areas for - OCPS MPSJ
areas for - OCPS MPSJ
Proper parking areas for heavy vehicles ,~~ II~ MPSJ allocates two plots of land in Subang Jaya Datuk Mnan Md Ikshan said. He added that the coundl was scouting for suitable lands in Seri Kembangan and Puchong EAW vehicles parked. along residential to open more parking sites. Owners who park their commercial vehicles roads can be a menace and the Subang illegally will be fined RMSOO. Jaya Munidpal Council (MPSJ) has speDuring the full board meeting, it was also cially allocated two plots of land for the ownrevealed that a total of 3,647 illegal advertiseers to park their vehicles overnight. The two plots of lands, located at jalan TP 2 , ments were removed in areas under the jurisand TP 7 in Taman Perindustrian Sime UEP in diction of MPSj in June. Adnan appealed to the business community Subang Jaya, are about 03bit and 16ha in size to help remove the advertisements glued onto respectively. The council has leased them out to private - their wallsof their premises. . The same applies to the owners of feeder companies, which would in turn charge the heavy vehicle owners RM300 per month, or pillars, lamp posts and phone booths. "Clean-up ~osts will be charged to them if RM20 per night, to park their buses, lorries, the colfncil or our contractors help them to do trailers and garbage trucks. Heavy vehicle owners and drivers can visit so," he said. The full board meeting ended in a nostalgic the parking sites fromjuly onwards to.negotiate for plots with the operators. . mood with the coundllors thanking Adnan "Heavy vehicles are supposed to be parked and various department heads for assisting at designated areas permitted by the them in their one-year councillorship. But the councillors were unsure whether Commerdal Vehicle Licensing Board. "But out of convenience and other excuses, they should carry on their duties as the list for the drivers often take the vehicles home and the next term has not been.-announced yet. Mnan said he would seek the advice of local park on both sides of residential roads, causing accidents and. traffic congestion, and also Government, StUdy and Research Committee chairman Ronnie Liu on the matter. destroying road- shoulders," MPSJ president By THO XIN VI H 11 STAR Tarikh' . ........................... C"\ J\.IL 1.009 ."" ""","'~'i!',. ~$I)"i\', - DAOAKOAtI Artcompetition for ~t~ SubangJayachildren SUBANG JAYA: The 14th Sub- t dren'$ '..9 .~~. w. ?~ ~.. ~. . ., ,.--. jff .~, ' . c;j """-- "'-.........~ ~. .. . ' ang Jaya children's art competition will be held on July 19 at the The Summit, Subang USJ. Themed "My Dream City", the competition is opened to Subang -Jaya residents and students. It is organised by the RukUIi Tetangga (RD of USJ2 and USJ6 areaS. The competition aims to instil creativity in children and bring out new talent while cul0tivating their emotional intelli- gence. "j> Ang How Chuan showing some of the prizes for the art competition to Subang Jaya assemblyman Hannah Yeoh. . The USJ2lUSJ6 RT chairman Ang How Chuan said the competition was not opened to people outside Subang Jaya because it would stray from its objective which was to support and promote residents' activities. "When we started, there were only about 100 children who took part but the numbers have grown over the years. Now, we have an over- STAR Tarikb: 01 JUL 2009 ............ whelming response," said Ang recently. About 500 participants are expected to compete in five categories- A (5-6 years old), B (7-9 years old), C (10-12 I years old), D (open from 7 years up to 17 years old) and category E for Japanese schools. The organisers also invited children from various homes such as Compassion Homes, Pertubuhan Rumah Amal Cahaya Tengku Ampuan Rahimah (Ractar) and Agathians' Shelters tojoin in the fun. , ! Winners will not only get trophies and hampers from the sponsors but also gain valuable exposure as most of the art pieces will be judged forthe Pentelinternationalart contest. At the press conference, StIbang Jaya assemblyman Hannah Yeohalso presented a cheque for RM5,000for the competition.- By Nurul HudaJamaluddin I \ . ~Ifi -~- Khalidto updateon statusof councillors . SHAH ALAM: Selangor Menteri 8esar Tan Sri Abdul Khalid Ibrahim is expected to make an announcement on the status of the state's local councillorsafter the executive councilmeetingtoday. It was learnt that letters extending the current term of the .councillorswere initially distributed to representatives of local councils during a meeting at the state secre~ tary's office yesterday morning. However, the letters were later cancellepas theyhad not been endorsed bythe exco. It was reported yesterday that state executive.councillor in charge ofthe LocalGovernment, Study and Research €ommitteeRonnie Liu had confirmed that the present councillors would serve for another month. Yesterdaywas supposed to have been the last day oftheir term for the 288 councillorsin the state who were sworn in Petaling Jaya councillor Derek Fernandez said: "While a directive had been issued by the state government, it is important that iildividualletters are issued to councillors informing them of the one-month- extension. Unfortunately, this matter has been leftquitelate inthe day." S. Supiramany of Ampang Jaya said he didn't have any problem working with the council for another month. Meanwhile, a source told Streets that the list for the new line-up was expected to be out in a few weeks time. "The line-up is still being fi- I I I nalised as view§from political I parties in Pakatan Rakyatare being sought. Swearing-in is scheduled for Aug 1," the source said. Liucouldnot be reached for comments. - By NuradzimmdhDaim STAR Tarikh: ! on July 5.1ast year. Q.l..~.VJ...~Q91... I 1,800 pendudukdibebani' isubilairtertunggal< S'v: .~ . Penduduk berkumpul di pangsapuri berkenaan PUTRA PERDANA - KiIa-kira 1,800 penghuni pangsapuri Anggerik, di sini terns dihebani masalah tiada air. apahiIaSyarikatBekalanAirSelangor (Syahas) bertindak memotong beka Ian itu s~ak 23 Jun lalu. Peogerusi Kejiranan Rukun Tetangga (KRT)Pangsapuri Anggerik, Ramlan Khamis berkata, pihaknya kesal dengan sikap pemaju yang dikatakan eoggan bertanggungjawah membayar bil tertuoggak s$mlah hampir RM180,OOO dipercayai kos pembazirao akihat kerosakan dari meter pukal ke meter individu. Menurutnya, dalarn mesyuarat bersama pemaju, AhIi Dewan Undangan Negeri (Adun) dan Majlis Perbandarao Sepang (MPSepaog), pemaju terbahit mengatakan tidak mahu bertanggungjawa.b membayar tunggakan bil air berlrenaao. "Selepas syarikat dilantik pemaju eoggan menguruskan peoyeleogga raan pangsapuri berkeoaan, peoduduk mengambil inisiatif melakukannya seodiri secara sukarela "Ketika itu. kami sudah merasa, kao ada sesuatu yang tidak kena apahila jumlah air digunakan peoduduk tidak sarna dengan bil dikeluaikan Syahas," kataoya kepada Sinar hariao. bagi menyatakan - '~'S..::- hati mereka kepada "Kami percaya kerosakao berkena,anberlaku s~ak pemaju meng~kao