Click on this link - Missouri Holstein Association


Click on this link - Missouri Holstein Association
Holstein News
June 2009
Our Stars
Pinehurst Royal Vreda
4-05 261 26,120 3.3 670 3.2 659 Inc.
Vreda is a 13th generation EX!
This Durham from an EX Skybuck and
is from the Audrey Posch family.
Robthom Reality Kamalot
Reality is a potential 14th generation EX
daughter of Vreda. She is sired by ,
Robthom Kamalot, a Titanic from
6 EX dams at Select Sires.
Robthom Ivory Mark EX-94 is his 4th dam.
Robthom Vanessa Allen
EX-91 EX-MS, 2E
2-07 365 25,360 3.6 932 3.0 775
4-09 365 22,570 3.9 881 3.1 703
6-04 130 13,600 3.7 501 2.8 387 Inc.
2nd Aged Cow, Best Bred & Owned
and member of the
1st Place Best 3 Females
at the 2009 Southern Spring National
She is an Allen from an EX Leader,
and backed by 9 VG or EX dams.
Willadon Marae
Marae is sired by Mil-Lon Sir Elvis,a
Gibson son of Krull Encore Elsie EX-92.
Her dam is a VG Champion, with her
8th dam being Robthom Ivory Mark EX-94.
Photos: Vanessa - Lea McCullough
Vreda, Reality & Marae - Mary Angelo
Ad Design - Angelo Images
1st Winter Yearling & HM Jr. Champion
at the 2009 Southern Spring National.
4612 E. Farm Road 116
Springgeld, MO 65802
Eric 417-880-9939 Janice 417-880-7754
2009 Oklahoma State Sale Top
Sooner Morty Dot
A Big Thank You to Todd Mason and Norman Bayless, Kingfisher, OK, for purchasing
Sooner Morty Dot at the Oklahoma State Sale with a sale topping price of $15,500.
Best of luck with Dot! We hope she has you a Sanchez heifer!
Also, thanks to Brad & Todd Groves, Billings, MO, who were contending bidders on
both Dot and her mother. We appreciate your interest in this cow family.
Congratulations to the Oklahoma Board of Directors for a successful Southern Spring
National Holstein Show. A job well done.
David Jones
103 Animal Science Building
Stillwater, OK 74078
Dr. Ron Kensinger
101 Animal Science Building
Stillwater, OK 74078
Holstein News
JUNE 2009
Southern Spring National Results
Kansas State Sale & Show Results
Arkansas, Kansas, Missouri
New Mexico, Oklahoma & Texas
Membership Listings
Published: June 1
September 1
December 1
March 1
Sue Ann Steele, Editor
4, Box 676
MO 64730
660.679.3495 Fax: 660.679.3495
Kate Geppert, Managing Editor
5803 Redwing Drive
Columbia, MO 65202
573.814.3148 or 573.808.5607
Fax: 573.814.3148
ARKANSAS: President: Neil Hall, Clinton; VicePresident: Brian Hall, Bee Branch; Secretary/
Treasurer: Shelly Quattlebaum, P.O. Box 337,
Grady, Ar; BOARD MEMBERS: Doug Herbaugh,
Dr. Wayne Kellogg, Jodie Pennington, James
Smith, Mike Quattlebaum, Randy Spears, Brian
KANSAS: President: Roy Buessing; Vice-President: David Rottinghaus; Past President: David
Whitehill; Secretary: Kerri Ebert, 4210 Wam-Teau
Drive, Wamego, DIRECTORS: Vernon Dewerff,
Eugene George, Dale Klassen, Carol Keen, Rob
Leach, Joe Schmitz, David Siemens, Doug Unruh,
Kevin Winter
MISSOURI: President: Fritz Hegeman, Cosby ;
Vice-President: Alfred Brandt, Linn; Secretary/
Treasurer: Jodi Wright, Clever; Director-at-large:
Eric Ling, Springfield, DIRECTORS: Shirley Best,
Al Brandt, Dallas Cornelius, Steve Echelmeier,
Eric Ling, Jay Moreland, Neal Nold, John Schoen,
Marvin Schoen, Ed Steele, Sandy Thornhill, Betty
NEW MEXICO: President: Andy Vaz, Roswell;
Vice-President; Buster Goff; Secretary/Treasurer:
Wendy Zens, 190 Dairy Rd, Willard
OKLAHOMA: President: Todd Mason, Kingfisher;,
1st Vice President: Tom Meyer, Okarche Secretary/
Treasurer: Angie Meyer, Rte. 4, Box 82, Okarche;
DIRECTORS: Fred Chitwood, Norman Bayless,
Steve Pope, David Jones, Brad Chapman
TEXAS: President, Gerard Hoekman, Windthorst;
Vice-President, Michael Schreiber, Windthorst;
Sec/Treas: Elwyn Liggett, 519 Liggett Rd,
­B ellevue; DIRECTORS: John Koster, Joseph
Osinga, Stanley Haedge, Gerrit Kerssies, Bradly
Veitenheimer, Chad Steinberger, DeeDee Stoker
The MID-STATES HOLSTEIN NEWS (ISSN 08842809) is published 4 times yearly - March, June,
September, and December - by the Holstein Associations of Arkansas, Kansas, Missouri, New
Mexico, Oklahoma and Texas. Periodical postage
paid at Butler, MO 64730 and at additional mailing offices. Subscription rate, $5.00, included in
each state membership fee. POSTMASTER: Send
address changes to MID-STATES HOLSTEIN
NEWS, Kate Geppert, 5803 Redwing Dr, Columbia, MO 65202.
PAGE 2 - MSHN, June 2009
On the Cover:
Fun was had by all at the 2009 Southern Spring National
in Oklahoma. Even with the troubling dairy economy,
dairy exhibitors filled the barns with high quality Holsteins
and Jerseys.
At press time we learned of the death of Kenneth Hartman,
Waterloo, IL on May 26. Kenneth and his wife Joann developed
the Glendell herd in southern Illinois. Joann also served as
President of the Holstein Association USA from 2000-2002.
The funeral was held May 30, 2009. Memorial contributions
may be made to Cardinal Glennon Children’s Hospital, St.
Louis; American Cancer Society; Monroe County Farm Bureau
Foundation (Scholarships); or the Donor’s Choice
Condolence can be sent to Joann at: 200 Holstein Place,
Waterloo, Illinois 62298.
Jenny Elliott
1265 CR 540
Hico, Texas 76457
Becky Kramer
53828 Walker Hollow Rd
Wauzeka, WI 53826
Darin Johnson
Nat’l Holstein Director
1720 Kirkwood Dr, Kate Geppert
Apt.K-68 5803 Redwing Drive
Fort Collins, CO 80525
Columbia, MO 65202
Sept. 1
Dec. 1
March 1
June 1
Ad Deadlines
July 22
Oct. 22
Jan. 22
April 22
No ads after
Aug. 10
Nov. 10
Feb. 1
May 10
Classification Schedule
Kansas, Colorado & Nebraska
New Mexico, Texas & Oklahoma
Arkansas & Missouri
Mid-States Subscriptions are available. It’s $5 for those in
Arkansas, Kansas, Missouri, New Mexico, Oklahoma and
Texas. For those outside the region, it’s $10. Contact Kate
Geppert for more information.
The Sky’s the Limit!
Now in Starring in Oklahoma
ial 1 EX!
Pot ration
Castleholm Allen Raina VG-86
Rain Dtr!
Castleholm Laramie Race-ET
Fan Yrlg
From the heart of the Rosa Rebel Family
Raina’s 14 Generations of EXCELLENCE:
Astrahoe Stormatic Radiant EX-90
2-03 365 3x 43,202 3.9 1699 3.0 1284
Astrahoe LJ Rosa Rebel-ET 2E-91
3-02 305 3x 32,120 3.9 1250 2.9 945
Pinehurst Royal Rosa-ET EX-91
3-10 365 3x 41,395 3.3 1358 2.8 1145
Pinehurst Roulade 2E-92
3-05 365 3x 34,160 4.3 1474 3.4 1156
Pinehurst Sweet Cleo EX-90
6-00 365 3x 40,380 4.4 1776 3.2 1305
Pinehurst Sweet Freedom EX-90
5-07 330 3x 34,520 4.3 1500 3.1 1084
Pinehurst Sweet Delight 3E-91 GMD
8-10 365 3x 28,460 4.2 1194 3.2 917
Pinehurst Rapture 4E-96 GMD
8-02 365 3x 30,370 4.2 1290 3.1 948
Pinehurst Fragrance 2E-90
4-08 365 3x 34,490 3.7 1234
Hayseen Ford Ariel 2E-90
Hassen DV Audgre 2E-90
Whirlhill Q Rag Apple Ariel EX-92
Lft: 3861 228,465 4.5 9595
Arlite Posch EX-92 GMD
Lft: 3568 144,739 4.7 5176
Audrey Posch 2E-93 GMD
Lft: 3526 180,339 5.0 6775
Arriving soon will be an April 25, 2009
Shottle daughter of Stormatic
Radiant! Her potential is unlimited!
Check out our Kingsmill consignment:
A 3/09 Jasper from VT-Pond-View PLD
Savanna-ET 3E-92. Next 4 dams EX!
Castleholm Goldwyn Renee-ET
Her Dam: EX-90 Rachel, EX-90 Robyn, then Rebel
RHA: 578 cows: 26,000M 898F 804P
BAA: 480 cows: 104.6
24 EX - 141 VG - 255 G+ - 60 G, none lower!
Mason Dairy Farm
Todd, Gia, Lexi & Cassie Mason
Mark Woodis, Farm Manager
Kingfisher, Oklahoma
ph: 405-408-8941
MSHN, June 2009 - PAGE 3
As the month turns to June, the temperature has certainly
changed along with it. Summertime means hopefully good
crop growing conditions, favorable hay weather, and the show
season kicks into full gear. This issue’s roundtable focuses on
four men who have had proven success in the ring and breeding animals who have gone on to win national shows.
Milk marketing is another hot button topic. At the March
Holstein board meeting, the board spent considerable time
discussing the matter. A detailed article on the Holstein proposal is included in the magazine.
The Holstein Board approved several recommendations
concerning future national conventions. Springfield, Missouri
was approved to host the 2012 National Holstein Convention
on June 27-30 at the University Plaza Hotel. Indianapolis,
Indiana was approved to host the 2013 National Holstein
Convention on July 8-11 in one of three Marriott facilities.
Wisconsin and Kansas were approved to host the 2019 and
2024 National Holstein Conventions respectively. States have
been approved to host through 2025. The Board and Staff
agreed not to approve any other potential host state for several years due to the changing times and climate in the dairy
There have been several calves in the US sired by Fradon
Redliner born with genetic defects. It has been identified as
a problem with brittle bones. Research is still continuing. If
anyone has a Redliner calf born with a defect, please contact
Irma Robertson at Holstein USA. The head and a femur from
the calf can be sent for testing. More information is available
on the Holstein USA website.
It was encouraging to see the support the area gave the
Kansas and Oklahoma State sales. It goes to show the strength
of Registered Holsteins.
Good luck to Larry Kleiner on his new position with For the past many years, Larry has served
Missouri and Arkansas as their Holstein Regional Representative. Larry was always there to help when anyone had a
question or concern about Holstein business. He was invaluable in marketing cattle and helping work the state sales and
shows. Check out Larry’s articles on DairyAgendaToday. He
has been traveling around the country and has visited some
outstanding herds and given updates on cows known round
the globe.
Kate Geppert
New State Production Leaders
Ricky Strain, Quitman, Arkansas
Holy-Glow 536 372 636 VG-85
3-11 305 3x 28,790 5.2 1491 3.2 909
1st AR Milk, Sr. 3-Yr Old 3X
Harlan & Judy Borman, Kingdom City, Missouri
Radine Best Mulan G+83
2-05 305 2x 24,410 5.0 1226 3.1 756
1st MO Fat, Jr. 2-Yr Old 2X
Echo-L Holsteins, Fulton, Missouri
Echo-L Chil Sabine EX-91
4-02 365 3x 35,190 4.4 1559 2.8 982
1st MO Fat, Jr. 4-Yr Old 3X
University of Missouri
U-MO Best Contra G+80
2-01 297 3x 23,960 3.8 919 3.4 803
1st MO Protein, Jr. 2-Yr Old 3X
James Albers, Dalhart, Texas
Jimmylee Mr Sam Dice G-78
2-00 365 3x 34,070 4.5 1520 3.0 1020
1st TX Fat, Jr. 2-Yr Old 3X
Lucky-Buttke Loren Alisa F-71
1-11 365 3x 32,900 3.5 1157 3.3 1096
1st TX Protein, Jr. 2-Yr Old 3X
PAGE 4 - MSHN, June 2009
Greetings from the north.
My name is Becky Kramer. I am
a field representative for Holstein
USA, Inc and an Iowa native. I
grew up on a 65-cow dairy farm
in Northeast Iowa and majored in
Dairy Science from Iowa State University. I have been involved with
agriculture all my life and have the
utmost respect for the dairy farmer.
With owning and milking cattle of
my own, I understand the drive
and commitment it takes to make
this unique field we are in successful. From the work ethic
to the passion for the dairy cow, this industry truly is one of
a kind. I look forward to assisting any of you on the Holstein
Association’s programs and can’t wait to get to know you. The
Holstein association has many economical programs to offer
and don’t hesitate to contact me on any of them
Holstein COMPLETE is a package program that was
introduced in 2003. It not only saves members money, but
also gives them the necessary management tools to select
and breed for their ideal cow. By utilizing linear data from
classification, combined with the sire selection tools included
in COMPLETE, dairy producers can correctly mate cows with
a goal of producing longer lasting, good uddered, mobile and
more productive cattle. I can assist you with the COMPLETE
services and any other Holstein association programs.
Don’t hesitate to contact us,
Becky Kramer
Field Representative
SW Wisconsin, Iowa, Arkansas and Missouri
National Convention Preview
The following business has been proposed to be transacted
at the 124th National Convention in California, June 29-30.
A proposal to amend the bylaws will be presented to the delegates. The proposal would allow the Board of Directors to
estalish rules for the revocation of the proprietor’s right to the
prefix due to nonuse of a prefix.
Currently, the bylaws do not provide for the reuse of unused
prefixes. As a result, thousands of prefixes that were reserved
and last used many years ago are unavailable for reuse. New
members are finding it more difficult to find an available and
appropriate prefix. If this amendment is approved, the Board
of Directors intends to set policies to allow reuse of old, unused prefixes and to permanently retire certain well-known
prefixes from the past.
In election news, the delegates will elect a new president,
new vice-president and directors for Region 5, 8, 9 & At-Large.
The following have declared their candidacy:
President: Larry Tande, MN
Vice-President: John Bierbaum, MN
Tom Thorbahn, OH
Chuck Worden, NY
Region 5
Robert Nigh, WI
Region 8
Bill Stoltzfus, ID
Bill Wright, UT
Region 9
Hank van Exel, CA
At-Large: Dennis Areias
Thomas Atherton
Jonathan Lamb
Congratulations to all the High
School & College Graduates. Good
luck with your future endeavors!
Missouri Holstein Field Day
Thursday, July 16, 2009 - Houston, MO
Hosted by Best-Sunrise Dairy, 6340 Lilly Rd
Richard, Shirley, Michael, Hope, Tyler, Trenton Best, Dewayne, Pennie Shelton, Nicole & Cole Hooper
Directions to Farm: Located 2 1/2 miles East of Houston, on Hwy 17 to Lilly Rd.,
then 1 mile South, cross low water bridge, first turn to the left.
From Springfield, east on Hwy 60 to Cabool, than 15 miles north on Hwy 63, turn right on East Hwy 17.
From 1-44 at Rolla, take 63 South to Houston, left on East Hwy 17.
The Best family have a passion for breeding good cows and developing cow families to last for
years and have the ability to produce 200,000 lbs of milk.. Their motto is ‘We want to have made
a difference in the Holstein breed.’ The Best’s have diversified their farming operation by focusing on marketing dairy cattle and bull sales. They have worked with Holstein Association USA
programs to add to the Registered animals. Their 100-cow herd has won numerous awards including Holstein USA’s PBR and Progressive Genetics Awards. Field Day attendees will have the
opportunity to see some 2 Yr Old daughters of Damion, Dundee, Zenith, Lou. Other favorites
are sired by Durham, Storm, Mr. Sam and Roy. In addition to the cows, Richard raises, sells and
trains border collie puppies.
