福, 让别人得祝福。 保守你们的心,常常谦卑,坚持对神国度的热忱,并要 厌弃世界。经常留意潮流导向,但不可随波逐流。当神 差遣你学习时,无论环境如何,绝不放弃。无论神安排 你们在任何教会、国家或事工,都要竭力不懈,成为神 所兴起21世纪的领袖。 要有胆量踏出来,使你们的恩赐成为各处教会的祝福。 紧记着你们的信心是坚靠在神,而不是在人。每天让父 神的同在与他的话语更新自己,竭力与父神有密切的交 流。这样就算遇到逆境,你们也能够在事工中坚持下去。 凡事都赞美主,最重要的,是心中充满喜乐和感恩。 虽然不容易找到神在你们生命中的应许,但肯定是美好 的。当我们彼此同心,持续事奉神的国度,我祝你们凡 事顺利,水到渠成。 杨德文牧师 7 TCA College Pacesetters 2012 President’s Message 院长信息 Congratulations to all the students who have fulfilled the academic requirements and withstood the rigour to be called graduates of TCA College in 2012. display his glory and extend his Kingdom on earth. May you always be driven by the motivation of his Glory, his Kingdom, his Purpose! The college is honoured to contribute to your growth and development as ministers and leaders in the Church and marketplace. Rev. Dr Wilson Teo As you have arrived at an important milestone in your academic journey, allow me to exhort you with the following. Make full use of: The ministry knowledge and insight that you have gained in your classes, but never stop allowing the Holy Spirit to show you the wisdom of life that he will impart. The biblical knowledge that you have studied in your assignments, but never stop allowing the Holy Spirit to show you how to apply his written Word to make it relevant to every person whom you will minister to. The theology that you have understood in your discourse, but never stop allowing the Holy Spirit to show you who God really is in your journey of life. The gifts of the Holy Spirit that you have learnt in the Scriptures, but never stop allowing the Holy Spirit to show you the true power that comes through being a yielded vessel of Jesus Christ. The journey ahead will be an exciting one as long as you avail and submit yourself to be used by God to 恭贺诸位完成了严谨的学术要求,成为新亚学院2012 年度的毕业生。本学院非常荣幸能协助你们,你们成 长并发展为教会或职场上的领袖。 在你们到达了学术上的一个重要里程碑,让我勉励你 们以下的事情。 要充分应用: 你们从课堂所得到的事工见识,但不要阻止圣灵向你 们显露生命的智慧。 你们从作业所学到的圣经知识,但不要阻止圣灵指示 你们把道实践在你们所服侍的各人身上。 你们从论文所理解的神学理论,但不要阻止圣灵启示 你们在生命历程中认识神。 你们从经文所认识的属灵恩赐,但不要阻止圣灵显示 你们成为耶稣基督可用器皿的真正能力。 前途将是令人兴奋的,只要你们愿意顺服为神所用, 去彰显神的荣耀,并扩展神在地上的国度。愿神的荣 耀、国度和旨意,常成为你们努力迈进的动力。 赵克文(牧师)博士 The journey ahead will be an exciting one as long as you avail and submit yourself to be used by God to display His glory and extend His Kingdom on earth. 9 TCA College Pacesetters 2012 Dean’s Message Dean’s Message 2012 marks the fourth batch of students from the School of Counselling to be awarded the Post-Graduate Diploma in Counselling. What an exciting journey of learning, personal awareness, professional development and intense engagement with clients during your internship in the community. Each one of you makes TCA College proud! Congratulations to all the graduating students. We at TCA College are proud of you on achieving this important milestone in your life. Rev. Sam Kuna School of Counselling Paul David School of Creative Arts I have seen how you have had to juggle between attending classes, having a full day-job, giving attention to spouse and children at home, fitting in business travel as necessary, and giving priority to the client’s availability during your practicum! This speaks volumes of your determination to stay focused in achieving your advanced degree as well as pursuing qualifications as a professional counsellor. We celebrate your determination and sacrifices made. Congratulations to those of you graduating with the Post-Graduate Diploma in Counselling (PDC) and the Master of Arts in Counselling. We are proud of you! Several of you have already job offers in the community and are practitioners in the profession. This is a wonderful endorsement of your competence and credibility as a graduate of a counselling programme which is faith integrated and skills-focused – the two key characteristics of the School of Counselling. I believe your journey with the School of Counselling “value-adds” to you as a person, to your practice, and also to the agency which employs you as a counsellor! I wish you God’s richest blessings and an exciting adventure in your counselling practice! The MAC Programme, currently with twenty-nine full-time and part-time students, was launched in 2011 and will be the primary post-graduate counselling programme in TCA College. I would like to leave this thought with you as you continue this amazing journey with God. I have been reading a book from Bob Kauflin and it has really gotten me to evaluate my own life and ministry. He says, “Proclaim the gospel to yourself.” He actually came across that phrase from the book ‘The Discipline of Grace’ by Jerry Bridges. Do we “proclaim the gospel to ourselves”? One of the greatest dangers in serving him is getting caught up with ministry. The hectic pace and demands of life can make us very task oriented, making us lose sight of the gospel that is actually being proclaimed. The other danger is when we limit this proclamation to only what we do in a given period of time when we gather together to worship. We need to be aware that our lives are the best declaration of the message that we speak. Francis of Assisi rightly put it, “Preach the gospel at all times. If necessary, use words.” We need to immerse ourselves in the Word of God and let it take root in our lives. Only then can we live out those principles in our daily living. We need to learn to ‘preach the gospel to ourselves’ every day if we really want to be transformed into the image of Christ. I would like to encourage each one of us to be ministers of the gospel who believe and practice what we preach. It is my prayer that you will continue to pursue Jesus, spend time with him and remain pliable so that you can be a powerful tool in the hands of the Chief Engineer. 