WheelSpin December 2013 / January 2014


WheelSpin December 2013 / January 2014
Sheraton Hotel, Edinburgh : Saturday December 7th 2013
All the winners present at the Sheraton Hotel
The gala night was well compered by Duncan
Vincent and Robert Johnson. We had lots of special
guests from the world of international motor racing.
An excellent meal with complimentary miniatures
on every table was enjoyed by over 300 members
and guests.
SMRC Chairman Hugh McCaig
Chairman Hugh McCaig opened the evening
with his speech
Ladies and gentlemen. I would like to give you a
very warm welcome to the 2013 SMRC Annual
Awards Dinner. As the old gentleman said to the
young blonde" this won’t take long, did it"!!!!
There are more important things to be done this
evening than to listen to me rabbiting on.......( it’s
nice we can agree on something)
Motorsport has had a roller coaster year with some
wonderful highs and terrible lows. We have lost
Alan Simonsen and Sean Edwards in two tragic
accidents. Dario Franchitti’s accident in America,
from which he is still recovering and looks like it
has ended a fabulous career of a fabulous Scottish
Also sadly, we lost our long standing Chief
Timekeeper David Sharp last month who
transformed our timekeeping from the old days of
multiple stopwatches to the state of the art systems
that we have today. The Scottish Motor Racing
community owe him a great debt and our
condolences go to his family.
However on the upside Allan McNish won Le Mans
for the third time and became the World Endurance
Champion. He can’t unfortunately be with us as he
is at the FIA prize giving in Paris, to receive his
world Championship award and his pension book.
He sent us this message...
Sorry I can’t be with you having fun in Edinburgh
tonight, I am in Paris for the FIA and WEC awards.
They were less than amused when after winning the
Championship, I suggested I was off to a Scottish
shindig instead of their gala dinner.
Anyway, I hope you all had a great seasons racing,
and a big congratulations to the championship and
prize winners. As always the racing was fast and
furious, and as I read, sometimes even more than
But looking ahead, with strong grid numbers, great
support from Knockhill, the track marshals and you,
the members, your club is pro actively on the right
road and looking healthy going into 2014.
Now I can sense Duncan and Robert wanting to get
on with proceedings and already champing at the
bit, but I know a certain Robert Reid is with you
tonight for his first SMRC dinner, as you know
Robert is historically a rally man, so we really need
to show him that us “circuit racers” know how to
party better than his usual “gravel grandpa’s”.
Hope you have a great night, and congratulations
once again.
See you on track in 2014
But we do have a plethora of Scottish Motor racing
Stars here tonight, we even have Robert Reid,
World Rally champion who navigated for the late
Richard Burns.
We have Ryan Dalziel - Ryan as well as his own
successful career in American Le Mans Series is
also part of a group who are helping to encourage
young racing drivers. We will hear more from him
Paul Di Resta is here. Paul has put in some great
Formula one drives and achieved some great results
for a drastically underfunded team
Marino Franchitti is here. He finished fourth in the
Alms LMP2 championship, and should have really
won it with some great drives throughout the season
We have Jonny Adam, who helped Andrew
Howard to the British GT title!
Gordon Shedden - who nearly did a back to back,
and just missed out winning the British Touring Car
championship again by a mere seven points.
We have Andrew Kirkaldy, Managing director of
Mclaren GT, a great supporter of this club and our
young drivers Glyn Geddie, past British GT Winner
and the 2013 European super car challenge
championship. We have Ross Wylie, last years
Ecurie Ecosse hub cap winner. He is now a BRDC
rising star.
But the really good news is that the old folks bus got
here from Galashiels and double British touring car
champion John Clelland was on it. He got off at the
airport by mistake, but just followed the tram lines
into the west end and the social services brought him
up to the Sheraton. We have Jane Leslie and David
Tremayne, and many more. What a great turnout of
fantastic Scottish International Motorsport Stars
have come along to support our wee club’s annual
prize giving dinner
I have to thank the sponsors and commercial
partners who have helped make 2013 one of the
most successful in recent years.
Tommy Dreelan and Celtic Speed. Tommy has
made a great effort to be here tonight as he is
recovering from a recent illness, but assures me he
will be soon up to full strength and probably trying
to upset my liver shortly
We have to thank new sponsors this year Alan
Laing from Knowepark Caravans. Also new this
year, Peoples Ford strongly supported by their
Managing Director Brian Gilda who supported
Thanks also go to long term sponsor Mark Evans
from Yokohama along with our long term
supporters Ronnie Thom and Daisy from Wheels
Around who are again supporting us in 2014
John Marshall and Beatsons for supporting the
Racing for Scotland Formula Ford.
I have to thank Greg Graham who brought support
from Marangoni Tyres to the inaugural year of the
BMW Compact Cup, next year it looks as if the
Compact Cup will be over subscribed!
John Doran I would like to thank on behalf of all
Scottish motorsport for the acres of support he gives
in his columns of the Scottish Sun.
