HERE - NorCal Voyagers Club
HERE - NorCal Voyagers Club
NorCal Voyagers Newsletter May 2011 This Month… EVENT: TRIATHLON SUPPORT (LAKE SAN ANTONIO) Wildflower Tri (4/29-5/1) EVENT: (CARMEL) Quail Motorcycle Gathering at Quail Lodge (5/13-15) EVENT: (LIVERMORE) Motorcycle Safety Awareness Day, Carnegie Park, 300 South K St) (5/21) 10 am-4 pm NCVC MEETING: MANTICA (5/28*) 11:00 am Perko’s, Hwy 99 & 120, Ph: 209-239-9002 * meeting date & location may change to 5/29 – check NCVC Forum or call Don Medina NCVC Newsletter You have something you want to see in the NorCal Voyagers Newsletter??? Send it along to and we’ll get it in the next issue. You can also send articles to any board member in the club and they will get it to the editor. Next Month… EVENT: (FRESNO) Wayne Bright’s 70th B’day Campout/BBQ @Ft Washington Campground (6/17-19) We’re especially interested in doing personal stories about our members. You don’t have to go into a lot of detail, but knowing a bit about our members goes a long way towards a more enjoyable friendship. Get those pictures, campfire stories, and humorous biking experiences out and send them off to the editor for the next newsletter! NorCal Voyagers Newsletter is developed for the Northern California Voyagers Club and is freely distributed as a benefit of membership. The NorCal Voyagers Newsletter is not a policy or formal arm of the Northern California Voyagers Club, but rather an informational source for it’s’ members. Some or all of the opinions expressed in the NorCal Voyagers Newsletter may not be those of the Northern California Voyagers Club, its’ officers, sponsors, advertisers, or the newsletter staff. The NorCal Voyagers Newsletter reserves the right to edit or correct any mistakes within information submitted for publication. The NorCal Voyagers Newsletter is not responsible for the accuracy of content printed within these pages. Any questions concerning content or information contained in the NorCal Voyagers Newsletter can be submitted to for review. The words “Voyager” and “Kawasaki” are registered trademarks of the Kawasaki Corporation and are used for reference purposes only. Useful Internet Links Northern California Voyagers Club American Voyager Association (AVA) American Motorcycle Association (AMA) Page 1 NorCal Voyagers Newsletter May 2011 Club Info and Activities PRESIDENT’S LETTER How have you spent your winter? I know that some have worked on their Voyager, Goldwing or other motorcycle. The riding season has taken a long time to arrive, but it is finally here. a whole day adventure, there is a cost to enter the Museum. NOTE if we change the meeting to Sunday May 29, Castle Air Museum is having Open Cockpit Day, plus their world-famous Bomber Burgers. Thanks Bruce Kauffman for this info. Call or email me by the 10th of May if you want to have the meeting on Sunday or Saturday. This month all weekends have events or rides to participate in. May 6, American Supercamp was in Vallejo, CA at the fairgrounds teaching bike control on 100cc dirt bikes. May 7, in Modesto, CA Marvin Deatherage’s brother directed a Motorcycle Ride In. Remember to wear your Club gear to the meeting and to any club activities. There will be a $1.00 fine imposed if you aren’t wearing something showing the NorCal logo. Of course if you’re a new member you don’t have to worry. I will have NorCal Voyager Club gear for sale at the meeting. May 14, Quail Motorcycle Gathering at the Quail Lodge in Carmel Valley, CA. A display of vintage motorcycles, this year’s theme celebrates the Isle of Man TT Races. Cost $65.00 includes lunch and program. The See the USA with the AVA contest started on April 1, 2011. There are four club members enrolled so far. This year the cost is $15.00 per person. Last year most of the NorCal Members won a prize. So come and join the fun of riding together and also accumulate points. By Don Medina, NCVC President May 13-14 AMA Pro Superbikes Races at Infineon Raceway. I plan on going on Sunday. Have you paid your club dues yet? It’s time, so don’t wait too long. How about your AVA dues? If you aren’t a member, think about it. Yeah the cost is $35.00 per year; if you’re married it is still $35.00. Then you get a ROK membership for $20.00 instead of the usual $40. ROK includes a towing package for your motorcycles. And no, it does not have to be a Kawasaki motorcycle. May 21 Motorcycle Awareness Day in Livermore CA. From 10am to 4pm there will be vender booths, free motorcycle safety inspection, civilian