Poole Bobbin Lace Circle
Poole Bobbin Lace Circle
Poole Bobbin Lace Circle NEWSLETTER 204 6 MAY 2016 FROM THE CHAIRMAN With Linda out of the country it is my opportunity to edit the Newsletter. Today is the day you bring along your competition piece for entry into this year’s annual competition - I do hope that we have a good number. If you have not managed to complete an entry, why not consider a piece for the Lace Day competition suggested by Ace Lacers - “A piece of lace with your ‘own spin’ on it” - an interesting title with a lot of potential! Later in this edition there are reminders about our Lace Day, especially the timing of the talk; please do come along and support Ace Lacers, they are all members of PBLC. Also I hope that you will take advantage of the lunch bags that are on offer this year. Our next meeting on 8 July is the AGM preceded by the presentation of trophies and certificates to this year’s competition winners. The agenda is attached to the back of this Newsletter; if you would like an item under AOB, please submit this in writing to the Secretary, Jenny Harris, by Friday 24 June. And finally a sad piece of news: Jonnie Colvile from the East Holton Driving Centre, last year’s charity, died recently from a brain tumour. Margaret Eaglestone WHAT IS HAPPENING AT TODAY’S MEETING Our speaker is Alan Cooke from ‘Upton House’ The display is by Liz Pass’ Needlelace group No supplier today Jenny G will be registering your entries for the Annual Competition Pat will have a sheet for you to volunteer to demonstrate at Dorset Arts and Crafts Association and also has the remaining charity bobbins for the ‘Friends of Dolphin’ not collected at our last meeting Linda will have the list for adding your name to the V and A trip in October and the tea/coffee rota for Lace Day Elsie will be selling Lace Day tickets and orders for lunches after she has finished welcoming members at the door PBLC OUTING FOR 2016 Twenty members of PBLC have so far expressed an interest in coming on the outing to the V and A to see the exhibition entitled ‘Undressed: a brief history of Underwear’ on Wednesday 5 October. If you are interested then there is another opportunity to sign up today. This will be the last chance as I will be reserving the tickets for the coach and exhibition before our next meeting in July. If you have put your name on the list and are not able to go, please let me know by Friday 13 May. As last year, transport will be by National Express Coaches, starting at Poole and picking up at Ringwood. With just two pick-ups we can minimise the coach fare. There does not appear to be a reduction for a group booking at the museum, as there was last year. The entrance fee is Adults £12.00 and Seniors £11.00. From Victoria Coach station it is only a ten minutes bus journey to right outside the museum. Margaret Eaglestone CHARITY FOR 2017/18 We have three charities chosen by members for consideration at the AGM. They are:Newlife Dorset Fund a dedicated charity for children with disabilities and terminal illness suggested by Liz Pass www.newlifecharity.co.uk/dorset Forest Holme Charity a dedicated charity that supports the work of the Forest Holme Hospice for patients with cancer and other life-limiting illnesses suggested by Nita Pothin www.forestholmehospice.org.uk Dorset and Somerset Air Ambulance supporting the work of the Air Ambulance in Dorset and Somerset suggested by Maureen Walsby www.dsairambulance.org.uk Although these charities will be presented at the AGM, I have included the website addresses so that, if you wish, you may find out more about each of the charities to help you make an informed decision. Margaret Eaglestone BOROUGH OF POOLE COAT OF ARMS In the 1980s Sheila Herridge researched the Coat of Arms of the borough with a view to reproducing it in lace. She has kindly let me borrow her notes, correspondence, photographs, her lace samples and of course the final piece mounted in a shield. Sheila wrote to the Borough of Poole Town Clerk and received back an information sheet about the history of the coat of arms and the significance of each of the integral parts. The wavy bars, black and gold, typified water and the dolphin ‘the king of fishes’. The three black escallop shells derive from the emblem of St James, St James is the patron saint of the parish church. As part of her research Sheila took photographs of the coat of arms on buildings around the town, the Central Fire Station, Council Offices, Central Library, lamp posts and even litter bins! Quilted Silver Dolphin Her samples included various Milanese braids and her original intention was to complete the dolphin in lace as well. Sheila felt that the lace dolphin looked rather dull and did not stand out so she finally decided to make the wavy bars, the shells and the background in lace adding a quilted silver dolphin in non woven fabric to contrast with the lace. The overall effect is impressive. Sample Lace Dolphin Thank you Sheila for sharing this with us. In due course I will include the shield on our website. Margaret Eaglestone COMMITTEE MEMBERS FOR JULY 2106 Your committee needs you! We are still looking for members to join the committee from July 2016. It is not an arduous job, if we have a full complement of members. If you enjoy PBLC and the facilities it offers please think about giving a little of your time