Church Newsletter -
Church Newsletter -
A Newsletter of St. Paul’s Lutheran Church & School, Kingsville, MD Last Quarter 2015 The Beacon on the Hill Dear Friends at St. Paul’s, Rev. Dr. Michael Wollman Pastor Already we are here at the beginning of Advent and it seems as though we just finished summer and the school year has just begun. Christmas is just a heartbeat away and then Epiphany. Where does the time go? God has blessed us with so many blessings and goes before us each season preparing us for new insights into his love and care for us. That is why I enjoy the seasons of the church year. Each new season has a new emphasis of God’s divine love and mercy for us to meditate upon. Wendell Robson Principal Harry Sanders President of Congregation Bill Kissinger Chairman, Board of Elders In Advent, we focus on our sinfulness and our need for redemption, and God’s promise to send a savior who would restore us to a new relationship with Him. John the Baptist’s ministry is highlighted as a means to prepare us for the coming Messiah. Theresa Kissinger Church Secretary Cheryl Ehatt School Secretary In the Christmas season, we look closely at the marvel of our God who was made man, the incarnation, His promise to us from the very first time sin entered the world fulfilled in the form of a tiny baby! A light to enlighten the Gentiles and the glory of His people Israel. Here the hymn, “Salvation Unto Us Has Come” by Luther, emphasizes the main focus of the season. God has come personally to rescue us from our enemies. Karen Woolsey Newsletter Editor In Epiphany, we who are not Jews, come to understand that God’s love is greater than the salvation of the nation of Israel alone, God sent Jesus to be Savior of the whole world. Epiphany throws back the cover of the plan of salvation to be far greater than anyone anticipated. No one would ever be without hope for their eternal life. Jesus had come for all who in faith trusted him. Birthdays 2 Baptismal Bdays 3 Anniversaries 4 Lectionary Reading 5 CPS News 8 Memorials 9-10 By meditating on the themes of the Church Year, I grow more and more informed regarding the love and mercy of my God and his plan of salvation for me. It is my prayer that these seasons will bless you too with a deeper knowledge of God’s love for you and an eager desire to learn ever more of your Savior. To God be the glory! Pastor Wollman Page 2 The Beacon on the Hill Peter Amy Kayleigh Ascenzi Hazel Gilland Bonnie Hayward Allen Woolsey Emily Schneider Suzanne Adams Garrett Rohrbaugh Carissa Smith Dawn Cerra Taylor Chalk Jr. Janice Goehner Zoe Caslow Jacob Gruszecki Andrea Huson Rachael Keshishian Ethan McFarland Kara Hayward Susan Pyle Edward Fioravante Samuel Freeman Molly Seaborn Gracie Shull Emily Higgins Shirley Rye Grace Goehner Michelle Howard Donna Blessing Loren Heaps Joshua Ayd Barbara Lake Gilbert Thompson Tina Dixon Linda Ecker Zachary Haas Maryanne Tarasco Emory Brown Sr Terri Kutchey Deborah Ricks Robert Walker Todd Walker Glenn Dixon Dale Heitkamp Elaina McDonough Ellen Marquardt Carol Gilland Traci Hanna Yuriy Dzambasow Beth Lingner Ruth Ann Mitchell Gregory Garrison Benjamin Billets Matthew Fioravante Joseph Schildwachter Kaitlyn Woolsey Rick Dannenfelser Donald Haas Kimberly Sullivan 10/1 10/2 10/2 10/2 10/2 10/4 10/5 10/5 10/5 10/6 10/7 10/7 10/8 10/8 10/8 10/8 10/8 10/9 10/9 10/10 10/10 10/10 10/10 10/11 10/11 10/12 10/12 10/13 10/14 10/15 10/15 10/17 10/18 10/18 10/18 10/18 . 