WheelSpin December 2011 - Scottish Motor Racing Club


WheelSpin December 2011 - Scottish Motor Racing Club
Balmoral Hotel, Edinburgh December 3rd
the next couple of awards. He said he was having
success racing Sportscars in America and looking
forward to racing in the Daytona 24-hour race early
in 2012.
S cotti sh Legends Cars
Champi onshi p
Winner - Legends Quaich: Ross Marshall
2nd - Legends Quaich: Carol Brown
3rd - Legends Quaich: Gerard McCosh
Team Trophy: John Marshall / Keiran Murray
Rookie Award - Trophy: Robbie Burgoyne
All the club winners with Club President Allan McNish
Committee member Mike How introduced
proceedings and welcomed everyone to the SMRC
Dinner and Awards Presentation for the second time
in 10 months.
He noted that on each table were envelopes for the
CHAS ( Childrens Hospice Association Scotland)
Fund Raising Raffle for a prize draw. We then saw a
short film on the work of CHAS. This was followed
by Jon Heggie, the co-ordinator of CHAS, and
Kenny McLeod, Mini Cooper competitor to say a
few words. Kenny said he and Vic Covey had visited
Rachel House in Kinross one of 3 CHAS houses in
Scotland and had been fund raising all season. He
spoke about the prize draw which would take place
later in the evening for a trip to the McLaren factory.
Mike How returned on stage and said the trophies
for the 6 Scottish championships would be presented
between the courses during the meal. He then
introduced our MC for this evening.
“He does a sterling job as the commentator on the
SMRC racing on Motors TV and the support races
for the BTCC Meetings on ITV4. He however
shows similarities to another well known
commentator by occasionally sounding like his
trousers are on fire, but his enthusiasm and
knowledge is boundless.” It was Richard John Neil.
Mike How then asked Hugh McCaig to come up and
say Grace.
Richard asked GP3 star Lewis Williamson to come
up and present the first two Championship Awards.
S cotti sh Fi esta Champi onshi p
The Sandy Forrest Trophy for the Newcomers
Award and the Hamilton & Inches Quaich to
XR2 Champion: Russell Milloy
XR2 2nd - Trophy: Dave Colville
XR2 3rd - Trophy: Peter Cruickshank
Winner - Fiesta ST Cup - Trophy: Rory Bryant
Legends Rookie winner Robbie Burgoyne
S cotti sh S al oon & S ports Car
Champi onshi p
Winner - King Hussein Trophy & John Nicolson
Trophy (Top Sports Car): Garry Watson
2nd place - Adam Wylie Trophy: Philip Duncan
3rd place - H & G Robinson Trophy: Paul Nevill
Richard interviewed Russell who said it had been a
tremendous year, and really good fun and he thanked
his team for all their efforts.
After the main course Mike and Richard returned to
the stage. Ryan Dalziel went up on stage to present
Garry said: “It was a good season, it all went to plan.
The car has been very reliable and helped me win
two on the trot.”
Rory Bryant (right) receives the Fiesta ST Cup
from Lewis Williamson
Saloons & Sports Cars Champion Garry Watson with
Ryan Dalziell
Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year to all our readers.
S cotti sh Formul a Ford
Champi onshi p
Winner - John Romanes Quaich & The Jock
McBain Trophy & Newcomers Award:
Kenny Thirlwall
2nd place - John Romanes Quaich: Alistair Dow
3rd place - John Romanes Quaich:
Jordan Gronkowski
Classic F. Ford Cup - Trophy: Ivor Mairs
get there. Hard work every weekend before the
races. and its always good to have a bodywork
company behind you in tin top racing.”
David & Tim Sleigh interviewed
by Richard John Neil
Ryan Dalziell with Jordan Gronkowski
Kenny said: “After missing it last year I wanted to
win it. Ali Dow pushed me hard, but there was a lot
of effort put in over the winter to get the car ready.”
After Dessert Mike and Richard were back on stage.
Mike asked Honorary Member and former British
Touring Car Champion, John Cleland to come up
and present the awards for the next two classes.
S cotti sh Cl assi c S al oon and S ports
Car Champi onshi p
Mike Gascoigne the club chairman was next up and
spoke about the 2011 season noting Scotland
punched above its weight in motorsport. His speech
is reproduced in full in this issue of Wheelspin.
Mike How then announced that there would be an
interview on stage by Allan McNish, with Paul di
Resta, John Cleland, Dario Franchitti, Marino
Franchitti, Lewis Williamson and Ryan Dalziel.
Allan spoke to each in turn. He said that it was good
to see so many people here from far and near.
“I see a lot of passion and a lot of love for the sport
which I also saw at the last club meeting of the
Champion - Doune Cup: Stan Bernard
2nd place - Trophy: John Marshall
3rd place - Trophy: Raymond Boyd
Winner Class A: Rodger Motherwell
Winner Class D: Andy Smith
Saloon Car Cup - Trophy: John Marshall
Stan was a happy man and noted that the
Championship had done really well, and said: “All
credit to the SMRC and Chris Edwards and
everyone who supported it.”
Classics winners received their Trophies
from John Cleland
Cel ti c S peed S cotti sh
Mi ni Cooper Cup
Champion - Lombard Trophy: David Sleigh
2nd place - Trophy: Vic Covey Jnr.
3rd place - Trophy & Newcomers Award:
Tim Sleigh
Ladies Award - Trophy: Fiona Wallace
John Cleland said: “I watched the Mini races on TV
and they were great. Vic Covey has done a good job
in getting numbers up.”
David Sleigh said: “It’s taken a fair bit of effort to
Renault 3.5 litre single seaters in 2012). He also said
the hardest thing was a 7 minute interview with FIA
and learning to speak slowly!
