Sep/Oct - St Marys Catholic Church
Sep/Oct - St Marys Catholic Church
ST. MARY’S CATHOLIC CHURCH BOISE, IDAHO Magnificat My being proclaims the greatness of the Lord and my spirit finds joy in God my Savior Luke 1 :46 Volume 1, Issue 5 September/October 2003 H I S T O R I C A L LY S P E A K I N G … Sai nt Ma r y’s Al tar So cie t y The Belles of Saint Mary’s sponsored their first ball, December 7, 1938, the anniversary of the first service in the new church. Held in the Elks Club, bridge and pinochle were planned to begin at 8:30 p.m. in the mezzanine and continue all evening for the non dancers. At 9:30 dancing began to the melody of “The Belles of Saint Mary’s” by the Clinton Nordquist Band. A buffet supper was available later in the evening. “Proceeds were used against the parish building debt.” “Saint Mary’s most prominent annual society event” was the opening newspaper article line announcing the 3rd annual parish dance and card party on December 7th, 1940, “one of Boise's most outstanding pre holiday affairs.” The 1947 dance proceeds helped fund the building of the new school. Dress was semi formal by this year. Pre dance cocktail parties were widely mentioned in the newspaper. In 1953 Canasta was added to the mezzanine card games. Id. Statesman, December 13th, 1953, “Just as the first snow always starts an epidemic of ski fever, so does the Saint Mary’s annual ball start off the yuletide season in Boise. More than Inside This Issue (continued) 1000 tickets were sold for the 1953 Catholic benefit held Friday evening in the Elks Ballroom...a ceiling high Santa mural of red felt and tall tinfoil trees with a 3-D effect. Old fashioned folding Christmas bells, done in new-fangled aluminum paper, hung from the alcove ceilings and two lighted Christmas trees sat on the dais with the orchestra. Upstairs a large crowd of card players spent much of the evening peering over the balcony railing, except for Dr. Edwin Peterson who won both the door prize and the high bridge prize.” Beth Carpenter 2 Molly Roscoe 3 School News 4 Youth Ministry 5 Pastor’s Letter 7 Finance Committee 7 Parish Organizations 8 Kevin Saunders 11 Special Points Of ALTAR SOCIETY ACTIVITES Interest 1937 - 1955 · History of Altar Society Card parties, annual dances beginning fall, 1938, luncheons, silver teas (newspaper re· Children & Family Ministry ported, “Several hundred Boise women called at the home of Dr. & Mrs. Everett · Extended Kindergarten Jones….”), rummage sales, children’s picnic · Bishop Kelly Report (“Father Creegan led the games.”), apron · Annual Dinner Dance & and candy sales, cake and cooked food sales, Auction fruit shower for children, card parties, ice · Thanksgiving Guests: cream socials, purchase of first organ for Treinen House Men the Slickapoo Orphanage in 1938, participation in Falks Store’s table setting contest (won 1st prize, a silver service), participation $$$ HISTORICALLY $$$ SPEAKING… in activities of the Central Deanery of Catho- Earliest financial records lic Women and the Idaho Council of Catholic will be reported in the Women, holding positions of officers and next issue. committee members are scrapbook listings. (See Dinner Dance & Auction on p. 11) What was the average annual donation? PAGE 2 Magnificat THE PEOPLE WHO ARE SAINT MARY’S: Beth Carpenter Houston Taylor Hitt and Elizabeth Sproat became the proud parents of Elizabeth Gertrude on mother’s 33rd birthday, December 22, 1926, in Mountain Home, Idaho. After ten days I arrived at the family farm in Indian Cove, Idaho, to join Elaine, Joel and Hugh. Later my brothers, Wallace, Douglas and Afton Jean joined the family. By the time I was ten years old, my older sister had three children and I had three younger brothers, one of them a baby. Growing up I took care of a lot of kids, washed diapers, helped cook, clean, wash and hang clothes, weed and harvest a big garden and I also fed chickens and rabbits, churned butter and did other farm chores. For fun I climbed trees, rode the family horse, swam in the Snake River and played with all those little kids. My four brothers and I walked 2 ½ miles to a one-room schoolhouse where it was discovered that I couldn’t see the chalkboard. A whole new world opened up for me with a new pair of tiny wire framed glasses. The moon and stars in the night sky, sunsets on the Snake River, leaves in the trees made every day incredible. My mother cried for a week over my discoveries. date was determined by the availability of Father Raymond Peplinski, who came down from Mc Call Scout Camp Tuesday nights to pick up mail. My