In 2013 the Scottish Motor Racing Club has had a
successful year. With good overall entries for all
seven meetings at Knockhill run by the club. With
careful financial management, support from our
sponsors and Jillian Sheddon’s sensible and
considered dealings with us we gave managed to
keep entry fees at an affordable level and possibly
the cheapest in the country. I have to say also that
the effort Heather and Graham Brunton have put
into transforming the Club into a 21st century
business has been immense. We, as directors of the
club may have not communicated as well as we
might at times, but I feel we are improving our lines
of communication.
It never ceases to amaze me the passion some
competitors put into being negative. Fortunately
they are in their minority, but seem to make the most
The club put on two " Go Motor" racing evenings
the week before last which were really well
supported by our Motor sport community. I have to
thank everyone who brought cars and karts along to
Aberdeen and Edinburgh and everyone who turned
up. It was a great social get together We think we
have roughly ten new prospective competitors from
both evenings, which is just fantastic and I have to
thank the John Clark Motor Group for letting us
take over their premises in Edinburgh and Aberdeen
for the evening
We have seen some changes in our Marshalling and
clerking teams. Jim Redpath has taken over from
Nick Clark, Renny Thompson is now our Chief
Scruitineer from Ian Ralston, I am also pleased to
report that Rob McKenna will be returning to
scrutineer the Legends next year and Ian Forrest
and Stuart Spencer will be fully fledged Clerks of
the Course early next year. Now that is quite enough
from me, have a great night.
I will now let our version of the Krankys get on with
compering the evening.
Thank you.
After Chairman Hugh’s speech Dinner
We had Championship awards throughout the dinner
courses as last year and a recorded message from
club President Allan McNish.
The ceremony was progressing, then half way
through the night Dario Franchitti made a surprise
appearance The room was on its feet to welcome
one of Scotland’s greatest racing drivers as he made
his way to the stage on crutches.
Jane Leslie presents Dario Franchitti with his award
Dario had a video tribute paid by Scott Dickson his
Indycar team mate who said he loved being his team
mate and it wouldn’t be the same racing without
him. Allan McNish said: “Who would have thought
a wee boy who turned up at Larkhall would go on
and have a wonderful career. We are super proud of
you Dario as they say in America – Good Job.”
David Tremane the motoring journalist came up on
stage to talk to Dario. He said: “You are a genuine
product of Scotland. The fact that you love this sport
with a passion is a tribute to your upbringing. Dario
you are the 8th all time Indycar winner. You are a
legend in what you’ve achieved and the way you
have achieved it with honour and dignity,
commitment and passion. You remind me of Jimmy
(Clark). People were stunned that you were going to
stop. I can see you doing as Rick Mears, a great
driver who went on to race management with
Penske.” He went on to say Dario remembers
everyone who helps him such as David Leslie snr
and jnr. Jane Leslie, David Leslie’s widow then
came on stage to present Dario with a Lifetime
Achievement Award.
Marinio Franchitti, Dario’s brother was next up on
stage and chatted stating: “Its been a fantastic year
apart from my boy doing himself a mischief. He’s
proud to be Scottish and flying the flag and he’s a
better brother than a racing driver.”
Also interviewed on stage during the evening was
Ryan Dalziel. The Florida USA resident and
successful GT racer was again over in the UK to
support the club. He said that it was good to help put
Ciaran (Haggerty) on the FF stage this season with a
lot of help from Graham Brunton. He spoke about
supporting the West of Scotland Karters who he saw
the previous evening.
Ryan then said: “It was a curious year, it was a big
struggle (in US GTs). We made an engine change
and won the race then got a massive penalty. We
broke up with Starworks (his team) but there’s tons
of Tequila for everyone (on the tables). He hoped
Allan would come and do Daytona and: “I’m very
happy to see Dario is okay.”
Ryan presented Heather Brunton with a large
bouquet of flowers for her work as Club
Membership Secretary, organising the awards
ceremony and, with Graham, the Go Motor Racing
Paul di Resta was also on stage and said: “I should
be at a Force India party tonight but I thought I’d
come here instead. I like to come and try to support
Dr Robert Johnson and Duncan Vincent
did a splendid job as comperes
The Award Winners 2013
S cotti sh Fi esta Champi onshi p
S cotti sh Fi esta S T Cup
XR2 Champion The Hamilton & Inches
Wayne Macaulay
XR2 2nd place – Trophy
David McNaughton
XR2 3rd place – Trophy
Grant Anderson
The Sandy Forrest Trophy XR Newcomers
David McNaughton
George Orr
S cotti sh Legends Cars
Champi onshi p
Winner - Legends Quaich
David Newall
2nd place - Legends Quaich
John Paterson
3rd place - Legends Quaich
Paul O’Brien
Legends Rookie Award – Trophy
John Paterson
Legends Team Trophy
Duncan Vincent / Carol Brown
Ryan Dalziel with ST Cup winner George Orr
David McNaughton receives the Sandy Forrest
Trophy from Ryan Dalziel
New XR2 Champion, Wayne Macaulay was not able
to attend.