motorcycle skills course and drawings for free gifts. The club will meet between 9:009:30 am at Panama Red Coffee located on Main St only a block away from the event. Last year Trisha & I went and came home with some prizes from the drawing. I also rode the civilian motorcycle course and got some valuable feedback from motorcycle patrolman on the course on how to improve my technique. You usually have to pay a lot of money to get this kind of feedback, and this was free! Bill Burns got his new-to-him 2003 Voyager, and he has been riding. His longest ride was 35 miles. Bill said that he is transferring all of his custom parts off the old Voyager to the new Voyager. One thing that the new Voyager came with is a back rest that matches the stock seat. Bill is selling the back rest with seat. May 28 Club meeting in Manteca CA. Perko’s is on the corner of Hwy 99 and 120. The aftermeeting ride is to the Castle Air Museum. Plan on Page 2 Roger Allen found his Valkyrie in southeast Idaho. The last we heard, it had been loaded on a transport soon to be delivered to Roger. NorCal Voyagers Newsletter May 2011 Jerry Zimmerman is healing very slowly because Jerry won’t sit still long enough for his ribs to heal. Marvin, Ernie & friend before the club meeting Deric with his CB900 Custom Kirk & the Burgman 650 Brian with his 2000 Voyager 1200 We had two new members at the last meeting. Deric Fiddler from Modesto, a co-worker of Marvin, rode his CB900 Deluxe, with the two speed aux transmission. Brain Williams rode his 2000 Voyager. It was fun meeting both of these new members. Ernie Coughlin stopped by during the pre-meeting tire kicking session. He was on his way to pick up his son. We all had a good time tire kicking before and after the meeting. I hope to be seeing a lot of you at the coming meeting. It won’t matter if it’s on Saturday or Sunday it will be a bunch of fun. Shirley is sporting a good looking new jacket Page 3 NorCal Voyagers Newsletter May 2011 April 29-May 2, we have the Wildflower Triathlon support at Lake San Antonio. Riders will carry race officials as passengers. This event is pretty exciting and all camping, food & even gas expenses are paid for. April 16 Club Meeting Minutes By Trisha Blue The meeting was held at Perko’s Restaurant in Manteca. Meeting was called to order by President Don Medina at 11:44 am. May 13-15 is the Quail Lodge Motorcycle Show. Don & Trisha are going. Let us know if you are interested. Members in attendance: Don Medina, Trisha Blue, Brian Coldicott, John De Muir, Marvin & Shirley Deatherage, Deric Fiddler, Gert & Hank Thompson, Wayne & Sandra Bright, Jim Kramlich, Gail & Tony Curtis, Kirk Ehnisz and Brian Williams. May 21 is the Livermore Motorcycle Safety Awareness Day. This free event is great fun and a learning experience. Plan on attending! Old Business: Tony Curtis is in his fourth month of retirement and highly recommends it. Guest: Irma Reyes New Business: The Hearst Castle ride cancelled due to rain will be rescheduled to either Nov 5-6 or Nov 12-13. Check your calendars and let us know your preference. Sergeant-at-Arms Marvin Deatherage reported no activity. Meeting was adjourned at 12:30 pm. Submitted by Trisha Blue John, Irma & Jim A big welcome to our newest members, Deric Fiddler and Brian Williams Featherbed Railroad, Nice, CA By Don Medina & Trisha Blue Minutes from last meeting were read by Trisha Blue. Approved by Gert Thompson; seconded by Sandra Bright. You’ve lived through this past winter, nothing but rain. Seems like every time we have a club event planned, Mother Nature has her idea of what we as a club should do. That’s what happened for the weekend of the Featherbed Railroad. The whole preceding week the weather was nice, not real warm, but not cold either, just weather. Thursday dawned windy and cold, with a good chance of showers (rain). Dale and Pam Bird are coming up from Los Angeles; their plan is to stop in Morgan Hill CA the first night. Treasurers Report read by Wayne Bright. Our starting balance was about $3900. We brought in $200 in membership dues. Approved by Tony Curtis; seconded by Marvin Deatherage. Activities report led by Don Medina. Last weekend was the Feather Bed Railroad ride. It was a huge success and we are already planning next year’s trip. Page 4 NorCal Voyagers Newsletter May 2011 Owners Tony and Peggy, were up in Oregon attending a seminar and weren’t due back in Nice, CA and the Featherbed Railroad until 2pm on the day we were to arrive. Tony