dad and Jim’s dad began work by 8 a.m. so we were married at 6 a.m. on Wednesday, August 29, 1949. Jim worked thirty-nine years at Saint Al’s and I worked twenty-five, the last ten at the School of Nursing until it closed in 1969. We were married forty years and had three children. Rusty was born June 17, 1950. Three months later Jim was recalled to the Navy and sent to Korea for a year. Laurie was born June 3rd, 1952, and Mary, February 11, 1960. Rusty and Pam have two children Eli (16) and Chelsea (11). Laurie has two, Lindsey (25) and Cameron (23). My only great granddaughter, Dassah, celebrated her second birthday September 6th, 2003. Andy and Lindsey married in Twin Falls two weeks before Laurie died from pneumonia complicated by twenty years of Multiple Sclerosis. Cameron, attending school in Arkansas with Wyoming National Guard, completed four years in the Air Force. Mary, in her 17th year at Saint Al’s, married a wonderful fellow, David Brown, in 1992. Indian Cove School consolidated with Hammett where I attended 5th through 8th grade. My dad was the senator from Owyhee County from 1932 – 1936 and I planned to run away from home and live with his former landlady so I could go to school in Boise. My folks found out and moved the whole family to 10th and Hays to a four-bedroom house completely furnished for $45 a month. A year later we bought a home on Denver Street in south Boise. I was a sophomore at Boise High when WWII started. Those were lean, hard working years for all of us. Each of us Senior Girl Scouts spent over 2000 hours as hospital aides at Saint Al’s during the war years. We also picked cherries, peas and beans and hoed corn in the summers. I graduated in June 1944 and went directly into the Cadet Nurse Corps. In 1946 I joined the Catholic Church and received my First Communion. That summer some of my friends let the air out of my bike tires. I went in search of a tire pump, found the newly hired assistant maintenance engineer, recently discharged from the Navy, and asked for the pump. Jim Carpenter got the pump and when I reached for it he pulled it back. I said, “I didn’t ask you to pump it up. I just need the means.” He said, “Do you want your tire pumped up or this thing wrapped around your neck?” That was our first meeting. We married three years later at Our Lady of the Rosary Church. Our wedding Back left: Cameron, Lindsey, Rusty, Beth, David Middle left: Eli, Pam Front left: Chelsea, Laurie, Frank (friend), Mary My Saint Mary’s involvement began when our older children were in school there. I led Girl Scout troops from Brownie to Senior Girl Scouts. I repeated that with my youngest. I also taught reading and provided health services and immunizations. It was difficult to find time to volunteer because I worked fulltime and went to school. I earned my first college credit in 1944 and graduated in 1971 with a BA in Social Science. By the time I retired from school nursing in 1986 I had an additional 36 credits. Carpenter (Continued on page 6) VOLUME 1, ISSUE 5 PAGE 3 COORDINATOR OF YOUTH MINISTRY: Molly Roscoe I was born in Billings, Montana on April 15, 1975 and I have two older brothers. As I was growing up I played sports, took part in choir, studied piano, but mainly loved my peer friendships above all else. Ventures into the outdoors were a regular part of my upbringing. I have lots of memories involving athletics as well as being in the mountains with my family and timeless days at our family cabin. What was a motivating factor that led you to desire to be a youth minister? Working with teens keeps me close to a process of self-examination. By engaging with youth in their faith formation, I arrive upon my own struggles and affirmations. Young people can and are ready to go deeper, and at times I feel we underestimate the depth of response and relationship they’re seeking. Being a youth minister gives me an opportunity to fully give them that response through real dialogue, fun, and activity. What is your background in youth ministry beginning with your own teen years? This is my first time doing youth ministry exclusively for a parish. In high school I only took part in isolated youth ministry opportunities. My college years involved participation in numerous service projects, and upon graduation I worked as a Jesuit Volunteer in Belize, where I was active in music ministry and formed a youth choir. Most recently I worked with urban youth doing ministry at a faith based community center in West Virginia. I’ve also worked with residential teens at a juvenile detention center