11 TCA College Pacesetters 2012 主任信息 Dean’s Message Pastor Dennis Lum School of Divinity (English) 蔡蕙秋博士 神学系(中文部) Congratulations to all the graduands of TCA College in 2012! You have allowed yourself to be shaped in your mind, heart and skills over your programme of study and you have shown yourself to be a deserving graduand. Thank you for sharing your life and journey with us in TCA College and being a blessing to both your peers and also the faculty and staff. Richard Osmer, Professor of Christian Education at Princeton Theological Seminary, has proposed a framework to guide practical theological interpretation. This framework is centred around four tasks which may be taken as core competencies for those involved in pastoral ministry. My prayer for you is that you will continue to grow in each of these competencies as you embark into ministry. First, may you grow in Priestly Listening, the descriptiveempirical task of attending to people and situations within the local church. May you be able to identify trends and patterns shaping our society both locally as well as globally. Second, may you brim with Sagely Wisdom, the interpretive task which enables you to better understand and explain why things are occurring. May you be able to see through the lens of theology, philosophy, psychology and sociology to get to the heart of issues confronting the church. Third, may you abound in Prophetic Discernment, the normative task of knowing what God’s desire is for your members and your local church. May you increase in prophetic insight as you seek to correlate Scripture, tradition, reason and experience to determine ethical norms to guide the church forward. Fourth, may you overflow with Servant Leadership, the pragmatic task of determining strategies of action to expand and build God’s kingdom. May God use you in ensuring the church’s faithful participation in God’s redemptive practices. May God use you to bring about his Kingdom here on earth as it is in heaven. 新亚学院神学系中文部自1997年成立以来,不断的 在成长道路上看到神的恩典。在神的恩典之下教职 员们不仅尽力的把握住教学的机会,更珍惜身旁殷 勤学习的学生,无论在学识与做人的智慧上,谆谆 告诫教诲这群神的门生们,一定要做个美善的僕人, 在神所設定的岗位上都要尽心尽力的服事。 新亚学院神学系中文部师生都是一群熱情,有使命 的仆人。神学教育必须普及于教会的会友,这不仅 是新亚的宗旨,更是我们不断努力的目标。希望有 一天教会的愿景不再仅是量化的成长,而是基督徒 不分男女老少接受装备的现象,在学院与教会中持 续的产生。那才是我们乐见的复兴及贡献! 於是在许多次的交流中老师们都会听到这样的故 事:在不断的困难与挑战之下,校友们仍然执著于事 奉。在教会、监狱、戒毒所、社区、工场、学校、 家庭中以各样的智慧与经验,将真理传讲教导栽种 在每个心田里。由神而来向华人宣教的异象,在新 加坡、马来西亚、印尼、台湾、中国、韩国、澳 洲、加拿大等国家及族群之中落实,于是在教会与 培训中心有著他们栽种的成果。 因此,新亚人的毕业典礼会岁岁年年的举行,直到 主再来! 13 TCA College Pacesetters 2012 Programmes Offered 开办课程 School of Counselling School of Creative Arts Postgraduate Diploma in Counselling (Recognised by Singapore Association for Counselling) Master of Arts in Counselling Continuous Learning Programme (Specific Creative Arts Courses can be taken as part of School of Divinity Bachelor & Master Programmes) Creative Arts Workshops Trainings and Consultations School of Divinity English Department: Certificate in Ministry Diploma in Theology Bachelor of Theology Graduate Diploma in Christian Studies Master of Arts in Intercultural Studies Master of Arts in Ministry Master of Divinity 中文部 Chinese Department: 圣工证书 Certificate in Ministry 神学文凭 Diploma in Theology 神学学士 Bachelor of Theology 圣工硕士 Master of Arts in Ministry 道学硕士 Master of Divinity 神学硕士 Master of Theology School of Master of Arts in Global Leadership Leadership College Leadership 学院领导层 nis Lum, om left: m Kuna, Den Back Row fr Sa . ev R , h ard Ko avid Rev. Dr Bern Teo, Dr Joy Tsai, Paul D n o ils W r D . Rev o om left: Front Row fr Dowdy, Rev. Dominic Ye i m o a N r D . Rev 15 TCA College Pacesetters 2012 ivinity School of D Faculty & Staff 教职员 神学系英文部 (English) ff Administrative Sta 行政职员 Back Row from left: ee, Winnie Ngui, Karyn Tay Ch Sharon Chua, Barry t: lef m fro w Front ro Eelin, Lumaban, Rev. Lam Vera Liew, Maishel Patricia Loke o School of C From left: m See, Dr Cheung Ka uel, an m Im Dr Babu Joseph Tan, oetz, Dr Richard G ean), (D m Lu is n en D Seng, Dr Tan Hock , er tt Po an yl D r D Lily Lim 导学系 unselling 辅 na (Dean), From left: Rev. Sam Ku , g, on -W er Tz Esther ny Goh , Rev. Dr Dan Dr Leslie Lim ia Rev. Anita Ch From left: Rev. Dr And re Dr Leong S w Teoh 张武昭(牧师 )博士, iang Nuan 梁 Dr Joy Tsai 蔡蕙秋博士 向暖博士, (主 Rev. Dr Ber nard Koh高 任), 明发(牧师)博 士 tive Arts a e r C f o School 创艺学系 School of Divinity (C 神学系中文 部 g Dean) id (Actin h inese) v Paul Da Centre For C 辅导中心 ounselling From left: Rev. Dr Danny Rev. Anita Ch Goh, Sherrilyn Thanam, Esther Tzer-W ia ong, Not pictured , Rev. Sam Kuna, : Susan Linco ln 17 TCA College Pacesetters 2012 The Student Council In my first term at TCA College, I casually remarked to a fellow student that it seemed to me that God was not as interested as we were with our grades and academic aspirations, but rather the manner in which we conduct ourselves as students of the college. I still hold to that conclusion. Indeed, our God is One who looks at the heart – and the heart of TCA College can be seen through its