George said: “You could see the tension it was very
tight at the end. It was a big relief as Aiden (Moffat)
pushed me hard.”
David Newall (centre) being interviewed
David siad: “Thanks to Stevie (McCall) and my wife
for putting up with me and being obsessed with
S cotti sh S al oon & S ports Car
Champi onshi p
S cotti sh Formul a Ford
Champi onshi p
Winner - King Hussein Trophy & John
Nicolson Trophy (Top Sports Car):
Ryan Magennis
2nd place - Adam Wylie Trophy
Mark Dawson
3rd place - H & G Robinson Trophy
Paul Brydon
Winner - Romaines Quaich & Jock McBain
Stuart Thorburn
2nd place - Romaines Quaich
Michael Gray
3rd place - Romaines Quaich
Jordan Gronkowski
Newcomers Award
Ciaran Haggerty
Classic Formula Ford Cup
Ivor Mairs
Tommy said: “It’s excellent, we’ve had a very good
year, I’d like to say thank you to my - wife it’s her
pension that bought the car. Scottish motorsport isn’t
bad and Knockhill’s good as well.”
Cel ti c S peed S cotti sh Mi ni
Cooper Cup
1st Lombard Trophy
2nd place - Trophy
3rd Place
Ladies Award – Trophy
Newcomers Award
Kenny Thirlwall
Joe Tanner
David Sleigh
Elaine Marshall
Joe Tanner
Ryan Magennis (left) with Marino Franchitti
Duncan Vincent said to Ryan that he’d had a
fantastic year with some great races. Ryan said of
the championship : “It was not easy wining some of
the early rounds. If it hadn’t rained on the last day
Paul (Brydon) could have been taking home the
trophy, it was that close.”
S cotti sh Mazda MX5 Cup
Paul Curtis
Ken Thirlwall receiving his
Mini Cooper Cup awards
Stuart Thorburn collects his trophy
from Paul di Resta
Robert Johnston said that it had been an epic year,
four drivers were in it all year. The winner had been
around Formula Ford for 26 years, it’s quite an
achievement to win this year. Stuart told him he’d
do the first race and see how it goes. Stuart then
said,:”I did alright in the end and I’ve had more
comebacks than Frank Sinatra.”
Ciaran Haggerty, FF Newcomers winner
with Paul di Resta
Duncan Vincent said: “It was a dramatic three way
title race which went down to the last race.”
He then said to Ken Thirlwall: “You were ganged up
on by 4 or 5 green Minis but you won.” New
champion Ken said: “It’s been good, I’ve been away
in Formula Ford and to win it (Mini Cooper Cup)
again was good.”
Joe Tanner took the Mini Cooper Newcomer award
Paul Curtis receives the MX5 Cup
BMW Compact Cup
Alan Kirkaldy
S cotti sh Cl assi c S al oon and
S ports Car Champi onshi p
Champions - Doune Cup:
Tommy Gilmartin
Winner Class A
George Leitch
Winner Class B
Harry Simpson
Winner Class C
Robert Marshall
Winner Class D
Raymond Boyd
Saloon Car Cup – Trophy Robert Marshall
When he walked on stage Duncan said to Tommy:
“It’s been a fantastic year for you, first year in a
Morgan and a winner.”
B. M. R. C. Trophy
Winner - 47pts B.M.R.C. Trophy
Ryan Magennis
2nd place – 46 pts Trophy
David Sleigh
2nd place – 46 pts Trophy
Joe Tanner
The Border Motor Racing Club Trophy is one of the
most prestigious awarded each year and is presented
to the winner of the SMRC Points Championship
based on overall race results. It was first awarded in
1957 and the winner that year was a 21 year old
called Jim Clark.
Alan Kirkaldy with Kirstie Doran
The first BMW Compact Cup winner also received
an additional award, a Dario Franchitti watch from
Kirstie Doran’s sponsors, T W Steele. Alan said:
“It’s been absolutely brilliant for me. It’s been a
great championship and I think it will be even better
next year.”
Classics Champion Tommy Gilmartin
with John Cleland
Ryan Magennis took the prestigious BMRC Trophy
about racing plans: “We’re going Touring Cars next
S MRC Mechani cs Awards
Formula Ford
Saloons & Sportscars
Stuart Thorburn
Paul Bell
Duncan Vincent
Carol Brown
Lee Fitzpatrick
(Car prepared by Coatbridge College)
Fiesta Championship
Scott Robertson
Mini Cooper Cup
David Sleigh
Cal l ands Trophy
Marino Franchitti
BTCC star Gordon Shedden with Aiden Moffat
Knockhi l l Young Dri ver of the
Year Awards
Single Seater Award
Saloon Car Award
John Maguire (centre) with
Stuart Thorburnʼs mechanics
The Mechanics Awards were presented by MSA
Technical Commissioner, John McQuire.
Michael Gray
Aiden Moffat
Michael said: It’s been a really amazing year, I’m
just over the moon, this award and 2nd in the
Duncan said to Michael: “What a great year it’s been
for you in Minis and Fiestas plus BTC.