and facilitated other youth ministry programs. Please share your educational background and it’s meaning for you? I received a BA in psychology from the University of Portland. For graduate school, I attended Wheeling Jesuit University in West Virginia, and received an MA in Applied Theology. My degrees continue to be put to use every time I come back to social ministry. My Masters has been highly significant, as it has provided me with the scholastic and theological backbone that my experiential work history was in need of. It also rekindled my faith through the study of Catholic history and tradition. It has fostered in me a drive to promote the same opportunities for Catholics in general, especially our youth. What ministry experience or experiences have touched your soul? That’s a tough question. There are many, but I’d say the general experience of seeing the face of Christ in the struggling and oppressed. So often others have graced me with that face in the midst of their poverty and, in doing so, have allowed me to see my own poverties. Is there something you want the parishioners of Saint Mary’s to know about their role in youth ministry? YES! We must move away from language and ways of thinking that identify one person as “the youth minister.” We are all called to minister within our parish, and for many that means diving in with our youth. Christ modeled for us a standard of servant leadership, which calls us all to serve each other. Start replacing “volunteer” with “youth minister” and “servant leader.” If we can approach youth involvement with belief in such an idea, our youth will benefit from our authenticity, as will we, no matter the amount of time given. No involvement is too small if it is rooted in the model of Christ. What are your favorite hobbies? Backpacking, composing music, watching movies, playing guitar What are you immediate goals from now to January 1st? To stabilize our programs for the junior high and high school youth of Saint Mary’s. We’ll work towards this by building community, rounding out our programming with diverse activities, and presenting strong factors of fun. God answers knee mail. Father Carlos Felipe Velez Our new parochial Vicar will be profiled in the next issue of Magnificat. PAGE 4 Magnificat CHILDREN, YOUTH & FAMILY MINISTRY As we begin the religious education year I have many exciting plans to share with you. We have hired Molly Roscoe as our new Coordinator of Youth Ministry. She will have primary responsibility for coordinating the Jr. and Sr. High School Youth Ministry program. I will now become the full-time Coordinator for Children’s and Family Ministry and will have primary responsibility for Pre-School - 6th grade religious education and family ministry. We are forming a new 5th-6th grade club to be named by the young people in that group. The club will be a transition between elementary religious education and youth ministry. By using a different format from the traditional classroom setting, we hope to make religious education more dynamic, more relevant to their lives. The club will also have monthly social and service opportunities in order to build a real sense of community among these young people. We will begin religious education for Pre-school - 6th grade on October 5th. One of my goals is to provide families with more resources for sharing their faith together at home. Toward that end, we have purchased Generations of Faith resources from the Center for Ministry Development. We will be forming a team to unite the parish in celebrating our liturgical year in a variety of ways including: prayer and liturgy; religious education; reflection on scripture in small faith communities or in the home; family home activities; and parish celebrations. The Center for Ministry Development will provide several training sessions over the next two years beginning this fall. I am planning events such as an All Saints Festival and preparing materials for use at home including a Jesse tree packet for use during Advent. There will be a potluck and meeting for 2nd graders and their parents on October 14th at 6:30 p.m. to begin preparation for the sacraments of Reconciliation and Eucharist. There will be two parent meetings for each sacrament. The First Eucharist retreat has been the highlight of the year for the children in previous years. We will add a retreat for First Reconciliation this year. The schedule for all these events will be provided at the first meeting. It will be an exciting and faith filled year! Meg Lawless SAINT MARY’S SCHOOL: EXTENDED KINGERGARTEN PROGRAM St. Mary’s School is offering a whole day option for our Kindergarten class for the first time this year. Recent research states that students can benefit from a full day program. We also had a very large demand for kindergarten enrollment. These two factors influenced our decision to institute this program. We have the Traditional Kindergarten Program and an Extended Kindergarten Program. This year we have 38 students enrolled in the Traditional Kindergarten Program, 23 students in the A.M. session and 15 students in the P.M. session with Mrs. Amy Foley. 