spring fling 2015 teachers - Great Lakes Lace Group Inc.
spring fling 2015 teachers - Great Lakes Lace Group Inc.
SPRING FLING 2015 TEACHERS/CLASSES Rita Cochrane Adventures in Tatting Box 461 Princeton, Ontario, Canada N0J 1V0 519-‐458-‐8352 Description of class: We will celebrate tatted lace by making three items: 1. Friday’s class: A single shuttle beaded bracelet. Skills required are ability to make rings and chains. The skill learned in this class will be easy management of a large number of beads. 2. Saturday’s classes: A 3D bearded Iris Flower Skills required are the ability to make rings and chains. A knowledge of pearl tatting would be an asset, however not a necessity. The skill learned in this class will be working with supporting wire in tatting. 3. Sunday’s class: A Tatted Cover for Christmas Decoration Skills required are ability to make rings and chains. The skill learned is further management of beads within tatting. Maximum number of students you will accept in class is 20 Would you accept students of mixed skill levels? Yes _X_ No _____ Each student needs to supply the following for the four classes: 1 tatting shuttle of your choice. 1 size 14 steel crochet hook. (NOTE: if you are using a shuttle with a built in hook you will also need the size 14 separate hook). 1 pair of scissors . 1,000 plus - AB crystal aurora beads - size 11/0. 40 - 1/8” aurora bugle (chunk) beads (NOTE: this amount will produce a bracelet approx. 7” long. If you want a longer bracelet add 6 bugle beads for each extra inch). 14 - 3/8” aurora bugle beads. 7 – medium focal beads for the Christmas decoration. These beads will be used around the bottom of the decoration. 1 yellow ball of Altin Basak size 50 2 balls of Altin Basak size 50 - flower colors of your choice. 1 ball for the part of the flower that turns down and a darker same color tone for the part of the flower that turns up. If you use a variegated color you could do the whole flower in the one variegated color as in the photo of the sample. In that case you would only need 1 ball of variegated thread. 1 ball of Altin Basak size 50 – color of your choice for the bracelet. 1 ball of Altin Basak size 50 – color of your choice for the Christmas ball. NOTE: (You if you use the same color for both the bracelet and the Christmas ball you will only need one ball for both projects). NOTE: - All the above supplies are available at Zig-Zag Corner, 7872 North Troy Road, Greenfield, IN, USA 46140 phone – 317-326-3115 You can also order on line at www.tattingcorner.com You can order and pre-pay your items and Jennifer will bring them with her for you to pick up for our classes. The wire for the flower, floral tape, finding for the bracelet, beading needle and ball decoration will be supplied by the teacher. There will be no cost to students for these items. Janet Scheltma Spring Into Lace Making -‐ Beginning Sampler 4262 Dickson Dr Sterling Hts, MI 48310, (586) 795-‐0913, hollyharpist@yahoo.com Description of Class: This class is for beginning lace makers. Each session will focus on a different technique with an aquarium display as the final product. We will spend three hours on each type of lace: bobbin lace, knitting, crocheting and tatting. For bobbin lace, students will make a gold fish. For the other three types of lace there will be two levels of projects. One will be for the true beginner. The second will be a pattern for someone who at least knows the basics. Knitting: Beginner: Garter stitch rectangle for the background. Intermediate: A rectangular lace pattern for the background. Tatting: Beginner: Several different sized rings for air bubbles. Intermediate: A starfish or other underwater life Crochet: Beginner: Edging on the knitting. Intermediate: Choose an appliqué pattern to do. You may pick which level you feel comfortable with for each part. For instance, you may do the intermediate knitting project but choose the beginner crochet project. The only one that is set is the bobbin lace project because it is a project we can complete in three hours! We will sew all the pieces together to make a scene in a small shadowbox. Maximum number of students you will accept in class is 6 Pam Kirk Knitted Lace For All Levels PO Box 522 Brooklyn, MI 49230 517-‐592-‐9815 pmknitter@hotmail.com Lace Technique (your own description): Knitted lace, straight pieces or round started in the center. Description of class: Students will learn to decipher graphed knitted lace patterns. The techniques for starting