April 2015 - Crestwood Elementary School


April 2015 - Crestwood Elementary School
Crestwood Cricket
The Newsletter of Crestwood Elementary School
April 2015 - Volume
63, Issue 7
April 7 – end of spring
break - school
April 17 – Staff
Development – early
release 11:35 am
May 1 - 10:00am
3rd Grades to Olbrich
Botanical Gardens Thomas, Miller, Ridel
May 7 - 9:00am - All
2nd and 3rd Graders
to Haag Farm, Lodi WI
May 8 - 9:45am
5th Grades Visit
Cherokee Marsh,
Greenwalt, Thomas,
Miller, Jalensky
May 14 - 8:45am - 2
grade overnight at
Jackson School Forest
May 15 – 9:45 am -2
grade overnight at
Jackson School Forest
May 15 - 10:00am
5th grades to Humane
Society – Shea, Waity
May 22 - 10:00am
5th grades to Humane
Society – Jalensky
If your child is ill or
(sub),Miller, Greenwalt
is going to be
tardy for
May 25 –or
– no
call 204-1127 before
is leave
by the message.
Association of Parents
and Teachers (CAPT)
Dr. David Bray,
Interim Principal
Principal News
Greetings Crestwood Families,
By now I’m sure you’ve heard the news that Crestwood’s new principal for next year
will be Britta Hanson. Britta has over twenty years of experience as a leader in education.
She currently serves as the principal of Franklin Elementary School, and has also worked
coaching teachers at two other Madison elementary schools. She has more than ten years
of teaching experience herself. Britta has a master’s degree in curriculum and instruction
from the University of Wisconsin Madison. I am looking forward to working with Britta
as we make this transition. What a wonderful school and community she is entering into!
CONGRATULATIONS to Tyler Steinmetz who won the Crestwood Spelling Bee and
finished in the TOP TEN in the recent All City Spelling Bee held at Madison Area
Technical College. The top spellers from schools all over Madison were represented.
These spellers ranged in grades from 4th through 8th. Tyler was the ONLY 4th grader
who finished in the top ten, obviously quite an accomplishment! I would also like to
congratulate Gillian Gullen who finished second in our Crestwood Spelling Bee.
The Foundation for Madison's Public Schools' School Endowments provides each
school with annual income to fund creative and innovative programs and projects. This
year Crestwood received $1422 in endowment income to use to make grants for
imaginative programs and projects that propel student learning. The grants committee
decided to fund these two projects:
1) Print Path Project - a handwriting curriculum for Kindergarteners and first graders that
complements the Mondo Literacy program, and
2) Hip Hop Dance Project - A project that provides every student with the opportunity to
participate in a week of hip hop dance instruction led by Kevin Admundson, a
professional choreographer and dancer. Our students totally enjoyed the All School
Assembly that we had on March 6 where they had the opportunity to showcase their
dancing talents.
I’m looking forward to seeing all of you at our Parent-Teacher Conferences that will be
held on March 19!
Bring on those spring flowers,
David Bray
Interim Principal
If your child is ill or is going to be absent or tardy for
any reason, please call 204-1127 before 8:45am to
leave a message.
Crestwood Cricket
Published by the CAPT. Vol. 63, no. 7,
April 2015
The Crestwood Cricket welcomes articles or
items of interest from teachers, CAPT
committee members, students and parents.
Please e-mail articles for publication to Terri
White, reedcole97@yahoo.com. Deadline for
the May issue of the Cricket is Friday,
April 10, 2015.
Crestwood web site: crestwoodCAPT.us
CAPT listserv:
To subscribe, send an email request to:
Secretary@CrestwoodCAPT.us. The listserv is
moderated and all messages are previewed by
the CAPT Board
5th Grade Graduation
On Wednesday, June 10th, the 5th graders will
celebrate their last full day of elementary school
with a recognition ceremony at 8:45 am at
Crestwood. Parents and families are welcome to
attend the ceremony.
