October 2014 - The Crestwood School
October 2014 - The Crestwood School
Cologne Trip Pages 6-7 Crestwood Connect Page 12-13 Celebrating Success Page 17 Crestmag October 2014 The Crestwood School Magazine Congratulations & very best wishes to our Class of 2014! As our results testify, together with our Good Ofsted Inspection and our national recognition for outstanding student progress, Crestwood is an excellent school. We offer a real choice as one of the best secondary schools now in Dudley. Our wonderful students achieved above national average in English and maths: 88% attained expected progress in English and 73% attained expected progress in maths. 27% of our leavers attained A*-A grades. 100% gained at least 5 GCSEs. Over the past 4 years our students have achieved an average of 65% of at least 5 A*-C grades including maths and English. Thanks to all of our dedicated staff and those students who worked so hard. Recognition and reward is really important here and it was fantastic to celebrate the great successes and many achievements of our students with their families at Presentation Evening. I am also delighted to introduce the new Honours Boards which take pride of place on our main corridor. Our new Year 7 students have settled in really well. Information and pictures in this edition confirm how much Summer School and teambuilding with Oaker Wood were enjoyed. Their first OPENWEEK grade sheets will be issued before the Half Term holiday. Year 7 students are looking forward to their Pantomine trip to the Grand Theatre to see Cinderella in December. Our Open Evening on 8 October was the busiest yet with over 50% more parents and Year 6 pupils than previous years. Many more have visited during our Open Mornings and additionally on individual tours. The feedback from parents and Year 6 pupils has been really enthusiastic and positive. Continued on Page 2 If you need to speak to someone please call us on: 01384 816535 or Fax: 01384 816540 For attendance issues call: 01384 816545 or email: attendance@crestwood-s.dudley.sch.uk Our website address is: www.crestwood-s.dudley.sch.uk. Email us on: info@crestwood-s.dudley.sch.uk Crestmag CrestwoodNews The Crestwood School Magazine CrestwoodNews ...Continued from front Of course, our door is always open and anyone who has not been able to visit and would like to, or anyone who has been but wanted another look, is very welcome. Please just call our Reception to arrange. I should remind prospective parents and students that applications can now be made for September 2015 admissions, with the deadline of 31 October fast approaching. We are expecting to be oversubscribed for 2015. The future of education is changing and as part of the INVICTUS Multi-Academy Trust (MAT) we expect to be at the very forefront of educational excellence. Drawn together by the exciting prospect of success, our collaboration with Edgecliff, Ellowes Hall and Ounsdale Schools will enable us all to offer our students an outstanding education and valuable experiences from a vast pool of shared expertise and resources. Our 6th Form will be open from September 2015 and so is a very viable option for higher education for all of our current students, as well as those from the wider community. I hope everyone enjoys this edition of Crestmag. I wish all a good Half Term holiday, especially our 46 students who will be visiting New York with Mr Moreton, Mr Porter, Miss Lowe & Miss Hatton. Reports and photos from New York will follow in our Christmas edition of Crestmag. . Induction Day Golden Ticket BBQ Celebration At the end of the summer term Crestwood students were given the chance to celebrate in style by taking part in the golden ticket bonanza. There had been a real buzz in school following the first of the GoldenTicket celebrations with students wanting to receive a ticket. 160 students deserved the reward for achieving an attendance figure of over 95% for the academic year and demonstrating perfect behaviour. The celebration included burgers and sausages cooked by Mr Bowles, ice cream and music. A great time was had by all students and we are already planning the next celebrations; a Christmas Secret Santa, an Easter Egg Hunt and another BBQ. Every student wants to be part of these celebrations and we want them to be. Follow the Crestwood standards; be in school and you will achieve as well as being rewarded. On Thursday 3 July our new Year 6 students joined us for Induction Day. Over 130 students from 25 primary schools met their new tutors and got involved with some fantastic teambuilding activities. Mrs Caroline Sutton Deputy Head Breakfast Club DATES TO REMEMBER............ Mon 27 – Fri 31 Oct 2014 Half Term Holiday Thu 6 Nov 2014 Year 10 & 11 Form Tutor Evening & Careers Fair 10-14 November Academic Mentoring Programme 2:10pm finish each day Thu 13 Nov 2014 Year 7 Form Tutor Evening Thu 20 Nov 2014 GCSE Presentation Evening Thu 4 Dec 2014 Drop Down Day Fri 5 Dec 2014 Inset Day – School closed to students PageTwo Mon 22 Dec 2014 – Fri 2 Jan 2015 Christmas Holiday Mon 5 Jan 2015 Inset Day – School closed to students Monday to Friday - In the Hall 8.15 am to 8.45 am Refreshments available from the kitchen at reasonable prices Students can come along, meet friends and enjoy the facilities available. Tue 6 Jan 2015 Students return to school PageThree Crestmag The Crestwood School Magazine Crestmag The Crestwood School Magazine Crestmag CrestwoodSports CrestwoodNetball The Crestwood School Magazine THE BEST RUGBY CLUB IN THE BLACK COUNTRY IS RECRUITING Experienced Players / New Players All welcome at training Wednesday 18:30 - 20:00 & Sunday 10:15 - 12:00 DETAILS Richard Simmonds - Manager richard.rugby@blueyonder.co.uk or 07527 053233 Glenn Radford - Head Coach WELL DON glenn.radford@virgin.net E GIRLS! Crestwood Netball 2014 Crestwood School are proud to introduce Netball to our curriculum and after school activities. Over the past two weeks the girls have been attending two training sessions a week, and working extremely hard in lessons. Our first game was on Monday 8 September and Crestwood Pinks played Crestwood Blues. Crestwood Blues won 16-9. Players of the match were:- Stourton Park, Bridgnorth Road, Stourton, Stourbridge, West Midlands, DY7 6QZ Stourbridge RFC - Year 9 - Rugby 2014 Comment From Mr Bowles (Headteacher): “I was really pleased to see the Year 9 Girls’ first netball match at Crestwood. The energy and enthusiasm of the girls was a joy to observe and it was also evident the work they have put in beforehand in practice sessions. It was the highlight of my day to watch all the girls and witness first hand the skills displayed by the team, and to win 22-5 topped it all off. Well Done Girls” Players’ player: - Abbygail Harmon (Year 10) Players’ player: - Kelci Horton (Year 9) Our second game was held at home on Monday 16 September and was Crestwood’s first league game in over five years. The Netball league game was against Leasowes High school. Crestwood played exceptionally well, both defensively and in attack. Crestwood won 22-5 Teachers’ player: - Harriet Mazur (Year 9) Players’ player: - Kelci Horton (Year 9) Comment from Mr Harris (HOY): In addition, our training sessions have been great and we currently have 19 students attending. Training sessions are on Mondays &Thursdays after school and games are on Tuesdays. All years are welcome. “Well done to the Year 9 girls! It was great to see all their hard work and commitment come together in their 22-5 win. As Head of Year I’m proud of both their success for the school and as individuals. Well done and keep it up. See you at the next match” On 23 October Crestwood won 11-9 against Edgecliff and Harriet Mazur 9I was player of the match! FOOTBALL FIXTURES HAVE STARTED FOR ALL YEAR GROUPS Year 7 Lost their exciting opening game 1-2. However they showed much promise for a bright season. Year 8 Also lost their opening league fixture but then won their first round cup match 13-0! Year 9 Won their only game so far. They have received a bye into the second round of the cup. Year 10 Have begun the defence of their league title with a win and a draw. They begin their cup run on 7 Oct. PageFour PageFive Crestmag CologneTrip The Crestwood School Magazine Crestmag CologneTrip The Crestwood School Magazine Crestwood Cologne Trip Cologne Trip July 2014 Samantha Mullett’s Holiday Diary PageSix y was a very memorable The trip to Cologne in German h the night on a coach experience. We travelled throug it was tiring and loud but es tim at , ry fer a on n the d an ed by my friends. Upon it was fun since I was surround n, we sorted out our arrival, on the Sunday afternoo rooms and looked around. , out and about The next few days whizzed by s, such as: the famous all day seeing interesting sight m, Bayarena Football Cathedral, the zoo, the aquariu ng places. stadium and many more exciti at two different theme Two of the days were spent parks which was really fun! it really felt like a holiday. d an s ve sel our to e tim d ha e W e and will not forget it. All in all I had a really fun tim uld go back and I’m I think if I had the chance I wo to go. really glad I got the opportunity n as it was one the best I recommend going if you ca times of my life. PageSeven Crestmag The Crestwood School Magazine CrestwoodWalk AttendanceMatters Well done to the following pupils who have attained 100% attendance for this half term: Ahmed, Akeel 9D Akhtar, Kiran 8E Ali, Shazad 7I Alloway, Jordon 11W Alloway, Luke 9E Armstrong, Joshua 9E Armstrong, Libby 11I Marsh, Daniel 11E Aston, Neesha 11I Atherton, Harry 8V Badger, James 11E Baggott, Alex 9D Bagley, Elizabeth 7I Bailey, Aaron 10V Bailey, Demi 8I Baker, Lauren 8I Baker, Megan 9E Ball, Jessica 8D Barnbrook, Charlotte 8D Barnett, Jamie 10I Barnett, Rachel 8V Basharat, Simrah 7I Bateman, Alexander 10I Batham, Callum 10V Bavington, Gemma 11W Bayley, Georgia 11W Beckley, Chloe 8DI Bedford, Lewis 7W Bedford, Thomas 7V Bedworth, Charlotte 9E Bedworth, Thomas 11V Beech, Leah 9D Bennett, Ethan 9W