4 - ExpensAble


4 - ExpensAble
v 1.01
ExpensAble® for Palm OS has been developed by LandWare,
Inc. under license for OneMind Connect, Inc.
Important Disclaimer
A considerable amount of effort has been made to ensure that
this product provides you with years of trouble free operation.
However, OneMind Connect, Inc. and LandWare, Inc. makes no
warranty of any kind with regards to this software and keystrokes
contained within this manual and shall not be liable for any consequential, incidental or indirect damages incurred through the
use of this software.
Copyright and Distribution Notice
OneMind Connect , the OneMind Connect logo and ExpensAble
are registered trademarks of OneMind Connect, Inc. LandWare
is a trademark of LandWare, Inc. All other brands and product
names are registered trademarks of their respective holders.
ExpensAble is a commercial product and is protected by strict
copyright laws. Any unauthorized distribution is illegal. This manual and the software described in it are copyrighted with all
rights reserved. No part of this publication may be reproduced,
transmitted, transcribed, stored in a retrieval system, or translated into any language in any form by any means without the written permission of OneMind Connect, Inc.
Copyright © 2001 LandWare, Inc. All rights reserved.
1 Getting Started
Setting Up
Installing ExpensAble for Palm OS
Configuring the Conduit (Desktop)
Your First HotSync
Launching ExpensAble for Palm
Registering ExpensAble for Palm
2 Entering Expenses
Creating an Expense
Editing an Expense Transaction
Splitting an Expense Transaction
Expense Details
Expense Guests
Special Expense Types
3 Transferring an Expense to the PC
Viewing Transferred Expenses
4 Working with Folders & Envelopes
Working with Folders
Working with Envelopes
5 Working with ExpensAble Lists
Maintaining Lists
6 Entering Preferences
User Info
7 Unlocking the Test Drive
8 FAQs
9 Technical Assistance
Welcome to ExpensAble® for Palm OS. We thank you for your
purchase and are confident you will soon find it to be an indispensable addition to your Palm organizer.
If you did not purchase this product directly from LandWare, we
strongly recommend you send in your registration form to ensure
you are eligible for the benefits available to registered users,
such as special offers, updates and technical support.
ExpensAble for Palm OS is not designed as a full version of the
“ExpensAble desktop application,” but rather as a mobile companion. Additionally, ExpensAble for Palm OS is not designed to
function as a standalone product.
You can use the ExpensAble for Palm OS to record expenses
when you are away from your desktop. With an easy-to-use interface and excellent connectivity to your desktop, you can keep
track of all your expenses quickly and easily. ExpensAble for
Palm OS also downloads lists from your desktop application to
help you organize your expenses.
ExpensAble for Palm OS is designed to allow expense transactions to be entered on your Palm organizer and then transferred
to your desktop version of ExpensAble, where you may edit
those transactions and create and print reports. Transactions
entered on the desktop will not appear on your Palm organizer.
However, folders and envelopes created on the desktop will be
downloaded to ExpensAble for Palm OS.
Setting Up
This section covers the three key activities required to set up and
start using ExpensAble for Palm OS:
1. Installation and configuration of the desktop conduit.
2. Installation and registration of ExpensAble for Palm OS
on your handheld.
3. Downloading information from ExpensAble to your handheld.
Desktop Requirements for ExpensAble for Palm OS
1. HotSync Manager 2.1 or later
2. ExpensAble 98 or later for the PC
Palm organizer Requirements
1. Any Palm OS handheld (Palm Personal not supported)
with OS 2.0 or later
2. 110K RAM
Installing ExpensAble for Palm OS
The Palm Desktop organizer software and the docking hardware
are required for the installation of this software. To install
ExpensAble for Palm OS follow the steps below.
Run the ExpensAble for Palm OS installer application.
Follow the installer’s instructions on screen.
Select the correct user name for your organizer an
click on the Next button.
HotSync your organizer to complete the installation.
Configuring the Conduit (Desktop)
When you run the ExpensAble for Palm OS installer, the
ExpensAble file that was last opened is selected to HotSync with
your handheld. If you wish to change this setting, follow these
1. Click the HotSync Manager icon (in the lower right corner of your PC’s screen) and select Custom.
2. Double-click ExpensAble.
3. Click the “Choose…” button to select the ExpensAble
file you wish to work with.
Your First HotSync
The first time you HotSync your handheld after installing
Expensable for Palm OS, the lists from the desktop version of
ExpensAble will be posted to your handheld. It is recommended
that you HotSync first, prior to editing lists on your handheld.
