7th Grade Boys Basketball Makes History


7th Grade Boys Basketball Makes History
MARCH 2012
Dear Parent/Guardian of Crestwood Students,
The safety of our students is our number one priority. You are probably aware that a school tragedy took place
Monday morning at Chardon High School. Our prayers are with the parents, students, and staff members of Chardon
who have been touched by these events.
It’s unfortunate this event has occurred so close to home, and this is a reminder to us why we are working towards
implementing a new safety program for our students and staff. With an increase in workplace violence and school
shootings over the past several years, we have been working to implement a safety program that will improve safety for
our students and staff. The program, A.L.I.C.E - Alert, Lockdown, Inform, Counter, Evacuate – is designed to enhance our
current “Lockdown” procedures.
A.L.I.C.E - Alert, Lockdown, Inform, Counter, Evacuate
Staff underwent training earlier
this school year and we have
Danger Announcement
planned an informational session
ockdown Starting point from which to make safety decisions
for parents Wednesday March 14,
2012 at 7:00 PM at Crestwood
nform Provide real-time information to those in danger
Primary School.
This presentation will inform
Use of simple, proactive techniques to counter aggressive actions, if necessary
parents about enhanced security
measures. Additional information
vacuate Remove as many from the danger zone as quickly as possible by evacuating them
about this meeting will be
to a safe place.
displayed on our website in the
near future.
A.L.I.C.E. Program
Wednesday, March 14
7:00 PM
Crestwood Primary School
Inside This Issue
Superintendent’s Letter..........2
Pictured are the boys and girls 7th & 8th grade basketball teams.
7th Grade Boys Basketball Makes History
The Crestwood Middle School 7th Grade Boys Basketball team has never played in
the Championships, until this year. The team defeated Norton, 34-29 and upset first-seed
Stanton with a score of 33-30 to make it to the Championship but wasn’t able to pull out
the championship. The boys were defeated by Ravenna 34-27.
The boys had an exciting year with defeating Kent’s Stanton Middle School twice and
pulling off a thrilling come-from-behind victory over CVCA. The boy’s record was 10-6.
School News..........................3
Honor Rolls.............................4-5
Menus/HS Sports...................6-7
Middle School .......................8
CIS .........................................9
Additional Info........................11
Superintendent’s Letter . . .
Defining and Redefining Excellence in Ohio’s Schools – PART 2
In last month’s edition of the Crestwood Comments, I began a conversation
on what it means to be an excellent school district in Ohio. As an excellent-rated
district, Crestwood Local Schools met and exceeded the state requirements. I
believe that by reviewing how well students are prepared for college and career
success once they leave high school, the community can truly understand how
special this district is.
In 2011, 69.2 percent of Crestwood students taking an Advanced Placement
exam passed. This accomplishment exceeds the 65.6 percent for the state of
Ohio and 60.2 percent globally. Additionally, we’ve seen the number of tests
Mr. Joseph Iacano
taken by Crestwood students increase from 67 in 2007 to 93 in 2011. Passing an
AP test earns students college credit at many universities and helps them better
prepare for the rigors of college course work. Categories for these AP tests include: Biology, Calculus,
English Literature and Composition, Music Theory, Physics, Psychology, Art Design, U.S. Government
and U.S. History.
Let’s now look at how well Crestwood Local Schools compares to the state of Ohio average and the
remaining districts in Portage County.
State of Ohio
Crestwood Local
Portage County
Portage County
Percent of Students
Attending College
in Ohio
Average ACT Score
Percent of Students
Taking College
Courses in High
So what does all this tell us? First, Crestwood students are among the highest achieving students in
Portage County on state tests and in college readiness measures. This achievement is the result of having
dedicated and invested students, teachers, parents and staff. Second, while Crestwood’s scores are among
the best in Portage County, our effective operating millage remains the lowest of all the schools in the county.
As always, I’m inspired by the accomplishments of our students, and staff and the district will continue to
focus on the needs of every child, every day.
- Joe Iacano
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OFFICE 330-274-2569 • FAX 330-274-3569
High School.......................... 330-274-2214
Middle School...................... 330-274-2249
Intermediate School............ 330-357-8203
Primary School.................... 330-357-8202
Bus Garage........................... 330-274-2776
Crestwood Comments
The Crestwood Comments is a non-profit publication
serving as the communication medium between the
Crestwood School District and the communities it serves.
Joseph Iacano, Superintendent
Tara Reid, Executive Secretary
Carol Corbett, Treasurer
Crestwood Board of Education
Mrs. Martha Phillips, President
Mrs. Bonnie Lovejoy, Vice President
Mr. Norman Erickson
Mr. Matthew Sorrick
Mrs. Debra Soltisz
Editor, Jennifer Zajac - 330-603-0465
Designer & Publisher, Trudy Capel - 330-569-3416
Advertising Sales, Impact Media Solutions - 330-562-7187
4565 W. Prospect St. • Mantua, OH 44255
Phone: 330-274-8511 • Fax: 330-274-3710
email: treid@crestwoodschools.org
district website: www.crestwoodschools.org
Regular Board of Education meetings are generally held the first Monday of the month, at the High School Library, 10919 N. Main Street Mantua, Ohio. Meetings are held at the Primary School during the
summer months. The public is cordially invited to attend. If more information is needed about a Board meeting, please contact the Superintendent's Office at 330-274-8511.
School News . . .
