NorCal Voyagers Newsletter
NorCal Voyagers Newsletter April 2013 This Month… NCVC RIDE: (4/13-14) Featherbed Railroad Ride, Cancelled NCVC RIDE: (4/13-14) Spring Flower Run, Oroville Next Month… NCVC EVENT: (5/3-5) Wildflower Triathlon support NCVC Newsletter EVENT: (5/4) Quail Motorcycle Gathering at Quail Lodge, Carmel, CA You have something you want to see in the NorCal Voyagers Newsletter??? Send it along to and we’ll get it in the next issue. You can also send articles to any board member in the club and they will get it to the editor. NCVC EVENT: (5/18) Meeting & 13th Birthday, Tracy Motorsports (10:30 am) We’re especially interested in doing personal stories about our members. You don’t have to go into a lot of detail, but knowing a bit about our members goes a long way towards a more enjoyable friendship. Get those pictures, campfire stories, and humorous biking experiences out and send them off to the editor for the next newsletter! Useful Internet Links Northern California Voyagers Club American Voyager Association (AVA) Mirja and Brian Our newsletter sponsor NorCal Voyagers Newsletter is developed for the Northern California Voyagers Club and is freely distributed as a benefit of membership. The NorCal Voyagers Newsletter is not a policy or formal arm of the Northern California Voyagers Club, but rather an informational source for its members. Some or all of the opinions expressed in the NorCal Voyagers Newsletter may not be those of the Northern California Voyagers Club, its officers, sponsors, advertisers, or the newsletter staff. The NorCal Voyagers Newsletter reserves the right to edit or correct any mistakes within information submitted for publication. The NorCal Voyagers Newsletter is not responsible for the accuracy of content printed within these pages. Any questions concerning content or information contained in the NorCal Voyagers Newsletter can be submitted to for review. 3255 Auto Plaza Way, Tracy, CA 95304 Ph: 209-832-3400 The words “Voyager” and “Kawasaki” are registered trademarks of the Kawasaki Corporation and are used for reference purposes only. American Motorcycle Association (AMA) Page 1 NorCal Voyagers Newsletter April 2013 PRESIDENT’S LETTER Some will be traveling and staying the whole weekend, while others like Trisha and I will arrive on Saturday morning. How about you maybe you’ll just show up on Saturday do the ride and return home? Doesn’t matter what you do, I just hope you join us and make it even more fun. Kirk and Holli have done pre-rides so they have a wonderful Saturday planned for us. By Don Medina, NCVC President I’m starting this letter with a great big welcome to Ron & Susan Buchanan, our newest NorCal Members, who now have the cream colored Voyager 1700. Since Ron has become a member I’ve gotten to talk to him a few times. Ron tells me that he likes to ride; his Nomad has 90,000 miles on the odometer. Western Regional Rally; everything is set, rides, ladies day, hotel. All we need is for you to send your registration and make those hotel reservations. Harrah’s phone # 1 888 726 6131, use Group Code: S08AVA3 Bruce Kauffman is doing much better. I sent Bruce an email and he was able to send me a short reply. The training ride after the NorCal club meeting showed the change in motorcycling. Of the four motorcycles, three were trikes: Trisha on her Gold Wing trike, Hank & Gert on their Voyager 1700 Champion trike, and Bob Webb on his Voyager 1200 trike. AVA, have you renewed your membership? President Duane Ash tells me that membership has fallen. The AVA is getting new members joining, but renewals are down. If you haven’t sent your renewal for the AVA please don’t put it off any longer. Remember we’re an affiliate chapter of the AVA. Our VP Kirk wants to invite a few members to the Wildflower Triathlon the weekend of May 3 - 5. Kirk and Holli are the only NorCal members that will be riding support, so here’s the call for more help. What you get is a totally