10/19 10/19 10/19 10/19 10/19 10/20 10/22 10/22 10/23 10/24 10/24 10/25 10/25 10/25 10/27 10/29 10/29 10/29 10/29 10/30 10/30 10/30 Olivia Heier Andrew Kautsch Rebecca Toskes Allison Euler Stephen Thomas Janet Wunderlich Nicole Bigelow Mark McDonald Cole Alban Scott Sanders Paul Wienecke Sr. Katriana Wonder Jon David Ceanfaglione Nancy Brubaker Tabitha Scherch Jean Class Cameron Howard Georgia Ceanfaglione Dawn Armstrong Alexa Marquardt Carolyn Wells Catherine Myers Carson Class Kathie Jensen Harry Sanders George Sebree Felix Tarasco Andrew Stephens Juliana Vendetti Kay Wilson Derek Alban Zachary Dukes Connor Grueninger Ben Stephens Pete Bauernfeind Jordan Ecker Russell Lingner Mark Smolenski Elijah Bigelow Kevin Hentz Nellie Plott William Stroh Emilie Taber 2 11/1 11/1 11/1 11/2 11/5 11/5 11/6 11/7 11/9 11/9 11/9 11/9 11/10 11/11 11/11 11/12 11/12 11/13 11/15 11/16 11/16 11/18 11/19 11/20 11/20 11/20 11/20 11/21 11/21 11/23 11/24 11/25 11/25 11/25 11/27 11/27 11/27 11/27 11/30 11/30 11/30 11/30 11/30 Autumn Dearborn Isabella Lotz, III Kaitlyn Faber Laurie Thomas Justin Gue Paul Schildwachter Idris Lewis Jr. Braden Reed Michael Wollman Ashley Fleming Tina Whippo Ethan Burris Andrew Chalk Arianna Cerra Wendy Dannenfelser Daniel Gumenick Beth Wagenfuehr Nicholas Wonder Luke Marquardt Sandy Meyer Megan Kutchey Jonathan Schildwachter Mary Lambert Cynthia Lewis Rachel Mayer Thomas Puckey Jr. Owen Schantz Ken Wells Dennis Kurgansky Sam Ellis Alex Dinatale Samuel Stephens Gerald Ecker Charles Fuller Rondall Berry Esther Dietz Peter Kuklane Colin Reich Denise Scherch Grace Brown Alison Flagg Sharon Garrison Timothy Huber William Chalk III Joan Kesselring Michaela Noske May Puckey Betsy Toskes Kevin Coons Richard Gruszecki Karen Keshishian Stephanie Woods Mabel Lotz 12/1 12/1 12/2 12/2 12/3 12/3 12/4 12/5 12/5 12/6 12/6 12/8 12/8 12/10 12/11 12/12 12/12 12/12 12/14 12/14 12/15 12/15 12/16 12/16 12/17 12/18 12/18 12/18 12/20 12/21 12/22 12/23 12/24 12/24 12/25 12/25 12/25 12/26 12/26 12/27 12/27 12/27 12/27 12/28 12/28 12/28 12/28 12/28 12/29 12/29 12/29 12/29 12/30 Baptismal Birthdays Raymond Fioravante Janice Goehner Kristin Wollman Lydia Howard Linda Stephens Emma Grueninger Ryan Ophardt Ryan Kutchey Doris Lee Elizabeth Lotz Michael Lotz Holly Freeman Peter Weber Julie Adams Sheryl Frank Eli Garrison (tim) William Markwordt Jr. Miriam Eaton Emma Thomas Henry Vonderkall Joseph Chaffman Doris Smith Amanda Medley Elizabeth Lotz Ethel Hipley Chase Smolenski Jeff Chalk Sr. Gina Fioravante Kyle Hayward Donald Gurney Janet Broyles Taylor Chalk Jr. Anthony Grasso Linda Ecker 10/1 10/1 10/1 10/2 10/2 10/5 10/5 10/8 10/8 10/8 10/8 10/10 10/10 10/13 10/13 10/14 10/14 10/15 10/16 10/16 10/18 10/18 10/19 10/20 10/21 10/21 10/24 10/24 10/24 10/25 10/27 10/27 10/27 10/28 Terri Kutchey Gavin Taylor Camryn Wagenfuehr Cindy Ayd Allison Boyd Jacob Lassahn Keiko Myers Mandy Smith Stephen Huson Molly Seaborn 10/28 10/28 10/28 10/29 10/29 10/29 10/29 10/29 10/31 10/31 Alison Flagg Andrew Tarasco Giana Bordone Samantha Pyle Blake Adams Jacob Grueninger Brian Munski Kristen Munski Brennan Wagenfuehr Thomas Dooling Max Ellis Kerry Gruszecki Olivia Hoblitz Alexander Laubach Rileigh Manthei Michelle Howard Samuel Freeman Grace Goehner Suzanne Adams Colin Reich Kimberly Sullivan Jonathan Kurgansky Joseph Schildwachter Paul Wienecke Sr. Emily Schneider Cleo Corun Cole Alban Derek Alban Paige Alban Benjamin Rye 3 11/1 11/1 11/2 11/2 11/4 11/5 11/6 11/6 11/8 11/11 11/11 11/12 11/12 11/12 11/12 11/13 11/16 11/16 11/18 11/18 11/18 11/22 11/22 11/25 11/26 11/27 11/28 11/28 11/28 11/28 Peter Amy Abigail Ascenzi Tina Dixon Mark Smolenski Stephen Thomas Brody Dannenfelser Nicole Bigelow Lauren Gruszecki Gracie Shull Ruth Ann Mitchell Yuriy Dzambasow Rachael Keshishian Kayleigh Ascenzi Eric Jensen Tabitha Scherch Rachel Sehlmeyer Nora Jean Stroh Ciara