German Day Week - German-American Citizens League


German Day Week - German-American Citizens League
German-American News
Deutsch-Amerikanische Nachrichten
German Day
Come Celebrate the Tri-State’s 121st Deutscher Tag
German Day Week Kickoff
Keg Tapping
Date: Wednesday, May 25, 2016
Time 7:00 p.m.
Place: Hofbräuhaus Newport
German Day Week
Keg Tapping
Citizens League of
Greater Cincinnati
Date: Thursday, June 2, 2016
Time: 6 p.m.
Place: Taft’s Ale House
German Day Kickoff
Date: Saturday, June 4, 2016
Time: 10:30 a.m.
Place: Findlay Market
German Day Celebration
Date: Sunday, June 5, 2016
Time: 11:00 a.m. - 11:00 p.m.
Place: Hofbräuhaus Newport
This marks the 121st celebration of German Day sponsored by the German-American Citizens League (GACL) in honor of this historic occasion German Day
Week has been proclaimed in the Tri-State (Hamilton County and the Cities of Cincinnati, Covington and Newport) for the week of May 30 - June 5, 2016.
German Day Week Kickoff Keg Tapping at HBH Newport - Wednesday, May 25, 2016 at 7 PM.
German Day Week Keg Tapping at Taft’s Ale House - Thursday, June 2, 2016 at 6 PM.
On Saturday, June 4, 2016 at 10:30 AM the parade and opening ceremonies will take place at the historic Findlay Market, featuring representatives of area
German-American societies, as well as the German heritage of the Market. This will include performances by German dance and music groups as well.
On Sunday, June 5, beginning at 11:00 AM until 11:00 PM enjoy the fine food and beverage and German music at the Hofbräuhaus Newport. This year’s
German Day Grand Prize consists of a dinner party for 30 at the Hofbräuhaus (excluding beverages), and a First Prize of a $750.00 gift certificate from
Furniture Fair. The GACL will offer hourly raffle prizes throughout the day, and a grand raffle at 5:30 P.M.
Also, at 11:00 AM on Sunday, June 5, there will be a German Day Mass at Old St. Mary’s Church.
Help celebrate German Day Week, which celebrates the German heritage of the Greater Cincinnati area, and serves as a fundraiser for the German Heritage
Museum. For further information contact Marge Poole, Editor of German-American News at: 513-625-1668, or E-Mail:
Martin Wilhelmy
Honorary Consul of the Federal Republic of Germany
Honorarkonsul der Bundesrepublik Deutschland
Scripps Center
Tel. (513) 399-7849
312 Walnut St.
16th Floor
Cincinnati, Ohio 45202
German-American News
Marge Poole, Editor
Visit our website at:
Publication Board:
President: Dr. Don Heinrich Tolzmann
Editor: Marge Poole
Printer: R & W Printing Co.
Cincinnati’s German Heritage
A history of Cincinnati would be inconceivable without consideration of the
population of German descent, as it has played such an important role in the social, economic, cultural and political development of the city. Already in the early
19th century Cincinnati became one of the major centers of German immigration,
forming the famed German Triangle along with St. Louis and Milwaukee. At that
time, German immigrants settled north of the Miami-Erie Canal in the area that
Cincinnatians called “Over-the-Rhine.” Today, almost half of the population in the
Greater Cincinnati area claims German ancestry.
The first Germans arrived after the American Revolution, but it was particularly Martin Baum (born 1765 in Hagenau in Alsace) who contributed greatly to
the growth and development of the city and the German element. He recruited
German immigrants as workers for the many businesses that he established and
is actually considered the “Father of the German immigration to Cincinnati.” In
1802, David Ziegler (born 1748 in Heidelberg) was elected as the first mayor of
the city. In the course of the19th century wave after wave of German immigrants
arrived. Although the last great wave of German immigrants was likely that of the
Donauschwben in the 1950s, Germans continue to come to the city to the present day.
The very symbol of the city, the Tyler-Davidson Fountain, was produced in
Cincinnati’s sister city of Munich in the Royal Bronze Foundry. A countless number of sites reflecting the German heritage can be found, such as the Roebling
Suspension Bridge. German instruction is provided by area schools and universities, which also maintain exchange programs with counterparts in Germany.
German church services can be found in Cincinnati as well as German-American
radio programs and Deutsche Welle can be received by cable.