Registration begins at 10:00 am
Tours and Station Discussion begin at 10:45
or E
Stations Feature:
Judging Contest
Genomics Representative on hand
Inexpensive Shade and Cooling System for Cow Comfort
Best-Sunrise Farm History Display
Registered Border Collie Demonstration
Complimentary Lunch will be served
Bill Chitwood, dairy humorist will be
the luncheon speaker
For more information, contact:
Jodi Wright, 417-743-2921 or Richard & Shirley Best, 417-967-2465
MSHN, June 2009 - PAGE 5
Holstein USA Proposes Program to Stabilize Dairy Industry
At the March 2009 Holstein USA board
meeting, the board and staff spent
considerable time discussing the milk
prices and the instability of the dairy
industry. With the help of Dr. Bob
Cropp, Professor Emeritus, University
of Wisconsin-Madison, the board and
staff have worked to formulate a plan of
action for the dairy industry. The plan
was then shared with various industry
representatives for their input. The following is a draft of the Dairy Stabilization Program being proposed by Holstein
USA. For more information, visit www. If you would like to get
involved, contact Holstein USA, 1-800952-5200 or Gordie Cook, Legislative
Chairman, 413-447-1461.
The volatility in dairy product prices
and dairy producer milk prices is extremely difficult for dairy producers,
milk processors and end users of milk
and dairy products to manage. The U.S.
All Milk price averaged $15.13 for 2005,
just $12.88 for 2006, a record high of
$19.13 for 2007 and $18.32 for 2008,.
But, the U.S. All Milk price started 2008
with a January price of $20.50 only to
fall to $15.60 by December and down
to $11.50 for February 2009. Such
volatility creates major problems for
dairy producers to manage cash flow
and make capital investment decisions.
When prices are at their lows returns
over feed costs become unfavorable and
even negative. These unfavorable returns
have a negative impact beyond the dairy
producer level. Farm input suppliers are
negatively impacted as dairy producers
reduce their purchases of feed, seed,
fertilizer, crop chemicals, machinery and
other inputs.
Program objectives:
• To prevent severely depressed producer milk prices that result in low and
negative returns over feed costs to dairy
• To reduce the volatility of dairy product prices and producer milk prices and
thereby reduce the price risk to dairy
producers, dairy processors and end
users of milk and dairy products.
• Provide flexibility in allowing dairy
producers who wish to expand their
dairy operations as well as providing for
new producers who wish to enter dairying.
• To complement and not replace other
existing dairy programs such as the
federal dairy price support program and
the Milk Income Loss Contract Program.
In fact, this program would reduce the
federal government cost of both of these
two programs.
• Provide for a long run dairy program
for seven years with a five year review
for continuation and/or modifications
based on past performance.
Program provisions:
• The program is mandatory in that
PAGE 6 - MSHN, June 2009
all states will be included. However, it
is flexible in that individual producers
may decide to expand their dairy operation and new producers are allowed to
enter the dairy industry. States having
programs to grow their dairy industry
will still be able to implement such programs.
• Upon implementation of the program,
each dairy producer will be assigned
an initial base of raw milk marketings
from April 1, 2008 through March 30,
2009. There will be a committee set up
to review individual appeals. For those
producers with less than a 12-month
history and for new producers entering
after the implementation date, their
base will begin with their first full month
of milk marketings
and for the next
11 months. Each
producer’s base will
be divided into their
quarterly historical
milk marketings.
Bases are a moving
base whereby at the
beginning of the next
12-month period, a
producer’s base will
be the recent past
12 months.
• The base is assigned to the producer owning the
producer license for
the dairy operation.
• Bases cannot be sold but can be
transferred to someone who takes over
the dairy operation on the existing dairy
• Producers can combine their bases
from two or more facilities into one dairy
facility provided each producer holding
one of the bases to be combined remains
engaged in milk production of the operation in the combined facility.
• In all other instances a producer’s
base ceases once the owner of the producer license no longer is actively producing and marketing milk.
• The program will be administered
by the U.S. Secretary of Agriculture with
an advisory Board, hereafter referred to
as Board, appointed by the Secretary
from nominations. The Board will include two dairy producers from each of
6 regions—the West, South, Southeast,
Central, Midwest and Northeast; one
consumer representative, one representative of dairy product firms (cheese, butter, milk powder or other manufactured
products), one representative of a fluid
milk bottler, and a dairy economist advisor to the Board.
• The U.S. Secretary of Agriculture in
consultation with the Board will forecast
the market for fluid milk and manufactured dairy products (total commercial
disappearance) that include both the
domestic market and exports for each
quarter of the next 12 months. Taking
into consideration the current level of
milk production, a determination will be
made as to the needed change in U.S.
milk production to fulfill the market
needs for each quarter of the next 12
months allowing for a producer raw milk
price that is positive over operating costs
as determined by the Board. The Board
will meet quarterly with the U.S. Secretary of Agriculture to revise forecasts and
to forecast out by quarter for the next
12 month period. The market needs by
quarter is referred to as “allowable milk
• Dairy producers who maintain their
milk marketings by quarter within the
“allowable milk marketings”
are not directly impacted by
the program. Recognizing that
milk production is affected by
weather, feed quality, herd
health, etc., a producer who
exceeds the “allowable milk
marketings” for a given quarter
by two percent or less will not
be impacted provided that their
milk marketings for the entire
12 month period are within the
“allowable milk marketings” and
if so, any “market access fees”
collected will be refunded.
• Dairy producers who produce
at or below their “allowable milk
marketings” will not be impacted
with a reduction in base in the
future marketing period/s.
• Dairy producers who wish to expand their dairy operation and exceed
the “allowable milk marektings” will be
assessed a “market access fee” per hundredweight on total milk marketings.
This “market access fee” will initially be
in the range of $2.00 to $3.00 per hundredweight on all milk marketed as determined by the U.S. Secretary and the
Board. Based on historical performance
of the program, this market access fee
may be increased or decreased, but
cannot be increased for dairy producers
currently being assessed the “market
access fee” for the current 12-month
marketing period.
• For dairy producers who expand
marketings beyond the “allowable milk
marketings” and pay a “market access
fee”, their fees would be collected and
redistributed back to the dairy producers who held their milk marketings
within the “allowable milk marketings”.
Redistribution of “market access fees”
will be done annually at the anniversary
date of the inception of this program.
• Once it is determined that a dairy
producer has expanded milk marketings beyond the “allowable milk marketings” for a given quarter, the dairy
producer will have the “market access
fee” deducted from their milk check in
the following quarter and for the next
three quarters. The dairy producer’s
higher milk marketings during the first
quarter and following three quarters
having a “market access fee” becomes
the new and higher historical base to
which milk marketings for the quarters
for the next 12 months will be compared
to. New dairy producers are those who
are not the transferee of an existing dairy
producer’s base, but rather entering
dairying as an entirely new dairy operation. New dairy producers will have the
“market access fee” deducted for the first
four quarters of their milk marketings.
Thereafter, the milk marketings during
these four quarters become the new
dairy producer’s base to compare the
next 12 months’ milk marketings to.
• As with Milk Income Loss Contract
payments dairy producers will file with
their area USDA Farm Service Agency
(FSA) office their history of milk production and monthly milk marketings
to establish a milk base. Dairy producers will authorize their milk plant or
dairy cooperative to submit their milk
marketings directly to the FSA office.
If a dairy producer’s milk marketings
exceed the “allowable milk marketings”
for a given quarter, the FSA office will
notify the dairy producer’s milk plant or
dairy cooperative to deduct the “market
access fee” starting the following quarter and for the next three quarters and
submit the fees to the FSA office. Area
FSA offices will submit “market access
fees” collected to the national FSA office
where they will be pooled and a value
per hundredweight will be calculated for
distribution to all dairy producers who
had not exceeded the “allowable milk
• Transfers of bases from one dairy
producer to another or the combination
of bases must be approved by the area
FSA office.
• The Federal Milk Market Administrator or State Market Administrator, will,
if solicited, provide information to use to
verify reported producer milk marketings
from dairy plants.
Administrative costs:
An assessment of no more than two
cents per hundredweight will be assessed against all milk marketings to
cover administrative costs of the program. Milk plants are to submit these
assessments directly to the national
FSA office.
Proven *RC From Annabell Family Sells
Central Wisconsin Summer Event
Luckie & her 12/08 *RC Durham Dtr Sell July 16
Lucky was fresh May 14 with twin RED Debonair bulls
Lucky’s Dtrs:
Ms Flat-Net Advent Radine-Red-ET, born 12/7/07
has 4 Big Apple pregnancies due in December
has 10 Debonair-Red embryos implanted
embryos are available
will be bred to Lion King to calve next March
Ms Flat-Net Durham Saloni-ET *RC, born 12/1/08
Ms Flat-Net Damion Lucy-ET, born 1/18/09
2-03 365 2x 40,670 4.1 1673 3.0 1202
Annabell is a maternal sister to Luckie’s EX-91 Linjet dam.
Next dam is GBM Charles Janelle 2E-93 DOM
6-03 365 2x 31,640 4.6 1471 3.3 1054
The 3rd Dam is 3E-94 with over 238,000 lifetime.
Next 3 dams are 2E-92 DOM; 2E-91 DOM & 2E-90
Luckie & Saloni are your Chance to Strike it Rich!
Bid last July 16 in Marathon, Wisconsin
Tim Borman
Kingdom City, Missouri
Flat-Net Dairy
Mike Netemeyer
Carlyle, Illinois
MSHN, June 2009 PAGE 7
Southern Spring National
Holstein Show
April 10, 2009
Stillwater, OK
Judge: Brian Carscadden
Winter Heifer Calf (7)
1. Yortons Aspen Merry, Mackenzie
Spears, Farmington, AR; 2. Hoff-Hill
Colby April (1st B&O), Braylee Schlumpf,
Windthorst, TX; 3. Highlane Dundee Kiara, Josh Highfill, Pleasant Hope, MO.
Fall Heifer Calf (11)
1. Tex-Stein Roy Lubov (1 st B&O),
Bobby Steinberger, Windthorst, TX; 2.
Miss-Long-Green TD Kendra, Brittnay
George, Baldwin City, KS; 3. Mi-Sha
Damion Alma-ET, Kevin Holton, Tonganoxie, KS.
Summer Yearling (4)
1. Kow-Castle Dundee Snowy (1st B&O),
London Jones, Hico, TX; 2. Savage-Leigh
Zenith Levana, Casey George, Baldwin
City, KS; 3. Ms Regancrest Adora-ET,
Steven Nelson, Grovesprings, MO.
Spring Yearling (15)
1. Mergold MB Mar-ET, Abbi Goldenberg,
McGregor, TX; 2. North-Ridge Detective
Book, Henry Zapalac, Schulenberg, TX;
3. B-J-Grove Dale Rosa-Lee, Clanton &
Kallman, Mulberry Grove, IL.
Winter Yearling (12)
1. Willadon Marae, Robthom Farm,
Springfield, MO; 2. Ms Goldfawn Aspn
Canda-ET (1st B&O), Abbi Goldenberg,
McGregor, TX; 3. Greenlea Adv CarolRed-ET, Pina & Phillips, Lingleville,
Fall Yearling (14)
1. MD-Dun-Loafin Advent Ell-ET, Mackenzie Spears, Farmington, AR; 2. JMK
Milkman 7540 (1st B&O), Jeff Koster,
Comanche, TX; 3. HydeAway Dundee
Bambi, Lynzi & Austin Hyde, LaMesa,
New Mexico.
Junior Champion
Mergold MB Mar-ET
Res. Junior Champion
North-Ridge Detective Book
Junior Best Three Females
1. Goldfawn Dairy, Windthorst, TX
Dry 3 & 4-Yr Old (2)
1.Miss-Long-Green Izabela-ET (1st B&O),
Brittnay & Casey George, Baldwin City,
KS; 2. Golden-Dew Stormin Ruby-ET,
Mason Dairy Farm, Kingfisher, OK
Dry Aged Cow (3)
1. Smithex Rubens Naomi, Mason Dairy
Farm, Kingfisher, OK; 2. Jauquet Babes
Progress, Musicmeadow Farm, Kingfisher, OK; 3. Jons-Boy Lee Naomi, Cami
Morris, Ninnekah, OK
Jr. 2-Yr Old (4)
1. Sabofarm Durham Cottonball, Jeff
Koster, Comanche, TX; 2. Flat-Net Blitz
Christina (1st B&O), Tony Netemeyer,
Carlyle, IL; 3. M-W-D Casino Brook
6896, Justin Hieda, Hereford, TX
Sr. 2-Yr Old (10)
1. Miss-Long-Green LHRO Madge (1st
B&O), Brittnay George, Baldwin City,
PAGE 8 - MSHN, June 2009
Grand Champion
Weatherview Reagan Kon
KS; 2. No-Gold Rampage Selsey-Red,
Abbi Goldenberg, McGregor, TX; 3.
Cache-Valley Charm Aspen-ET, Hentan,
Renese, & Heida, Hereford, TX.
Jr. 3-Yr Old (3)
1. Hillhaven Jasper Papita-ET, Milkway
Dairy, TX; 2. Hoff-Hill Persia Mandy
(1st B&O), Nicole Hoff, Windthorst, TX;
3. Hall-of-Fame Tribute Idol, Kristen
Meyer, Okarche, OK.
Sr. 3-Yr Old (8)
1. K-Lane Givenchy Kalie, Bruce Clanton, Mulberry Grove, IL; 2. Lin-Max
Rman Rock Chock-ET, Christian Buessing, Axtell, KS; 3. Oconnors Morty Claire,
Arrowhead Dairy, Sunray, TX.
Intermediate Champion
K-Lane Givenchy Kallie
Res. Intermediate Champion
Lin-Max Rman Rock Chock-ET
4-Yr Old (8)
1. Miss Macland Sept Julie-ET, Goldfawn Farm, McGregor, TX; 2. Desthaven
Skyfame Jenna, London Jones, Hico,
TX; 3. Tex-Stein Mozer Jencis, (1st B&O),
Gage Steinberger, Windthorst, TX.
5-Yr Old (5)
1. Bristol Linjet Skylar-ET, Abbi Goldenberg, McGregor, TX; 2. Regancrest-BH
Durham Faith-ET, Joseph Osinga, Hico,
TX; 3.Smithex Merchant Nickel, Mason
Dairy Farm, Kingfisher, OK.
Aged Cow (5)
1. Weatherview Regan Kon, Josh Highfill, Pleasant Hope, MO; 2. Robthom
Vanessa Allen (1 st B&O), Robthom
Farm, Springfield, MO; 3. RF Outside
Breeze-ET, Mason Dairy Farm, Kingfisher, OK.
125,000 lb Cow (3)
1. Hoff-Hill Eland Daphne (1st B&O),
Adam Hoff, Windthorst, TX; 2. Angelo
Pathfinder Vicky, Milky-Way Dairy, TX;
3. Whitehead Convincer Nicole, Bailee
Whitehead, Conway, MO.
Best Bred & Owned
Robthom Vanessa Allen
Senior & Grand Champion
Weatherview Regan Kon
Res. Sr. & Grand Champion
Miss Macland Sept Juliet-ET
Premier Breeder
Hoff-Hill Dairy
Premier Exhibitor
Goldfawn Dairy
John Cooper Award
Jeff Schenk
Res. Grand Champion:
Miss Macland Sept Julie-ET
Grand Champion:
Weatherview Kon
Res. Int Champion:
Lin-Max Rman Rock Chock-ET
Intermediate Champion:
K-Lane Givenchy Kallie
Res. Jr Champion:
North-Ridge Detective Book
Junior Champion:
Mergold MB Mar-ET
Best Bred & Owned
Robthom Vanessa Allen
Robthom Farms
Premier Breeder:
Hoff-Hill Holsteins
Premier Exhibitor:
Nate Goldenberg
Jeff Schenk was
awarded the John
Cooper Award for
Outstanding service.
O Man
4 in t
he to
p 12 t
pi™ p
lus H
igh ty
T h e h i g h e s T- r a n k i n g g r o u p o f o M a n s o n s i n T h e i n d u s T r y.
Source: 4/08 HA/USDA.; Man-O-Man 83%R; Kramer 86%R; Dotson
86%R; Paxton 86%R; Jake 85%R. Paxton & Jake PHotos: McCullough.
014HO04876 paxtOn
O Man x Rudolph
014HO04916 Jake
O Man x BW Marshall
014HO04956 DOtsOn
O Man x Durham
014HO04929 man-O-man
O Man x Aaron
014HO04924 kramer
O Man x Hershel
4 in the top 12 tpi™ plus High type!