IMPORTANT: ExpensAble on your desktop
must be closed (not just minimized) while performing a HotSync.
Launching ExpensAble for Palm OS
Once installed, the Expensable
for Palm OS icon depicted to
the right will appear in the
handheld’s application launcher. Tap the icon to open the
If you do not see the icon,
make sure you are viewing the
“All” category in the application launcher.
Registering ExpensAble for Palm OS
ExpensAble for Palm OS will function for 14 days before it will
require you to enter a valid registration code. This period is provided for the express purpose of product evaluation prior to purchasing.
If you have already purchased this product from a reseller or
LandWare direct you should enter your activation code now. This
will ensure you are able to use the application on an ongoing
If you obtained ExpensAble for Palm OS electronically
Launch the ExpensAble for Palm OS application
Tap the Register Now button
Enter your activation code as provided by
LandWare sales onto the Enter Code field.
Tap the Register button.
If you obtained ExpensAble for Palm OS on a disk
Launch the ExpensAble for Palm OS application
Tap the Register Now button
Enter your activation code as found on the
rear of the disk envelope.
Tap the Register button.
Please ensure to keep a copy of your activation code in a safe
place in case you need to reinstall your software again in the
From the Expense List view, you may create a new transaction by
tapping the New button. The Expense Transaction dialog is displayed:
Prior to creating expenses with Expensable for Palm OS, you
should first understand how ExpensAble stores an individual
expense. Expenses are stored in an envelope. Envelopes contain multiple expenses that are related by project, trip or other
common variables that make it logical for them to be grouped
together. When you submit an expense report from within
ExpensAble on your PC, you are creating the report with an
envelope of expenses. Envelopes
are stored within folders. Folders
may contain multiple envelopes.
Section 3 of this guide explains how
to create and edit folders and
This illustration shows a folder with
four envelopes and five expenses
belonging to a single envelope.
Creating an Expense
When creating an expense, select
a folder and an envelope that the
expense will be saved into. Select
a folder by tapping on the pop-up
in the upper right corner of the
screen. On the screen to the right,
the “Sales Trips” folder has been
selected. You may also tap New to
create a new envelope.
Tapping on the Comdex envelope
would display the Expense List
view. This is a display of the current entries in this envelope.
Type – Enter the type of expense (e.g., entertainment, mileage,
dinner, etc.)
Date – Enter the date that the expense occurred or will occur.
Amount – Enter the cost of the expense. If the expense is not
in your country’s currency, you may select the currency used by
tapping on the Details button.
Method – Enter the payment method (e.g., cash, credit card,
RNP – Select whether the expense is Reimbursable, Nonreimbursable or a Personal expense.
• Reimbursable: A reimbursable expense is one that you
paid for with your own money, and which will be reimbursed by your company or client.
• Non-Reimbursable: A non-reimbursable expense is an
expense that was paid for using company money.
• Personal: A personal expense is an expense that was not
incurred for business purposes.
Vendor – Select or enter the name of the vendor that received
payment for the expense incurred.
City – Select or enter the city where this expense was incurred.
Describe – Enter a short description for this expense.
Guests – Some expenses allow for guests. For these types of
expenses, (e.g., entertainment, dinner, etc.) you may add the
names of the people who joined you while this expense
Editing an Expense Transaction
Prior to posting expense transactions to the desktop, you may
edit or delete a transaction from your handheld. To edit an
expense, simply tap on it from the Expense List view.
IMPORTANT: Transactions can’t be moved from one
envelope to another on the handheld organizer. You can,
however, move transactions between envelopes on your
PC with ExpensAble .
Splitting an Expense Transaction
You can break down the cost of an expense by splitting it into
smaller expenses. You may wish to do that if:
• You need to divide an expense between multiple clients,
• You choose to divide an expense between Reimbursable, Non-Reimbursable or Personal
How to Split a Transaction
1. Create a new transaction, or select a transaction that has
not yet been posted to
your PC. Posted transactions can not be edited or
2. Select the “Split…” button
at the bottom of the
screen, or tap the “Menu”
button and select Split
from the Expense menu.
3. You may now add, edit or
delete splits for the current
expense transaction.
NOTE: Your total expense transaction amount will be
adjusted as splits are added or deleted.
Expense Details
The Details screen of an individual transaction allows you to
delete a transaction, change the
currency used, add or edit the Bill
To information, or add a memo.