Bills, Kayde 8DI Blackham, Georgia 10E Bloomer, Kasey 8D Bloomer, Samuel 8E Bolton, Sophie 11V Boyce, Kayleigh 9E Bradley, Alice 11I Bradley-Hughes, Jessica 11V Brett, Lewis 9V Brockhurst, Sharnie 7I Brookes, Chelsea 10E Brookes, Holly 8DI Brookes, Jade 11V Brookes, Luke 7I Brooks, Benjamin 8W Broom, Georgina 8V Brown, Ben 10E Brown, Matthew 10EN Bruton, Joshua 7E Bruton, Tyler 7W Buckley, Tammie 11E Burden, Lauren 10W Burgess, Thomas 8D Busby, Chada 11VI Butcher, Molly 8E Butters, Dominic 10I Bywater, Emily 11E Campbell, Liam 11V Carter, Thomas 9I Cartwright, Chloe 8I Cartwright, George 9IN Cartwright, Nathan 8E Caswell, Sarah 9I Cheema, Badal 10EN Chinyanga, Andrea 10W Christopher, Adele 11V Churchman, Thomas 10D Clark, Alex 10I Clarke, Mollie 8E Cleeton, Isabel 11I Codling, Jordan 8D Connolley, Alex 7E Cooper, Bradley 9E Cooper, Iiesha 9D Cox, Ethan 8W Cox, Zak 11V Crowther, Hannah 8I Crutchley, Billie-Kiera 11E Dalloway, Alisha 11D Darby, Jaydan 7E Darby, Natasha 10EN Amue, Zoe 11I Davies, Cameron 10EN Davies, Macaulay 11D Davies, Owen 10V Davies, Simon 9E Davies, Teri 11W Davis, Alethea 11I Parton, Shania 9V Dhadwal, Rajan 11W Dicken, Joe 7E Dickinson, Jay 11V Dolphin, Lucie 9D Douglas, Connor 11I Dunn-Garcia, Marcos 7E Dunn-Garcia, Maria 9W Dyke, Rebecca 10V Edwards, Callum 8W Edwards, Ellie 7W Edwards, Samuel 10I Evans, Chloe 9W Farrow, Shaun 10D Fletcher, William 8V Gardner, Bethany 10W Gardner, Caitlin 7D Garrett, James 9D Gill, Raman 11E Gillard, Tyler 9V Golding, Nicola 9V Goluchowski, Jakub 8I Gordon, Christina 8E Gorst, Katie 11W Gorst, Lee 7D Grainger, Faye 8E Grant, Cameron 10W Green, Georgia 10V Griffin, Megan 10I Groucutt, Harriet 8I Guest, Jordi 10D Guest-Summers, Nathan 11VI Gwilliams, Liam 11D Halford, Rosannah 10E Hall, Ethan 8I Hall, Jamie 10EN Hammond, Rachelle 9V Harkins, Courtney 10V Haroon, Rubia 7E Harper, Zachary 8I Harvey-Bernard, Jacob 7WA Hawkins, Adam 11VI Hawkins, Brandon 7WA Heathcock, Nathan 8V Hillocks, Mya 7WA Hodgkiss, Aaron 7WA Hollowood, Katie 11V Holt, Chloe Homer, Lewis Hooper, Alixandra Horton, Kelci Houghton, Abbie Howe, Megan Hughes, Bethany Hughes, Sian Hulme, Alex Hussain, Henna Hussain, Shamrez Iqbal, Junaid Iqbal, Mohammad Iqbal, Rauheel James, Olivia Jeffries, Hannah Jenkinson, Charlie Jessop, Kaitlin Johnson, Courtney Johnson, Olivia Jones, Amy Jones, Brendon Jones, Jack Jones, Owen Judd, Reece Kandola, Somandeep Kauser, Samra Lawley, Chanelle Lawley, Thomas Ledington, Molly Lee, Leahmarie Lee, Mitchell McKenzie-Lees, Chloe Lees, Dylan Lewis, Hollie Lewis, Libby Lewis, Shannon Lockley, Shannon Love, LaMarr Lowe, Charlotte Lowe, Damian Macdivitt, Megan Mahmood, Uwais Mallen, Nyah Malpass, Ryan Markham, Christian Marlow, Billy Marsh, Hayley Marsh, Isabella Marsh, Lewis Martin, Luke Mason, Chelsey Mason, Joseph Massey, Eleanor Mayoorathas, Shoumiya Mazur, Harriet McCrory-Aston, James Mecrow, Adam Mehmood, Taalia Miles, Rhys Millard, Zoe Miller, Katie Mills, Ryan Mochan, Kirsty Moon, Jordan Moore, Hannah Moriarty, Daniel Morris, Charlie Morrison, Callam PageEight 7WA 8W 10EN 9D 10EN 7W 8W 7W 7E 7WA 7V 9D 9E 10V 7W 9IN 11V 10D 9W 11D 7V 9IN 7I 8D 8I 11V 8I 7I 7V 8W 0V 7W 11W 0I 7W 7I 10E 10V 10D 7W 9W 11VI 7WA 7I 9D 11I 10E 8E 9IN 8DI 8W 11E 7V 9V 7D 9I 7D 8V 10E 9I 11V 11I 8W 7WA 10E 7W 7WA 9W 11W Morrison, Kyla Mullett, Courtney Mutukwa, Ishemufadzi Nicholson, Connor Noble-Smith, Cameron Noble-Smith, Darcey Nock, Paige Page, Chloe Parkes, Kirsty Parsons, Jack Parton, Courtney Passmore, Brandon Payne, Aaron Payne, Shania Pearson, Tilly Perks, Taylor Perry, Stacey Petty, Nathan Phipps, Callum Phipps, Paige Pickett, Ronan Pinches, Regan Pomfret-Jones, Kyra Pomfret-Jones, Rhys Powers, Chloe Powers, Dean Powers, Sophie Pritchett, Joel Prosser, Ben Prosser, Lee Pugh, Aaron Quick, Lewis Rankin, Sapphire Reddington, Megan Reed, Jimmy Rice, Robby Richards, Lewis Richards, Libby Roberts, Cole Robinson, Leon Rock, Ashley Rock, Saxon Rock, Sophie Roden, Chloe Rose, Annaliese Rose, Zara Ross, Dylan Round, Matthew Rowley, Kevin Rowley, Marti Rudkin, Sian Rushton, Joshua Saeed, Zeba Seniore, Luca Shabbir, Mohammed Shafiq, Aisha Shakespeare, Lewis Sharp, Brandon Shaw, Rebecca Shearwood, Danielle Shepherd, Jack Shepherd, Jade Sibley, Paige Sidaway, Joseph Sidaway, Luke Sims, Kieran Skidmore, Billie-Jo Skidmore, Charlee Skidmore, Jessica 9D 7V 7V 7D 11E 8W 10W 8I 11VI 8E 11E 8W 8W 10W 7V 9I 10W 10EN 8V 11I 11VI 7W 9IN 11E 10E 10V 7E 7W 10EN 11D 11VI 8DI 11VI 7W 8D 11VI 11D 9I 7D 9IN 7V 8I 11I 7W 7V 11I 7D 8E 10W 8V 11D 8E 8I 7WA 7V 7D 8I 10D 9D 11D 10I 10I 11V 10EN 8DI 10V 10E 8W 7E Small, Jade 10E Smart, Daniel 9E Smith, Alicia 9D Smith, Bradley 9I Smith, Christopher 9W Smith, Emily 10D Smith, Kyle 7WA Smith, Lewis 9D Smith, Natasha 11VI Stanfield, Courtney 7D Stanley, Jake 9D Stewart, Jordan 8E Stewart, Leonie 8I Stock, Katie 10D Sturch, Luke 11E Sutton, Lewis 9E Tahir, Quratulain 10I Tarplee, Connor 7D Taylor, Carl 8V Taylor-McGill, Izzie 7E Temple, Teri 9W Thomas, Cameron 9IN Thomas, Luke 10E Thompson-Smith, Boh 