lecturers, administrative staff and students alike. In the months that I have walked the halls and felt the pulse of life as a Bible-school student, I have experienced the genuine warmth of the lecturers as they impart wisdom and knowledge to us, and the eagerness of the staff to always provide help. Most importantly, I have felt a real sense of togetherness with my fellow students. Whether we are rushing assignments in the library, chatting over a meal or merely exchanging greetings and formalities, I have the assurance that no matter what the circumstances, we are always ready and willing to help one another in the spirit of true Christian charity. In essence, daily life at TCA College demonstrates very plainly the “golden rule” of Jesus to his disciples 学生理事会 – to love God and to love one another. For that, and on behalf of the entire student body, I am thankful. 承蒙上帝的恩典和老师、同学们的信任,在2012年学 年里担任副会长一职。 A word for my fellow leaders within the Student Council – I greatly appreciate your efforts and partnership as we laboriously trudged through the monthly grind of our responsibilities as student leaders. We started off eager and willing, slowed down through the obstacles, and looked forward to finishing strong and well – a true picture of what the Christian life should be like. 在这期间,学生理事会委员们通力合作成功策划了包 括“文化之夜”、“学院联谊日”等活动。委员们来 自不同的国家,不同的文化背景,不同的年龄层,甚 至在学生理事会会议上都是双语进行交流与沟通。这 就是新亚学院的特色之一! My journey towards being a graduate of TCA College is still ongoing; I look forward to the many lessons that cannot be taught in the classroom and the many experiences yet to come. Jeremiah Narvinder Singh President, The Student Council 在策划和预备的过程中委员们对问题产生的矛盾,也 有不同的见解。但在积极的讨论,商榷的过程中问题 不仅能得到很好的解决,也让委员们彼此了解,彼此 学习。也着实使在学生理事会服事的过程中增添了不 少乐趣,也增加了思维的广度。 在新的一年里,祝愿新的学生理事会能够更多的聆听 上帝的声音;深入到学生当中;无论是全时间的学 生还是部分时间的学生都能够借着学生理事会这个平 台,来完成更多的学习与属灵的操练。 杨慰 学生理事会副会长 19 TCA College College Life 学院生活 Pacesetters 2012 Small Groups 学院小组 Alpha But blessed is the man who trusts in the Lord, whose confidence is in him. He will be like a tree planted by the water that sends out its roots by the stream. It does not fear when heat comes; its leaves are always green. It has no worries in a year of drought and never fails to bear fruit. Jeremiah 17:7-8, NIV Beta 21 TCA College Pacesetters 2012 Small Groups 学院小组 Small Groups 学院小组 Gamma Delta Epsilon Zeta 23 TCA College Pacesetters 2012 Cultural Night 文化之夜 An air of excitement and anticipation filled The Summit as guests, TCA faculty & staff members and students streamed in. The Cultural Night is one of the key highlights in the TCA calendar; it is an event that celebrates the multi-cultural nature of the college and reflects its desire to bring the gospel to all the nations. Cameras clicked away as many came in beautiful national costumes – Chinese, Thai, Indian, Indonesian, Korean, Japanese, Mongolian – which were in rich and vibrant colours! What is a celebration without food? Those who came were treated to an array of ethnic food, which the students and faculty members prepared. The Mexican nachos drew huge compliments, many made a beeline for the Shanghai pan-fried buns and the Nonya kuehs flew off the plates. The tasty snacks whetted the appetite for the sumptuous buffet which received the thumbs-up by all. Friendly chatter, bantering and laughter could be heard all around as the guests, students, faculty and staff members mingled around and fellowshipped over the delightful food and drinks. Energized by the food, the program continued with a wonderful time of anointed worship and ice-breaker games, followed by a series of performances. The theme this year was “Walking the Word”. Each of the small groups took a Bible story and acted it out with new and creative cultural twists. The Mongolian Moses and pig-tailed Daniel sent the crowd roaring with laughter and wanting more. The story of the prodigal son was re-enacted with modern vices. Mahjong! Even as we enjoyed the stellar miming, we were also reminded of God’s love and grace towards each one of us. Put on your dancing shoes! The dance items uncovered the many hidden talents in our midst! The Michael Jackson Moonwalk dancers wowed the crowd with their effortless glides and moves and the Indian dancers charmed with seamless grace and elegance. The energetic Jewish dance got the audience’s feet tapping and the energy level was brought to a higher notch when the Chinese dancers invited everyone to dance along. As the evening came to a close, group photos were taken to capture the memories of a night that everyone enjoyed. Above the fun, laughter, songs, dances and delicious food, it was the fellowship, friendship and unity in the love of God that made the night special. Truly, what a joy it is to be a part of this lovely TCA family! 在弥漫着一片兴奋欢乐的气氛下,嘉宾们与新亚学院的 全体教职员和学生,都抱着满怀期待的心情,鱼贯地进 入顶峰礼堂。文化之夜是新亚学院每年重要精彩活动之 一,学院藉着此晚会,反映以多元文化来向万国传扬福 音的概念。这时可听到摄影机的咔嚓声,此起彼伏地 响个不停;原来众人都各自穿上色彩斑斓的民族服装 进场,有中、泰、印度、印尼、韩、日、蒙古等多个国 家,实在是琳琅满目、美不胜收的民族服饰。 晚会怎能缺少美食呢?师生们早已准备好各式民族食 品款待宾客,墨西哥烤玉米片赢得人人称赞;上海煎 包和马来娘惹糕点,则引来众人排队轮候。这些餐前 开胃小吃,使丰盛的自助餐锦上添花,得到大家一致 赞赏。在享受着美味食品与饮品的时候,宾主们都 尽情投入友好融洽的团契中,或议论滔滔,或谈笑风 生,总使欢笑之声不绝于耳。 晚餐后,节目便开始进入崇拜和破冰游戏,继而是一系 列的表演。今年文化之夜的主题是“与道同行”。学院 的各个小组,分别以新颖和创意的手法诠释文化,来呈 现圣经的故事,例如穿蒙古服饰的摩西和戴猪尾辫子的 但以理,引得观众笑声雷动,欲罢不能;染上了现代麻 将赌博恶癖的浪子,活灵活现地呈现出来。在欣赏戏剧 表演的同时,大家被提醒了神给与各人的爱和恩典。 记得要穿上跳舞鞋子,舞蹈发掘了我们很多的潜能 呢!