Allan said: “We’ve been through tough times but we
need to evolve. We can’t stay the same.” He also
noted we were moving ahead because of the
committee and marshals who give their time freely.
Allan went on to say: “Tonight is all about the
trophies and those who have won and we look
forward to seeing you all in 2012.”
Paul Di Resta joined him and when asked about
2012 he said: “All I will say is that I am due at the
factory in a week for a seat fitting. I’m just waiting
on a final decision. The team has had massive results
this year band punched above its weight.”
Allan said: “We all look forward to you leading a
Ryan Dalziel was next up and said he was looking
forward to racing Sportscars at Daytona in early
2012. He congratulated Paul on his year, and
remarked how happy he was to have Dario follow
him last year in the same race.
Allan McNish making his President's address
Allan McNish interviewed the special guests
He went on to describe his day at Knockhill and on
his time on a marshals post, reading the observers
report of his activities. These including, distracting
marshals by constantly talking, using mobile
communications, not brushing the track and thinking
gloves were just to keep hands warm! It was good
Allan then went on to thank John Doran of the
Scottish Sun for his newspaper’s continued support
of Scottish Motorsport. Allan noted his season
wasn’t the best but remarked on how good it was to
see Ecurie Ecosse back, and that it was a team that
had helped many drivers over the years. He
mentioned Paul Di Resta’s fantastic first year in F1,
Dario Franchitti’s excellent 4th Indycar
Championship, Marino Franchitti’s 2nd at the
Sebring 12-hour, and Marino announced he will be
spearheading Mazda’s efforts at Daytona 24-hour
race. He also spoke of Gordon Shedden runner up
in in BTC this year -, Johnny Adam and Rory
Butcher. “They all fought back from a difficult
position,” said Allan. He also mentioned former
Legends scholarship driver Craig Mitchell, as well
as Lewis Williamson who had won the McLaren
Autosport award and driven an F1 McLaren.
Lewis then came on stage and said it had been
difficult but: “I’ve grabbed everything and its great
to be able to go forward next year.” (he is to race
Marino Franchitti then spoke to Allan. He said: “My
mother comes from Inverness and we can hardly
understand her.” At this the audience all laughed.
Marino then spoke about his racing year noting his
team were the first to beat the Audi diesels in
America. He told Allan that Allan’s dad rang him to
congratulate him to which Allan remarked that he
didn’t even ring him!
John Cleland was then asked if he would come out
of retirement. He said: “I just wish I was 30 years
younger,” and noted that he didn’t think he’d been in
a room with so much talent, and that “for a small
country we do really well.” He spoke about driving
the safety car at Silverstone BTC this year and
thinking tongue in cheek about having Plato off!
Allan then spoke to Dario Franchitti. Allan noted
that karting was close to their hearts. Previously he
had spoken of how he and Dario had visited the
West of Scotland Kart club the day before the
SMRC ceremony. Dario said how he enjoyed being
here and he noted how hard everyone works, and
how Allan our club president does a cracking job.
He than said: “This was a kind of tough year,
winning the Championship and loosing Dan
He asked for a round of applause in Dan’s memory
and got a good one. Allan in turn thanked Dario for
all the support he had given the club.
We then had the CHAS prize draw. It was
announced the members and guest present had
raised £5,500 on the night by their donations. Top
prize a visit to the McLaren factory was won by
Adam Bernard, a signed visor donated by Paul Di
Resta went to Robbie Burgoyne, and a pair of racing
boots from Dario went to David Jones.
Knockhi l l Young Dri ver of the Year
Single Seater Award (incl F.Ford & Legends):
Robbie Burgoyne
Saloon Car Award: Chris Smiley
These awards are decided by the commentators at
Knockhill – that’s Garry Stagg, Rob Johnston and
Duncan Vincent.
Chris Smiley said: “I had a year of ups and downs,
most race wins (Minis) but two dnfs. I think we’ll
have a go at the Mini Challenge next year.”
Dario draws the winners of the
CHAS draw with Jon Heggie
Paul di Resta come up on stage to present the next
S MRC Mechani cs Awards
Single Seater - Formula Ford: Alastair Dow
Two Seater - Jensen Healey Classic Sportscar:
Alastair Coates
Four Seater - Seat Cupra: Andrew Morrison
The Mechanics Awards are for the best prepared cars
racing at Knockhill in 2011.
The Mark Brennan Ol l on-Vi l l ars
Quai ch
Mathew Gordon
This beautiful hand made silver quaich was
presented to the Club some years ago by Mark’s
parents in memory of their son and is presented to
the driver of the Best Prepared Classic Saloon or
Sports Car. In the opinion of Rob McKinna, the
Chief Scrutineer for the Classics, the Best Prepared
Car was the TVR of Mathew Gordon.
B. M. R. C. Trophy
Winner - B.M.R.C. Trophy & Cheque:
Kenny Thirlwall
2nd place - Trophy & Cheque: Stan Bernard
3rd place - Trophy & Cheque: Garry Watson
the title this year and would probably have won it if
his team-mate hadn’t scuppered his chances by
taking him off at Oulton Park,” remarked Mike
How. Nonetheless second place is a great
achievement and this performance has ensured his
seat with Honda Racing for the coming year. This
year the Rothmans Trophy goes once again to
Gordon Shedden.
Gordon Shedden won the Rothmans Trophy
Knockhill Young Saloon Driver of the Year
Chris Smiley
Robbie Burgoyne said: “I couldn’t be happier, just
coming into Legends and being there or there about.
Going from full contact (Stock Cars) to non-contact
and I had to learn how to go round them and not
through them.”