7I Timmins, Harry 9V Tonks, Owen 8I Townsend, Jaz 11VI Tranter, Joshua 9V Turley, Charlotte 11I Turley, Miles 10D Tutty, Morgan 10V Walker, Shane 7V Walker, Shona 11I Walters, Ellis 7I Walters, Liam 9D Ward, Matthe 8I Watkins, Megan 11D Welch, Emily 11VI Wells, Connor 10W Westwood, Chloe 9D Westwood, Claire 7E Westwood, Dem i9I Wheelwright, Katie 8DI Whitehouse, Brandon 10V Wilkinson, Cameron 10D Wilkinson, George 11V Williams, Aaron 11D Williams, Bethany 11W Williams, Brandon 11VI Williams, Christopher 7W Williams, Liam1 0V Williams, Rebecca 11D Williams, Thomas 9V Williams, Todd 7W Williams, Tony 9V Wills, Abby 7V Withers, Thomas 9IN Wood, Amelia 8W Wood, Harriet 11VI Wood, Jamie 7V Woods, Zaphinia 11V Worrall, Chloe 11D Worton, Bethany 10V Wyant, Calum 8V Yasin, Nabihah 10V Young, Shannon 10V Crestmag The Crestwood School Magazine side ild w e th on lk Crestwood(andwa the canal side too!) On the Summer Term Drop Down Day in July Year 8 went on a Humanities walk in the local area. A great time was had by all as they found out about the Geography, History and RE of where they live. The walk began by thinking about the land use in the Bromley area and then moved to the ‘wild side’ and Buckpool nature reserve. Discussions of fishing abounded! The main part of the walk involved the towpath of the Stourbridge canal. The sun was out. The weather was warm. The stage was set. Great sights were seen on this picturesque and lovely walk from some incredibly cute ducklings (they were so small!) to shoals of gorgeous shiny fish in the water right by the Wordsley Glass Cone. One group helped a boat all the way down the locks by opening and closing the gates. Students also took in the War Memorial by Holy Trinity church in Wordsley and looked to see if any people who shared their name were remembered upon it. Lastly, the students showed their stamina by walking up Bromley Lane from the bottom (steeper than you think) and returning to school. A great day, great exercise and we all learned so much about where we live and work. Thanks to all the staff who helped and to all the students who were so positive and behaved so well. Mr Watts (Head of Humanities) PageNine Crestmag The Crestwood School Magazine HubNews Meet the Hub Team Crestmag HubNews The Crestwood School Magazine BREAKING NEWS IN THE HUB! 153 fiction books were borrowed from the Hub, during September 2014! These are the helpful Hub students who will assist you with your homework, recommend books for you to read or help out with any laptop or computer issues should they arise. Please come and meet the Team. They are here to support you! Just a reminder that we are open five days a week, for homework, reading, news and research. Come and visit us before School from 8.30 am to 8.50 am and remember when you borrow a book, you need to check the date stamped in the front of the book, so that you know when it needs to be retuned to the Hub. If you don’t finish the book, come in and renew it. Just ask us if you are unsure. Don’t Miss The Deadline! Mr Naujeer’s Year 9 class used a selection of language features in their stories to make them more interesting. Many other English classes have visited the Hub. The students have been told about the facilities available and have borrowed books to read in their spare time. Roald Dahl day, 13 September 2014, was acknowledged by a display created byHannah Jefferies, which included information about Roald Dahl, his books and book reviews written by the students! Whispering Wednesdays Our new initiative this term is “Whispering Wednesdays.” This event is taking place every Wednesday, at break time in the Hub. Students are invited to come to the Hub; for a quiet place to read their favourite book, learn facts for a test, read about something that interests them or recap on what they have been taught during lessons. Before School and at lunchtime the Hub is extremely busy. More students are doing their homework and by Friday 19 September, 105 books had been borrowed by our students. This is a record figure and the students have produced some fantastic book reviews too! Visiting Authors Dave Shelton, the first author for this term, will be in School on the 22 October 2014. He will be promoting his latest book, “Thirteen Chairs.” He writes ghost stories, so the students will be in for a treat, especially as Halloween will be just over a week away, following Dave’s visit PageTen HUB NEWS The Hub has got off to a flying start this term. Our New Year 7 students have already been inducted into the Hub. All Year 7 and Year 8 forms have a slot to visit the Hub during morning registration, when the students are able to read, research, use the laptops, learn information, or watch the news to keep up to date with current affairs. Research lessons began with Mr Harris, on the 10 September 2014, when he brought his Year 8 class to discover information about “Magnets”. All of the students used the non-fiction books, giving them an additional skill to use, other than researching solely