23 of the students are also enrolled in the Extended Day Program, 11 students in the A.M. session and 12 students in the P.M. session with Mrs. Roseanne Sample. Mrs. Foley’s Traditional Kindergarten Program introduces the students to reading and writing. Students listen to, read, and write stories. The Scholastic Liter- acy Place series is used for Language Arts. Math includes hands on activities that involve patterning, sorting, measuring and comparing. Adding and subtracting are introduced using the Math Their Way Program. Learning Centers are used to reinforce concepts taught through out the day. Centers include Computer, Math, Reading, Writing, Art, Drama and theme related Social Studies and Science projects. Weekly schedule includes PE, Music, Library, Mass, and the parent directed Art Program. Mrs. Foley graduated from Boise State University with an endorsement in Early Childhood Education. She has been teaching kindergarten at St. Mary’s for three years and assisting with the reading program in first grade for two. She believes that the best thing about St. Mary’s is the family atmosphere created by the wonderful parent involvement and support. She believes that the children should be actively involved in the making of the classroom guidelines and setting the daily routine. Extended Kindergarten (continued on page 5) VOLUME 1, ISSUE 5 PAGE 5 YOUTH MINISTRY th As we approach the September 28 kick-off for our youth ministry programs, we continue to explore how we can encourage our programs to grow. Perhaps our largest goal for the year is to nurture the idea of holistic youth ministry. Our programs and catechesis must be rooted in activity that is relevant to today’s teens. We must make faith formation hip, challenging and of substance…and we will! Plain and simple, teenagers love to have fun, and we’d be wise to use St. Paul’s idea of “foolishness for Christ’s sake” as the anchor of our goals. To take part in (Extended Kindergarten from p. 4) Mrs. Foley uses mutual respect and positive guidance to keep the classroom running smoothly. Mrs. Sample’s Extended Day Kindergarten Program includes the Traditional Kindergarten Program taught by Mrs. Foley in either the A.M. or P.M. Mrs. Sample incorporates: individualized and interactive curriculum, hands on activities and instruction, whole group and center activities. Reading and Phonics include dramatization, illustration, author of the month, and Book Club & Swap. Music & Motion engages students in singing, fostering the joy of Christ in the hearts of our youth is a blessing and this will happen if we choose to authentically walk with them on their journeys of faith. They are ready to be stirred and so are we, and ALL parishioners are invited to become involved in action and prayer! For more information about the programs, Confirmation or RCIA, please contact me at the parish office. Molly Roscoe, Saint Mary’s Youth Ministry Coordinator motion, and action rhymes. Students will enjoy arts and crafts, Spanish lessons, cooking class, learning games to enrich skills, theme studies in Science and Social Studies, indoor and outdoor play, and computer skills programs. If you have questions about the program, please feel free to call the school and Mrs. Foley and Mrs. Sample will be happy to return your call. 342-7476. Marcia Beckman Principal BISHOP KELLEY HIGH SCHOOL BOARD REPORT Doug Standlee, a former principal at Meridian, Borah, and Capital high schools, will serve as Bishop Kelly's principal for the next year as two "Blue Ribbon" task forces sort out ownership, structure and management issues, and a national search for a permanent principal takes place. These task forces, lead by Deacons Jerry Pera, Meridian, and Pierce Murphy, Boise, will provide reports to Father Faucher and the Bishop Kelly Board of Directors no later than December. years and the number of priests cut in half, it is much more difficult for pastors to devote the quality time to BK governance that it deserves. With the