free weekend of camping, gas, some of the best meals, and an allround great time. All you have to do is provide motorcycle support Saturday and Sunday. Alice’s Lunch & Corbin Seat Factory Tour By Roger Allen Brian & Mirja came to Half Moon Bay and had lunch with me at M Coffee. Joel and Susan joined us and before we knew it was time for everyone to head home. Before we went to lunch Brian gave NorCal Voyagers the rest of his motorcycle inventory, what a gift to the Club. There are oil filters, brake pads, headlight bulbs, windshields for cruisers, and a set of new in-the-box driving lights. Clothing, medium jacket, chaps (Don’s already paid for these), motorcycle jack (I used it and it works like it should). Many more things, you have to come by and see. Roger in front of the Wizard’s Cafe In December we decided to try and have Lunch at Alice's Restaurant once a month,.. A good way to get together, visit,.. and maybe a little riding, other than the scheduled NCVC Rides,.. For March we This coming weekend is the Spring ride, it’s just riding around Oroville and surrounding areas. Page 2 NorCal Voyagers Newsletter April 2013 decided in conjunction with the Tour of the Corbin Seat Factory in Hollister, we would meet for Lunch at Alice's on Friday,.. then ride down the Pacific Coast to Hollister for the night, Then on Saturday Tour the Corbin Seat Factory. If you’re interested, We plan to have Lunch again at Alice's April 11th at 11:30 AM,.. Good Food,.. Good Company,.. Big Fun,.. Alice's,.. then a ride down Hwy. 1 along the coast,.. Lot's of talk about motorcycles & Can-Am Spyders,... Don Medina Arrives,.. followed by Don Medina Jr., Bill Burns, John DeMuri & Michele Smith, a nice group for lunch,... We are early enough to get some photo's of us & the bikes in front of Alice's,.. before the cars fill up the parking area,.. Nice Lunch,.. Lots of Motorcycle adventure talking,.. We then head down Hwy. 84 past La Honda to the Coast Hwy. 1, at San Gregorio,.. We cruise by the Country Store at Stage Road,.. No stopping today,.. They have a large variety of items,.. just like an old time Woolworth store in the old days,.. They also have a nice Band that plays on the third Saturdays of the month, They draw a crowd. I arrived at Alice's at 10:30 AM,.. Not many here yet,.. They open at 10 AM,.. I talked the owner Andy Kerr, and with mike, the server who took the picture of Don Medina & I in December,.. Showed them the picture of us that we had put on their 2013 calendar,... They liked it a lot,.. I informed them that we had published this Calendar with the Photo's of us, our bikes, and with Alice's Restaurant in the background, in the American Voyager Association, (AVA), member listing,.. They liked this a lot,.. good publicity for them,.. Everyone posing with their bikes after lunch We ride along the Pacific Coast,.. The ocean is beautiful,.. We turn back towards the coast hills,.. pass by Pescadero and onto Cloverdale road,.. past Butano State Park, and then onto Gazos Creek Road back to the Pacific coast highway,.. It's south again along the ocean,.. By the lumber yard we head back into the hills for a nice ride on Swanton road,.. some very nice homes in this secluded area,.. Lots of bumps in the road as we pass by the Swanton Berry Farm, and arrive back to Pacific Coast highway,.. Michele said she thought she was going to be thrown off the bike, or have neck trauma by these bumps,.. Don Medina guides us up across the main highway to a one way road just The Spyders at Alice’s I'm out on the patio watching the lunch crowd arrive,.. waiting for theNCVC members,.. Three Bombadier Can-Am Spyders arrive,.. Nick Ofiesh lives here in the Bay Area, he's riding a Blue Spyder,.. his friend who lives nearby is riding a White Spyder with metal rivet motif,.. also with a rotating machine gun style exhaust,.. Their friend visiting from Colorado is riding a rented orange Spyder,..They are out for the day,.. doing Lunch at Page 