模仿麦克杰逊舞蹈的表演,动作滑稽有趣,赢得 全场的喝彩。印度舞的表演,姿态优雅,使人陶醉; 充满活力的犹太舞,使观众们的脚随音乐拍动,跃跃 欲试。当大家受邀一同跳中国舞时,是全场的高潮, 人人都印象深刻。 晚会临近结束前,大家同拍团体照,要把依依不舍的 快乐回忆留下来。文化之夜的特色不只是娱乐、欢 笑、歌舞和美食,最重要的是在 神的爱里面,能享 受友谊、团契和合一的关系。诚然,成为新亚学院这 可爱大家庭的一份子,是何等的赏心乐事啊! 25 TCA College Pacesetters 2012 Cohesion Day 学院联谊日 The fun began already as we stepped into the chartered bus that would take us all the way to the Pasir Ris Park where this year’s Cohesion Day was about to take place. Once we had arrived on this beautiful scenic spot, we were greeted by the members of the student council who had organized this event for us. We began with a few games to warm up while the clouds above us became darker and darker and thunders roared across the sky. Once it began to rain we decided to retreat to a shelter nearby that offered enough space to accommodate all of us. The shelter was placed directly in front of the beach, and so it seemed to be the perfect place to feast on the promising lunch that had been arranged for us. However, it soon became clear that there truly is no such thing as a free lunch! All the participants had already been divided into one of five teams, with each team having both English and Chinese students in them, as well as members from the faculty and staff. Each team had to come up with a creative name and also perform a cheer in front of the whole group. The teams, now to be identified with such colourful names like “Charlie’s Angels” or “Pink Panda” all gave their very best. After the well-earned lunch had been enjoyed by everybody, it also stopped raining, so that we were able to walk back to the area in which the station games had been prepared. At the stations, each group had to demonstrate a variety of skills as well as their ability of working together as a team. Whether it was transporting little balls with a straw, performing a three-minute dance, or finding certain mysterious artefacts that had been photographed around the area – all the tasks 正当我们踏上学院的包车前往白沙公园,也就是今年 “学院联谊日” 所位于的目的地,兴奋的气氛也开始 了。一踏上那景色优美的公园, 学生理事会的委员们 就迎接我们。 同学们刚开始玩了一些游戏暖身,不料 天空突然乌云密布,雷声阵阵。当雨滴一一落下, 我 们就迁移到附近较大,可容纳所有人的凉亭回避。恰 巧凉亭面向沙滩, 看来就是我们享用丰富午餐的好地 方。 were performed with great enthusiasm and a spirit of comradeship. Of course, the teams would also perform their cheers whenever they were given the opportunity to do so since this would bring valuable additional points that could make all the difference in determining the winning team of the day! After completing the game stations, we all gathered once more at the park area where we were treated with much-needed snacks and ice-cold Coca-Cola cans. The organizing committee calculated the final score so that the winners could be announced. There were prizes for each participant which the team leaders received on behalf of their teams from Rev. Dr Wilson Teo, the President of TCA College. With an excellent organization, a beautiful location, and perfect weather, the Cohesion Day was a true success, as it provided a platform to get to know each other better and to form new friendships. 不过, 天下间是没有「免费」的午餐!所有的参与者 被分配到五组,各有英文部与华文部的同学, 以及 教师与职员。每一组都必须绞尽脑汁想出富有创意的 组名和啦啦队口号,并且在全体师生们面前表演。有 些组名非常有趣,有如“查里斯的天使”,“粉红熊 猫”,都可说是各出奇招。享用丰富的午餐后,雨也 停了,大伙儿一同回到早已预备好的游戏站。 在游戏站, 每一组都必须各显神通,展现十八般武艺 和团队精神。不论是以吸管搬运小珠子,表演三分钟 的舞蹈,或者得寻找公园里的神秘物品,每一组都很 热烈、合作无间完成每一个项目。而且一有机会,每 一组都会表演啦啦队口号,争取额外的分数赢取关键 性的胜利! 游戏站过后,大伙儿又一同聚集在一起享用小吃与冰 冻可乐。学生理事会委员就在这时候计算分数准备 公布赢家。每组的组长都从新亚学院院长赵克文(牧 师)博士的手中,接过奖品。凭着优异的组织能力、 美丽的地点,以及完美的天气,学院联谊日的确很成 功,它确实给予大家一个联络友谊的平台。 27 TCA College Pacesetters 2012 Shaping the Counselling Landscape New and exciting times are ahead for the School of Counselling (SOC) at TCA College. The school’s dean, Rev. Sam Kuna, shares how his new roles in the Singapore Association for Counselling (SAC) and the Asia Pacific Certification Board (APCB) will aid him in shaping the SOC to better equip counsellors in our current, more complicated, counselling landscape. Miranda Zhang reports. Sam Kuna is no stranger to the SAC. He has served in the roles of Assistant Secretary, President and Vice-President from 1998 till stepping down in 2005. During his tenure of office and thereafter, many of the current standards of practice, code of ethics for Registered Counsellors and the standards for course recognition for training institutions were put in place. This year, he has taken up two new roles. He was elected as Treasurer of the SAC Executive Board and was also invited to sit on the Board of Directors of the APCB. The APCB is a multi-national body providing the structural framework in credentialing mental health professionals from the AsiaPacific region. His passion to see the current standards of practice for counsellors established and upheld over a wider circle of counselling practitioners remains strong. And he also hopes to see greater visibility and recognition of counsellors in the very stressful and progressive society in Singapore. You’ve had more than 20 years of counselling experience. Compared to the past, what types of problems do people face nowadays? The world is definitely much faster-paced than before. Families, individuals, youths and children all face enormous stress, daily pressures, and high expectations. Marriages and relationships have taken on even more problems as a result of this ‘pressure cooker’ environment. Is there a problem that is more unique to our