on the internet. Further research lessons are booked to take place during the rest of the term. Students have written their own stories and have come to the Hub to read them aloud. PageEleven Crestmag CrestwoodConnect The Crestwood School Magazine Crestmag CrestwoodConnect The Crestwood School Magazine The Crestwood School is about to embark on an exciting new adventure with the launch of Crestwood Connect. Leisure+Business+Learning Crestwood Connect has been created with the aim of offering diverse, community focused, premium facilities and exceptional service to clubs, businesses, societies, groups and other local schools. This in turn will allow our community to benefit from what Crestwood School has to offer. SCHOOL Expectation+Achievement+Success Our fantastic facilities include: CrestwoodCONNECT Sports Field A huge, well maintained, sports field which is home Aspire+Desire+Acquire to our hockey pitches, mini soccer pitches, 9 & 11 a side football pitches and a 400 metre running track. Currently a home venue for our successful Crestwood School Hockey/Football Teams, Wordsley Wasps Football Club, AFC Hinksford, Sporting Club FC. The sports field is a versatile area that could be used for bootcamps or other fitness based sessions. Access to the The Sports Centre changing facilities is also available on request. CrestwoodCONNECT Sports Centre The Gymnasium CrestwoodCONNECT Theatre A state of the art sports hall equipped with cricket nets, basketball court, badminton courts, indoor tennis court, volleyball court, indoor 5/6 a side football pitch, trampolines and a sound system. We can facilitate pretty much any sport or activity that requires space and a roof! A beautiful ‘old school’ gymnasium fully equipped with all the fantastic functional equipment you would expect, such as; climbing apparatus, climbing ropes, battle ropes, beams, pull up bars and all the safety matting you might need to make it safe! The perfect venue for shows, productions, conferences or presentations. The Theatre is equipped with a sound and lighting system that bring the stage to life. The Theatre has hosted events for Team Productions, Jessica David Gowns (Prom Fashion Show), Wordsley Amateur Dramatics as well as countless memorable school productions. Our in house team of technicians will ensure the theatre is set up to suit your exact requirements. Current local clubs/schools that use the Sports Centre include: Xcite Tennis Academy, West Midlands Performance Centre (Badminton), Wordsley Wasps Football Club, Kewford Eagles Football Club, Dudley Basketball Association, Wombourne, Swindon and Oldswinford Cricket Clubs and Bromley Hills Primary School. The gymnasium also has perfectly maintained wooden flooring suitable for most sports, activities or fitness sessions. The gymnasium is currently a venue for MacFitness Personal Training Bootcamp, DASH (performance athletics coaching) and Wombourne Swimming Club (Land based fitness training) Use of the changing room and shower facilities are welcomed before or after your activity. CrestwoodCONNECT Swimming Pool Our pool is maintained to the highest standard to ensure everyone that uses it has a great experience. This shows by the amount of people we have using it! Frequent Crestwood School PE sessions, a busy local primary school swimming programme and 4 local swimming academies with hundreds of swim students in their sessions. Swim Stars, Salamanda Swimming, Elitzswim and Waves Swimming Academy all run very successful swim schools from our pool. The MUGA A fantastic acronym that means Multi Use Games Area. Our MUGA is tarmac with high fences that can be used for a wide variety of outdoor activities including tennis, netball, football or any outdoor activity that you want to be mud free!!! PageTwelve CrestwoodCONNECT Education Centre As with most schools we do have a few classrooms!!!! We have ICT lounges, drama studios, food technology plus many, many more. We have the potential to host any type of meeting, adult education session or workshop. Get in Touch The above are just a fraction of the potential activities that we are capable of hosting. If you have any innovative or imaginative business ideas we would love to hear from you. We are also extremely keen to speak to anyone interested in using CrestwoodCONNECT to run holiday activities, and children’s birthday parties. We do hope that you are as excited about this project as we are. Crestwood CONNECT will strive to enhance the schools facilities wherever possible. This will enable our students and our community to benefit from improvements and growth of our facilities. If you have any questions or enquires about any of our facilities please do not hesitate to contact us. You can contact the Director of CrestwoodCONNECT, Martin Jordan via telephone: 01384 815988 or email:mjordan1@crestwood-s.dudley.sch.uk Healthy Regards, CrestwoodCONNECT PageThirteen Crestmag JapaneseClub The Crestwood School Magazine Japanese Club FutureFashion Crestmag The Crestwood School Magazine