Select the currency used for the expense item. If you select your
country’s currency, you cannot edit the rate, because the
exchange rate from your own currency to your own currency will
always be 1.00. If you select a currency other than your home
currency, you may enter an exchange rate and have Expensable
for Palm OS convert your foreign currency into your country’s
currency. (See page 19 for details in setting your country’s currency.) For example, if the “US (Dollar)” is your country’s currency and you are travelling to Canada, select “Canada (Dollar)” as
the currency used for the transaction, and enter the exchange
rate. Expensable for Palm OS will calculate the current U.S. dollar value of the Canadian dollar value entered.
Deleting an Expense Transaction
To delete an Expense Transaction, select the transaction you
wish to delete. Select the “Details…” button, then click Delete.
Expense Guests
Some expense types allow you to
enter the names of the guests who
joined you during an event. For
example, when you enter an
Entertainment expense, a Guests
field appears, allowing you to add
guests to your expense. The
Guests field will not appear for all
expense types, but only for those
where it is appropriate.
Adding Guests
To add one or more guests to an expense:
1. Tap “Add Guests…” from the Expense Transaction form.
2. Click on the name in the pop-up menu to select from a list
of guests you have already defined.
3. If the guest you wish to enter does not appear in the popup list, you may write in his or her name and click Add
You may add additional details about a guest, including their
company name and title by tapping the Edit button.
Alternately, you may also perform a Lookup from the Address
Book application already on your handheld. Tapping Lookup will
take you to the Address Book. Find the person you wish to select
and press Add. The guest’s name will then be added and if available, the guest’s company and title will also be added.
Editing a Guest
To edit information about a guest, select the guest and press
Edit. You may now change the information you’ve entered about
this guest. When you are finished, press the OK button.
Removing Guests
To remove a guest from your guest list, select the name of the
guest and press Delete.
Special Expense Types
Expensable for Palm OS will calculate the expense rate for miles
driven. Insert your mileage rate
and how many miles you have
Cash Advances
When a new envelope is created,
you are asked if you would like to
create a cash advance for that
envelope. This option may be
turned off if “Cash advance for
new envelopes” is deselected in
Expensable for Palm OS will transfer your information to your
desktop version of ExpensAble only when an envelope has been
set to “Post envelope to PC” or if a folder has been set to post to
PC. If an envelope or folder of envelopes is not set to “Post to the
PC”, the data will not be transferred.
To set the Post status of an individual envelope, tap the envelope icon in the upper right corner of the screen as seen to the
On the Post Envelope dialog, tap
“Post envelope to PC” to have the
expenses in the current envelope
sent to ExpensAble during the
next HotSync.
IMPORTANT: Once transferred, expenses on the handheld
are read-only and may be only modified on the desktop.
To upload all expenses from the envelopes of a selected folder,
follow these steps:
1. Select the folder you want
to work with from the popup in the upper right corner of the Envelope List
2. Tap the Menu button.
3. Select “Post Folder...”
from the Folder menu.
4. Tap the “Post folder
envelopes to PC” checkbox and tap OK.
5. Perform a HotSync to
transfer the Folder’s
expenses to the desktop
Viewing Transferred Expenses
Expensable for Palm OS provides a visible indicator to show
which transactions have been
posted to your PC by an indicator to the right of the
Reimbursable, Non-reimbursable or Personal expense indicator on the Expense List
screen. The screen capture to
the right shows an envelope
with all expenses uploaded to
the desktop.
If you tap on an expense that
has been transferred to the
desktop Expensable for Palm
OS will display a read only
Expense Transaction dialog. You
may view the details of the
expense, but can not edit any
values. Once transferred from
your handheld an expense can
only be modified on the desktop.
Working with Folders
What Is a Folder?
A folder is used to store and organize envelopes. Examples of
folder names are New York Trips, Conferences, Customer Visits,
etc. Use folders in a way that makes sense to you, organizing
expense reports that you have created.
Creating New Folders
When you create folders in Expensable for Palm OS, those same
folders will be created on the desktop version of ExpensAble.
Folders that are created in the desktop version of ExpensAble
will in turn appear in Expensable for Palm OS.
Removing a Folder
When you remove a folder, the contents of that folder are also
removed. This includes all envelopes within that folder as well as
all of the transactions within the envelopes. When a folder is
removed from Expensable for Palm OS, the corresponding folder on the desktop will not be removed. To delete a folder for
Expensable for Palm OS, follow these instructions:
1. Select Menu > Folder > Purge Folder…: From the main
screen, tap the handheld’s Menu button. Select Purge
Folder… from the Folder menu.