+2.67 ptat
+2.68 ptat
+2.36 ptat
+2.03 ptat
+1.92 ptat
+2217 tpi
+2034 tpi
+2014 tpi
+2062 tpi
+2038 tpi
MSHN, June 2009 - PAGE 13
800.451.9275 •
2009 All- Kansas Show
March 19-20, 2009 - Hutchinson
Judge: Adam Liddle, Argyle, NY
Winter Heifer Calf
1. Klassens Shane Destiny-ET, Andy
Klassen; 2. Klassens Shane DebutanteET, Brandon Klassen; 3.Klassens Shane
Dawn-ET, Aaron Klassen
Fall Heifer Calf
1. Miss-Long-Green TD Kendra, Brittnay
George; 2. Mi-Sha Damion Alma-ET,
Holton Brothers Dairy; 3. MS Jasper
Rhianna, Doug Unruh
Summer Yearling
1. Savage-Leigh Zenith LeVana, Casey
George; 2. Poor-Richs Angler Dolphin,
Christian Buessing; 3. Bay-Ell Damion
Addie, Ell Bar Farm
Spring Yearling
1. Miss Rosis Rosett, Carol Keen; 2. Pintail-Point B Rhonda, Jeff Woods; 3. MissLong-Green Fargo, Brittnay George
Winter Yearling
1. Ziems Stormatic Laurin, Christian
Buessing; 2. A-Mason Redliner-Rit-Red,
Jacob Hahn; 3. Poor-Richs Aster-RedET, Taylor Leach & Colton Buessing
Fall Yearling
1. Will-Win-Brook Alleg Taffy, Carol &
Kalli Keen; 2. C-Cove Allegiance Bonsai, Casey George; 3. MSBBK Duplex
Apache, Colton Buessing,
Junior Champion
Will-Win-Brook Alleg Taffy
Res. Jr. Champion
Miss Rosis Rosett
Jr. Best Three Females
1. Schmitz Dairy; 2. Ell Bar Farm
Dry 3 & 4-Yr Old
1. Plain-O-JW Goldwyn Darma-ET,
Rottinghaus & Woods
Dry Aged Cow
1. Lin-Max Noble Ashley, Lin-Crest
Jr. 2-Yr Old
1. Fran-Do Advent 913, Chad Mueller; 2.
Ell-Bar Dundee Victory, Ell Bar Farm; 3.
Bluestem Toystory Elle, Kevin Fast
Sr. 2-Yr Old
1. HBD Amnesia 392, Holton & Lincrest; 2. Rock-Home J-Freelance Mae,
Kevin Fast; 3. Lin-Crest Advent Twilite,
Taylor Leach
Jr. 3-Yr Old
1. Miss-Long-Green Izabella-ET, Casey
George; 2. Plain-O-JW Roy Glamour,
Rottinghaus & Woods; 3. AJ-Schmitz
Norm Ruthann 631, Audrey Schmitz
Sr. 3-Yr Old
1.Henkeseen Durham Heidi-ET, Erica
Rottinghaus; 2. Miss-Long-Green AlarmET, Casey George; 3., Lin-Max Rman
Rock Chock-ET, Christian Buessing
Intermediate Champion
Henkeseen Durham Heidi-ET
Res. Int. Champion
Miss-Long-Green Alarm-ET
4-Yr Old
1. Fran-Do Rubens-RC, Jill Seiler; 2.
Poor Richs Advent Jewell, Christian
Buessing; 3. R&L Ambush Mocha, Maggie Seiler
5-Yr Old
1. Poor-Richs Rbns Aspen-Red-ET,
Rottinghaus Holsteins; 2. Miss Rubens
Sandy, Andy Klassen; 3. Miss-Long-
2009 All-Texas Show
March 2, 2009 – Lubbock, TX Judge: George Martinez
Winter Heifer Calf
Hoff-Hill Colby April, Braylee Schlumpf, Lubbock
Fall Heifer Calf
Tex-Stein Roy Lubor, Tex-Stein Dairy, Windthorst
Summer Yearling
Kow-Castle Dundee Snowy, London Jones, Hico
Spring Yearling
Kow-Castle Lheros 1351, London Jones, Hico
Winter Yearling
Greenlea Adv Carol-Red-ET, Kryssi Pina, Lingleville
Fall Yearling
Tex-Stein Zenith Josie, Garrett Steinberger, Windthorst
Junior Champion
Tex-Stein Roy Lubov
Res. Jr. Champion
Tex-Stein Zenith Josie
Jr. Best Three Females
1. Tex-Stein Dairy, Windthorst
Jr. 2-Yr Old
Sabofarm Durham Cottonball, Jeff Koster, Comanche
Sr. 2-Yr Old
Ms Savage-Leigh Tammy-ET, Katy Koster, Comanche
Jr. 3-Yr Old
Hillhaven Jasper Papita-ET, Milky Way Dairy, Hereford
Sr. 3-Yr Old
Tex-Stein Trademark Davonna, Tex-Stein Dairy, Windthorst
Intermediate Champion
Tex-Stein Trademark Davonna
Res. Int. Champion
Ms Savage-Leigh Tammy-ET
PAGE 10 - MSHN, June 2009
Kansas Grand Champion
Poor-Richs Rbns Aspen-Red
Green Brass Fiska, Brittnay George
Aged Cow
1. Valevue L J Royal Rose-ET, Rottinghaus Holsteins
100,000 lb Cow
1. Poor Richs Encore Dynamite, Colton
Grand & Senior Champion
Poor-Richs Rbns Aspen-Red-ET
Res. Sr. Champion
Miss Rubens Sandy
Res. Grand Champion
Henkeseen Durham Heidi-ET
Best Bred & Owned
Miss-Long-Green Alarm-ET
Best Three Females
1. Brittnay & Casey George; 2. Schmitz
Dairy; 3. Ell Bar Farm
Produce of Dam
1. Leach & Rottinghaus
Daughter / Dam
1. Ell Bar Farm
4-Yr Old
Tex-Stein Mozer Jenicis, Gage Steinberger, Windthorst
5-Yr Old
Regancrest-BH Dur Faith-ET, Joseph Osinga, Hico
Aged Cow
Three-C Durham 16-02, Nicole Hoff, Windthorst
125,000 lb Cow
Hoff-Hill Eland Daphne, Adam Hoff, Windthorst
Grand & Senior Champion
Tex-Stein Mozer Jenicis
Res. Grand & Sr. Champion
Regancrest-BH Dur Faith-ET
Best Bred & Owned
Tex-Stein Mozer Jenicis
Best Three Females
Tex-Stein Dairy, Windthorst
Dairy Herd
Tex-Stein Dairy
Tex-Stein Dairy
Premier Breeder & Exhibitor
Tex-Stein Dairy
Prior to the show, a fun auction was held to benefit the Leo
Hoff, Sr memorial scholarship fund. Special thanks to all the
donors and buyers. The donors included Coba/Select Sires,
Semex, Genex-CRI, Accelerated Genetics, ABS, Alta Genetics,
Leo Hoff, Jr., Walter Wolf, Joann Hoff, Veterinarian’s Outlet.
Buyers included Jerry & Scott Vieth, Tex-Stein Dairy, Billy
Miller, Den-Tex Holsteins, Mike Schreiber, Leo Hoff, Jr., Walter
Wolf, John Koster, Bobby Griggs, Stanley Haedge, Milky Way
Dairy and Randy Carpenter.
Hard Work = Honest Success
2-02 285 2x 18,113 4.2 759 3.3 598
3-01 199 2x 16,426 4.0 661 3.3 544 Inc
• Intermediate Champion
Southern Spring National Jr Show 2009
• 1st Sr. 3-Yr Old
Southern Spring National Jr Show 2009
• Res. Intermediate Champion
Southern Spring Nat’l Show 2009
• 2nd Sr. 3-Yr Old
Southern Spring National Show 2009
Sired by Redman-Red and from the D-R-A
August family, Rock Chock’s dam is EX-91,
followed by Sellcrest No Rachel-Red 3E-94
GMD and 237,230 lifetime. The next 2
dams are 2E-92 DOM, EX-90 then August
EX-96 DOM herself.
1-11 365 2x 22,659 4.0 906 3.2 726
3-11 185 2x 17,990 4.3 782 3.1 550 Inc
• 2nd 4-Yr Old,
Southern Spring National Jr Show
• Res. All-Kansas 4-Yr Old, 2009
Both Jewel & Rock Chock passed the ultrasound and milk test in all 4 quarters
Roy, Patricia
Christian, Colton,
Maryna, Quinn,
Axtell, Kansas
Roger, Pam,
MSHN, June 2009 - PAGE 11
Now Starring
2-03 365 2X 23,155 3.9 903 3.3 764
Grand Champion, Southern Spring National Jr Show
2nd 4-Yr Old, Southern Spring National Open Show
Due Dec. 1, 2009 to Jasper
Stanley & Brenda Haedge
Hico, Texas
ph: 254-965-2109 fax: 254-918-5782
PAGE 12 - MSHN, June 2009
It Has Been A wild
Ride This Year!
All-Texas Aged Cow 2009
1st Aged Cow,
Southern Spring Nat’l Jr Show 2009
Res. Grand & Res. Sr. Champion,
Southern Spring Nat’l Jr Show 2009
Grand Champion & 1st Aged Cow,
All-Texas Jr Show 2009
6-07 305 2x 31,060 3.5 1096 3.0 932
3-04 365 2x 28,140 4.1 1140 3.1 872
Lft: 1666d 125,690 3.8 4757 3.1 3913
1st 125,000 lb Cow
Southern Spring National 2009
All-Texas 125,000 lb Cow 2009
2nd Dam:
Viethson CHV Bstar Dora-TW 2E-93 DOM
Lft: 2275d 159,610 4.1 6603 3.3 5199
Leo, Jr. & Donna Hoff
Hilary, Nicole & Adam
P.O. Box 185 - Windthorst, Texas
940-423-6342 - 940-432-6482 barn/fax
MSHN, June 2009 - PAGE 13
Tales From the Tanbark Trail
As the calendar turns to summer, the
show season goes into full swing. This
roundtable features four men who
have been very successful. They are
Roy Buessing, Axtell, Kansas; Stanley
Haedge, Hico, Texas; Brett Morris, Ninnekah, Oklahoma; and Bruce Tencleve,
Little Rock, Arkansas.
Describe your farm operation.
Buessing: Our dairy consists of 150
registered milking animals.   The cows
are milked in a double 10 parallel parlor
and housed in 2 monoslope freestall
barns.   We raise all of our own feeds. 
Our crops consist of corn soybeans alfalfa and wheat. 
Haedge: We milk around 200 head of
Holsteins. 90% registered. Rolling herd
average 22,400 lbs. milk 2x, 3.6% BF
3.1% protein. Milking cows are housed
in a freestall barn. Dry cows & heifers
are on pasture. We also farm and graze
350 acres and milk in a double 8 herringbone barn.
Morris: I farm in a partnership with my
dad. We milk 50 to 65 head of registered
Holsteins. The farm consists of about
1,000 acres; it’s made up of alfalfa,
wheat, Bermuda grass, and native grass.
The operation also includes 100 head to
200 head of stocker steers every year.
We own and operate Washita Fertilizer
Company plus do custom fertilizer application and some custom grain harvesting locally.
Tencleve: The Tencleve ‘farm operation’
consist of two brothers and a nephew
along with our kids. We do not milk
cows but my brother and I were raised
on a dairy operation and really can’t
get it out of our system. We have 35
total head but the milking is done by
Kenneth & Wade Hall. Our goal is to
be able to consign good individuals to
all the regional sales but unfortunately
we get about as many heifers per year as
we select for an American idol winner.
Consequently we have just started using
Select Heifer semen.
You had been successful in the show
ring, describe the biggest highlight
of your career.
Buessing: My biggest highlight of
showing animals was when Poor Richs 
Rubens Aspen was named intermediate
champion of the red and white show at
Madison as a junior 2 year old.   She
was sold as a bred heifer in the Kansas
State sale and purchased and exhibited
by Rottinghaus Holsteins.
Haedge: It would be winning the Texas
state Holstein show in 2005.
Morris: My biggest high-light would have
to be winning Supreme Champion at the
2001 Oklahoma State Fair in Oklahoma
City. Morrisland Skybuck Ginger was a
home bred cow and the award presented
by Bob Griggs was the Charlie Griggs
memorial award. Winning with a home
PAGE 14 - MSHN, June 2009
bred animal gives you a sense of pride
and accomplishment.
Tencleve: Our ‘show range’ to this point
has been limited to Arkansas, Texas,
Oklahoma-Southern National, and Louisville. Hopefully someday we can get
to Madison! But our biggest highlight
would have to be Cleopatra standing
second in Louisville. She looked awesome that day and 2nd in class and 1st
best udder. Dean Dohle was on the
halter and he did an outstanding job of
leading her in the ring.
How did you get interested in showing cattle?
Buessing: About 10 years ago I went
with Jerry Rottinghaus to the Kansas
State sale and thought that looked like
fun.  The next year  we took out our
first string and found we had a long
ways to go and a lot to learn.  However
by watching and questioning the other
exhibitors you learn what it takes to
breed and grow and develop a cow or
heifer that can stand with the other
animals in the ring.
Haedge: Through my children in 4-H.
Morris: I would have to blame that on
my dad. He got me interested in showing cattle at the age of 8, I have been
hooked ever since.
Tencleve: I was born on a dairy farm
and my dad use to say that it was just
as easy to milk a ‘pretty’ cow as it was a
‘not-so-pretty’ cow as long as they were
profitable. I love the competition and the
thrill of victory – when it happens. My
son loves these cows and hopefully he
will continue to relish the opportunity
to try and beat the best. There’s something about trying to breed a better cow
or picking a diamond in the rough to
show. Are your show animals kept separate
with different feeds and attention?
If so, what is different?
Buessing: We keep the heifers that we
are going to show separate.  They are
fed a diet consisting of long stem grass
hay with a high protein grain mix.   We
separate the cows before the show on a
bedded pack and get them used to the
ration they will be eating at the show.
Haedge: Show animals are kept with the
rest of the herd until several days before
leaving for shows, that time is used to
get them used to a dry ration without
silage. Heifers are kept separate while
halter breaking and then are kept with
the other heifers.
Morris: No.
Tencleve: Not Really! We don’t have
that many animals so they are given the
same treatment. We break all heifers to
the halters – you never know when the
‘ugly’ heifer is the best cow.
Do you specifically breed for show
animals? What sires are you currently using to try and breed to develop
winning show animals?
Buessing: I like a cow that when mature
will score vg or ex.   These cows typically
have very good udders, sound feet and
legs,  and adequate width and depth. I
think in today’s environment  you need
to breed for type in the cow and feed for
the milk she will produce.  The bulls
we are currently using include Advent, 
Fortune,  L Heros,  Rubens, Million,
Colby, Lightning, and Bayside.  All of
these bulls fit my kind of cow.  Sound
udders with a strong will to milk.  When
I can find the right bulls I like to go back
and use some older bulls like outside,
Leader, and Encore.
Haedge: I don’t breed specifically for
show animals, but do breed for type.
Bulls used are Sanchez, Laremee, Durham, Roy, Dundee, Alexander – these
are high type bulls with high udder
Morris: It kind of goes hand-in-hand. I
breed for longevity, however, doing 80%
of the milking myself I also like to milk
cows that look good as well. We have
had cows as old as 12 years. Advent,
Alexander, Sanchez, Laramee, Laurin.
These are all high type bulls that are
good in udders, feet and legs, plus, they
are also the results of the mating.
Tencleve: I have tried breeding for just
show animals and to be honest it didn’t
pay off in the long run. You have to
find the right combination to make that
show animal. But to be perfectly honest
– luck plays a role. I have used bulls
that make that show winning heifers
– and then had commercial cows. As
far as what bulls I am currently using, I
still use Durham, Dundee, Laramie and
I will use Goldwyn & Shottle for flushing.
I use these bulls because I think that
they will give us the best opportunity to
create a better next generation.
Describe your ideal show animal.
Buessing: My Ideal show cow has an
extremely high wide rear udder,  snuggly
attached fore udder,  excellent feet and
legs, and adequate width and capacity
to produce lots of milk.  A 62 inch show
cow is plenty big.  The 65inch and bigger
cows don’t fit in my environment at all
and seem to break down way too fast.
Haedge: I like a medium size cow that
has a super udder with good feet and
legs. Not the biggest cow but a balanced
dairy cow. The real big cows need too
much special attention.
Morris: I’m kind of partial to black silky
hided cows with excellent udders, and
excellent type that combines strength
and width with dairyness.