Crestwood Schools Celebrates “P.A.C.K.” Week
Jennifer Bujak-Hirsch, SNS, Nutrition Services Director, Joyce Schroder, RN, Middle & High Nurse
Karen Abruzino, RN, Primary & Intermediate Nurse
Crestwood schools are participating in a national healthy eating initiative called P.A.C.K. Week- Pack/Purchase Assorted
Colors for Kids Week. This is a fun and educational program aimed at encouraging kids to eat more colorful fruits and
The focus of P.A.C.K. Week is on eating a wide variety of colorful fruits and vegetables as each has its own nutritional
benefits. To get the broadest range of nutrients, all colors are important- purple, white, red, yellow, orange and green. And kids
love eating the rainbow! Each day of P.A.C.K. Week has been assigned a different color, and we’re asking you to pack a fruit
or vegetable of that color in your child’s lunch or purchase the school lunch which will offer a variety of choices of fruits and
vegetables in that color. All forms of fruits and vegetables count so consider 100% juice, dried fruit or canned fruit or vegetable
forms. The chart below lists the days of P.A.C.K Week with some packing tips to make it easy.
There are lots of ways to be creative and get more healthy fruits and vegetables into your child’s day. For more tips visit
www.fruitsandveggiesmorematters.org Please join us as we celebrate P.A.C.K. Week and Fruits and Veggies!!
“P.A.C.K.” Week
Monday, March 19th is Purple P.A.C.K. Day:
Grapes, raisins, blueberries, 100% grape juice
Tuesday, March 20th is White P.A.C.K. Day:
Cauliflower, bananas, white peaches or pears
Wednesday, March 21st is Green P.A.C.K. Day:
Green apple slices, kiwi, celery sticks, green pepper slices,
Thursday, March 22nd is Red P.A.C.K. Day:
Tomatoes, red pepper slices, strawberries, red apple slices or
dried cherries
Friday, March 23rd is Yellow/Orange P.A.C.K. Day:
Carrots, apricots, orange slices, peaches or pineapple chunks
High School Students/Athletes of the Month
Baseball Skills Camp presented by
Crestwood Sports Athletics Boosters
April 6th & 7th
Grades 1-4: 10:00AM-12:30PM
Grades: 5-8 1:00Pm - 3:30PM
$60 payable to Crestwood Sports Athletics
*Group discount 6+ is $45
Contact Head Coach John Bakalar
330-274-2214 x403
Visit www.crestwoodreddevilsbaseball.com
for more information and flyer registration.
Back Row: Dannise Johnson (Basketball), Josh Mann (Swimming),
Andy Auble (12th), Dylan Kager (Wrestling),
Front Row: Leah Sheaffer (Swimming), Lauren Painley (12th),
Austin Usher (9th), Sally Hoffman ( 11th)
Not Pictured: Allison Vannoy (10th)
H.S. Honor Roll . . .
Samantha Anderson
Lauren Apicella
Erika Atkinson
Andrew Auble
Huntre Bates
Kaile Benner
Katherine Bica
Dylan Briscar
John Bruyere
Dan Buchanan
Julianne Calapa
Erica Chiudioni
Talia Cobb
Shannon Conard
Kaley Cooley
Aaron Dallner
Erin Dobies
Nicholas Fejedelem
John Franks
Stephen Green
Cara Grove
Amber Henwood
Gretchen Hilty
Brandon Houpt
Samantha Hunt
Allison Hurd
Kala Istre
Aaron Jackson
Galya Janakovich
Jarupat Kannula
Leah Krause
Karlie Lieberth
Meighan Little
Barbara Lyons
Joshua Mann
Courtney McGee
Devin Milam
Cody Miller
Ashley Nielsen
Nicholas Onuska
Joshua Parr
Jocelyn Pearce
Grace Pender
Kaitlyn Phillips
Olivia Phillips
Molly Pochedly
Hanna Rollin
Patrick Scarl
Giovanni Schieda
Jessica Schmies
Matt Schwesinger
Robert Seneff
Leah Sheaffer
Zachary Sluka
Andrew Soltisz
Angela Spencer
Taylor Stone
Jena Tekavec
Niklaus Thut
Rachel Vaught
Grace Waickman
Sarah Wegman
Celeste Zimmerman
3.0 - 3.49 SENIORS
Stephen Alger
Christopher Bailey
Rachel Blankenship
Baleigh Bognar
Ian Bokesch
Nicholas Bongalis
Cora Joy Carson
Jenna Chism
Derek Coontz
Paul Damm
Justin Demattia
Sean Dockery
Thomas Dunkin
Brianna Etling
Eric Eureka
Michael Fixel
Noland Fortin
William Gyongyos
Jon Hannan
Tonya Hartwig
Michael Jansen
Racheal Jarrells
Dannise Johnson
Rachael Jones
Ian Lamb
Rachel Lann
Elizabeth Lax
Mariisa Lewandowski
Angel Long
Michael Long
Riley Meyer
Jesse Pahner
Thomas Pochedly
Antonio Sargiovanni
Zachary Shea