number of people in Boise tripling in the last 30 Saint Mary’s BK Board Representative School started the week of August 18th with an enrollment of approximately 635 extremely talented and excited students. Dennis Gribble BOISE At Its BEST FLOWERS 717 S. Vista 342342-4885 Georgia Wells-White Parishioner Custom Deck & Patio Design & Construction Jeff Ware & Darren Beumeler 208 884884-1121 PAGE 6 I retired from school nursing to care for my elderly mother. She died December 1986. Then I cared for my daughter, Laurie, with her two small children. She died in June 2000 and I got involved in Saint Mary’s Food Bank. I worked with Ruth Thacker in the flower gardens for several years while caring for Laurie. In 1980 I was lucky to have a friend ask me to be a consultant for Health & Home Services on the island of Saipan in the South Pacific. I did health planning and nursing procedures. In 1983 I spent three weeks in Russia with school nurses from all over the US. I was honored as Idaho’s first “School Nurse of the Year" in 1984, and an Idaho Statesman “Distinguished Citizen” in 1988. I have been to Scotland and Ireland three times. In June 2001 I spent three weeks touring twelve European countries. What an experience! God gives us friends at critical times in our life. I had joined our first small group in October 1988 and attended my first Saint Mary’s retreat January, 1989, when my husband filed for divorce. I shall be well cared for in my old age since my son is a paramedic and registered nurse. His wife and my daughter, Mary, are also RNs. How lucky can you get!! Some of my favorite sayings include, “There’s another day coming and if not, it won’t make any difference!” “Up your attitude and lower your expectations.” “If you can’t take it with you it really isn’t important.” Mary, Beth’s youngest daughter says, “It has been impossible to keep up with my mother. I followed in her footsteps and became an RN but she did so much more than that." I couldn’t be prouder of her accomplishments and awards including her 2002 ”Distinguished Career In Nursing” certificate. Lindsey Jacobson, Beth’s granddaughter, says, “Gram is one of the most giving people I know. I am her oldest grandchild, and since I was born, she has gone out of her way to help improve my quality of life. When I was a child she brought school clothes and supplies for my COMPLIMENTS OF Magnificat brother and me. She helped me get my first vehicle so I could start college at sixteen. Later she helped pay my university tuition. Today she visits me (two hours away) a few days every month and helps out with my two year old which lets me get some things done that I wouldn’t otherwise. Oh, while doing that, she weeds, plants, fertilizes and maintains my flowerbeds that I might never get to. Of course, this is all excused as ‘family help’. She also volunteers 200 hours a month helping the poor through the Food Bank, beautifying the grounds of her church and even helping her neighbors with everything from moving to garden advice, hospice type care and emotional support during a time of grieving. She is almost never idle. From watering the church ground at 6:30 a.m. and attending daily Mass she keeps busy serving nearly everyone she touches. Without her the neighborhood, parish and family would be in a considerably different state. She is a blessing and one we would do well to remember often.” Beth says “Thank you” to the mystery gardener who has been gardening around the parish center! “We really need volunteers there.” Tom, Thank you for thirtythirty-one wonderful years! Love, Maryann Thank you, Ruth and all gardeners of the past, and Msgr. Creegan for planting our first roses. TASTEFULLY S* I *M*P*L*E Julia Smock Invite your friends to a TASTEFULLY SIMPLE tasting party and earn free products. 853-0586 Christine Mc Clean Harold Siegler Amy Miller Parishioner 250-0321 in Boise at: 1205 W. Bannock 343-6493 Accredited Buyer’s Representative Certified Residential Specialist VOLUME 1, ISSUE 5 PAGE 7 During the past month a parish committee has been interviewing Fund Raising Companies to see which one of them will be the right one to work with our parish family. We need to raise eight million dollars to build a new school and redo our existing church, or raise 10 million if we build a new church. This is a very large amount of money for a small parish. The companies we have interviewed are CCS Professional Services, The Alford Group, Inc., Guidance in Giving, RSI, and Trinity Fund Raising. The companies are all nationwide and some international. In three cases the