German festivals take place here annually, such as: Maifest, Schützenfest, Oktoberfest and Christkindlmarkt. The German-American Citizens League,
which was founded in 1895, serves as the umbrella organization for the German
societies of the area. In 2000, it established the German Heritage Museum to illuminate the German heritage of the region. Cincinnati justifiably enjoys the welldeserved reputation of being considered the unofficial capital city of GermanAmerican culture in the USA.
Deutsches Erbe im Raum Cincinnati
Undenkbar wäre eine Gechichte Cincinnatis ohne Berücksichtigung der
deutschstämmigen Bevőlkerung, weil sie eine bedeutende Rolle in der sozialen,
wirtschaftlichen, kulturellen und politschen Entwicklung der Stadt gespielt hat.
Schon früh im 19. Jahrhundert wurde Cincinnati eines der Zentren der deutschen
Einwanderung und bildete mit St. Louis und Milwaukee das sogannte Deutsche
Dreieck. Damals siedelten sich deutsche Einwanderer nőrdlich des Miami-Erie
German Heritage Museum
West Fork Park
4764 West Fork Road - Cincinnati, OH 45247
Ph. 513-598-5732
Open every Sunday from the Sunday after
Mother’s Day to the end of October.
Sponsored by the
German-American Citizens League
For information: See our website or visit us on Facebook.
Kanals im Gebiet an, das von Cincinnatiern als “Über’m Rhein” getauft wurde.
Heutzutage soll fast die Hälfte der Bevőlkerung im Raum Cincinnati deutscher
Abstammung sein.
Nach der Amerikanischen Revolution kamen die ersten Deutschen in Cincinnati an. Besonders war es Martin Baum (1765 in Hagenau im Elsass geboren),
der zum mächtigen Aufschwung der Stadt sowie des deutschen Elements beitrug. Er warb deutsche Einwanderer als Arbeiter für die von ihm gegründeten Firmen und gilt eigentlich als ”Vater der deutschen Einwanderung nach Cincinnati.”
1802 wurde David Ziegler (1748 in Heidelberg geboren) zum ersten Bürgermeister der Stadt gewählt. Im Laufe des 19. Jahrhunderts kam eine Welle deutscher
Einwanderer nach der anderen hier an. Obwohl die letzte grosse Welle wohl die
der Donauschwaben in den 1950er Jahren war, kommen immer noch bis auf
heute Deutsche hier an.
Das Wahrzeichen der Stadt, der Tyler-Davidson Brunnen, wurde in Cincinnatis Partnerstadt München in der Kőniglichen Erzgiesserei gegossen. Zahlreiche Beispiele des deutschen Erbes findet man überall, wie z.B. die RoeblingHängebrücke. Deutschunterricht gibt es in den Schulen und Universitäten,
die Austauschprogramme mit Partnern in Deutschland veranstaltet haben. In
Cincinnati findet man deutschsprachige Kirchen sowie deutsch-amerikanische
Radioprogramme. Deutsche Welle kann man auch per Kabel empfangen.
Deutsche Feste finden hier alljährlich statt, darunter: Maifest, Schützenfest,
Oktoberfest, und Christkindlmarkt. Die Deutsch-Amerikanische Bürger-Liga, die
1895 gegründet wurde, gilt als Dachverband deutscher Vereine im Raum Cincinnati. Von ihr wurde im Jahre 2000 ein Deutsches Museum ins Leben gerufen,
um das deutsche Erbe der Gegend zu beleuchten. Mit Recht geniesst Cincinnati schon den wohlverdienten Ruf, als die inoffizielle Hauptstadt deutsch-amerikanischer Kultur in den USA angesehen zu werden.
Dr. Don Heinrich Tolzmann, President/Präsident
German-American Citizens League/Deutsch-Amerikanische Bürger-Liga
If anyone is interested in old German postage stamps please call Richard
Isphording at 513-522-8248.
MICK NOLL, Bockfest Parade Marshal 2016
Mick Noll is one of those rare individuals who believe deeply
in family, community, heritage, and culture. He consistently reminds
us that traditions unite all of us. During his lifetime Mick has been
at the forefront of promoting the German heritage of Cincinnati and
Northern Kentucky as a food and beverage entrepreneur.