3 NorCal Voyagers Newsletter April 2013 above Davenport that goes right next to the ocean,.. (Davenport Landing road),.. This is a secret surfing area, next to the American Abalone Farms,.. that is known only by the local Santa Cruz Surfers,.. they also do para-sail surfing here,.. I've asked what stops them from being pulled over to China,.. They replied that you only do this type of surfing when the wind is blowing toward the land,.. not out to sea,.. This is such a popular surf area that the parks department has installed some very nice restrooms here, and they are well maintained. pretty good,... I asked the Grandson why he liked these nuts,.. I said: "you don't like nuts in cookies",... He said,.. "But Grandpa,.. These nuts are covered withCHOCOLATE,.. I like them a lot",.. well I need to visit the Nut Kreations store again,... I was only able to save a couple of those yummy chocolate nuts for the wife,.. It's now home, and an early morning ride to Corbin in Hollister, on Saturday for the Factory Tour. Burggie’s Birthday Weekend We take some photo's of us & the bikes with the very nice background,.. we now head down the coast to Santa Cruz,.. Don Medina heads back up to Half Moon Bay to meet Trisha,.. Don Medina Jr., Bill Burns, and John & Michelle follow me down to Santa Cruz,.. Don Medina Jr. heads back home, to meet up again at Corbin,.. John leads us to the Nut Kreations on 104 Lincoln street,.. We buy some nuts,.. many varieties,.. lots of chocolate coverings,.. John & Michele, and Bill Burns head down to Hollister for the night,.. Big Corbin Seat Factory Tour Saturday morning at 10:30 AM,.. By Holli Ehnisz This article is written from the viewpoint of our maxi-scooter a Burgman 650, which was our 30th anniversary present to ourselves, which was five years ago. Last weekend Mommy and Daddy put me in my car seat (a Stinger open trailer) and took me to Hollister. It was fun to look around and see the beauty of the colors of the orchards in bloom. The blocks of pink and white were framed by the yellow mustard while the plush green rolling hills were dotted with mounds of golden poppies. I got to go with Mom and Dad because my big brother Vinnie (a 1996 Voyager 1200) was getting a tune up. Vinnie hasn’t been in the family as long as I have, even though he is older and bigger than I am. This was my 5th year party and I was going to enjoy to the weekend. The first stop of the weekend was at the Corbin factory. While Mom and Dad were touring the factory, I got to meet my cousins that I had only herd stories about from Vinnie. I met my cousin Val (Valykorie), who belongs to my Uncle Roger. Val stayed fully dressed the whole time so I’m still not sure yet if my cousin is a boy or a girl. I chatted with my Auntie Trish’s little girl Robin (a Red Goldwing Trike). Uncle Don had the newest Vinnie with him and Uncle Donald had his Vinnie too. Uncle Bill brought my other cousin Vinnie. John, Bill, Michele, Don Jr & Roger I head over to see the Daughter & Grandson in Capitola,.. I bought several packages of chocolate covered nuts,.. These were for the wife,.. Well,.. The Daughter & Grandson thought they tasted Page 4 NorCal Voyagers Newsletter April 2013 This could get confusing. My Uncle Michelle and Uncle John brought my cousin Har (a Harley Davidson). Aunt Gert and Uncle Hank brought something strange looking with four wheels, so did Uncle Fritz. Mom and Dad were just glad they were there, even if they did not bring any cousins for me to meet. I overheard them talking about their time in the factory. Aunt Trish was excited about going into the paint booth. While Aunt Gert watched the sewing machines embroidering the designs on the seats, she actually had to get one of the Corbin employees because of a broken tread on one of the machines. Uncle Roger explained to Mom how the seats assembled as they walked the Corbin employees at their workbenches. The Corbin staff was great about explaining what they were