April Sike
Sara Spilker
Tyler Tibbs
Kyle Turnbull
Stephanie Tyler
Jesse Unger
Nathan Wagler
Castalia Woodrum
Adam Zambataro
Tyler Zigman
Sara Amport
Kelly Baker
Madeline Becker
Nichole Bencie
Courtney Berish
Katie Bretland
Gabrielle Caddell
Victoria Chiller
Emma Cline
Mallory Czuchra
David Defer
Kira Edic
Mckenzie Faust
Ryan Fedor
Sydney France
Zakary Goldinger
Jacob Graves
Allyson Groves
Gina Harmon
Jenna Head
Tara Hilverding
Sally Hoffman
Francis Hosey
Kristen Jackson
Tori Jeffries
Aleya Judd
Dylan Kager
Jacob Klock
Jenna Kodash
Xyl Lasersohn
Logan Little
Mallory Lorence
Cortny Lower
Sean McDermott
Alexandria McKinley
Brooklynn Moodie
Carla Moreno
Mallory Mosher
Tia Nuti
Valerie Pfaff
Jeremiah Poole
James Quesenberry
Julie Remus
Allison Riley
Nicholas Ruggeri
Kathleen Shaffer
Danielle Smallwood
Summer Stephens
Kelly Summers
John Vechery
Marcus Weatherbee
Emily Youngblood
3.0 - 3.49 JUNIORS
Cole Benjamin
Steven Bokesch
John Butvin
Cody Campbell
Andrew Carney
Austin Cash
Augustus Coburn
Jacob Dobies
Brittany Donell
Amy Dunkin
Tyler Fear
Morgan Felker
Brittany Ferry
Brett Fisher
Olivia Kotkowski
Alexandra Latva
Dillon Leventry
Kayley Michuta
Heather Pahoresky
Matthew Ristau
Holly Rogers
Rebecca Sapp
Christopher Smith
Jean-Pierre Thut
Breanne Travis
Taylor Tulley
Daniel Vaughn
Emma Wolff
Corrine Zolgus
3.5 - 4.0+ SOPHOMORES
Victoria Andexler
Landis Bates
Lauren Bissell
Sarah Bridgman
Erin Calvey
Olivia Cobb
Kyle Cox
Morgan Engelhart
Jessica Felker
Michael Fletcher
Juliana Forster
Amanda Fosnight
Angela Goodrich
Meaghan Green
Nathan Green
Carley Gross
Sierra Hobbs
Alyssa Jaehn
Taylor Jenkins
Kristen Jones
John Kilbourne
Nicholas Labas
Allison Little
Randi Lyle
Taylor Michael
Marissa Midgley
Alaina Nuti
Rebecca Pochedly
Rachel Quesenberry
Chad Randall
Mary Richards
Daryl Riley
Challis Roberts
Melissa Skocdopole
Abigail Soltisz
Emily St Hilaire
Allison Vannoy
3.0 - 3.49 SOPHOMORES
Jacob Agle
BreAnna Benner
Carrigan Benoit
Charles Blankenship
Emily Bruyere
Brittany Campbell
Samantha Canepa
Jenna Cisar
Carolyn Diczhazy
Erin Dunkin
Brian Ferguson
Cheyenna Frederick
Monica Groves
Matthew Gualtieri
Amber Harrison
Holly Hays
Cody Imars
Hannah Kelley
Samantha Kulish
Shawnee Kvasnicka
Elizabeth LaMarca
Jacob Lovick
Matthew Lyons
Abbey Milkovich
Kathleen Murray
Connor Nemec
Jonah Onuska
Katey Paxton
Nicole Perkins
Carley Reid
Joseph Reyes
Anna Marie Romano
Tyler Roth
Skylar Scala
Ashley Seneff
Kaitlyn Shahan
Nathan Silcox
Makenzie Snodgrass
Reanna Szarka
Chase Tayerle
Amber Vargo
Jacquelyn Wagner
Nicholas Zeleznik
Marissa Zolgus
Sarah Zolgus
Logan Zuponcic
Amy Auble
Lena Baldwin
Reba Ball
Miranda Beatty
Hannah Bennett
Terance Brunty
Carlie Cofojohn
Lauren Crislip
Makenna Delgado
Nicole Derthick
Jeremiah Fitzgerald
Leannah Frances
Adriana French
Melody Griffith
Jeremy Hand
Austin Harris
Bryanna Herbold
David Hill
Hannah Hilty
Holly Hoffman
Landon Klem
Alyssa Lamb
Ashley Lutz
Chase Miller
Cameron Moodie
Nicole Nero
Nathan Nielsen
Ross Nielsen
Rosalie Novotny
Daniel O’Sickey
Megan Oswald
Jared Sayre
Jordan Smith
Madeline Sorrick
Laney Velek
3.0 - 3.49 FRESHMEN
Ashley Adkins
Jared Bailey
Kaitlyn Benjamin
Alexandra Bigler
Emma Jane Carson
Benjamin Cooley
Craig Davis
Desirae day
Dane Etto
Chelsea Evans
Savannah Geib
Morgan Giaimo
Miranda Gregoire
Katie Gregory
Noah Gula
Gregory Haas
Paul Hartman
Kira Judd
Danielle Kess
Rick Kollman
Ashley La Manna
Paige Markuzic
Lindsey Marshall
Megan McDivitt
Sarah O’Laughlin
Maia Pancost
Gina Pascal
Devin Pasquerella
Tyler Reese
Chance Richard
Christopher Schmies
John Scotton
Andrew Shahan
Noah Shannon
Mckenzie Shea
Autumn Sike
Joseph Slechta
Morgan Strenk
Anthony Stuber
Gabriel Surgeon
Allanah Swan
Tucker Urban
Austin Usher
Hayley Zigman
Scholarship Available
Crestwood High School SENIORS!!!!
Scholarship money is available!!!!
Crestwood Teachers through Crestwood Education Association
offer a one time $1,000 scholarship each year.
Applications for this scholarship are now available
in the High School Guidance Office.
