NorCal Voyagers Newsletter


NorCal Voyagers Newsletter
NorCal Voyagers Newsletter
February 2012
This Month…
No Activities
Next Month…
TECH DAY: WILTON (3/24) Lube cables/
adjust cruise control
RIDE: (3/25) Meet at Tracy Motorsport 9
am/ride to Black Oak Casino
NCVC MEETING: MANTICA (3/31) 11:00 am
Perko’s, Hwy 99 & 120, Ph: 209-239-9002
NCVC Newsletter
You have something you want to see in the
NorCal Voyagers Newsletter??? Send it
along to and
we’ll get it in the next issue. You can also
send articles to any board member in the
club and they will get it to the editor.
We’re especially interested in doing
personal stories about our members. You
don’t have to go into a lot of detail, but
knowing a bit about our members goes a
long way towards a more enjoyable
friendship. Get those pictures, campfire
stories, and humorous biking experiences
out and send them off to the editor for the
next newsletter!
Jerry showing off his white 2002 Voyager
NorCal Voyagers Newsletter is developed for the
Northern California Voyagers Club and is freely distributed
as a benefit of membership.
The NorCal Voyagers Newsletter is not a policy or formal
arm of the Northern California Voyagers Club, but rather
an informational source for it’s’ members.
Some or all of the opinions expressed in the NorCal
Voyagers Newsletter may not be those of the Northern
California Voyagers Club, its’ officers, sponsors,
advertisers, or the newsletter staff.
The NorCal Voyagers Newsletter reserves the right to
edit or correct any mistakes within information submitted
for publication.
The NorCal Voyagers Newsletter is not responsible for
the accuracy of content printed within these pages.
Any questions concerning content or information contained
in the NorCal Voyagers Newsletter can be submitted to for review.
The words “Voyager” and “Kawasaki” are registered
trademarks of the Kawasaki Corporation and are used for
reference purposes only.
Useful Internet Links
Northern California Voyagers Club
American Voyager Association (AVA)
American Motorcycle Association (AMA)
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NorCal Voyagers Newsletter
February 2012
Club Info and Activities
will be very comfortable when riding down to the
AVA Rally.
By Don Medina, NCVC President
On January 10, 2012, I got word from Gail Curtis
that Tony is doing good. At the beginning of the
month Tony had to come down into the outer Bay
Area and have a checkup, seems as if they gave
Tony a big OK. Both Tony and Gail will be
joining NorCal Voyagers at the Featherbed
Railroad April 13-15, 2012.
The rain has finally come and before that it was
cold. If you could stand being cold during the
first part of any ride you took, the afternoon
portion of the ride would be wonderful. I wish to
thank all of those who produce electric gear.
Featherbed Railroad, I only have three checks in
hand, meaning that there are five rooms still
available. Don’t wait too long to send in those
checks. I was to have them shipped to Tony at the
Featherbed Railroad by the middle of January.
They said that it would be ok to wait until the
middle of February, so send those deposit checks
to me now. It’s going to be a fun weekend.
The Auto/Railroad Museum ride in February has
been cancelled. No interest.
The Hearst Castle ride had very little interest from
those at the meeting. And just the other day I
found out that Hwy 1 is closed 40 miles north of
the Hearst Castle. Maybe we can modify this ride
and make it a long overnighter. I need feedback!
The Tech Day is taking shape, Holli is going to
provide lunch, and Jerry Zimmerman will provide
the location. What you’ll need to bring is money
for donations to pay for food and drink, and of
course your motorcycle. We’ll be lubing the
throttle cables and cruise control cable. We’ll
also adjust the cruise control cable, that way you
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Victor, salesman at Tracy Motorsports
Tracy Motorsports is having a dealership ride on
March 25, 2012; rain date is April 1, 2012.
They’ve asked if I would lead the ride, and of
course I replied yes. Meet at the dealership in
Tracy at 9am for coffee and donuts; then we
depart for the Black Oak Casino. We’ll spend a
few hours there, and try to get back to Tracy
Motorsports by 5pm. Neal, the parts manager, is
putting this ride together. Put it on your calendar,
it’s going to be fun!