CEO himself came to make the pitch. It has been a very involved and interesting process. I am most appreciative of the members of our parish committee for their insight and expertise. I thank committee members, John Krueger, chairperson, Keith Pettyjohn, Rita Franklin, Mike Thomas, Darlene Pape, Rita Brilz and Vic Haus. We have been helped out and guided through this process by Mr. Jim Hughes, the Director of Development of the Diocese of Boise. (His involvement is just one more exampleof our DDP dollars at work for us through the chancery.) What happens now with our building program is that on the one hand we have to make a final decision about just what we want to do and decide between leaving the church at 26th and State and moving the school to a new site, or moving everything. On the other hand we have to choose which fund raising company we want to use and then, with them, begin a Feasibility Study to see how much money we might be able to raise. We already know that we are too small to raise the amount we need to raise. A parish our size can only expect to raise about 3 or at the most 4 million dollars. But we have no choice because both the church building and the school building are no longer adequate and the day is fast approaching when we will not be allowed to use them for safety reasons. So we are planning to be able to do what we need to do, planning to raise as much money as we can, and planning that God will take care of the rest. That is what faith is all about. Peace, Father Tom Faucher, Pastor MESSAGE FROM THE PARISH FINANCE COMMITTEE We, the Parish Finance Committee, need your advice. A number of parishes throughout the country and some here in Idaho have begun to accept donations through the use of automatic deductions from checking accounts and/or from the use of credit cards. It has been suggested that we begin either one or both of these practices. of these means makes a decision about how much they can afford to give to the parish and then does not have to worry about it each week or each month. That amount is automatically given to the parish. It would be easier for the parish and it would mean that our income would not go down during the summer when people are away. The advantages are that each family which would choose to use one If there are disadvantages it is in the loss of the practice of actually STAFF DAYS PARISH PICNIC putting the envelope in the collection basket on Sunday. Here and elsewhere in this issue of MAGNIFICAT is a list of the members of the Parish Finance Committee. Please let one of us know what you think of this idea. Sandy Banta 343-3048 Keith Pettyjohn 336-06456 Mike Burke 389-9663 Tim Gutzwiller 853-2761 Dawn Teply 429-9064 PAGE 8 Magnificat SAINT MARY’S PRAISH ORGANIZATIONS Parish Staff Father Thomas Faucher Father Carlos Velez Father Jose Camacho Deacon Bill Petzak Deacon Rap Howell Miren Osich Linda Leonard Marcia Beckman Meg Lawless Molly Roscoe Karen Kelsch Office Help Joanne Campbell Mary Jones Jayne Teske Bob & Marge Cartwright Lois Burnett Parish Council Vic Haus - president Karen Gallagher - vice president Terri Yost - secretary Karen Gallagher - parish events Terri Yost - finance Teresa Sanchez - Hispanic Community Bill Teske - Knights of Columbus & Deanery Mike Pape - Liturgy Ron Ware - Social Action Committee Margaret Kralovec - School Therese Borgerding - Rel. Education Deacon Bill Petzak - Building & Ground Maintenance Miriam Adams Alan Day Monique Fraser Bob Quinn Jan Winner Ad Hoc – Research Separate School Location Bob Mc Quade - chairperson Sr. Clarissa Goeckner, OSB Marty O'Toole Ad Hoc – Research Building Fund Raising John Krueger - chairperson Mike Thomas Rita Franklin Darlene Pape Keith Pettyjohn Rita Brilz Vic Haus - parish council liaison Liturgy Committee Gloria Mc Donald - chairperson Karen Kelsch - music Lou Florence - lectors Bob Mc Quade - hospitality Angie Purcell Molly Krueger Donna Nasker Finance Council Sandy Banta - chairperson Keith Pettyjohn Tim Gutzwiller Michael Burke Michael Gibbons Dawn Teply Terri Yost - parish council liaison (Fr. Tom Faucher, Linda Leonard, Miren Osich, EX OFFICIO) Stephen Ministry Darcy Amburn - co chairperson Linda Leonard - co chairperson Lenora Brown Kitty Ourada Bob Mc Crae Molly Kreuger Ruth Thacker Penny Smith Glenda Uranga Michelle Bateman Patrick Cole Diane Dutton Keith Gerard Sylvia Maxwell Karen Moore Pam Phipps Teresa Thomsen Building Committee Ray Hoobing - chairperson Paul Mais Lou Schumacher Bill Clayton Marcia Beckman Social Action Ron Ware - chairperson Roni Pratt Leona Howell