Pick up your application today.
High & Middle School . . .
2 Marking Period - Honor Roll Middle School
8th Grade Honor Roll - 3.5 - 4.0
Agle, Ashley
Aleynikov, Rhiannon *
Atkinson, Adam
Battiest, Autumn
Beer, Amber
Blank, Zoe *
Boross, Samantha
Bowers, Andrew
Bowser, Andrew *
Boyer, Andrew *
Bretland, Kimberly
Caldwell, Brandon *
Caldwell, Brittany *
Cales, Hayley
Campebll, Alyssa
Canepa, Emma *
Capel, Courtney *
Catcott, Jarrett
Condo, Mercedes
Cox, Kaylyn
Engelhart, Collin
Faldowski, Morgan *
Faust, Colson
Fejes, Sean
Ferguson, Aubrey
Fisher, Keri
Foulkes, Anthony
Gamble, Julya
Goldinger, Kaitlyn
Goodrich, Ashley
Green, Jordan *
Gronzalski, Alexis
Habeger, Kelsey
Hall, Haley
Hartwig, Joseph
Hocevar, Nicole
Hodgson, Amanda
Hysing, Isabel
Jackson, Clayton *
Jones, Daniel
Justice, Katelynn
Klatik, Audrey
Kline, Shanley
Kodash, Bailee
Krause, Julia
Kulish, Audrey *
Labas, Tyler *
LaManna, Alison
Lerchbacher, Amanda *
Lorence, Jeffrey
Manners, Jarek
Martinez, Danielle
Mazey, Alexis *
McDermott, Meghan
McSwain, Caitlin*
Midgley, Shane
Miller, Kaleigh
Mitchell, Robert *
Nelson, Brandon
Nemec, Sydney *
Oliphant, Samuel *
Ondash, Jacob *
Ondash, Joanna *
Pahner, Julia
Pallotto, Nathan *
Rowe, Rebecca *
Savoca, Anthony
Schmidt, Daniel *
Schweickert, Romanie *
Scofield, Matthew
Scopilliti, Adrianna
Shehorn, Andrew
Shukys, Travis
Smith, Lauren
Solltisz, Lindsey *
Soltisz, Melissa
Soukenik, Eliza
Spencer, Maddison *
Suprenant, Olivia
Suprenant, Stephanie
Swan, Allyssa *
Thompson, Matthew
Vaught, Valori *
Wagner, Isabella *
Wolff, Kaitlin
Woodrum, Bradley
8th Grade Merit Roll
Bates, Anthony
Bennington, Jacob
Bokesh, Kurt
Collier, Logan
D’Amico, Kristen
Derr, Steven
Deuley, Ryan
Englehart, Jordan
English, Shannon
Fisher, Brianna
French, Jolson
Gonczy, Morgan
Hammonds, Craig
Hand, Michael
Happel, Shannon
Heritage, Alison
Hill, Andrew
Hosey, Micheal
Hunter, Emma
Kent, Hannah
Kosley, Eleanor
Kubulins, Samuel
Kuklisin, Cody
Lieberth, Jacob
Lind, Ryan
Marshek, Amanda
Martin, Shannon
McWhorter, Sarah
Meikle, Karley
Mordue, Cameron
Nuti, Romeo
Parr, Jacob
Pich, Brittany
Porco, Robert
Reinke, Rachel
Scott, Alicia
Stahl, Alexis
Stephens, Breyann
Strahler, Alex
Sweet, Dylan
Thut, Lindsay
Ubienski, Benjamin
Varga, Abigail
Whitecotton, Timothy
Wilson, Danny
7th Grade Honor Roll
3.5 - 4.0
Bencie, Melody *
Bene, Emma
Benoit, Madisyn *
Bigler, Karli *
Bitters, Ronni *
Blake, Alyssa *
Brady, Haley *
Brady, Olivia
Brooks, Colin
Buchert, Allyson
Campana, Gabrielle *
Chesla, Morgan
Cline, Lilly *
Cox, Aaron *
Crislip, Derek
Cymanski, Megan *
Davis, Haley
Dockery, Emma *
Donat, Francis
Douglas, Brittany
Durham, Allison *
Edic, Melina *
Fabry, Jordan
Fitzgerald, Adam
Gall, Taylor *
Graves, Emily *
Gregoire, Kassandra
Hausch, Christopher
Hayes, Jessica
Head, Evelyn *
Henwood, Autumn *
Hilverding, Russell *
Hoffman, Lilly
Hoover, Catherine
Jenkins, Nicholas
Kachenko, Alexander
Kotkowski, Emma *
Krupp, Jacob
Kulla, Sydney
Leanza, Robert *
Mo, Callista
Nuhfer, Maxwell
Pearce, Benjamin
Perry, Marissa *
Picone, Michael
Pietrocini, Faith
Prater, Ashley
Quesenberry, Michael
Rahach, Colton
Riley, Katelyn *
Schauer, Amber *
Snodgrass, Michael *
Snyder, Christopher
Sorrick, Blaine *
Thut, Logan
Turner, Madeline *
Urban, Emma *
Vaughan, James
Walker, Emily *
Weber, Jessica
Whitman, Jacob *
Worron, Noah *
Zeigler, Casey
7th Grade Merit Roll
3.0 - 3.49
Amport, Katie
Deuley, Jacquelynne
Dunkin, Sara
Fairfield, Mackenzie
Ferry, Brooke
Frenz, Dakota
Geraci, Alexandrea
Hand, Jessica
Harris, Matthew
Harrison, William
Head, Bethany
Knipper, Samantha
Kollman, Jacob
Kramer, Cole
Kubulins, Karlina
Manners, Collin
Morgenstern, Nolan
Myers, Kylee
Nuti, Dominic
Onders, Kristin
Osborne, Hunter
Sedivy, Hope
Tayerle, Nathaniel
Tekavec, Jakeb
Urban, Emily
Vespucci, Nicholas
Vilt, Alexander
Weatherbee, Max
Zeigler, Angel
Zeigler, Randy
Zielinski, Aaron
6th Grade