Wiegard Emilie Taber Jordan Ecker Carissa Smith George Sebree James Baker Ashley Barnes Reece Barnes Alexis Benson Ethan McFarland Michael McFarland Noah McFarland Nash Lemmons Peter Kuklane Jonathan McClave Robert Walker Kaitlyn Woolsey William Chalk III Tina Whippo Jacob Gruszecki Alexa Marquardt William Stroh Elijah Bigelow Susan Pyle Nellie Plott 12/1 12/1 12/1 12/1 12/2 12/5 12/6 12/6 12/6 12/7 12/9 12/9 12/10 12/11 12/12 12/12 12/13 12/14 12/15 12/18 12/21 12/22 12/23 12/23 12/23 12/23 12/23 12/23 12/23 12/24 12/26 12/26 12/26 12/27 12/28 12/28 12/29 12/29 12/29 12/30 12/30 12/31 The Beacon on the Hill page 4 A Newsletter of St. Paul’s Lutheran Church & School, Kingsville, MD H. & Cynthia Lewis 10/2 Rob & Judy Ascenzi 11/3 Herbert & Donna Grueninger III 12/1 David & Leslie Steppe 10/5 Gilbert & Jeanne Thompson 11/4 Donald & Rachel Sehlmeyer 12/5 Douglas & Patricia Stroh 10/16 Scott & Denise Sanders 11/6 Ronald & Kathilynn Corun Jr. 12/18 Donald & Leah Haas 10/17 Douglas & Suzanne Adams 11/10 Mark & Catherine Myers 12/19 William & Doris Stroh 10/20 David & Patricia Reeves 11/13 Dennis & Barbara Kurgansky 12/26 Harvey & Donna Blessing 10/24 Luke & Tina Whippo 11/15 Harry & Carol Sanders 12/27 Peter & Lauri Amy 10/26 Robert & Deborah Ricks 11/16 John & Cleo Corun 12/29 Mike & Vicki Noske 10/26 Dennis & Alice Perez 11/17 Jason & Lisa Windley 10/26 Mark & Linda Stephens 11/17 Ed & Judy Sexton 10/27 William & Theresa Kissinger Jr. 11/18 Michael & Cindy Wollman PRAYER REQUEST BOX SHYG ANNUAL COOKIE WALK SUNDAY, DECEMBER 20TH 10:30am THE PARISH HALL. 11/26 Look in the Narthex for the new prayer box. If you have a prayer request and would like the pastor to know, please write it on the back of the card and place it in the prayer box or give it to an usher. IN Help support the SHYG fundraising efforts for the National Youth Gathering in New Orleans July 2016. 4 page 5 A Newsletter of St. Paul’s Lutheran Church & School, Kingsville, MD Summer 2015 St. Paul's Lutheran Church 12022 Jerusalem Rd Kingsville, MD 21087 Phone: 410.592.8100 Fax: 410.592.3282 Office Hours: Mon - Fri, 8:30 a.m. - 3:30 p.m. Traditional Liturgical Service of Holy Communion at 8:30 AM Sunday School / Adult Bible Study at 9:45 AM Church Website: Blended Service with Holy Communion at 11 AM School Website: READINGS FROM THE ONE YEAR LECTIONARY th Sunday, Dec 20 9:30am Christmas Concert- ONE SERVICE ONLY. No Confirmation/ Bible Study. _____Sunday in Advent December 20: Fourth Micah 5:2-5a Heb. 10:5-10 Luke 1:39-45 (46-56) 10:30am SHYG Cookie Walk/ Parish Hall 10:30am Voters Meeting/ Parish Hall Thurs, Dec 24 th December 24 (Eve): The Nativity of Our Lord Is. 7:10-14 1 John 4:7-16 Matt. 1:18-25 7pm Christmas Eve Family Service 11pm Christmas Eve Candlelight Service Friday, Dec 25 th 9:30am Christmas Morning Service December 24 (Midnight): The Nativity of Our Lord Is. 9:2-7 Titus 2:11-14 Luke 2: 1-14 (15-20) th Sunday, Dec 27 9:30am First Sunday after Christmas – ONE SERVICE ONLY. No Confirmation/ Bible Study/ Sunday School December 25: The Nativity of Our Lord Is. 52: 7-10 Heb. 1:1-6 (7-12) John 1:1-14 (15-18) December 27: The First Sunday After Christmas Ex. 13:1-3a, 11-15 Col. 3:12-17 Luke 2: 22-40 St. Paul's Lutheran Church seeks to strengthen Christians and to bring others to Christ; to present Jesus Christ intentionally and truthfully through the verbal and life witness of individual members, congregational worship, education, service, and fellowship. 