Tencleve: My ideal animal or complete
cow is an animal with tremendous power
and strength but the femininity that the
show ring demands but also the features
to make her profitable for the dairyman.
I love long clean dairy necks with the
strength of front-end and width of chest.
That animal needs to lots of rib & body
with sweep of rib. Many will take this
wrong, but….I like big butts! That animal needs to be long from hooks to pins
with wide rump. Any animal must have
tremendous feet and legs. The cows
need that beautiful mammary system
with high & wide rear udders and veins
all over it. I don’t think the cows need
to be 65” to win shows but a uniform
well balanced animal that has no holes
in her will work for me. AM I ASKING
Why should Juniors be involved in
showing cattle?
Buessing: Showing cattle is a great way
for them to take pride in something they
can get ready themselves.  It takes a
lot of time and dedication to grow the
animal extremely well and yet keep her
trimmed down in show condition.  It
also allowss the juniors to get out and
meet other kids their age and make new
Haedge: I cannot think of a better overall learning experience for children. I
have raised five children that have been
involved in showing cattle and they
have all turned out to be fine young
adults. The people they meet and the
work involved are good clean learning
Morris: Because it teaches them responsibility and gives them knowledge they
need to be successful in life. It gives
them a foundation to build on and the
chance to meet other people around the
country which enhances their people
skills, something very important in life
today is to be able to communicate with
Tencleve: When I was growing up on the
farm there were not many things to do
besides school – which includes sports,
church, and working on the farm. Today
there are so many things for kids to do
– good & bad. Showing cattle requires
hard work, dedication, and commitment.
You will learn humility and sportsmanship. Showing cattle will help you learn
the thrill of victory and the agony of
defeat. I know these are clichés but
showing cattle really will help you learn
all of life lessons.
Has today’s economy changed the
way you view showing cattle? Why
or why not?
Buessing; I always enjoy a good show
whether milk price is good or bad.  The
general mood at the show is a lot better
though when the milk price is good.
Haedge: Today’s economy has changed
everyone’s life, but we still keep showing.
We maybe tightening the strings to our
pocket books a little
Morris: No. Being diversified as we are
in our operation we are able to take the
ups and downs in whatever enterprise
we are involved in. I realize that every
operation is not like this, but it works
for us.
Tencleve: I think it has had an impact
on this activity. To some of us who
don’t get our paychecks from milking
cows probably less the dairyman.
The dairy industry has taken a major
hit recently and any extra circular
adventures have slowed way down.
I still see showing cattle as a way to
advertise your animals and to get others to see what you have. I would say
that getting very few heifers born has
had as much of an impact on showing
cattle as the economy itself for us.
What has been your biggest disappointment in the show ring?
Buessing: My biggest disappointment
in the show ring is the lack of ethics on
part of some of the exhibitors.  When
a show is over and you find out that
winning animals couldn’t pass their
ultrasound test it makes you wonder
why you went to the show.  That is
exactly what happened at Southern
National this year.  And it’s not just
this show.  Almost every show  you
go to someone is doing something
to make a cow better then they are. 
Ultimately this impacts all of us as
daughters and sons of these cows sell
for a lot of money and the buyers of
these animals will invariably end up
Haedge: My biggest disappointment in
the show ring happened at the Southern
National in April 2009. My granddaughter had won grand champion of the junior show and we had high hopes for
the open show with this cow. Many
felt we had the best cow that day but
only one man makes that decision
(the judge).
Morris: Sometimes you are disappointed by the way you placed in a
class, but that is the judge’s opinion
and I respect that. What really disappoints me is the way some adults, in
the open shows, try and take advantage of a junior by stealing a place in
the line up or trying to block the view
of the junior’s animal from the judge
in the show ring. Unfortunately this
does happen; I have had to witness it
with my own children.
Tencleve: My biggest disappointment
in the show ring didn’t happen in the
show ring. It all happened the day
when this animal calved. You see
– she was going to be the ‘one’. She
was going to be the one that everyone
come to see and coveted. But it didn’t
happen! She calved with a bull and
we took her to the Hall’s to the milking operation. She had swelling but
you could tell she had a chance to
be really good. But it was not to be!
She didn’t have a teat canal in one of
her quarters. I’ll have to admit – this
one hurt! I counted the chicks before
the eggs hatched! Now I don’t know
if she would have won as I was hoping
but the anticipation and excitement she
generated in us was enormous. We all
Int. Champ, International R&W Show
Bred by Roy Buessing
Grand Champion, TX State Show 2005
Owned by Stanley Haedge
Supreme Champ, OKC & Tulsa Fairs
Owned by Brett Morris
2nd Mid-East Fall National
Owned by Bruce Tencleve & Neil Hall
MSHN, June 2009 - PAGE 15
Roundtable Discussion From page 15
have had disappointments within the
show ring, losing when we thought we
should have won. But we also probably
won maybe when we not ought to have
as well. I guess inside the show ring we
all have had successes and failures but
as I tell people ‘judging cattle is just one
man’s opinion on one particular day’.
Every one sees cows a little different and
to me that’s OK.
In past years there have been suggestions to change some show ring
Buessing; I don’t like they idea of showing heifers by height.  If the judges place
the animals by quality and not by size,
you wouldn’t have to worry about showing by height. I have learned you can
gain so much size on the heifers just by
what you feed them starting at day one. 
By pushing them you easily can get a
couple inches in height at an early age
and they just keep going from there.  I
would like to see the cows go straight to
the ultrasound after the class is over.
If they fail to pass the ultrasound disqualify them and go with the next placing animals.  This way you don’t have
animals named champion that don’t
deserve to be there.
Haedge: I know there have been suggestions but none have worked out real
well. I do not have any ideas for change.
Only we need to depend on the integrity
of all involved.
Morris: Encourage everybody to be honest and leave things the way they are.
The change I would make is harsher
penalties to those who choose not to
abide by the rules. Really, if you have to
cheat to win, did you really win?
Tencleve: I don’t have the answer to
this question but I truly believe that
the judge can solve a lot of concerns
and frustrations within the show ring.
that sounds simple but that would go
a long way to correcting some issues. I
personally like my March calves to look
like March calves as I like my Junior
Two Year Olds to look like Junior Two
Years Olds. I do think that ultra sounding has done a really good job of slowing
down the occurrences of manipulation
of udders. It was told to me a few years
ago that that the bigger show have gotten to the point where ‘the best cheater
won’. That is terrible but with the use
of ultrasounding it has stopped or at the
very least slowed down.
Dairy Checkoff for Imports
U.S. Department of Agriculture will
apply the dairy promotion checkoff to
imported dairy products, 25 years after
the national 15 cent checkoff was first
applied to U.S.-produced milk. Jerry
Kozak, President and & CEO of NMPF
praised Agriculture Secretary Tom Vilsack for moving quickly to implement
the assessment.
USDA published a proposed rule spelling out how it will calculate and assess
the checkoff on imports. Interested
parties will have 30 days to submit
comments. The proposal will assess the
equivalent of 7.5 cent per hundredweight
on all dairy-based imports, including
cheese and butter products, as well as
dry ingredients such as casein and milk
protein concentrates. The money will be
collected by the National Dairy Board to
be used for nutrition research, consumer
education, issues management, and
other programs that build demand for
dairy consumption.
“At a time when most of the news about
the dairy economy is bad, it’s heartening to see that we have finally prevailed
in a decade-long battle to ensure a level
playing field between U.S.-made dairy
products, and imports,” said Kozak.
Building a Strong Foundation
6-11 365 2x 35,617 4.4 1602 3.0 1101
Lifetime 224,991M 9856F 7522P
Sired by Howcrest Aristides, Hannah has a
Durham and 4 Outside Milking Dtrs, a yrlg
Damion & 2 Durham bulls which are
available. She is due in October to Prentice.
2-00 365 2x 27,308 1046 837
3-10 179 2x 20,460 757 584 Inc
Glory has an awesome milking Mr. Sam
2-Yr Old and a Nov. 2008 Dundee heifer.
Glory is due in December to Sanchez.
We have a good selection of breeding age
bulls available! Give us a call!
swan-creek dairy
PAGE 16 - MSHN, June 2009
Alfred Brandt
269 Swan Creek, Linn, MO
Reasons to Get Up in the Morning
On March 25, 2009, we had a GREAT classification day.
By the time it was over, we had 13 Very Good 1st lactation cows,
4 new Excellents, and 3 which received a multiple E.
Now 3E-94!
Groves-Vu Nation Lotus 3E-94@9-2
Groves-Vu Fred Clara-ET 2E-90@9-3
Ban-View Blitz Nicole-ET 2E-91@6-0
Groves-Vu Morty Doughnut EX-90 EX-MS@5-3
Groves-Vu Derry Empress EX-90 EX-MS@5-7
Groves-Vu Caspian Etta EX-90 EX-MS@5-9
Dixie-Lee-Jons Morty Aurene VG-89 EX-MS@3-5
Dixie-Lee Morty Aloise VG-87 VG-MS@3-5
Groves-Vu Blitz Lassie-ET VG-88 EX-MS@3-3
Groves-Vu Blitz Lady-ET VG-85 VG-MS @3-3
6-09 365 2x 42,250 4.1 1742 3.1 1292
Groves-Vu Toystory Rixi-ET VG-85 VG-MS@2-5
2008 Missouri Cow of the Year
Groves-Vu Toystory Rona-ET VG-85 VG-MS@2-6 Blitz Lassie & Blitz Lady are Dtrs of Lotus.
Groves-Vu Goldwyn Delight VG-87 EX-MS@3-2
Groves-Vu Paul Latin VG-87 VG-MS@3-3
Groves-Vu S-Storm Ann-ET VG-86 VG-MS@3-2
Best-Sunrise Emilo Domino VG-85 VG-MS@2-5
Ri-Val-Re Shottle Aerial-ET VG-85 VG-MS@3-3
Groves-VU Deann Avery VG-85@2-8
Groves-Vu Goldwyn Barb-ET VG-85@3-1
Brad 417-744-2085
Todd 417-258-2384
Lonnie 417-744-2017
MSHN, June 2009 - PAGE 17
Sweet Southern Milk Maidens
Grand Champion, Fort Worth Stock Show 2008
1st 5-Yr Old, Southern Spring National 2009
Bred in May to Rock-Red. Dam is EX-93; 2nd Dam VG-88
Res. Jr Champion, Southern Spring Nat’ Jr Show 2009
Aspen X EX-92 Pro; 9 Generations of Excellent Dams!
Bred in May to Jasper
Hon. Mention All-American Jr 3-Yr Old 2008
Hon. Mention All-American Jr. 2-Yr Old 2007
Res. Grand Champion, Southern Spring Nat’l 2009
Dam is EX-92 Integrity; 2nd Dam VG GMD
Highlight. Bred in May to Rock-Red
1st Sr. 2-Yr Old, Southern Spring National Jr Show
Dam is EX; 2nd Dam EX-91; 3rd Dam Derrwyn
Selsey-Red EX-92 GMD
PAGE 18- MSHN, June 2009
All-American Red & White Jr. 2-Yr Old
Res. All-American Jr. 3-Yr Old
Bred in May to Rock-Red for a Spring 2010 calf
Junior All-American 4-Yr Old 2008
Due in August 2009 for the fall shows.
Dam EX-92; 2nd Dam EX-90
Owned with Case Hoekman
Due this summer to Laurin
Will be a big league Durham this Fall
Dam is EX-93 Jolt; 2nd Dam EX-93 Prelude
6 Generations of Excellents!
A 4-Yr Old for 2009
Due in August 2009
One of Abbi’s new show prospects!
Due August 2009
A BIGTIME Jr. 3-Yr Old
Dam is EX; 2nd Dam EX-91;
3rd Dam: Renita Ranger-Red EX-94
Thank you to Dean and Stacy Dohle for housing most
of these beauties. They are just a few that we have
available at Goldfawn in Texas or Missouri.
Nom. All-American 4 Yr Old & Nom. All-American 5-Yr Old
Grand Champ, 2007 & 2008 Southwest Nat’l Brown Swiss Show
Res. Grand Champion, Southeast National Brown Swiss 2008
At the Missouri Nat’l Brown Swiss Convention Sale in July, her
Jetway dtr due in Dec. sells along with a beautiful Denmark X
VG-87 Collection that will show. The Denmark is due Dec. 2
and carries an ultrasound Solution heifer from Vix.
Goldfawn Farm
Nate, Laurel, Adam, Ashley & Abbi Goldenberg
2714 Val Verde Rd - McGregor, TX
ph: 254.848.9584 or 254.717.7910
fax: 254.848.6702 -
MSHN, June 2009 - PAGE 19
Fresh Eggs For Sale
App s
3-08 305 2X 26,220 3.2 847 3.4 901
Dam: Carrousel RM Rolanda-ET 2E-94
6-02 365 3x 61,510 3.7 2294 2.8 1703
Lft: 1573 165,940 3.7 6186 2.9 4787
2nd D: Stelbro Renita Ranger-Red 3E-94
7-04 365 2x 29,760 3.9 1168 3.1 924
Unanimous All-American R&W 4-Yr Old
Next 3 dams: 3E 3*; VG-85; VG-85
Sex bryo
Sho yos
2-02 305 2X 23,140 3.9 910 3.5 820
Dam: Willows-Edge Stormatic Vicki VG-88
3-01 365 2x 30,070 4.0 1190 3.3 982
3rd Jr. 2-Yr Old, International Holstein Jr Show 2005
2nd D: Willows-Edge Broker Violet 2E-91
4-00 337 2x 25,140 4.5 1140 3.1 767
Next 4 dams: VG-85 Skybuck with Lft 265,070M; VG-86 Inspiration;
EX-92 Pete & VG-86 Conductor
PAGE 20 - MSHN, June 2009
Glen Breshears
Glen Breshears, age 88, of Halfway, Missouri passed away February 24, 2009, at Parkview Healthcare Center in Bolivar, MO.
He was born December 10, 1920, in Goodson, Missouri.
Mr. Breshears grew up near Goodson and graduated from
Emma D High School in 1938. He was the fifth generation of
Breshears to farm in Polk County. In 1942, during World War
II, he entered the Army. He took Jesus as his Savior at home
shortly before leaving for the service. He was a member of the
Goodson Missonary Baptist Church.
Glen married Pat Love on October 5, 1946 and they celebrated their 60th wedding anniversary in 2006. Mr. Breshears
put his life into his farm and his family. He started with a few
head of cattle and gradually built up a herd of registered Holstein cattle. He had an artificial insemination service.
The Breshears had five children; Patty, Randy, Jane, and
twins Terry and Kerry. Preceding him in death were his parents, wife, son Kerry Glen, three brothers and four sisters.
Funeral Services were held February 27, 2009 at Butler
Funeral Home Chapel, Bolivar, Mo. Memorial contributions
may be made to the Goodson Missionary Baptist Church or
the Mt. View Cemetery at Polk.
herd, which resulted in some of the most notable animals in
the farm’s history. He was active in Dairy Herd Improvement
Association, both on a local and national level, and in particular the National DHIA Scholarship program. He was also
an active member in the Missouri Holstein Association. He
enjoyed hunting and the outdoors; this love stemmed from his
childhood. He always wanted everything done in the best possible way, and he thought everything out to the last detail.
In addition to his wife, he is survived by son Eric, daughters Monica and Kelsey, and granddaughter Monique, all of
Springfield; his mother, a brother and sister, two nieces, an
aunt, two uncles and numerous cousins.
Services were held March 30 at the Greenlawn North in
Springfield. Memorial contributions can be made to the Alton
J. Ling Agricultural Scholarship Fund. Memorials may be sent
to 4612 E Farm Road 116, Springfield, MO  65802
Alton J. Ling
Alton J. Ling, 52, a longtime resident
of Springfield, Missouri died March
24, after a lengthy battle with cancer. 
He was born on February 12, 1957, in
Greensboro, Vermont, the son of Fred
and Dorothy (White) Ling.  He graduated from Hazen Union School, Vermont
Technical College, and the University of
On May 14, 1983, he married Janice Thomson, and together they have operated the Robthom Farm in Springfield,
Missouri.  Mr. Ling continued to develop the genetics in the
Homer Spencer
Homer Lee Spencer, 65, Brighton, Mo., passed away Tuesday,
March 10, 2009. Mr. Spencer was born November 23, 1943.