Darcy Amburn Isabel Yale Nick Wieber Jayne Teske Norm Samanko Susan Bigelow Food Bank Isabelle Yale - chairperson Lois Ditter Lana Semanko Jim Kelsch Polly Sproul Beth Carpenter Nick Wieber Alice Cotner Ken Johnson Mary Johnson Susan Bigelow Cap Kramis Jim Byrne Beverly White Catherine Petzak Don Pape Ron Ware Dana Appel Fred White Rich Wezensky Hispanic Ministry Teresa Sanchez - Coordinator Alfredo Garibav - Treasurer Alejandra Diaz – Secretary Sacramental Preparation Alejandra Diaz – Baptism Genoveva Munoz-Torrez - First Com munion Erika Delva – Quniceaneras Rosalina Terriquez - Prayer Group Gustavo Ymar ha Luz Murrillo - Wed ding Preparation Religious Educ. Committee Meg Lawless Molly Roscoe Therese Borgerding Lou Florence Mary Ann Mandel Meghan McDonagh Jayne Teske Religious Education Catechists RCIA Children Susan Jones VOLUME 1, ISSUE 5 Art Lee Pre-school – 6th grade catechists Nancy Brennan Hailey Frechettel Therese Gerard Sara Hensley Sherry Jenkins Jennifer Jones Denise Kimpson Milena Lyons Renee Martinez Dominique Naegele Roseanne Sample Bill Thompson Julie Weston Judie Young Liturgy of the Word for Children Jeannee Diaz Bill Kelly Peg Powers Youth Ministry Junior High Cornerstone Crew John Sullivan Therese Borgerding Therese Gerard Tina Lytle Skip Sample Senior High Cornerstone Crew Tony Houston David Hensley Molly Rebich Amanda Houston James Teply Joanne Lechner TNT Crew – Time ‘N’ Talents 25 prospective members Saint Mary’s School School Committee Frank Casabonne - president Sharon Burke Rachel Brasil Bryan Smith - PTO liaison Marty O'Toole Margaret Kralovec - parish council liaison Tim Thometz - PTO liaison Sherry Jenkins Bret Funke Staff Marcia Beckman - Principal Amy Foley - K Rose Ann Sample -EK PAGE 9 Laurie Elliott - 1 Tina Young - 2 Heidi Oden - 3 Keith Gerard - 4 Kay Ganguzza - 5 Kathy Yribar - 6 Bob Graff - 7 Carol Herring – 8 Idaho Reading Council Lisa Kelley Learn and Serve Cindy Joseph Teacher Aides Margret Christophersen Melissa Ball Technology Specialist Darcie Rae PE Teacher Kiley Thompson Music Susan Pohl Band Rob Walker Liturgy Angela Housely Cindy Joseph Nurse Mary Lou Cunningham Health Aide Sherry Placido Librarian Kris Hoffman After School Program Ciobhan Marron Cathy Giacalone Student Council Cindy Joseph Kathy Yribar Acolytes Cindy Joseph PTO Board Tim Thometz - president Steve Stech Andy Harrison Cindy Mc Clintock Bryan Smith Margaret Sato Monica Jones Ben Baca Ellen Flowers Marcia Beckman - teacher rep. Creegan Foundation Dick Reilly James Harrison Cliff Yochum Anne Sorenson Paul Jauregui John Bleymaier Rita Franklin Janet Casabonne Ken Neiman Adult Catholic Education Mia Crosswaite RCIA Tom Beckman Leona Howell Don Leiske Welcoming Committee Tammy Morrison - chairperson Linda Leonard Jan Winner Michelle Pettyjohn Mary Johnson Elaine Davis Secretary/Receptionist Gina Bermeosolo Systems Operator Shawna Osich Parish Events Marci Pape Karen Gallagher Donna Tappen Susan Jones Mike Jones Karen Espinoza Margie Rivera Custodian Ron Brough Moms and Tots Trisha Wieber Book Keeper Theresa Marron PAGE 10 Magnificat Susan Thometz Roni Pratt Michelle Pettyjohn Susan Nugent Tammy Morrison Bridget McMillion Meghan McDonagh Kerri McCanna Mary Ann Mandel Katie Kochaver Elaine Davis Marisela Baca Eileen Molitor Miren Osich Catherine Petzak Ziggy Smith Polly Sproul Mary Sprague Mardy Stenkamp Agnes Stuckey Ruth Thacker Myrtle Turner Virginia Walstra Phyllis Zimmer Parish Nursing Leona Howell Christy Chapman Marina Edwards Martha & Mary Group Teresa Browning - chairperson Susan Jones Donna Tappen Diane Tappen Aprille Lee Jan Winner Joan Haus Small Faith Communities Mary Johnson - chairperson Darcy Amburn John Brueck Kathy Carney Joan Haus Christy Chapman Deb England Kathleen Duvall Ruth Radsor Paul Mais Keith & Michell Pettyjohn Renee Martinez Women of Saint Mary’s Golden Agers Miriam Anderson - chairperson Jeanne Anderson Vera Barnes Jane Berglund Elizabeth Byrne Elby Cisler Carolyn Crooks Marcella Dunn Billie Dvorak Frances Ford Lolly Gallegos Anne Gibbens Catherine Gidney Pat Goldade Jan Grimes Marcy Holly Mary Johnson Mary Jones Jeanne Jones Shyrle Kramis Mary Lockwood Doris Mais June Mc Cormick Jackie Mc Pherron Virginia Medek Funeral Dinner Committee Joanne Campbell - chairperson Miriam Adams Jeanne Anderson Vera Barnes Lenora Brown Joanne Campbell Kathey Carney Marge Cartwright Elby Cisler Kathleen Duvall Eileen Farley Ruth Hadzor Jeanne Jones Merikay Jost Shirley Kramis Linda Leonard Doris Mais June McCormick Ruth Thacker Jan Winner Ariel Weitensteiner Glenda Uranga Katherine Jackson