6th Grade Merit Roll
Honor Roll 3.5 - 4.0 3.0 - 3.49
Adkins, Elizabeth
Abee, Celestial
Beatty, Maddison
Ash, James Tyler
Bissell, Lillian Brooke, Sean
Blake, Emma * Brooks, Bailey
Bowers, Mary Broski, Marissa
Boyer, Hannah Buchert, Megan
Bretz, Jade * Busta, Gavin
Britt, Ryan
Byers, Kyle
Brothers, Courtney
Campbell, Mikayla
Carson, Thomas Cisneros, Maxine
Catcott, Zoe * Cook, Jessalyn
Chiller, Lincoln Daugherty, Alyssa
Cobb, Sophia Fowler, Olivia
Cochrane, Taylor
Goldinger, Jakob
Davis, Matthew Guyette, Zackary
Donaldson, Alexa
Harrigan, Domonique
Duke, Marybeth *
Harris, Cailin
Duley, Heavenly
Hershberger, Brenden
Fedor, Kassandra
Knapp, Naysa
Fosnight, Katherine *
Knill, Stephen
Fugman, Frank Krause, Carlee
Garner, Gage Lerchbacher, Lauren
Geib, Evelyn Manners, Ava
Gregel, Sierra Marotta, Ashley
Gronzalski, Nicole
Masters, Genevieve
Grove, Lauren Montgomery, Heather
Grubbs, Kayla * Pallotto, Lauren
Gula, Caleb Pawlak, Britneylynn
Haas, Zachary Plechaty, Kyle
Hand, David Reid, Baylee
Hawkins, Emily Saffels, Aaron
Hetman-Maiden, HannahSeaman, Cody
Huntington, Madalynn * Slocum, Abigail
Hysing, Gavin * Smith, Elizabeth
Jessel, Brantson *
Talboo, Avrie
Jones, Justin Wheeler, Joshua
Kimball, Breanna *
Yoder, Taylor
Knipper, Michael
Kuivila, Hannah
*Student received
Lawless, Eric *
straight “A”s
Lough, Taylor *
Lusk, Carlin
Masiello, Christina *
McBride, Nathan
McGreal, Mitchell *
Merritt, John *
Miceli, Giorgio
Miller, Cole
Monroe, Brent
Moore, Shannia
Novotny, Christopher
Oliphant, Ephraim *
Oswald, Daniel *
Painley, Daniel
Reid, Kylee
Rote, Christopher
Shaffer, Austin *
Shelton, Valerie
Smith, Peyton
Szuhay, Dominic
Tayerle, Mackenzie
Toothman, Ashley
Van Horn, Leah *
Walker, Stefanie
Wieclaw, Ashley
Zigman, Kyle
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High School
Yearbook Notices
Yearbook sales extended,
but are wrapping up April 2!
Please act soon to
reserve your 2011-12
Crestwood High School
yearbook. Order forms
are available in room 116
at the high school, on the
Crestwood High School
webpage, and through
Buying online offers you an
opportunity to pay with a
credit card. Only checks
and cash may be accepted
at the school. We will not
be able to add additional
books to our order once we
reach the deadline. Once
the extra books are gone,
we have no way of to obtain
additional copies. Please do
not delay, do not count on
receiving a book if you did
not order one on time.
Parent Pages
Dear Parents and Seniors,
We would like all Crestwood
Senior parents to consider
reserving a space to send
a message, with pictures,
to a graduating senior.
These ads will be tastefully
designed in Full Color
and due to overwhelming
demand, we are accepting
no full page ads—sorry. The
acceptance process will
SERVE. The Parent Page
order form is available in
room 116 at the high school
or through Mr. Pavelek’s
teacher webpage found at
the high school website.
Please contact Mr. Pavelek
(330-274-2214 x 416)
with any questions. The
deadline for order form,
payment, and pictures is
Friday, March 30, 2012.
K-5 $1.50
6-12 $1.75
Reduced $.30
Free - Free
Extra Milk $.50
Menu subject to change.
10827 Main St
P.O. Box 737
Mantua OH 44255
We welcome you to join us in worship!
Worship Service 11:00 AM
The Heart of Christ in the Midst of Greater Mantua
Christ Lutheran Church
4 for $1
Aurora - Heinens Plaza • 330-562-7477
Kent - ACME PLaza • 330-678-0111
The UPS Store
Domino’s Pizza Wed.
28 !!
Prepaid breakfasts are
available. Food
Service does not
accept personal
checks, if sent, they
will be returned to you.
Cash, money order or
certified bank checks,
are accepted.
Prepayments are NOT
available for ala carte.
Sub Sandwich
Potato Chips or Stix
Carrot Sticks w/ ranch
Fruit & Nut Trail Mix
P.A.C.K. WeekWhite Day
Veggie Lasagna
Various Veggies
Assorted Fruit
Meatless Monday
P.A.C.K. WeekPurple Day
March 26th-March 30th is
Cook’s Choice!!!