I got together with Jerry, Marvin, Bill, Joel, John
D, and Mike Deatherage for coffee and lunch in
Livermore. It’s always a good time; my next lunch
stop will be up north to have lunch in Novato or
Santa Rosa with Bill Burns and Richard Mack.
Hank and Gert gave me a gift, which was a printed
manual and 2 CDs for the 1700, thank you. I’ve
been studying about my new motorcycle, and it
sure seems a lot like a new car with all of the
electronics. Electronic fuel injection and ABS
brakes make it a very complex motorcycle.
NorCal Voyagers Newsletter
February 2012
Minutes from last meeting were read by Trisha
Blue. Approved by Holli Ehnisz; seconded by
Gert Thompson.
Treasurers Report read by Wayne Bright.
Approved by John DeMuri; seconded by Jerry
Activities report led by Don Medina. Saturday,
March 24 will be our next Tech Day at Jerry
Zimmerman’s garage in Wilton, CA. The next
day, Sunday, March 25, Don will lead a ride for
Tracy Motorsports (where he purchased his new
Motorcycles gather at the club meeting
The Feather Bed Railroad ride is April 13-15.
We have 5 more railroad cars to reserve, so send
in your checks now. Last year’s trip was so
much fun; you don’t want to miss this.
Club Meeting January 28
By Trisha Blue
The meeting was held at Perko’s Restaurant in
Manteca. Meeting was called to order by
President Don Medina at 11:23 am.
May 4-6, we have the Wildflower Triathlon
support at Lake San Antonio. Riders will carry
race officials as passengers. This event is pretty
exciting and all camping, food & even gas
expenses are paid for. Don will find out if they
can use trikes for support.
Members in attendance: Don Medina, Trisha
Blue, Deric Fiddler, Marvin Deatherage, Jerry
Zimmerman, John De Muir, Kirk & Holli Ehnisz,
Gert & Hank Thompson, Wayne Bright, Jim
Kramlich, Jeff Komoto and Fred Andrew.
Our next meeting, March 31, we will have a
photo shoot. So, clean and polish your bike,
wear your best gear, and come have a good time.
Guests: Irma Reyes and Dick
Sergeant-at-Arms Marvin Deatherage took in $1
in fines. (Remember to always wear some form
of club logo at all club functions!) Marvin gave a
safety report and handed out a flyer with riding
hand signals and encouraged everyone to use
them when riding as a group. If you think of
ideas to help the group ride safely, please let us
Old Business: Don brought club flags, stickers
and shirts for sale.
New Business: NCVC will place a business card
size ad for brake lines in the AVA Membership
Roster, cost is $25. The motion to do this was
Deric, Marvin, Jerry, John (on left) Jeff, Fred, Dick, Gert & Hank (on
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NorCal Voyagers Newsletter
February 2012
made by John DeMuri; seconded by Fred
Andrew; approved by all. A motion was made by
Holli Ehnisz to place a 2nd ad for the instructional
video, seconded y Marvin Deatherage; approved
by all.
How much do you like to ride; it doesn’t matter
how long the ride, do you like to ride? I do, and
for me the best thing is that my wife Trisha loves
to ride. As the 2010 AVA International Rally
was coming to a close, the AVA Board made the
announcement that in 2011 we would be heading
to De Gray, Arkansas. I had no idea where De
Gray was, all I had ever done was drive the
Interstate through Arkansas. So out came the
maps and the trip planning began.
high to be 65. We head east up and over the
coastal mountains, then along the San Francisco
Bay. A few more miles and we enter the Central
California Valley; we ride with all of the holiday
traffic. Then we finely get to the Sierra foothills,
then the Sierras. As we begin the climb up and
over the Sierra’s, finally there is no more traffic.
We come across groups of motorcyclists out for a
holiday weekend trip. By 1 pm we arrive in
Carson City, NV and the temp is 104. While
stopped for fuel, I call the motel in Austin NV.
While talking to the owner of the motel, I tell her
where we are and that we are riding motorcycles.
She promptly tells me about old US 50, it will
add only 50 miles to the day and just before the
junction we should stop at an old stagecoach
stop. We do both, gathering more See the USA
with the AVA passport points. We arrive in
Austin NV, an old mining town which is in full
party mode. Banners are hanging overhead,
bands are playing in parking lots, old saloons
have their doors open with music filtering out the
open doors. We check in and head out looking
for food, music and dancing. We find all three.