Fashion for the Future! Current Year 11 students visited the A Level Art and Design exhibition at King Edwards College, Stourbridge during the summer term. The focus of the visit was to view the fashion and textiles work and explore the possibilities of studying this course in the future. Are you interested in languages, anime, manga, cooking, or learning about new cultures? If so the Japanese Club is for you! Please speak to Mrs. Perry for more information. You will need to come and get a letter before the first session. STARTS IN C5 TUESDAY 30TH SEPTEMBER 3:15 - 4:15pm Our students were given in-depth talks about each level of the course and career opportunities after graduating from the college. Past and present King Edwards’ students confidently and sometimes humorously, shared their knowledge, expertise and experiences. ‘I found the information really useful’ stated one student. ‘I never knew you could do that after studying fashion and textiles’ another said surprisingly. The visit not only supported the college’s promotion of the course, but enabled our students to widen their aspirations and possibilities for their future in fashion and textiles. The Art Department wishes to visit the exhibition next year and inspire our next intake of GCSE students. MATHS STUDENT OF HALF TERM - OCTOBER 2014 COURSEWORK AND YEAR EFFORT ACHIEVEMENT YEAR 7 Shazad Ali 7I Ciara Clarke 7WA YEAR 8 Harriet Groucutt 8I Callum Smith 8V YEAR 9 Courtney Johnson 9W Taylor Perks 9I YEAR 10 Daniel Barras 10I Rauheel Iqbal 10V Tuesday | Wednesday | Thursday Time: 3:10 - 4.10PM Class D5 YEAR 11 Teri Davies 11W Jessica Bradley-Hughes 11V Refreshments Supplied PageFourteen HOMEWORK CLUB Everyone Welcome! PageFifteen Crestmag The Crestwood School Magazine CrestwoodCharity News Dudley Deaf Children’s Society Support for Homework Club The Listen & Learn Centre would like to thank Dudley Deaf Children’s Society for their generosity in supporting our homework club. They have purchased a variety of exciting word games, which will help boost vocabulary. In addition they are funding weekly copies of ‘First News’ newspaper to ensure our students are up to date on current affairs. Crestwood Charity Once again staff and students at Crestwood have taken part in a whole school vote to choose our Charity to support. This year the choice was between 3 excellent local charities – The Midland’s Air Ambulance, Mary Stevens Hospice and The Dudley Deaf Children’s Society. The voting was organised by one of our outstanding Prefects, Katie Miller in 11I, with help from Year 10 Ambassadors: Dan Barras, Sam Edwards, Hayden Hodgkiss, Jamie Tibbetts, Connor Gordon, Chelsea Brookes, Laura Askins, Luke Thomas, Rauheel Iqbal and Megan Griffin. The voting was really tight with Mary Stevens Hospice winning by 38 votes. Charlotte from the hospice was delighted when she found out that Crestwood are going to be fundraising for them. She will be coming into school to raise awareness through assemblies, posters and information. We are all looking forward to the year ahead and raising as much as we can for an excellent cause. Mr Thompson (Head of Year 11) Mary Stevens Hospice Mary Stevens Hospice provides high quality care for people living with cancer and other life limiting illnesses including Parkinson’s, Motor Neurones, heart failure, renal failure and other rare neurological diseases within the Dudley Borough and surrounding areas. The hospice provides specialist care to those who are unlikely to be cured. This care is tailored to each individual patient and their loved ones, and is provided either at the 10-bed In-Patient Unit or the Day Therapies Clinic. Both are based in Hagley Road, Oldswinford, Stourbridge. Celebrating Achievement & Success A year of hard work with lots of success culminated in a fantastic celebration on 10 July 2014 at Brierley Hill Civic Hall. Top Awards will be added to our new Honours Boards in the main corridor. The Worshipful Mayor, Councillor Margaret Aston, presented over 200 awards to Crestwood students. The awards recognised effort and achievement in all subjects for each year group. Form Tutor awards, Sports awards and Contribution to School awards were also presented. On the evening, students celebrated with families, governors and staff. Mary Stevens Hospice care is provided free of charge to all those who need it, and although we receive some funding from the Government, it relies on donations and fundraising from the local community to raise more than 80% of its £2.5 million annual running costs. PageSixteen PageSeventeen Crestmag The Crestwood School Magazine Crestmag The Crestwood School Magazine TheatreTrip CrestwoodCelebrations End of Term Celebrated in Great Style! Lord of the Flies On Thursday 18 September the Year 11 GCSE Drama group went to the Crescent Theatre in Birmingham to see ‘Lord of the Flies’. The plot is about a group of boys who are presumably in the midst of a wartime evacuation. A plane crashes near an island in a remote region of the Pacific