5 Rev. Ferdinand Noske, retired pastor of Kingsville's St. Paul's Lutheran Church, dies The Rev. Ferdinand Herman Noske, a retired Lutheran pastor who headed a Kingsville congregation for more than two decades, died of heart disease Nov. 19 at his Forest Hill home. He was 88. Born in Detroit, he was the son of Ferdinand Noske, a carpenter, and Adela Edling, a homemaker. He earned a bachelor's degree at Thiel College in Greenville, Pa. In 1955, he entered Concordia Seminary in St. Louis, where he earned a divinity degree. Family members said he helped earn his tuition by announcing sports and classical music at radio station KFUO in St. Louis. While working there, he met his future wife, Gail Boehne, an executive secretary at the station. "After their marriage, she supported him as a church secretary at times. She would attend conferences and go on certain pastoral visits with him," said his daughter, Barbara Gail Noske Travers of Bel Air. "She also ran an open house for him. There was always food on the table when he would come home with a wayward soul. Mom would welcome them graciously." Mr. Noske sang bass and toured with the Lutheran Hour Chorus in the 1950s. The group performed on the radio. As a young pastor he served Christ Lutheran Church in Washington, D.C.; Mount Olive Lutheran Church in Milwaukee, Wis.; Resurrection Lutheran in Newport News, Va.; and St. Thomas Lutheran in Nyack, N.Y. In 1966, he was named to St. Paul's Lutheran in Kingsville. He served there for 26 years and retired in 1992. "He was a great friend and mentor. He had a pastoral heart. He was a caring, loving person," said the Rev. Lester Stano, a fellow Lutheran pastor and friend since 1974. "If I learned nothing else, it was his words of advice about a congregation: 'Love them dearly, and know when to get out of their way.'" 6 Mr. Stano reflected on his friend and said, "What he preached is what he lived, whether it was with his people or with his family. It was the same. "He was well respected and liked by his colleagues, and he was a popular figure in the Kingsville community," he said. Mr. Noske also served as pastoral counselor to the Lutheran Women's Missionary League. He was a board member of Baltimore Lutheran School, a chapel pastor to St. Paul's Lutheran School and a member of the board of operations for Raven Rock Lutheran Camp. The Rev. Blaise C. Sedney, pastor of St. Matthew Lutheran Church in Bel Air, said Mr. Noske "served tirelessly, and he helped mentor me. He helped me when I had never done a funeral before. I asked him, 'What do I do?' He told me, 'It will come. It will all work out fine. Don't be nervous. "He had a heart for leading people in times of their need, whether it be in times of their sorrow or in times of other needs," Mr. Sedney said. Friends recalled that Mr. Noske enjoyed church hymns and led family singing sessions. His children also sang in his church choirs. "He was a huge character. He loved to sing and loved to laugh. He always had a joke. He was everywhere he could help," said the Rev. Michael Wollman, who succeeded him at the Kingsville church. "He liked to sing so much when he was pastor, when it was time for the choir to sing, he would leave the altar area, join the choir and return later to what he had been doing," said Mr. Wollman. After his 1992 retirement, he stepped in as interim pastor at churches that had vacancies. He served at Advent Lutheran Church in Forest Hill and Redeemer Lutheran Church in Parkton. He continued to preach and serve congregations until about five years ago. He also came out of retirement to confirm and perform marriage ceremonies for his grandchildren. For many years Mr. Noske was master of ceremonies for the Kingsville Fourth of July parade.. He also followed the Orioles, Baltimore Colts and Ravens, although he also was a fan of the Detriot Tigers. In addition to his wife of 62 years and his daughter, survivors include three sons, Mark Andrew Noske of Joppa, Michael Allen Noske of Kingsville and David Matthew Noske of Forest Hill; 13 grandchildren; and seven great-grandchildren. 