doing and why. Nacho explains the process Corbin makes custom saddlebags and Nacho showed us the process. The molds are filled with a blanket that looks like thin insulation. Then a resin is poured into the mold that holds the fiberglass blanket, and put onto a centrifuge type machine to spread the resin evenly throughout the mold. The seams are then sanded and off to Aunt Trish’s favorite part of the tour, the painting booth. Felt is applied to the inside the saddlebag. After the tour, the group headed to the café for lunch and put on their feedbags. Everyone watching a wizard assembling a seat cover Nacho met up with the group at the door to the fabrication area, where they actually mold the frame of the seat. Then they fill the mold with resin and the resin expands to fill the mold. Nacho put about an inch of resin in the bottom of a container that was about 8 inches deep. The foam expanded to fill the container and actually overflow. The people all played with it like they were a bunch of kids. Everyone getting ready for Burggie’s birthday rids Page 5 NorCal Voyagers Newsletter April 2013 Heading west out of Richfield A nice view of the vineyards With full gas tanks, most of us headed off to explore the Carmel Valley. The fourwheeled things headed towards their own homes. Uncle Bill and Uncle Roger went home on Val and Vinnie. We headed south on Highway 29 towards King City. The hills were blanketed with varying shades of green, from deep emerald to sage to bright green sprinkled with yellow and blue wild flowers. Traversing a one-lane bridge From King City we paralleled the Santa Lucia Range heading toward Carmel Valley. The road twisted in and out of the sun, while vineyards and velvet green hills trimmed the road. The windy road swayed through the valley, while Mom and Dad moved gracefully with me through the turns. It felt good for the three of us to move as one as we traversed the valley. And yes, a few new stripes on my chicken strips were added to my tires. Oh, what a great feeling that road was. It was so good to stretch my tires glide around the corners. Monterey was the stopping spot for my fluids to be topped off. The salt air was fresh and crisp in my carburetor. We finished the circle and returned to Hollister. Fields of wildflowers Contrasting the green on the hills, were the dormant vineyards waiting to bud. I was looking forward to raising my rpm and adding some miles to my odometer. But that had to wait until we stopped for my people to stop and fill up on something called coffee. (And they think I have to stop for fluids frequently.) Page 6 NorCal Voyagers Newsletter April 2013 bag then which container it’s located, that’s prepared! Some of the things you might need are air compressor, tire plug kit, tape, plastic ties (John D tip), a good tool kit, windshield cleaner, cleaning rags. You don’t need to carry everything when traveling with a group. If someone has this tool or extra part, why should you load your motorcycle with duplicate parts? Don’t forget that an overloaded motorcycle tends to handle awkwardly; it also tends to wear bearing and tires much faster. Now for insurance matters, how prepared are you? Remember Pirie Jensen, State Farm Agent, will help you with any of your needs, Auto, Home, Health and Financial needs. So don’t forget to call Pirie Jensen. Sunday morning at the Hollister Inn Mom and Dad went to dinner with the other people and I got to chat with my cousins all night. It really was a fun slumber party. In the morning, I was put back in my car seat for the ride home. It was a great way to spend a weekend away. For Sale Items by NorCal Members Custom 1200 Voyager and matching trailer, new engine; Fritz Wells Phone 831-588-4082 Are You Prepared? By Don Medina 1200 Voyager 2001 Price $3000.00 OBO As is, not ridden last 2 years, garaged w/batter tender, started & ran ‘til temp came off peg about every other month, licensed thru March 2013, about 1k miles on new