Mike How gave our thanks to Paul for presenting
these trophies.
Richard then asked Honorary Member, Dario
Franchitti, to present the next awards.
Edi nburgh S tudents Chari ti es
Quai ch
Carol Brown
This is presented to the top lady driver competing in
Scotland. She is a very talented driver and had
outstanding success in karts and more recently won
the 2008 Legends Championship. She has raced in
the Scottish Mini Cooper Cup, and this year finished
2nd in the Legends Championship. She wins this
trophy for the 6th successive year and is Carol
S MRC S peci al Award
Vic Covey Snr
The Club has created a new perpetual trophy which
was presented for the first time 2 years ago. This
year we have decided to present the trophy to a
person who represents everything that is good about
our sport here in Scotland. Past Chairman, Sandy
Denham went on stage to say a few words.
Sandy said the recipient had started racing in
Scotland in a Production Saloon Mazda back when
open face helmets were still in fashion. From there
he progressed to Formula Ford which saw him
winning the Knockhill Formula Ford Championship
back in the 80s. He then returned to Saloon Car
Racing in the British & European MG Metro
Championships with John Maguire running the
team. In 2003 he was the driving force behind the
creation of what has become the most successful one
make Championship that this club has ever run,
culminating in their appearance at the BTCC
Meeting at Knockhill this year. His contribution to
the Scottish Mini Cooper Cup has been
immeasurable and his experience and knowledge
have been invaluable to SMRC since he became
The Border Motor Racing Club Trophy is one of the
most prestigious awarded each year and is presented
to the winner of the SMRC Points Championship
based on overall race results. It was first awarded in
1957 and the winner that year was a 21 year old
from Chirnside in Berwickshire called Jim Clark.
The Edinburgh Students Charities Quaich
went to Carol Brown
Rothmans Trophy
Gordon Shedden
The top 3 drivers in the BMRC Trophy
with Paul di Resta
This award is presented to the top Scottish driver
competing in a UK National Championship. This
year’s recipient started off his racing career in
Scotland racing in XR2’s and has competed
nationally for the last few years in the British
Touring Car Championship. “He had a real run at
The SMRC Special Award went to Vic Covey Snr
Sadly he has moved on and we all wish him and his
son well in their new venture in association with
Finlay Crocker and Ronnie Klos in 2012. the award
goes to Vic Covey Snr.
Richard asked Vic if he would like to say a few
He said: “It’s been an absolute priviledge to have
been involved with SMRC over the last 8 years with
the best one make championship.”
S MRC Dri ver of the Year Award
Carol Brown
Chris Edwards came up to announce the SMRC
Driver of the Year Award which the marshals chose,
Dario would present it. Chris said the contenders
were Robbie Burgoyne, Emma Bruce, Hamish
Brandon, Tim Sleigh but this year it goes to our very
own Penelope Pitstop - Carol Brown.
The Wal ter Robertson Award
Olly Ross
This carriage clock is given to the recipient to keep
and is awarded to someone who puts a huge amount
of effort in to the sport but does it entirely for the
fun and enjoyment. He is an ace in the wet and has
competed in Scotland in hillclimbs and sprints as
well as racing with the Club for considerably longer
than he probably cares to remember. He has raced a
vast array of machines from an Austin A40 to a
Lotus Europa via a VW Scirocco and the demon
Ford Escort Estate (yes – estate!!) This year’s
recipient of the Walter Robertson Award is, of
course, the man with the best tan in Helensburgh Olly Ross.
Olly said: “I’m totally surprised and honoured. I’ve
been racing 50 years next year I’m pleased just to
race and be a member of SMRC.”
Honary Membershi p
Duncan Fi sher Trophy
Hugh McCaig
Mike How did the next award and surprised Hugh
McCaig with an award of Honorary Membership to
the club.
Mike How said: “You have been involved with
SMRC for most of the last 30 years as well as being
Patron of that other fine Scottish institution, Ecurie
Ecosse. You have supported many of Scotland’s
talented young drivers and have been instrumental in
placing them with top teams in the south which has
ensured that their careers have been allowed to
flourish. Such drivers have included David
Coulthard, Dario Franchitti, John Cleland, Allan
McNish and possibly more than any other, the late
lamented David Leslie.
“Your passion for Ecurie Ecosse is unbounded and
your success with the team in winning the C2 class
in the World Sportscar Championship in 1986 and
finishing 8th overall at Le Mans in 1987 were both
remarkable achievements which will never be
forgotten by anyone who witnessed them, myself
“There are times when your bluster is worse than
your bite but nobody will ever question your
commitment and passion for the sport, and for that
reason the other members of the Committee of the
Club have all agreed, and that’s a first, to make you
an Honorary Member of the Scottish Motor Racing
Club. I would like to ask our President, Allan
McNish, to present you with this token of our
Richard then asked club President, Allan McNish,
to remain on stage to present the next few awards.
Wi l l i am Lyons Trophy
Jim & Glynn Geddie
Olly Ross (left) receives the Walter Robertson Award
Ecuri e Ecosse Hub Cap
Paul di Resta
Committee Member and the Patron of Ecurie
Ecosse, Hugh McCaig, came back on stage to
present the Ecurie Ecosse Hub Cap to this year’s
He said: “This wheel spinner from an Ecurie Ecosse
Jaguar D-type, affectionately known as the ‘Hub
Cap’, is presented each year to an outstanding young
Scottish driver who has shown enormous potential.
This year there is one outstanding candidate to
receive this historic trophy and he might just be
taking the place of Michael Schumacher in 2013. It
is of course Paul di Resta.”
Paul said: “This is the first year I’ve not been on the
podium and not won an award, this is my first award
this year.”