Ocean. Only the boys survive the crash and all the adults, including the pilot, are dead. The boys elected Ralph to be the leader of the group. Piggy finds a conch (a shell) which Ralph uses as a horn to call all the survivors to one area. Ralph (as chief) declares three primary goals; to have fun, survive and to maintain a smoke signal that could alert passing ships to their presence on the island. Throughout the story, the boys are split between good and evil, and eventually Jack and Roger become completely evil and they torture the twins (Sam and Eric) after killing Simon and Piggy. The story ends with Jack ordering a man hunt for Ralph and they have a ‘battle to the death’ until a Naval Officer appears just at the right moment, and Ralph bursts into tears about the tragic death of Piggy. The officer criticises them for letting themselves fall into such feral behaviour and the officer awkwardly turns away to give them a moment to pull themselves together. THEATRE TRIP When we arrived, we sat in Central Square and had our lunch. We were told that it might be quite scary for some of us, but I did not find it that bad. To counteract the tragedy that we would see in the second half, there were some really funny bits initially, like the boys messing about and ‘having fun’ (this was one of Ralph’s primary goals). In my opinion, (and most people in our Drama group may agree), the best line was said by Jack; ‘I should be in charge, because I’m a Prefect!’ when the group were discussing who should be in charge. Most of us wanted PageEighteen A huge 57 prizes were handed out at the end of term assembly celebrating the hard work of our students. In total over 2000 commendations were earned alongside over 150,000 House points. We also collectively beat our target of 95% attendance. Mr Buchanan would like to wish a huge well done to all those that earned the right to be placed in any of the draws for the prizes. “It is a pleasure to stand at the front and celebrate all the successful things our students do. The assemblies keep growing and growing with student performances and all sorts of entertainment built in. It is no wonder Ofsted say we are a good school.” Mr Buchanan, House Coordinator. to shout out ‘I’m one too!’ which would have been quite funny! Just before the interval, the scene ended with the character of Simon having a seizure. This was very effectively done, with clever use of lighting through a hole in the set. After the interval, there was a massive stroke of thunder and lightning which shook the whole room in surprise. In this second part of the play, it became very gory, with lots of fighting and blood. Simon was the first to be killed and the rest of the group thought he was the ‘beasty’ and killed him by accident, by performing a ‘murderous’ dance. Piggy was the next to be killed by Roger, - he was thrown over the mountain into the sea behind it. Towards the end of the play, the boys got even more violent that Roger was torturing Sam and Eric to join Jack’s tribe and Jack ordered a manhunt for Ralph, as he had escaped from the boys. The play ended with a massive fight scene between Ralph and Jack. Then suddenly, the atmosphere changed and in came the Naval Officer who made a grand entrance through the auditorium. Everyone was shell-shocked at the intensity of the scene. The fighting immediately stopped and everything went quiet. The boys then left the auditorium after a stern talking to from the officer and there was a massive round of applause! After everyone else had the left the theatre, we were allowed to meet two of the actors. We were also shown how two of the fight scenes were choreographed and just before we left, we had a group photo with the two actors. Report by Somandeep Kandola - 11V PageNineteen Crestmag The Crestwood School Magazine Crestmag The Crestwood School Magazine Year 7 and their first Half Term Year Seven On joining Crestwood it is important that we start straight away developing the culture of teamwork. We have received students from many different primary schools so to kick off the year each Form has spent a day in the company of Oaker Wood Leisure getting to know one another in a series of fun and challenging team work activities. Year Seven “Year 7 students have settled in fantastically. I am very proud to be their Head of Year and look forward to getting to know them more and more as the year moves on.” Mrs Burley Head of Year Crestmag The Crestwood School Magazine “Awesome, because children of our age learn how to work as a team!” Ellis Walters, 7I 7 “It has been great seeing the Year t me ady alre e Forms gel together, I hav ’t can and ters some fantastic charac fore wait to see how they come to the ing her furt in as they take their steps ” ood stw the success of Cre “The Ball Challenge was so my game. Fun, challenging, interesting, encouraging, hard work and motivational!” e nan, Hous nt Head of Year Mr Bucha ta is s s tor/A Coordina “My favourite was Gladiator because I kept falling off!” Amy Jones, 7V