Assisted Living Costs 2013 Best Skin Tighteners


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Art classes create joy, happiness for
Alzheimer's patients
Tw eet
June 14, 2013 | By Diane C. Lade, Staff writer
The paintings show flowers, a house on a hill, landscapes
that may be memories of beautiful places from the past.
Some of the artists who created them have formal training.
Others never picked up a brush until they were well into
their seventh decade. But they all have one thing in
common: They have been diagnosed with Alzheimer's
"House on the Hill" by Rick Bogdanoff, 59. A former
accountant,… (Robert Duyos/Sun Sentinel )
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For them, their artwork represents what they still can achieve as their lives increasingly are measured
by what they are losing to the devastating neurological disorder.
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The Artful Memories classes have been a favorite activity at the Louis and Anne Green Memory and
Wellness Center in Boca Raton since they started eight years ago.
"It's about reclaiming yourself in ways you can't imagine," center director Kathleen Valentine said. "To
be able to express themselves creatively brings our participants joy and a sense of accomplishment. But
mostly joy."
The striking, varied creations of these artists, who range in age from their 50s to 90s, are on display
through July 22 at the Community Center Art Gallery, on the second floor of the Spanish River Library in
Boca Raton. Most are available for purchase.
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While most of the painters are amateurs, their work has been showcased in exhibits and at auctions,
with some pieces going for hundreds of dollars. All proceeds go to the center, which is on the Florida
Atlantic University campus in Boca Raton. The paintings also are featured on note cards.
But the artists and their families don't measure success by sales.
Debra Bogdanoff said painting makes her father happy and excited to try something new. Rick
Bogdanoff, a former accountant who was only 57 when diagnosed with Alzheimer's, understands he has
produced something special, his daughter said, even if he can't quite comprehend that his purchased
works are hanging in South Florida homes and offices.
Debra Bogdanoff sees much of the father she knows in his art, which becomes precious as his ability to
have conversations is quickly fading. A precise and organized man, Rick Bogdanoff, 59, expresses
himself in dots and grid-like lines on canvas. His favorite subjects include palm trees done in bright
subtropical colors.
"He is a happy guy, a happy guy with a lot of patience," said Debra Bogdanoff, a tax accountant who
lives in Delray Beach. "And he always has loved Florida."
Pat Saidon, an Artful Memories teacher , enthusiastically guides each artist, selecting colors for them
as they begin and sparking their creativity. "Let's make a tree," she will say to one.
"It's springtime! Let's add blossoms. Now it's getting dark: Let's do a big moon in the sky."
The finished product: an expressionistic nightscape. "They can have trouble concentrating, so they
need to feel safe," said Saidon, a professional artist and private instructor from Boca Raton. "I give them
what they need so they can fly."
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Extensive research has not been done on the benefits of creative outlets for Alzheimer's patients. But
small informal studies and observations have suggested music, dance and art programs can calm
participants, help them form friendships and make them more alert.
Experts say the parts of the brain that respond to emotion and creativity often remain intact longer than
those responsible for memory or daily tasks as Alzheimer's takes over. "We don't have to do research to
know that art helps our participants," Valentine said. "We can see that it does."
Fanya Reiter, an 81-year-old Boca Raton resident, earned an art degree but rarely touched her paints
and brushes once she married. Now the art class brings her back to a place in her life when an empty
canvas meant endless possibilities.
"When I am sitting here with my art, I have no bad feelings, no bad thoughts," she said. or 954-356-4295
If you go
What: Exhibit of paintings by Alzheimer's patients
When: Through July 22
Where: Community Center Art Gallery, second floor of the Spanish River Library, 1501 Spanish River
Road, Boca Raton
Hours: 9 a.m.-9 p.m. Monday and Wednesday; 9 a.m.6 p.m. Tuesday, Thursday-Saturday and noon-6 p.m. Sunday
Cost: Free
Contact: 561-297-0502
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