March 20th
Pillsbury Mini-Cinni’s
Cheese Wedge
Assorted Fruits/Juice
Chicken Patty
Various Veggies
Assorted Fruits
Make breakfast your
In addition to the main
entree, students are
offered a variety of
fruits. These include
fresh fruits such as
grapes, oranges,
apples as well as
many more! Assorted
juice is also offered
Stuffed-Crust Pizza
Tossed Garden Salad
Mixed Fruit
Jello Cake
P.A.C.K. WeekGreen Day
March 21st
Pillsbury Frudel
(Cherry or Apple)
Assorted Fruits/Juice
High & Middle- Italian
Garden Pizza
All: Tossed Garden
Home-made Fruit
Breakfast Burrito
Assorted Fruits/Juice
Egg & Cheese Bagel
Assorted Fruits/Juice
Personal Pan Pizza
Tossed Garden Salad
Rice Krispy Treat
Fries Various
Assorted Fruits
Frozen Ice Juicee
March 14th
National School
Breakfast Week
National School
Breakfast Week
March 13th
March 7th
“Strong with protein”
Egg & Cheese
Assorted Fruits/Juice
*Fruits and veggies
provide a combination
of great taste, nutrition
and variety. They are
nature’s perfect
convenience food!
*Eating more fruits and
vegetables helps
maintain a healthy
Why is school
breakfast so
important? Some of
the nutritional benefits
are having the energy
for mental and physical
activities, increasing
nutrient intake and
fewer visits to the
school nurse.
March 6th
“Healthy with
Granola” Bar
String Cheese
Assorted Fruits/Juice
March 19th
Assorted Cereals
Assorted Fruits/Juice
Meatless Monday
Meatless Monday
Grilled Cheese w/ Soup
Various Veggies
Assorted Fruits
Frozen Treat
Meatless Monday
March 12th
Assorted Cereals
Assorted Fruits/Juice
Veggie & Cheese
Chips & Salsa
Various Veggies
Assorted Fruit
National School
Breakfast Week
March 5th
“Go for the Gold
Assorted Fruits/Juice
P.A.C.K.= Pack/Purchase
Assorted Colors for Kids
P.A.C.K. Week is March
19th- 23rd
March 5th -9th is
National School
Breakfast Week.
The theme is “School
Breakfast- Go for the
Breakfast is offered daily
at every school.
Cost is:
Paid- $1.75 (H&M)
Paid- $1.50 (I&P)
Reduced- $.30
Free- Free
Corn Dog Bites
Wafer Fries w/ Cheese
Various Veggies Assorted
P.A.C.K. WeekRed Day
March 22nd
Pillsbury Mini Pancakes
Assorted Fruits/Juice
National Pancake Day!
Happy St. Patrick’s Day!!
Mrs. Magalski’s Special
Recipe Shepherd’s Pie
Various Veggies
Assorted Fruit
St. Patty Treat
March 15th
Shamrock Iced Cinnamon
String Cheese
Lime-Pear Cup
Popcorn Chicken w/
Dipping Sauce
Potato Rounds
Various Veggies
Assorted Fruits
National School
Breakfast Week
Crestwood’s Famous
Tortilla Chips w/salsa
Various Veggies
Ice Juicee
March 8th
“Staying strong” with
breakfast sandwich
March 1st
Nutri-Donut Holes
Fruit Jerky/Roll-up
Breakfast is available in
every building,
everyday, to every
Got questions?
Feel free to call
the Department
Director or the
Food Service
Jennifer BujakHirsch, 330-2742294 ext. 2108
P.A.C.K. WeekYellow/Orange
Cook’s Choice
March 23rd
Cook’s Choice
Cook’s Choice
March 16th
French Toast
Cook’s Choice
March 9th
“”Perfect 10”
National School
Breakfast Week
Cook’s Choice
Cutie Pie Fruit
March 2nd
Exercise Tip:
Hang out with an
active and
healthy friend or
family member;
it’s contagious!
High- Barb Blazek- 330274-2214 ext. 118
Middle- Connie Nunns330-274-2249
Intermediate- Donna
Lewis- 330-422-3100 ext.
Primary- Susie Janson330-422-3100 ext. 4409
Food Service Building
Be sure to check out your
cafeteria’s offerings! We
off fresh fruits and
vegetables every day! So
be sure to “Say YES to
school lunch”!
Eating a variety of colors
is important for your
health. And by eating a
variety of colors found in
fruits and vegetables, you
can ensure your body
receives the essential
vitamins and minerals it
needs to stay healthy and
March is National
Nutrition Month.
The theme is “Eat Right
with Color”. We are also
celebrating P.A.C.K.
K-5 Breakfast $1.50
6-12 Breakfast $1.75
Extra Milk $.50
Menu subject to change.
March 2012& Lunch Menu
March Breakfast
Financial Advisor
Rick Frato, AAMS®
TTY: 330.676.5100
2011- 2012 LUNCH PRICES
K-5 Lunch $2.50
6-12 Lunch $2.75
Extra Milk $.50
Menu subject to change.
Daily Fixed Routes
Door-to-Door and More!