Save the Date – June 2, 2015
Crestwood Elementary Fun Run and
Crestwood Annual Budget Meeting
Please attend our annual budget meeting on
Tuesday April 21, 7-8 pm in the LMC. Families
of Crestwood students are invited to learn more
about the budget process and approval. Childcare
is available.
CAPT Contacts
This will be followed by a 5th grade field trip to
Vitense Golfland, lunch and splash time at
Lakeview park. More to come in backpack
Co- presidents:
Jaime Harkrader - (972)800-6415,
Stefany Grainger - (805)835-3759,
Contact Rachel at rmmeyer1@gmail.com or
Shaun at parkerokeefe@aol.com if you would
like to help.
Co-vice presidents
Rebecca Auerbach (Tietge), 238-7585,
Ben Daggett - daggett.ben@gmail.com
5th Grade Pictures needed for
Memory Book
Laurie Reinhardt, 608-233-1389, lareinha@att.net
Mike Kollath, 279-4099, mkollath@kollathcpa.com
Chantel Schmitz, 203-5355, clm.schmitz@gmail.com
Fifth grade parents...The Fifth Grade Memory
Book and DVD need your pictures! If your have
pictures from fifth grade events this year, or fifth
graders in classroom events in past grades at
Crestwood, please send them to Shaun O’Keefe
at parkerokeefe@aol.com as soon as possible.
Interim Principal:
Dr. David Bray, 204-1124, dbray@madison.k12.wi.us
Teacher representatives:
Karen Lenoch, 204-1120, klenoch@madison.k12.wi.us
Andy Waity, 204-1120, awaity@madison.k12.wi.us
Hip Hop at Crestwood!
Crestwood Elementary students participated in a week long dance program during all physical
education classes during the first week in March. Kevin Andrews, a dancer and choreographer
from Nashville, Tennessee, taught our students hip hop/pop dances. Each class learned
a dance and then performed it in our school wide dance party on March 6th. Our staff show cased
a dance of their own too during the dance party. This program was made available to our students
through a Madison Foundation grant.
By: Avanish, Stan and Francisco
“Everybody in Crestwood has been taught hip-hop dance in P.E. The person who taught it to us is
Mr. Kevin. He taught us dances to the songs such as, Turn Down for What and Everything is
Awesome.” There were also more dances for different classes and grade levels. We thought it was
very fun with cool dance moves and energetic style. After we learned the dances, the whole school
performed their dances on Friday in an all school dance party. This is the second time with Mr.
Kevin. The whole school really loves this!”
Crestwood families, we did it!! The Jurassic Schoolhouse Caper was an amazing success, raising more than $7,000
gross revenue which all will go back to the school!!! All of this was because of our room leads, volunteers, and
amazing families whose creative minds helped us transform our school into a Jurassic schoolhouse. It was a fun an
exciting event for all ages with Jungle scenes, a massive volcano, the amazing Styraco soda ring toss and many other
great scenes for all to take in. While all of this was happening in our gyms we can all thank Camille Zanoni for her
coordination of the very popular Dino Diner. Many other thanks are also in order. Thanks to Paty Montero for hours
spent translating flyers and caper information into Spanish. Thanks to Nicole Schneider our prize czar; Anne Olson for
a tasty bake sale (and all those that donated tasty treats); Andrea Romines for another great raffle; and Chantel Scmitz
and Mike Kollath for managing the money. It wouldn’t have been possible without the Memorial Spartan Youth
Service who acted as fill in volunteers wherever needed. A big thanks to Danielle Burdick for being a great sport while
kids taped her to the wall, something that will not soon be forgotten. And we can’t forgot to thank everyone’s favorite
custodial staff (Toby, David, and Scott); Joe House and crew for set up and take down of the framework; Dr. Bray for
all his help and support; Cindy Koratko and the rest of the office for letting us take over your space for the day.