back to helping us. I am sure that you wish PBLC to continue, but if we do not have a full committee then it will not be possible for us to offer the same level of commitment. The worst case might be that PBLC ceases to exist. Talk to current members of the committee if you are interested. Your Committee EASTER DEMONSTRATION SATURDAY 12 MARCH We were welcomed by the staff of Wimborne Library and were able to demonstrate and set up our display in a very advantageous position within the library and also so that we were seen by passers-by. Although the library was fairly quiet we did have a lot of interest from the public in our Easter display and demonstration, although fewer than on previous occasions wanted to have a go at making a lace daffodil. One lady who joined us to have a go had not made lace for 40 years! She soon remembered what to do and in fact she and her mother used to make Honiton Lace. Thank you to those members who came along to demonstrate or help with the ‘Have a Go’ session —Maureen Walsby, Pat Jenkins, Wendy Oliver, Carol Bale, Dorothy Watson and Jenny Green. Also thanks to Jenny who arranged the session with the A daffodil made on the library staff day Margaret Eaglestone PILLOW PARTY REPORT SATURDAY 2 APRIL Our meeting for an afternoon’s lacemaking at St George's became an event bordering on insanity. We arrived to find the car park overflowing and hoards of Turkish gentlemen milling around everywhere. Our usual meeting room was devoid of tables and chairs. To add to our consternation the kitchen was heaving with activity as well. As the afternoon progressed everyone settled down to the real object of our get-together and an excellent tea and cakes effort was performed totally in our room, supplemented very handsomely by offers of baklava and churros from the Turkish gathering. So, in conclusion, everything was amicable and we all had a thoroughly brilliant afternoon. Shirley Pearce I contacted St George after the party to say that some of the facilities that we paid for in the hire fee were not available to us, they responded and have very generously refunded the hire fee. Members who attended the party will be able to have a full refund at today’s meeting. Please see Jenny Harris. Margaret Eaglestone Betty Wilson’s beautiful lace BRAIDING AND BEADS - JACQUI CAREY’S WORKSHOP I have always been keen to learn new crafts but had never considered braiding. That is until I, along with others, heard Jacqui Carey's talk at last year’s Lace Day. It was fascinating and, yes, I was keen to have a go. As Lily mentioned in the last Newsletter we had the opportunity to learn the basics at a Skills Day run by the Dorset Guild of Weavers, Spinner and Dyers – so thank you to them. The basics were sufficient for us both to be able to attend a Workshop with Jacqui Carey on using beads with braiding. Before I could attend the skills day I needed something to work with. Out came the cheque card and an order was placed for the necessary equipment. It was well worth it. I didn't buy the wooden marudai but the cheaper version made in acrylic. It works as well as wood and I could see my braid grow. On arrival at the village hall at Frampton we were welcomed with coffee and biscuits at no extra cost – this was a good start to the day as was the weather. There was also a cake to eat with afternoon tea – what more could we ask for. It transpired there were only five of us – Jacqui, Jill, Jan and Jean. Lily wasn't left out as she could claim a 'J' from her second name – a very select group! Jacqui started by showing and explaining how beads could be applied to a length of braid. It was a real eye opener as to the variety of ways in which they could be used. It showed that one is only limited by one's own imagination. Oh yes, and time. Jacqui’s Braiding In some cases the beads were sewn on to Jacqui’s Braiding the braid as opposed to being incorporated and in others, beads were threaded onto a piece of braid. They stayed in place by the tension of the braid. On completion a length of braid will relax keeping the beads in place. If the braid is held taut they would of course move. I had applied beads to all eight of my warps with a view to making a circular braid. I actually made a sample piece increasing the numbers of beads used in a round in each section. It turned out better than I expected. Lily made a piece that was fascinating – a braid within a braid. Very interesting. We were also shown how to make braid with a hollow centre. Who would have thought of actually working round a piece of dowelling. Lily’s Braid Given the opportunity I would happily attend another workshop with Jacqui. She is so patient you don't get a chance to be flustered. Jan Burton Jan’s Braid-n-Beads TRIP ON ‘THE FRIENDS OF DOLPHIN’ Stephanie Henville will be taking a trip on ‘The Friends of Dolphin’ on Saturday 7 May up the River Frome to Wareham. If you are able please come and see Stephanie off on Saturday morning or meet her at Wareham. It would be good if we can support her. Stephanie should be able to give us more details at today’s meeting. Margaret Eaglestone Friends of Dolphin at Wareham LACE AT JANE AUSTEN’S HOUSE AND MUSEUM Whilst David and I were on a short break to Winchester we visited Jane Austen’s House and Museum only to find that three ladies from Alresford Lace Group were making lace in one of the