This trophy is given for the best performance by a
Scottish driver in a Sports Car. This year we
decided there are 2 winners who both started their
racing careers in Scotland. Unfortunately they are
not here tonight but for their achievement in
winning the British GT Championship in the CRS
Ferrari the winners are the father and son
combination of Jim & Glynn Geddie.
Cal l ands Trophy
Dario Franchitti
This award goes to the top Scottish Driver
competing in an International Championship. The
winner this year has collected this trophy on several
previous occasions but the fact that he won his 4th
The Callands Trophy went to Dario Franchitti
Hugh McCaig presents the Ecurie Ecosse Hubcap
to Paul di Resta
Indy Car title this year was totally overshadowed by
the tragic accident that befell his fellow Brit, Dan
Wheldon. The winner is Dario Franchitti.
Dario said: “This means a lot, as quite a lot of my
family were on screen (nominations for the award).”
He also wished Paul Di Resta good luck at the
Autosport dinner.
Graham Brunton
This trophy is given in memory of Duncan who
competed at Ingliston in the 70’s and 80’s and is
awarded to an enthusiast who is totally committed to
his favourite sport of motor racing and invariably
does most of his work behind the scenes. His or her
efforts are usually seen by few but appreciated by
many, and tonight’s winner is someone who meets
that criteria in every respect. From driver, entrant,
engineer, sponsor, co-ordinator and as passionate an
enthusiast as you will find in any paddock. Cut him
in half and it reads ‘Formula Ford’ so you all know
this year’s winner of the Duncan Fisher Trophy is
Graham Brunton.
Graham Brunton received the Duncan Fisher Trophy
from Allan McNish
S hei l a Whyte Trophy
Russell Milloy
Hartl ey Whyte Trophy
Kenny Thirlwall
These two awards are supported by money given
each year by the Whyte & Mackay Trust and again
this year by additional money from the Club. Mike
How thanked David Brown of Whyte & Mackay,
who was here with us this evening, for supplying all
of you with the miniatures on the tables.
The awards go to two outstanding drivers competing
in SMRC Championships who have started circuit
racing in the last couple of years, shown great talent
and ability, and could well move on to greater things
within the sport.
The Sheila Whyte Trophy comes with a cheque for
£500 and is awarded to a guy who has impressed
everyone with his driving in the past 2 years in the
Fiesta Championship and which culminated in him
winning this year’s Championship. The award goes
to Russell Milloy.
Russell Milloy won the Sheila Whyte Trophy
The Hartley Whyte Trophy goes to a young man
who this year totally dominated the Formula Ford
Championship and achieved the ultimate result by
winning every one of the 14 rounds. He also
finished 2nd at the Formula Ford Festival in the
Kent class on his first visit to Brands Hatch which is
no mean achievement.
Our congratulations and a cheque for £750 go to
Kenny Thirlwall.
Allan McNish presented the
Stewart Medal to Kevin Pick
The Hartley Whyte Trophy went to Kenny Thirlwall
The S tewart Medal
Kevin Pick
This medal is presented by Sir Jackie Stewart and
his family and is awarded for ‘Services to Scottish
Motorsport’. This year’s recipient, as usual, has no
idea that he is to receive this very special silver
medal ,as the decision to present it is made solely by
the Club Chairman. He is one of the guys who does
most of his work behind the scenes, spends his
winter break preparing the regulations, applying for
permits to run meetings, writing and editing the
Wheelspin magazine and doing all the stuff that
nobody else wants to do !! His notes at Committee
Meetings look like something that Banksy would be
proud of but he is, like many of us, an out and out
enthusiast for this great sport of ours. This year the
Stewart Medal goes to Kevin Pick.
Kevin said that he was honoured and priviledged to
receive this prestigious award, and that he had spent
over 20 years on the committee and enjoyed
working for the club with many varied committee
members. He also added how good it was to see all
the celebrities here tonight supporting the club and
the trophy winners.
the trophy is presented on her behalf and we are
delighted that Honorary Member, Bernard Buss, has
agreed to do the honours.
The trophy is awarded to a Scot for ‘Excellence in
Motor Racing’. He has won this trophy before, but
as he keeps pushing the boundaries of personal
achievement it cannot be ignored. He has earned the
respect of every one of his fellow competitors and is
without doubt one of the top 5 single seater drivers
in the world. In recognition of his outstanding
success once again in the US of A this trophy has to
go to Dario Franchitti
Dario said: “I am an anorak and was reading
programmes recently from Ingliston in the 70s sent
to me by a fan from Baltimore, and noting all the
awards and names so this trophy is special. Thank
you Doris Romanes.”
The John Romanes ‘S wi ft’ Trophy
Dario Franchitti
The final award this evening is The John Romanes
‘Swift’ Trophy
This beautiful trophy was donated to the Club some
years ago by Doris Romanes in memory of her late
husband, John, who was a stalwart of the Club for
the best part of 50 years and, of course, ran Ingliston
in its early days. Doris, as always, is with us
tonight, and I think this wonderful trophy looks even
better every time it is presented. She has asked that
The John Romanes Swift Trophy
was awarded to Dario Franchitti
KMSC ran their first ever car race meeting on a cool but dry day
Knockhill 30 October
KMSC Saloons and Sports
Sports & Saloons Race 1 winner Cameron Purdie
Race One: 1 Cameron Purdie (Westfield) 10 laps in
9m43.994s (78.905mph); 2 Stuart Walker (Porsche
GT2) +1.859s; 3 Philip Duncan (Westfield);
4 Andrew Morrison (SEAT Cupra); 5 Alex Bruce
(Mitsubishi Evo); 6 Robert Drummond (Ford Escort
Cosworth);. Class winners: Bruce; Robson; Smiley.