7 A Newsletter of St. Paul’ s Lutheran Church & School, Kingsville, MD Page The8Beacon on the Hill Fall 2015 Page 5 News From CPS BINGO IS COMING! Please join us in celebrating 50 years of ministry to students during the 2015-2016 school year! Throughout the year, there will be several events for alumni and we hope that you will join us and reconnect with your “Saints Family”. Our name may have changed from Baltimore Lutheran School to Concordia Preparatory School but our alumni stay the same: they are compassionate, diverse, welleducated, and working in their communities to make a difference in the lives of others. Please be sure to register in our Alumni Community and watch for updates on the many activities we host for our alumni throughout the year. To contact the Alumni Office, please email Gary Barth ’75 at Donations are needed to fill and sponsor bags for the CPS Bingo on January 15, 2016 at the Tall Cedars Lodge in Parkville. If you are able to donate, please contact Mrs. Terri Stowars, the Basket Bingo Chairperson, at or 410.935.4580. Tickets are $15 until Jan 13th after which the price will increase to $20. For tickets, contact Ms. Tracy Gingher at Tables of 8 may be reserved through Ms. Gingher. St. Paul’s Alum, Kaitlyn Woolsey, surpassed the 1,000-point career scoring mark in a 55-34 victory over Garrison Forest on Friday, December 11th. The guard/forward is a four-year starter and averaging 19 points a game this season for 7-0 Concordia Prep. She is being recruiting by several Division III colleges. “She will probably be the third highest scorer in school history by the end of the season,” Concordia Prep girls basketball coach John Cooney said. Copyright © 2015, The Baltimore Sun Congratulations Kaitlyn on this wonderful accomplishment! Congratulations to St. Paul’s Alum, Christopher Pfeltz! CPS BLANKETS FOR SALE Just in time for Christmas, CENT, Inc., a Junior Achievement Company, is selling Concordia Prep ultrafleece blankets. These soft, attractive blankets are perfect for staying warm this winter while showing your CPS pride. The blankets are available for a limited time and are red with the CPS logo in white. The blankets may be purchased for $25 each or two for $40. To purchase your blankets today, please contact John Milchling at or Steven Croyder at Christopher, a senior at CPS, has been chosen to participate in the 2016 Maryland All-State Chorus. Congratulations to Christopher, tenor, on being selected from close to 1,500 students who took part in very difficult, individual auditions on Saturday, November 21st for the opportunity to join the 200voice chorus in February. “Soli Deo Gloria!” 8 Page 9 Fall 2015 MEMORIALS & HONORARIUMS Sept – Dec., 2015 PASTOR NOSKE ‘CAREER IN MINISTRY’ SCHOLARSHIP FUND In loving memory of our Dad and Granddad, from Michael, Vicki, Michaela Noske In loving memory of Pastor Ferdinand H. Noske from Eleanor Huson In loving memory of Pastor Ferdinand H. Noske from Jean Class In loving memory of Pastor Ferdinand H. Noske from Resurrection Lutheran Church From Harry & Carol Sanders From Louis & Linda Wienecke From Wayne & Beverly Caswell From Donna & Harvey Blessing From Lewis Family; Scott, Cindi, Rob & Catherine From Barb & Dennis Kurgansky From Gil & Jeanne Thompson From Lois Schultz From Evelyn Sanders Lewis From Neal & Carolynn Bredehoeft From Sandra & Drew DeVan From Emily Taber From Helene & W. F. Neuroth From Dennis & Celeste Card From Keith & Julie Munski From Mabel & Martin Lotz From Joan & Rundle Kesselring From Greg & Jan Goehner From Judy & Pete Bauernfeind From Ray & Bonnie Greb From Barbara Buchman From Steve & Anna Brocklage From Kevin & Judith Langenfelder From Joyce Schwandter From John & Cleo Corun From Evelyn Chitty In memory of Paul Newcomer (father of Andrea Huson) from Gil & Jeanne Thompson In memory of Bob McBride from Gil & Jeanne Thompson In loving memory of Mr. Edward Green on his birthday, Barb & Dennis Kurgansky In loving memory of Mrs. Kathryn Green on her birthday, Barb & Dennis Kurgansy In memory of Francis Bell from Barb & Dennis Kurgansky In memory of Doc Sears from Barb & Dennis Kurgansky In memory of Sally Faber from Barb & Dennis Kurgansky In memory of my parents, Daniel & Evelyn Affeld In honor and affection; “I do this in thanks to God and with the prayer that it will help in some small way, to encourage someone on the path to ministry by the call of our Savior’s Holy Spirit”, from Rev. Gene Merrell ABUNDANT BLESSING In memory of Elmer & Lettie Hack from Nancy & Duane Barnes. BENEVOLENCE/FUNERAL RECEPTION In memory of Pastor Noske from Dale Heitkamp CHURCH TELEVISION In loving memory of Linwood Beshore, Jr. from May Puckey 9 Page 11 In loving memory of Linwood Beshore, Jr. from Bev & Wayne Caswell In honor of Pastor Wollman for Pastor Appreciation from Ken and Carolyn Wells Fall 2015 ST. PAUL’S SCHOOL FUND In loving memory of Michelle Beimer on her birthday, from her son August and Mother, Miriam Eaton. In memory of Pastor Noske by Bud & Mary Lambert In memory of Bob McBride from Sanders family From Lyn Sylvester MOLLY COONS SCHOLARSHIP FUND In memory of Carole Kutchey from the St. Paul’s Elders In memory of Carole Kutchey from Donna & Harvey Blessing In memory of Bob McBride from Wendell & Dawn Robson WEIDINGER/SZCZESNY MEMORIAL SCHOLARSHIP (Lutheran Schools Fund) In loving memory John & Jean Weidinger, from Susanne Weidinger Dear Friends at St. Paul’s, Thank you to everyone who gave so generously to my friends The Kearns. Ace will have a Christmas to remember thanks to you. His little sister, Gema, is still in the NICU and has a long road ahead of her but is improving every day. Your support has truly been a blessing. Please continue to keep THANK YOU! Fawn, Chris, Ace and Gema in your prayers during the weeks ahead. Sincerely, Karen Woolsey Congratulations to St. Paul’s 8th grader Ashanti Hill! Ashanti Hill is an eighth grader here at St. Paul’s School. Ashanti will be dancing with the Moscow Ballet’s Great Russian Nutcracker as a mouse. This is Ashanti’s second year dancing at the Hippodrome in the Nutcracker. Performances will be this weekend Dec. 18 & 19th. Best wishes in your performance Ashanti! 10 Men’s Bible Study Beginning Saturday mornings January 9th at 8:30 am. Church conference room. Coffee and pastry provided. St. Paul’s Lutheran School Meeting the first Sunday of the month at 6:30 pm Open House & Pancake Breakfast St. Paul’s Middle School room B. Saturday, January 23, 2016 9:00 AM Submit material to The Beacon on the Hill by e-mailing The deadline is the 25th of each month – early submission is encouraged to be sure your announcement or information is included in the next issue. Please include the month(s) you would like the information to run and a contact phone number in case of questions. Please be sure the church office has a current e-mail address for you. As always, we will not share or distribute your e-mail address or personal information. YOUTH NEWS The Senior High Youth Group meets every Sunday from 5pm – 7pm in the youth room in the Parish 11 Hall. Join us! 12