He was united in marriage to Judy Hillenburg on November
23, 1962, in Pleasant Hope, Mo., and they had one daughter,
Meleah Lynn Spencer. Mr. Spencer loved the Lord which he
often expressed through the enjoyment of song and praise. He
was a member of Ebenezer United Methodist Church. Homer
deeply loved his girls - his wife, Judy and he shared a special
bond with his daughter, Meleah.. He thoroughly enjoyed life to
the fullest, always ready for a good time, which involved outdoor parties with family, friends and Elvis music. He used his
quick wit to make you laugh and by his example showed the
meaning of hard work, determination, and responsibility.
He was preceded in death by his parents and a brother.
He is survived by his wife, Judy of the home; daughter, Meleah
of Springfield, Mo.
Funeral services were held March 14, 2009. Memorial gifts
may be made to Ebenezer United Methodist Church.
2009 Oklahoma State Sale
2009 Kansas State Sale
Oklahoma State Sale
High Seller, Sooner Morty Dot
Oklahoma State Sale 2nd High
Seller, Regancrest-BH Tazeen
The Oklahoma State Sale was held Thursday, April 9 in
Stillwater, Oklahoma. The sale averaged $2,910.64 and was
sponsored by the Oklahoma Holstein Association.
Todd Mason & Norman Bayless, Kingfisher, OK
Sooner Morty Dot $15,500
S: Stouder Morty
(Oklahoma State University, Stillwater, OK)
Kline Jones, Hico, TX
Regancrest-BH Tazeen-ET
S: Markwell Kite-ET
(Regancrest & Butz-Hill Holsteins)
Janice Ling, Springfield, MO
Kellogg-Bay Advt Sally 1-ET
S: KHW Kite Advent-Red-ET
(Mason Dairy Farm, Kingfisher, OK)
Tad Chapman, Muleshoe, TX
Dyks Advent Rachel-Red-ET
S: KHW Kite Advent-Red-ET
(Alan Dykshorn, Ireton, IA)
Casey George, Baldwin City, KS
Ms Goldenspike Talent Pat-ET
S: Ladino Park Talent
(Brett & Brandon Esau, Beatrice, NE)
Kansas State Sale High Seller,
Kingsmill Ashlyns Audrey-ET
Kansas State Sale 2nd High
Seller, Miss Rossis Rosette
The Kansas State Sale was held on March 19, 2009 in
Hutchinson, Kansas. The Holsteins averaged $3,443 on 55
head and the 9 Jerseys averaged $3,289. The sale was managed by Massey Sales Service and sponsored by the Kansas
Holstein Association.
Ehrhardt Farms, Baldwin, Maryland
Kingsmill Ashlyns Audrey-ET
S: Comestar Stormatic
(Kingsmill Farm II, Durham, North Carolina
Robert Yeoman & Starmark Farms, Dover, OK
Miss Rossis Rosette
S: Braedale Goldwyn
(Kalli Keen & Nathan Iager, Baldwin City, KS)
June is
MSHN, June 2009 - PAGE 21
Juniors - Jot it Down...
2009 Southern Spring National Jr Show
Grand & Senior. Champion:
1st 4-Yr Old Cow, Desthaven Skyfame Jenna
London Jones, Hico, TX
Res. Grand & Res. Senior Champion:
1st Aged Cow, Three C Durham 16-02
Nicole Hoff, Windthorst
Intermediate Champion:
1st Sr. 3-Yr Old, Lin Max Redman RokChok-ET
Christian Buessing, Axtell, KS
Best Bred & Owned & Res. Intermediate Champion:
1st Jr. 3-Yr Old, Hoff-Hill Persia Mandy
Nicole Hoff, Windthorst, TX
Junior Champion:
1st Fall Yrlg, C-Cove Allegiance Bonsai
Casey George, Baldwin City, KS
Res. Junior Champion:
1st Winter Yearling, Ms Goldfawn Aspn Canda-ET
Abbi Goldenberg, McGregor, TX
Junior Champion Best Bred & Owned:
1st Fall Heifer, Miss-Long-Green TD Kendra
Brittnay George, Baldwin City, KS
2009 All-Texas Junior Show
Grand & Senior Champion:
1st Aged Cow, Three C Durham 16-02
Nicole Hoff, Windthorst
Res. Grand & Intermediate Champion:
1st Sr. 2-Yr Old, Ms Savage-Leigh Tammy-ET
Katy Koster, Comanche
Res. Senior Champion:
1st 5-Yr Old, Hoff-Hill Durham Dena
Nicole Hoff, Windthorst
Best Bred & Owned & Res. Intermediate Champion:
1st Jr. 3-Yr Old, Hoff-Hill Persia Mandy
Nicole Hoff, Windthorst
Junior Champion:1st Fall Yrlg,Arethusa Anticipation Heidi
Kline Jones, Hico
Res. Junior Champion:
1st Winter Yrlg, Greenlea Adv Carol-Red-ET
Kryssi Pina, Lingleville
Junior Showmanship: Adam Hoff
Senior Showmanship: Kline Jones
PAGE 22 - MSHN, June 2009
Top left picture: Res. Grand Champion & Grand Champion of the
Southern Spring National Junior Show; Middle picture: Southern
Spring National Junior Champion; Right picture: Best Bred &
Owned of the show.
Kansas Jr Champions
Kansas Int. Champions
2009 All-Kansas Junior Show
Grand Champion & Int. Champ:
1st Sr 3-Yr Old, Miss-Long-Green Alarm-ET,
Casey George, Baldwin City
Res. Grand Champ & Senior Champion:
1st 5 Yr Old, Miss Rubens Sandy, Andy Klassen, Hillsboro
Res Senior Champion:
100,000 Lb Cow, Poor Richs Encore Dynamite,
Colton Buessing, Axtell
Res. Intermediate Champion:
2nd Sr 3 Yr Old, Lin Max Redman RocChok-ET,
Christian Buessing, Axtell
Junior Champion:
1st Fall Yrlg, C-Cove Allegiance Bonsai,
Casey George, Baldwin City
Res. Junior Champion:
1st Spring Yrlg, Miss-Long-Green Fargo,
Brittnay George, Baldwin City
2009 Arkansas Dairy
Royalty Crowned
The Arkansas Dairy Princess contest was held May
1, 2009 in Little Rock. April
Quattlebaum, the daughter
of Mike & Shelly Quattlebaum of Grady, was selected as the Dairy Princess.
Chosen Junior Miss was
Katherine Kurz and Little
Miss was Carlee Summerford.
President: Bruce Tencleve
2009 Arkansas Membership
Chris Acre
260 Hwy 25 N
Greenbrier, AR 72058
ADCA c/o Floyd Wiedower
PO Box 507, Damascus, AR 72039
Arkansas Department of Correction
PO Box 500, Grady, AR 71644
Ryan Anglin
5985 SW Anglin Road
Bentonville, AR 72712
John Beeman
22438 Harper Lane, Gentry, AR 72734
Monica Colbert
17243 Hwy 412, Alpena, AR 72611
Crawleys Valley View Farm, LLC
13585 Crawley Road
Gravette, AR 72736
Rick Crunkleton
899 Hwy 206
Everton, AR 72633
David Daniel
2470 Cimmaron Ave.
Springdale, AR 72762
Fisher Dairy
232 Ridge Road, Beebe, AR 72012
Fulacre Dairy Farm, Inc.
17243 Hwy 412, Alpena, AR 72611
Anthony Fultz
17243 Hwy 412, Alpena, AR 72611
David Fultz
17243 Hwy 412, Alpena, AR 72611
Mark Fultz
17243 Hwy 412, Alpena, AR 72611
Lawrence Geels
444 Ahne Road, Scranton, AR 72863
Kenneth Hall
173 County Line Road
Clinton, AR 72031
Jerry Hall
739 Oak Tree Road
Damascus, AR 72039
Neil Hall
194 Ed Bryant Road
Clinton, AR 72031
Wade Hall
962 Austin Road Clinton, AR 72031
Marvin Helms
939 Helms Road
Arkadelphia, AR 71923
Vice-President: Susan Fisher
Sec/Treas: Shelly Quattlebaum
Doug Herbaugh
11124 Keller Road
Centerton, AR 72719
Dr. Wayne Kellogg
709 Maria, Springdale, AR 72762
Jimmy Looper
4430 Nickletown Road
Greenwood, AR 72936
Billy Ray Mainer Jr.
208 Little Bend Road
Branch, AR 72928
Doug Miller
4688 Amity RoadPearcy, AR 71964
Hamlee Moon
183 White Road Rose Bud, AR 72137
Mitchell Moon
183 White Road Rose Bud, AR 72137
Donna Pennington
881 Waller Road
Bee Branch, AR 72013
Dr. Jodie Pennington
PO Box 391, Little Rock, AR 72203
Doyne Potts
890 Leonard Street
Batesville, AR 72503
Juanda Prelle
24916 Hunters Road
Gravette, AR 72736
Lance Pruitt
450 Happy Road, Clinton, AR 72031
Mike Quattlebaum
PO Box 337, Grady, AR 71644
Shelly Quattlebaum
PO Box 337, Grady, AR 71644
Alan Robberson
11157 Alpha Road
Dardanelle, AR 72836
Robberson Dairy, Inc.
12195 Gum Springs Road
Dardanelle, AR 72836
Bill Rowland
8757 Hwy 43 South
Harrison, AR 72601
David Shekels
5729 Fred Walker Road
Harrison, AR 72601
Greg Smith
10061 S. Hwy 43, Gentry, AR 72734
Bill Smith
4791 Tippitt Road
Carlisle, AR 72024
James Smith
4735 Tippitt Road
Carlisle, AR 72024
PO Box 9418
Magnolia, AR 71754-9418
Bob Spears
13360 Rheas Mill Road
Farmington, AR 72730
Randy Spears
19194 West Hwy 16
Fayetteville, AR 72704
Ricky Strain
3000 Rose Bud Road
Quitman, AR 72131
Gary Stubblefield
2542 Skeets Road
Branch, AR 72928
Jim Summerfield
24954 Hunters Road
Gravette, AR 72736
Brandt Tencleve
2060 Ellsworth Road
Subiaco, AR 72865
Bruce Tencleve
13008 Cherry Laurel
Little Rock, AR 72203
Tim Tencleve
5218 E. State Hwy 197
Scranton, AR 72863
Adrian Weisenfels
8961 N. State Hwy 393
Scranton, AR 72863
Brian Weisenfels
8817 N. State Hwy 393
Scranton, AR 72863
Charles Weisenfels
8817 N. State Hwy 393,
Scranton, AR 72863
Dr. Ralph Williams
25301 Jones Drive,
Little Rock, AR 72203
MSHN, June 2009 - PAGE 23
President: Roy Buessing
Jeff Allison
1191 Sunset Road, Delphos, KS 67436
Darren Benfer
1032 4th Road, Longford, KS 67458
David Benfer
1025 4th Road, Longford, KS 67458
Mike Bodenhausen
8593 Bourbon Road
Muscotah, KS 66058-2283
Ryan Bodenhausen
2545 294th Road Muscotah, KS
Phineas D. Borntrager
23444 NW Indiana Road
Welda, KS 66091
Mike & Sherrie Bray
967 E 1500 Road Lawrence, KS 66046
Brent Buessing
2130 E Road, Baileyville, KS 66404
Roger & Roy Buessing
1083 29th Road, Axtell, KS 66403
Vernice Buessing
335 US Hwy 36, Baileyville, KS 66404
Russ Bunnel
16118 SW Maryland Road
Welda, KS 66091
Kenneth Burgess
9814 N Nickerson Road
Nickerson, KS 67561
Elred Burkhart
606 El Dorado Drive
Hutchinson, KS 67502-8416
Dallas Burton
PO Box 7, 5001 SE Dupont
Berryton, KS 66409
Ed Call
2401 Timberland Drive,
Manhattan, KS 66502
Rex Carmichael
9542 N 135 St W
Sedgwick, KS 67135-9649
Kyle Coe
1127 286th Road Soldier, KS 66540
Andrew Deters
3038 Ridge Road,
Vermillion, KS 66544
PAGE 24 - MSHN, June 2009
2009 Kansas Membership
Vice-President: David Rottinghaus
Matt Deters
2251 D Road, Baileyville, KS 66404
Vernon DeWerff
RR 2 Box 142, Ellinwood, KS 67526
Wayne DeWerff
218 SE 100 Avenue,
Ellinwood, KS 67526
Dick Dunham
2412 Rogers Blvd
Manhattan, KS 66502
Keith Engle
1541 Flag Road, Abilene, KS 67410
Doug & Ilene Enneking
972 80th Road, Centralia, KS 66415
Doug & Lois Enneking
2808 N Road, Bern, KS 66408
Lauren Enns
RR 3 Box 20, Hillsboro, KS 67063
Brian Fast
18419 West Dutch Avenue
Moundridge, KS 67107
Kevin Fast
16334 West Dutch Avenue
Moundridge, KS 67107
Robert Fast
17901 West Dutch Avenue
Moundridge, KS 67107
Doug Fellers
Plum Street, Hays, KS 67601
Edmond Fellers
1762 B 250th Ave, Hays, KS 67601
Kurtis Forsberg
2444 E Mentor Road,
Assaria, KS
Gary & Lynda Foster
1037 Hwy 39, Fort Scott, KS 66701
Daniel Friedrich
431 N Lincoln, Erie, KS 66733
Kevin Friess
209 S 5th, Conway Springs, KS 67031
Al Funk
14629 206th Street
Nortonville, KS 66060-4007
Ivan Gabbert
21255 East 500 Road,
Prescott, KS
James Gabbert
3726 Read Road, Prescott, KS 66767
Laurie Gabbert
3726 Read Road, Prescott, KS 66767
Shirley Louise Gabbert
3726 Read Road, Prescott, KS 66767
Sec/Treas: Kerri Ebert
Eugene George
918 E 1500 Road
Baldwin City, KS 66006
Douglas Gudenkauf
2204 J Road, Seneca, KS66538
Donald Haverkamp
1827 US 75 Hwy, Fairview, KS 785-467-8177
Mervin Headings
2401 West Mills Avenue
Hutchinson, KS 67501
George Heershe
127 Pine, Mulvane, KS 67110
Melvin Heiman
423 132nd Road
Baileyville, KS 66404
Melvin Heinen
1403 120th Road, Seneca, KS 66538
Wayne Hermesch
1353 131st , Seneca, KS 66538
Kevin Holton
20720 Kansas Avenue
Tonganoxie, KS 66086-5011
John Houk
16733 K-16 Hwy, Oskaloosa, KS
David Jons
17341 158th Street
Bonner Springs, KS 66012
Brian Kaufman
1789 Buckskin Road
Moundridge, KS 67107-7487
Warren Kaufman
661 18th Avenue,
McPherson, KS 67460
Carol Keen
442 E 1250 Road,
Baldwin City, KS 66006
Dale Klassen
922 E 240th,
Hillsboro, KS 67063-3390
Lloyd Klassen
2460 Hwy K 15, Hillsboro, KS 67063
Gene Knackstedt
675 Chisolm Road, Inman, KS 67546
Kendall Knackstedt
730 Chisholm Road,
Inman, KS 67546
Rob & Lisa Leach
PO Box 117, Linwood, KS66052
William Leavitt
6238 Powell Road
Mound City, KS 66056
Julie Lee
c/o Robert Siemens
Halstead, KS
Brent Lehman
5309 Meridian Road,
Newton, KS 67114
Byron Lehman
5308 Meridian Road,
Newton, KS 67114
Arnold Lohmeyer
1221 Second Road,
Palmer, KS
Robert Lowe
3717 Wattles Road,
Prescott, KS 66767
Charles McKee
31646 N Road, Wetmore, KS 66550
Bernard Meng
612 Paul Street, Troy, KS 66087
Norman Meng
1508 210th Road, Troy, KS 66087
Richard Meyer
2613 S Road. Sabetha, KS 66534
Chuck Mueller
15126 W US 50, Halstead, KS 67056
Donald Mueller
PO Box 62, Tampa, KS 67483- 0062
Maxine Mueller
1216 350th, Tampa, KS 67483-7037
Ronald Mueller
PO Box 88, 202 W 2nd
Tampa, KS 67483
David Myers
1120 Eden Road, Abilene, KS 67410
Laverne Myers
1089 Eden Road Abilene, KS 67410
Elmer Nisly
3711 S Herren Road
Hutchinson, KS 67501
Melvin H. Nisly
5307 S Dean Road
Hutchinson, KS 67501
Keith Olson
278 S 1000 Road
Alta Vista, KS 66834-9407
Gary & Diane Ossenkop
15100 East A Street
Lincoln, NE 68520
Jim & Ethan Pauly
22601 W 71st Street S
Viola, KS 67149
George Phillips
21763 W4 Road
Holton, KS 66436-8456
Frank Pretz
35101 Moonlight Road
Osawatomie, KS 66064
George Pretz
33961 Cedar Niles Road
Paola, KS
George W. Pretz
34330 Lookout Road
Osawatomie, KS 66064
Ron & Christy Ratliff
23474 NW 1700 Road
Garnett, KS 66032
Dwight Rokey
2021 F Road, Sabetha, KS 66534
David Rottinghaus
2161 L Road, Seneca, KS66538
Don Rottinghaus
13004 Balentine
Overland Park, KS 66213
Jerry Rottinghaus
1005 Castle, Seneca, KS 66538
Walter Rottinghaus
1055 168th Road, Seneca, KS 66538
Joe Schmitz
2912 Limestone Road,
Axtell, KS 66403
Richard Scoby
1702 Graceland Drive
Sabetha, KS 66534
Robert Seiler
13501 W 85th N
Valley Center, KS67147
Dee Ann Shuck
4727 Georgia Terrace
Ottawa, KS 66067
Travis Shuck
Box 962, Boise City, OK 73933
Cynthia Siemens
9911 SW 36th, Halstead, KS 67056
David Siemens
524 Santa Fe, Halstead, KS 67056
Robert Siemens
9911 SW 36th, Halstead, KS 67056
Dennis Simon
4961 S Maize Road
Clearwater, KS 67026
Curtis Steenbock
881 3rd Road, Longford, KS 67458
Kent Sterk
470 E 130th, Newton, KS 67114
Clinton, Curtis, and John Strahm
1732 208th Road, Bern, KS 66408
Kyle Strahm
1969 200th Road, Sabetha, KS 66534
Steve Strickler
PO Box 365, Iola, KS 66749
Doug Unruh
6917 N Oliver Road,
Walton, KS 67151
Hendrika Vos
506 EF Road, Cedar Point, KS 66843
David Whitehill
2307 281st Road Latham, KS 67072
Kevin Winter
2364 Hwy K 15, Hillsboro, KS 67063
Jeff Woods
1230 N Westfield Road
Madison, WI 53717
Wheatland Ag, Inc.