relayed a message to me via George Mack that check in wouldn’t be until 3pm. We had eighteen members coming, from Los Angeles, Fresno, Grass Valley, Sacramento and the Bay Area, some in cars but most on their motorcycles. Pam & Dale get the long-distance award Dale told me that the wind and rain were blowing all the way north. There were a couple of times the wind almost blew the BMW 1200LT with them on board, off the road. That was Thursday. On Friday Dale calls to tell me that he had ridden in this stuff all day yesterday, he’s not looking forward to doing this again today. I’m here on the coast and it’s cool with nothing but sunshine. Not so in the south bay, the wind is blowing mixed with rain. First thing I want to do is thank Bill Burns, the Featherbed Railroad was his idea about a year ago. Because Bill and Betty had already been to the Featherbed Railroad, they gave up there room so other club members could experience the Featherbed Railroad. When Trisha and I left Menlo Park, we had sunshine and cool temperatures. The ride up and through San Francisco was quick for a Friday, must be the price of gas at $4.20 per gallon. Over the Golden Gate Bridge, looking to the left is the vast expanse of Pacific Ocean, to the right the white canvas of all the sail boats on the bay. Yet in the middle of this part of the bay stands Alcatraz, reminding us to be good. With the light traffic we were in Santa Rosa by 5pm. Trisha rides up next to me and signals that it’s time to eat. We were in and out of the restaurant in under an hour; while we were eating it had been raining. By the time we were in the north end of Santa Rosa, the side of the road was damp showing signs of rain. Our ride north became best the last twenty miles before Ukiah CA. That’s when the four-lane highway became a two-lane road. The road had been following a river valley, and as we leave the valley the road winds along following the natural terrain. All the rain has the hills and valleys the lush green you see in old Saturday Evening Posts pictures. We had cool temps, a few clouds, a winding road, early evening and light traffic as we traveled though this wonderland called northern California. After arriving at the Featherbed Railroad, Diane & Jeff Komoto, John De Muri & Michele Smith, Kirk & Holli Ehnisz were all in the check-in office, breakfast & activates room. Diane & Jeff had opened some wine and brought out a bag of homemade cookies. Before long they were joined by Dale & Pam, Tony Curtis and Wayne Featherbed Owners Tony & Peggy relax after serving up breakfast Page 5 NorCal Voyagers Newsletter May 2011 Bright. Those that like wine enjoyed; those that just liked homemade cookies enjoyed. Everyone enjoyed the company and the tale of their own adventure of getting to the Featherbed Railroad. Tony & Gail had snow to ride through, Diane & Jeff the extreme cold. Everyone else had an enjoyable ride or drive. A perfect row of motorcycles in front of Tulip Hill Of course I miss the first two attractions, but Tulip Hill Winery can’t be missed. There are thousands of tulips of every color in full bloom covering almost every inch of the winery grounds. We stop to take pictures; some go into the gift store and return with packages. As we travel around the lake clockwise, we travel old roads and new roads going most anywhere we want. This is still the off season and there is little traffic making our cruise pleasant. In another 6 weeks this kind of leisurely tour around the lake won’t be possible due to clogged traffic. Diane & Jeff enjoy breakfast with Sandra & Wayne in the background We’re all at breakfast by 9am and what a treat! We have a three-course meal to start the day. The food, service and rooms are all terrific. As we finish breakfast we ask Tony what local sites we should see. Tony starts listing off things of interest, but there are so many that when he sees us with glazed eyes, he just says that we’ll see. We stop in Kelseyville and some of the group is getting hungry. We find Lu Lu’s and get ice cream. Next door they have a coffee shop, and half of the group needs caffeine. A small section of the colorful grounds of Tulip Hill Winery Sandra, Tony & Gail enjoy themselves in Kelseyville Page 6 NorCal Voyagers Newsletter May 2011 Card they give you a $25.00 credit. Naturally, we all signed up and eat lunch for free. The day had warmed up and a small group of us rode into the Bay Area. Trisha and I turned off at Niles Canyon taking the slow way home to Half Moon