Aiden said: “Yes, and we’re looking at Touring cars
to set up a team and we’ve got the car.”
Jim Robertson
Alasdair Coates
Awarded to a marshal or official whose work is
often unseen but is important to the success of
SMRC meetings - Jim Robertson.
This beautiful hand made silver quaich was
presented to the Club some years ago by Mark’s
parents in memory of their son and is presented to
the driver of the Best Prepared Classic Saloon or
Sports Car.
The Wi l l i e Robertson Trophy
Caroline McMurdo
This award goes to the top Scottish Driver
competing in an International Championship.
Marino Franchitti.
Cl ai re and Ni chol asTrophy
The Mark Brennan Ol l on-Vi l l ars
Quai ch
Marino Franchitti is pleased with the Callands Trophy
Paul di Resta with Michael Gray
The Wal ter Robertson Award
Gerard McCosh
Ian and Caroline McMurdo
with Victoria (centre)
A new award in memory of Classics racer and Crail
raceway owner Willie Robertson who sadly passed
away in 2013. Awarded to people who show the
spirit of Classics Sports and Saloons - Ian and
Caroline McMurdo presented by Victoria, sister of
late Willie Robertson.
Edi nburgh S tudents Chari ti es
Quai ch
Elaine Marshall
Mini Cooper Ladies Cup winner
This carriage clock is given to the recipient to keep
and is awarded to someone who puts a huge amount
of effort in to the sport, but does it entirely for the
fun and enjoyment. This year’s recipient of the
Walter Robertson Award - Gerard McCosh
Gerard was not present but Walter was interviewed
on stage. Walter is a former Special Saloon racer,
SMRC Chairman and is an International Clerk of the
Course. He is recovering from the major open heart
surgery operation he had in 2013. He said
mischievously that he’s on a small measure of
alcohol every night.
Wi l l i am Lyons Trophy
Jim & Glynn Geddie
This trophy is given for the best performance by a
Scottish driver in a Sports Car. Winner of the LMP2
World Championship - Jim and Glynn Geddie.
Glynn said when receiving the trophy and asked
Karen Ditch with Jim Redpath, accepting the
award on behalf of Jim Robertson
Duncan Fi sher Trophy
Andrew Kirkaldy
This trophy is given in memory of Duncan who
competed at Ingliston in the 70’s and 80’s and is
awarded to an enthusiast who is totally committed to
his favourite sport of motor racing and invariably
does most of his work behind the scenes. His or her
efforts are usually seen by few but appreciated by
many. For his support of Formula Ford with driver
awards and providing a trip of a lifetime to a group
of young SMRC racers MD of McLaren GT Andrew Kirkaldy
Andrew said: “It’s nice to get a trophy, its great to
put something back in the sport and to get young
guys down and show them McLaren. Graham
Brunton has done a great thing for you guys.”
This is presented to a top lady driver competing in
S MRC Dri ver of the Year Award
Aiden Moffat
Karen Ditch an experienced and enthusiastic
Marshall and Observer came up on stage announce
the SMRC Driver of the Year Award which the
Marshals choose. She presented it to Fiesta ST Cup
runner up and multi race winner in both Fiesta STs
and the Mini Cooper Cup – Aiden Moffat.
Jim and Glynn Geddie with Gordon Shedden
Andrew Kirkaldy and Paul di Resta
Rothmans Trophy
Jonny Adam
This award is presented to the top Scottish driver
competing in a UK National Championship - Jonny
Jonny said: “It’s been a fantastic year in British GTs,
but it would be great to do World GT races.” He also
congratulated Allan McNish on his Endurance
World Championship. Then Jonny said: “Stuart
Thorburn has had a great year and I would like him
to test one of our GT4 Aston Martin’s. (Stuart said
The trophy is awarded to a Scot for ‘Excellence in
Motor Racing’ and this year went to Allan McNish.
S peci al S MRC Award
Tommy Dreelan
This award is to a man who has shown a real passion
for our sport and with Celtic Speed supported and
furthered Scottish Motorsport.
Awarded to Tommy Dreelan.
Tommy said: “It’s been going well for 4 or 5 years.
Plans for next year, we’re not sure but I’ll be
continuing with Group C (Sportscars). It’s
absolutely brilliant with what’s happening in Minis.
I’d like to thank everyone in SMRC, what you are
doing is fantastic.”
Sheila Whyte Trophy winner Aiden Moffat
with Ryan Dalziel
The Sheila Whyte Trophy comes with a cheque for
£500 and is awarded to a driver who has impressed
everyone with his driving in Fiestas and Mini
Coopers - Aiden Moffat.
The Hartley Whyte Trophy went to a driver who is
only 16 years old and won races in Scottish Formula
Ford as well as winning the Newcomers Cup.
Congratulations and a cheque for £750 went to
Ciaran Haggerty.