410 N. Lincoln
Bennington, KS 67422
MSHN, June 2009 - PAGE 25
President: Fritz Hegeman
Northeast Central District
2009 Missouri Membership
Billy & Diana Adams
3863 Saratoga Ct., Fulton, MO 65251
(573) 592-7604
* Zachary
Eric Adkins
7403 W. Country Hill Rd A,
Columbia, MO 65202
(573) 819-8585
Harlan & Judy Borman
4704 County Road 240,
Kingdom City, MO 65262
(573) 642-2767
Tim & Kelly Borman
2649 State Rd FF,
Kingdom City, MO 65262
(573) 592-7466 * Brady
Alfred Brandt
269 Swan Creek Lane,
Linn, MO 65051
(573) 897-2120
David Buckman
10836 Monroe Rd. 1050,
Moberly, MO 65270
(630) 240-5419
John & Beverly Denbigh
9617 W. Hwy 40, Columbia, MO 65202
(573) 445-1275
Mary Ann Echelmeier
4651 St. Rd. HH, Fulton, MO, 65251
(573) 592-0748
Steve & Kim Echelmeier
1818 CR 360, Fulton, MO 65251
(573) 592-0487
Tim & Casey Echelmeier
4339 St. Rd. HH, Fulton, MO 65251
(573) 642-9221
* Burke, Tyler
Echo-L Inc.
4651 St. Rd. HH, Fulton, MO 65251
(573) 219-1883
Derek & Anaise England
RR1 Box 101, Edina, MO 63537
(660) 397-4101
* Tom, Dan, John
T. Jason Ewing
3965 S. Rangeline Road,
Columbia, MO 65201
(417) 286-3705
Kate Geppert
5803 Redwing Drive,
Columbia, MO 65202
(573) 814-3148
Mike Hackmann
10222 Hwy D, Marthasville, MO 63357
(636) 433-2494
* Nora
PAGE 26 - MSHN, June 2009
Vice-President: Alfred Brandt
Paul & Cindy Heins
9788 Highway T,
Higginsville, MO 64037
(660) 584-7862
Larry Hoelscher
5410 Wardsville Rd,
Jefferson City, MO 65101
(573) 635-9960
Loren Huber
Rt 1, Box 1-H, Baring, MO 63531
(660) 892-1308
Betty Jackson
210 Mona St.,
New Cambria, MO 63558
(660) 226-5663
* Charlotte, Nancy
Wayne Kleekamp
6099 Evergreen Lane,
Villa Ridge, MO 63089
(636) 742-4981
Melissa Kron
202 Amazon Dr., Columbia, MO
(502) 905-1250
Bruce Lenz
22480 Gilbreath Road,
Prairie Home, MO 65068
(660) 427-5386
Chris Lenz
21335 Reavis Woods Rd,
Prairie Home, MO 65068
(660) 427-5482
David & James Lenz
16039 Lone Grove,
Bunceton, MO 65237
(660) 427-5476
Richard & Ann Lenz
625 Sonya Dr, Boonville, MO 65233
(660) 537-0181
Kennny,Kevin & Randal Lenz 18300 Blanck Rd,
Boonville, MO 65233
(660) 838-6421
LongView Animal Nutrition Center
100 Danforth Drive
Gray Summitt, MO 63039
(636) 742-0103 ext 6179
Dennis Martin
RR3, Box 78, Memphis, MO 63555
(660) 328-6234
Lynn & Sara Martin
36865 Bethel Church Rd.,
Fortuna, MO 65034
(660) 337-6578
Wilson Martin
RR2 Box 89, Memphis, MO 63555
(660) 216-3558
Missouri Dairy Association
1954 Sumter Ridge Court,
Chesterfield, MO 63017
(636) 519-9300
Sec/Treas: Jodi Wright
Curvin & Ada Nolt
RR2 Box 125, Memphis, MO 63555
(660) 328-6215
Lynnford Oberholtzer
Rt. 1, Box 3, Rutledge, MO 63563
(660) 883-5610
Crystal Rademacher
1484 Hwy Y, Owensville, MO 65066
(573) 437-6565
*Colton, Mackenzie, Harm
Isaac Sauder
36521 Twin Hollow,
Latham, MO 65050
(660) 458-6534
Keith Schwinke
1019 El Dorado Drive,
Jefferson City, MO 65101
(573) 619-4523
Barry Steevens
134 ASRC; UMC Dairy Extension,
Columbia, MO 65211
(573) 882-3459
Brian Terhaar
4623 Co Rd 304, Fulton, MO 65251
(573) 592-0401
University of Missouri
9601 W Hwy 40, Columbia, MO 65202
(573) 445-4009
Leon Vanderfeltz
3015 Militia Dr. #3,
Jefferson City, MO 65101
(573) 636-8705
Weber Dairy Farm, Inc.
8100 Weber Dairy Rd.,
Dittmer, MO 63023
(636) 285-4518
Raymond Zerr
8759 Co. Rd. 151,
Williamsburg, MO 63388
(573) 254-3568
* Meagan & Thomas Ley
5385 St. Johns Road,
Villa Ridge, MO 63089
(636) 239-7008
*Alicia & David Ley
2464 Four Mile Rd,
Washington, MO 63090
(636) 239-2767
* Trent & Claire Ludwig
1150 Hwy 50 West, Linn MO 65051
(573) 338-6000
Northwest District
Darrin Adwell
PO Box 136, 124 N. Central Ave.,
Ravenwood, MO 64479
(660) 937-2230
Don Adwell
39879 277th Street,
Ravenwood, MO 64479
(660) 937-2647
Dallas & Debby Cornelius
2700 NE St. Rt. Z, Easton, MO 64443
(816) 667-5692
* Zac, Holly
Dylan Grant
708 W. Harris, Hamilton, MO 64644
(816) 284-3127
Kirby Hanson
20742 Falcon Trail,
Graham, MO 64455
(660) 939-4351
Hardy Farms
12170 June Dr, Browning, MO 64630
(660) 244-3542 *
Colton, Tawnya, Laura, Derrek
Dan & Fran Hegeman
18739 Cty Rd 294, Cosby, MO 64436
(816) 662-2645
* Hannah, Joseph, Heidi, Joshua
Don & Joan Hegeman
18519 State Rt O, Cosby, MO 64436
(816) 378-2027
Fritz & Jennifer Hegeman
18833 Cty Rd 294, Cosby, MO 64436
(816) 662-2303
* Phillip, Lillie
Adam Nold
15986 CR 261, Clarksdale, MO 64430
(816) 369-2504
Chad Nold
15986 CR 261, Clarksdale, MO 64430
(816) 369-2504
Neal & Tracy Nold
15986 CR 261, Clarksdale, MO 64430
(816) 369-2504
* Brandon
Northwest MO State Univ
Ray Ashbaugh/Dr. Dennis Padgett
113 Volk Bldg - 800 University Dr,
Maryville, MO 64468
(660) 562-1155
South Central District
Don & RaMona Andrus
Rt 1 Box 86A, Cabool , MO 65689
(417) 962-3200 * Brandon Andrus
Mark & Jeanette Argall
Route 1, Box 33, Noble, MO 65715
(417) 265-3770
Adam Bennett
5050 Chadwell Rd,
Norwood, MO 65717
Michael & Hope Best
1631 Indian Creek Rd.,
Houston, MO 65483
(417) 967-4085
Richard & Shirley Best
6340 Lilly Rd, Houston, MO 65483
(417) 967-2465
Carol Brooks
8569 Gourley Road.,
Mountain Grove, MO 65711
(417) 926-3258
Charles & Susan Brooks
8613 Gourley Rd.,
Mountain Grove, MO 65711
(417) 926-7407
* Charles II, Amanda
Darriel & Debra Brooks
24728 Upton Dr., Richland, MO 65556
(417) 532-9769
Julie Brown
3892 Hwy 95,
Mountain Grove, MO 65711
(417) 926-3596
Heinz & Vroni Buff
RR 1, Box 422, Ava, MO 65608
(417) 683-4978
* Adrian, Christina, Sandra, Kathrin
Dan & Sally Burd
9329 Hwy 38, Graff, MO 65660
(417) 668-1007 * Ross, Susan, John
James & Novalee Coats
10901 Lone Pine Rd.
Mountain Grove MO
65711 (
417) 926-4753
Tom & Karen Coats
9902 Willow Rd, Mountain Grove, MO 65711
(417) 926-5028 *Lindsay, Whitney
Lance Davidson
7353 E. Farm Rd 84,
Strafford, MO 65757
(417) 736-2574
Candy Durst
7126 Hwy M, Huggins, MO 65484
(417) 260-0439 candyld@yahoo,com
Crissy Durst
7126 Hwy M, Huggins, MO 65484
(417) 217-2143 candyld@yahoo,com
Tom & Becky Durst
7600 Hwy. M, Huggins, MO 65484
(417) 926-3301 * Gus
Donald Ely
6693 Ely Rd, Hartville, MO 65667
(417) 830-7530
David & Rhonda Gray
1167 Hart Rd, Macomb, MO 65702
(417) 746-4420
* Alisha,
Christian, Jonah
Phillip & Nancy Hamner
905 Potters Rd,
Willow Springs, MO 65793
(417) 962-5941
Frank Haynam
7077 Grimes Mill Dr.,
Mountain Grove, MO 65711
(417) 668-5898
William & Theresa Henning
15683 Hwy B, Lebanon, MO 65536
(417) 532-3009
Donald & Claudia Hodges
HCR 69 Box 47, Oldfield, MO 65720
(417) 683-3437
* Dustin
Tara Kocher
905 Potters Rd,
Willow Springs, MO 65793
(417) 962-5941 goldendream96@
Wes & Amy Lebahn
2423 Clouse Rd, Mansfield, MO 65704
(417) 924-2044
James Little
9928 Co. Rd. 3460,
Mountain View, MO 65548
(417) 934-6908
Joe McClellan
3577 Co Rd 5360,
Willow Springs, MO 65793
(417) 469-4279
* Audrey, Katelyn, Hope
Travis & Sheryl McGowan
Rt 2 Box 437, Norwood, MO 65717
(417) 746-4151
* Ty, Emma, Max
Cody Nelson
PO Box 69,
Mountain Grove, MO 65711
(417) 926-9521
Justin Nelson
PO Box 69,
Mountain Grove, MO 65711
(417) 926-9521
Michael Nelson
9015 Orchard Rd.,
Grovespring, MO 65662
(417) 462-7801 * Steven
Michael & Gail Newton
4048 Newton Pass Rd,
Mansfield, MO 65704
(417) 741-6671
Ted & Pam Probert
3845 Hwy AB, Mansfield, MO 65704
(417) 924-8574
Michelle Ramaeker
3210 Pin Oak Rd,
Mountain Grove , MO 65711
(417) 926-2679
Tommy & Andrea Scrivner
Rt. 7  Box 7123, Ava, MO 65608
(417) 683-6684
* Kylie, Zach
Ron & DyAnna Shaver
5048 Fox Hollow Rd.,
Norwood, MO 65717
(417) 746-4342 * Sheldon
Harold & Linda Storck
218 Lacross St., Lebanon, MO 65536
(417) 532-4933
Leland & SandyThornhill
8101 Thornhill Dr.,
Mountain Grove, MO 65711
(417) 926-4015* Timothy
MSHN, June 2009 - PAGE 27
Patty Thornhill Pena
8101 Thornhill Dr,
Mountain Grove, MO 65711
(417) 926-4015
Johnny & Carol Watterson
951 Old Hwy 5, Mansfield, MO 65704
(417) 924-8119
Shannon Watterson
951 Old Hwy 5, Mansfield, MO 65704
(417) 924-8124
Southeast District
David & Cathy Hemmann
11797 US Hwy 61, Jackson, MO 63755
(573) 833-6498
* Kyle, Emma
Melinda Morrison 373 Goldfinch Ln.,
Perryville, MO 63775
John & Teri Schoen
447 Co. Rd. 519,
Oak Ridge, MO 63769
(573) 833-6417
* Corvin
Marvin Schoen
339 Co. Rd. 519,
Oak Ridge, MO 63769
(573) 833-6939
Matthew Schoen
447 Co. Rd. 519
Oak Ridge, MO 63769
(573) 833-6417
Cliff Strieker
1310 Cherokee, Jackson, MO 63755
(573) 243-1969
Southwest District
Ryan & Mary Angelo
10957 N. Farm Rd. 235,
Fair Grove, MO 65648
(417) 759-7913 * Mikala
Boyd Brothers
1851 Hwy KK, Bolivar, MO 65613
(417) 267-2452
Gary & Ann Briley
40 Summit Rd, Buffalo, MO 65622
(417) 345-6338
Michael Buckwalter
9290 Burton Branch Rd,
Bucyrus, MO 65444
(417) 967-9293
Kenneth & Marilyn Calvin
9899 Lawrence1107,
Mt. Vernon, MO 65712
(417) 466-7674
College of the Ozarks
PO Box 17, Point Lookout, MO 65726
(417) 334-6411 ext 3353:
Bob & Geraldine Cook
950 Box School Loop,
Seymour, MO 65746
(417) 935-4446
PAGE 28 - MSHN, June 2009
Greg & Jacque Cook
1342 Box School Loop,
Seymour, MO 65746
(417) 935-4022
* Josh, Sarah
Travis & Heather Cook
1786 Box School Loop,
Seymour, MO 65746
(417) 935-2337 * Caleb & Mabel
Ernest & Mary Cowherd
6923 FR 2115, Purdy, MO 65734
(417) 442-3369
Matt Day 5024 Long Hwy Y, Conway, MO 65632
(717) 658-4515
Ken & Karla Deaver
5472 Lawrence 2100,
Stotts City, MO 65756
(417) 285-4402
Ron & Patty DeLong
1094 Elm Springs Rd,
Marionville, MO 65705
(417) 258-7550
Dean & Stacy Dohle
1936 E. 515th Rd, Halfway, MO 65663
(417) 267-6714
Earl Dotson
24462 Lawrence 2160,
Marionville, MO 65705
(417) 258-7663
Jule & Judy Dotson
15573 Lawrence 1230,
Marionville, MO 65705
(417) 689-2187
Marc Edmondson
HCR 64 Box 6812,
Cassville, MO 65625
(417) 847-4216
Richard Ewing
162 New Hope Rd,
Fordland, MO 65652
(417) 753-3094
Richard & Sandra Foster