modern context? For example, there are increasing cases of women taking on the role of the breadwinner and their husbands staying at home as the homemaker. While it used to be more common among men to neglect their wives because of work, these cases of role reversal are becoming more common in our modern context. As much as there is nothing wrong with a woman earning more than a man, the more extreme cases have resulted in the woman neglecting their families and the affairs of the household. Globally, the dual income family is challenging the fabric of what we understood to be traditional family values and a safe family environment to bring up children. Many children in Singapore and globally are suffering from “Parent-Deprived Syndrome” where non-family members and trends are actually impacting their values and their lives, where previously it was the parents. What do counsellors need to be equipped with now that perhaps was not as pertinent in the past? To name a few, counsellors need to be equipped to handle family and social dynamics that have grown more complex in our modern world. Following the advent of the internet and social media, there is an explosion of varying world views. As a counsellor, you need to be able to juggle these different schools of thought as you address people’s problems. Also, with the world getting smaller, one needs to be more sensitive to multi-cultural characteristics, like age, gender, race, culture, socio-economic status, as well as faith-spirituality issues. Congratulations on being elected into your new roles. How do you think these roles will help in where you intend to lead the SOC, TCA College? There is much work to be done. Through my involvement with SAC, I hope to engage, equip, impart and inspire our students in the SOC, TCA College, to excel in acquiring counselling skills, ethical practice and develop a passion for people in various sectors in the community. Our students can then easily fit in as professionals in organizations such as the family service and counselling centres, voluntary welfare and community service organizations, hospitals, institutions and even start a private practice. I hope the counselling profession in Singapore will continue to grow and find its place in healing interpersonal and intrapersonal issues as well as family and social issues. Also, with the on-going social struggles with addiction to illegal drugs and substances, growing dependence on prescription drugs, alcoholism, gambling, gaming, pornography and sex addiction, more needs to be done in the area of addiction counselling in Singapore. Through my new role at APCB, I intend to develop specialized academic courses and seminars in addictions in the SOC at TCA College. These courses and seminars will be useful for the layperson as well as professionals. Overall, watching our students in the SOC start their journey as individuals wanting to contribute to society right through their training to become a professional counsellor has been my greatest joy. Given these new developments, our main goals at SOC remain: • To raise professional counsellors to serve in the community • To equip them with skills that they will hone as excellent practitioners • To impart a counselling practice that protects the dignity and choice of the client and embraces the highest ethical codes in their practice • To be sensitive to the multicultural aspect of practicing counselling in Singapore being sensitive to age, gender, race, culture, socio-economic status, as well as faithspirituality issues in every client 29 TCA College Pacesetters 2012 Worship Seminar by the School of Creative Arts Worship Seminar by School of Creative Arts, Paul David: An Interview with Ernest Tan, the Worship Leader at Moriah Assembly of God Tell us something about your church! When Moriah Assembly of God celebrated her 40th anniversary our senior pastor, Rev. Simon Ang announced the vision as “Unleashing the Church unleashed.” It speaks of change and growth as a church. One of the changes has to do with our music ministry and the worship in our church. So we invited TCA College to come and train us in worship-leading and equip us with the technicalities. What was the worship seminar like? For the worship seminar, we requested Paul to focus on the technical aspects of music. We covered the basics of rhythm, harmony and melody and were taught how the various instruments and our voices contribute to the atmosphere of worship. Our skills were also finetuned to play together as a worship band. One thing I liked about Paul was that he was not just conducting training, he was speaking life. He wasn’t just going through the motion to fulfill an obligation. He was passionate about what he was doing, ever mindful to contribute to the life of the church as a whole. How did you hear about TCA College and that School of Creative Arts is conducting worship seminars? Our senior pastor was familiar with TCA College and saw the heart of what the college was doing. He wanted us to grow in the area of worship and felt that TCA is a good place to train and stretch us. Hence he contacted the school and everything fell into place. Training Sessions with Churches in 2011/2012 Ang Mo Kio Methodist Church Bethel Assembly of God Church Calvary Baptist Church Chapel of Christ the Redeemer Church of Singapore Bukit Timah Community of Praise Baptist Church Would you recommend this kind of seminars to other churches in Singapore? Yes, I would! Besides training in the technical aspects of worship, this seminar also provided the biblical perspectives on worship. Something that Paul David emphasized was: our entire life and not just what we do on stage is a journey of our worship of God. The sessions were very inspiring and made a difference to our church worship. I am sure many churches will be blessed. Gereja Oikos (Place of Faith) Moriah Assembly of God Church Yishun Christian Church Anglican 31 TCA College Pacesetters 2012 新亚校友建树 Achievements of TCA Graduates 十年来 时光荏苒,转眼十秋神学生活飞逝。