Pole Position: Walker 58.37s (78.94mph). Fastest
lap: Purdie 55.36s (83.22mph). Starters: 14.
Race Two: 1 Duncan 10 laps in 9m32.42s
(80.50mph); 2 Walker +8.75s; 3 Morrison;
4 Robson; 5 Smiley; 6 Finlay Crocker (Mini
Cooper);. Class winners: Robson; Smiley; Nevill.
Pole Position: Walker. Fastest lap: Duncan 55.08s
(83.66mph). Starters: 11.
KMSC Classic Sports and Saloons
Race One: 1 Andrew Smith (Morgan +8) 10 laps in
10m16.71s (74.71mph); 2 Stan Bernard (Porsche
911) +3.42s; 3 Shonny Paterson (Triumph TR8);
4 Barry Riddell (Triumph TR8); 5 Ross Marshall
(Ford Escort); 6 Russell Paterson (Morgan +8);
Class winners: Bernard; Shony Paterson; Ross
Marshall. Pole Position: Ross Marshall 1m03.56s
(72.49mph). Fastest lap: Smith 59.35s
(77.64mph). Starters: 21.
Race Two: 1 Smith 10 laps in 10m05.90s
(76.05mph); 2 Ross Marshall +3.21s; 3 Bernard;
4 Russell Paterson; 5 Robert Marshall; 6 Raymond
Boyd (911); Class winners: Ross Marshall; Bernard;
Ian Morton (MG Midget). Pole Position: Ross
Marshall. Fastest lap: R2 - Smith 58.63s
Andrew Smith scored a brace of wins in the
Classic Sports & Saloons
KMSC Open Saloons
Race One: 1 George Orr (Fiesta ST) 6 laps in
6m32.58s (70.42mph); 2 David Sleigh (Mini
Cooper) +0.28s; 3 Tim Sleigh (Mini Cooper);
4 Sandy Forrest (Mini Cooper); 5 Peter Cruickshank
(Fiesta XR2); 6 Stephen Russell (Fiesta XR2); Class
winners: David Sleigh; Cruickshank. Pole Position:
Orr 1m05.49s (70.36mph). Fastest lap: Orr
1m03.81s (72.20mph). Starters: 20.
Race Two: 1 Orr 10 laps in 17m11.51s (44.67mph);
2 David Sleigh +4.08s; 3 Tim Sleigh; 4 Forrest;
5 Hamish Brandon (Mini Cooper); 6 Russell; Class
winners: David Sleigh; Russell. Pole Position: Orr.
Fastest lap: Orr 1m02.91s (73.24mph). Starters: 20.
KMSC Legends
Heat One: 1 Robbie Burgoyne 8 laps in 8m46.16s
(70.06mph); 2 John Marshall +2.22s; 3 Billy Wait;
4 Giuseppe Palazzo; 5 David Hunter; 6 Gordon
Mann; Pole Position: Gordon Mann. Fastest lap:
Hunter 1m02.77s (73.40mph). Starters: 17.
Heat Two: 1 Ross Marshall 8 laps in 10m01.13s
(61.30mph); 2 Hunter +0.18s; 3 Burgoyne;
4 Wait; 5 Guiseppe Palazzo; 6 David Allan; Pole
Position: Ross Marshall. Fastest lap: Hunter
1m01.69s (74.69mph). Starters: 17.
Final: 1 Burgoyne 7 laps in 13m49.51s (38.88mph);
2 Hynds +0.28s; 3 Allan; 4 John Marshall; 5 Errico
Palazzo; 6 Guiseppe Palazzo;. Pole Position: Chris
Hynds. Fastest lap: Hunter 1m01.78s (74.57mph).
Starters: 17.
George Orr took both Open Saloon Races
Mi ke Gas co i g ne came o n s tag e. He i s
no w i n hi s s eco nd s ti nt as Chai rrman
hav i ng hel d the po s i ti o n 1 0 y ears ag o .
Mi ke i s a Cl erk o f the Co urs e and
heav i l y i nv o l v ed wi th mars hal l i ng
thro ug h SMMC as wel l as the Sco tti s h
Ral l y.
He said’ We are here tonight to celebrate not
just success but also participation in Scottish
motor racing – by all concerned. I was struck
when I read this week the latest edition of the
MSA’s magazine which is sent to all MSA
licensed competitors and officials. Just cast
your eyes through it and count the sheer number
of reports and articles which feature Scottish
competitors, Scottish officials and Scottish
events. Scotland has punched well above its
weight in motor sport in the past and continues
to do so today. This roomful of participants in
only one of the 22 different disciplines
regulated by the MSA is living proof of that.
Long may it continue.
It i s my tas k to wel co me Ho no rary
Members :
Our President – Allan McNish, Bernard Buss,
John Cleland, Dario Franchitti, Graham Gauld
and Ian Scott Watson.
Special Guests - Doris Romanes, Jane Leslie,
Paul di Resta, Marino Franchitti, Tom Purves
and Jon Doran.
Apologies have been received from our Patron
– Sir Jackie Stewart. He and Lady Helen are
unable to be with us tonight due to a last minute
change in Jackie’s commitments.
We should acknowledge our sponsors whose
support of our racing season is very much
Yokohama – represented by Ronnie Thom who
is here tonight. Also Celtic Speed, Beatsons,
Crossflags and Waterevolution.
We should also record the achievements in
2011 of Scottish drivers who competed outside
Internati o nal l y. . .