tires, intercom & CB, Ram mounts for GPS and video cam, wored for heated gloves, etc, sheepskin seat cover. Bryce Eichholz 916-966-0273, I just got to thinking, the other day while in the middle of a problem. How prepared are we? Here in Northern California, we’ve got earthquakes, flooding, heavy rains, and fog. We also have highways full of cars, trucks, and buses. I was riding on Interstate 5 when I had a flat tire; I was near Tracy Motorsports so I limped there. With help from Jessie of their staff, I was soon back on the road. As a club, we’re getting ready to go on the Ray Walls Grand Tour Logan 2013 this summer and my thought was, “Do I have what I need to take care of emergencies on my motorcycle?” Almost, I found that I didn’t have a flashlight, but I have almost everything I need to keep me going. The other thing, do you have everything organized? Roger Allen does, Roger carries an index card with the location of all tools and spare parts on his motorcycle and which saddle bag the needed parts located. Need a fuse ATO or ATC, Roger will tell you which saddle Bryce’s Voyager 1200 Page 7 NorCal Voyagers Newsletter April 2013 Roll A Home camper trailer like new $1500.00, this is Ray Walls camper so if you ever went camping with NorCal Voyagers you’ve seen the trailer call; Fred Andrews 559-277-0451 Don Jr & Michele Champion Trike kit; $1700.00 solid rear axle, details 92k on rear end, 64k on driveshaft, shocks were installed in June of 2012 only 6k. 2007 heated Gold Wing seat $50.00 Don Medina Phone 415-269-7998 Extra Pictures from Corbin Tour Don Jr and his beautiful 2002 Voyager 1200 The foam demo where Nacho poured seat foam Michele & Johnny from The Wild Ones Page 8 NorCal Voyagers Newsletter April 2013 Pirie Jensen State Farm Agent 1871 The Alameda, Suite 120 San Jose, CA 95126 (408) 985-2755 Providing Insurance and Financial Services 3255 Auto Plaza Way, Tracy, CA 95304 Ph: 209-832-3400 Proud Sponsor of NCVC Newsletter Page 9 NorCal Voyagers Newsletter April 2013 2013 Club Events Calendar MAR 9 – Corbin Tour, Hollister CA JAN 26 – Meeting: Tracy Motorsports (10:30 AM) Note earlier start time FEB 9 – Fresno Breakfast Ride (Diane K) MAR 23 – Meeting: Tracy Motorsports (10:30 AM) followed by Flower Peeper Ride Note earlier start time MAY 3-4-5 – Wildflower Tri APR 13-14 – Featherbed Railroad Ride Cancelled APR 12-13-14 – Spring Flower Run (Oroville) MAY 4 – Quail Motorcycle Gathering at Quail Lodge, Carmel CA MAY 18 – Meeting & 13th Birthday: Tracy (10:30 AM) Note earlier start time JUL 8-11 – AVA Rally, Logan OH JUL 13-14 Ray Walls Classic Tour returns from AVA Rally AUG 20-22 – Western Regional Rally, Reno, NV JUN 8 – Breakfast Ride (Sacramento followed by WRR pre ride to Portola Saturday and Lake Tahoe Sunday) JUN 30 – Ray Walls Classic Grand Tour Departs from Eureka NV for AVA Rally SEP 21 – Meeting: Tracy Motorsports (10:30 AM) Note earlier start time SEP 27-29 – World Superbike Races, Laguna Seca JUL 27 – Meeting: Tracy (10:30 AM) NOV 2-3 – Leaf Peeper: (Novato CA) No OCT events NOV 9 – Meeting: Tracy Motorsports (10:30 AM) and Veterans Tribute Ride Note earlier start time NOV 15-17 – International Motorcycle Show San Mateo CA Page 10 DEC 7 – NCVC Christmas Party – Location to Come NorCal Voyagers Newsletter April 2013 The Last Page And finally… Thanks for reading the NorCal Voyagers Newsletter. We appreciate the input from the club membership and hope you enjoy this newsletter. If you have any comments, additions, corrections, articles, submissions, please send them along to: NORCAL VOYAGERS BOARD OF DIRECTORS President Vice-President Secretary Treasurer Sergeant at Arms Activities Director Web Admin. Newsletter Editor Don Medina Kirk Ehnisz Trisha Blue Wayne Bright Marvin Deatherage Vacant Ron Aikins Trisha Blue If you have any questions about the club or comments to the Board of Directors, please use the following e-mail addresses: Page 11
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