But first the Voyager and Goldwing trike have to
be prepared. I did all of the basic maintenance to
get us ready. Then three days before we are to
depart, I smell coolant while riding the Voyager
1200. After a bit of searching, I find that the O
rings on the coolant tubes at the head were
seeping coolant. I had a set of O rings in my tool
box plus two new coolant hoses. After the job
was complete, I then washed and polished both
bikes and the Time Out Trailer. The Voyager
pulls the Time Out Trailer, and the reason is that
Trisha has told me that the Goldwing trike
(Ruby) is just too prissy.
Motel in Austin NV
The day comes for departure, July 2. Early that
morning we’re loaded and off. We are planning
on meandering, so we have given ourselves seven
days to get to De Gray. We live along the Pacific
Ocean, which means that it never gets hot in the
summer. But today no clouds, temp 60 with the
The next day we ride the rest of the loneliest
highway, US 50. Have you ever ridden this
road? You should, it’s three hundred miles of
winding two-lane road. We leave Austin NV,
and after two hours of riding we arrive in Eureka
NV, another mining town. At the east end of
Meeting was adjourned at 12:15 pm.
Submitted by Trisha Blue
Heading to the Rally, De Gray AR
By Don Medina
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NorCal Voyagers Newsletter
February 2012
town a historical marker is waiting, then onto
Ely, NV.
more. As I look up I see the rain falling on the
mountain range on my right, with the blue sky
framing the rain cloud. I look down the valley,
everything is green and the air smells of fresh
Trisha getting Passport points at Eureka
Getting out of the heat
We arrive in Salina UT where US 50 becomes
part of Interstate 70. As we enter the Interstate,
an information sign with bold letters states NEXT
SERVICE 106 MILES. With the a six gallon
fuel tank on the Voyager and a six and a half
gallon fuel tank on Ruby, we don’t worry. This
is a part of the Interstate system you have to ride.
In that 106 miles you descend in altitude and the
road has sweeping turn after sweeping turn. But
best is the scenery, just like what you see in post
cards, you should see it for yourself. Both
motorcycles love the road. Over the winter I
installed Race Tech fork springs and gold valves
on Ruby, and I also worked on the rear
suspension. Ruby is handling wonderfully. How
can I tell? By the smile on Trisha’s face when
she flips open the face shield. Today we stop for
the night in Green River, Utah. I have only made
one reservation for this trip and that’s in two
more days at the Historic Route 66 Motel in
Tucumcari NM. But today when we ride into
Green River, Utah, it’s quiet unlike yesterday in
Austin NV. Looking around we find a nice 50s
style motel. After checking in, I ask for towels
to wipe down both the Voyager and Ruby. These
Trisha enjoying the vista
After Ely, NV, you enter The Great Basin, and
soon after The Great Basin National Park, more
passport points. The road is now straight and the
temp is over 100. We ride though this scenic
state at a steady 67 mph; I can hear the wind, but
best I hear and feel the Voyager between my legs.
Utah soon arrives and the town of Delta, with
fertile soil there’s farming entering and leaving
Delta. After being on two lane roads for 500
miles, we ride the Interstate for nine miles. Six
miles after leaving the Interstate, we ride along
US 50 with a mountain range on the right and
another range on the left. A few drops of rain
splatter on the Voyager’s windshield, nothing
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NorCal Voyagers Newsletter
February 2012
short days are great, after unpacking and wiping
down the motorcycles, it’s still early. We’re
hungry and Trisha spotted a Mexican restaurant,
so we ride the Voyager to the restaurant. After a
good meal, Trisha spots an ice cream shop that
also sells espresso.
Aspen follows a small creek and meanders along
the flats through Aspen groves, then after
rounding a left turn the road aims for the sky.
Early the next morning after stopping at a truck
stop and adding air to the trailer tires, we leave
Green River. The early morning sun is blinding
with no clouds, the high altitude is keeping the
temperature cool. Just after Grand Junction CO,
Interstate 70 runs along the east side of the
Colorado River for miles. The Interstate follows
the contour of the Colorado River, giving
wonderful views of the Colorado plus sweeping
turns. Today is the 4th of July, every town we
pass has flags and banners and soon the road sign
displays our exit, Glenwood Springs, CO.