Tommy Dreelan receives his Special Award
from Paul di Resta
Jonny Adam with the Rothmans Trophy
he received from Ryan Sharp
Honorary Membershi p
Paul Di Resta
Ecuri e Ecosse Hub Cap
Aiden Moffat
The Patron of Ecurie Ecosse, Hugh McCaig, came
back on stage to present the Ecurie Ecosse Hub Cap
to this year’s winner.
The wheel spinner from an Ecurie Ecosse Jaguar Dtype, affectionately known as the ‘Hub Cap’, is
presented each year to an outstanding young
Scottish driver who has shown enormous potential.
Aiden Moffat
Aiden said: “It’s great to be up here receiving
awards with all the talent here, but I wasn’t
expecting it, so thank you very much.”
Dr Johnson spoke to F1 star Paul Di Resta on stage.
Paul said: “It’s a bit of a rocky road at the moment.
Hope is not giving up. I want to race competitively
and I’d never give up on the F1 dream. The hardest
thing in F1 I’ve experienced is when the Red Bull
(car) comes up and laps you and drives off and
you’re driving the balls off it.”
HW winner Ciaran Haggerty interviewed on stage
Ciaran said: “We hope to get in Formula Ford again
as we had a fantastic 1st season. Thanks to Ryan
(Dalziel) for believing in me and Graham Brunton,
John Marshall and Beatsons. I though I’d give the
cheque to Rets Syndrom Research trust, which Ryan
is involved with.”
The S tewart Medal
Graham and Heather Brunton
Paul Di Resta receives his Honorary Membership
from Chairman Hugh McCaig
Paul then said to the members: “Don’t give up.”
Dr Johnson said: “Well you’re £30 better off as an
honorary member.”
The S hei l a Whyte Trophy
Aiden Moffat
This medal is presented by Sir Jackie Stewart and
his family and is awarded for ‘Services to Scottish
Motorsport’. This year’s recipients, as usual, had no
idea that he/she is to receive this very special silver
medal. Club Chairman Hugh McCaig came up on
stage to present it. He said: “We had fundamental
problems and a few people helped resolve them.”
The award went to Heather and Graham Brunton.
Graham said he was just doing his bit: “Just looking
around the room at the talent we have its kinda
logical to help.”
Heather said: “I get a real kick out of it and
somebody said today, you deserve a bloody medal
for all this.
The Hartl ey Whyte Trophy
Aiden Moffat with club Chairman Hugh McCaig
The John Romanes ‘S wi ft’ Trophy
Allan McNish
This beautiful trophy was donated to the Club some
years ago by Doris Romanes in memory of her late
husband, John, who was a stalwart of the Club for
the best part of 50 years and ran Ingliston in its early
Ciaran Haggerty
These two awards are supported by money given
each year by the Whyte & Mackay Trust and again
this year by additional money from the Club.
Duncan thanked David Brown of Whyte & Mackay,
who was here with us this evening, for supplying the
miniatures on the tables.
The awards go to two outstanding drivers competing
in SMRC Championships who have started circuit
racing in the last couple of years, shown great talent
and ability, and could well move on to greater things
within the sport.
The prestigious Stewart Medal winners
Graham and Heather Brunton
It was quite a debut season for a young Midlothian
racing driver as two wins in the final two races at
the Snetterton 300 circuit in Norfolk recently
ensured 17 year old Colin Noble Jnr won the UK
championship of the inaugural Radical SR1 Cup in
some style.
Colin’s win means it’s the second year in a row a
member of the Noble family has secured a Radical
title, with his father, Colin Noble Snr, the reigning
2012 Dunlop Radical UK Cup champion.
Colin Jnr totally dominated this year’s
championship securing an impressive seven wins
out of eight with one second place. He also achieved
six pole positions and seven fastest laps across the
four race meetings held at Brands Hatch in Kent,
Oulton Park in Cheshire, Cadwell Park in
Lincolnshire and ultimately, at Snetterton.
Colin amassed 168 points out of a possible 176 over
the course of the season setting the bar high for
others to follow next season, including fellow
competitor, Sir Chris Hoy, who is also driving in the
SR1 championship.
Colin said: “I’m obviously delighted to have won
Colin Noble Jnr in his Radical
the championship and to be bringing the trophy
back home to Midlothian. We’ve been very strong
throughout the season and both the car and the
support team have been absolutely magnificent."
Colin’s father, Colin Noble Snr said: “I’m really
proud of the effort Colin has put in throughout the
season and he thoroughly deserves to have won the
The Scottish Motor Racing Club
Board and Members
Dear All
Many thanks to you all for inviting me to the
Annual Dinner and Awards evening. It is always
great to catch up with so many old friends and to
keep up with all your activities. I thoroughly
enjoyed the evening as I always do.
Thank you also for asking me to present Dario
with his Lifetime Achievement Award. A truly
well deserved award. It was a great honour to be
invited to present it to him.
The extent of Dario`s injuries are clearly none of
our business but I was very proud to say he is a
friend of mine as I believe his attendance at the
evening was a huge effort on his part.
I believe he would have given more of himself if
he were able but he was clearly tiring. I know
how important Dario`s fans at home are to him.