Jack Jones, 7I 11 “Overall I rate them out of 10 and would do it again!” Joe Dicken, azing! It’s hard to “Being a buddy is am e have made with all th describe the bond I d an g nin or m Form in the students. I help the ok e ar ey th re making su afternoon as well as a It makes me feel like y. da e throughout th y sa d an e m e up to hero when they com e best praise you th it’s ink thank you. I th to welcome 7E and can get. I would like rms. You will have a all the other Year 7 Fo ood” great time at Crestw 7E “I would definitely do it all over again especially the Big Bounce” Jessica Skidmore, 7E , dington y of 7E Molly Lehe Form Budd 8W is t PageTwenty PageTwentyone Crestmag The Crestwood School Magazine Summer School General Information Thank You! Crestmag The Crestwood School Magazine The Local Offer Mr Bowles and Senior Management at Crestwood would like to thank Two Wheels in Amblecote for their support in providing a bicycle to be used as a reward prize for outstanding attendance in School. Dudley’s local offer for children and young people with disabilities and special needs sets out, in one place, what support and services are available for children and young people with disabilities and special educational needs. The website is: www.dudley.gov.uk/ resident/localoffer SUMMER SCHOOL Crestwood Ski Trip held its annual Summer School for the new Year 7 During the first week of the summer holidays Crestwood selection of numeracy and literacy based lessons students. The students were able to take part in a large the students the opportunities to get used to their new along with many team building activities. This also gave new friends. This helped with the transition from their surroundings as well as meet their new teachers and make individual primary schools to Crestwood. Easter 2016 Two Wheels, 113 Brettell Lane, Amblecote, Stourbridge, West Midlands, DY8 4BS. Tel: 01384 394653 There are still places available on this exciting trip. Please see Mr Kemp for details and a letter ASAP. Quotations from Summer School Students: “I thought Summer School was a brilliant place to go and meet a lot of good friends. I would do it again if I could. I want to help out next time because I enjoyed it a lot. We also went to the Lido at the end of the week. We all got to go on the trip but only if we had attended all week. We also played many games and competitions on the school fields” eting new friends “Summer School was great for me at fun!” and awesome teachers it was gre “It was great; I loved all the different activities even though it was very hot when we went swimming.” ing” had some great fun swimm “Cool, I met loads of people and The Crestwood School Dance Club has been running for the last five years and we have had huge success! Lisa Marie’s Boutique NEW EXCITING 2015 PROM COLLECTION Students from all Year groups, both girls and boys regardless of dance ability are welcome and we cater for any style of dance. As a club we have visited lots of different venues and performed on a variety of different stages, we hope to continue performing in the local community this year. 13 Victoria Passage, Stourbridge DY8 1DP Tuesday-Saturday, 10.00 am-5.00 pm. Appointments available. CONTACT US Phone: 01384 377530 www.lisamariesboutique.co.uk PageTwentytwo Come along and join in! See Ms Brothwell for details or check posters around school. PageTwentythree Crestmag Classified The Crestwood School Magazine The Screaming Staircase is at Crestwood school Learn to Swim NON SWIMMERS TOO ADVANCED FROM 4 YEARS AND ABOVE SPECIALISTS IN WATER CONFIDENCE SMALL CLASSES WITH TEACHERS IN THE WATER Team Productions Musical Theatre for Fun BOOKINGS BEING TAKEN FOR THURSDAY & FRIDAY NIGHTS & ENQUIRIES NOW BEING TAKEN FOR SUNDAYS. Act, Sing, Dance, Perform! With classes for all ages from 3 yrs up, everyone is welcome! Join us for musical variety shows, pantomimes, concerts and more throughout the year. Learn to swim the Salamanda way! Call Amanda on 07879 997840 Check the website: For more information, call Claire on 07872 924562 www.salamandaswimmingacademy.co.uk We would like to thank all of our sponsors for their support Xcite Tennis Academy Xcite Tennis is happy to announce we are launching our brand new Mini Tennis Academy @ Crestwood Connect - Crestwood School. Leisure+Business+Learning Why Not Hire Our S C HFacilities? OOL Aspire+Desire+Ac We haveExpectation+Achievement+Success a modern sports hall, a fabulous refurbished swimming pool, gym, school hall and playing fields. THE SESSIONS WILL BE RUNNING ON Call us to check availability and prices! Monday’s 5 - 6pm & Saturday’s 9 - 10am Tel: 01384 816535 The sessions are for 5-9 year olds. mme Progranch u a L d Nov Mon 3r0pm 5.0 Contact Alex on 07929 336208 for your FREE trial session All Advertisers/Sponsors seen here are featured on our website: www.crestwood-s.dudley.sch.uk Crestwood School does not endorse any of the products and/or services listed above PageTwentyFour
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