4th of July in Aspen
This is the beginning of the ascent. We ride past
a couple of sections of road where there is only
one lane. We meet cars; they stop and give us the
right of way. In the mountains, the vehicle going
uphill has the right of way. Two thirds of the
way to the summit we stop at an old ghost town
named Independence. There is a docent on site
who gives a brief history lesson. We make a
small donation and walk down into Independence
imagining what the town was like 150 years ago.
They were able to save the building that was the
general store. After looking around, I sure like
living in the 21st century.
While stopped for gas in Glenwood Springs,
Trisha comes over with her big smile and tells me
about the POWER gear that Ruby has. Trisha
tells that the last 100 miles or so she has stayed in
4th gear (power gear) which lets Ruby climb hills
with ease. I reply power gears cost money, after
using an extra gallon of that $4.00 per gallon gas,
no more power gear for fun. We head on to
Aspen CO, 38 miles on a new four lane road
which a few years ago was only two lanes.
Entering Aspen we ride past the Aspen Airport.
There must have been 200 private jets. I think to
myself, they are almost as cool as our jets. We
arrive to a massive traffic jam; Aspen is very
serious about the Fourth of July. I find a small
open space for parking. With a twisting of the
Voyager and the trailer, while Trisha removes her
Marvella’s luggage rack and backs the trike into
the small opening, we get all three vehicles
parked in one parking space. Then we’re off
being tourist for an hour or so. When we return
to the motorcycles, we have lunch right there
under a large shade tree. Soon we head out of
town; we are riding to the top of the world, the
summit of Independence Pass. The road out of
Don & Trisha in Independence CO on Independence Day 2011
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NorCal Voyagers Newsletter
February 2012
This next section of road is steep and at 10,000
plus feet zaps the power from the Voyager
pulling the Time Out Trailer. Loaded the Time
Out weighs 450 pounds. Three miles from the
summit we round a hairpin turn with a steep exit,
I have the Voyager down in 2nd gear. As I
accelerate nothing is happening, I give the
Voyager time and it begins to accelerate. The
higher the rev counter needle moves, the better
the acceleration. At this altitude I find that
keeping the engine spinning above 3,000 RPM
gives good performance.
come on. The Voyager and I have to brake hard
for the same turn; Trisha then accelerates briskly
out of the turn, no blue smoke. The rest of the
ride down to Twin Lakes is a joy; I get to watch
Trisha show off her skills and confidence. When
she stops at the junction which will take us south,
she flips open her face shield looking at me
asking, well? I give her the thumbs up and smile
telling her how good she rides. We are now at
the headwaters of the Arkansas River. The road
follows the river; we ride past Buena Vista CO
and continue south stopping at historical markers,
getting more Passport points. Then we arrive in
Salida CO and find another motel from the 50s.
This motel is white washed on the outside and the
inside is just as nice. We check in and the
owner/manager of the motel gives us a room next
to a couple from Michigan who are also riding a
Goldwing trike. We all chat, while Trisha and I
wipe down the Voyager and Ruby.
Life Insurance
By Don Medina
If you were to ask me about Life Insurance five
years ago I would have said; let them work. Who
are them; my spouse and children, yes I’m a cold
hearted man. I never thought that I should take
care of anyone, no welfare here; work or perish.
For years I’ve had insurance agents try and sell
me Life Insurance. My feeling was why should I
buy something that I have to die to get a payout?
It wasn't as cold as it looks
After reaching the summit at 12,100, we take a
hike and walk on some snow that’s still on the
ground. Before we mount our motorcycles, I tell
Trisha she should lead us down to Twin Lakes.
Some Goldwing riders were telling me that
around the 70K mark they’ve been seeing blue
smoke coming out of the exhaust. She leads;
until you get to 11,000 feet the road is exciting.
There is one section that has no guard rail and at
different points the edge of the road is missing,
this is the side of the road we will be using.