Rely On Us
Serving Portage County
10803 Main Street • Suite C
Mantua, OH 44255
Bus. 330.274.8087
Fax 877.479.0193
(330) 527-5430
10327 South Street Garrettsville, OH 44231
Jessica Bittence, MD
Garrettsville Family Medicine
Tuesday, March 27
4:30PM Boys Varsity Baseball Cardinal
4:30PM Boys Varsity Tennis Field Home
4:30PM Boys JV Baseball Cardinal Away
4:30PM Girls Varsity Softball Cardinal
4:30PM Girls JV Softball Cardinal Away
4:30PM Boys/Girls Varsity Track Garfield
Thursday, March 22
4:15PM Boys Varsity Baseball
Rootstown Home
4:15PM Boys JV Baseball Rootstown
Call for complete details.
Ask About Our Current REBATES & WARRANTIES
Monday, March 26
4:15PM Boys JV Baseball Southeast Away
4:15PM Girls Varsity Softball Southeast
4:30PM Boys Varsity Baseball Southeast
4:30PM Boys Varsity Tennis Coventry
4:30PM Girls JV Softball Southeast Away
Wednesday, March 21
4:15PM Boys Varsity Baseball Aurora
4:15PM Boys JV Baseball Aurora Away
4:15PM Girls Varsity Softball Rootstown
4:30PM Boys Freshman Baseball
Midpark High School Away
Friday, March 23
End of Grading Period. One Hour Early
Thursday, March 29
4:15PM Boys Varsity Baseball Garfield
4:15PM Boys JV Baseball Garfield Away
4:15PM Girls Varsity Softball Garfield
4:15PM Girls JV Softball Garfield Away
4:30PM Boys Varsity Tennis Kent
Roosevelt Away
Saturday, March 24
10:00AM Girls Varsity Softball Scrimmage
Day at Candlelite Knolls Away
11:00AM Boys Freshman Baseball
Scrimmage Kirtland Home
Call one of our representatives
to be in our next issue.
Matt: 330-281-9331
Dawn: 330-322-6035
Saturday, March 31
TBA Band Trip to Florida
9:00AM Boys/Girls Varsity Track Don
Faix Invit. Home
1:00PM Boys Varsity Baseball
Tournament @ Lakewood High School
(2 games) Away
Friday, March 30
Report Cards Issued
Band Trip to Florida
2:00PM March Madness Volleyball
Tournament Home
7:00PM Boys Varsity Baseball
Tournament @ Lakewood Away
Wednesday, March 28
4:15PM Boys Freshman Baseball
Southeast Home
4:30PM Boys Varsity Tennis North
(Akron) Home
Friday, March 23 - con’t
4:15PM Boys Freshman Baseball
Scrimmage Solon Away
5:45PM Girls Varsity Softball In Door
Scrimmage @ KSU Away
Tuesday, March 20
4:15PM Girls Varsity Softball Aurora
4:15PM Girls JV Softball Aurora Away
4:30PM Boys Varsity Baseball Chardon
4:30PM Boys JV Baseball Chardon
4:30PM Boys Freshman Baseball
Chardon Home
It’s Hard To Stop A Trane.®
Monday, March 19
4:30PM Boys Varsity Baseball St.
Vincent−St. Mary H.S. Home
4:30PM Boys JV Baseball St. Vincent−
St. Mary H.S. Away
4:30PM Boys Freshman Baseball St.
Vincent−St. Mary H.S. Away
4:30PM Girls Varsity Softball Chardon
4:30PM Girls JV Softball Chardon Away
Wednesday, March 14
6:00PM Wrestling Banquet @ Sun
Tuesday, March 13
6:00 Cheerleading Meeting in Cafeteria
7:00PM Soccer Meeting in Library
Monday, March 12
7:00PM Sports Boosters in Cafeteria
Wednesday, March 07
6:00PM Bowling Banquet in Cafeteria
Thursday, March 01
Parent/Teacher Conferences
7:00PM Band Concert
Middle School . . .
Mantua Knights of Columbus Announces
Free Throw Championship Winners
Eight Crestwood area boys and girls ages 10 to 14 were named
local champions of the 2012 Knights of Columbus Free Throw
Championship and have earned the right to compete at the district
level. Mantua Council # 3766 sponsored the local competition at
Crestwood Middle School on January 18.
Youngsters ages 10-14 were eligible to participate and each
contestant was allowed 15 free throw attempts in the contest. Ties
were settled by successive rounds of five free throws per contestant
until a winner emerged.
From 26 contestants the following winners are moving on with
an eye toward advancing to regional, state and international levels of
competition: Isaiah Patton, age 10, Ellie Cox, age 10, Logan Bailey,
age 11, Bianca Marinelli, age 11, Jordan Scott, age 12 (not pictured),
Taylor Lough, age 12, Brandon Nelson, age 13 and Robert Connors,
age 14.
Congratulations and good luck during the district competition at
St. Patrick’s in Kent on Feb 3, 2012!
Members of the Mantua Knights of Columbus would like to thank
Crestwood local schools, all participants, parents and volunteers for
another successful event.
Young Inventor Places as SemiFinalist in Regional Competition
Sixth-grader Olivia Fowler was recently
announced as a semi-finalist in the Shearer
Chips Perfection Contest. Students in
grades 4-8 had to create a new, useful
invention by repurposing empty Shearer’s
chip bags. Olivia caught the judges’ eyes
with her beautiful chip bag hair bows. By
placing in the top ten, she has already won
a $50 gift card.
Shearer’s Foods, Inc., Just Between
Friends, and The National Museum of
Education are offering the competition to
students in grades 4-8 from the state of
Ohio and from the Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania
area. Congratulations, Olivia.