蓦然回首,这十 年来在神学香囊中的薰浴与浸淫,促使我生命成长和 成熟。往事是一串串的回忆.....有甜意,有敬意。 想到从亚洲神学中心到新亚学院的过程中,最蒙福的 就是我!与同学们生活在一起时,我从他们的身上学 习到许多属灵的法则。同学们为主而学的锲而不舍、 努力拼搏的精神,时时激励着我。大家不同的性格, 相互陶造,丰富了我牧养的经验。 十年来,我受到了许多具有不同神学理念、不同思维 方式和不同教学方法、不同性格的老师们的教导,让 我学习到许多可直接用在服事上的技巧和方法,从而 影响与拓宽我的思维。给我这犹如白纸般的生命,加 添了许多色彩。主的旨意、恩惠也透过老师们的教学 和服事临到我。 我学习到蔡蕙秋老师属灵生命的刚柔相济,像那摩西 的杖与约书亚的剑,联合一起,在教会的服事中缺一 不可。在蔡老师所教授的讲道法课程中,我学习到写 讲章的方法,如何站好马步,如何搭好骨架......。 The Impact of TCA in the FRONTIER MISSIONS FIELD! 没有她鞭策性的教导,这十多年来我不可能还继续站 在讲台上。张武昭老师丰富的牧养经验,带给我的是 真枪实弹的实用性指导。使我在教会管理方面得到很 多的借鉴和指引,减轻了我在处理教会许多事务上的 负担,真是受益匪浅! 每一位新亚的老师都有自己的专长和主赋予的恩 赐,他们所有的,足可让我一生学之不尽。从不同 角度,我看到老师们和同学们生命中的基督样式, 值得我效法。主透过他们使我在牧养服事上恩上加 恩,力上加力。 衷心祈盼新亚能继续培养出忠心服事主的莘莘学子。 陈有敬牧师 (恩群福音堂主任牧师) Over 50 churches planted in unreached regions of india! And the man has a vision to plant 1000 churches!! Rev. Kalyan, an Indian national, began his theological education at TCA College in the year 1994 and he was the first Indian to graduate from TCA. Even while he was studying at TCA, he was involved in pioneer church planting work amongst the migrant Indian workers in Singapore, and, in partnership with various local churches, successfully planted seven churches in Singapore. He continued to serve in Singapore amongst these Indian workers, besides being a regular preacher and teacher at various Tamil churches in Singapore, until the year 1998. Rev. Kalyan says: “The teaching modules at TCA, especially the Missions subjects, the statistics and the real mission field information and prayers, plus the Spiritual Emphasis Weekend prophetic ministry ... all of it was compelling and empowering me for the mission work that I am involved in right now. Although the vision for church planting was within me, it was ‘re-kindled and fuelled’ for a greater fire!” As a result of this, Rev. Kalyan, together with his Malaysian Chinese wife, Jessie Choo (who was working in TCA as a registrar), left for India in June of 1998. To date, after fourteen years, Rev. Kalyan can testify: “We have planted fifty plus churches in the unreached frontiers regions of India, through the training and releasing of native workers within the respective Indian regions. We have church planting work in Chennai, Andhra Pradesh and in Bihar, and a total staff team of close to one hundred. We have three Church Planters’ Training Schools in three different languages and have trained, to date, over six hundred church planters.” He convincingly says that his vision is to see one thousand strong local churches planted in his life time! And he wants to see this life dream become a reality sooner than later. In his conversation, we can see passion and a sense of urgency. TCA is proud of this servant of God, whom it had the privilege to train and release. Rev. Kalyan in his own words says: “I am thankful to TCA for its impact in my life and the impetus that it has generated! Thank you, TCA!’’ 33 TCA College Pacesetters 2012 Certificate in Ministry 圣工证书科 Diploma in Theology 神学文凭科 Diploma in Theology 神学文凭科 Tan Kheng Tong 陈庆忠 Chong Kim Yean Daniel 钟吉源 Goh Wooi Keong Jethro 吴伟强 Wong Min Rou Michelle 黄敏柔 Malaysia Malaysia Chwa See Sing Kenneth 蔡诗信 Neo Bee Loon 梁美伦 Lau Kian Seng 刘建成 Singapore Malaysia Not Pictured Goh Tiew Cheng (Singapore) Malaysia Not Pictured Lee Cheng Keong Raymond (Singapore) This page is sponsored by: Teo Eng Choon Transport Co Pte Ltd Malaysia Malaysia 35 TCA College Pacesetters 2012 Bachelor of Theology 神学学士科 Foo Deniece Grace Singapore Kim Byeong Woo 金炳佑 Korea Bachelor of Theology 神学学士科 Jung Eun Sook 郑恩淑 Ong Teow Peng 汪兆平 Pai Ya Ping Ruby白雅萍 Kuo Lee Chui Kelly 郭凯丽 Qiu A Xue 邱阿雪 Soo Ching Hwa Lily 徐百合 Korea Singapore Singapore China Taiwan Malaysia 37 TCA College Pacesetters 2012 Graduate Diploma in Christian Studies Master of Arts in Ministry 圣工硕士科 Chow Chee Kiong Patrick Lim Suan Nee Diana Lim Eng Choon Leslie Singapore Singapore Singapore Wang Wen Feng 王文锋 Yeo Puay Koon Darick Singapore Ong Kim Hong Josephine Singapore China Sng Kok Ann Kenny Singapore 39 TCA College Pacesetters 2012 Master of Arts in Intercultural Studies Master of Divinity 道学硕士科 Master of Divinity 道学硕士科 Tan Ah Lin Lina Fan Siew Fong Bernadette Koh Chong Siew Adeline Singapore Singapore Singapore Heng Wee Meng Leong Yit Mee 梁越美 Singapore Singapore Not Pictured Suria Jacub (Indonesia) Liang Hsi Wen 梁希文 Taiwan Wu Hsiao 巫晓 Taiwan 41 TCA College Pacesetters 2012 Certificate in Higher Education in Creative Arts Certificate in Higher Education in Theology BA (Hons) in Theology Chng Ren Yi Joshua Ng Jinning Janine Low Kian Beng Ken Tan Joachim Singapore Singapore Singapore Singapore Lee Bee Luen Ren