Allan McNish - probably, this year, the
coverage of his massive shunt at Le Mans;
Dario Franchitti - winning his 4th Indy Car
Championship; Paul di Resta - 13th - and top
rookie - in the FIA Formula 1 World
Championship; Lewis Williamson - competing
in GP3 and winning the round at the British
Grand Prix meeting at Silverstone
Ryan Dalziel - competing in the Grand Am
Championship - and winning its final round
Jim and Glynn Geddie - winners of the British
GT Championship; Johnny Adam - who
finished 4th in the same Championship;
Gordon Shedden - 2nd in the British Touring
Car Championship; Rory Butcher - competing
in the UK Porsche Carrera Cup and finishing
2nd in the Pro-Am 1 class with Celtic Speed;
Oly Mortimer - winning the UK Porsche GT3
Cup; Chris Knox - winning the UK Mini
Challenge; Russell Paterson - winner of the
Morgan Championship; David Thorburn -
finishing 2nd in the Dunlop Radical UK Cup
and absent tonight
George Brewster - competing in the UK Porsche
Carrera Cup, champion in the Pro-Am 2 with
Celtic Speed
We should mark the passing earlier this year of
Eric Liddell. He was a talented driver of sports
cars which he raced throughout the UK as well
as abroad. His last race was at Ingliston in the
early 1970s. He is added to the large number of
distinguished motor sport competitors which
Scotland has produced over the years and who
are no longer with us.
As for our own 2011 season, we have much to
Our s i x MSA-permi tted Sco tti s h Race
Champi o ns hi ps were ag ai n v ery
co mpeti ti v e.
Five out of those six championships went
down the wire this year, all five being decided
at our last Knockhill meeting in early October.
Our new marshal recruitment rate remains
steadily high and our overall marshalling
numbers are the envy of clubs and circuits south
of the border.
Those of our Championships which contained
away rounds at circuits in England and Northern
Ireland this year all received, without
exception, plaudits from the local officials,
marshals and spectators for good grid sizes and
competitive racing.
Al l i n al l , 2 0 11 has been a v i ntag e y ear
fo r the Sco tti s h Mo to r Raci ng Cl ub and I
hope that by the time you are ready to go home
tonight you will feel that this Awards Dinner
has celebrated this vintage year in style.
Before I finish it is right that I should express
gratitude to those who deserve our thanks.
The Club is grateful to Knockhill. Derek
Butcher, Jillian Shedden, Stuart Gray and Ian
Forrest are unfailingly helpful and courteous
when we use their circuit for our home race
days. There are two aspects of Knockhill which
I would like to pick out for special mention.
Firstly, the commentary team – Garry Stagg,
Rob Johnston and Duncan Vincent. Their
knowledge, their style and their content adds
hugely to race meetings at Knockhill – thank
you, guys.
Secondly, a special thanks to Derek whose
power of prayer still seems to work – we
enjoyed this year on average the best race day
weather we have experienced in years. Just
keep kneeling, Derek.
Thanks once again are due to Shona and
Stephen Robertson whose pies are the centre
piece of free lunches which Knockhill and the
Robertsons provide for our marshals
throughout the season.
Speaking of the Robertsons, I am advised by
Mike How – the “Statto” of Scottish motor
racing – that the Robertsons are the first and
only family to have three successive
generations compete at SMRC race meetings –
father Walter, son Steven and grandson Scott.
They and more of the family are here tonight –
SMRC Chairman Mike Gacgoine
we salute you.
We are unfailingly provided, at each of our
Knockhill race meetings, with a vehicle from
Morrisons of Stirling for use as the Course Car.
This is just one of many such gestures from a
wide range of well-wishers which do really help
the process of planning and running our race
In that connection could I salute the others in
our Clerk of the Course team (I am its junior
member) for their continuing efforts to run race
day programmes of 20 or more sessions
(qualifying and races) with an hour’s lunch
break, starting at 8.30am and finishing on
average by 5.30pm. I can reveal that it is
sometimes very hard work, but we believe that
it is what the competitors want.
We s ho ul d reco rd o ur thanks to the
s peci al i s t teams whi ch are v i tal parts
o f mo to r raci ng – the timekeepers, the
scrutineers and the medical staff.
It is trite to say that there could be no racing
without the marshals, but it is true. Generally
speaking, there are as many officials and
marshals at the circuit on race days as there are
competitors. It is virtually a one-for-one
arrangement. 2011 has been my 41st year as a
motor sport official. I mention this only to
allow the comparison with many of my fellow
officials whose service to the sport stretches
back much further in time than mine. Much of
this can be attributed to a high loyalty rate to
SMRC by the marshals. This in turn is
generated by an almost tangible
esprit–de–corps which has been built up in the
last 20 years or so. The marshals represent a
rich asset for SMRC and one to be nurtured. We
forget this at our peril and should count
ourselves fortunate not to be suffering the
threat of cancelled race meetings through lack
of marshals which face some circuits and clubs
in the south.
Lastly I would like to offer thanks to the
Committee members, the Directors of The
Scottish Motor Racing Club Ltd. I can
disclose that chairing their meetings is not
always as easy as I would like, but their task is
to run the Club for the benefit of the members.
That involves managing the finances (the
Club’s annual turn-over is about £0.25m),
composing supplementary regulations,
structuring the season’s racing calendar,
managing event entries, managing the
Championships, producing event programmes
and the Club magazine (Wheelspin) and much,
much more. These things don’t just happen,
just as tonight’s Awards Dinner didn’t organise
itself. To the Committee, please accept my –
our – thanks.
Please remember to rejoin the club. Your
renewal is much appreciated, Send it along with a
cheque to Chris Edwards. The fee is the same as
last year and forms are on the club web site.
Points scoring now for the top 15 finishers per race.