Thanks again – it was lovely to see you all and I
shall look forward to next year.
Enjoy your racing.
With love
Jane Leslie
SMRC Go Motorsport evenings Aberdeen and Edinburgh
The club held two nights to promote motorsport and
encourage potential drivers and teams to start racing
late last year. Each evening was well attended.
Competition Secretary Graham Brunton and
Membership Secretary Heather Brunton worked
tirelessly to get cars for the displays and invite
In Aberdeen the night was in John Clark's BMW
Aberdeen showroom with guests Lewis Williamson,
GT racer Glynn Geddie, Ross Wylie, Alasdair
McCaig from Ecurie Ecosse and Porsche Cup racer
Rory Butcher. Cars on display included Wayne
Macaulay's Fiesta ST, Kyle Reid's Mini Cooper,
Gary Falconer's Legends Car, Paul Bell's Nova and
the Ecurie Ecosse BMW. While Aiden Moffat's new
Chevrolet Cruz BTC car was unveiled.
The Edinburgh night was in John Clark’s Pentland
Land Rover showroom. Cars on display included
Aiden Moffat’s new Chevrolet Cruz as well as 3
Classic racers, a big Ford Mustang, the McMurdo's
John’s advice to newcomers was: “Bite off more
than you can chew then chew like hell. Never ever
give up, and smile through the whole lot.”
Young Aiden Moffat said: “Moving up to Touring
cars will be a big step for us.” He went on to say: “I
prefer different tracks, I seem to go well at them and
like to travel.”
A busy night in Edinburgh at Pentland Land Rover
Austin A30 and Harry Simpson's Ginetta, Vic Covey
jnr's Mini Cooper, Euan Mackay's Legends car and
George Orr's Fiesta ST and Paul Brydon's modified
BMW . At both events we had two Formula Fords
(from Ciaran Haggerty and Paul Kopec), Paul
Curtis’ MX5 and Steven Dailly's BMW Compact,
while young Karters were also there.
We had over 100 drivers, officials and guys and girls
interested in racing attending Edinburgh, a similar
number in Aberdeen. The club says a big thank you
to John Clark group for the use of their dealerships,
everyone who brought cars, attended to provide
knowledge and information as well as the Bruntons
for all their hard work organising the two nights.
We have over 10 seriously interested new drivers
from these nights and lots of people talking about
motorsport, as well as getting information.
Duncan Vincent compared both evenings and there
were drivers reps, committee members, scrutineers
and drivers in attendance. Club chairman Hugh
McCaig welcomed everyone in Edinburgh and
former double BTC champion John Cleland was
there and in good form saying: “For a such a small
country we’ve produced an amazing amount of
world champions.” He went on to say: “We have
produced an extraordinary amount of world class
drivers.” He commented on BTC saying: “Today it’s
about £180,000 for a car, 15 years ago a Vauxhall
cost £380,000 and it had more carbon fibre in it than
the space shuttle.”
Aiden Moffat unveils his new BTC Chevrolet
There was lots of interest in the cars on display
Allan McNish is the new World Endurance Champion
Just reward for super-quick racing driver achieving
his lifetime’s ambition. He is the first British driver
to win the sports car title since Derek Warwick was
crowned in 1992, and the first ever Scot to put his
name on the trophy. He is our club president and
deserves every success.Allan has been waiting a
long time to win a world title. In 1985 he came
tantalisingly close to taking the Karting World
Championship at Le Mans, finishing third after
leading much of the way. After winning the Vauxhall
Lotus Challenge, and finishing runner-up in the
British F3 series, he impressed in F3000 and got his
chance to race in F1 with Toyota. It was in sports
cars with Audi, however was able to consistently
display his natural speed and talent. In 2013 third
place in Shanghai was enough to give McNish, Loïc
Duval and Tom Kristensen the title with one WEC
race still to run. Allan McNish (Audi R18 e-tron
quattro #2) said: “Loïc Duval, Tom Kristensen and I
had a fantastic season. We clinched all the great
victories, starting at Silverstone, and then of course
the Le Mans 24 Hours, Austin and, ultimately, the
early title win: A brilliant result for Audi Sport. We
arrived in Bahrain without any pressure. We battled
with Toyota. Just when I was getting ready to get
into the car for my first stint, the news came that our
race was over. It’s our first retirement for a technical
reason. But that can’t devalue what has been a firstclass season otherwise.”
Amazingly, neither McNish nor Kristensen have
won a world title before despite having won the Le
Mans 24 Hours three and nine times respectively.
They have dominated the WEC this year, the Audi
yet again proving to be faster and more reliable than
its competitors.
Club President Allan McNish retires from racing
Allan McNish with the Le Mans 2013 Trophy
Allan McNish: an all-time sports car great
3x Le Mans 24 Hours wins (1998, 2008, 2013)
4x overall Sebring 12 Hours wins (2004, 2006,
2009, 2012)
3x American Le Mans Series champion (2000, 2006,
2013 World Endurance Champion Allan’s 33-year
motor racing career has netted almost 80 wins – over
125 top-three “podiums” – and began in karting,
winning three British and six Scottish championship
titles between 1982-86, finishing third in the World
Championship in 1985.