Mick Noll’s family tree includes German immigrants who came
to America as early as 1714, settling in Virginia, and eventually moving to the Greater Cincinnati- Northern Kentucky area. And his Noll
ancestry can be traced back to Peter Noll, one of the German pioneer brewers of the area. He emigrated from Bavaria in 1839, and
in 1848 established the Cincinnati Brewery, a lager beer brewery, at
1313 Vine St. in OTR. This included a highly successful beer hall,
featuring his popular Bavarian dark lager. The Noll family continued
to have strong connections to our brewing heritage: family members
worked at the Burger Brewery Co. on Central Parkway, and the Bavarian Brewery in Covington.
On the food side, family members have operated a retail store
at Findlay Market for many years. And, for more than 40 years, Mick,
now joined by his son, Ludwig, have offered German foods at many
outdoor events. The Noll’s Oktoberfest Zinzinnati , MainStrasse and
Newport food booths are iconic symbols of celebrating authentic
German foods, heritage, and Gemütlichkeit.
Mick Noll and his booths connect families, friendships, German
foods and culture - traditions you can count on and enjoy year after
year. Our 2016 Bockfest Parade Marshal therefore connects us all to
the region’s German roots and our strong brewing heritage.
Germania Schuetzenverein Celebrates 10 Years
Event details:
On Saturday, June 11th, the Germania Schützenverein will host a formal
gala celebrating its 10 Year Anniversary. All are invited to attend this Traditional
German Dinner Dance. Vereins from other cities will also be present. Awards
from a cross city competition match will be given.
Dress: Semi-Formal or German Trachten
Price: $50 per person
6:00 Appetizers
6:30 Catered Buffet Dinner
8:00 Parade and Award Ceremony
10:00 Raffle Prizes
Music provided by Aaron Dussing and the Polka Revolution. The band frequently
plays at the Hofbräuhaus Cleveland.
If you’d like to stay at the hotel after the Gala, please call to reserve your room
at (513) 793-4500 or toll free at 800-468-3597. Reservations must be made by
May 20, 2016 to get the group rate under the “Germania Schuetzenverein 10
Year Anniversary Gala”.
RSVP and pre-payment is required by Wednesday June 1
at or Tina Schwegman at (513) 518-3629.
The German community was well represented in
the Bockfest parade. Here we see the banners of
the following societies, from left to right: the Kolping
Saengerchor, the Bavarian Beneficial Society,
the German-American Citizens League, and the
Friends of the German Heritage Museum.
*German Weekend Program
Host: Gebhard Erler
on WAIF 88.3 FM - Request Line: (513) 7491444
Saturday, 10:00 a.m. - 12:00 noon
*Over - the - Rhine Showcase
Your Hosts: Gebhard Erler & Dieter Waldowski
Sunday 2:00 - 6:00 p.m. and
Wednesday 3:00-6:00 p.m.
on WOBO 88.7 FM
Request Line 513-724-3939
Church Services
Old St. Mary’s Church
123 East 13th St.
Sundays 11:00 a.m. - (513) 721-2988
Christ Lutheran Church
3301 Compton Road
(513) 385-8342
Prince of Peace Lutheran Church
Taylor at Center, Bellevue, Kentucky
(859) 581-7129
4-11-18-25 - Stammtisch at Mecklenburg Gardens 6:00 P.M.
Sponsored by Cincideutsch
9 - Weißwurst breakfast, buffet style,
11AM at Mecklenburg Gardens
Sponsored by Haendlmaier’s Mustard Club
For more information see
10 - German Church Service, 3pm
Christ Lutheran Church
3301 Compton Road
Cincinnati, Oh. 45251
11 - German Heritage Museum Program with Herbert Quellie,
German Consul General, Chicago, speaking on the German
Harmonica in America, 3 pm.
13 – 14 – 15 – 16 – 17 Munich Sister City Association participates
in the Cincinnati Horticultural Society Flower Show.