Thanks to our CAPT co-presidents, Jaime Harkrader and Stefany Grainger, for all their help trouble shooting and
problem solving. A final shout out to all of you who volunteered, bought raffle tickets, punch cards, and auction
baskets; to those of you that donated to the bake sale, baskets, and soda ring toss; and to the parent and kids who filled
the gyms with shouts and giggles for the day. It was a ROARING good time!!!
Your forever grateful Caper Co-Chairs Rebecca Auerbach & Ben Daggett
Familias de Crestwood, lo hicimos!! El Carnaval de la Escuela Jurásica tuvo mucho éxito, recaudando más de $7.000
dólares ingresos brutos, los cuales irán de regreso a la escuela !!! Todo esto fue debido a nuestros líderes en clase,
voluntarios y maravillosas familias cuyas mentes creativas ayudaron a transformar nuestra escuela en una Escuela
Jurásica. Fue un divertido y emocionante evento para todas las edades con escenas de la selva, un enorme volcán, el
asombro lanzamiento de aros sobre sodas de Styraco y muchas otras grandes actividades que invitaban a todos a
participar. Mientras que todo esto sucedía en nuestros gimnasios, Camille Zanoni coordinaba la muy popular cocina
Dino Diner, por lo cual le estamos muy agradecidos. Nuestros agradecimientos son para muchas otras personas
también. Gracias a Paty Montero por las horas dedicadas a la traducción de folletos e información del Caper al español.
Gracias a Nicole Schneider por encargarse de los premios; Anne Olson por la venta de sabrosos pasteles y repostería (y
todos aquellos que donaron ricas golosinas); Andrea Romines por otra gran rifa; y Chantel Scmitz y Mike Kollath por
encargarse del registo del dinero. No hubiera sido posible sin el grupo de jóvenes Spartans de Memorial que actuaron
como voluntarios siempre que fue necesario. Muchas gracias a Danielle Burdick por su gran actitud mientras que los
niños la pegaban a la pared con cinta adhesiva, algo que no se olvidará pronto. Y no podemos olvidarnos de agradecer
al personal de mantenimiento favorito de todos (Toby, David y Scott); Joe House y su equipo por ayudar a montar y
desmontar las estructuras; Dr. Bray por toda su ayuda y apoyo; Cindy Koratko y el resto de la oficina por dejarnos
ocupar su espacio durante todo el día. Gracias a nuestras copresidentes del CAPT , Jaime Harkrader y Stefany
Grainger, por toda la ayuda para resolver los problemas que iban surgiendo.
Queremos dar una gran ovación a todos aquellos que compraron boletos para la rifa, tarjetas perforadas, y canastas de
subastas; también a los que donaron para la venta de pasteles, canastas, y sodas; y para los padres y los niños que
llenaron los gimnasios con alegría y risas durante todo el día. Fue un día MARAVILLOSO!!!
Por siempre agradecidos, Co-Chairs del Caper, Rebecca Auerbach & Ben Daggett
Spring Woods Work
Advanced Learners Network Meeting
Are you ready for the first Greater Dane County
Advanced Learners Network Parent University???
It is time to SAVE THE DATE!
When: Tuesday, April 21, 2015
Where: American Family Insurance
Time: 6:00-8:15 pm (2 sessions of 45 minutes
each) - 4 Choices each session - more information
to come.
Who: Parents of Advanced Learners
Cost: FREE
Sunday, May 3rd, 9 am –
5 pm
Families Welcome!