penyeleoggaraan pangsapuri heIkeoaan s~ak eoarn tahun lalu narnun tidak mahu hertaoggungjawah:'kataoya. Kata beliau, sehinggakinijumlah bi! air berkenaan meningkat sehingga RM300,OOOdan daripada jumlah itu haoya RM118,OOO sahaja tunggakan bi! air digunakan peoduduk. "Manakala selebihnya iaitu. RMI80,OOOlagi tidakdigunakan penduduk dan percaya ia akihat kerosakan berlaku di bawah taoah antara kedua meter heIkeIiaao. "Olooitu, pema.jusebaruanyabel)taoggungjawah menjelaskan baki tunggakan kerana kecoaian itu beIpunca daripa.da kesiIapan mereka seodiri,"kataoya. Ka.taoya, penduduk tetap tlengan.peudirian tidak akan bayaran tertunggak Ramlanberlmta, pihaknyameogesyaki tunggakan bil sebaoyak RMI84,OOOpadaApril 2007 lalu adalah punca yang meoyebahkan beka Ian air dipotong untuk kali pertama ketika itu disebahkao pembazirao berlaku di antara meterpukal ke meter individu penduduk. '''1\mggakaD. ini disebahkao pembazirao sudah lama berlaku namun pemaju tidak meIakukan kerja bail< pulih sehingga menyebahkao bi! berkenaan tern~ meningkat dari tahun ketahun. ketidakpuasan " ;oj.::'''' ... pihak pemaju. Sementaraitu, pentlu<;luk yang ditemui Sinar Harlan melaJijrkmykekecewaan mereka kerqna nias81ah ketiadaan air walaupun mendakwa mereka meojelaskao bil air setiap bulao. Surirumah,Siti NorineAbI1Bakar, 30,berkata, dia yang barn menjalani pembedahan teIpaksa mengaogkut air ke tingkat empat rumahnya untuk memenuhi keperluaonya sekeluarga. "DiseiJahkaoketia,cIaanair, saya gagahi mengangkat ail' sedikit demi 'sedikit ke tingkat atas manakala selebihnya akan diangkat suami selepas pulang dari b"akerja. "jika saya tidak\menap.ahair,keperl';an itu akaohahis dan kami akao ketiadaan air sepanjangmalam sehinggaesokharinya,"kataoya. Warga emas,Buruk Isin, 72,yang tinggal di tingkat satu pangsapuri mendakwa tidak larat untuk nail< ~ tangga UIItuk membuatpembayafupbilyangtidakmengaogkutair. . . . ," digunakan n8.11iim"ber.janjiakao. 'W.ilaupuntinggai di rlhgkat menjelaskao hutaog tertuoggak satu, tetapibagi oraDg tua seperti pei<a1andigunakan,"kataoya. saya tentulahmengalami'kesukarao Ramlan beIkata, ads.. segelintir apahila bekaIan air di rumah sUdahpendudukyangtidakmembuat pem- habis. bayaran bil air Jrera.narasa ditipu ."Setiaphari s~akKhamis lalu, ini 0100 pemaju sejak. niereka II!eo" sahaja rutin diIakukan bagi meduduki rumah itu tujuh tahoo lalu. meouhi keperluan," kataoya ketika "Meter pukal ini memang punca ditemui segala masalah kerana disebahkao Bagaimanapun difahamkao segeIintir penduduk yang tidak Syahas menyOOiakandua tangki stamembuat bayaran, semua sekali tar- tik bag; digunakan penduduk sekena tempiasnya dan menanggung panjang ketiadaan air di pangsapuri beban. berkenaan. "Malah kadar bayaran bagi satu Tinjauan Sinar Harlan semalam meter air juga sangat tinggi her- turut mendapati kira-kira 100penbanding rumah banglo atas unit ke- duduk turut berkumpul dan berdiaman laiu:' kataoya yang meminta piket secara aman di pangsapuri pemaju turut bertaoggungjawahme- berkeoaan bagi meoyatakan nukarmeterpeoduduk daripada me- ketidakpuasan hati inereka kepada ter pukal kepada individu dengan pihak pemaju yang dikatakan engmeojeIaskao baki tunggakao dan - gan bertaoggungjawahterbadap membuat pennohonao. perkam itu. - SINAR HARlAN . Tarlkh: 01 JUL-WUg ..".. .......... Badan bebassiasat salahlaku penjaw~t awam I KUALALUMPUR 30 Jun - Penubuhan Suruhabjaya Integriti Agensi Penguatkuasaan (SlAP) mampu mengubati kekecewaan orang ramai terhadap kegagalan jabatan dan agensi kerajaan