Bay. Nothing's better than a sunny day & an ice cream cone. Just ask Shirley! We finally stopped for a tasty lunch in Lakeport at an Irish café called Molly Brennans. We broke up into small groups and made our way back to the Featherbed Railroad. We had a couple of hours for naps, a bubble bath soak in the hot tub, or for the more energetic polishing of motorcycles and even trailer repair. We all gathered and rode off to dinner in Upper Lake. We had a great mean with good service and it was a fun night out. Sunday we had another great breakfast provided by Tony and Peggy. After breakfast there was a nice tire kicking break with many pictures taken. We all left in mass except for Roger and Shirley. We all headed to Cache Creek Casino which we wanted to check out as a possible location for the NorCal Christmas party. Diane Komoto discovered that if we sign up for a Cache Creek Don & George at Tulip Hill Some of the caboose cabins at the Featherbed Railroad A happy group before heading home Sunday Tony & Gail with Kirk & Holli in background Page 7 NorCal Voyagers Newsletter May 2011 What's not to like? Cruising around Clear Lake with no traffic An ice cream & coffee break in Kelsyville Long Term Health Care, I got mine seven months ago. The cost ended up being $126.11 per month for $3000.00 per month coverage for five years. The cost was a bit more then I was quoted before my phone physical. I have a back injury that’s work related, and even though the company is liable for all health care costs, it still affected the cost of my Long Term Health Care. Insurance Blues By Don Medina, NCVC President It’s been two months since I last told everyone about my high blood pressure test at the doctor’s office. Since then, I’ve been going to the gym six to seven days a week when I’m in town. I have made good progress; my weight has come down from 181 to 176 lbs. and my blood pressure has come down to 117 over 78. I had to give up salt, which meant no more potato chips. Why is this important? Aside from the obvious health reasons, the answer is simple: MONEY. You see, if it’s on your medical record that you have high blood pressure, your health insurance costs more, you are a bigger risk, you’ll need medication and you will see a doctor more often. This all costs more to your insurance company. For me, I also have a Commercial Driver’s License which requires a DOT physical every two years. With high blood pressure they can change that requirement to once every three months or once a year. At $70.00 a physical, that can get pricey. Auto insurance, my new renewal statement came in and my rates have dropped. No tickets, no chargeable accidents. I share this not to pat myself on the back, but to let you know how to keep insurance costs down. I use State Farm Insurance. Without Pirie Jensen, State Farm Insurance would just be good. Now add Pirie Jensen to State Farm Insurance and it becomes great. I know many of you have concerns about making an insurance change, but call Pirie or speak to the women in the office and let them know that you’re a NorCal member. Even if you don’t change over, you will be treated the way you’ve always wanted to be treated by any business. If you have doubts about the care Pirie provides, just ask Roger Allen! Page 8 NorCal Voyagers Newsletter May 2011 The Last Five Months of Tech Tips Written and Tested by Bruce Kauffman Howdy Nor-Cal Riders! Have you ever yearned for a bit more cargo capacity on the Voyager XII? Team Kauffman always tours 2-up so storage space always gets a bit cramped. I came up with two cargo upgrades which created a total of 2.3 cubic feet of extra storage capacity; this simple write is about adding a 20 liter tank. After thirty five years of racing & riding sport bikes, cruise control has never made it onto my list of desired motorcycle upgrades. The very day I bought the ZG1200, plans were to remove this feature to make room for the stuff I valued more. If this luxury is highly prized in your riding world, the following changes might not be for you…… The tank bag mod is a non-destructive change and putting everything back to stock takes less than fifteen minutes. The bag lets me have quick and easy access to maps, my wallet, air pressure gauge or what-ever during a stop plus hold snacks, warmer gloves and a sweater. Tank Bag Step One: Taking off the cruise control console from the fax gas tank to clear room for the tank bag had to be the simplest task ever, simply remove the four screws from the underside