Cut Ups (Quilters) Ruth Thacker - Chairperson Jeanne Anderson Billie Dvorak Lolly Gallegos Pat Goldade Catherine Petzak Rose Mary Swanson ICCW West Central Deanery Merikay Jost - parish representative Knights of Columbus Bill Teske Roland Krueger Mike Pape Chris Jones Keith Pettyjohn Mike Jones Mike Woods Jose Garcia Jim Gutzwiller Louis Schumacher Shawn Pratt Paul Mais Bishop Kelly Board Father Faucher - chairperson Dennis Gribble - parish representative Respect for Life Bill & Jayne Teske Prayer Network Lenora Brown - co chairperson Polly Sproul - co chairperson Gardening Beth Carpenter Dick Vernon Maintenance Deacon Bill Petzak Ron Brough Magnificat Mike & Joanne Lechner Mary Kay Sprague Web Site Margaret Kralovec Denise Hitchman Ecumenical Interfaith Thanksgiving Prayer Service Committee Darlene Pape - parish representative Add 29 prayer angels and 211 liturgical ministers to the above 309 and there are 549 known people actively involved in the life of our parish! AMEN!!! Are you one of them? VOLUME 1, ISSUE 5 PAGE 11 COMING EVENTS! MARK YOUR CALENDAR AND BRING GUESTS ANNUAL DINNER DANCE & AUCTION This event is the school’s most successful fund raiser for acquiring education materials and providing special projects. Donate an item, service or cash contribution and invite your family and friends to the Boise Center on the Grove, Saturday, November 1st. Contact Mike & Sharon Burke, 389-9663, for reservations. TREINEN HOUSE STUDENTS TO BE HONORED AT THANKSGIVING DAY MASS Saint Mary’s Parish has invited the students of Treinen House, the house of formation for the seminarians of the Diocese of Boise, to be guests at the 10 a.m. Mass on Thanksgiving Day and the annual Thanksgiving Brunch which follows. The 10 students, some of them from foreign countries, will attend the Mass and the Brunch together with Father Jairo Restrepo, Vocation Director and Director of Treinen House. Moms & Tots Oct. 8 Oct. 22 Nov. 5 Nov. 19 Love & Logic Legend of Halloween Stress Relievers At This Season Pie Making Trisha Wieber 853853-0796 KEVIN SAUNDERS ADVENT RETREAT Last Lent we had Kevin Saunders, the scripture scholar from Phoenix, come and give us a retreat based on the last week of the life of Christ. This year Kevin is coming again to give us an understanding of the miracle of Christmas. He will be here Saturday, December 6th, from 9 until 4 in the parish church. We are also hoping to have him give a citywide talk on Friday night, December 5th. If you did not have the chance to hear Kevin last Lent, ask someone who did about what a great event it was. He is an incredible speaker and a man of deep faith and knowledge of the scriptures. Kevin is a Notre Dame graduate, has lived in the Holy Land with his wife and children, worked in the chancery of the Diocese of Baker, and is presently a professor in the Logos Ministries Program in Phoenix. He is also a very close friend of Father Faucher. Exploring Yesterday Celebrating Today Preparing for Tomorrow February 27- 29, 2004 Our Catholic heritage gives us both roots and wings. As Catholics we are deeply rooted in Sacred Scripture, Tradition and the Sacramental Life. In this ever-changing world, what better gift could we bestow upon ourselves, our children, our community and our world than an understanding and appreciation of the roots that keep us grounded and the wings of faith that give us hope for the future. A Bethany House Conference Brochures available at Saint Mary’s More information? Joanne Lechner 344-2782 Speakers, concert, dramatization of The Passion According To Luke, Men & Women’s Breakfast with Speakers Mass with Bishop Mike Driscoll Making the Right Choices in Real Estate Francis Harlow 208208-713713-0291 ~ 208208-322322-7888 ~ 343343-0514 Magnificat The purpose of Magnificat is to provide a forum for communication within Saint Mary’s Catholic Community. This newsletter is mailed bi-monthly to all registered households. If your household did not receive a copy of Magnificat, by mail please contact the parish office to update your address or to register with the parish. Birthday, wedding, Anniversary, Surprise? We welcome your comments about Magnificat.. Please consider placing a personal add, half the size of a business card, in Published Bi-Monthly Magnificat. Don’t give up. Moses was once a basket case. St. Mary’s Church Magnificat Newsletter 2612 West State Street Boise, Idaho 83702-2243 Saint Mary’s is on the Web: The cost is only $25. 344-2782 RETURN SERVICE REQUESTED Pastor: Fr. W. Thomas Faucher Editors: Mike & Joanne Lechner E-mail: Phone: 208 344-2782