yang gagal menghukum kakitangannyakerana melakukan kesalahan. Menteri di Jabatan Perdana Menteri, Datuk, Seri Mohamed Nazri Abdul Aziz (gambar) berkata, ini kerana mana-mana pihak yang tidak berpuas hati terhadap kegagalan itu boleh membuat aduan susulan kepada SlAPyang merupakan sebuah badan bebas. "Kalaukitagunakan saluran sedia ada, kita buat aduan kepadaJabatan , Imigresendan polis mengemiisalah laku kakitanganmereka.Jika aduan tidak dilayan,maka kita boleh minta SlAP campur tangan. "Siasatanini akan melibatkan kakitangan yangmelakukan saJab,laku dan jawatankuasa tatatertib di jabatan dan agensi kerajaan berkenaan kerana gaga!mengambiltindakanyang sewajamyaterhadap aduan orangramai;' katanya. Beliau berkata demikian ketikamenggulung perbahasan Rang Undang-Undang Suruhanjaya Integriti Agensi Pe" nguatkuasaan 2009 pada sidang Dewan Rakyathari ini. Selain aduan orang ramai, kata" nya lagi, SlAP juga boleh mengambil inisiatif sendiri untuk menyiasat salah laku kakitangan awam walaupun tidak menerima aduan rasmi daripada mana-mana pihak. Beliau menega'skan,dakwaan pi- hak pembangkang bahawaSIAPse- ngeluarkan waran bagi memaksa perti 'posmen' kerana hanya 'ber- para saksi hadir memberi keteratindak menyalurkan segala aduan ngan dan jika' individu berkenaan orang ramai kepada jawatankuasa gagalberbuat demikian, mereka tatatertib di jabatan boleh (Iikenakan denda tidak medanagensi kerajaan lebihi RMS,OOO. adalah tidak benar. "Seksyen 33(2) rang undang-un"Walaupun SlAP dang ini juga memberikan kuasa keperItt l11enyerahsetiap padanya untuk menggeledah premis aduan yang diterima- bagi mencari bukti kes;' jelasnya. nya kepada jawatanDalam pa,da itu, sesi penggulukuasa tatatertib di ja- ,ngan ittt' kecoh apabila Lim Kit Siang (DAP-Ipoh Timur) bangun batan danagensiberkenaan,.ini bukan ber- mencelah sambil menyifatkan makna 'ia bersikap le- Menteri Dalam Negeri, Datuk Seri Hishammuddin Tun Hussein sebapas tangan. "Ia mempunyai hak gai 'menteri pondan' kerana tidak untuk melakuk,ansia- hadir ketika sesi penggulungan rang satan sendiri dalam u;ndang-undang itu,.yang banyak behltuk pencfengaran menyentuh mengenai polis. Mohalped Nazri yang berang de" awam jika 'tnendapati pihak tw babit tidak mengambil sebarang n.gan dakwaan Kit Siang itu metindakan;' katanya. negaskan ,bahawa,Hishammuddin Menurut beliau,SIAR.bolehme- tidakperlu hadir keranaSIAP akan . ' UTUSAN MALAYSIA J UL 2009 Tarl. kh.. 0 1 ..................... diletakkan di bawah Jabatan Per<lana Menteri dan bukan Kementerian Dalam Negeri. i "Bagisaya,Ipoh Timur yang pondan kerana bertanyakan soalan merlgenai polis waktu menteri tidak a,da.Depan saya ini semua (pembangkang)pondan-pondan belaka. ~alau betul jantan, tunggu menteri qatanglah;' katanya. Suasanategang itu menjadi kenqur apabila Mohamed Nazri secara qerseloroh berkata, beliau tidak I):lahu lagi menjawab pertanyaan ~it Siang, sebaliknya iqgin memqeri peluang kepada Dr. Lo' Lo' Mohamad Ghazali (pas-Titiwangs~) pula bertanyakan soalan. I,"Titiwangsa ini 'jambu' kerana siIdah buang cermin mata dan pakai kata sentuh;' ujarnya. Rang undang-undang itu kemudiannya diluluskan tanpa sebarang pindaan. , -- -.