Wei Jie Gideon Yah Yann Huei Mark Zhuang Kuan Yuan Zechariah Singapore Singapore Singapore Singapore Not Pictured Fam Shu Rong Nicholas (Singapore) Not Pictured Law Tai Yin Priscilla (Singapore) Lim Kim Chye Roland (Singapore) Toh Teck Ern Victor (Singapore) Xu Yu Ting Eleanore (Singapore) 43 TCA College Pacesetters 2012 Postgraduate Diploma in Counselling Postgraduate Diploma in Counselling Master of Arts in Counselling Chan Liu Chu Rena Chiam Ling Ling Tham Kah Poh Lim Siew Hua Claudine Singapore Singapore Singapore Singapore Diploma in Higher Education in Theology Graduate Diploma in Theology Su Ai Yuen Jenny Yeung Chi Kei Clarence Singapore Singapore Not Pictured Lee Yong Pei Amos (Singapore) Not Pictured Kong Poh Suan Melissa (Singapore) 45 Tel: (65) 6296 0010 Fax: (65) 6296 1101 Email: admin@jianman.com.sg Tel: (65) 6745 8916 Fax: (65) 6296 1101 Email: mpj_eng@pacific.net.sg 6 Ubi Road 1 #08-10 Wintech Centre Singapore 408726 Funky B Distributors Pte Ltd Wholesale & Retail Bibles, Books, Bible College Textbooks, Apparels, Gifts, Accessories & Stationery 247 Paya Lebar Road #01-04 Trinity @ Paya Lebar, Singapore 409045, Tel: 67499639 Shloop Art & Cafe 247 Paya Lebar Road #01-03 Trinity@Paya Lebar, Singapore 409045, Tel: 67428331 18 Cross Street #B1-05 China Square Central, Singapore 948423 (New! opening 01 Jul 2012), Tel: 81262828 Heath Bistro 1 Expo Drive #01-31 Singapore Expo (outside Hall 3 Car Park D), Singapore 148955, Tel: 62602002 Heath Lounge 1 Expo Drive #02-04 Foyer, Singapore Expo, Singapore 148955, Tel: 68221125 (Catering & booking for private & corporate functions up to 100 pax) Roast Duck, Wanton Noodle & Dim Sum Stall @ Universal Dining Foodcourt, 1 Expo Drive, Stall No. 1, Singapore Expo 18 Cross Street #B1-05 China Square Central, Singapore 948423 (Opening 01 Jul 2012), Tel: 81262828 (Catering and booking of auditorium & rooms for birthdays, weddings and seminars) Show your current TCA Student Card and enjoy 20% on selected non set or promotion items! Restaurants offering daily set meals & attractive promotions, (open daily: 10am to 9pm); Sign on special membership card with your current TCA Student Card Church Service Time ENGLISH Service MANDARIN Service CANTONESE Service BILINGUAL Service (Eng/Mand) HOKKIEN Service (Sunday) HOKKIEN Service (Friday) FILIPINO Service EVENING Service (Eng/Mand) MYANMAR Service CHINA Ministry 恭贺汪兆平 毕业志庆 我们有这宝贝放在瓦 器里, 要显明这莫大的 能力, 是出于神, 不是出 于我们。(林后4:7) 英语聚会 上午八时三十分 华语聚会 上午八时三十分 广东聚会 上午八时三十分 双语聚会(英/华) 上午十时三刻 福建聚会(星期日) 上午十时三刻 福建聚会(星期五) 晚上七时三十分 菲籍聚会 上午十时三刻 傍晚聚会(英/华) 下午五时 缅甸聚会 晚上六时三十分 中国事工 晚上六时三刻 长老会伯大尼堂敬贺 to Clarence Yeung! from Pastor, Council and members of Abundant Life Baptist Church Sunday Service Celebration : 10.00 am No. 10 Bukit Batok Crescent #05-06/07 The Spire Tel : 6896 8928 Website : albcsg.squarespace.com Chapel Bethel Hall Galilee Hall Chapel Bethel Hall Bethel Hall Galilee Hall Galilee Hall Antioch Hall Bethel Hall 教会聚会时间 荣耀归主 Congratulations 8.30 am 8.30 am 8.30 am 10.45 am 10.45 am 7.30 pm 10.45 am 5.00 pm 6.30 pm 6.45 pm 会所 伯特利堂 加利利堂 会所 伯特利堂 伯特利堂 加利利堂 加利利堂 安提阿堂 伯特利堂 新加坡教会 Church of Singapore 145 Marine Parade Road Singapore 449274 Tel : 63455575 Fax : 63457651 Website:www.cos.org.sg Email : cosmp@cos.org.sg SERVICE TIMES SATURDAY • Dialect, 10am • Youth, 4.30pm SUNDAY • • • • • English Adult, 9am & 11.30am Children, 9am & 11.30am Mandarin, 11.30am Indonesian, 2.30pm Filipino Cells, 9am & 11.30am Congratulations to: Pastor Joachim Tan Bachelor of Arts (Hons) in Theology Leslie Lim Eng Choon Master of Arts in Ministry, School of Divinity Our Vision We are God’s people, relating intimately with Him, actively reaching out to the unchurched through Our Caring Community. RiverLife Church 6 Loyang Besar Close Singapore 509026 Tel: 65114111 Fax: 65114112 Email: office@riverlife.org.sg www.riverlife.org.sg We rejoice with you on your graduation from TCA College. From Elders, Pastors and Staff of RiverLife Church Glenfield design consultant “Protecting the rights of Owners!” We specialize in : • • • • 19A THOMSON HILLS DRIVE, SINGAPORE 574763 TEL: 93626884 EMAIL : cindy@glenfieldbuilders.com.sg Construction defects audit. Vetting through contractor’s method of rectification. Proposing proper and detailed rectification methods. Checking and supervising the process of rectification works. Audited and rectified under our care: • Cluster bungalows at Braddell Heights and Watten estate. • Houses in various districts. • Commercial properties. BIO-RESONANCE THERAPY BRT Oasis of Hope Centre 10 Sinaran Drive, #09-17/18/19, Novena Medical Centre Tel: 6397 6826 www.bioresonancetherapy.com.sg Underlying Causes of Chronic Disorders Every day we are exposed to factors affecting our health. Global population explosion has demanded exponential growth of food production and consumption resulting in the frequent use of chemical compounds and artificial processing to increase crops and food produce. Besides influencing our diet, the stress from modern society and the fluctuating economy often lay its toll on our health as well. Is there another method of tending to our body besides the conventional drug treatment and usual medical procedures? The Bioresonance Therapy This ground-breaking therapy is both diagnostic and therapeutic; it is widely used by doctors in Germany and other