Celebrating Perfection
At the end of each grading period, core teachers at Crestwood
Middle School administer common assessments, tests that are created
to measure student knowledge of the standards that were taught in the
preceding grading period. The 8th grade history common assessment
includes multiple choice, true/false and several extended response
questions. Students whose test scores indicate that concepts were not
mastered are provided with intervention.
Each grading period, to celebrate 8th grade Red Team students
who score perfectly on the common assessment, Mrs. Marfy holds a
pizza party. A 100% on the common assessment is really a cause for
celebration! On February 10, 2012, Mrs. Marfy hosted 21 students for
lunch. Mrs. Marfy was especially thrilled with the high number of qualifying students. Students enjoyed pizza from Italian
Garden. Invited students included: Alex Bowser, Brandon Caldwell, JJ Catcott, Morgan Faldowski, Drew Hill, Jake
Leiberth, Jeff Lorence, Cate McSwain, Alexis Mazey, Meghan McDermott, Shane Midgley, Robbie Richards, Anthony
Savoca, Matt Thompson, Anthony Bates, Courtney Capel, Sean Fejes, Romie Schweickert, Lauren Smith, Cole Faust,
Cameron Mordue, Romeo Nuti, and Chris Rector.
Intermediate School . . .
The Survey Says…
Fourth graders in Mrs. Ostrowske and Mrs. Engelhart’s
classes were learning how to collect and compile
information in various ways. Students generated their
own survey questions based on their interests such as
favorite types of music, favorite mythical creature, favorite
candy, etc. Classmates were surveyed, results tallied and
displayed in line graphs, pictographs, and bar graphs.
Students then discussed the effectiveness of providing
information in graph form versus paragraph form.
Connor, Adam, Chase, Gabby, Melanie, Karissa
Goodell Family Farm’s Pancake Breakfast
“All You Can Eat”
Pancakes & Sausage with
Goodell’s own Maple Syrup
Sundays - March 4, 11 & 18
8:30 a.m. -2:00 p.m.
Shalersville Town Hall (SR 303 and 44)
Adults: $7.50 Children (4-12yrs): $4.00
Children 3yrs and under: Free
5th grade student Mira Soukenik
Interactive Reading with Raz-Kids
This year the Intermediate School is using
Raz-kids to motivate students to read. Students
in grades 3-5 have access to a wonderful world
of books through Raz-kids, an interactive online reading site for students to practice reading
fluency and comprehension. The students
can listen to a story, read a story out loud,
record themselves reading, and then take a
comprehension quiz. Each student has their own
account with books available based upon their
personal reading level. Students spend time
at home and school accessing this interactive
library. Teachers are able to monitor the
students’ progress and change their reading level
when necessary. Time spent logged into Razkids earns children points or stars to use for their
virtual Raz Rocket incentive and reward system.
Raz-kids has been a wonderful opportunity for
students to enjoy reading!
Mantua Soccer Association
Registration at St. Joe’s
Sunday, March 11, 12:30 – 2:00
Sunday, March 18, 12:30 – 2:00
Season Starts April 10
Games are Sunday April 15, 22, 29
Sunday May 6, 13
Saturday May 19
Sunday May 20
Sunday June 3
Janice 330-474-1346
Look for us on Facebook
Primary School . . .
Hands-On with Textiles to Hands-On with I-Pads
Second Grade Class Uses Many Teaching Methods to Aide Student Learning
This winter Mrs. Grebb’s second grade class has engaged
in several activities incorporating different teaching and learning
Mrs. Amy McCoy, a retired Crestwood teacher, taught the
students how to crochet. They have been having a wonderful time
during indoor recess making bracelets, necklaces, and even a few
“mini” scarves.
In Social Studies, students researched their ancestors and
traditions. They then wrote reports and dressed paper dolls in the
authentic clothing of their ancestors.
The students have also been using I-pads and
I-pods to add to their learning. Students have used
a continent app to identify and learn the continents,
as well as apps that provide practice with basic math
facts, counting coins, and spelling.
February is National Heart Month!
Students in Mrs. Reece’s kindergarten class listen to their hearts as part of
a “Healthy Hearts” class taught by Mrs. Abruzino, School Nurse. Students
learned how the heart works, and how exercise, healthy eating and not
smoking help to keep the heart healthy.
Mrs. Skully, CPS art teacher, is teaching
a Reading-Art Enrichment Program called
ArtsRead. The program is for students in
kindergarten through second grade. The
cross curricular art classes integrate reading
and art. After students complete their book
they may sign up for a special art class
where they discuss the story and work
together to create an art project based on
the important themes of the book.
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Nick Fejedelem (Soccer/Football), Matt Schwesinger (12th),
Emily Youngblood (11th), Madeleine Sorrick (9th), Jocelyn Pearce (Soccer/Powder Puff),
Ashley Nielsen (12th), Alyssa Jaeyn (10th)
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*Group or Family Parties *Birthday Parties Preschool
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Classes for 2 Year olds – Pre-K
*Adult & Youth Leagues * Cosmic Bowling 79 E. Mennonite Road, Aurora, Ohio 44202
*Scotch Doubles Fundraisers www.mfsaurora.org
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*Group or Family Parties *Birthday Parties 0%
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*Group Family Parties *Birthday Parties *Adult &o
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Feagues undraisers *Adult & Y
* Cosmic Bowling PROPANE TANK EXCHANGE $20.99
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the party started (330)-­527-­9999 Call A
*aron Scotch oubles Fundraisers Call Aaron to get the party started (330)-­527-­9999 Non-Profit
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