2. Select the folder you wish to purge.
3. Tap the Purge button.
IMPORTANT: Removing a folder is a permanent action. Once
removed, its contents will no longer be accessible.
Working with Envelopes
What Is an Envelope?
Envelopes provide you with a location to store your expense
receipts. You should create a new envelope for each expense
report. The following steps will help you create, edit, post and
remove your envelopes.
Creating A New Envelope
There are three ways to create a new envelope:
• New button: From the Envelope List screen of
Expensable for Palm OS,
tap the New button in the
bottom left corner.
• Menu > Folder > New
Envelope: From the main
screen, tap the Menu button and select the New
Envelope menu item.
• Create an envelope on your desktop version of
ExpensAble and HotSync with your organizer.
When entering a new Envelope the following details can be
Name – (Required) Enter the name of your envelope. Each
envelope must have a unique name that may be up to 29 characters in length.
Folder – (Required) Envelopes
are stored in folders. Select the
name of the folder in which to store
your envelopes into from the drop
down list or create a new folder by
entering your own folder name.
Reason – Enter the reason for the expense. Examples include:
Trade Show, Client Meeting, etc.
Bill To – Select the name of the person or department to which
you would like this expense billed. If the name does not already
exist in the drop down box, write in the name you wish to use.
This name will be added to the drop down for use in the future.
Dept – Enter the department (if any) for this envelope.
New envelopes created on your handheld will appear in
ExpensAble on the desktop, and vice versa.
Editing an Envelope
There are two ways to edit an envelope:
• Select the envelope you wish to edit. Click Details.
• Select the envelope you wish to edit. Click the handheld
device menu button and select Details from the Envelope
You may now rename the envelope, change which folder to
which it belongs, and modify the Reason, Department or Bill To
Posting An Envelope
As described in Section 3, to mark
an envelope as ready to be posted to your PC, simply tap the
envelope icon in the Expense List
Tap the “Post envelope to PC”
checkbox in the Post Envelope
The indicator that this envelope is
set to be posted to your PC is an
up arrow over the envelope icon,
as see on left.
Removing An Envelope
To delete an envelope, first select the envelope you wish to
delete. Then you may either:
• Select Details and tap the Delete button, or
• Click the Menu button and from the Envelope menu,
select Delete.
IMPORTANT: You can’t create folders or envelopes that have
duplicate names.
Expensable for Palm OS maintains
many lists, making it easy to customize the program. As you use
Expensable for Palm OS, it remembers where you like to eat, where
you’ve traveled and which vehicles
you drive. So the more you use
Expensable for Palm OS, the
smarter it becomes and the easier
it gets to enter your expense transactions.
To edit a list, select its name from the Lists menu. The lists
Expense Types – The type of expense incurred. These
include Cash Advance, Entertainment, Lodging, Gifts, Dinner,
Payment Methods – How will you pay for an expense? Cash?
Credit card? Check? Maintain your list of payment methods here.
Billables – To which client, department or individual do you
want to bill your expense?
Trip Reasons – Similar to the Purposes list, this list is used for
an expense report. The reasons the expense was incurred might
include Trade Show, Training Class, etc.
Vehicles – Which car did you drive on your business trip? Was
it your own? Was it a rental?
Maintaining Lists
The first time you HotSync your
Expensable for Palm OS, the lists
from your desktop version of
ExpensAble will be posted to your
handheld. It is recommended that
you HotSync first prior to editing
your lists in Expensable for Palm
Adding Information to Lists
Select the list you wish to edit from the List menu, and tap the
New button. You may now enter information to this list.
Cities – In what city was the expense incurred?
Editing Information in Lists
Tap on an item in your list to select it. Tap the Edit button to edit
the selected item. When you are done, tap OK.
Currencies – If you travel to a foreign country, this list maintains a list of countries and currency symbols.
Deleting Items from Lists
Tap on an item in your list to select it. Tap the Delete button.
Guests – Who were you with when an expense was incurred?
This list helps make it easy for you to add guests to your
expense. You may add guests to the list by writing them in or by
adding them from your Palm Address Book.
Merchants – The merchant list gives you access to 15 other
lists to help you break down and organize your merchants.
These types include: Airline, Auto/Fuel Service, Car Rental,
Conference, Entertainment, Ground Transport., Hotel, Laundry,
Restaurant, Supplies and Tolls.