For information see “An evening in Munich”
on April 13 and an “International evening featuring the Sister
Cities” on April 15 from 6 to 10 pm. MSCA contact: Ute Papke
13 – 14 -15 Mainstrasse Village Maifest
Covington, Kentucky
For more information see
13 – 14 -15 Maifest
Sponsored by the Germania Society
For more information see:
14 - Weißwurst breakfast, buffet style,
11AM at Mecklenburg Gardens
Sponsored by Haendlmaier’s Mustard Club
For more information see
15 – Kolping Saengerchor Spring Concert
Sponsored by the Kolping Society
For more information
26 – Gulasch Dinner (week after Fathers’ Day)
Sponsored by The Donauschwaben Society
For more information phone (513) 385-2098
17 – Green Township Historical Association
General Meeting – Nathanael Greene Lodge – 7:30 pm
For more information see
15 – Spring Beer Tasting 7 PM
Sponsored by the Dayton Liederkranz Turner
For more information
20 – 21 – 22 – Maifest
Sponsored by the Germania Society
For more information see:
23 – Fifth Annual Bowling Tournament
Sponsored by Bayerischer Unterstuetzungs-Verein
Northwest Bowl 12 noon to 5 pm
For more info. Contact Paul Ketterer 513-831-8766
20 – 21 – 22 Seth Stevens Memorial Soccer Tournament
Sponsored by the Kolping Society
For more information
23 – Concert and Dinner 5 PM
Sponsored by the Dayton Liederkranz Turner
For more information
29 – Fifth Friday Froth Fest
Sponsored by The Donauschwaben Society
For more information phone (513) 385-2098
1 – Dachverband Meeting
Sponsored by The Donauschwaben Society
For more information phone (513) 385-2098
1 – Wagner Music Analysis: “Flying Dutchman” Location TBA
$5.00 students, $10.00 WSC Members, Non Members for reservations and ticket information Carolann Slouffman 513-871-8447
or email
17 – 18 – 19 MainStrasse Village Goettafest
Covington, Kentucky
For more information see
19 – Fathers Day/Anniversary Mass & Breakfast
Sponsored by the Kolping Society
For more information
19- Wagner Society Opera: Trip to Washington National Ring,
“Siegfried” journey to Washington D.C. for a three day visit to
attend one of the WNO Ring Cycle operas, “Siegfried”. Ticket
arrangements and travel plans TBA.
23 – Genealogy 1:30 PM
Sponsored by the Dayton Liederkranz Turner
For more information
11 – Germania Schuetzenverein 10th Anniversary Gala
For more information 513-518-3629:
15 – Maifest at the German Heritage Museum
Sponsored by the German-American Citizens League
For more information see
14 – Entertainment from Germany & Austria. Sponsored by the
Donauschwaben Society.
For reservations call 513-451-6452
23 – Spring Volksmarch
Sponsored by the Germania Society
For more information see:
11 - Weißwurst breakfast, buffet style,
11AM at Mecklenburg Gardens
Sponsored by Haendlmaier’s Mustard Club
For more information see
20 – 21 – 22 – International Festival
Sponsored by the Dayton Liederkranz Turner
For more information
21 – Genealogy 1:30 PM
Sponsored by the Dayton Liederkranz Turner
For more information
22 – Spring Concert/Dinner
Sponsored by Louisville German-American Club
For more info.
25 - German Day Week Kickoff Keg Tapping
HBH Newport, 7 pm.
26 – 27 – 28 – Saengerfest Pittsburgh
Sponsored by the Dayton Liederkranz Turner
For more information
2 - German Day Week Keg Tapping
Taft’s Ale House, 6 pm.
4 – 5 German Day Weekend
Sponsored by the German-American Citizens League
For more information see
2-9-16-23-30 - Stammtisch at Mecklenburg Gardens 6:00 P.M.
Sponsored by Cincideutsch
6-13-20-27 - Stammtisch at Mecklenburg Gardens 6:00 P.M.
Sponsored by Cincideutsch
7 – Dirndl/Trachtenball
Sponsored by The Donauschwaben Society
For more information phone (513) 385-2098
10 – 11 – Schwabenfest
Sponsored by The Donauschwaben Society
For more information phone (513) 385-2098
4-11-18-25 - Stammtisch at Mecklenburg Gardens 6:00 P.M.
Sponsored by Cincideutsch
9 - Weißwurst breakfast, buffet style,
11AM at Mecklenburg Gardens
Sponsored by Haendlmaier’s Mustard Club
For more information see
9 – Boone County Germanna Reunion
Sponsored by the Boone County Germanna Society
For more info. Boone County Germanna Study Group website
14 – Semi-Annual Meeting 7 PM
Sponsored by the Dayton Liederkranz Turner
For more information
15 – 16 - 17 – Schützenfest 150th Anniversary
Sponsored by the Kolping Society
For more information
19 – Green Township Historical Association
General Meeting – Nathanael Greene Lodge – 7:30 pm
For more information see
24 - Liberty Home German Club Picnic
For more info. See
29 – Fifth Friday Froth Fest
Sponsored by The Donauschwaben Society
For more information phone (513) 385-2098