Rt 1 Box 70, Weaubleau, MO 65774
(417) 327-5357
William & Veronica Gatton
19220 Hwy J, Conway, MO 65632
(417) 589-0283 * Audrey
Brett & Jessica Gatton-Dixon
10696 State Hwy CC,
Conway, MO 65632
(417) 844-7217
James & Karla Grimm
16512 Lawrence 1210,
Aurora, MO 65605
(417) 258-7761
Brad & Gail Groves
2937 State Hwy 413,
Billings, MO 65610
(417) 744-2085
* Taylor, Kiera
Lonnie Groves
3394 State Hwy 413,
Billings, MO 65610
(417) 744-2017
Todd & Sheila Groves
143 Barnett Rd, Billings, MO 65610
(417) 258-2384
* Brittany, Grant, Bailey
Kenny & Dawn Keith
124 Grand Prairie Dr.,
Willard, MO 65781
(417) 742-0116 * Maddie Rose
Clejo King
3898 Mt. Carmel Rd.,
Clever, MO 65631
(417) 743-2147
Dallas Kirby
9052 N. Kirby Lane,
Fair Grove, MO 65648
(417) 759-7447
Matthew Kirby
9052 N. Kirby Lane,
Fair Grove, MO 65648
(417) 759-7447
Stanley & Debbie Kirby
9052 N. Kirby Lane,
Fair Grove, MO 65648
(417) 759-7447
Janice Ling
4612 E. Farm Rd. 116,
Springfield, MO 65802
(417) 880-7765
* Kelsey
Eric Ling
4612 E. Farm Rd. 116,
Springfield, MO 65802
(417) 880-9939
Jeanne Luttrell
1958 S. Farm Rd 87,
Springfield, MO 65802
(417) 732-1554
* Dustin, Kristin
Don & Vicky McCullough
143 Route MM, Ash Grove, MO 65604
(417) 751-2032
Jeff & Kim McCullough
141 Route MM, Ash Grove, MO 65604
(417) 751-9504 kim-mccullough@
* Carson, Nolan
Frank & Julie McLean
7666 W. Farm Rd 156,
Republic, MO 65738
(417) 862-6667
* Jessilyn
James & Ruth McLean
8029 W. Farm Rd 156,
Republic, MO 65738
(417) 732-2430
Allen Miller
7368 Lawrence 1010,
LaRussell, MO 64848
(417) 437-5825
John & Dawna Miller
600 W. Main,
Walnut Grove, MO 65770
(417) 788-2645 * Trent
Nathan & Jess Miller
11264 N Farm Rd 33,
Walnut Grove, MO 65770
(417) 818-3695
Mike Monger
16877 Hwy A, Phillipsburg, MO 65722
(417) 589-2077
Rich Morgan
6849 E. Morgan Lane,
Joplin, MO 64804
(417) 781-4391
Paul & Melinda Needham
1666 E. 405th Rd., Bolivar, MO 65613
(417) 326-5838
* Stephanie, Jared
Bryan Oetting
18165 Old Hwy 65, Omaha, AR 72662
(870) 426-5282
Derek Page
10375 Lawrence 2092,
Mt. Vernon, MO 65712
(417) 466-2020
Leslie Parrigon
7267 Lawrence 2140,
Stotts City, MO 65756
(417) 285-6315
Roy & Daisy Parsons
13458 Co Rd 50,
Golden City, MO 64748
(417) 246-1078
James & Michelle Patterson
9390 N. Farm Rd. 225,
Fair Grove, MO 65648
(417) 759-2297 * Nathan, Wyatt
James & Julie Penn
3678 State Hwy BB,
Hollister, MO 65672
(660) 342-0250
Robert & Janice Perry
7770 W. Farm Rd. 156,
Republic, MO 65738
(417) 865-3566
Kevin & Candace Phillips
2042 High Ridge Rd., Nixa, MO 65714
(417) 725-0127
Larry & Alice Purdom
10786 Farm Rd 1075,
Purdy, MO 65734
(417) 442-3846
Darrell Robertson
501 W. 3rd, Lamar, MO 64759
(417) 682-8665
Ray Schooley
470 Forest Dr., Marshfield, MO 65706
(417) 468-2594
Elizabeth Wright Short
941 Monterey Ct., Monett, MO 65708
(417) 235-7681
Gene & Ann Staiger
1574 Staiger Rd, Billings, MO 65610
(417) 744-4262
Janine Staiger
411 E. Purdy St., Billings, MO 65610
(417) 744-4318
John & Jane Staiger
2344 Staiger Rd, Billings, MO 65610
(417) 258-7292
Steve & Rhonda Staiger
2375 Staiger Rd, Billings, MO 65610
(417) 744-4402
Richard & Joanne Stehle
41210 US Hwy 160,
Theodosia, MO 65761
(417) 785-4426
Ted & Charity Stuber
2533 St. Hwy F, Niangua, MO 65713
(417) 473-6813
Amos Swartzentruber
5919 Lawrence 1195,
Miller, MO 65707
(417) 461-5088
Dannie & Brenda Thomas
989 Pierce Rd, Billings, MO 65610
(417) 744-4463* Chase
David Thomas
7602 Hwy 125 North,
Rogersville, MO 65742
(417) 839-5937
Doug Thomas
1040 E. Farm Rd 54,
Springfield, MO 65803
(417) 840-9316
Dirk & Lexie Thompson
7606 Hwy 125 North,
Rogersville, MO 65742
(417) 581-0912
Jennifer Thompson
Mark Thomson
4803 E. Farm Rd 116,
Springfield, MO 65802
(417) 839-9798
Robert & Marianna Thomson
4803 E. Farm Rd 116,
Springfield, MO 65802
(417) 862-0629
Monica Ling Turner
4538 E. Farm Rd 116,
Springfield, MO 65802
(417) 880-8646
* Monique, Triston, Aleigha
Dr. John Underwood
521 South Ave, Sparta, MO 65753
(417) 278-2308
Adam Voskamp
10059 Lawrence 2150,
Mt. Vernon, MO 65712
(417) 235-9555
Bret & Shauna Voskamp
9430 Lawrence 2160 ,
Mt. Vernon, MO 65712
(417) 236-4403 voskampfarms@ * Roper
Calvin & Lacey Voskamp
10059 Lawrence 2150 ,
Mt. Vernon, MO 65712
(417) 235-9241
Roger & Betty Voskamp
15658 Lawrence 1100,
Mt. Vernon, MO 65712
(417) 235-3092
Jeff & LeeAnn Wantland
1491 Macedonia Rd,
Niangua, MO 65713
(417) 473-6360
* Katie, Ellie, Lila
Ed & Linda Weaver
4076 S. 925 Road,
El Dorado Springs, MO 64744
(417) 876-5154
Karl Wilke
7482 Lawrence 2150,
Mt. Vernon, MO 65712
(417) 285-6615
Mike & Tina Wilson
10628 Iris Rd, Neosho, MO 64850
(417) 451-7236 * Scott, Kim
Robert & Helen Wilson
10748 Iris Rd., Neosho, MO 64850
(417) 451-2296
Shannon Wilson – Kleiboeker
17077 Lawrence 1030,
Wentworth, MO 64873
(417) 737-2876
Rhonda Purdom Windes
PO Box 12, Washburn, MO 65772
(417) 826-5028
George & Betty Wright
316 State Hwy N, Clever, MO 65631
(417) 743-2715
Larry & Jodi Wright
3259 Jasmine Rd, Clever, MO 65631
(417) 743-2921
* Lora, Blake
Mark Wright
2070 Steeplechase Ct,
Nixa, MO 65714
(417) 725-7898 * Evan
Fred & Diane Zell
465 Zell Rd, Billings, MO 65610
(417) 744-2055
*Zach Fly
705 E. Monroe St, Purdy, MO 65734
(417) 737-4803
* Mack Spears
19194 W. Hwy 16,
Fayettville, AR 72704
(479) 841-7390
MSHN, June 2009 - PAGE 29
West Central District
Roger Bennett 312 SW 5th Street
Blue Springs, MO 64014
(816) 228-4983
Crystal Chamberlin
24501 Hi Lonesome Rd
Cole Camp, MO 65325
(660) 668-3987
Mark & Gwen Chamberlin
24501 Hi Lonesome Rd,
Cole Camp, MO 65325
(660) 668-3987
Betty Davis
12232 Davis Rd, LaMonte, MO 65337
(660) 347-5397
Melody Moreland Dickerson
20382 Hwy EE,
Lucerne, MO 64655
(660) 748-5366
* Adeline, Gretchen
Margie Gerken
2802 Wing Ave., Sedalia, MO 65301
(660) 827-7581
Justin Hicks
603 N. King, Harrisonville, MO 64701
(816) 258-2087
Jerry & Jeanette King
Rt. 4, Box 774, Butler, MO 64730
(660) 679-4669
Rick & Kim King
Rt 4, Box 635, Butler, MO 64730
(660) 679-6354
JB & Nancy Kunkel
Rt 4, Box 369, Butler, MO 64730
(660) 679-3996
Neil Longan
24920 Oakgrove Lane,
Sedalia, MO 65301
(660) 620-5562
Tom & Sandra McMullin
25659 Bothwell Park Rd,
Sedalia, MO 65301
(660) 826-3297
Kelly Moreland Melzer
1377 White Oak,
Harrisonville, MO 64701
(816) 289-3589
* Case
Jay & Brenda Moreland
21601 E 227th St.,
Harrisonville, MO 64701
(816) 884-3697
Jayme Moreland
21601 E 227th St.,
Harrisonville, MO 64701
(816) 884-3697
Leslie Moreland
21601 E 227th St.,
Harrisonville, MO 64701
(816) 884-3697
2009 New Mexico Membership
President: Andy Vaz
Vice-President: Buster Goff
Sec/Treas: Wendy Zens
John Breedyk
7150 Vineyard,
Dexter, NM 88230-9637
Buster Goff
11015 North Goff Place,
Hobbs, NM 88240
Jason Goff
11015 North Goff Place,
Hobbs, NM 88240
Doug & Irene Handley
1201 NM 202, Texico, NM 88135
Douglas B. Handley.
1461 CR 6, Clovis, NM 88101
Tim & Austin Hyde
3040 Rio Hondo-9,
LaMesa, NM 88044
Heath Haedge
14225 SM 2303, Stephenville, TX 76401
Ron Jones
52 Carlos Martinez Rd, Vequita, NM
87062 505-864-0607
George Knight, Jr.,
626 E Crockett Rd,
Lovington, NM 88260
PAGE 30 - MSHN, June 2009
Glenell Loper
6510 McNutt Rd,
Santa Teresa, NM 88008
Jordan & Beverly Pareo.
1433 Hwy 304,
Veguita, NM 87062
Kimberly Pravda
190 BO 37, Willard, NM 87063
Albin Smith
506 State Road 467, Clovis, NM 88101
James & Tracy Turner
22990 Hwy 26 NE,
Deming, NM 88030
Andle Vander Ploeg
507 Curry Rd 8, Clovis, NM 88101
Jerry, Andy, & Eleanor Vaz
3835 E McGaffey Rd,
Roswell, NM 88201 575-626-0463
Raymond Vaz
3909 Woodbine Way,
Roswell, NM 88203
Galen & Wendy Zens
190 Dairy Rd., Willard, NM 87063
Marilyn Moreland
21101 E 225th St.,
Harrisonville, MO 64701
(816) 380-4504
Mike & Heather Moreland
20901 E 225th St., Harrisonville, MO
(816) 887-2286
Taylor, Austin & Blake
Raymond & Lynn Morgan
Rt. 3, Box 185, Butler, MO 64730
(660) 679-5808
O-Rich Dairy
30288 Pacific School Rd,
Mora, MO 65345
(660) 668-4583
Sherri Moreland Peters
18515 Briar Lane, Holt, MO 64048
(816) 635-3727
* Jacob, Karlin
Robert & Theresa Shine
Rt 4, Box 680, Butler, MO 64730
(660) 200-7277
* Wesley, Emily
Todd & Judy Smith
2405 Woodland Drive,
Sedalia, MO 65301
(660) 827-4563
Ed & Sue Ann Steele
Rt. 4, Box 676, Butler, MO 64730
(660) 679-4477
President: Todd Mason
2009 Oklahoma Membership
Tim Almand
426455 E 240 Rd, Vinita, OK 74301 918-256-4865
Charles Baker
Rte 1, Box 103, Cheyenne, OK 73628 580-928-2876
Glenn Bayless
Rte1, Box 57, Gage, OK 73843 580-885-7416
Norman Bayless
Rte. 1, Box 56, Gage, OK 73843 580-334-5289
Ronnie Joe Beard
903 N Maple Rd, Calumet, OK 73014 405-262-3179
Greg Bedford
58300 E 200 Rd, Fairland, OK 74343 918-676-3534
Walter Bloom (COBA/SS)
P.O. Box 144, Tuttle, OK 73089
Don Borneman
17455 SW 89, Union City, OK 73090 405-381-2951
Ray Borneman
960 S Manning, Union City, OK 73090 405-483-5501
B&R Farms
Rte. 2, Box 106, Sulphur, OK 73086 580-622-3874
Brad Brainard
Rte. 2, Box 345, Enid, OK 73703 580-855-2619
Derald Brainard
Rte 4. Box 136, Enid, OK 73703 580-237-0848
Paul & Kay Brown
2185 Co. St. 2880, Chickasha, OK
73018 405-222-4947
Bill & Pat Bugg
Rte. 1, Box 44, Hennessey, OK 73742 405-853-2726
James Carlisle
HC 66, Box 126, Foss, OK 73647 580-592-4796
Donny & Sherry Chapman
8619 E 116, Perkins,OK 74059 918-372-4338
Abe & Trish Cobb
Rte. 3, Box 110, Perkins,OK 74059 918-374-2723
Coblentz Farm
4153 N 435, Pryor, OK 74361 918-825-2058
Stan Covey
Rte. 1, Box 560, Rose, OK 74364 918-479-8501
Shawn & Marsha Cusack
P.O. Box 139, Meno, OK 73760 580-753-4244
Do-Be Holstein Farms
Rte. 1, Box 26, Chickasha, OK 73018 405-224-4537
James Edwards
Rte. 3, Box 216, Cushing, OK 74023
Vice-President: Tom Meyer J.A. Fergueson
10085 Lake West Rd, Boswell, OK
74727 580-566-2611
J.G. Fergueson.