rooms. They are there throughout the year on the second Saturday in the month. It was an ideal venue and I began to think whether we have similar in our county. Jenny Green is looking into the possibility of us demonstrating at the Priest Museum in Wimborne and I have also been thinking that Hardy’s Birthplace at Stinsford might be another possibility. If you have any ideas let Jenny Green or me know. Thank you Margaret Eaglestone LACE DAY SATURDAY 4 JUNE, 10.30 AM to 4.00 PM Just a few reminders about this year’s lace day. The venue is St George’s Church Hall and there will be ample car parking in the church car park and adjacent side roads. The gate at the end of the church car park will be open so that you may drive through and park in the side roads behind the church. Ace Lacers, our speakers, will give their illustrated talk before lunch, from 12 noon to 1 pm. The lunch break will follow from 1 - 2 pm and after lunch there will be an opportunity for everyone to look at the display and Ace Lacers will be there to interact and talk to individuals, and answer questions. The theme for the lace competition, suggested by Ace Lacers, is “A piece of lace with your ‘own spin’ put on it”. If you wish to order a lunch bag, please do so by Friday 13 May. Tea, coffee, squash and biscuits are available for most of the day at a cost of 30p per cup. An application form for both tickets and lunches was attached to your March Newsletter. The price of tickets is as last year: Adults - £4.50 prior to the day, or £5.00 on the day and Juniors - £1.00. The lunch bags are £4.00 each. Please note the Lace Guild has made a mistake in advertising our Lace Day in ‘Lace’. They have quoted the cost of a ticket prior to the day as £3.50 rather than £4.50. They have been notified of their mistake. Elsie Bainbridge is selling the tickets prior to the day so please give your completed form and money for both a ticket and lunch to Elsie. We need members to volunteer to help serve tea and coffee during the day; if you are able please add your name to the list that Linda has today. Thank you. We do hope that you will wish to attend the day, support Ace Lacers and enjoy your time making lace and buying all your lace essentials. Thank you Your Committee DORSET ARTS AND CRAFTS ASSOCIATION EXHIBITION 2015 I do hope that you will consider entering a piece of lace for this exhibition. Why not enter your ‘Natural World’ competition piece? Details and Entry Forms (two forms required) are available for downloading on the website, http:// www.dorsetartsandcrafts.org/exhibition/exhibitor-information. When completed these two copies should be sent to Carole Caves, the entry secretary, together with your entry fee, £2 per entry, by 25 July. Carole will return Form 2 and labels for each exhibit. The handing-in day is Monday 1st August between 10 am and 5 pm. Dorothy Watson has very kindly volunteered to take in any competition pieces but it would be your responsibility to get the lace and paperwork to Dorothy before 1 August. Dorothy would then bring your lace back at the end of the exhibition and you could arrange to pick it up from her. Dorothy lives in Wimborne and her telephone number is 01202 883859. Thank you, Dorothy. Margaret Eaglestone REPORT ON THE VISIT TO STOUR LACEMAKERS We had a fabulous day at Stour Valley, a very warm welcome, as always. We all made new friends, and chatted more than made lace, but that's all good. The sales table had books, threads, bobbins and lots more, I managed to buy a book and a pair of bone bobbins, oops. Some of us sneaked out at lunchtime to visit Hansons Fabrics, and probably spent too much, but that's nothing new. I think that PBLC won most of the raffle prizes, and best of all was afternoon tea with cakes, made by the group’s members, the cakes were yummy. Some of the ladies are coming to our lace day in June; it will be nice to see them again. A lovely day, and I look forward to the next invite. Barbara Jackson Three pieces made by Stour Lacemakers for their theme this year ‘The Four Seasons’ EARLY LACE WORKSHOP The North Downs Lacemakers have sent us an invitation to a workshop titled ‘Introduction to Early Lace’ with Gil Dye on Saturday 14 May 2016 at the Scout Hut, Hawley, from 10 am to 4 pm. The cost is £28, payable before the workshop. Equipment - Pillow, pins, 8 pairs bobbins, scissors Materials - Any metallic thread that you have, Cotton Perle 8, Linen 50 or 35 if available More details from Christine Waters, email christine.waters643@gmail.com EXHIBITIONS AND EVENTS More details for some of these events can be found on the noticeboard. Sat 4 June PBLC Lace Day Details as in this newsletter Saturday Sunday 25, 26 June Farnham Open Gardens between 11 am and 5 pm Saturday 9 July Lace and Craft Day 10.30 am to 4.30 pm. Bromham Social Centre, SN15 2JB. £5 entry. Details from Ann Hannah 01380 850589 Friday - Tuesday 5 - 9 August The Dorset Arts and Crafts Association Exhibition,The Purbeck School Worgret Road, Wareham, BH20 4PF,10 am to 5 pm, except on Tuesday when it is 10 am to 4 pm. Website www.dorsetartsandcrafts.org Thursday - Sunday 8—18 September National Exhibition of the Association of the Guilds of Weavers, Spinners and Dyers - ‘Threads in Time’. at Killerton House, Broadclyst, EX5 3LE, 11 am to 5 pm. Website www.wsd.org.uk
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