He won the 1988 Formula Vauxhall Lotus
Championship and finished second in the 1989
British Formula Three Championship by a mere
three points.
In Formula One, Allan had testing contracts with
McLaren and Benetton (1990-96), Toyota (2000-02)
– including a full F1 World Championship race
season in 2002 – and Renault (2003).
McNish is a former winner of the Royal Automobile
Club’s Segrave and Tourist Trophies while other
awards include the British Racing Drivers’ Club’s
ACO Plate (seven times), BRDC Silverstone-Le
Mans Challenge (twice), Scottish Motor Racing
Club’s Callands Trophy (twice), SMRC William
Lyons Trophy (five times), SMRC John Romanes
“Swift” Trophy (twice), SMRC Stewart Medal and
SMRC Ecurie Ecosse “Hub Cap”. Allan, who
celebrated his 44th birthday on 29 December, has
been Honorary President of the Scottish Motor
Racing Club since December 2007.
Dumfries-born McNish steps down from a race
driving role with Audi Sport with immediate effect
but will comprehensively assist the “factory” team
that has won Le Mans 12 times since 1999 in
various roles next year.
“I’ve had fantastically successful time with Audi and
feel it’s the right time to step back from Le Mans
sports-prototype racing and to look at other
opportunities,” commented McNish.
“As a racing driver it’s important to stop (racing) at
the right time when I’m still fast and capable of
doing the job and the timing feels right after winning
Le Mans for a third time this year and claiming the
World title.
“This year especially was mega successful, teaming
up with Loïc [Duval] for the first time and obviously
with long-time co-driver Tom [Kristensen]. We’ve
ticked all of the boxes and I ticked my personal ones
too but now the time is right to hand over to the
young guys.
“I’ve won the championships and races I wanted to
win and frankly there’s no better way to end my
Audi sportscar race career than going out as a World
“My fellow Scot and mentor Jackie Stewart knew
when to get into things but also knew when to get
out and he has taught me that lesson.”
McNish has contested 89 races since making his
Allan at the 6 hours of Fuji
Audi sportscar debut in 2000 scoring 66 top-three
“podiums” – including 29 outright race wins – for
“factory” or “customer” Audi teams that also netted
three American Le Mans Series titles.
“We appreciate and respect Allan’s decision to retire
at the pinnacle of his career,” says Head of Audi
Motorsport Dr. Wolfgang Ullrich. “At the same
time, this is a parting that is particularly difficult for
us. All of us are well aware of Allan’s racing
“We should not forget, though, how valuable he has
been in the development of our race cars, how great
a team player he has always been and how he has
consistently applied himself to achieve Audi’s aims
far beyond motorsport with professionalism, loyalty
and commitment. We regret that Allan will no longer
be contesting any races for us but are happy that he
will continue to be associated with Audi Sport and
the Audi brand.”
Allan continued: “I joined (Audi) in 2000 and
immediately found that we each worked in the same
way: you either won or lost. If we lost, then we
solved the problem.
“Over the years I won three American Le Mans
Allan hands over to Lois Duval at Le Mans 2013
Series titles, four race wins at Sebring and at Petit
Le Mans, scored two wins of my three Le Mans
wins with Audi and have now won the World title.
“My success is not just down to me but comes as a
result of a huge effort by Audi Sport who gave me
the tools and my co-drivers to do the job right.
“There are some great new drivers coming through
and they need an opportunity just like I did. I’m
looking forward to being part of Audi Sport in the
future to ensure that these young drivers have the
same level of fun and success that I have enjoyed
over the years.”
Except for the years of 2001 to 2003, when the
racing pro with the physique of a jockey was active
in Formula 1 as a test and race driver, he was
competing for the four rings of Audi since 2000. He
almost exclusively drove the company’s sports cars
and in 2005 he was additionally active in the DTM.
He is the only driver to have raced all sports cars
ever made in Ingolstadt and Neckarsulm, from the
Audi R8R to the R8, R10 TDI, R15 TDI, R18 TDI
models and the R18 ultra through to the R18 e-tron
quattro. He has recorded 29 overall victories, 18
pole positions, 17 fastest race laps and four title
wins in eleven years, which makes him one of the
most successful Audi sports car drivers. “Of course,
we’re going to miss Allan in our driver line-up
extremely,” says Chris Reinke, Project Manager
LMP at Audi Sport. “But it’s typical of Allan that
he’s also found a perfect point in time to end his
Allan says: “I’ve had a long career and I’m very
proud of what I’ve achieved.”
Allan races through the country at Le Mans 2013
Kevin’s Comments
We are rapidly approaching the new season. Last
year most Championships went down to the wire,
the points scoring systems work well and its great
to see lots of drivers in with a chance of winning a
Congratulations to everyone who took part in SMRC
race meetings from drivers and mechanics to
officials, marshals, timekeepers and scrutineers, you
all made it work and a great thanks to Heather and
Graham Brunton - Heather for her tireless work and
organisation, with Graham closely in every meeting,
dealing with drivers and reps as well as organising
Go Motorsport evenings.