10062 Lake West Rd, Boswell, OK
74727 580-566-2586
Tonya Garner
P.O. Box 552, Hulbert, OK 74441
Leslie German
15808 E 80th, Cushing, OK 74023
Gilman-Able Dairy
10101 S 698 Rd, Wyandotte, OK
74370 918-666-3454
Nate Goldenberg
2714 Val Verde Rd, McGregor, TX
76657 817-848-9125
Bobby Griggs
610 Morningside Dr., Seminole, OK
74868 405-382-3338
Bill & Shirley Grooms
Rte. 1, Box 108, Westville, OK 74965 918-723-5154
Jim Grooms
Rte. 1, Box 156, Westville, OK 74965 918-723-5154
Johnny & Carol Hanna
5601 S 446 Rd, Rose, OK 74364 918-479-5715
Dave & Louis, Doris & Calli
29836 I-27, Canyon, TX 79015
Nancy Hjetland
Rte. 1, Box 189A, Deleware, OK 74027 918-467-3532
Wade Helm
Rte. 2, Box 170-D, Chandler, OK
74834 405-258-0331
Arnold & Roselle Herrmann
Rte.2, Box 1260, Chandler, OK 74834 405-258-1710
Karl & Paul Hurst
7609 E Elm, El Reno, OK 73036 405-262-7860
Bryon Jantz
Rte. 2, Box 45, Meno, OK 73760 580-776-2651
Gary Johnson
Rte. 3, Box 90, Madill, OK 73446 580-776-2651
Steve & Renee Jones
875 Co. Rd 150, Rush Springs, OK
73082 580-476-3844
Mason Dairy Farm
Rte. 4, Box 197, Kingfisher, OK 73750 405-375-3553
Mark Merhoff
Rte. 1, Box 159, Newkirk, OK 74647 580-362-3062
Kelli Merhoff-Thomson
2901 North U St., Newkirk, OK 74647 580-362-3062
Tom & Angie Meyer
Rte. 4, Box 82, Okarche, OK 73762 405-463-4920
Moore Dairy
16661 W 240, Washington, OK 73093 405-344-7278
Sec/Treas: Angie Meyer
Brett Morris
P.O. Box 182, Ninnekah, OK 73067 405-222-2678
Oklahoma State University,
David Jones
103 Animal Sci Dept., Stillwater, OK
77075 405-372-8272
OSI Agri-Services, S-2 Dairy
P.O. Box 1999, McAlester, OK 74502 918-423-4700ext 230
Owen, Justin
23737 24th St, Purcell, OK 73080
Perry, Steve
Rte. 1, Box 174, Sweetwater, OK
73666 580-476-2346
Billy Pierce
Rte. 1, Box 118, Marlow, OK 73055
Steve & Sandy Pope
Rte. 1, Box 66, Loyal, OK 73756 405-729-4662
Dr. Curtis Richardson
Rte. 4, Box 484, Stillwater, OK 77075
Todd & Tammy Schafer
HC 64, Box 32, Kingfisher, OK 73750 405-729-4260
Alan Schenk
Rte. 1, Box 29, Chickasha, OK 73018 405-222-1596
Jeff Schenk
Rte. 1, Box 28-A, Chickasha, OK
73018 405-222-0363
John Seavey
12043 NS 3580 Seminole, OK 74868
Randy Sherrill
Rte. 1, Box 170, Arnett, OK 73832 580-885-7390
Eddie Smith
Rte. 2, Box 66, Arnett, OK 73832
RB & Ann Stephens
14314 320th St., Blanchard, OK
73010 405-485-2364
Randy Stricklin
Rte. 1, Box 248, Prague, OK 74864 405-567-2587
Curt Stutzman
Rte. 2, Box 571, Adair, OK 74330 918-825-4787
Brad Unrau
3649 N 435, Pryor, OK 74361 918-825-4484
Anita, Eric & Wilma Vander Laan
21349 CR EW 181
Frederick, OK
Wegener Dairy Farm
743 CR 1150, Minco, OK 73059 405-352-5129
Barbara & Bryon Yeoman
Rte. 1, Box 103, Dover, OK 73734 405-828-4338
Robert & Cathy Yeoman
Rte. 1, Box 103, Dover, OK 73734 405-828-7128
J Scott Young
Rte. 1, Box 195, Binger, OK 73009 405-656-2413
MSHN, June 2009 - PAGE 31
President: Gerard Hoekman
Arowhead Dairy
P.O. Box 457
Sunray, TX 79086
Frans Beukemoom
3541 CR 336, Dublin, Texas 76446 254-445-0266
Brian Boehning
690 CR 45, Earth, TX 79031
Yme Bosma
5901 FM 1689, May, TX 76857
Joe D. Brand
1123 Denrock Ave, Dalhart, TX 79022
Randy Carpenter
406 Lair Lane, Canyon, TX 79015
Morgan Cavitt
977 CR 150, Stephenville, TX 76401 254-968-2311
Ted Conrady
1159 C Bar Rd, Windthorst, TX 76389 940-423-6742
Day Star Dairy
925 CR 330, Dublin, TX 76446
John & Steve Denton
Den-Tex Dairy
626 W Denton Rd, Axtell, TX 76624 254-822-1852
Nate Goldenberg
Goldfawn Dairy
2714 Val Verde Rd, McGregor, TX
76657 254-848-9584
Stanley Haedge
Kow-Castle Holsteins
1265 CR 540, Hico, TX 76457 254-965-2109
Richie Heida
Milky-Way Dairy
5515 FM 1057, Hereford, Texas 79045
Hinders Dairy
29836 Int 27, Canyon, Texas 79015
Gerard Hoekman
901 Hwy 591, Dublin, TX 76446 325-667-7902
Brett Hoff
Hoff-Boy Holsteins
P.O. Box 86, Windthorst, TX 76389 940-631-1387
JoAnn Hoff
12141 W FM 174, Windthorst, TX
76389 940-423-6430
Leo Hoff, Jr.
Hoff-Hill Holsteins
P.O. Box 185, Windthorst, TX 76389 940-423-6482
Norman Hoff
COBA/Select Sires
13974 SH 64 West,
Tyler, TX 76704-8203
PAGE 32 - MSHN, June 2009
2009 Texas Membership
Vice-President: Mike Schreiber Sec/Treas: Elwyn Liggett
Tom Hoff
Hoffland Dairy
12213 W. FM 174,
Windthorst, TX 76389
Kainer Dairy
3000 West Sedan,
Weimer, Texas 78962 979-263-5330
Dustin Kirkpatrick
P.O. Box 734, Godley, TX 76044 817-309-2408
John Koster
JMK Holsteins
11000 Hwy 16, Comanche, TX 76442 254-879-2650
William Lasater
645 CR 617, Hamilton, TX 76531 254-372-3010
Elwyn Liggett
519 Liggett Rd, Bellevue, TX 76228 940-928-2380
Eddie Moer
Moer-Milk Holsteins
2196 Cobb Rd, Windthorst, TX 76389 940-423-6357
Joseph Osinga
Overside Holsteins
136 CR 231, Hico, TX 76457 254-965-2318
Kryssi Pina & Alyson Phillips
P.O. Box 22
Lingleville, TX 76461
Danny Schenk
Nor-Cen-Tex Dairy
P.O. Box 129, Scotland, TX 76379 940-541-2287
Mike Schreiber
Skeet-Bottom Dairy
1120 Schreiber Rd, Windthorst, TX
76389 940-423-6973
Riley & Dustin Schreiber
11467 FM 1954,
Wichita Fall, TX 76310
Lawrence Schroeder
P.O. Box 115, Windthorst, TX 76389 940-423-6765
Braylee Schlumpf
6407 CR 7415, Lubbock, TX 79424
Lindsey Steinberger
P.O. Box 141, Scotlan, TX 76379
Robert & Chad Steinberger
Tex-Stein Dairy
P.O. Box 68, Windthorst, TX 76389 940-423-6288
Roel & DeeDee Stoker
Ned-Tex Dairy
9544 FM 913, Stephenville, TX 76401 254-965-4738
Bob Traweek
Cow-Creek Farm
6471 CR 344, Dublin, TX 76446 254-445-2081
Ricky Traweek
807 Prairie Wind
Stephenville, TX 76401
Bradley Veitenheimer
Vei-Tex Holsteins
363 Frances Dr, Windthorst, TX
76389 940-631-2500
Jerry Vieth
655 Munchrath Rd, Windthorst, TX
76389 940-423-6374
Scott Vieth
357 Berend Rd, Windthorst, TX 76389 940-423-6804
Jacob Wiersma
P.O. Box 22, Dublin, TX 76446
Jon Williamson
Jon-Boy’s Holsteins
P.O. Box 736, Garrison, TX 75946 936-347-2223
Henry Whitefield
2691 CR 386, Stephenville, TX 76401 254-968-7921
Addison Wolf
23854 US Hwy 281
Windthorst, TX 76389
Dakota & Kaylie Zapalac
8228 Abbotts Grove School Rd,
LaGrange, TX 78945
Henry & Betty Zapalac
9132 Abbotts Grove School Rd,
Schulenberg, TX 78956
Henry Zapalac, Jr.
311 August St.,
Schulenberg, TX 78956 940-423-6404
Houston Stock Show Results
Sr. & Grand Champion (Open & Jr):
Bluestem Stormin Norman Emma
Dakota Zapalac
Res. Sr. & Grand Champion
Lar-Lin Hi Metro 557
Shea McKinnerney
Res. Sr. & Grand Champ (Jr Show):
Bill-Ko Durham Penny
Elizabeth Kettler
Junior Champion:
Dewbrook Frank Hello
Ethan Campbell
Junior Champion, Jr Show:
Ka-Da Connor Beauty 2702
Dakota Zapalac
Res. Jr Champion (Open& Jr):
Ka-Da Dakota 1758
Dillan Drabek
M-6 Dairy Farm LLC
Tom & Angie Meyer
Megan, Lauren,
Joshua & Kristen
Okarche, Oklahoma
Ed & Sue Ann Steele
Rt. 4, Box 676
ph: 660-679-4477
Jerry & Jeanette King Rick & Kim King
Rt. 4, Box 744
Rt. 4, Box 681
ph: 660-679-4669
ph: 660-679-6354
Jay & Mike Moreland
Harrisonville, Missouri - 816-884-4598
‘You’re always welcome at the Bugg House’
Bill & Pat Bugg
Route 1, Box 44
Hennessey, OK 73742
Brett Morris
Ninnekah, Oklahoma
Seneca, Kansas
David: 785-336-1543
4986 Long State Hwy Y
Wayne Whitehead
Walt: 785-336-2681
Conway, Missouri
Tony Whitehead
For Sale:
Embryos — Bulls — Heifers
Check out our web site:
MSHN, June 2009 - PAGE 33
Breeding Age Bulls for Sale
Lonnie 417-744-2017
Todd 417-258-2384
Brad 417-744-2085
Do-Be Holstein Farm
Real Estate & Dairy Cattle
Darrell & Doug Robertson
501 West 3rd, Lamar, Missouri 64759
Route 1, Box 26
Chickasha, Oklahoma 73018
Don, Alan & Jeff Schenk 405-224-4537
Darrell: 417-682-2628
cell: 417-682-8665
Doug: 417-682-5962
cell: 417-682-4892
Charan Farms
Charles, Brian & Adrian Weisenfels
and Family
8817 N State Hwy 393
Scranton, AR - 479-938-2237
Springing Heifers for sale at all times!
173 County Line Rd - Clinton, Arkansas 72031
501-745-7577 (office)
501-940-9711 (mobile)
KABA-Select Sires
For all your Select Sires needs in Missouri, contact:
Dan Busch, Warrenton, MO
Matt Drake, Freeman, MO
Melissa Kron, Columbia, MO
Kevin Phillips, Nixa, MO
Holland Smithson, Springfield, MO 417-861-3868
Cliff Strieker, Jackson, MO
PAGE 34 - MSHN, June 2009
Accelerated Genetics . .................................................9
Best-Sunrise Dairy.................................................... 36
Borman Farm ......................................................... IBC
Borman & Flat-Net Dairy.............................................7
Buessing Dairy.......................................................... 11
Buggs Dairy Farm . ................................................... 34
Champsales . ............................................................ 34
Charan Farms ....................................................... ...33
Do-Be Holsteins . ...................................................... 33
Goldfawn Holsteins...............................................18-19
Groves-View Farm ................................................... 34
Hoff-Hill Holsteins..................................................... 13
KABA-Select Sires . ................................................... 34
Klassen Dairy ........................................................... 34
Kow Kastle Holsteins................................................. 12
M-6 Dairy.................................................................. 33
Mason Dairy Farm.......................................................3
Missouri Holstein Field Day.........................................5
Moreland Farms ....................................................... 33
Morrisland Holsteins.................................................. 33
Oklahoma State University..........................................1
Robthom Farm........................................................ IFC
Rockwin Dairy .......................................................... 34
Select Sires............................................................... BC
Smith, Ed.................................................................. 34
Swan-Creek Dairy...................................................... 16
Steele & King Farms ................................................. 33
Strickler Holsteins .................................................... 33
Whitehead Dairy .................................................. 20,33
June 13
Mountain Grove, MO
South Central District Show
June 17
Marshfield, MO
Southwest District Show
June 28-30
Sacramento, California
National Holstein Convention
July 5
Salina, KS
Kansas All-Breeds Jr Show
July 8-10
Joplin, MO
Missouri Grazing Conference
July 11
Butler, MO
West Central District Show
July 16
Houston, MO
Missouri Holstein Field Day
Aug. 21
Sedalia, MO
Missouri State Fair
Sept. 14
Hutchinson, KS
Kansas State Fair
Sept. 28-Oct.3
Madison, WI
World Dairy Expo
Oct. 17
Marshfield, MO
Missouri State Sale
Nov. 7
Louisville, KY
Grand National Jr Show
Nov. 9
Louisville, KY
Mid-East Fall National
Louisville to Offer Supreme Champ with $2500 Prize
The 2009 North American International
Livestock Expo’s dairy cattle show will
include three new Supreme Champion
awards, including the Junior Dairy Show
Supreme Champions.
According to Joey Pendleton, Chairman of the NAILE Dairy Advisory Committee, the new Junior Show Supreme
Champion Heifer award is unique to the
industry. The Expo is also instituting a
Junior Show Supreme Champion Cow.
He said, “The NAILE has led the livestock show industry since its inception
in 1974. And, it is a continuation of the
Expo’s ongoing support of young people
who represent the future of the purebred
livestock business.”
The Grand Champion Cows from six
Junior Dairy Cattle Shows will compete
for the title of Supreme Champion and a
$2,000 cash prize. The Grand Champion
Heifers from those shows will vie for
Supreme Champion Heifer status and
$500. The premiums are offered in addition to the $500 in individual breed show
awards that were added for the Junior
Dairy Show in 2008. The Junior Dairy
Supreme Champion selection will take
place on Sunday, November 8, 2009, All
breeds hold a Junior Show including the
Grand National Holstein Junior Show.
The new Open Breed Show Supreme
Championship Is the Third Leg in Dairy’s
“Triple Crown”
Also added to this year’s NAILE Open
Dairy Cattle Show Division is a Supreme
Champion Cow award which earns the
winner a $2,500 premium and overall
show honors. Grand Champions from
the six breed shows will compete to be
named the Supreme Champion Cow.
The competition takes place on November 10, the final day of the dairy show.
According to Harold Workman, NAILE
General Manager and Kentucky State
Fair Board President and CEO, “Two
other national dairy cattle shows take
place before November, and they both
name Supreme Champions. A cow
earning Supreme Champion honors at
those two shows and then standing as
Supreme Champion at the NAILE would
win what amounts to the ‘Triple Crown’
of the dairy cattle industry. Our board
is very intent on maintaining our national leadership status. It makes sense
that Louisville, the home of the first leg
of thoroughbred horse racing’s Triple
Crown, would host this kind of national
Kansas Holstein Member
Wins $30,000 Scholarship
Dena Bunnel, the daughter of Russel
and Margie Bunnel of Welda, Kansas
was selected as a recipient of the Harry
S. Truman Public Service Scholarship
for the 2009. Bunnel is a senior in
agricultural communications, journalism and political science at Kansas
State University. She will receive up to
$30,000 for graduate studies toward a
career in public service. Bunnel hopes
to promote substainable agricultural
programs in Africa through an extension program.
MSHN, June 2009- PAGE 35
Highlights of Classification Day
At 9 years of age, Aleah received her 3E!
She has Lifetime over 162,730 lbs of Milk.
At 8-01, she made over 31,564M!
At 11 years of age, Lizzy received her 3E!
She has a Lifetime over 200,916 lbs of Milk
with a best record of over 36,269M
More Classification Highlights!
4-06 365 2X 29,586 4.0 1183
First Time 2-Yr Olds Scoring VG & milking above 85 lbs!
Please plan to
attend the Missouri
Holstein Field Day
July 16 here at Best
Sunrise Dairy.
We have a fun-filled
day planned for all!
PBR - 13 Years
BAA 107.7
Sold in the 2008 MO State Sale to Todd & Brad Groves
Thanks to Groves Farm for purchasing Best-Sunrise
Mr Sam Sweetie and Dale Klassen for purchasing BestSunrise Adolph DD at the 2009 Oklahoma State Sale.
We wish you much success with them.
Richard & Shirley, Michael & Hope Best
417-967-2465 * 6340 Lilly Rd, Houston, MO 65483
Fax: 417-967-5615
PAGE 36 - MSHN, June 2009
A Few of Our
4/09 PTA +1452M +624NM +3.60T CTPI +2096M
2-03 325 2x 27,651 4.1 1134 3.4 928 Inc
MODEL is from an EX Magna with over 40,000M.
She has three 3/08 Damion dtrs.
3-01 260 2x 28,338 3.9 1100 3.0 858 Inc
DART has a 8/08 Laurin dtr and is due in
September to Sanchez. Her Grdam is an EX-91
DOM Jolt. The next 4 dams are VG or EX.
2-00 160 2x 12,129 3.8 458 2.9 355 Inc.
MYSS has a 12/08 Mich dtr and is due back in
December to Spearmint. Her VG-87 dam has over
31,000M. 6 of the next seven dams are VG with up
to 218,000 lifetime.
Another Sparkler From the Panther Family!
Radine Durham Pal G+
3-01 199 2x 28,553 2.8 807 2.8 802 Inc
ME: 47,296M Ave test: 147 lbs
Thanks to Erdman Dairy, S2 Dairy, Erich Wehrenberg,
Brent Kalmer & Frank Doll for purchasing our spring sale
PBR - 13 years
Progressive Genetics - 13 years
4704 County Rd 240, Kingdom City, MO 65262
Harlan & Judy, 573-642-2767
Tim & Kelly, 573-592-7466
Kate & Sophia, 573-814-3148