Purposes – The Purposes list is used to enter a justification for
each business meal or entertainment expense.
NOTE: While you can delete information within a list, you
can’t delete the list category itself.
Transferring Your Lists from the Desktop
When you perform your first HotSync, your ExpensAble lists are
transferred from the desktop to your handheld.
Changes made to lists on your handheld will be transferred to
the desktop during a HotSync.
User Info
To adjust the User Info, tap the
handheld’s Menu button and
select User Info from the Options
menu. You may also modify the
following settings:
Name – Your name to appear on
the printed expense report.
Company – Your company name.
Phone – Your phone number.
Country – Select your country.
Mileage – Set your reimbursement rate for mileage. This is the
rate that will be used by default for all new mileage expenses.
NOTE: This information is not transferred down from the PC
and must be edited within Expensable for Palm OS.
To adjust Preferences, tap the handheld’s Menu button and select
Preferences from the Options menu.
The Test Drive version of Expensable for Palm OS is a full functioning product but will time out 14 days after it has been
installed. When you purchase the product, entering the activation code will unlock the software and allow you to use it beyond
the 14-day evaluation period.
There is no need to reinstall Expensable for Palm OS. To purchase an activation code, contact LandWare sales at (201) 2617944 or place an order via LandWare’s online order form:
What to do when your trial period is up
When your trial period is up, any pending items that are in
Expensable for Palm OS can be posted to the desktop version
of ExpensAble just by performing a HotSync. When you contact
LandWare to purchase an activation code the program will be
unlocked and no captured data will be lost.
Upgrading to the latest version of Expensable for Palm OS
You may download the latest version of Expensable for Palm OS
from our website. Visit us at http://www.landware.com/upgrade
to make sure that you are running the latest version.
Auto-Complete Fields
To aid rapid data entry, use this option. As you enter data, the
program will fill in matching data based on the current field.
Auto-Recall Transactions
As you enter data,the program will attempt to match an expense
you’ve entered in the past. If you want to fill out the remaining
transaction details, enter the Graffiti return character or simply
tap on the next field where data is required.
Cash Advance for New Envelopes
When selected, you will be prompted to enter a cash advance
each time you create a new envelope.
Support ExpensAble.com
Select if you plan to use Expensable for Palm OS together with
OneMind Connect’s ExpensAble.com solution.
How do I edit an envelope name?
You may not edit envelope names from within Expensable for
Palm OS. If you wish to edit envelope names, you must edit from
the desktop version of ExpensAble .
Can I use Expensable for Palm OS as a standalone?
No. The program is designed as a companion to the desktop
version of ExpensAble.
Do I need to reinstall, if I was using the trial copy?
No, you can simply enter your activation code to unlock your Trial
copy of the software. See page 21 for complete details.
How much memory does it use on my handheld?
The Expensable for Palm OS application will require approximately 110K of storage space on your handheld. This number
will increase slightly depending on the number of items in your
lists and the number of expenses you keep on your handheld.
Can I remove the built-in Expense program?
No. Since the Palm OS Expense application that comes with
your Palm device is in ROM (“Read Only Memory”) it can not be
What is the limit to folders, envelopes or expenses?
Expensable for Palm OS can handle up to 15 folders, and as
many envelopes and expenses as your memory will allow.
In addition to this User Guide, you can find assistance in using
Expensable for Palm OS through its online help. To view Help,
choose the Options menu and select Help, or if present tap the
“i” button in the upper right corner of your screen.
If you require technical assistance or have any questions concerning this product, please contact us via:
Telephone: (201) 261-7944
Fax: (201) 261-7949
Web: www.landware.com/help
LandWare, Inc.
P.O. Box 25
Oradell, NJ 07649
If you are contacting us for technical support, please have the
following information available:
1. Expensable for Palm OS’s version number
2. The model of your handheld
3. The version number of the Palm operating system
4. A detailed description of the problem
Technical support is available via telephone and email Monday
through Friday from 9am to 6pm Eastern Time
Why do I sometimes get an error message after I HotSync?
ExpensAble needs to be exited prior to performing a HotSync.
If I have a support question who should I contact?
If you have a question on the operation of Expensable for Palm
OS, you should contact LandWare. If you have a question
regarding ExpensAble or ExpensAble.com you should contact
OneMind Connect. General handheld questions need to be
directed to the manufacturer of your handheld device.