We ran seven race meetings, had an increase in
competitor numbers and introduced new sponsors to
our sport, all this despite some noise in the paddock.
Your committee worked hard to ensure we kept
racing affordable. Club Chairman Hugh McCaig
was both diplomatic and determined as he provided
strong leadership while we worked through the year.
Championship regulations will shortly be up on the
club web site as I have been working on these over
the Winter and they have to go to the MSA for
approval. There are a few updates drivers should
note, especially all championships now have a
registration fee. All changes to 2013 regulations will
be highlighted in bold text in the 2014 regulations.
These include: Classics have new classes. Legends
are in line with 99% of the national regs. In Scotland
a fuel tank guard is mandatory as is a 2nd method of
securing bumpers. Cars will not be allowed to race
without bumpers. Mini Coopers allow removal of
the thermostat, manifolds can be wrapped. Saloons
& Sportscars have new classes, BMW Compacts
have updates. Fiestas allow manifold wrapping.
There are seven SMRC meetings at Knockhill. 1st
meeting April 6th, 2nd meeting May 5th. Entry
forms and registration forms will be on the web site
in early February. Away races 2014 are for Mini
Coopers at the Mini Festival at Oulton Park in July,
they miss the July Knockhill meeting to attend this
meeting. Fiestas are again sharing the grid with
BRSCC Fiesta XR2s at Oulton Park in August but
places will be limited. Saloons and Sports including
•• NEWS •• NEWS •• NEWS ••
Championship Registration
Vic Covey has left the committee after working
on the commercial side of club activities. The
former Mini Cooper Cup co-ordinator had
rejoined just over a year ago and we wish him
well and thank Vic for all his efforts on behalf of
the club.
This is being extended to all championships in
2014. It will still be one of the lowest registration
fees in the UK, all bar Mini Coopers will pay £75
to SMRC, Minis fee is cut to £250. Compare this
to BARC Legends who pay £750 or BRSCC
MX5s who pay £225. This fee will help pay for
club administration and general costs etc. As an
encouragement to new competitors or those
wanting to try a car before possibly changing
class for 2015, the final meeting at Knockhill in
October will see guests allowed to race in all
championships without registering.
Entry Fees and Membership
SMRC Race entry fees and SMRC club
membership will see no increases for 2014. You
can join and enter races on line via the club web
site at www.smrc-uk.com.
BMWs and MX5s go to Oulton Park in May to a
BRSCC meeting. FF, Legends and Classics stay at
Eligibility Scrutineers are as last year, with Ian
Afek concentrating on Saloons & Sportscars, while
Gordon Hay is on FF and Classics. Willie Grieg
continues with Mini Coopers and Fiestas, while
returning is Rob McKinna who takes over Legends
Cars. Remember scrutineers must not be contacted
after 9pm.
Championships all have lots of races and we should
have visitors from the MG Car Club in July.
We have dropped the extra featured race for all
Championships bar Formula Ford. They will have
three races in September when they will compete
once again for the David Leslie Trophy.
The Knockhill SMRC meetings should have
separate races for BMW Compacts (probably with
MX5s), while Legends Cars do not have a double
header this season.
Good luck to everyone in 2014.
Kevin Pick
• APRIL 6th •
• MAY 4th •
• JUNE 15th •
• JULY 13th •
• AUGUST 17th •
• SEPTEMBER 14th •
• OCTOBER 5th •
PLUS Away rounds at Oulton Park
Can you name this
driver from Ingliston in
Bonus point, do you
know what car he is
driving here?
Hugh McCaig
019686 76406
(Chairman - email: h.mccaig@smrc-uk.com)
Graham Brunton
07778 169512
(Competition Sec - email: g.brunton@smrc-uk.com)
Heather Brunton
Answers to your Editor
by February 28th on
email to:
or ansa phone
0131 332 8287.
01383 720046
(Membership Sec - email: h.brunton@smrc-uk.com)
Kevin Pick
0131 332 8287
(Wheelspin Editor - email: k.pick@smrc-uk.com)
Gareth Davies
email: g.davies@smrc-uk.com
Sandy Denham
email: s.denham@smrc-uk.com
Bernard Buss
email: b.buss@smrc-uk.com
7:30pm, Monday 31st March 2014 - Dakota Hotel, South Queensferry
The clubʼs Annual General Meeting with Chairman Hugh McCaig reporting on the
previous 12 monthʼs activities. Only current members of the club are eligible to attend.
Mike How
email: m.how@smrc-uk.com
Nic Boyes
email: n.boyes@smrc-uk.com
Andrew Morrison
email: a.morrison@smrc-uk.com
Visit our website on www.smrc-uk.com
Editor: Kevin Pick: Email k.pick@smrc-uk.com
Photos by Jim Moir Tel: 0131 552 8817 Wheelspin designed by Vince Towns Graphic Design Tel: 0779 2050 786