Scored 25, 20, 16, 14, 12, 10, 9, 8, 7, 6, 5, 4, 3, 2, 1.
Bonus point for fastest lap.
Technical changes: Working headlamps are
optional and maybe replaced with full size
aluminium or fibreglass blanking plates to the same
dimension as the glass headlamp
It is permitted to have additional working gauges or
warning lights for oil pressure, and / or water
Interior wiring is free and any unnecessary wiring
mat be removed, but any additional wiring must not
be connected to the engine ECU wiring, and must
not be performance enhancing in any way
It is permitted to fit a polyurethane bush in place of
the standard bush to the rear of the front lower
wishbone. No other modifications to this wishbone
are allowed.
All cars start on the same grid with no delayed
Rear axle. Standard Group N axle or upgrade
version with welded flanges fitted with brake
assembly and shoes from Ford Fiesta 1400 MK4
1998 / 2001 model only, is allowed.
ST class race on Yokohama treaded tyres, no slicks
or wets. Zetec S cars from 2009 onwards allowed in
ST Cup and will be on Yokohama Tyres.
Minimal registration fee. Guest drivers do not score
points and their entries must be approved by the
Competition Secretary. All cars use Federal Mogal
Legends Tyres.
Separate Cup competition for MX5 1600 MK1 cars
based mainly on BRSCC 2012 regs, though all MX5
cars use Yokohama treaded tyres. These cars will not
score points in the Saloon and Sportscar
Classes in Saloons & Sports now have motorcycle
engined cars in class B.
Fuel line – fitment of a dry break coupling for all
cars except MX5 Cup cars..
Raceiver mandatory for all cars including MX5s.
Bonus point for fastest lap per round added.
Newcomers Cup, a first year winner will be
ineligible in their 2nd season.
Classes restructured.
Class A: Sports and Saloon Cars up to 1500 cc
Class B: Sports and Saloon Cars 1501 cc to 1800cc
Class C: Sports and Saloon Cars 1801cc to 2300cc
Class D: Sports and Saloon Cars 2301cc to 3600cc
Class E: Sports and Saloon Cars over 3601cc
Class F: Invitation - Sports and Saloon Cars any
engine size.
(Class F does not score any points)
Knox in the US
Sportscars must be fitted were possible with lateral
door bars on both sides of the car, these may be
external to the bodywork.
Rocket gearboxes may be replaced with Type 9
Sierra 5 speed gearboxes. Sequential gear changes
are not permitted.
Ford Fiesta cars, BC5 transmission will be permitted
but only if the 5th gear pinion is removed from the
extension casing thus rendering the unit to be a 4
speed item.
MGB V8 cars may use the 5 speed RV8 gearbox
from the MG RV8 as an option in the interests of
SMRC Knockhill meetings featuring all
Scottish Championships
April 8, May 5/6, July 21/22, Aug 12, Sept 23,
Oct 7
Championship Away rounds
May 19/20 Croft - Saloons and Sportscars
June 2nd Oulton Park (GP Circuit) Mini Coopers, Classics, Legends
June 2/3 Cadwell Park (Mountain Circuit) Fiestas
June 23/24 Angelsey - Legends
June 30th Kirkistown - Classics
September 8/9 Croft - Mini Coopers
Other car race meetings
KMSC Knockhill - Speedfair September 8/9
Winter Warmer Oct 28
Knockhill June 10th - BRSCC track attack sprint,
drifting, Pick–ups
Knockhill Aug 25/26 - British Touring Cars
Wednesday 17th November, Daytona
This morning started early, up at 6.30am to make
breakfast and to get to the Daytona circuit in plenty
of time for the drivers briefing at 8.15am.
Afterwards I had to head to the Grand Am
credentials building to get my single event licence
and my Grand Am membership. And a couple of
hundred dollars later I had the necessary
documentation to drive at Daytona! I got back to the
circuit and dropped my helmet off at Speedcom to
get my radio and eject safety system fitted, I was
more or less ready to go.
I spent most of the day down in pit road with the
team, listening in to their radio chat and finding out
how everything works. It was very warm, around
30C, so I tried my best to stay as hydrated as
possible and stay in the shade! After lunch I went to
the motorhome and chatted with the chief race
engineer, he told me that I would be in the car in
session 3.
I got changed into my race gear and headed to
pitroad. I watched Matt Bell, their pro GS driver,
start the session on new tyres so I was glad that I
was getting handed a car with decent rubber. The
signal came from the crew chief to get ready. Matt
arrived in pit road and handed the car over to me.
I was given some assistance to strap into the car as
there are 3 extra safety nets and additional radio
plugs to master. However, a left
front sensor fault meant that time was
ticking away whilst repairs were
made, it felt like 20 mins but it was more
like 5-6 mins. The number 2 crew guy
gave me the signal to fire the camaro
engine up, the noise was incredible. So
engaged 1st gear and drove along
pitroad on the speed limiter and got out
onto the circuit for the first time.
I took the out lap nice and calm and
slowly built up the speed. The car felt
fantastic, torque was mind blowing. As I came out of
turn 6 I approached the banking for the first time. I
had been told that its easily flat out and also safer
and was suprised at the amount of grip, the 33
degrees of banking held the car firmly in the corner.
As I approached the end of my outlap I came up to
the corner I was concerned about, turn 1. This corner
has every kind of element possible; it has camber,
off camber, it requires trail braking, 2 down shifts
and it gradually tightens. I don’t know what I was
worried about. The grip was way more than I
expected and the car so stable under braking from
160 mph.