Trisha uses caution as we begin the descent, with
every turn I see her confidence grow. When she
gets to the cliff section she moves the trike to the
center of the road, straightening the road. I don’t
see the brake lights come on most of the way
down. At the bottom there’s another hairpin and
Trisha runs the trike in hard, I see the brake lights
I’ve changed my mind. It’s taken a long time and
with Pire taking the time and explaining what
Life Insurance really does, even if you’re retired,
it’s very simple. After you die everyone around
you does have to take care of themselves, but
with life Insurance that transition will be much
easier. What did you want for your spouse,
children or grandchildren: a new house, better
retirement, collage education for the
grandchildren? When you move on and can’t be
there to provide for them, your long range plan
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NorCal Voyagers Newsletter
February 2012
will be there for you. Every time your child or
grandchild signs up for another collage class it
will be because of you, whenever your spouse
has an emergence come up they won’t have to
worry about how to pay for it because of your
planning and forward thinking.
Now there are costs associated with any
coverage, and Life Insurance is no different.
What we have is Pire Jensen, even if you’ve
never used Pirie now is the time to call. Pirie can
get most of the information she need s over the
phone. Life Insurance is just one of many things
Pire Jensen has in her State Farm arsenal of
coverage plans.
Breakfast at Featherbed Railroad, Kirk, Tony, Holli and Diane
Diane and Jeff enjoy first course of breakfast at Featherbed RR
Future member Cody from the Lone Star State, Rene Ann and Rick
Londagin's grandson
Tulip Hill Winery during 2011 Featherbed Railroad trip
2010 Monterey campout, Tony & Gail Curtis on left
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NorCal Voyagers Newsletter
February 2012
Pirie Jensen
State Farm Agent
1871 The Alameda, Suite 120
San Jose, CA 95126
(408) 985-2755
Providing Insurance and Financial Services
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NorCal Voyagers Newsletter
February 2012
2012 Club Events Calendar
MAR 16-17-18 – Hearst Castle ride,
16th meet in Hollister (cancelled)
JAN 14-15 – Sacramento Auto/Railroad
Museums (cancelled)
FEB 11-12 (rain date) – Sacramento
Auto/Railroad Museums (cancelled)
JAN 28 – Meeting: Manteca (11AM),
MAR 24 – Tech Day/Lube Cables Adjust
Cruise Control
MAR 25 – Tracy Motorsport ride to Black
Oak Casino (meet 9 AM at dealership)
MAR 31 – Meeting: Manteca (11 AM)
followed by Photo Shoot
MAY 04-05-06 – Wildflower Tri
volunteers needed
APR 13-14-15 – Featherbed Railroad ride
(we must pre-pay, so send in your check)
MAY 04-05-06 – Quail Motorcycle
Gathering at Quail Lodge, Carmel CA
JUN 22-23-24 – Sierra Campout
May 12 Livermore Motorcycle
Safety Awareness Day
MAY 19 – Meeting: Manteca (11 AM)
JUL 04 – Don & Trisha leave for
AVA Rally
AUG 04 – Meeting/Club Birthday:
Manteca (11 AM)
JUL 09-12 - AVA Rally, Kanab, Utah
AUG 18-19 Don & Trisha Wallowa Lake
OR 1 week
JUL 26-27-28-29 – AMA Women in
Motorcycling Conference (Carson City
AUG 25-26 – Don & Trisha return from
Wallowa Lake OR
OCT 06 – Don & Trisha depart for
Ripley TN BBQ
NOV 10 – Meeting: Manteca (11 AM)
Oct 20-21 – Half Moon Bay
Pumpkin Festival
NOV 17-18– International
Motorcycle Show San Mateo
OCT 26-27-28 – Leaf Peeper ride/
Feather River Canyon
NOV 22 – Thanksgiving Day
Page 10
SEP 08-13 – Ray Walls Classic
“Lighthouse Tour”
SEP 29 - Meeting: Manteca (11 AM)
DEC 08 – NCVC Christmas Party –
Location TBD
NorCal Voyagers Newsletter
February 2012
The Last Page
And finally…
Thanks for reading the NorCal Voyagers Newsletter. We
appreciate the input from the club membership and hope
you enjoy this newsletter. If you have any comments,
additions, corrections, articles, submissions, please send
them along to:
Sergeant at Arms
Activities Director
Web Admin.
Newsletter Editor
Don Medina
Kirk Ehnisz
Trisha Blue
Wayne Bright
Marvin Deatherage
Ron Aikins
Trisha Blue
If you have any questions about the club or
comments to the Board of Directors, please
use the following e-mail addresses:
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