parts of Europe, and has treated thousands of people for the past 25 years. Bio-resonance was researched and introduced by Nobel prize winners Carlo Rubia and S. Tomanaga, together with R.P. Feynman and J. Schwinger. The concept of Bioresonance utilises the principles of Quantum physics – all particles of matter emit unique electromagnetic waves - to modify a person’s individual electromagnetic waves to attain balance of the human body’s energetic imbalances. These energetic imbalances are found to be the causes of many ailments such as allergies, asthma, eczema, food intolerance, and even more serious diseases like cancer and diabetes. Bioresonance Therapy is developed to target and treat the body when a drug therapy has failed to treat diseases and ailments. Started in Germany, it offers a painless and no-medication form of treatment towards diseases such as allergies, asthma, cancer, diabetes, eczema, food intolerance, and so forth. BICOM BioResonance Therapy is also used to attain weight loss and remove smoking habit. At BRT Oasis of Hope We are a naturopathic practice that uses safe and effective natural therapies, including the use of Bicom Bioresonance therapy, Bio Electric Stream therapy, Ozone Hydro Therapy, and the best combinations of pharmaceutical quality supplements. The Comprehensive Check Up at our Centre would include testing of up to 5 of the following: • • • • • • • • • • Food intolerance / allergy Abnormal or uncontrolled degeneration of cells and organ Spinal problem Teeth and gum problem Environmental strains Heavy metal and chemical strains Parasite, viral, bacterial and fungal strains Chemical additives intolerance Environmental pollutants intolerance Energy pathways (Meridians) that are disturbed or blocked While advances in medical science have better armed doctors in treating many of these life-threatening illnesses, their efficacy is still dependent on how early any diseases can be detected. In an era of rising healthcare costs, early detection helps to prevent costly and high risk medical procedures. It is interesting to note that, sometimes there are totally different causes of illness identified in patients with the same symptoms. With our bio-energetic tests, we offer the opportunity to test these individual stresses. Call us to book an appointment and enjoy a 30% discount off our comprehensive check up! (U.P. $250) To enjoy the 30% discount, please mention “TCA” when you are booking an appointment with us! 诚心祝贺 梁越美牧师 毕业志庆 荣神益人 新加坡教会符家明及全体生命小组组员同敬贺 "For I know the plans I have for you," declares the Lord, "plans to prosper you and not to harm you, plans to give you hope and a future." Jeremiah 29:11 From Dennis Aw & Kimmy Chua and our Life group members from Church of Singapore More than building structures... Congratulations to all Graduating in the 23rd Graduation Ceremony Current Projects Verv@RV Vivace The Coterie @ Holland “Lord, you alone are my portion and my cup; you make my lot secure. The boundary lines have fallen for me in pleasant places; surely I have a delightful inheritance...” (Psalm 16: 5-6) www.theheritagegroup.com.sg Past Projects Westlake Avenue Aspen Loft Fruition Sommerville Flowers & Gifts for all occasions Wedding Flowers & Newborn Hampers Corsages, Wristlets, Bridal Bouquets Church Wedding & Bridal Car Décor Customized to your Wedding Theme www.giftsflorist2000.com Call us at: 64527705 10% discount when you order online just key in your discount coupon: trinity2012 3@Phillip The Beacon Edge The Acacias Medallion Like us on Facebook page: http://www.facebook.com/Giftsflorist2000com Manufacturer of Surbo, the low-cost air suction turbo for most vehicles. Helping drivers improve engine power, and reduce fuel consumption, diesel smoke and CO2. Export welcome. Please visit us at www.surbo.net Email: surbo@pacific.net.sg Tel: +65 63680100 Sms: +65 98572661 Congratulations Dr Leslie Lim Master of Arts in Ministry Behold, the fear of the Lord, that is wisdom, And to depart from evil is understanding. (Job 28:28) United Malayan Pineapple (G & C) Pte Ltd 7500A Beach Road, #15-305/308, The Plaza Singapore 199591 Heartiest congratulations on your graduation. Dr Leslie Lim Master of Arts in Ministry From Cell PR6, RiverLife Church To God Be The Glory! “Congratulations on your graduation. We are proud of you!” Adeline Koh, Master of Divinity Eric and the children Pao Ru & Ryan/Cephas & Ethan Pao Yin & Adrian Kai Chin A Big Thank You 衷心感谢 To all advertisers, sponsors & donors: your support has been a tremendous blessing to us. 致所有的广告赞助商和支持者: 你们的爱心捐助是我们极大的祝福 249 Paya Lebar Road #03-11 Trinity@Paya Lebar Singapore 409046 Email: admin@tca.edu.sg Website: www.tca.edu.sg Copyright 2012 TCA College. All rights reserved. Unless otherwise stated, all materials on these pages are copyrighted by TCA College. No part of these pages, either text or image may be used for any purpose other than personal use, without prior written permission. Therefore reproduction, modification, storage in a retrieval system or retransmission, in any form or by any means, electronic, mechanical or otherwise, for reasons other than personal use, is strictly prohibited. 新亚学院2012年。版权所有。 特别声明,新亚学院保留本刊物一切资料所有权。本刊物一切内容,无论是文字和图片未经本院允许,都不可擅自转载,但允许进 行私人用途的复制。因此,除作私人用途外,任何人未经授权,不可使用任何电子设备、系统或其他方式复制、修改、保存本刊物 的内容,否则将视为侵权行为。