and it’s done! Page 9 NorCal Voyagers Newsletter May 2011 Step Two: Choosing a tank bag could seem to be just as simple yet the important safety feature here is width. Do not buy a bag that is too wide, unimpaired handlebar movement is essential! Quick accessibility to the gas cap during fuel stops plus an easy on/off attachment method to simplify taking the bag with me was also important. Features you might conceder are a clear map pocket, power to run electronics, others offer brackets to mount gizmos such as a GPS. My search was primarily focused on size, the width needed to be 8 or 9 inches to avoid handlebar contact and the length could not exceed 12 inches to stay clear of the fuel door. Search as I may, all the bags seemed to be either way too big or super tiny! There I sat wondering what to do when my eye caught the RKA tail bag mounted on my ZX-10R…. I have used RKA products for many years now after meeting Rich & Kathy at the International Bike Show. My first purchase was a tail bag for my 1999 ZX-9R. The tail bag I just recently bought for my 10R was a bit smaller and to my surprise it fit the Voyager tank just perfect! The new RKA tail bags use an attachment system that is quick to install or remove unlike the earlier bags. A separate base pad secures onto the bike; the tail bag is then attached to this pad. By purchasing a second mounting pad for the XII, my existing tail bag could now pull double duty and easily transform in seconds between hyper-sport and long distance touring! The long mounting straps were cut off of the pad as shown in this picture as I will bolt the pad onto the Voyager as explained next….. RKA Tail Bag: 9.0 wide x 12.0 long x 6.5 to 11.0 tall Page 10 NorCal Voyagers Newsletter May 2011 Step Three: Once the tank bag of choice is in hand, the next step is to figure out your mounting strategy. I did not want the added logistic of routing straps around the fax tank or worse yet, the possibility of them coming loose out on the road. By cutting out a thin aluminum plate a tad smaller than the RKS mounting pad, I created a hard mount system which bolted directly to the fax gas tank cover by using the vacant cruise console mounting holes. Easy On & Off The RKA bag is now easily mounted to the bike by inserting the Velcro straps on one side of the bag through the mounting pad loops and back up onto the bag, same with the other side. Page 11 NorCal Voyagers Newsletter May 2011 Pirie Jensen State Farm Agent 1871 The Alameda, Suite 120 San Jose, CA 95126 (408) 985-2755 Providing Insurance and Financial Services Page 12 NorCal Voyagers Newsletter May 2011 2011 Club Events Calendar JAN 08 – Roger Allen's pizza party JAN 29 – Meeting: Manteca (11AM), after-meeting chocolate run No events planned MAR 18-20 - Hearst Castle ride, 18th meet in Hollister MAY 01 - Wildflower Tri APR 8-10 - Featherbed Railroad ride & breakfast APR 16 - Meeting: Manteca (11AM) APR 29-30 - Wildflower Tri MAY 13-15 Quail Motorcycle Gathering at Quail Lodge, Carmel CA May 21 Livermore Motorcycle Safety Awareness Day JUN 17-19 – Wayne Bright’s 70th Campout/BBQ @ Ft Washington Campground, Fresno MAY 28* - Meeting: Manteca (11 AM), after-meeting ride to Castle Air Museum Date may change-check Forum JUL 02-03 - Don & Trisha leave for AVA Rally July 8-18 Ray Walls Classic/Banff Canada JUL 11-14 - AVA Rally, DeGray, Arkansas AUG 02-04 - Western Regional Rally, Wallowa Lake, OR Aug 20-21 - Coast ride SEP 23-25 – Half Moon Bay Ride-In SEP 24 - Meeting: Half Moon Bay followed by Club picnic and anniversary celebration JUL 30 - Meeting: Manteca (11 AM) NCVC 11th birthday OCT 08-09 - Ripley TN BBQ? OCT 15-16 - Leaf Peeper ride, meet 10/14 Lake Topaz NOV 19-20- International Motorcycle Show Page 13 DEC 09-10 - Club meeting & Christmas Party NorCal Voyagers Newsletter May 2011 The Last Page And finally… Thanks for reading the NorCal Voyagers Newsletter. We appreciate the input from the club membership and hope you enjoy this newsletter. If you have any comments, additions, corrections, articles, submissions, please send them along to: NORCAL VOYAGERS BOARD OF DIRECTORS President Vice-President Secretary Treasurer Sergeant at Arms Activities Director Web Admin. Newsletter Editor Don Medina Tony Curtis Trisha Blue Wayne Bright Marvin Deatherage Vacant Ron Aikins Trisha Blue If you have any questions about the club or comments to the Board of Directors, please use the following e-mail addresses: Page 14
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