My first flying lap of Daytona produced a 2 min 10
second lap. I slowly built the pace up and lap 2 gave
me a 2 min 5 second lap. I was building more and
more confidence with the car and lap 3 was a 2 min
3 second lap. As I was about two thirds the way
around lap 4, I got the call from the team to pit as
the session was finished. The Motech ECU has the
ability to predict the lap time using your previous
laps sectors, this prediction was a 2 mins 2sec. I was
happy enough that after 3 laps I’m within 3 secs of
their two pro drivers as I have never driven a
RWD race car on any circuit, I have never driven
LHD, I have never driven anything with that kind of
power and I’ve never driven Daytona before. But I
have now !
The team have been really friendly and I’m really
enjoying the experience so far!
Chris Knox
Hi Kev i n
I think you should print this letter from CHAS
in Wheelspin along with your report of the
‘I have received another note advising me that
as a result of the film on Saturday CHAS have
had a response from one of our competitors who
has offered his services to the charity to
maintain both of the homes free of charge which
is a magnificent gesture. In addition nearly all
the Mini competitors now want to become
involved in the 2nd CHAS Mini Grand Prix next
year where bereaved parents and families are
given a day to remember.
Finally Dario has agreed to visit both of the
homes with Ashley and would like to become a
supporter/ambassador for the charity.
Mi ke Ho w
Hi Mi ke (Ho w)
I just wanted to say another huge thank you on
behalf of CHAS for allowing us to be part of
your fantastic evening on Saturday. Kenneth
(McLeod) has done a fantastic job raising funds
and awareness for CHAS and it wouldn’t have
been possible without your help and support.
It was terrific for CHAS to be involved with the
event on Saturday and the money that was raised
will be a real help in enabling us to provide care
and support at Rachel House in Kinross, Robin
House in Balloch and through our CHAS at
Home service throughout Scotland. Christmas
is a special time for all families and we’ll be
organising lots of fun activities for the families
we’re supporting over the festive period
including some special visits from Santa and
some fantastic Christmas parties! All of this
helps our families create wonderful memories in
the time they have together and really wouldn’t
be possible without the support of people like
yourself, Kenneth and everyone at the SMRC
dinner on Saturday - thank you.
I hope you have a great Christmas when it
comes and if you could pass on my thanks to
everyone involved with organising Saturday’s
dinner it would be very much appreciated.
All the best
Jo n Heg g i e
Regional Fundraising Manager
Dear Al l (Cl as s i cs Racers )
Many thanks for making my first and your last
outing such a great day.
Thanks for your advice, encouragement and
tolerance. I learnt a lot in a few hours, not least
not to look in the mirror on the way into the
Many thank to Rodger Motherwell for the loan
of Alfa#69. I hope to see you all next season in
Datapost Fiesta #61.
Stev e
Hi Ev ery bo dy
Classic Drivers Waterevolution Dinner
An enjoyable evening was had last night (12th
Nov) by the 16 drivers and their partners who
attended this year’s dinner at Castlecary. Good
food, convivial company, what more could you
As you know, Waterevolution (Peter
Holdsworth) had put up 3 trophies for the
Classics Championship, which were duly
presented at the dinner. You voted as follows:
Best driver: Stan Bernard
Most improved driver: Rodger Motherwell
Classic Spirit driver: Ian Morton.
Many thanks to Peter for his generous
By the way, the trophies are ‘perpetual’ and will
be handed back by their winners next year: the
winners also received small medals which they
will keep.
For those of you going to the SMRC dinner in a
few weeks, enjoy the occasion: here’s to next
Co l i n Bev eri dg e
Mi ke (Gas co i g ne)
Can you pass on from me to the committee a big
congratulations on the Annual Dinner, everyone
I have spoken to really enjoyed themselves and
I add my name to that list. I also think it brings
everyone together very well and on this we can
build towards a successful 2012.
Well done once again.
Kind Regards
Al l an McNi s h
(President SMRC)
To take advantage of this excellent offer
you must order via the telephone order
line on 01327 855585. You can also
request a new GP Racewear catalogue.
Check out the latest items online at
Remember, to get your 10% discount
you must quote your SMRC membership
number when ordering
Mike Gascoigne
Chris Edwards
01577 830133
(Vice Chairman & Competition Sec - email:
Kevin Pick
0131 332 8287
(Wheelspin Editor - email: k.pick@smrc-uk.com)
Mike How
0131 339 3876
(Club Clothing - email: m.how@smrc-uk.com)
Sandy Denham
Bernard Buss
Nick Clarke
Andrew Fenwick
Adrian Hamilton
Kate Haston
Hugh McCaig
Graham Brunton
Aly Hunter
Russell Paterson
01383 735308
(Chairman - email: m.gascoigne@smrc-uk.com)
0131 334 2000
01361 882322
0131 441 2698
01577 830162
07801 911300
01324 556541
019686 76406
07778 169512
0788 444 1700
07979 911 111
Last issue it was a Caterham Road Sports car driven by Ian Gardiner. The bonus
question was how many Scottish XR2 Championships has Alan Keith won, answer,
four (he was runner up twice as well).
There was not one correct answer.
This issue we go back in the mists of time to the mid 90s. What is this single seater
and who is driving it. Bonus question, name three of the current SMRC Clerk of the
Course team.
Answers to your editor by 30th January, email k.pick@smrc-uk.com or leave a
message on the ansaphone 0131 332 8287. Editors decision is final.
Visit our website on www.smrc-uk.com
Photos by Jim Moir Tel: 0131 552 8817
Wheelspin designed by Vince Towns Graphic Design Tel: 0779 2050 786
Printed by The Waverley Press Ltd. Tel: 01224 775 000
Editor: Kevin Pick: Email k.pick@src-uk.com