-- , - --~ ----- Traders walkoutafterfailingto air grouses . ByNoelAchariam SEID KEMBANGAN: More than 100 traders from the Seri Kembangan extended market walked out of a briefing by the Subang Jaya Municipal Council (MBSJ)yesterday. They claimed that they were denied a chance to voice their grouses. The briefing. conducted by Subang Jaya Municipal Council president Datuk Adnan Md Ikshan at the Seri Kembangan multi-purpose hall was to explain the relocation of the traders to a new market in Jalan SK6Il. The traders, some of whom have been operating at the extended market for more than 20 years, have been at loggerheads with the council since they found out about the move After the briefing, the traders were not given a chance to voice out their grievances to Adnan or Seri Kembangan assemblyman Ean YongHian Wah and councillors Tai cheng Heng and Ng Sze Han who were present at the briefing. Instead, they were given forms and ,told to list down their complaints. The traders demanded that their grouses should be heard at the briefing. A frustrated trader Ng Mei Yoke.. expressed her disappointment at how the br:i,efing was handled. She said that the council should have given them a chance, to Speak in front of all the traders. "Everyone should hear what we have to say because it concerns them. We have noth-. ing to hide," she said. Another trader Chot Gan lastmonth. They claimedthat the new Hau said that he would not market was actually a food move from the morning marcourt and was not suitable for ket until the voices of the them. The traders said the traders were heard. He said that it was unfair for structure of the building was also different from that of a MPSJto deny them a chance to is going on," he said. market. Choi said that he and the speakat the briefing. . The traders also com"After the briefing they other traders will not give in to handed us forms and asked us MPSJ. plained about the lack of park "If we are going to move, ing space, traffic congestion to list down our grouses. This and inadequate drainage. is not the right way, they then the council should move They are also unhappy about should have given us the all 440 traders," he sardo Adnan said that the council an oxidationpondlocatednext chance to speak so that all the tothe market. . traders can understand what was firm about its plans to - NEW STRAITS TIMES Tarikh: _.L\.1..J.1JJ...~~-- Traders crowding around council officials demanding that their complaints be heard. Theylater walkedout of the briefing. - Pictureby S. Sugumaran -movethe traders to the new market. "Wehave discussed the situation and decided that half of the traders at' the present . market will.have to be relocated to the new market. " Adnan said that once the traders have moved, there will be less n:afficjamin the area. "This problem has persisted for years. We believe that we can ease the traffic congestion .and create more parking space by relocating the traders." he said. He said that the new market has all the facilities and the traders wouldbenefitbymovingthere. "Thosewho do not have licencesbut are willingtomove to the new market willbe given licences,"he said. Adnan also said that the new market should be completed by the end of October. ,,;;.-_:::!I.T~ ( # ~ m) 5f.m ~ \ -'"~ ::::~:~:~~_n tf ~~~J& -:1JW~Ji ,,' ,'... ' .-m " a.~IiI..IBJ,tI.. '*' -;rh It+:zeb.m ~ ... . if "~q" . ... *Jl.r1h)l~5~Ui!1&@!~ -S-J.J.;.AJ1'J 'I~X~I7frl::t~-=t="o ~~.'~-:1JW_~ ,il Jt i'~ A9~ .W:/ii tOO./FJ1I! .*~ Ji't&:1m ffij~ m 1* A9m $J 9=IIe., . tJ)\~ f1"j;]3H!HII k t9: 0 '. )(1!r~ ~~t1~=rKf,;.j;]~fJtJ JHi&J&:l:9t~;Jt~ j$~A9~EJT ' ~lIt9tt)( .m:m:JtX;J~-.@~fM~~$~ ~7 ":JJlEB7GA~ .~*;(fA~" miS(~tE./FJ1I!~i'J!1t!.~ i&J&.~fiU3C~ '#*I&f~~m/ii J:;:.~{}f.a:Jr£ll;1 ~A,*,f-:I~$~W:tJ1t . . ~A9m$J ' .'$W.*-/F ' "., ..' 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