Crestwood Caper 2015
Jurassic Schoolhouse
Local Businesses Sponsored the Caper! They provided food, raffle and
silent suction prizes. Thank our generous sponsors by patronizing their
Apple iPod Touch
Aldo Leopold Nature
AMC Theater
Black Belt America
Dragonfly Hot Yoga
Ultrazone Party
Wisconsin Craft Market
Whole Foods
Colectivo Coffee
Family Video
Brennan’s Market
Frugal Muse
Copps Food Center
Golf Madison Parks
Goodman Aquatic Center
Dotty Dumpling's Dowry
Half Price Books
Harbor Athletic Club
Metcalfe's Market
Keva Sports
Noodles & Company
Kollath CPA
Sam's Club
Novanta Neapolitan Pizza Target
Oakcrest Tavern
Toppers Pizza
Playthings Toy Store
True Coffee Roasters
Seafood Center
Uno Pizzeria and Grill
Village Hearth
The Studio West Hot Yoga Wal-Mart
TNT Coffee
Willy Street Coop
Yahara River Writer’s Contest
The Yahara River Writer's Contest is sponsored by the Greater Dane Advanced Learners Network for students in
fifth through eighth grade. Students can compete in one of four categories: short stories, poetry, cartooning, or
editorials. Students compete with students in their grade from across the district and then with students from
other districts. Those who make it into the "top ten" then have their work published in an anthology, the Yahara
River Writers Anthology, and are recognized at a workshop with local writers in May.
This was Crestwood's first year participating in this program. We had entries from several students: Maya B.,
Gillian C., Jake K., Emily M., Amira P., and Eliana S. Of these, Maya B., Gillian C., and Jake K. will be
competing at the next level with students from other districts. We wish them good luck! Students who did not go
on nevertheless wrote excellent pieces; the competition was stiff. Over the next couple newsletters we will be
publishing some of these student entries so that we can recognize their hard work. Here is the last work to be
My Day To Shine
by Amira
My name is Brittany Trainer. I’m an author. Even though I’m only thirteen, writing is my life. Everyone in my
school knows how much writing means to me because last year, I published my first book.
Other than being an author I’m just a normal kid like you. I like to read, play video games, watch movies, and do
sports. No one ever thinks that I would like to play sports, but I love to play basketball and swim. All of the ‘cool
kids’ say that I need hang out with them if I ever want to be popular. They say I would be the ‘perfect popular
girl’. I just ignore them.
Today is a pretty special day for me. My book Moon Shadow is becoming a movie and the trailer for it is coming
out today! I had gone to some of the filming but not a lot of it. In homeroom I’m going to release it and we’ll be
the first ones to watch it. Awesome right?
I met my friends Mia, Alexandra, Tyler, and Kyle at the bus stop and we talked about what we thought the trailer
would be like. I could barely contain my excitement. Who would be able to?
We talked a bit but soon the bus came and in what seemed to be no time, we were dropped off at school. As we
walked through the hallways, kids shouted out their encouragement and congratulations. It seemed like
something slow motion out of a movie. I was the star of that movie. The antagonist was about to come in.
The bell rang and everyone scattered to go to their homeroom. It was almost time for the trailer premier! I ran
the password in my head that would allow the video to go on YouTube maybe seventeen times before I reached
the classroom. Alyson, Kelly, Rebecca, and Jackson didn’t seem thrilled about the trailer. I didn’t expect them to
be either. We are sort of like enemies but I don’t like negative thinking so I call them “my classmates who don’t
like the same kinds of things that I do, so our lives don’t really collide”.
Ms. Cramer raised her hand and the classroom fell silent. Then she turned to me and smiled.
“I think that we are all ready to watch your movie trailer,” Ms. Cramer said excitedly. “This probably won’t be
your first time to see this trailer so, can you describe it in one word?”
“Actually this will be the first time for me to see it,” I think I surprised most of the people in the room. “Is it ok if I
get it set up now?”
I logged into YouTube and entered the password into the website. I didn’t make up the code so don’t
blame me if you think that it’s dumb.
for the confirmation message.
Except it didn’t come.
“Calm down,” I thought, “I probably did only one exclamation point instead of two.”
I tried it again. But I still got the error message.
Then I panicked.
I looked over my shoulder and realized everyone was waiting for me. Oh, I was so mad at the person who
messed up the code. I reached into my back pocket and pulled out my cellphone. At least the code on my
phone worked.
“One sec,” I slipped out of the room and dialed the number of my producer.
“Hey Britt,” came the muffled voice of Leo. “Did you release the trailer yet?”