round projects in the center will be taught as well as specialty stitches and tips for making knitted lace projects successful and enjoyable. Class projects are varied. Any student with a work in progress needing assistance is encouraged to bring it to class. Internet resources and computer tools for graphing knitted lace patterns will be available for any student who is interested. Minimum skills required for participation in this class: All levels welcome Maximum number of students you will accept in class is __10_____ Would you accept students of mixed skill levels? Yes __X____ No _____ Course materials the student is required to bring to class Lace knitting in the round for advanced or intermediate knitters requires a set of double pointed needles size (US) #1, 7 inch length in a set of 5, (whatever needles you already have will be fine but if purchasing for class the bamboo needles work very well), size 9 or 10 steel crochet hook, and size 20 crochet or tatting cotton. Beginning lace knitters need straight needles size (US) #3 or #4 and sport weight or fingering weight (sock) yarn. Please choose white or solid colors for class. Julie Nicholls Needlelace for Beginners and Improvers 11212 Leathorne Windsor, Ontario, Canada N8P 1N7 519-‐979-‐1884 Description of class: Choose a pattern and create a decorative stitched textile. The simple buttonhole stitch in all its variations will provide hours of creative pleasure. Beginners will learn to prepare the pattern, lay a cordonnet, work 2 or 3 stitches and then finish the lace with a plain cordonnete. Improvers will learn some new stitches and learn to enhance the lace with beads, couronnes and decorated cordonnette. Group and individual instructions will be given as each lacemaker progresses at their own pace. Minimum skills required for participation in this class: No experience required Maximum number of students you will accept in class is __12_____ Would you accept students of mixed skill levels? Yes __X____ No _____ Supply List -‐ Spring Fling 2015 Ballpoint Needles Sharp Needles Scissors for thread and Rough Paper Scissors Cotton cloth (hanky, muslin or old pillowcases) Pearle Cotton -‐ 8 and 12 or equivalent Tacking cotton (Thread will be cut away and discarded) Improvers -‐ Bring beads and a wider range of threads. I will bring all of these materials in case you are unable to find them. Holly Van Sciver The English Laces: Beds, Lester, Bucks, Honiton and More! 130 Cascadilla Park Ithaca, New York 14850 607-‐277-‐0498 vsblace@twcny.rr.com Description of class: Minimum skills required for participation in this class: Per the lace and pattern selected Maximum number of students you will accept in class is 14 Would you accept students of mixed skill levels? Yes ___x___ No _____ The instructor will contact each registered student prior to the class to select a lace, pattern and level. Individual patterns and material lists will be sent out in advance of the class. Choose from beginning, intermediate or advanced Torchon, Bedfordshire, Bucks Point, Lester, Honiton or Contemporary lace. Consult with the instructor to select an appropriate pattern that will advance your skill in one these laces. Whether you start a new project or continue an ongoing project, this course is tailored to your lacemaking level and interests. You can start at the beginning with the basics in any of these laces or, progress to intermediate level patterns. Want something more advanced, then work one of Holly’s beautiful new florals in Bucks or Lester. Not interested in the traditional, then select a contemporary Martine Bruggeman pattern with a little color and texture. There is something for everyone in this course! Holly has been a student and teacher of lacemaking for 41 years. Originally trained in England, she specializes in teaching the 19th century English laces. She has taught and lectured in the United States, Canada and Europe for the International Old Lacers, regional lace guilds, national lace conferences, museums, historical societies, universities and professional organizations. Holly is a leader in teaching the fundamentals underlying lacemaking theory and design. She is the founder of the Finger Lakes Lace Guild and owner of Van Sciver Bobbin Lace, which has served to promote lacemaking worldwide since 1981. Judy Zeiss Bruges – Bloomwork – All Levels 3241 East Siebert Road Midland, MI 48642-‐7217 989-‐835-‐2829 judyzeiss@aol.com Beginners Project
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