“No,” I answered, “The password isn’t correct. Did you change it?”
“Yeah. Your friend Tia told me that you told her to change the password to
“One, I don’t know anyone named Tia. Two, I never asked anyone to call you to change the password.
Though thanks for the password. Bye!” I hung up.
Suddenly a sharp pang hit my heart and sadness crept through my body finding every crevice. I felt like I
wanted to curl up into a ball in a corner and cry. But I couldn’t since my book’s fans were waiting for me.
I took a deep breath and thought ‘I can do this’. I repeated those steps until I was ready to go back into
the classroom.
“Sorry for the delay. There was a password mix-up,” I tried the new password and it worked and then I
released an epically awesome trailer.
After school I told Ms. Cramer about what had happened. She totally understood. She also told me that
she was really proud of me for the way I handled it. As I walked home I realized that no one could bring
me down today because it is my day to shine.
Crestwood’s Got Talent
Its talent show time! The CAPT will be hosting the event once again this year and we are
excited to showcase Crestwood’s talents.
We encourage ALL talents to audition!
Students are invited to create an act that is approximately 3 minutes in length and perform
for their family and friends on:
Friday, May 15th at 6:30pm.
The audition will be used to review content and see that the act has been planned in its entirety. A review
panel will be present and parents are encouraged to attend the audition. As long as both of the criteria are
met the students are GUARENTEED PLACEMENT in the talent show.
1. This is sponsored by the CAPT, so please contact us with questions and not the Crestwood staff.
2. Students only, please.
3. The performers must provide costumes and props.
4. Microphones and stands, music stands and a keyboard/piano will be available at school for rehearsals
and performances.
5. Please provide your own accompanist.
8. The talent show committee reserves the right to condense or combine similar acts in the interest of time.
After school practice opportunities will be held on:
A mandatory dress rehearsal will be held on Wednesday, May 13th at 6:00pm
Please contact Stefany Grainger with any questions at:
Stefany.grainger@gmail.com or at 805-835-3759
2014-2015 Crestwood Calendar
(Updated monthly as some dates are subject to change)
September 2
September 3
September 10
September 16
September 23
October 3
October 7
October 24
November 6
November 14
November 18
November 19
November 26 - 28
December 13
December 22-January 2
January 5
January 13
January 19
January 23
February 2
February 6
March 7
March 10
March 19
March 24
March 27
March 30 – April 6
April 7
April 17
May 12
May 15
May 19
May 25
June 2
June 11
First day of school; early release @1:50pm
Early release @1:50pm
Math Olympiad Kickoff LMC 7:00 – 7:45 pm
CAPT meeting, library (childcare provided) New
parent orientation, 6:00pm; meeting, 7:00pm
CAPT Ice Cream Social, 6:30pm—8:00pm
Photo day
Book Fair and Open House/Back to School Night,
CAPT Family Costume Dance, 6:30pm—8:30pm
Explore Art Night
Teacher Professional Development —no school
CAPT meeting, library, 7:00pm (childcare provided)
Parent/Teacher Conference - Early Release
Thanksgiving holiday—school closed
Annual Holiday Bazaar and Rummage Sale
Winter break—school closed
School resumes
CAPT meeting, library, 7:00pm (childcare provided)
Martin Luther King, Jr. Day—school closed
End of 1st semester – early release at 11:35 am
District wide Kindergarten registration for 20142015 school year, 1:00pm—6:00pm
Professional development day—school closed
Crestwood Caper carnival, 10:00am—3:00pm
CAPT meeting, library, 7:00pm (childcare provided)
Parent Teacher Conferences—early
Explore Science Night, 6:00 - 8:00 pm
End of 3rd quarter
Spring break—school closed
School Resumes
Staff Development – early release 11:35 am
CAPT meeting, library, 7:00pm (childcare provided)
The Crestwood Talent Show
Spring Book Fair and Poetry Night
Memorial Day—school closed
CAPT Fun Run and picnic, 5:15pm
Last day of school—early release@10:00am